Unknown Tablet 1

In the name of the Holy, the Exalted, the All-High, the Everlasting.

These are the verses of God, the Sovereign, the Exalted, the All-Powerful, the Almighty, the Beloved. They remind the people of all they have neglected in the presence of God, so they might return to Him with their souls and hearts to the Seat of Holiness, the exalted station of Praiseworthy Might. Perhaps they will recognize their Lord and witness this lofty and forbidden bounty.

Hear, O people, the call of God from this blessed branch that was planted in the Paradise of Eternity by the hand of God, the Sovereign, the Conqueror, the Manifest, the Hidden, the Witnessed:

“Truly, there is no god but Me, the All-Controlling, the Everlasting. I have created all possible beings out of My generosity and all existing things out of My favor. I am powerful over whatever I will, and I am the Sovereign to be worshipped. I have sent Messengers to them with the truth to deliver My messages and guide them to the blessed sanctuary of holiness.”

Among the people, there are those who have become heedless and turned away from the melodies of God, disbelieved in His verses, and fled from meeting Him like wild donkeys fleeing from a lion, the Exalted, the All-High, the Generous, the Desired. And among them are those who have turned to God, detached from all else but Him, and reached a station of nearness that is exalted. They drank from the river of grace served by the Cupbearer of the spirit and entered, in the name of God, the depths of a flaming sea.

Thus the ages and eras passed until the time came when the dawn of eternity broke, and the sun of ancientness arose without a name or description, beyond all attributes. When creation saw blindness, He took a name from among the names for Himself so that this limited group might recognize Him. Otherwise, He is exalted above being known by any name or described by any attribute. All names are His creation in His dominion, and all attributes are created by Him.

Therefore, He appeared with the name ’Ali between the heavens and the earth and said, “O people, I have come to you from the Sinai of the spirit with the news of God, the All-Controlling, the Everlasting. O people, fear God and do not disbelieve in the verses of God, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the Dreaded.” No one heard His call, and none answered Him from among those on earth except a few souls. When He returned to God, we witnessed that some people claim to love Him with a false tongue. Say, O people, if you believed in Him and His verses, then how do you disbelieve in these revealed and sent-down verses? When you disbelieved in these, it proves that you did not believe in the former and neither in the Book of God in any age nor in His command in any era, nor in the Messengers of God, the Mighty, the Beloved.

Thus, we convey to you the verses of the Cause and counsel you with the best advice and remind you with the most wondrous remembrance, so you may not go astray in your days, and none may hinder your path to God. Be like lofty, steadfast mountains, so that no wandering flock may mislead you in My absence. This is My grace inscribed by the hands of power. The spirit, the light, and the splendor be upon those who turn towards this beloved shore. No obstacle from any denier or rejecter shall prevent them, even if those who claim allegiance within themselves and are in pride and delusion try to prevent them.