Lawh-i-Shakkar Shikan

He is the Exalted, the Most High

Even the parrots of India will break their sugar due to this Persian sugar that is going to Bengal.

The letter of that noble one reached the realm of annihilation and entered the treasury of submission and contentment. What was written was considered and what was mentioned was correct and true. However, the lovers of the Beloved’s court and the confidants of the precincts of the Desired One are not deterred by calamities and do not shy away from fate. They are nourished by the ocean of submission and drink from the river of Tasneem. They would not exchange the pleasure of the Friend for the two worlds, nor would they trade the decree of the Beloved for the vastness of the placeless realm. They drink the poison of afflictions as if it were the water of life, and they quaff the deadly poison as if it were a soul-reviving nectar. They surge in the deserts of fatal thirst, remembering the Beloved, and they are swift to sacrifice themselves in the desolate and deadly plains. They have abandoned their own lives and have set their hearts on the Beloved. They have closed their eyes to the world and opened them to the beauty of the Friend. They have no other goal but the Beloved and seek no perfection other than reunion. They soar with the wings of trust and fly with the feathers of reliance. To them, the blood-drenched sword is more beloved than the heavenly silk, and the sharp arrow is more pleasing than the milk of their mother.

The true lover must possess a hundred thousand hearts on this path, to be able to sacrifice a hundred lives with every breath.

One must kiss the hand of the executioner and, dancing with joy, set out toward the abode of the Beloved. How wonderful is this hour and how sweet this moment when the spiritual soul is eager to sacrifice itself, and the form of loyalty is determined to ascend the heights of annihilation. We have raised our necks, longing with complete yearning for the unrelenting sword of the Beloved. We have made our chests a shield, craving with all our being the arrows of fate. We have turned away from name and fame, and have shunned everything other than Him. We do not choose to flee, nor do we strive to repel adversaries. We pray for tribulations so that we may soar in the holy atmosphere of the spirit and make our nest in the shade of the Tree of Intimacy, and thus attain the highest stations of love. We drink from the delightful wines of reunion, and indeed, we will never let go of this eternal blessing, nor will we relinquish this incomparable bounty. And if we are concealed beneath the dust, we will rise from the bosom of the mercy of the Lord of Lords. These companions are not annihilated by tribulations, nor is this journey completed by mere footsteps, nor is this countenance veiled by any curtain.

Indeed, it is evident that with so many internal and external enemies who have raised the banner of discord and with full determination are intent on the destruction of these poor ones, according to the law of reason, it would be necessary to avoid this land and even flee from the face of the earth. Yet, through the divine grace and the unseen, boundless confirmations, we shine like the sun and appear like the moon. We dwell peacefully on the throne of tranquility and are seated on the carpet of patience. What fear does the spiritual fish have of the wreckage of the ship, and what concern does the holy spirit have for the ruin of the outer body? Indeed, the body is a prison for this one, and the ship a dungeon for that one. The melody of the nightingale is understood by the nightingale, and the tune of the familiar is recognized by the familiar.

Observe the days of the past and what befell the Seal of the Prophets and the Source of the Pure Ones, so that you may become as light as the spirit and, like the breath, emerge from the cage of the body. In the utmost siege of enemies and the severity of trials, the holy bird descended and brought forth this verse: “If their aversion is hard on you, then if you can seek a tunnel in the earth or a ladder to the sky…” A thousand eyes are needed to weep blood, and a hundred thousand lives are needed to cry out from the heart. And also in another place, it is said: “And when those who disbelieved plotted against you to imprison you, kill you, or drive you out; they plot and God plots, and God is the best of plotters.” Consider these two blessed verses that have been revealed from the divine source, so that you may become aware of the hidden mysteries.

If people had opened the eyes of insight, the mere appearance of this servant in the world would have sufficed for everyone, as with all these enemies and sources of calamities, we shine like a candle and are present like a lover in the gathering. We have burned the veils and coverings and have ignited the fire of love. But what benefit is there when all eyes are veiled and all ears are blocked? They wander in the valley of heedlessness and walk in the wilderness of error. I am clear of what they do, and I am clear of what they practice.

Let it be known to that noble one that one of the inhabitants of that land, who is occupied with the adornments of the world, has not partaken of the cup of mercy and has no share from the chalice of justice and fairness. He has not seen this servant even for a moment, has not met in any gathering, nor has he enjoyed even an hour of companionship. Yet, he has taken up the pen of injustice and has inscribed the blood of the oppressed.

So, yielding to a judge who issued a strange ruling,
He decreed the shedding of my blood in the sanctified and the profane.

He has uttered some meaningless words to a group, and in these recent days, he has conveyed some of his suspicions to a well-known individual. This person has recently gone to Tehran, carrying with him a story in a ledger and a narration in a book.

Whatever he harbors in his heart of deceit and secrets,
Is revealed before God and as clear as day.

All these matters are known and evident, and their foundation is uncovered and proven. If they conceal anything from this servant, how can it remain hidden from the presence of God, “Nothing is hidden from His knowledge”? I do not know which law they adhere to and by what argument they justify. For a long time, I have withdrawn completely into seclusion and chosen solitude. I have closed the door to both friend and stranger and have sat alone. Where did this envy arise, and from where did this enmity appear? It is unclear whether they will ultimately achieve their desired outcome and attain the fulfillment of their hearts’ desires.

Even though they walk in the path of desire, this poor one clings to the thread of piety, and, God willing, is guided by the light of guidance. I bear no resentment toward them, nor have I harbored any malice in my heart. I have entrusted it to God and grasped the stronghold of justice. After achieving their aims, they may perhaps be given to drink from the boiling waters of hell and be nourished by the fire of divine wrath. For the powerful Judge is present among us, and He does not overlook injustice. Ultimately, there must be a meeting in a gathering where the matters are made clear to them, so that they may be convinced. Then, let them issue their judgment, decree, and execute it. Their suspicions have no reach, and the tree of divine favor is exceedingly tall. Until the appointed time arrives, no one has any power over us, and when that time comes, we will be eager and willing. There is neither advancement nor delay.

Indeed, we belong to God, and indeed, to Him, we will return. If God helps you, none can overcome you, but if He forsakes you, who is there who can help you after Him? Peace be upon those who follow the guidance.