Tafsir-i-Hu (Interpretation of He)

This is what has been revealed from the Realm of Grandeur in the language of might and loftiness concerning His holy and eternal Mirror.

O That Form (Spiritual Structure like a Temple)

O that form, We have created you with those most beautiful names and made you everything in the names that point to Us by mentioning Him, so that you may be a sign from Us to the worlds. O questioner, listen to Me and accept My counsel, for you will not find a friend better than Me nor a lover more kind than I. At the beginning, clothe your form with the garment of spirit, then adorn your appearance with the attire of light. Sanctify your sight from external veils, purify your ears from deceitful words, cleanse your heart, enlighten your soul, and purify your chest so that you may be receptive to the manifestation of the Sun of Eternity and fit to reflect the Moon of Unseen Glory. So that you may be able to hear and see what the Nightingale of Divinity has sung on the branches of the Tree of Lordship and how the red fire has appeared from this verdant branch, and how the water of oneness has flowed in the form of divinity. To enter the city of eternal life and remain therein with everlasting permanence.

God Addressed His Mirror and His Names

Know that God, the Exalted and Glorified, addressed His Mirror in this verse revealed from Him, saying: “O fruit of eternity, garment of divinity, and form of pre-eternity, and tree of self-sufficiency, We have created you with those most beautiful names,” meaning We have made you all the names that have appeared, dawned, shone, and radiated from the highest dominion and the kingdom of creation from the most beautiful names attributed to Us. For the names that He has attributed to Himself are among the most beautiful names and the greatest signs, such as knowledge, power, life, exaltation, greatness, sovereignty, might, strength, compassion, and similar names that have appeared in the garments of expressions, signs, and indications. God has attributed them to Himself and made their manifestations among the letters of the exalted ones, the forms of the sanctified, the lights of the sincere, and the essences of the praising ones. These sacred names have appeared from these abstract forms of the unseen to reflect all in their ranks about God, their Creator, their Originator, their Maker, their Raiser, their Reviver, and their Shaper. To fill the horizons with the lights of that radiance and to sing the nightingale of attachment at the moment of meeting after the one who was thunderstruck and revived has realized that He is the Truth, there is no god but Him.

And that Ali is the source of His essence, the mine of His knowledge, the repository of His command, and the source of His action in everything that has appeared and will appear, and has been created and will be created. Apart from these names, which are mentioned among the most beautiful names, He has not attributed to Himself nor to His essence. Thus has been His practice from before which there is no before and after which there is no after. Otherwise, all the names are created in His dominion, designed in His kingdom, manifestations in His lands, conditions among His servants, signs on His earth, and indications in His creation. Is there any creator other than God? Is there any originator other than God? Is there any being that does not contain signs of its Originator or that does not reflect the manifestations of its Creator? Exalted is He above what the servants say about the manifestations of His craftsmanship and the conditions of His creation. Thus, God has described His names to His servants and defined for us by His bounty and decreed upon us by His grace so that we may know the paths of truth and guidance from disbelief and error. We are not to change a single letter from ourselves, nor is there any matter except by His permission, nor is there anything except that He has detailed its judgment and decreed its measures from Him to make it easy for us to walk in the paths of His command and the ways of His judgment.

To Baha’u’llah’s Brother

Baha’u’llah’s Secret

Ah, ah, how can I recount what you desired of me as if I have forgotten all remembrances? O questioner, by the might of my Lord, if you knew my secret, you would weep for my state, and you would not stay in your house but would flee to the mountain peaks. Say: O people of the assembly of Bayan, do not interfere with one whose heart contains nothing but the manifestation of the lights of the dawn of the unseen. Fear God and do not meddle with him, nor falsely accuse him, nor exaggerate about him. Follow the paths of God’s mercy and walk in the ways of His guidance. Lean only on Him, seek only His assistance, and follow only what has been revealed to you and decreed for you. Say: Indeed, it is the greatest path, the most honored light, and the most magnificent spirit. Whoever obeys it has been saved and secured, and whoever turns away has transgressed and disbelieved.

By your life, if the fragrance of love wafts from this enduring, goodly city, the heavens of knowledge would vanish, the earth of self-sufficiency would collapse, the sun of identity would darken, the whale of oneness would tremble, the mountains of sanctity would crumble, and the water of sweetness would freeze. Therefore, hold fast to this radiant handle and then enter the city of meanings to smell the fragrance of spirituality from the garments of divinity. So that you may be insightful in the command of your Lord and know His will in all matters, understanding the manifestation of His sun and being content with His decree, and enduring in His trials, so that nothing from what you have missed and nothing from what has befallen you in your days saddens you.

O my brother, seek help from God, then turn to Him with all your being. Do not turn to anyone else, do not fear any soul, and do not be distressed by anything, for the world and its adornments, its ornaments, its pleasures, and everything in and upon it will perish, and it has no permanence. Leave it to its people and seek the good fruit that grows from a good, blessed tree, bearing fruit at all times, never ending, and never fading. Its blessings are enduring, its fruits are near, its lights are bright, never dimming, its fruit remains, never falling, its sun shines, never eclipsing, its moon is radiant, never waning, its spirit is eternal, its fragrance pure, its taste perfect, and its glory ancient.

You, O seeker on the path of glory and piety, and traveler on the path of your highest Lord, if you accept what we have advised you, you will reach everything we have promised you and witness what no one before you has witnessed, unless Satan hinders you from the ways of the Merciful. Rely on God and do not fear. Enter with God’s permission into the city of your heart in a moment of heedlessness from yourself and your desires, so that you may witness the secrets of lordship in the form of eternity and attain all goodness from this radiant garment. Blessed are you, blessed are you if you understand what we have pointed out and reap from the green ears of corn we have planted in the lands of indications, so that the harshness of the matter in the dry days does not seize you. You will be among those whose faces shine with the light of God and whose hearts are illuminated by the mercy of God.

Wear the Garment of Sanctity

O my God, O my brother, cast off the old garment of creation from your form, then wear the garment of sanctity and the clothes of purification. Cast away all that is yours and upon you that veils you from the meeting on the throne of eternity and prevents you from entering the sanctuary of majesty. Empty yourself of all desires, cleanse your spirit with this water that has flowed from the sea of the unseen on this radiant, white tablet, so that you may empty your heart, rest your spirit, calm your heart, and reassure your soul. If you have ears to hear from me, eyes to see from me, and a heart to understand the light of my Lord, you will ascend from that to the pole of journeys, stripping your body of all garments, veils, and indications, to be naked at the time of your meeting with your Lord and your arrival at the throne of majesty in the place of beauty.

Baha’u’llah Describes the Trouble of Keeping His Secret

O my brother, by my Lord, I repeat my words to you and renew what is within you so that you may renew your spirit, your garment, your cloak, your body, and your soul. Despite my weakness and lack of patience in engaging with such intricate words and these embellished letters, it is as if I have committed all sins before God, my Lord. But when I find in my heart the love of His essence, the passion for His beauty, and the longing for His self, I mention Him to the extent that you find and know. Otherwise, I cannot speak or explain. How can I speak after my mouth has been struck by the hands of guile and hypocrisy, and I have endured what no one can comprehend or count from myself? It is as if every spear has pierced my chest, every sword has fallen upon my head, and every arrow has struck my liver. With all that, how can this self-sufficient bird fly in the garden of meanings? How can it count the jewels of knowledge from the divine tablets, as if I am veiled by seventy thousand veils of darkness, wandering in my affair, having donned the garment of ignorance among the people, so that no one recognizes me in any land, hoping they would lift their hands from my head. I sit at home and rely on God, saying: O people of the assembly, is there a helper to assist me? Is there a merciful one to have mercy on me? Is there a companion to keep me company? Is there a supporter to defend me from the evil of the corrupt and close the doors of hypocrisy on my face? When I do not find a supporter for myself to share in my tribulation and accompany me in my weeping, I prefer to weep by myself for myself, to mourn by myself for myself, to lament for my deprivation, to cry for my oppression, and to shout for my humiliation until nothing remains of me, no trace, no fruit. Perhaps God will raise someone who loves me, desires me, reads my words, and weeps for my state because on Him is my reliance, to Him is my plea, from Him is my request, and to Him is my supplication, entreaty, and cry of need.

The Answer: The Name Has Ranks

Then know, O questioner, that the name has ranks, stations, signs, and indications. In one station, only the manifestation of the named is witnessed in the name. In another station, it is the named itself, its reality, essence, and being. In another station, it is the named, in another, it indicates the named, and in another, it revolves around the named. Each of these has ranks, manifestations, and points of dawn. All move in the lands of His command, walk in the paths of His will, and follow the methods of His action.

Each has measures with your Lord and a time with your Creator in what He has decreed and executed. In one station, the names are the garments of the attributes because the attribute is an act that appears from the actor, such as giving something or overpowering something. Likewise, everything that appears from the actor in the ranks of His will and power. This act appears from the effect of the act that occurs from the actor. When God willed to manifest this in His kingdom, to make it known in His land, to demonstrate it in His cities, and to make it a lasting word and a clear sign, He clothed it with the garment of the names, as you say this is generous, this is perceptive, this is knowledgeable, and similar names that are mentioned on the tongues of the people of creation. If He had not named it with these names, it would not be known, appear, or be famous.

So, understand all the scientific conditions from these definitive veils so that the secrets of the decrees in the worlds of destiny appear to you. And if you tear the veils and focus your vision on uncovering the boundaries, you will witness that the names are missing in the rank of the essence and nonexistent at the manifestation of the attributes in the manifestations of the signs and the dawns of the marks. Rather, all the names exist by His will, all the attributes are raised by His will, and they all revolve around His essence and circle in the courtyard of His sanctity.

So, O seeker, drink from this cup filled with the care of God’s mercy so that thirst does not seize you in the eternity of God’s dominion. If you say, is there more, that is the condition of the one on the path. But the one who reaches the pole of identity and the center of the unseen will not know the beginning from the end, nor thirst from quenching. His Exalted mention has made you everything in Our name that indicates Us by mentioning Him, meaning We have illuminated your light in everything, deposited the sign of Our power in everything, and made you manifest above everything in this unique garment that speaks only of God, the Lord of creation and beings, so that they may worship their Creator on this straight path, this ancient, lofty way.

His Mirror is Everything Existing

And He, Glorious and Exalted, made His mirror everything existing by His existence, so that in everything only the sign of the manifestation of that indicative mirror is witnessed. Without it, the ruling of thingness on things and the ruling of existence would not be established; rather, it would be ruled as nonexistent and missing. Nothing is accepted from anything except after its obedience. For example, today if you worship God with all your power and might and prostrate to Him from eternal eternity to everlasting eternity and do not believe in Him, your faith will not be complete, and the letter of faith will not be applied to you, nor will the letter of certitude be true of you.

This Power Spirit in the Station of All Believing Things

Then know that when God, Blessed and Exalted, created the heavens and all within them, and the earths and all upon them, He chose from all that He created and creates this celestial pearl, this powerful spirit, this unifying divine word, and this eternal unique light. He placed it in the station of all things when it believed in God, submitted to His majesty, humbled itself before His presence, and extended the wings of submission to His command. It was as if all existence believed in God and His signs, for existence is only attributed to this divine form. If none among the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth believed in it, it would not diminish His sovereignty by anything. And if all believed in it, it would not increase Him by anything. Thus, it was revealed before: “If you disbelieve, you and all on earth together, indeed, God is Free of need, Praiseworthy.” By my Lord, just as it was before, you will not find any change or alteration in His way.

The Name “He”

Then know that in this ancient, eternal verse, God has determined all names in all things, and then specified everything in a name: He. He made that name have an outward and an inward aspect. The outward aspect indicates the divine form, the manner of lordship, and the garment of eternity. The inward aspect signifies the unseen identity, the secret of unity, and the pure, ancient essence. He expressed the inward with the letter “H” (ه) and the outward with the letter “W” (و). When He wished to manifest His beauty in the power of His majesty, He placed this unseen, ancient “H” on that eternal, divine form. Thus, the beauty of identity was completed in the form of light, and the creation of the wondrous was perfected in the garment of majesty. He made this name the greatest, the largest, the most majestic, the most subtle, and the highest of names. He made it a mirror for all names and attributes so that all could draw from it towards God, be illuminated by its light, be guided by its guidance, walk in its pleasure, and revolve around its majesty.

O questioner, if you then inhale the fragrance of the spirit from the garment of eternity and smell the scents from the city of the unseen, when we invite you to the right shore of the land of unity and turn you from the left of limitation to the mountain of self-sufficiency, you will witness all the names and attributes revolving around that greatest name. You will know everything in the shadow of this ancient, upright design and see that the seas of names and attributes move in its shadow, without beginning and without end. All praise His name, sanctify by His self, revolve around His essence, and circle around His presence.

Everything Is In the Shadow of God’s Names

There is nothing in the heavens or on earth except that it is in the shadow of a name of His names. For example, if you see knowledge from one who has knowledge, you will be certain that this knowledge appeared from the effect of the manifestation of God’s name, the All-Knowing. If you see power from one who has power, you will know that this power originated from the effect of the manifestation of His name, the All-Powerful. Similarly, the height of the sky is in the shadow of His name, the Most High; the radiance of the sun is in the shadow of His name, the Illuminator; the stillness of the earth is in the shadow of His name, the Settler; the flow of water is in the shadow of His name, the Mover; the blowing of the wind is in the shadow of His name, the Sender.

So, O one seated on the ship of care, drink from this pure, life-giving wine, then ascend with wings of ruby to the throne of might to know all principles on this divine universal principle, making the path easy for you from every road. If you can ascend from this earthly homeland to the original divine homeland, you will hear the melodies of this eternal rooster singing the tune of the nightingale in the highest kingdom, and you will delight in the table that was then sent down from heaven.

Then know that God gathered all essences, signs, gems, meanings, all attributes, names, realities, and explanations into a woven fabric and clothed it upon that divine, sacred form to reflect through this garment the image of the beloved Joseph. If you wish to have the matter explained to you with the utmost clarity and the greatest certainty, then understand the station of these divine letters in the station of the metaphor, the station of the lamp. Just as a lamp, when lit and burning in the lampstand, illuminates around it, its surroundings, and its directions, similarly, understand this ancient “H” (ه) when it is kindled in the lampstand of the “W” (و), the eternal form. It illuminates the heavens and enlightens all names and attributes, everything to which the rule of existence applies, from the highest ranks of creation to the lowest levels of the mentioned, all reflect from this luminous lamp in this unique niche according to their ranks, stations, and manifestations.

And you, O questioner, if you purify the eyes of your heart and your soul from witnessing the lamp, the lampstand, the high and the low, the near and the far, and all that appears in the kingdom of names and the realm of attributes, you will witness how this eternal lamp illuminates by itself for itself, ignites with its fire for itself, and you will be among those who know the positions of the command and the sources of knowledge and reach what God intended for them.

O spirit, if you find the eye of life that we have hidden in the darkness of words, be among the green of the command and drink from it without fear to enter this eternal city and be overflowed by these eternal, self-sufficient rivers.

Explanation of the Essence

So know, my brother, that I have explained all the signs and indications, all the revealed books, the perfected scriptures, and the descended tablets. For we have previously proved and established that everything you witness in the heavens and the earth is nothing but the manifestations of God’s name, the appearances of His attributes, the conditions of His sovereignty, and the manifestations of His power. The essence by itself does not appear on anything, nor is it perceived by anything, nor known without something. It has always been self-sufficient from the perception of His creation and exalted from the knowledge of His servants, for He is the inaccessible, the unattainable, the exalted, the elevated, the sanctified from knowing and above description and explanation. The hands of the sanctified have fallen short of reaching the knowledge of His essence, and the feet of the knowers have stumbled in the steadiness of perceiving His reality. When the knowledge of the essence was blocked for the servants, He opened for them the doors of names and attributes, completing His grace and delivering His favor and mercy. He decreed for those who sought His knowledge to turn their vision to the manifestations of attributes in the garments of His names, for if the essence appears, it does not appear as an essence, nor is this name applied to it.

When it was hidden in the treasure of the unseen, it is mentioned as the essence. With this description, it is described that it is not perceived without Him, not described without Him, and not known without Him. If a manifestation or attribute appears from it, it enters and returns to the kingdom of names and attributes, as witnessed by what descended from the throne of eternity. “In the ancient essence of My being, I knew My love for you, so I created you, cast My likeness upon you, and manifested My beauty to you.” This likeness and beauty did not appear except from the manifestation of the essence’s presence in the mirrors of names and attributes, as we have detailed its judgment before.

So, my brother, I have mentioned and cast upon you all the stations of names in the dawns of attributes, and what pertains to them and ends with them, with the most complete, eloquent explanation and the most subtle, clear elucidation. If you establish all that we have indicated of the subtleties of divinity and the secrets of the powerful, it will be established that I have explained to you all meanings and explanations, everything to which a name, sign, mention, description, manifestation, or concealment is applied, and everything spoken by the tongue and not expressed in words. Despite all this, by the One in whose hand is my soul, I have the treasures of meanings in this self-sufficient letter, and I am not able to sprinkle even a drop from this unique, self-sufficient sea, this surging divine ocean, as if I have not explained it with a single letter in the melody that God has given me from the songs of the birds of eternity in the gardens of everlastingness. By God, if I mention a drop of the meanings that God has deposited in it, people would not bear it but would be struck down instantly.

Since the matter is thus, be content with what I have chosen for you and cast upon you from the gems of knowledge and wisdom. Then, pray to your Lord that He inspires you with all meanings and explanations in a single letter of His names, for He is the all-powerful over everything and exalted above all things. He gives as He wishes and bestows as He wills.

Prayer for the Brother to Recite

So glory be to You, O my God. Send upon Your servant the winds of Your love so that I may serve You with my eyes, whether You give, for You are the giver to those who ask, or You withhold, for You are the preventer of those who seek. You are then the possessor of both names in both actions, and You do not mind being called by Your name, the Giver, or by Your name, the Preventer. So, woe is me for myself and for Your servants, but Your servant seeks and hopes that You will manifest another command in the kingdom, for You do what You will.

I do not know, O my God, how long You will leave me in the mouth of the serpent and abandon me in the valley of humiliation and deprivation. By Your might, humiliation has reached its ultimate pole. So turn Your eyes upon this dust and Your gaze upon this ash, then open the doors of Your glory upon the face of this lowly one, and the doors of Your richness upon the form of this poor one. Open upon this bird, cast out, the gardens of Your care and the lights of Your greatness, and let this outcast bird dwell in the proximity of Your mercy and this rejected one in the shadow of Your bounty. Then rain upon him from the clouds of Your grace and the showers of Your richness.

Do You not see, O my God, how the lamp in the niche of his heart has been extinguished, and the light in his soul has gone out? How the dove in his chest has fallen silent from the claps of love, the melodies of taste, and the songs of longing? Then be just, O my beloved, have You witnessed one as oppressed as I, or as deprived as I, or as barred as I? By Your might, I have not counted, nor will You count, if You search the kingdom of the heavens and the earth with the soldiers of Your hidden, exalted ones and the forms of Your nearest names. Glory be to You, glory be to You, I am among the repentant, seeking Your forgiveness, and by God’s grace and bounty, I wish to ride the red Buraq and ascend with it to the sky of glory until I reach the canopy of the unseen and the Lote-Tree of the extremity and the ultimate Tree.

The Answer: Explanation of the Letter

I will explain this divine letter in the highest assembly so that the maidens of eternity will be wrapped in it in the white chambers, and the holy birds will be buried on the branches of the tree of loyalty. Perhaps this solid mountain will be crushed within the yellow souls, and great signs of His Lord will appear in it.

Hidden and Luminous Aspects

Know that this letter has hidden and luminous aspects, the secret of unity, and ranks and stations that none but God, your Lord, the Lord of all things, can count. It is a letter in which the seas of meanings are concealed and the gems of knowledge are stored. Its outward aspect speaks of everything while being exalted above all things. Through it, the manifestations appeared in the kingdom of creation and the inward aspects in the realm of invention. The seas of eternity surged in this exalted letter, the most honored and upright symbol, and there is nothing except that its outward aspect is derived from its outward aspect and its inward aspect from its inward aspect. Everything in the heavens and the earth is connected to it so that its manifestation is in everything. There is nothing except that it speaks of it in its station.

By God’s grace, bounty, mercy, and care, I will mention some of its stations in the limited apparent worlds so that you may know its hidden, unseen, concealed stations in a manner befitting your station and suiting your worth. Otherwise, God has not given its true value to anyone, for all the earth is in its grasp, the heavens are rolled up in its right hand, the signs are taken by its power, the lights shine by its strength, the spirits are sent by its care, and the dawns are veiled by its might.

Glory be to God for what I have said and will say, and what I have known or will know, and what I have mentioned or will mention, and what I have described or will describe. For all of this is created at that time from this ink flowing on this luminous tablet. How can it be a guide to the pillar of identity and a way to the beauty of unity in the form of the upper garment on the shirt of Muhammad?

Station of the Sun

So know that the station of the outward aspect of this letter among the planets and stars is like the station of the sun, and it speaks of it in the letters and words, and in the pillars as the right pillar, and in the ranks of action as the will, and in the elements as heat, and in the seasons as summer, and in the measures as length, and in the outward form of man as sight, for the station of sight is the station of fire, and in the inward aspect of man as the heart, and in the feelings as the soul, and in the colors as yellow, and in the elements as fire.

However, in each of these ranks, it speaks of all the ranks and stations; for example, when it speaks of fire, it speaks of water, and through it, fire appeared in the worlds of creation. People warm themselves from the heat of the love of God. When Moses, the beloved, saw this burning fire from this divine tree, he found in his heart a passion for the love of God, so that the lights surrounded him. He took off his shoes of limitation and his hands emerged from the fold of unity. He heard the call of divinity from the source of lordship in the blessed spot from the right side of the mountain of identity: “O Moses, indeed I am Allah, the Lord of the worlds.” Then he drank the cups of the beginning from the hands of care and entered the city of eternal life, becoming alive with everlasting life. Therefore, this fire can be attributed to water. If you say this is water, it is true without doubt, and if you say this is fire, it is true without uncertainty, because life is a characteristic of water. Whoever drinks from it lives forever, and whoever is denied it dies, and from this water, every living thing comes alive. Do you not see?

When the attribute of water appeared from this fire in this tree, it is rightly called water. And what water is greater than this pure water? And what wine is more delicate than this attractive wine? And what is sweeter than this original sweet water, the primary spirit, the expansive light, the wind of the unseen, and the eternal tree? This water flowed by the permission of God from the spring of unity through the mountain of identity and appeared in the color of fire in this eternal tree, so you know the attribute of water around the fire and the attribute of fire in the pole of water, as testified by what was revealed from the throne of identity. Today, the sun rises from the station of water on water around fire, it is seen.

Station of the Earth

Likewise, if you attribute it to the earth, it is true without doubt, because through it souls find peace from their agitation, hearts find rest from their shaking and trembling, and the luminous fiery hearts rest on this blessed purified earth, and feet stand firm in establishing the elevated holy command of God. Stillness is an attribute of the earth, for God made it a place of residence and dwelling for what is on it, in it, and upon it. Therefore, the attribute of air flows upon it, because just as from the air come the visible winds from directions, likewise from it come the spiritual, sacred eternal breezes and the holy fragrant breezes. Do you not see how this eternal wind moved this tranquil soul, separated it from the land of limitation, and brought it to the pole of identity and the center of lordship? Thus, the elements of existence are completed from this sacred eternal letter.

When Moses drank the water of eternal life from this red fire and his heart rested on the earth of spirit at the pole of the “H,” the yellow breeze of loyalty blew upon him from the throne of meeting. Then his creation was completed, his face illuminated, his agitation calmed, his heart reassured, he recognized himself, he became familiar with the lights of divinity, witnessed the dawn of identity in the lamp of might, and his face shone with the beauty of majesty in the expanse of eternity, annihilating in it and remaining through it.

If you wish to follow this light in the holy air of this manifestation, rely on God and say, “In the name of God and by God,” then take your hands out of your pocket and take from this burning flame without fear, for in its outward it is fire but in its inward it is light and mercy. God guides with this light whom He wills of His creation, and whoever God guides is rightly guided, and whoever He misguides, you will find no guide for him. When the face of care shines, the sun of guidance rises, the creation of unity is completed, the veil is lifted from the beauty of the maidens, they appear from the lofty palaces in the rooms of paradise, and the mirror of unity reflects the lamp of the highest, the light of the self-sufficient, from the niche of the unseen. The creation of everything is completed with the stability of the spirit in the sky of light.

You Will Find New Fruits From a Wondrous Tree

By God, my brother, everything I mentioned of these words, expressions, signs, and indications, mentioning the elements, pillars, planets, and similar, are mentioned and remembered in the stations of remembrance, explanation, and description, because that is the characteristic of man and the stations of remembrance on the tongue. But by the One in whose hand is my soul, elements of divinity, senses of lordship, ancient pillars, divine seasons, suns of beauty, and stars of the unseen were created from this self-sufficient letter. From it are all that is mentioned by the tongue and not perceived by the eye, except on the day when the senses of man are renewed by God, the mighty, the bountiful. Then what is not mentioned in those days will descend upon you, and doors will be opened for you, for He does as He wills in what He wills. You will find good new fruits from a new wondrous tree, enter the paradise of your merciful Lord, and enjoy its eternal life and self-sufficient permanence.

Perfected the Grace For You

Thus, know the secrets of identity in this luminous holy tent. By God, my brother, I have completed the statement to you and perfected the grace for you. There is not a single letter left except that I have cast upon you, not a word thrown except that I have pointed it to you, not a light shone except that it has illuminated you, not a sun risen except that I have raised it to you, not a spirit sent except that I have sent it to you. If you are from the wanderers of the unseen, cast the bucket of meanings into this self-sufficient well, and if you find the sorrowful youth on the form of the thread in the garment of blood, do not sell him for a few counted dirhams from limited selves, but make him a commodity in the kingdom, so you may be in the land of eternity with the dear one of meeting without being written in oppression.

So be fair, O servant, is there anything left in the heavens or on the earth, in the unseen or in the witness, except that I have explained to you and clarified from the melodies of the birds of holiness and their singing around the throne, so that the sun of justice may rise upon you in this station, making you just in the command of God and the matter of His loved ones and His chosen ones. So be fair by God, O servant, do muddy eyes flow with this pure, delicate water, or do they kindle from the lowly tree with this ancient divine fire, or do they bear this good lasting fruit from barren lands, or do these divine, nightingale melodies come from all tongues, or these wonderful, attractive remembrances come from dead hearts?

Say, do you not see how the clouds of care have risen and how rains of favor and grace pour from all directions? If you find in yourselves a thirst for love from the radiant eternal divine face, then drink from this flowing water to calm your souls, cool your hearts, refresh your hearts and bodies, and your outward and inward, your first and last, so that you may dwell on the thrones of your hearts and drink from the springs deposited in your repose. Witness the beauty of identity in the mirrors of your souls, the manifestation of your selves, and the dawn of your beauty. When the secrets of identity in the garment of the “W” were completed, the creation of the wondrous was perfected in the eternal form.

Pathways to Spiritual Transformation

I wish to speak of the fire that reflects this fire in the element of dust, so that you may witness the germs of wisdom and the wonders of power in the work of your Lord and the creation of your Creator.

Pathway One

So know that if you take from this fiery pillar which grows from the tree of this mount, cleanse it thoroughly, and wash it with the water that appears from the fire sprinkled on the face of the clouds, descending from the accumulated clouds in the air, and return it to the purified white earth from which it appeared, and mix them until they become one thing and one essence, the secrets of the command in this great kingdom will be revealed to you. You will be enriched by God above all in the heavens and independent of all on earth. By God’s manifest power, you will reach the greatest treasure of God.

Pathway Two

If you wish to reach it by another way, take from this pure white water and process it until you make its outward aspect inward and its inward aspect outward, so that the inner oiliness hidden in this water appears. It will become a bright, delicate oil that neither fire can burn nor the fire of reckoning can harm. Oh, how marvelous this noble creation is and this great news! There is no greater sign in the kingdom than this, nor a higher command, and none will be granted this except those whom God wills from His chosen ones and the best of His creation and the noblest of His beings.

Purity Through Alchemy

In the element of dust, nothing reflects this unique fire and this light of identity except this noble creation, this hidden symbol, and this veiled and concealed secret. In one thing, all natures appear, and the four elements are detailed from it in their colors and natures: heat, cold, moisture, and dryness. If you purify and mix them, this pillar will be complete for you in this station. Though it is water in its delicacy and outward appearance, it is fire in its essence and nature, earth in its dryness, and air in its many colors and manifestations in the ranks of management. From it comes what burns everything in its nature and essence, of excessive cold and unbalanced harmful moisture.

If you understand this red light and this pure white earth, and return this spiritual watery fire to the body of this pure white earth, your aim will be fulfilled in three days. If God wills, it will be fulfilled sooner, in less than an hour. But strive to make this bright thirsty earth drink from this golden, oily, illuminated water, so you may witness the secrets of lordship in the element of dust and know the jewels of power in the innermost secrets of creation.

Earth Has Spirit, Soul, and Body

Know that the status of this earth is like the status of bone; it has spirit, soul, and body, as you see in humans. If you take the soul and spirit and purify them until they become like red rubies, and blow this holy spirit into the body of this dead bone, it will revive by the permission of God, the Lord of ancient light, and the owner of this great pillar. This matter is from the two greatest lights. If you know them and take from them as much as you need, balance their natures after detailing and purifying them, marry and mix them until they become one, you will complete all works in all minerals. This craft belongs to none except with these two greatest pillars: the white light and the red fire. Managing them is easy for those whom God has guided and directed in His command, making them custodians of His knowledge, bearers of His revelation, companions of His command, mines of His wisdom, secure holders of His secret, and sources of His bounty.

Annihilate Yourself in God

If you apply this principle that we have mentioned to you in all the ranks of knowledge, from minerals to plants, after turning to God, annihilating in Him, and remaining by Him, you will reach what God has intended for you from His hidden knowledge and stored wisdom. This principle encompasses possibilities with its essence and entities with its body, for the matter is only from detailing and marrying. If you can detail everything in the heavens and the earth and marry them after purification until they become one, the secrets of this great mystery will appear to you.

I conclude with the mention of the Most High God and say: Indeed, it is the truth from God, the Mighty, the Beautiful, and praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.