
In the name of Allah, Exalted be His Glory

Introduction to Haidar Qibli Ali

O Haidar Qibli Ali! Upon you be My Baha. If you paid attention to the land, you should place it in a known and mineral-rich area of life. Residence in another place is neither acceptable nor beloved, as it does not align with wisdom. This has been revealed by the Supreme Pen.

The known letters were noted in the sacred court, and by His grace, I acquired a few pages from the Tree that bore divine words. O Haidar Qibli Ali! Friend, the evidence was presented to Ali. The truth will support it; it will be busy with sustenance.

I will walk, and the sun will shine. Its appearance will bring it into motion. Glory be to God. The Resurrection is upon us, and the hour has been revealed.

He became a source of grace, but you returned to the world. What do you have to do with these mixtures? Have mercy on it, for it is an exalted matter and its status known.

When you did not know, fear God, the prevailing and powerful. To the extent of His words, we take a handful of dust and observe from the names, then ascend until we reach the names and their kingdoms.

You were shaken by this word of Allah. It is no wonder, for the beings were shaken by the essence that appeared from the First Point, upon Him be Baha. All are shocked, and beyond that, it is known and clear. Seek from the True One what will ensure purity and sanctity.

O Haidar, the reality of the Tree is elevated, and the manifestations of the lights.

The sun of truth is shining, and the light of the stars is radiantly bright and gleaming. However, people have become obstructive. What has been the cause of this obstruction? The affairs of God are complex, and examples of this are minute compared to the vastness of His affairs. Place your trust in God, the Omnipotent, the Almighty. God is with His sincere servants and His close chosen ones. There is no god but He, the unique, the Mighty, the Praised.

O Sir Sayyid, upon him be the Baha of Allah, He is the one who forgives, the compassionate, the merciful.

News of Blood Stained Reports

The dust of hypocrisy has also surrounded the horizons, overturning the joy of the world. These days, according to apparent news, blood-stained reports have reached from every direction, for the oppressive tyranny has leveled the balance of justice, and justice has been secluded in a corner. Glory be to God, in the great city, the door of greed and desire has been opened, which only the Truth can count and comprehend. Outwardly humble, yet inwardly influential.

Do not strike this oppressed one. These days, beyond the expression of the kingdom, we make power manifest on the throne and sit on the couches of chastity.

The oppression of the tyrants weakens the mighty, and the manifestations of slanderers, whose faces betray falsehood, should not obscure the truth from the owners of hearing and sight in the existing world. They are the true ones with me, and the blessings of the world will be theirs.

The name of these days has reached some reports from the world, including the ascension of the exalted ones and his ascension to the Abha Kingdom. Today, the sea of mercy is surging, and the sun of bounty is shining. At the beginning of the appearance of this blessed letter, the divine will was manifested. It was a favor among the souls, a word that in the first days they drank from the exceeding bounty. By the blessed grace, they were forgiven.

We wish to mention it, for this is indeed a matter from the presence of the noble one. When Imam Ali moved with the mention of the pen, I asked about the marks and the blessings that were upon the horizons and the crown of knowledge, the mercy that preceded existence, the bright light shining from the horizon of the sky.

O my community and my leaf, call upon God, the Blessed and Exalted, to send upon you at all times His enduring grace and His bounties. Rejoice on a day when we will delight the heart and confirm it with power, for He is the Mighty, the Esteemed, the Most Bountiful. There is no god but He, the unique, the Mighty, the Chosen One.

Sir Mulla Muhammad, upon him be the Baha of Allah

He is the speaker who clarifies the news.

From the worlds, I take a little. The knowledge, I am a human of sciences.

O explicit proof, the hands of expressions indicate that you are but a good from among the land’s chosen ones.

From the seat of “There is no god but He,” the knowledge, the forbearing one. And we found from Him the fragrance of war. Accept it.

It is necessary for you with this book, which those who are specialized in it find forgiveness and care. How many scholars have delved into its depths and found its gems, benefitting from its noble guidance and generous teachings.

Respond with the knowledge from the King of Sciences. How many have stumbled before the desires of self in the name of the Lord, before reaching the original horizon with an enlightened face? How many have become chained by jurisprudence and prevented from reaching the shore, unable to hear the waves of knowledge? The world has been illuminated by the lights of manifestation and the One who spoke on Mount Sinai, the clear Sovereign.

How many jurists have been veiled by the greatest veil from the seat of destiny? How many scholars have been divided in the name of strength? Say to Muhammad: Rise and serve your Lord with determination and firmness. Thus, the command has been revealed from the Merciful, and most people are heedless.

Among the people, there are those who have turned away from the Book’s fullness, engrossed in fantasies and illusions. The day has come when all things bear witness to their Creator, and they are elevated by what revives the dead and the lands with the strength of His might. What they possess of ancient stories and deeds has prevented them from the highest understanding. Your Lord is the Almighty, the Wise.

Say, rise and adorn yourselves with the garment of righteousness in the one who has appeared with the truth. They have cast aside the covenant of God and His testament, but beware of every ignorant one who is distant. Destroy the idols of doubt with His name, the All-Sustaining, and then come with clear presence to the sunrise of His revelation. God has revealed to you what benefits you in the hereafter and this world if you are of the knowing.

This is the day in which nothing you possess can equal the signs revealed by Him. Those who have forgone sciences for the sake of their status have no god but the rare Sultan of Knowledge, who calls out between the earth and the heavens that there is no god but the All-Knowing.

The Sovereign, the All-Knowing, the Wise has declared: Do not be like those who doubted a single letter, turning away from the taught Book in which the mysteries of what was and is to come are revealed. Come, and see the revelation that has come down in the books and scriptures and what was sent down to the chosen ones of the past. The tongue of the All-Merciful sings on the branches, the realm of understanding, if only you knew.

Say, you have taken a drop and left the sea behind. What is wrong with you, O assembly of the idolaters? Listen to the call of the All-Sustaining, and rise to assist your matter, the King of the unseen and the seen. Say, this oppressed one has come to you with the face of God, who has sent down wisdom in the days of those whom God has taught with His knowledge, the exalted ones and the guardians of religion.

Thus, the signs have been revealed and the proofs established, so that you may thank your Lord, the Mighty, the Ever-Glorious, the resplendent light from the horizon of the names. On this day, those who are upon the shores of God’s command, the Sovereign of existence, should praise Him.

Say, rise with purity and respond to the call of His name. The pure ones have attained, and the rest have turned their attention to what was sent down. The knowledge has been revealed, but they have not attained felicity. Blessed is the one who has turned and listened to the call, and to every ear that has heard and every eye that has seen the original horizon. Look up and see.

All books and traditions have risen and testified to this Truth, and the Almighty God has made this known among the leaders. Nevertheless, all are heedless and veiled from His greatness. It is surprising that until now, some earthly scholars who have not pondered the reason and cause of the aversion and objection of the scholars of previous ages and early centuries against the Manifestations of the One. They are indeed the great veils and the dense clouds that have prevented the people from perceiving the truth.

Today, many deprive themselves of the bounties of the All-Bountiful One. For what is missed today cannot be recovered by human power. Tell them, each word that is purely for the sake of God and appears from a sincere soul has an effect. Today’s deeds are recorded in the books of God as the highest of deeds. Strive to be among those counted as rare pearls in the divine books, and let your mention be immortalized in the eternal register.

Reality of Self and Its Nature

Those who have asked about the reality of the self and its nature, the essence which the mountains of knowledge have not fathomed, and all those of true understanding have acknowledged. The self has been described by God, its creator, and attributed to Him. And what is beyond this is attributed to human desires.

Today, every soul that has been prevented by the doubts of the people from the truth and has not been veiled by the noise of the scholars and the dominance of the rulers is among the greatest signs with God, the Possessor of the realms. The one who recognizes its station and position has indeed succeeded.

In the ranks of the self, from the commanding, the blaming, the inspiring, the contented, the pleased, and the like have been previously mentioned in books. The station of the self has always been and will continue to be discussed. Today, every soul is humble and content with all the names and attributes, residing in its station in peace and tranquility.

All things are changed by the manifestations and signs and by the various stations of understanding and observation. Consider with patience all existing things, from the earth and the sky, the trees and the rivers, the mountains, and see that a minor cause can deprive one of all blessings. Exalted is He who created the causes and is beyond being limited by them.

Everything leads to us through the path of knowledge, a sign of His sovereignty, a manifestation of His names, and a proof of His greatness and power. It is a path to the straight way.

O Muhammad, son of Ali, be grateful to God for what we have brought to you from the prison, and remember us with a firm heart. Know that the self, as it is, is a sign of the signs of God and a mystery of His mysteries. It is the great sign that rises from the worlds.

The self that is established upon the divine path, and the commanding self that commands evil and immorality, both exist. Verily, it is in clear error. Woe to those in ignorance and foolishness, for all are encompassed by His knowledge. There are those who are aware of the deviations from the truth but say what they say. Even if they remain firm in the matter, after all, they will recognize the recompense.

In the matter of God, the Lord of the worlds, say, O assembly of camels, come and look at the signs that lead us to the straight path. Recognize whether it is hidden or brings us closer to “There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Beloved.” The Báb said, put aside what you have and what you have been commanded in the Book. What else do you bring except the Sovereignty that is not denied except by those who cast aside justice and stand with equity? Say, come, come to the sun at its zenith. It has been thrown to you, O people, and do not be among the people of error.

Indeed, this is a command and has revealed everything. But the Master of existence depicted it. They have appreciated the greatest freedom before the faces of the important ones. Come to it and do not be among those who doubt and turn away. Thus, the highest knowledge is in the proofs and the clear signs. Woe to those who turn away from God, the Master of the worlds.

And as you asked, where does the soul go after the body’s ruin? If it is attributed to the truth, it returns to the Supreme Companion in a station that all tongues and pens are unable to describe. Every soul that is firm in the matter of God will benefit from all the worlds and their bounties after ascension.

Friend, O manifestation of the world and its crafts, its systems and the true rulers and kings, observe that all need sustenance and pure spirits. Think deeply and be grateful. These stations and the stations of the self are mentioned in various Tablets. It is a sign that is sanctified from entering and exiting and is the inhabitant of the lofty bird’s perch, bearing witness to its first and last states, and also to a world sanctified from beginning and end.

In this night, you observe an affair, and after twenty years you observe its same affair. Consider what kind of world this is. Ponder over the wisdom of God and His manifestation and say, Praise be to You, my Lord and my desire. Strengthen me with the knowledge of the ocean of Your bounty and the clarity of Your appearance and certainty. By Your bounty, the river of acceptance and the bounty of Your gifts, I ask You by the lights of the sun and the battle and the fire of the Tree of Your command that You make me devoted in serving You and promoting Your cause. You are the Generous, the Bountiful, the Mighty.

Nothing in the world of existence is separated, nor are the significant signs moved except by the Kingdom of God. Open the door of Your knowledge with Your finger upon my face, and then write for me from Your original pen the good of the hereafter and this world. You are the Master of the worlds; there is no god but You, the Powerful, the Omnipotent.

And what I have mentioned about belief in You and Your system has stages according to the differences in understanding, but it is a single reality. In this arena, different statements have been made about the truth, and various discussions have arisen among those with sharp sight and those endowed with insights from God, the Mighty, the Praised. Indeed, the stations are varied, and the understandings differ. Reflect upon the signs of creation and ponder deeply.

May the Seal of the Prophets guide me to what is good in You. And what has been mentioned about the end of the material world and the recognition of this station is dependent on the means.

The observers, in all times, are in a sacred station, being from the pre-eternal and to the eternal. Thus, the creation of the second creation follows a divine cause. In this manner, the decree of oneness is established and proven.

A Question About Spheres and Heavens

Regarding the question of the spheres and heavens mentioned in the previous and subsequent books, it must be understood that the purpose of mentioning the spheres and heavens and their connection and effect on the world must be elucidated. All intellects are bewildered and perplexed by the mysteries revealed to them.

Some wise ones have interpreted the age of the world to be many thousands of years, counting the celestial bodies. There are evident and observable differences in the statements before and after. For each fixed star and planet, there is a creator who counts them.

Service to the Cause of Wisdom

O you who look towards My face, today the supreme horizon is shining, and the command of God is exalted before us. In the Tablets, today is not a day for questioning. Therefore, whoever hears the call from the original horizon should arise and say, “Here I am, O God of names, here I am! Here I am, O Creator of the heavens! I testify that by Your manifestation, the decrees have been fulfilled and written in the scrolls of the messengers.”

Every soul that truly recognizes the explanation should arise in service to the cause of wisdom. The clamor of the polytheists and the hypocrisy of the heedless should not deter them. From the Supreme Pen, the affairs of exaltation have appeared. What is revealed today is beyond human comprehension and cannot be measured by earthly means.

Today, the eyes of the people of the earth are awakened, and the trees tremble, and the limbs of the learned shake. Those who broke the covenant and forsook the arts and illusions, beware of them. They have known and created wisdom, guiding them to the straight path.

We have found the fragrance of war and your acceptance and the preoccupation of your heart. We have revealed to you this book and clarified its signs as a command from Us. Your Lord is the Almighty, the Sovereign. Indeed, we have heard what you are upon, and we have seen it. Reflect and understand, O hearing and seeing ones. Consider what you have heard before and what has appeared. Stand firm in the cause so that your steps may be steady.

Say, this oppressed one has come to you from the prison with a clear message. Mention this in gatherings. The east has shone from the horizon of grace upon you and upon those who cling to the hem of the call. Many regions in the great prison.

Say, Glory be to You, O God, in all that exists, and Glory be to You, O God, the desired one. I ask You by Your most manifest name in the kingdom of names and attributes and the sunrise of signs and the manifestation of bounty, that You assist me in serving Your cause. Then make me steadfast in Your goodness and an eloquent speaker in Your cause. Then reveal to me Your highest names and keep me firm in Your bounty.

You are the Powerful, the Mighty, the Bestower.

Sir Mirza Abbas, upon him be the Baha of Allah

The book sent down by the All-Merciful to those in existence guides all to His straight path.