Kitab-i-Aqdas (The Holy Book)

In the name of the one who governs what was and what will be

Verses 1-10

1 The first thing that God has prescribed for His servants is the recognition of the dawning place of His Revelation and the source of His command, which is the station of His own Self in the realm of command and creation. Whoever attains this has attained all good, and whoever is deprived of it is indeed among the people of error, even if he performs every good deed. If you attain this exalted station and this supreme horizon, every soul must follow what has been commanded by the Desired One, for both are inseparable, one cannot be accepted without the other. This is what the Source of Inspiration has decreed.

2 Indeed, those who have been endowed with insight from God see the ordinances of God as the greatest means for the order of the world and the preservation of nations. And those who are heedless of this are like the ignorant masses. We have commanded you to break the boundaries of self and desire, not what has been decreed by the Supreme Pen. It is the spirit of life for those in existence. The seas of wisdom and eloquence have surged forth with the stirring breeze of the All-Merciful. Seize this opportunity, O possessors of intellect. Those who have violated the covenant of God concerning His commands and have turned back on their heels, they are indeed among the people of error in the sight of the Self-Sufficient, the Exalted.

3 O assembly of the earth, know that My commands are the lamps of My care among My servants and the keys of My mercy for My creation. Thus has the command been revealed from the heaven of the will of your Lord, the Lord of all religions. If anyone were to taste the sweetness of the utterance that has appeared from the mouth of the will of the All-Merciful, he would spend all that he possesses, even if it be the treasures of the entire earth, to uphold one of His commands which have dawned from the horizon of care and grace.

4 Say, from My laws the fragrance of My garment is diffused, and through them the banners of victory are hoisted on the hills and heights. The tongue of My power has spoken in the dominion of My greatness, addressing My creation: “Carry out My ordinances out of love for My beauty.” Blessed is the lover who has inhaled the fragrance of the Beloved from this word, from which the breezes of bounty have wafted in an indescribable manner. By My life, whoever drinks the nectar of justice from the hands of grace will circle around My commands which have shone forth from the horizon of creativity.

5 Do not think that We have merely revealed to you the laws; rather, We have unsealed the choice sealed wine with the fingers of might and power. This is attested by what has been sent down by the Pen of Revelation. Reflect, O possessors of understanding.

6 It has been enjoined upon you to perform the prayer consisting of nine rak’ahs to God, the Revealer of the verses, at noon, in the morning, and in the evening. We have pardoned other numbers as a command in the Book of God. Indeed, it is the mighty, chosen command. When you wish to perform the prayer, turn your faces toward My most holy direction, the sacred spot which God has made the focal point for the celestial concourse and the point of adoration for the people of the cities of eternity, the source of command for those in the heavens and the earth. And at the setting of the Sun of Truth and Explanation, the place We have appointed for you, indeed, it is the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

7 Everything is realized by His decisive command when the Sun of ordinances rises from the horizon of explanation. All are to follow it, even if it be a command that rends asunder the hearts of the adherents of religions. He does as He wills and is not questioned about what He wills. Whatever the Beloved has decreed is beloved and the Possessor of invention. Whoever finds the fragrance of the All-Merciful and recognizes the source of this Revelation will face the arrows with his eyes to uphold the ordinances among the people. Blessed is he who turns and attains the decisive utterance.

8 We have detailed the prayer in another tablet. Blessed is the one who acts according to what has been commanded by the Lord of all beings. For the prayer for the dead, God, the Revealer of the verses, has ordained six Takbirs (Allāhu Akbar or God is the Greatest). Whoever possesses the knowledge of recitation may recite what has been revealed before it, and if not, God has pardoned him. Indeed, He is the Mighty, the Forgiving.

9 Hair does not invalidate your prayers, nor do those things that prevent the spirit, such as bones and the like. Wear sable as you wear silk, brocade, and other such materials. It has not been forbidden in the Qur’an, but the learned were mistaken about it. Indeed, He is the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

10 Prayer and fasting have been enjoined upon you from the age of maturity as a command from God, your Lord, and the Lord of your forefathers. For those who are weak due to illness or old age, God has excused them as a grace from Him. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Generous. God has permitted you to prostrate on any clean surface, and we have abrogated the rule regarding the specific limit in the Book. God knows, and you do not know. Whoever cannot find water should repeat five times, “In the Name of God, the Purest, the Purest,” and then proceed with the prayer. This is what the Lord of the worlds has decreed. In lands where nights and days are prolonged, let them pray according to the hours and the timepieces that mark the passage of time. Indeed, He is the Manifest, the Wise.

Verses 11-20

11 We have excused you from the Prayer of the Signs. When they appear, remember God with greatness and power. He is indeed the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. Say, “Greatness belongs to God, the Lord of what is seen and what is unseen, the Lord of all the worlds.”

12 Individual prayer has been enjoined upon you; the requirement for congregational prayer has been lifted except for the Prayer for the Dead. This is indeed a wise ordinance.

13 God has excused women from fasting and obligatory prayer during their menstrual periods. Instead, they are to perform ablutions and repeat the phrase “Glory be to God, the Lord of Splendor and Beauty” ninety-five times between noon on one day and noon the next. This is what has been decreed in the Book if you are among those who understand.

14 When traveling, both men and women, upon stopping and resting, can replace each obligatory prayer with a single prostration. During this prostration, recite “Glory be to God, the Lord of Grandeur and Majesty, of Bounty and Grace.” If unable, simply say, “Glory be to God,” for that suffices in truth. Indeed, He is the All-Sufficient, the Everlasting, the Forgiving, the Merciful.

After completing the prostration, sit in the posture of unity and say eighteen times, “Glory be to God, the Lord of Dominion and Sovereignty.” Thus does God elucidate the paths of truth and guidance, all converging to this straight path. Thank God for this immense favor, praise God for this bounty encompassing the heavens and the earth, and remember God for this mercy surpassing all worlds.

15 Say, God has made the key to the hidden treasure My love, if you only knew. Without the key, it would remain hidden in the eternal past, if you only believed. This is for the dawning place of revelation and the horizon of radiance, through which the horizons are illumined, if you only knew. This is indeed the ordained decree, by which every decreed fate is established.

16 O Pen of the Most High, say: O assembly of creation, We have ordained for you fasting during a limited number of days, and have made Naw-Rúz a festival for you after its completion. Thus has the Sun of the Bayán shone forth from the horizon of the Book from the presence of the Lord of Origin and Return.

And let the days which exceed the months before the month of fasting be the manifestations of the letter “H” (Ha) among the nights and days. Therefore, they are not confined by the limits of the year and its months. It is incumbent upon the people of Bahá to provide for themselves, their relatives, the poor, and the needy, to exalt, magnify, and glorify their Lord with joy and gladness.

When the days of giving are completed, let them enter the fast. Thus has the Lord of all humankind decreed. There is no blame on travelers, the sick, pregnant women, or nursing mothers; God has excused them as a grace from Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Bountiful.

17 These are the ordinances of God which have been inscribed by the Pen of the Most High in the scriptures and tablets. Hold fast to the commandments and laws of God, and do not be among those who have clung to their own principles and discarded the principles of God, following mere conjectures and illusions. Refrain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset. Beware lest your desires prevent you from this bounty that has been decreed in the Book.

18 For those who believe in God, the Almighty, it is prescribed that they wash their hands and then their face every day, sit facing God, and recite ninety-five times “Alláh-u-Abhá” (God is Most Glorious). Thus has the Creator of the heavens decreed when He established Himself upon the thrones of His names with grandeur and power. Likewise, perform ablutions for the prayer as a command from God, the One, the Chosen.

19 Murder, adultery, backbiting, and slander have been forbidden to you. Avoid what you have been prohibited from in the scriptures and tablets.

20 God has apportioned inheritances according to the number of the letter Z, with shares for your descendants calculated from the Book of Ṭ according to the number of M, Q, and T. For spouses, the share is from the Book of Ḥ according to the number of T and F. For fathers, the share is from the Book of Z according to the number of T and K. For mothers, the share is from the Book of W according to the number of R, F, Y, and Ayn. For brothers, the share is from the Book of H according to the number of Sh. For sisters, the share is from the Book of D according to the number of R and M. For teachers, the share is from the Book of J according to the number of Q and F. This is decreed by the Herald who remembers Me in the nights and early mornings. When We heard the clamor of descendants in the loins, We doubled their share and reduced the others’ share; indeed, He is the All-Powerful, doing what He wills with His authority as He pleases.

Verses 21-30

21 If one dies without descendants, their inheritance reverts to the House of Justice to be used by the trustees of the Merciful for orphans, widows, and general benefit, so that people may thank their Lord, the Mighty, the Forgiving.

22 If one has descendants but lacks other specified heirs, two-thirds of their estate goes to the descendants, and one-third to the House of Justice, as decreed by the Exalted, the Majestic.

23 If there are no direct heirs but there are relatives such as nephews, nieces, or their children, two-thirds go to these relatives, and one-third to the House of Justice. If no such relatives exist, all the estate goes to the House of Justice to be used as God commands; He is the All-Powerful, the Ruler.

24 Whoever dies without any of the designated inheritors as per the divine decree from the Most High Pen, all of their wealth is returned to the aforementioned House of Justice, to be distributed as per God’s command. Indeed, He is the All-Powerful, the Commander.

25 The inhabited house and specific garments are for the male descendants, not the females or other heirs; He is the Bestower, the Bountiful.

26 If someone dies during their parent’s lifetime, their descendants inherit what would have gone to them, divided justly among them. Thus, the sea of speech has surged, casting forth pearls of laws from the Lord of all beings.

27 If there are weak descendants, appoint a trustee to manage their inheritance until they reach maturity, or invest it for them. Assign a rightful share of the profits to the trustee for their efforts.

28 All this is after the payment of God’s right, debts, and funeral expenses, carried out with dignity and honor, as decreed by the Lord of Origin and Return.

29 Say, this is the hidden knowledge that will never change, for it began with the letter Ṭ indicating the hidden, manifest, invincible Name. This allotment to descendants is a bounty from God for them to thank their Merciful, Compassionate Lord. These are the boundaries of God; do not transgress them with your desires. Follow what you have been commanded by the Source of Revelation. The sincere see God’s ordinances as the water of life for the faithful and the lamp of wisdom and success for those on earth and in the heavens.

30 God has ordained that in every city a House of Justice should be established, where individuals shall gather in the number of Bahá (9), or more if desired. They should regard themselves as entering the presence of the Exalted One, observing the unseen. These members must be the trusted ones of the Merciful among people and the representatives of God for all who dwell on earth. They should consult on the welfare of the servants of God for His sake, just as they consult on their own affairs, and choose what is best. Thus has your Lord, the Mighty, the Forgiving, decreed. Beware not to neglect what is explicitly stated in the Tablet. Fear God, O people of insight.

Verses 31-40

31 O assembly of creation! Build houses as perfectly as possible in the name of the Lord of all religions, in the cities, and adorn them with what befits them, not with images and likenesses. Then remember your Lord, the Merciful, in them with spirit and fragrance. By His remembrance, hearts are enlightened, and eyes are comforted.

32 God has ordained for those of you who are able, to make the pilgrimage to the House, but has excused women from this obligation out of His mercy. Indeed, He is the Bestower, the Generous.

33 O people of Bahá, it is incumbent upon each one of you to engage in some form of occupation, such as crafts, trades, and the like. We have made your engagement in such work equivalent to the worship of God, the True One. Reflect, O people, on the mercy and favors of God, and then thank Him in the evening and at dawn. Do not waste your time in idleness and sloth; engage in activities that benefit yourselves and others. Thus has the matter been decreed in this Tablet, from whose horizon the sun of wisdom and explanation has shone forth. The most despised of men in the sight of God are those who sit idle and seek sustenance. Hold firmly to the rope of means, putting your trust in God, the Provider of all means.

34 God has forbidden you from kissing hands in the Book; this is what you have been prohibited from by your Mighty, All-Powerful Lord. No one is permitted to seek forgiveness from another. Turn to God in repentance yourselves. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Bestower, the Mighty, the Ever-Forgiving.

35 O servants of the Merciful, arise to serve the Cause in such a way that the sorrows of those who disbelieve in the Source of the verses do not overcome you. When the promise was fulfilled and the Promised One appeared, people differed and each group held onto their own conjectures and illusions.

36 Some people sit at the back, seeking prestige, and others claim hidden knowledge and esoteric understanding. Say, O heedless deceiver, who are you? And to those who claim deep inner knowledge, say, O liar, by God, what you possess is mere husks, left for you as bones are left for dogs. By the True One, if someone were to wash the feet of the world, worship God in the wilderness, forests, mountains, and heights, and near every stone, tree, and dust, yet not exude the fragrance of My approval, it would never be accepted. This is the judgment of the Lord of all beings.

Many have secluded themselves on the islands of India, denied themselves what God has permitted, borne ascetic hardships, yet are not remembered by God, the Revealer of the verses. Do not make actions the partner of hopes, nor deprive yourselves of this goal, which was the hope of the near ones in the eternal past. Say, the spirit of deeds is My approval; everything is tied to My acceptance. Read the Tablets to know what is intended in the Books of God, the Mighty, the Bountiful. Whoever wins My love has the right to sit on the throne of gold in the highest place, and whoever is denied it, even if they sit on the dust, they seek refuge from it to God, the Lord of religions.

37 Whoever claims a matter before the completion of a full thousand years is a lying impostor. We ask God to help him to recant if he repents, for He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. But if he persists in what he has said, a punishment will be sent upon him from which there is no escape; He is indeed severe in punishment. Whoever interprets or explains this verse in a way other than its evident meaning is deprived of the Spirit of God and His mercy, which has preceded all worlds. Fear God and do not follow your own illusions; follow what your Almighty, Wise Lord commands you. Soon, there will arise clamor from most lands. Avoid it, O people, and do not follow every wicked, contemptible one. This is what We have informed you of when We were in Iraq, in the land of mystery, and in this luminous spot.

38 O people of the earth, when the sun of My beauty sets and the heaven of My body is concealed, do not be troubled. Arise to assist My Cause and to exalt My word among the people of the world. We are with you in all conditions and will aid you with the truth. We have always been able to do so. Whoever recognizes Me will arise to serve Me with a steadfastness that even the hosts of the heavens and the earth cannot deter.

39 People are asleep; if they were to awaken, they would hasten with their hearts toward God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, and cast aside all that they possess, even if it were all the treasures of the world, so that their Lord might remind them with a word from Himself. Thus, He informs you of what is hidden, through a Tablet that reveals what has appeared in existence, a knowledge that none has attained except His own Self, who reigns over all the worlds. The intoxication of desire has seized them to such an extent that they do not see the Lord of all creation, whose call has been raised from every direction: There is no God but Me, the Mighty, the Wise.

40 Say: Rejoice not in that which you possess, for in the morning it shall belong to another. Thus does the All-Knowing, the All-Informed counsel you. Say: Have you found permanence in that which you possess, or fidelity? No, by Myself, the Most Merciful, if you are among the fair-minded. The days of your life pass as the winds blow, and your glory will be rolled up as was the glory of those before you. Reflect, O people, where are your past days, and where are your vanished years? Blessed are the days that were spent in the remembrance of God, and the hours devoted to His praise, the All-Wise. By My life, the glory of the exalted shall not endure, nor the ornaments of the wealthy, nor the power of the wicked. All shall perish by a single word from Him. Indeed, He is the Almighty, the All-Powerful. What people possess will not benefit them, and what would benefit them, they have neglected. They will awaken, but will find nothing of what they have missed in the days of their Lord, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. If they knew, they would spend all they possess to have their names remembered before the Throne, but they are among the dead.

Verses 41-50

41 Among the people, some are deceived by their knowledge and are thereby veiled from My Name, the Self-Subsisting. When they hear the sound of footsteps behind them, they see themselves as greater than Nimrod. Say: Where is he now, O rejected one? By God, he is in the lowest depths of hell. Say: O concourse of scholars, do you not hear the creaking of My Supreme Pen? Do you not see this sun shining from the most glorious horizon? How long will you continue to worship the idols of your desires? Abandon your illusions and turn toward God, your ancient Lord.

42 The endowments dedicated to charitable purposes have been returned to God, the Manifestation of the Signs. No one is permitted to administer them except with the permission of the Source of Revelation. After Him, the authority is passed to the Aghsán (the branches, referring to Bahá’u’lláh’s descendants), and after them, to the House of Justice, should it be established in the land. They are to use these endowments in elevated places for this Cause and for whatever they are commanded by the Mighty, the Powerful One. If this is not realized, the endowments revert to the people of Bahá, who do not speak except by His permission and do not judge except according to what God has decreed in this Tablet. They are the champions of victory between the heavens and the earth, to use these resources as specified in the Book by the Mighty, the Generous One.

43 Do not despair in calamities, nor rejoice excessively in happiness. Seek a state between the two: to be mindful and aware of what may come to pass in the end. Thus does the All-Knowing, the All-Informed counsel you.

44 Do not shave your heads; God has adorned them with hair, and in this are signs for those who consider the natural order established by the Lord of creation. Indeed, He is the Mighty, the Wise. It is not proper to let it grow beyond the limits of the ears. This is what the Lord of all beings has decreed.

45 It has been decreed that the punishment for a thief is banishment and imprisonment. Upon a third offense, a mark should be placed on the thief’s forehead so that they may be recognized and not accepted in the cities and lands of God. Beware that compassion does not prevent you from carrying out the laws of God. Act according to what you have been commanded by a compassionate and merciful Lord. We have nurtured you with the whips of wisdom and laws for your own protection and the elevation of your station, just as parents nurture their children. By My life, if you knew what We intended for you with Our sacred commandments, you would sacrifice your lives for this holy, exalted, and mighty Cause.

46 Whoever wishes to use vessels of gold and silver, there is no harm in it. However, beware lest your hands immerse into dishes and plates without grace; take what is closest to refinement. He desires to see you adorned with the manners of the people of Paradise in His supreme, invincible dominion. Uphold refinement in all matters so that eyes do not fall upon what is displeasing to your souls and to the inhabitants of Paradise. Whoever disregards this, his action is nullified immediately; but if he has a valid excuse, God will forgive him. Indeed, He is the Mighty, the Generous.

47 There is no partner for the Source of the Cause in the greatest infallibility; He is the Manifestation who does what He wills in the Kingdom of creation. God has reserved this station for Himself, and no one else has been given a share in this mighty, exalted matter. This is the decree of God, which was hidden behind the veils of mystery. We have revealed it in this manifestation, and with it, We have torn the veil of those who did not understand the decree of the Book and were among the heedless.

48 It is enjoined upon every father to educate his son and daughter in learning and writing, and also in what has been prescribed in the Tablet. If he fails to do so, the trustees are to take from him whatever is necessary for their education, provided he is wealthy. Otherwise, the matter is to be referred to the House of Justice. We have made it a refuge for the poor and needy. Whoever educates his son, or any child, it is as though he has educated one of My own children. Upon him be My glory, My loving-kindness, and My mercy that has preceded the worlds.

49 God has decreed that for every man and woman who commits adultery, a fine must be paid to the House of Justice, amounting to nine mithqáls of gold. If they repeat the offense, the penalty is doubled. This is the decree of the Lord of Names for the first and second offenses. For a third offense, they are subjected to a humiliating punishment. Whoever is afflicted by sin should repent and turn back to God. He forgives whom He wills and is not questioned about what He wills, for He is the All-Forgiving, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy.

50 Beware lest the splendors of majesty prevent you from the pure and flowing waters of this clear stream. Take the cups of prosperity in this morning in the name of the Creator of the dawn, and then drink with the remembrance of His mighty and wondrous Name.

Verses 51-60

51 We have permitted you to listen to music and melodies. However, beware that your listening does not lead you away from the path of dignity and reverence. Rejoice in the joy of My Greatest Name, by which hearts are enraptured and the minds of the near ones are attracted. We have made it a ladder for the ascent of souls to the highest horizon. Do not make it the wings of self and desire. I seek refuge in God that you may not be among the ignorant.

52 We have allocated one-third of all blood money (diyah) to the Seat of Justice, and We counsel its members to dispense it with absolute justice, to spend what has accumulated with them on what they have been commanded by the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. O men of justice, be shepherds of the sheep of God in His dominion, and protect them from the wolves who have appeared in garments, just as you would protect your own children. Thus does the trustworthy Counselor advise you.

53 If you differ on any matter, refer it to God as long as the sun is shining from this heaven. And when it sets, refer to what has been revealed from Him, for it is sufficient for the peoples of the world.

Say: O people, do not let turmoil overtake you if the kingdom of My manifestation disappears and the waves of the sea of My utterance become still. In My appearance, there is wisdom, and in My concealment, there is another wisdom known only to God, the One, the All-Knowing. We behold you from Our most glorious horizon, and We shall aid anyone who rises to assist My Cause with the hosts of the celestial realm and a company of the nearest angels.

54 O people of the earth! By the truth of God, rivers of fresh and pure water have gushed forth from the stones due to the sweetness of the utterance of your Lord, the Chosen One, yet you remain heedless. Abandon what you possess and soar with the wings of detachment above the realm of creation. Thus does the Lord of innovation command you, He who, with the movement of His Pen, has turned the worlds upside down.

55 Do you know from which horizon your most glorious Lord calls you? And have you realized by which Pen your Lord, the Possessor of all names, commands you? No, by My life! If you knew, you would abandon the world, turning with your hearts towards the Beloved, and the vibration of the Word would seize you in such a manner that the greater world would tremble, let alone this lesser world. Thus, from the heaven of My bounty, the showers of My grace have poured down as a favor from Me, so that you may be among the thankful.

56 As for injuries to the head and body, their rulings vary according to their severity, and the Judge (or the All-Knowing One) has prescribed a specific compensation (diyah) for each level. Indeed, He is the Mighty, the Exalted Judge. If We so wish, We could detail them with justice, as a promise from Us. Verily, He is the Fulfiller, the Most High.

57 Hospitality has been prescribed for you once each month, even if it is only with water. God has desired to bring hearts together, even through the means of heaven and earth.

58 Beware lest the affairs of the self and desire cause division among you. Be like the fingers of one hand and the limbs of one body. Thus does the Pen of Revelation counsel you, if you are of those who believe with certainty.

59 Behold the mercy and grace of God. He commands you that which benefits you, though He is independent of all the worlds. Your evil deeds do not harm Us, just as your good deeds do not benefit Us. We call you only for the sake of God; this is witnessed by every discerning, clear-sighted one.

60 If you send out hunting animals to catch prey, mention the name of God, and what they catch for you is permissible, even if you find it dead. Indeed, He is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. Beware that you do not act excessively in this matter. Be on the path of justice and fairness in all things. Thus does the Source of Revelation command you, if you are among those who understand.

Verses 61-70

61 God has commanded you to show love and kindness to your kindred, but He has not ordained for them any right to the wealth of the people. Indeed, He is the One Who is independent of all the worlds.

62 Whoever deliberately burns a house, burn him; and whoever intentionally kills a person, kill him. Take the laws of God with the hands of power and might, and abandon the ways of the ignorant. However, if you decide to imprison them for life, there is no harm in this according to the Book. Indeed, He is the Judge over what He wills.

63 God has enjoined upon you marriage. Beware that you do not exceed two wives. He who is content with one maid will ensure his own tranquility and hers as well. There is no harm for the one who chooses a virgin for his service. Thus has the matter been recorded by the Pen of Revelation in truth. Marry, O people, so that there may appear from you those who will remember Me among My servants. This is My commandment to you; take it as an aid for yourselves.

64 O people of creation! Do not follow your own selves, for they incite to oppression and lewdness. Follow the Lord of all things, who commands you to righteousness and piety. Indeed, He is independent of all the worlds. Beware that you do not corrupt the earth after it has been reformed, and whoever causes corruption is not of Us, and We are clear of him. Thus has the matter been revealed from the heaven of Revelation in truth.

65 It has been stipulated in the Bayán that marriage should be by the consent of both parties. However, We, desiring love, affection, and unity among the servants, have attached it to the permission of the parents, that no discord or resentment may arise between them. We have other purposes in this as well. Thus has the matter been decreed.

66 Marriage is not consummated without the payment of a dowry. It has been ordained that in the cities, the dowry shall be nineteen mithqáls of pure gold, and in the villages, silver. Whoever wishes to give more is forbidden to exceed ninety-five mithqáls. Thus has the matter been inscribed with glory. He who is content with the first option is better off, according to the Book. God enriches whom He wills through the means of heaven and earth, and God has power over all things.

67 God has ordained that any servant who wishes to leave his homeland must set a specific time with his spouse for his return, in whatever duration he desires. If he returns and fulfills his promise, he has followed the command of his Lord and is among the righteous, as recorded by the Pen of Command. However, if he has a genuine excuse, he should inform his wife and make every effort to return to her. If neither of these conditions is met, she is to wait for a period of nine months. After the completion of this period, she is free to choose another husband, but if she chooses to remain patient, God loves those who are patient.

Follow My commandments and do not follow every polytheist who has been sinful in the Book. If news of the husband reaches her during her waiting period, she may resume the marriage if she so desires, for God seeks to reconcile matters between His servants. Beware of engaging in actions that create enmity between you, for thus has the matter been decreed, and the promise fulfilled.

If news of the husband’s death or murder reaches her, confirmed by widespread report or by two just witnesses, she is to remain in the house for a specified period. After this time has passed, she is free to make her own choice in what she wishes. This is the command issued by the One who is firm in His decree.

68 If discord or aversion arises between them, the husband is not permitted to divorce her immediately. Instead, he is to be patient for a full year, hoping that the fragrance of love may once again emanate between them. If, at the end of the year, no such fragrance has emerged, then divorce is permissible, for God is wise in all things. God has forbidden you from divorcing more than three times, as a bounty from Him, so that you may be among the grateful. This has been inscribed in the Tablet by the Pen of Command. The one who divorces has the option to reconcile within one month with mutual love and consent, as long as she has not taken another husband. If she has, the separation becomes final, and a new union is required to restore the relationship. Thus has the matter been decreed by the Source of Beauty in the Tablet of Glory, inscribed with honor.

69 “And if a man travels and his wife travels with him, and then discord arises between them, he must provide her with a full year’s allowance and return her to the place from which she departed, or entrust her to the care of a trustworthy person along with what she needs for the journey to take her to her destination. Verily, your Lord decrees as He wills, with a power that encompasses all things.”

70 “And the one who is divorced for proven misconduct shall have no allowance during her waiting period. Thus has the Orb of the Cause shone forth from the horizon of justice. Verily, God loves unity and concord and abhors separation and divorce. Associate, O people, with each other in the spirit of joy and fragrance. By My life! All that exists shall perish, and what will endure is righteous deeds. God is witness to what I say. O My servants! Reconcile your differences and then heed the counsel of the Most Exalted Pen. Do not follow a tyrannical and wretched one.”

Verses 71-80

71 Beware lest the world deceive you as it has deceived those before you. Follow the limits and laws of God, and then walk this path which has been extended in truth. Verily, those who abandon oppression and wrongdoing and embrace piety, they are among the best of creation in the sight of God. The hosts of the celestial realm and those who dwell in this station, exalted in the name of God, remember them.

72 It has been forbidden to sell maidservants and servants. No one is permitted to buy a servant, as decreed in the Tablet of God. Thus the matter has been inscribed by the Pen of Justice with grace. No one should boast over another, for all are servants and signs that there is no God but Him. He has been wise in all things.

73 Adorn yourselves with the ornament of deeds, for whoever has succeeded in acting to attain His good pleasure is indeed among the people of glory and is remembered at the Throne. Support the Lord of Creation through good deeds, and then through wisdom and eloquence. Thus have you been commanded in most of the Tablets by the All-Merciful, for He is fully aware of what I say. Let no one object to another, nor take one life for another. This is what you have been forbidden in the Book, veiled in the pavilion of might. Will you kill whom God has brought to life with a spirit from Him? This is a grievous wrong in the sight of the Throne. Fear God, and do not destroy what God has built with the hands of oppression and tyranny. Then take the path to the Truth. When the armies of knowledge appeared with the banners of expression, the tribes of religions were vanquished, except for those who desired to drink from the Kawthar of life in a paradise that came from the essence of the Exalted One.

74 God has decreed purity for the water of semen as a mercy from Him to humanity. Thank Him with joy and spiritual fragrance, and do not follow those who are far from the Source of closeness. Rise up to serve the Cause in all conditions, for He strengthens you with a power that encompasses the world. Hold fast to the cord of cleanliness so that no traces of dirt are seen on your garments. This is the decree of the One who is more subtle than all subtlety. And for those who have an excuse, there is no blame upon them; He is indeed the Forgiving, the Merciful. Purify every disliked thing with water that has not changed in its essential properties. Beware of using water that has been altered by air or any other substance. Be an element of refinement among humanity. This is what your Lord, the Mighty, the Wise, has willed for you.

75 And likewise, God has removed the law of impurity from all things and from other religions as a gift from God. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Generous. All things have been immersed in the ocean of purity from the first day of Ridván, when We manifested to those in existence with Our most beautiful names and highest attributes. This is from My bounty which has encompassed the worlds, so that you may associate with the followers of other religions and proclaim the Cause of your Lord, the Merciful. This is the crown of deeds, if you are among those who know.

76 And He has decreed the utmost refinement and the washing of what has been covered by dust, and how much more so of encrusted dirt and filth beneath it. Fear God and be among the purified. The one who sees dirt on his garment, his prayer does not ascend to God, and the hosts on high distance themselves from him. Use rosewater, then pure perfume; this is what God has loved from the beginning that has no beginning, so that there may exude from you the fragrance your Lord, the Mighty, the Wise, has desired.

77 God has forgiven you what was revealed in the Bayán regarding the obliteration of books, and has permitted you to read from sciences that benefit you, not those that lead to disputes in words. This is better for you if you are of those who understand.

78 O assembly of kings! The Sovereign has come, and the kingdom belongs to God, the All-Possessing, the Almighty, the Ever-Abiding. Worship none but God and turn with radiant hearts toward the countenance of your Lord, the Lord of Names. This is a command that surpasses whatever you possess, if you but knew.

79 Indeed, We see you rejoice in what you have gathered for others and deprive yourselves of the worlds that none but the Preserved Tablet can reckon. Wealth has occupied you from the ultimate end—this is not befitting for you, if you but knew. Purify your hearts from the stench of the world, hastening toward the Kingdom of your Lord, the Creator of earth and heaven, by whom the earthquakes appeared and the tribes lamented, except for those who cast aside the world and took what was commanded in the Hidden Tablet.

80 This is the Day on which Moses attained the lights of the Ancient One and drank the pure waters of reunion from this cup, by which the seas were set aflame. Say: By the truth of God, Mount Sinai circles around the Source of the Revelation, and the Spirit calls from the Kingdom: “Come, O sons of vanity!” This is the Day on which the hosts of God hastened in longing to meet Him, and Zion cried out: “The promise has been fulfilled, and that which was written in the Tablets of God, the Exalted, the Almighty, the Beloved, has appeared.”

Verses 81-90

81 O assembly of kings! The Most Great Law has been revealed in the Most Luminous Station, and every hidden matter has been made manifest by the Lord of Decree. By Him, the Hour has come, and the moon has been cleft asunder, and every irrevocable matter has been clearly distinguished.

82 O assembly of kings! You are but vassals; the Sovereign has appeared in the most glorious attire and calls you to His own Self, the All-Possessing, the Ever-Abiding. Beware lest pride prevent you from the Day-Spring of Revelation, or the world veil you from the Creator of the heavens. Rise to serve the Purpose for which you were created by a word from Him, and He has made you manifestations of power over what has been and what will be.

83 By God, We do not desire to rule over your kingdoms; rather, We have come to rule over hearts, for they are the place of Bahá’s vision. The Kingdom of Names bears witness to this, if only you understood. Whoever follows his Lord has turned away from the entire world—how much more from this glorious station! Leave your houses and turn toward the Kingdom; this will benefit you in both this world and the next. The Sovereign of Power bears witness to this, if only you knew.

84 Blessed is the king who arises to support My Cause in My kingdom and detaches himself from all else. He is one of the people of the Crimson Ark, which God has made for the people of Bahá. It is fitting for everyone to honor, revere, and assist him, that he may conquer cities with the keys of My Name, the One Who rules over all in the realms of the unseen and the seen. He is as the sight of mankind, the most radiant crown upon the brow of creation, and the head of generosity for the body of the world. Support him, O people of Bahá, with wealth and lives.

85 O King of Austria! The Dawning-Place of the Light of Divine Unity was in the prison of ’Akká when you visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque. You passed by and did not inquire about Him, even though with Him every house was exalted and every lofty gate was opened. We made Him the Object of the world’s direction for My remembrance, yet you rejected the One remembered when He appeared with the Kingdom of God, your Lord and the Lord of the worlds. We were with you in all conditions and found you clinging to the branch, heedless of the root. Your Lord bears witness to what I say. Our hearts were grieved as We saw you turning to My name but unaware of Me before your face. Open your eyes that you may behold this noble scene and recognize the One you call upon in the nights and days, and see the light shining from this radiant horizon.

86 Say: O King of Berlin! Hear the call from this manifest Temple: There is no God but Me, the Everlasting, the Ancient. Let not pride veil you from the Dawn of Revelation, nor desire hinder you from the Lord of the Throne and of earth. Thus does the Most Exalted Pen counsel you, for He is the Gracious, the Generous. Recall one greater than you in station and mightier than you in rank; where is he now, and what does he possess? Be alert and do not be among the heedless. He cast behind him the Tablet of God when We informed him of the armies of the oppressors that had come against Us. Thus, humiliation overtook him from all sides until he returned to dust in great loss. O King, reflect on him and on others like him who dominated the lands and ruled over the people. The Merciful brought them down from their palaces to their graves. Take heed and be among those who remember.

87 We desire nothing from you; We only counsel you for the sake of God, and We endure with patience that which has befallen Us from you, O assembly of kings.

88 O Kings of America and Presidents of the Republics therein! Hearken to that which the Dove is warbling on the Branch of Eternity: There is no God but Me, the Ever-Abiding, the Forgiving, the Generous. Adorn the temple of dominion with the raiment of justice and piety, and its head with the crown of the remembrance of your Lord, the Creator of the heavens. Thus does the Dawning-Place of Names command you, from One Who is All-Knowing, All-Wise. The Promised One has appeared in this glorious station, by which the lips of existence have smiled in the seen and unseen. Seize the Day of God, for meeting Him is better for you than all that the sun shines upon, if you are of those who understand.

O assembly of rulers! Hear the call that has been raised from the Dawning-Place of Grandeur: There is no God but Me, the Speaker, the All-Knowing. Heal the broken with the hands of justice, and crush the oppressor who is whole with the scourge of the commandments of your Lord, the Ordainer, the Wise.

89 O company of Rome! We hear among you the sound of the owl. Has the intoxication of desire seized you, or are you among the heedless? O point situated on the shore of the two seas! The throne of oppression has been established upon you, and the fire of hatred has been ignited within you to such an extent that it has caused lamentation in the Concourse on high and those who circle around the exalted Throne. We see within you the ignorant ruling over the wise, and darkness boasting over the light, while you are in manifest delusion. Your outward adornment has deceived you. By the Lord of creation! It will perish, and the daughters and widows, and the tribes among you, shall weep. Thus does the All-Knowing, the All-Informed give you tidings.

90 O banks of the River Rhine! We have seen you covered with blood, as the swords of retribution were drawn against you, and again you shall have it.

We hear the lamentation of Berlin, though she is now in manifest glory.

Verses 91-100

91 O Land of Ṭ, do not grieve over anything, for God has made you the source of the world’s joy. Should He so will, He may bless your throne with one who will rule with justice and gather the scattered sheep of God from the wolves. He shall greet the people of Bahá with joy and gladness. Verily, he is of the essence of creation before the True One. Upon him rest the glory of God and the glory of those in the Kingdom of Command at all times.

92 Rejoice in that God has made you the horizon of light, for in you was born the Dawn of Manifestation, and you were named with this name by which the light of grace shone forth and the heavens and the earth were illumined.

93 Things will be overturned within you, and the masses shall pass judgment upon you. Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Encompassing. Be at peace through the grace of your Lord; indeed, the moments of divine bounty shall not cease from you. Tranquility shall follow the turmoil. Thus has the matter been decreed in a wondrous Book.

94 O Land of Khá! We hear within you the voices of men extolling your Lord, the Self-Sufficient, the Most Exalted. Blessed is the day when the banners of the Names are raised in the Kingdom of Creation in My Most Glorious Name. On that day, the sincere will rejoice in the victory of God, while the disbelievers will lament.

95 No one should object to those who rule over the people. Leave them to what they have and turn towards the hearts.

96 O Greatest Sea! Sprinkle upon the nations that which you have been commanded by the Ancient Lord, and adorn the temples of humankind with the fabric of the laws through which hearts may rejoice and eyes be brightened.

97 He who possesses a hundred mithqáls of gold, nineteen mithqáls thereof belong to God, the Creator of earth and heaven. Beware, O people, lest you withhold yourselves from this great bounty. We have commanded you this, although We are self-sufficient and in need of none of you or anyone in the heavens and the earth. Within this are wisdom and benefits which none can comprehend except God, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. Say: Through this, He has desired the purification of your wealth and your drawing nearer to stations that none can attain except those whom God has willed. Verily, He is the Most Bountiful, the All-Powerful, the Most Generous.

O people, do not betray the rights of God nor deal with them except with His permission. Thus has the matter been decreed in the Tablets and in this mighty Tablet. He who betrays God will be dealt with justly, but he who acts according to what is commanded, blessings shall descend upon him from the heaven of His bounteous gifts. Verily, He desired for you that which you do not know today; it will be known to the people when souls take flight and the rugs of joy are rolled up. Thus does He remind you through a guarded Tablet.

98 Various petitions have reached the Throne from those who have believed, asking of God, the Lord of what is seen and what is unseen, the Lord of all the worlds. Thus, We have revealed this Tablet and adorned it with the ornament of the command, so that the people may act in accordance with the ordinances of their Lord. In previous years, We were also asked regarding these matters on many occasions, but We held back the Pen in wisdom until letters arrived from a few souls in these days. Therefore, We responded to them with truth, that which enlivens the hearts.

99 Say: O concourse of scholars, do not weigh the Book of God with the rules and sciences you possess. It is the balance of truth among the people. What the nations have can be weighed with this Most Great Balance, and it is self-sufficient, if you but know.

100 The eye of My favor weeps for you, for you have not recognized the One whom you call upon in the evening and at dawn, at every sunset and daybreak. Turn, O people, with radiant faces and hearts filled with light, to the blessed crimson spot where the Lote-Tree of the farthest limit proclaims: “There is no God but Me, the All-Possessing, the Self-Subsisting.”

Verses 101-110

101 O concourse of scholars, can any one of you match Me in the field of mystical insight and knowledge, or race with Me in the course of wisdom and expression? No, by My Lord, the All-Merciful! All that is on earth shall perish, and this is the Face of your Lord, the Mighty, the Beloved.

102 O people, We have ordained knowledge for the recognition of the known, yet you have become veiled by it from its source, through which every hidden matter has been revealed. If you knew the horizon from which the sun of speech has dawned, you would abandon the people and what they possess and turn toward the praiseworthy station.

103 Say, this is the heaven wherein lies the hidden treasure, the Mother Book, if you could but understand. This is that which caused the rock to cry out and the Lote-Tree to call on the lofty Mount upon the holy land: The sovereignty belongs to God, the Almighty, the Beloved.

104 I have not entered schools, nor have I studied scholarly works. Hear what this unlettered One calls you to—the Everlasting God. This is better for you than all that is treasured in the earth, if you but understand.

105 One who interprets what has been revealed from the heaven of Revelation and deviates from its outward meaning is among those who have distorted the exalted Word of God and is accounted as one of the losers in the clear Book.

106 You are enjoined to trim your nails and immerse your bodies in water that completely surrounds you every week, and to cleanse your bodies with what you have previously used. Beware that heedlessness does not prevent you from what you have been commanded by the Mighty, the Great. Enter fresh water; used water is not permitted for immersion. Do not approach the reservoirs of the Persian baths; whoever seeks them out finds their foul odor even before entering. Avoid them, O people, and do not be among the abased. It is likened to pus and filth if you are among the discerning. Likewise, abandon their foul basins and be among the sanctified. We desire to see you as manifestations of paradise on earth, so that the fragrance emanating from you may gladden the hearts of those who are near. Pouring water over oneself and washing the body is sufficient and preferable, and spares you from immersion. He has willed to ease matters for you as a bounty from His presence so that you may be among the grateful.

107 Your fathers’ wives have been forbidden to you. We are ashamed to mention the law concerning boys. Fear the All-Merciful, O people of the world, and do not commit what you have been forbidden in the Tablet, nor be among those who wander in the wilderness of desires.

108 No one should raise their voice in public as they walk in streets or marketplaces. Rather, whoever wishes to engage in remembrance should do so either in a place designated for the remembrance of God or in their home. This is closer to sincerity and piety. Thus has the sun of wisdom shone forth from the horizon of the Revelation. Blessed are those who act accordingly.

109 It has been ordained for every soul to write a will. Let them adorn its heading with the Greatest Name, declare therein the oneness of God in the Manifestation of His appearance, and include within it whatever good deeds they wish to be remembered for, that it may bear witness to them in the worlds of command and creation and serve as a treasure for them in the presence of their Lord, the Faithful Guardian.

110 The festivals have been limited to the two greatest festivals. The first is the days during which the Most Merciful manifested Himself to those in existence through His most excellent names and supreme attributes, and the second is the day when We raised up the one who announced to the people this name by which the dead were raised to life, and all in the heavens and the earth, as well as those who came after, were gathered. Thus has the matter been decreed by One who is all-knowing.

Verses 111-120

111 Blessed is the one who attains the first day of the month of Bahá, which God has made for this great Name. Blessed is the one who manifests God’s bounty upon themselves on this day, for they are among those who show gratitude to God through their actions, which demonstrate His favor that encompasses the worlds. Say: It is the foremost of months and its beginning, and in it the breath of life passes over all created things. Blessed is the one who encounters it with spirit and joy, for we bear witness that they are among the victorious.

112 Say: The Greatest Festival is the sovereign of all festivals. O people, remember God’s bounty upon you, for when you were asleep, He awakened you with the breezes of revelation and made known to you His clear and straight path.

113 If you fall ill, refer to skilled physicians. We have not abolished the means, but rather established them through this Pen, which God has made the dawning-place of His radiant and shining Cause.

114 God has ordained for every soul to present before the Throne what they possess, of that which has no equal. We have, however, pardoned this as a favor from Us. Truly, He is the Most Generous, the Bestower.

115 Blessed is the one who turns towards the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár (Dawning Place of the Remembrance of God) at dawn, remembering, reflecting, and seeking forgiveness. And when they enter, they should sit in silence, listening to the verses of God, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the Praised. Say, the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár is every house built for My remembrance in cities and villages. Thus it has been named before the Throne, if you are among those who understand.

116 And those who recite the verses of the Most Merciful with the most melodious tones, they perceive from them that which no dominion of the heavens and the earth can equal, and through them they discover the fragrance of My worlds, which today are known only to those endowed with vision from this exalted station. Say, it draws pure hearts to spiritual worlds that cannot be expressed by words nor pointed to by signs. Blessed are those who listen.

117 Support, O people, My chosen ones, who have arisen to remember Me among My creation and to elevate My Word in My dominion. They are the stars of the heaven of My care and the lamps of My guidance for all beings. And whoever speaks contrary to what has been revealed in My Tablets, he is not of Me. Beware that you do not follow every sinful claimant. The Tablets have been adorned with the seal of the Breaker of the Dawn, who speaks between the heavens and the earth. Hold fast to the sure handle and the strong cord of My command.

118 God has permitted those who wish to learn different languages to do so, in order to proclaim the Cause of God throughout the East and West of the earth and to mention Him among nations and peoples. Through this, hearts may be drawn, and every lifeless bone may be revived.

119 It is not befitting for a person of wisdom to consume that which robs him of reason. Instead, he should engage in what befits a human being, not in actions committed by every heedless and suspicious soul.

120 Adorn your heads with the crown of trustworthiness and loyalty, your hearts with the garment of piety, your tongues with pure truthfulness, and your bodies with the mantle of courtesy. All of these are innate to human nature, if you are among those who perceive. O people of Bahá, hold firmly to the cord of servitude to the True God. Through it, your stations will be revealed, your names will be established, and your ranks and remembrances will be elevated in a well-guarded Tablet. Beware that nothing on earth prevents you from attaining this exalted, noble station. We have counseled you regarding this in many Tablets, and in this Tablet, from whose horizon the radiant ordinances of your Almighty, All-Wise Lord shine forth.

Verses 121-130

121 When the sea of reunion is stilled, and the Book of Origin reaches its end, turn towards Him whom God has willed, the one who branched from this ancient Root.

122 Consider the people and their lack of reason: they seek what harms them and abandon what benefits them—truly, they are among the wanderers. We see some people desiring freedom and taking pride in it, yet they are in manifest ignorance.

123 Freedom ends in consequences that lead to discord, whose fire cannot be extinguished—thus informs you the Reckoner, the All-Knowing. Know that the sources and manifestations of freedom are found in animals. For humanity, it is necessary to be under laws that protect them from the ignorance of their own selves and the harm of the deceitful. Freedom removes a person from the realm of courtesy and dignity, reducing them to the lowest of the low.

124 Observe the people; they are like sheep, in need of a shepherd to protect them—this is indeed an absolute truth. We affirm this in certain contexts but not in others, for We are all-knowing.

125 Say: True freedom lies in following My commandments, if you are of those who know. If people were to follow what We have revealed to them from the heaven of divine revelation, they would find themselves in absolute freedom. Blessed is the one who understands the purpose of God in what has been revealed from the heaven of His will, which reigns supreme over all the worlds. Say: The freedom that benefits you is found in servitude to the True God, and whoever has tasted its sweetness will not trade it for the kingdom of the heavens and the earth.

126 You are forbidden to ask questions in the Bayán; God has pardoned this, so that you may ask what your souls need, not what the men before you have spoken of. Fear God, and be among the God-fearing. Ask what benefits you in the Cause of God and His dominion. The door of grace has been opened to those in the heavens and the earth.

127 The number of months is nineteen in the Book of God. The first of them has been adorned with this name that reigns supreme over all the worlds.

128 God has ordained the burial of the dead in crystal, stone resistant to decay, or fine, hard woods, and the placing of engraved rings on their fingers. Truly, He is the All-Knowing, the Ordainer.

129 It is prescribed for men, and to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and God is All-Knowing of all things. And for the women, to God belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and God is All-Powerful over all things. This is what was revealed before, and the Point of the Bayán calls out, saying:

O Beloved of the worlds, speak in this station with that which will diffuse the fragrances of Your bounties among the peoples of the world. We have informed all that no word from You can be equal to what was revealed in the Bayán. Truly, You are the One powerful to do what You will. Do not withhold from Your servants the outpourings of the ocean of Your mercy, for You are the One with great bounty. We have answered what was desired, for He is the Beloved, the Responsive.

If what is revealed at this moment from God were engraved upon it, it would be better for them and for her. Truly, We have been the Judge.

I began from God and returned to Him, detached from all else, and clinging to His name, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Thus does God single out whom He wills by a bounty from Himself. Truly, He is the Mighty, the Powerful.

130 And if you shroud him in five garments of silk or cotton—whoever is unable, one of either will suffice—thus has the matter been decreed by the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. You are forbidden to transport the dead beyond the distance of one hour from the city. Bury him with spirit and fragrance in a nearby place.

Verses 131-140

131 God has abrogated what was decreed in the Bayán regarding the limitation of journeys. He is indeed the Chosen One, doing whatsoever He wills and ordaining what He desires.

132 O concourse of creation! Hear the call of the Lord of Names. He calls you from His Most Great Prison: Truly, there is no God but Me, the Almighty, the Majestic, the Subduer, the Exalted, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. There is no God but Him, the Almighty over all the worlds. If He wills, He can seize the world with a single word from His presence. Beware that you do not hesitate in this Cause, to which the Concourse on High and the dwellers in the cities of names have submitted. Fear God and do not be of the veiled. Burn away the veils with the fire of My love, and the clouds of glory with this Name by which We have subdued all the worlds.

133 Raise up the two houses in the two stations and the places wherein the Throne of your Lord, the Most Merciful, has been established. Thus your Master, the Knower of all things, commands you.

134 Beware lest the affairs of the earth prevent you from that which you have been commanded by the Mighty, the Trustworthy. Be manifestations of steadfastness among humanity, so that the doubts of those who have disbelieved in God, when He has appeared with great authority, do not hinder you. Beware lest what has been revealed in the former book keep you from this Book, which proclaims the truth: There is no God but Me, the Almighty, the All-Praised. Look with the eye of justice upon the One who has come from the heaven of divine will and power, and do not be among the wrongdoers.

135 Then recall what flowed from the Pen of My Herald concerning the mention of this Revelation, and what the tyrants committed in His days. Indeed, they are among the most lost. He said, if you attain what We reveal, you will ask from the grace of God for Him to reign upon your innermost selves, for that is a glory beyond reach. For Him to drink a cup of water with you is greater than for every soul to drink of His own existence, indeed greater than all things. O My servants, if only you could perceive.

136 This is what has been revealed from Him as a reminder for My own Self, if only you knew. And whoever reflects on these verses and discovers the hidden pearls within them, by God, will find the fragrance of the Merciful emanating from the direction of the prison, and his heart will hasten toward it with longing—nothing will stop him, not the armies of the heavens or the earth. Say: This is the Revelation around which evidence and proof circle. Thus has the Merciful revealed it, if you are among the fair-minded. Say: This is the spirit of the books, breathed into the Most Exalted Pen, and all of creation has been thunderstruck, except those who have been touched by the breezes of My mercy and the sweet fragrances of the Most Glorious One, which dominate all the worlds.

137 O concourse of the Bayán! Fear the Merciful, and then behold what He has revealed in another station. He said, “The Qiblih is He Whom God shall make manifest. Whenever He turns, you must turn to Him until He is settled.” Thus has it been revealed by the Lord of Destiny when He willed to mention this Most Great Sight. Reflect, O people, and do not be among the wanderers. If you deny Him according to your own desires, to which Qiblih will you turn, O heedless ones? Reflect upon this verse, and then be fair in your judgment before God, that you may find the pearls of mysteries from the ocean surging with My name, the Mighty, the Inaccessible.

138 No one should hold to anything today except that which has appeared in this Revelation. This is the command of God, before and after, and with it He has adorned the scriptures of former generations. This is the mention of God, before and after, with which He has embroidered the fabric of the Book of Existence, if you are of those who perceive. This is the command of God, before and after. Beware lest you be of the abased. Nothing can avail you today, and no one has any refuge but God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Whoever has known Me has known the intended purpose; whoever has turned to Me has turned to the Worshiped One. Thus has it been detailed in the Book, and the matter has been decreed by God, the Lord of the worlds. Whoever reads a verse from My verses, it is better for him than reading the books of the former and latter generations. This is the declaration of the Merciful, if you are of those who listen. Say: This is true knowledge, if you are of those who recognize.

139 Then consider what has been revealed in another station, that you might abandon what you possess, turning toward God, the Lord of the worlds. He said that marriage is not lawful unless it is according to the Bayán, and that if one enters, the other is forbidden from claiming ownership of what belongs to them unless it is returned after the matter is raised up to Him Whom God shall make manifest in truth or to that which has appeared with justice. Before this, you should draw near, that you may by this raise up the command of God. Thus has the Dove sung upon the branches in remembrance of her Lord, the Merciful. Blessed are those who listen.

140 O concourse of the Bayán! I adjure you by your Lord, the Merciful, to look upon what has been revealed in truth with the eye of justice, and do not be among those who see the proof of God and yet deny it—indeed, they are among the lost. The Point of the Bayán has openly declared in this verse the exaltation of My Cause above His own Cause. This is witnessed by every fair-minded and knowledgeable person, as you see today. It has risen to a station that none can deny except those whose eyes have been intoxicated in the former and in the latter. For them is a humiliating punishment.

Verses 141-150

141 Say: By God! I am indeed His Beloved, and now He hears what is revealed from the heaven of revelation and laments for what you have done in His days. Fear God, and do not be of the transgressors. Say: O people, if you do not believe in Him, then do not oppose Him. By God, the hosts of the oppressors who have already gathered against Him are sufficient.

142 He has revealed certain laws so that the Most Exalted Pen would not move in this Revelation except to mention His exalted stations and His most glorious vision. And when We desired to show bounty, We have detailed them in truth and eased what We desired for you. Truly, He is the Most Bountiful, the Most Generous.

143 He has informed you previously of what this Most Wise Reminder will utter. He said—and His word is the truth—that it speaks on every matter, “There is none other God but Me, the One, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.” This is a station God has designated for this most wondrous, most exalted Revelation. This is from the grace of God, if you are of those who know. This is from His irrevocable command, His greatest name, His supreme word, and the dawning place of His most excellent names, if you are of those who understand. Indeed, by it, all the rising and setting points are made manifest. Reflect, O people, on what has been revealed in truth, and ponder it, and do not be of the transgressors.

144 Consort with the followers of all religions in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship, that they may inhale from you the sweet fragrance of God. Beware lest the zeal of ignorance overtake you among humanity. Every beginning is from God, and unto Him it returns. He is indeed the source of creation and the ultimate destination of all the worlds.

145 Enter not any house in the absence of its owner except with his permission. Adhere to what is proper in all circumstances, and be not among the heedless.

146 You have been enjoined to purify your sustenance and whatsoever is beneath it through the payment of zakát. This is what has been decreed by the Revealer of Verses on this sacred parchment. We shall specify for you its minimum amount if God so wills and desires. He indeed expounds whatsoever He wishes with knowledge from His presence; verily, He is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

147 Begging is not permitted, and to him who is asked, it is forbidden to give. It has been enjoined upon everyone to earn a living, and should anyone be incapable, it is for the trustees and the wealthy to provide what is necessary. Act in accordance with the ordinances and laws of God, and guard them as you would your eyes, and be not of the losers.

148 You have been forbidden in the Book from contention, disputes, striking, and the like—those things which sadden hearts and souls. Whoever causes grief to another must pay nineteen mithqáls of gold. This is what the Lord of all worlds has decreed. Yet He has pardoned you from this in this Revelation and enjoins you to kindness and piety as a command from Him in this luminous Tablet. Desire not for anyone what you would not desire for yourselves. Fear God, and be not of the arrogant. You were all created from water, and unto dust you shall return. Reflect upon your end, and be not of the unjust. Hear what the Lote-Tree recites to you of the verses of God—it is indeed the balance of guidance from God, the Lord of the Last and the First. By it souls soar to the Source of Revelation, and the hearts of those who turn to Him are illumined. These are the bounds of God, prescribed for you; these are the commandments of God with which you have been charged in the Tablet. Act with a spirit of friendliness and fellowship; this is better for you, if you are of those who perceive.

149 Recite the verses of God every morning and evening. He who does not recite has not fulfilled the covenant of God and His testament, and whoever turns away from it today is among those who turned away from God in the eternity of eternities. Fear God, O My servants, all of you. Let not the abundance of reading and deeds, day and night, deceive you. If one should read a single verse with spirit and joy, it is better for him than to recite the holy scriptures of God, the Sovereign, the Self-Subsisting, with listlessness. Recite the verses of God to the extent that you are not overcome by weariness or sadness. Do not burden souls with what will make them lethargic and heavy; rather, give them what will lighten them, so they may soar with the wings of the verses to the dawn of clear evidences. This is closer to God, if you but understand.

150 Teach your children what has been sent down from the Heaven of Grandeur and Might, that they may recite the Tablets of the Merciful in the best melodies within the chambers built in the Mashriq-ul-Adhkárs. Whoever is enraptured by the love of My name, the Merciful, shall recite the verses of God in such a manner that the hearts of those who slumber will be moved. Blessed is he who drinks the nectar of life from the utterance of his Lord, the Merciful, by this name, through which every lofty and towering mountain has been shattered.

Verses 151-160

151 You are commanded to renew the furnishings of your homes after the passing of nineteen years. Thus has the matter been decreed by One Who is All-Knowing, All-Wise. He desires thereby to bring ease and refinement to you and what you possess. Fear God, and be not of the heedless. As for those who are unable, God has pardoned them; indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Generous.

152 Wash your feet every day in summer, and in winter, once every three days.

153 And if anyone should anger you, meet them with kindness; and whoever rebukes you, do not rebuke them in return. Leave them to themselves and put your trust in God, the Avenger, the Just, the Almighty.

154 You are forbidden to ascend to pulpits. Whoever wishes to recite the verses of his Lord before you, let him be seated upon the chair placed on the platform and mention God, his Lord and the Lord of all the worlds. God has loved your sitting upon platforms and chairs out of honor for what you possess of the love of God and the dawning-place of His radiant Cause.

155 Gambling and opium are forbidden to you. Avoid them, O people, and do not transgress. Beware lest you use that which will weaken your bodies and harm your minds. We have only desired for you that which benefits you; this is testified by all things, if you would but hear.

156 When you are invited to banquets and gatherings, respond with joy and radiance. He who fulfills his promise is safe from reproach. This is the day in which every wise matter has been clearly set forth.

157 The mystery of inversion has appeared as a symbol of the Chief. Blessed is the one whom God has assisted in recognizing the six that have been exalted by this upright ’Alif. Verily, he is among the sincere. How many ascetics have turned away, and how many renunciants have come forward, proclaiming, “Praise be unto You, O Desired One of the worlds!” The matter is in the hands of God; He bestows upon whomsoever He wills whatever He wills, and withholds from whomsoever He wills whatever He desires. He knows the secrets of hearts and the glances of the scoffers. How many heedless souls have approached with purity, and We have seated them upon the throne of acceptance. And how many learned ones have We returned to the fire, as an act of justice on Our part. Verily, We are the Judge. He is the Manifestation through whom God does as He wills, and the One who rests upon the throne, ruling as He desires.

158 Blessed is he who perceives the fragrance of meanings from the traces of this Pen, which, when it moves, the breath of God wafts through all else, and when it stops, the essence of tranquility appears within existence. Exalted is the Merciful, the Manifestation of this mighty favor. Say: Through the weight of oppression, the light of justice has appeared in all else, and through acceptance of abasement, the glory of God has shone forth among the worlds.

159 You are forbidden to carry weapons except in times of necessity, and it is permitted for you to wear silk. God has lifted from you the restriction on clothing and beards as a favor from Him; indeed, He is the All-Knowing Ordainer. Act in a manner that upright minds would not find objectionable, and do not make yourselves a plaything for the ignorant. Blessed is he who adorns himself with the raiment of manners and morals; he is among those who have aided his Lord with clear and evident deeds.

160 Build up the cities and lands of God, and then remember Him within them with the melodies of those who are near to Him. Hearts are, indeed, cultivated by the tongue, just as homes and cities are built by the hand and by other means. We have appointed a cause for everything from Our presence; hold fast to it and trust in the All-Wise, the All-Knowing.

Verses 161-170

161 Blessed is the one who acknowledges God and His verses and recognizes that He is not to be questioned about what He does. This is a word that God has made the adornment and foundation of beliefs, and by it, the deeds of those who act are accepted. Place this word before your eyes, so that the insinuations of those who turn away may not cause you to stumble.

162 If He permits what was forbidden in the eternal past, or forbids what was permitted, no one has the right to object to Him. Whoever hesitates even for an instant is among the transgressors.

163 And whoever does not attain this most exalted principle and highest station will be swayed by the winds of doubt and turned by the words of the polytheists. Whoever attains this principle has attained the most great steadfastness. Blessed is this most glorious station, by the mention of which every mighty Tablet has been adorned. Thus does God teach you what will save you from doubt and perplexity and deliver you in this world and the next. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Generous. He it is who sent the Messengers and revealed the Books, proclaiming that there is no God but Me, the Almighty, the Wise.

164 O land of Kāf and Rā’, We see you upon that which is not beloved by God, and We see from you what none but God, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed, has witnessed. We perceive what passes from you in the innermost secret of secrets. With Us is the knowledge of all things inscribed in a clear Tablet. Do not grieve over this, for God will cause to appear in you those of mighty power who will mention Me with steadfastness. They will not be hindered by the insinuations of the learned, nor veiled by the doubts of the skeptics. These are they who behold God with their own eyes and assist Him with their very selves. Verily, they are among the firmly grounded.

165 O concourse of scholars! When the verses were revealed and the clear proofs appeared, We found you behind veils—this is indeed a wondrous thing! You have prided yourselves on My name yet have been heedless of My Self, while the All-Merciful has come with proof and evidence. We have rent asunder the veils. Beware lest you create another veil to hinder the people. Break the chains of delusions in the name of the Lord of all mankind, and do not be of the deceivers. If you turn toward God and enter into this Cause, do not corrupt it and do not measure the Book of God by your desires. This is the counsel of God, from before and after. Witness to this are the Testimonies of God and His Chosen Ones, and We bear witness to all.

166 Mention the Shaykh who was called Muhammad before Hasan, who was among the most learned of scholars in his time. When the truth appeared, he and others like him turned away, while one who winnowed wheat and barley turned toward God. He spent his nights and days writing, as he claimed, the judgments of God, but when the Chosen One appeared, not a single letter of his work availed him. Had it benefited him, he would not have turned away from the face through which the countenances of the near ones are illumined. If you had believed in God at His appearance, the people would not have turned away from Him, and what has befallen Us today would not have occurred. Fear God and do not be among the heedless.

167 Beware lest the names keep you from their Master, or that remembrance veils you from this Most Mighty Remembrance. Seek refuge in God, O concourse of scholars, and do not make yourselves a veil between Me and My creation. Thus does God admonish you and command you to act with justice, so that your deeds are not rendered void while you remain unaware. The one who turns away from this Cause—can he prove any truth in creation? No, by the Lord of innovation. Yet people remain behind a clear veil. Say: Through Him has the Sun of Proof shone forth, and the Luminary of Evidence become manifest to all in existence. Fear God, O people of insight, and do not deny. Beware lest the mention of the Prophet keeps you from this Greatest Announcement, or allegiance to one veils you from the authority of God, the Sovereign over all that is in the heavens and the earth. Every name has been created by His Word, and every matter is bound to His irrevocable command, the Mighty, the Wondrous. Say: This is the Day of God; none is to be mentioned in it but His own Self, the Sovereign over all that is in the heavens and the earth. This is a Cause by which all that you hold as illusions and forms has been shaken.

168 We see among you those who take the Book and use it to prove God, just as every community has used its own book to prove the Almighty, the Self-Subsisting. Say: By God, the True One! The books of the world and all the scriptures therein avail you nothing today, except by this Book, which speaks at the pivot of creation: Verily, there is no God but Me, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

169 O concourse of scholars! Beware lest you become the cause of discord in the regions, as you were the reason for rejection in the beginning. Gather the people around this Word, by which the pebble cried out: “The Kingdom belongs to God, the Dawning-Place of Signs.” Thus does God admonish you, as a favor from Him. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Generous.

170 Recall Karim, when We summoned him to God, and he grew arrogant, following his own desires, even after We sent to him that which delighted the eye of proof in the realms of existence and completed the argument of God upon all in the heavens and the earth. We commanded him to turn in acceptance, as a favor from the Self-Sufficient, the Exalted. Yet he turned away, retreating, until the hosts of torment seized him, as a just decree from God. Verily, We were witnesses.

Verses 171-180

171 Tear asunder the veils, so that the inhabitants of the Kingdom may hear the sound of their rending. This is the command of God, from before and after. Blessed is the one who acts according to what has been commanded, and woe unto those who turn away.

172 We have desired in the dominion only the appearance of God and His sovereignty, and sufficient is God as My witness. We have desired in the kingdom only the exaltation of the Cause of God and His praise, and sufficient is God as My trustee. We have desired in the realm of power only the remembrance of God and what has been revealed from Him, and sufficient is God as My helper.

173 Blessed are you, O concourse of scholars in the Cause of Bahá! By God, you are the waves of the Most Great Ocean, the stars of the heavens of bounty, and the banners of victory between the heavens and the earth. You are the dawning-places of steadfastness among the people and the rising-points of utterance for those in existence. Blessed is the one who turns toward you, and woe to the heedless. It behooves today anyone who has drunk the wine of life from the hands of the tender mercies of their Lord, the All-Merciful, to be as pulsating as the artery in the body of existence, that through them the world and every withered bone may be set in motion.

174 O people of creation! When the Dove of Praise takes flight from the bough of glorification and seeks the most distant and hidden destination, refer what you do not understand from the Book to the Branch that has branched forth from this mighty Root.

175 O Pen of the Most High! Move upon the Tablet by the permission of thy Lord, the Creator of the heavens, and then recount how the Dawning-Place of Oneness desired the School of Detachment, that the free souls might gain insight into the measure of a needle’s eye of what lies behind the veils of the mysteries of thy Lord, the Almighty, the All-Knowing.

Say: We entered the School of Meanings and Exposition during the heedlessness of those in existence. We beheld what the Most Merciful had revealed and accepted what He bestowed upon Me of the verses of God, the All-Subduing, the Self-Subsisting. We heard what was testified to in the Tablet; verily, We were witnesses. And We responded with a command from Our presence; verily, We were the Commanders.

176 O concourse of the Bayán! Verily, We entered the School of God while you were asleep, and We observed the Tablet while you were heedless. By the True One, We read it before its descent, while you were unaware. We encompassed the Book while you were still in the loins. This is My mention according to your capacity, not according to the measure of God. This is attested by what is in the knowledge of God, if only you knew, and by the Tongue of God, if only you understood. By God, were the veil to be lifted, you would be thunderstruck.

177 Beware of disputing about God and His Cause. Verily, He has appeared in a manner that encompasses all that was and all that will be. Were We to speak in this station with the tongue of the dwellers of the Kingdom, We would say that God created that School before the creation of the heavens and the earth, and We entered it before the Káf was joined with its supporting Nún. This is the language of My servants in My Kingdom. Reflect upon what is uttered by the tongue of those in My Dominion of Power, with what We have taught them of knowledge from Our presence, and of what was hidden in the knowledge of God. And reflect upon what is spoken by the Tongue of Grandeur and Might in its praiseworthy station.

178 This is not an affair to be toyed with by your fancies, nor is this a station into which every timid and deluded soul may enter. By God, this is the arena of unveiling and detachment, the field of vision and exaltation. None traverse it except the knights of the All-Merciful, who have cast aside all that is created. These are the helpers of God on earth and the dawning places of might among the worlds.

179 Beware lest what is in the Bayán keeps you from your Lord, the All-Merciful. By God, it was revealed for My remembrance, if only you knew. The sincere find in it only the fragrance of My love and My name, the One who prevails over all that is seen and unseen. Say: O people, turn toward what has been revealed from My Most High Pen. If you find therein the fragrance of God, do not object to it, and do not withhold yourselves from the grace and bounties of God. Thus does God counsel you; verily, He is the Wise Counselor.

180 What you do not understand from the Bayán, ask God, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers. Verily, if He wills, He can make clear to you what was revealed therein and what was hidden in the ocean of its words of pearls of knowledge and wisdom. Truly, He is the One who prevails over the names; there is no God but Him, the All-Subduing.

Verses 181-190

181 The order has been disturbed by this Most Great Order, and the arrangement has been altered by this wondrous Revelation, the like of which the eye of creation has never witnessed.

182 Immerse yourselves in the ocean of My utterance, so that you might discover its pearls of wisdom and mysteries. Beware that you do not hesitate in this Cause, through which the sovereignty and power of God have been manifested. Hasten to it with radiant faces. This is the religion of God from before and after. Whoever wishes, let them accept it; and whoever does not, truly, God is independent of all the worlds.

183 Say: This is the Balance of Guidance for those in the heavens and on the earth, and the Most Great Proof, if only you knew. Say: Through it, every proof has been established throughout the ages, if only you were certain. Say: Through it, every poor soul has been enriched, every learned one has been taught, and whoever desires to ascend unto God has been lifted up. Beware lest you differ concerning it. Be as firm and immovable as the lofty mountains in the Cause of your Lord, the Mighty, the Loving.

184 Say: O Manifestation of rejection, abandon concealment and then speak the truth among the people. By God, My tears have flowed down My cheeks upon seeing you inclining toward your desires and turning away from the One who created and fashioned you. Recall the favor of your Lord when We nurtured you through nights and days for the service of the Cause. Fear God and be among the repentant. Suppose your matter has been mistaken by the people—can it be mistaken by yourself? Fear God, and then remember when you stood in the presence of the Throne and wrote what We revealed to you of the verses of God, the Almighty, the All-Powerful, the All-Capable.

Beware lest pride prevent you from turning toward the One True God. Turn to Him and do not fear your deeds, for He forgives whomever He wills by His grace. There is no God but Him, the Forgiving, the Generous. We counsel you for the sake of God; if you accept, it is for your own soul, and if you turn away, your Lord is independent of you and those who follow you with a clear delusion. God has taken the one who misled you. Return to Him, humbled, submissive, and lowly, for He will forgive your misdeeds. Your Lord is indeed the Oft-Forgiving, the Almighty, the Merciful.

185 This is the counsel of God, if you are among those who hear. This is the grace of God, if you are among those who turn toward Him. This is the remembrance of God, if you are among those who feel. This is the treasure of God, if you are among those who know.

186 This is a Book that has become the Lamp of Eternity for the world and its most upright Path among the peoples. Say: It is the Dawning-Place of the knowledge of God, if you but knew, and the Rising-Point of the commandments of God, if you but recognized.

187 Do not load an animal with more than it can bear. We have forbidden you from this in the most emphatic terms in the Book. Be manifestations of justice and fairness between the heavens and the earth.

188 Whoever kills a person by mistake must pay compensation to the family of the deceased, which is one hundred mithqals of gold. Act in accordance with what you have been commanded in the Book and do not be of those who transgress.

189 O people of councils in the lands! Choose one language for all to speak on earth, and likewise one script. God clarifies for you what benefits you and makes you independent of all else. Verily, He is the Gracious, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. This is the means of unity, if you but knew, and the greatest cause for agreement and civilization, if you but understood. We have made these two matters signs of the maturity of the world: the first, which is the supreme foundation, We revealed in other Tablets, and the second, in this wondrous Tablet.

190 It has been forbidden for you to consume opium. We have prohibited this most emphatically in the Book. Whoever consumes it is not of Me. Fear God, O people of understanding.