INBA 08 Collection

BH00091 Continued

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Serving his Lord above all else, he remembers his Lord in the evenings and mornings. O Naṣrulláh, strive to embody your name, so that what ensures your remembrance through the eternal dominion of God, the Lord of necks, may manifest from you. Reflect on the grace and blessings of God, for He remembers you in this place called the Most Great Prison. Truly, your Lord is the Mighty, the Bountiful. Praise God for your name being honored in this place where the Beloved calls with the most exalted cry, guiding all to the highest station. Thus spoke the divine Tree, and the Cock of the Throne crowed when saddened by the deeds of the servants.

This is a reminder from Us to whomever turns to God and hears His sweetest voice, which rose between earth and heaven, that they may give thanks to their Lord, the Ever-Watchful, the Self-Subsisting. The promise has been fulfilled, and the Promised One has come, yet the people remain in illusions and doubts. Therefore, beseech God to rend the veils of the world and bring them closer to the station named in the Qur’án as the “Praised Station.” Blessed is the one who perceives the fragrance of the Day of God and acts according to what has been commanded by God, the Lord of the unseen and the witnessed.

O Jawád, We have remembered you that you may thank your Lord and mention Him among His servants, so they may recognize what has appeared in the realm of creation and turn towards God, the Mighty, the Loving.

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We remember the one named Muḥammad so that he may rejoice in the verses of his Lord and be among the grateful. Hear the call of God, which has been raised from the Spotless Spot: “There is no God but Me, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.” The world has been honored by the advent of the Lord of Eternity, but most of the people are heedless. Say: “Open your eyes! By God, the supreme horizon has been illumined, and the Lord of Names has appeared with a mighty sovereignty.” We enjoin you and My loved ones to steadfastness of the highest degree, for Satan calls and invites people to the essence of hellfire.

Remain steadfast in the Cause of God by His power and strength. Thus commands you the Pen of Command from an Ancient Command. A book from Us to the one who hears the call and turns to God, the Lord of the worlds. O Ḥasan, your name has been mentioned before the Throne, and these verses have been revealed for you, by which all things have been enraptured and the Dove of the Cause sings upon the branches of the divine Tree. Thus, the Oppressed remembers you so that you may be among those who remember.

By God, the tongue was created for My praise, the hearts for My knowledge, and the eyes for beholding the lights of My Manifestation, which has encompassed the worlds.

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This is the Day of God, wherein every atom proclaims: “The Worshiped One has appeared with a sovereignty that has encompassed those in the heavens and the earth.” Hold fast to the cord of God and leave those who disbelieve in the verses of God, revealed in truth. Truly, your Lord is the Wise Adviser. This is a Tablet wherein the Kingdom of the Bayán has shone forth. We mention in it whoever turns to God, the Lord of all beings, that they may be enraptured by the verses of their Lord and stand firm in this Cause, by which hearts have been agitated and feet have faltered.

O Muḥammad, son of Báqir, remain in your station, for the Beloved of the world remembers you in His Most Great Prison. Recognize, then thank your Lord, the Mighty, the All-Knowing. By God, We call the servants at all times to the All-Merciful. Among them are those who hear and respond, while others witness and deny, following every heedless skeptic. Say: “Have imaginations prevented you from the Lord of Days, or have doubts veiled you from My hidden name? Reflect, then judge with fairness, and do not follow every ignorant denier.”

By God, He has appeared in truth, and those in the supreme concourse, created from the light of their Lord, have been subdued by His command.

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He subdues the winds. Thus have We made you hear and responded to you as a favor from Us, for We are the All-Powerful, the Bountiful. O servant remembered before the Oppressed, read for each of My loved ones what has been revealed for them from the heaven of the will of their chosen Lord, and remind all of God’s favors and blessings. Announce to them this grace, which nothing in creation can equal. End.

By God’s will, you should recite with utmost spirit and joy the verses revealed from the heaven of the will of the Merciful for each of the aforementioned loved ones, so that all may behold the sun of grace and be occupied with gratitude and praise of the Beloved of the world.

Furthermore, in the letter of Ḥájí Mírzá Kamál al-Dín—upon him the glory of God, the Most Glorious—there were two questions. First, he mentioned that in former books, the title “Sacrifice of God” was attributed to Isaac, while in the Qur’án, this station was associated with Ishmael, stating that the title “Sacrifice of God” is recorded in the Qur’án. This matter is a truth beyond doubt, but all souls should consider the radiant word shining from the horizon of the divine explication.

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Each soul must reflect upon its authority, influence, power, and scope. It is beyond doubt that such matters are realized and established through the word of God. The word of God dominates all things, for He is the Creator of the world, the nurturer of the world. He is the one who invites the thirsty of the valley of separation to the ocean of reunion, and He is the one who illuminates the darkness of ignorance with the dawn of understanding.

Consider this: All people of the past acknowledge the designation of Isaac as the “Sacrifice of God.” Similarly, the followers of the Qur’án recognize this station for Ishmael. Yet, it is evident and clear to anyone with insight and understanding that, outwardly, no sacrifice occurred. It is unanimously agreed that an animal was sacrificed. Now, reflect upon the cause and reason for this. A soul that approached the altar of the Friend but was not sacrificed outwardly was adorned with the title “Sacrifice of God.”

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Adorned and clothed with the robe of divine acceptance, there is no doubt that this station was attained through the Word of God and honored by this supreme mantle. Therefore, the manifestation, appearance, and realization of all names, things, and stations depend entirely upon the Word of God. Similarly, there is no doubt that the inaccessible and unknowable essence does not speak by itself, for it is sanctified above all known attributes and meanings. Instead, it speaks through the tongues of its manifestations. For example, the Torah was revealed through the tongue of Moses, and the laws of that age were conveyed by God through the tongue of the Interlocutor. Similarly, the sacred scriptures, which outwardly appeared through the tongues of Prophets and Messengers, were all spoken by God, the Almighty, the Sovereign, the All-Mighty.

Thus, it is established and confirmed that the station of “Sacrifice of God” was attributed to Isaac in accordance with what is mentioned in previous scriptures.

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Through the words of Abraham, upon him be peace, this same designation appeared, manifest and evident, in the Qur’án from the source of divine verses and the dawning-place of revelation regarding Ishmael.

One must first reflect upon the essence of truth. Once it is established, whatever is decreed becomes beloved and accepted. No one has the right to question it. This is a matter that, at this time, should not be emphasized, for most people remain deprived of the true purpose of the revealed scriptures. They have not grasped the divine intent behind them as it truly is. Instead, they have sufficed with what they have inferred from their own scholars or heard from them. If anyone dares to exceed these limited interpretations, they are declared an infidel. This matter is well known and evident to you and all fair-minded individuals.

Even now, it is impossible to tell the followers of the Qur’án that the Promised One has appeared contrary to their illusions. If this were revealed to them, they would rise with utmost enmity, as they have done.

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The Beloved declares: By My life! If God wills to elevate those on earth to your Praised Station and Beloved Name, He can do so with a single word from Him. Indeed, He is capable of whatever He wills. The affairs of creation cannot hinder Him, nor can the words of every heedless one far removed from Him. Look to the supreme horizon and illumine your hearts with the radiance of the face of your Lord, the Speaking, the All-Knowing.

Thus does the Oppressed One counsel you, though most of the servants have turned away from Him, and every tyrant has risen against Him with doubt and rejection.

Furthermore, the Prophets, who are the Dawning-Places of Revelation and the Manifestations of divine inspiration, have stations inaccessible to names. They are all seen as one soul and stand firm on a single command. Blessed is the one who immerses themselves in this overflowing ocean, the shore of which no one has reached nor its depths fully grasped. This station is the sun of oneness and the sea of unity. If a soul ascends and soars in this sacred, gentle air, they will affirm all that the Merciful has revealed in the scriptures.

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With complete certitude and assurance, they will hold firmly to it. This station has been elaborated upon by the Supreme Pen in some of the revealed writings of this most great manifestation. Blessed are those who perceive it and those who understand.

The second question pertains to the blessed verse in the Qur’án: And when Jesus, son of Mary, said: “O children of Israel! I am the Messenger of God unto you, confirming that which was before me of the Torah, and bringing good tidings of a Messenger who shall come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.” But when he brought them clear proofs, they said: “This is manifest sorcery.”

Their question relates to the absence of this statement in the Gospel. Yet, the Messenger of God—may the peace of God be upon Him—mentioned it in the Qur’án. This is indeed true, and we acknowledge it. However, the Blessed One did not claim that it was revealed in the Gospel. We testify that Jesus, son of Mary, spoke according to what the Merciful revealed in the Qur’án. Undoubtedly, whatever He stated and what was revealed in the Qur’án from the Merciful is pure truth.

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Indeed, no one other than God possesses knowledge of hidden sciences or comprehends all that has occurred or will occur in creation. God, exalted is His glory, reveals and teaches to His chosen ones and prophets whatever He wills. Truly, He is the Wise Educator.

This blessed verse is among the matters that God, exalted is His glory, informed His Messenger about. The fact that it is absent from the Gospel does not prove that Jesus did not utter its meaning. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written after Jesus. These four individuals wrote what they recalled of His sayings for His followers to read and reflect upon. Many of His statements were forgotten, and much of what He said was never heard by any of these individuals.

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No one other than God, who sent, taught, and empowered Jesus, can fully know what He uttered. No one else has complete knowledge of all things. God alone is the All-Knowing, the All-Encompassing, the Omniscient, and the Omnipotent. Every atom testifies that His knowledge precedes all things and encompasses all. Truly, He is the One, the Peerless, the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware.

The Supreme Pen declares: In every manifestation, God, exalted is His glory, confirms the scriptures revealed previously. Thus, the Messenger of God—may all beings sacrifice themselves for Him—affirmed the Torah and the Gospel. Likewise, in this manifestation, the Qur’án and the sacred scriptures revealed before it have been confirmed. However, the Torah affirmed by God consists solely of the words that flowed from the tongue of Moses by the command of God.

This matter has been briefly explained here. If God wills, it will be further elaborated by the Supreme Pen in the future. End.

This servant hopes that the friends of God who have partaken of the wine of meanings and reside in that land will rise with utmost unity, in love of God, and in His praise and glorification. Unity is the greatest pillar today.

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Unity is the greatest pillar today. It is the foremost means of the exaltation, diffusion, and elevation of the Cause of God. Blessed are those who hold fast to the cord of unity and follow what they have been commanded by God, the Lord of creation. Glory be upon you and upon them, and praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

Servant, 14th Ramadan, 95. (September 1878)

BH00213 (natural)

(Partial Inventory has duplicate entries)

In the Name of Our Lord, the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious.

Praise be to God, who made the Bayán the magnet for attracting the followers of all religions in all places. Through it, He caused all things to proclaim that there is no God but Him. He has always been sanctified above the mention of contingent beings and exalted beyond the description of created things. He made every ruler recognize their helplessness before the manifestations of His power and every possessor acknowledge their subservience to His sovereignty. Exalted is He above all mention of others and all praise of anything besides Him.

He has appeared and caused to appear whatever He willed, and through Him, those in the heavens and the earth were thunderstruck, save those whom His mercy seized and rescued from the darkness of ignorance. Verily, there is no God but Him, the One who is not defined by oneness and the Beloved who is not described by what belongs to humankind.

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He has ascended His throne and raised the most exalted call in the realm of creation. By this, the Spirit spoke at the manifestations of the lights of appearance: “Here am I, O You by whose face the lands are adorned, and by whose scent every possessor of perception finds the fragrance of Your garment.” I testify that through You the path was established, the balance set, and the buried were raised, and the Speaker of the Mount spoke. Exalted is Your mention above the mention of this nothingness and oblivion. Exalted is Your praise above the praise of this distant and veiled one.

I beseech You by the name through which every distant one is brought near, every ailing one is healed, every humbled one is ennobled, every hungry one is fed, every needy one is enriched, every erring one seeks forgiveness, every ignorant one gains knowledge, and every stagnant one becomes steadfast. Through it, the weary speak.

Grant that You may shower upon Your loved ones from the heaven of Your mercy what draws them near to the courtyard of Your grace and favors, supports them in mentioning and praising You, and establishes them in serving Your Cause. O my Lord, You are the Generous, the Possessor of immense bounty. There is no God but You, the Forgiving, the Merciful.

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O my Beloved! What flowed from your pen concerning the mention of God, our Lord and yours, our Beloved and yours, has delighted me. This servant beseeches his Lord to protect you and enable you to act in accordance with what is befitting for the Days of God—our purpose, your purpose, and the purpose of all the worlds.

When I read and contemplated your illuminating letter, I turned to the most exalted station and the highest horizon until I was present before the Face. I presented its contents before the Throne, whereupon the tongue of the All-Merciful spoke in the Kingdom of the Bayán: “Exalted is His majesty! O servant, mention him on My behalf, and give him glad tidings of My remembrance, care, grace, and mercy, which preceded all things.

We mentioned him before, and We mention him now, in this moment when the Oppressed One proclaims: ‘There is no God but Me, the Mighty, the Bountiful.’ Blessed is he who perceives the fragrance of the All-Merciful in His days and rises to serve the Cause with spirit and joy. This is the Day of the Bayán. Blessed is he who holds fast to it, and woe to every denier and infidel.”

O one remembered before the Throne! Listen to the call of the Oppressed One. He mentions you in this place called the Most Great Prison in the scriptures.

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Grant them the sweetness of Your speech, teach them the mysteries of Your Book, and reveal to them what You desire for them from the ocean of Your bounty and the heaven of Your gifts.

O my Lord, their imaginations have hindered them from turning to Your horizon, and their doubts have kept them from approaching the dawning-place of Your revelation and the daybreak of Your inspiration. This bears witness to itself that there is no God but Him. He has always been sanctified above the mention of the near ones and exalted beyond the highest praise of the unitarians.

I testify that today is Your Day, and these are Your servants and creation. How many distant ones have been brought near by Your hand of grace, how many ignorant ones have been taught by Your tongue of generosity, how many oppressors have been awakened by the breezes of Your justice, how many darkened ones have been illuminated by the lights of Your care, how many stagnant ones have been raised by the wonders of Your kindness, and how many slumbering ones have been stirred by Your call.

O my Lord, all things testify to Your power and the weakness of Your servants. I beseech You to strengthen Your loved ones in patience and endurance and to make known to Your creatures what You desire for them through Your generosity and favors. There is no God but You, the Forgiving, the Generous.

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I send blessings, salutations, and glorifications upon those who have risen to remember and praise You, such that the oppression of Your servants and creation has not prevented them. These are servants upon whom there has descended, for love of You, that which has not descended upon any of the inhabitants of Your realm.

O my Lord, assist them with Your power that has encompassed all possibilities and with the might that has subdued all beings. If only they, O my God, would abandon their own desires, hoping for Yours, and turn away from their wishes, inclining toward the manifestations of Your will. O my Lord, reveal to them what You have destined for them in the heaven of Your grace, so that their hearts may be reassured by the lights of Your bounty and the manifestations of Your mercy.

Verily, You are the Almighty, capable of whatever You will. There is no God but You, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

And after, the servant attained the traces of your pen and its ink. The breezes of joy enveloped me with what I found adorned with the robe of our Lord, our Beloved, and the goal of all worlds. When I read and considered it, I sought presence and presented the contents of your book before the Throne.

This is what the tongue of grandeur uttered in the station named the Most Great Prison in the Book of Names and the Supreme Paradise in the Crimson Scroll. He is the All-Knowing Witness.

BH00469 (Included in prior letter)

O Faḍl, the Oppressed One mentions you and gives you glad tidings of what has been revealed for you from the Supreme Pen in this clear Book. He counsels you to remember and praise Him and to proclaim His Cause.

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God is witness and testifies that this does not stem from heedlessness or lack of sincerity. All bear witness that this servant is occupied day and night with writing. In every state, I hope for the pardon of Your Honor and other esteemed ones.

Furthermore, I convey endless greetings and salutations to His Honor Áqá Sháhverdí—upon him be the glory of God. Some time ago, a most exalted Tablet was revealed from the heaven of grace specifically for him and sent. Similarly, Tablets were sent for His Honor Áqá Khudádád, His Honor Áqá ʿAzízulláh, and some of the friends in the land of Khá. Some of these were sent, while others were delayed due to wisdom in their dispatch, and later certain obstacles arose. Nevertheless, they have arrived and will continue to arrive, God willing, granting them honor. Their names have been mentioned in the holy court, and they are favored by divine blessings.

I beseech the Almighty to enable them and strengthen them in what He loves and is pleased with. Verily, He is the Lord of Names and the Creator of the heavens. There is no God but Him, the Forgiving, the Generous.

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From the land of Khá, news has arrived from before and after. Praise be to God, all are occupied with mentioning, praising, and thanking the Almighty.

While this humble servant was occupied with the mention of Your Honor and His Honor Áqá Sháhverdí, the command to be present was issued from the holy court. When I ascended, attended, and attained, the Beloved declared: “We wish to mention the one named Sháhverdí, so that the attraction of his Lord’s utterance may seize him on this day when most of the tribes of the earth have turned away. Truly, He is the Reckoner, the All-Knowing.

“We have revealed a Tablet for you before and again in these days, so that you may thank your Lord, the Mighty, the Great. Blessed are you for turning toward the face of your Lord, attending, and hearing the call of the Oppressed One from this clear station. Beware lest anything prevent you from God, the Lord of all worlds. Pay no heed to the people and what emerges from their mouths against you. Rely upon God, the Almighty, the All-Powerful. Soon, God will erase the traces of those who have turned away and establish the traces of those who have turned toward Him, casting aside what belongs to the people and taking hold of what they have been commanded by the Ancient Ordainer.”

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“We remember our loved ones there and give them glad tidings of this great remembrance. Glorify the faces of My friends in Khá and remind them of this beautiful remembrance. Glory be upon you and upon them and upon those who say, ‘Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.’ End.”

God willing, Your Honor will always be adorned with divine grace and beautified with the mantle of remembrance. Two parchments, one sent by His Honor my brother and the other by His Honor Áqá Mírzá Ibráhím—upon them be the glory of God—have arrived. I beseech the Almighty to enable them and grant them the good of this world and the next. Verily, He is the All-Hearing, the Responsive.

As for what you wrote about His Honor Áqá Khudádád—upon him be the glory of God—it was presented at the holy court, and he was illumined by the effulgence of the rays of the sun of divine grace. Praise be to God, he has been enabled to serve the Cause. In these days, his mention has been repeatedly uttered by the tongue of **. Blessed is he and whoever attains this wise mention. As for what you wrote about His Honor Áqá Sayyid Asadulláh…

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…it was presented at the most holy court. This is what the tongue of the Beloved has uttered in response: “He is the All-Knowing, the Expositor. O Asadulláh, God willing, you will be favored by divine grace and turn toward Him whom the people have turned away from.

“Today is a most great and wondrous day, for He has appeared in the garment of ‘I am’ and is hidden and manifest in the ‘I am.’ Those souls who waited for over twelve hundred years and more for the sun of manifestation, lamenting and wailing through nights and days, are now bewildered and astonished at the moment of its rising, turning away and denying it, except those whom God has willed.

“During this time, they have been asking the so-called leaders of affairs about the blessed word that will appear from the mouth of the Qá’im, causing all the chosen ones to flee from Him. What is that word, and what does it mean? They expressed this question with great pretension and have not yet understood its meaning. They continue to wait to witness it.

“Praise be to God, some have not attained the dawning-place of divine revelation and the Speaker of the Lord’s utterance, nor have they listened to His word, fleeing instead like frightened beasts from a lion. They drink from the pools of illusions and remain deprived and veiled from the wine of certitude.”

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“The Ocean of Life has appeared, and the Sun of Manifestation has arisen. Behind white and green turbans, they move and wander, bowing, prostrating, and worshiping before those idols. Ask God to rend the veils and guide all to the sea of knowledge. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty.

“O Asad, the grace of God has summoned you and mentioned you. Recognize the worth of this precious pearl and say: ‘Praise be to You, O Lord of the worlds!’

“I counsel you and the friends of God to the highest steadfastness, for the Cause is immense, and the Day is most great. Say: ’Glory be to You, O Lord of existence and Master of the unseen and the seen. I beseech You by the name through which You subdued the world and divided the nations to inscribe for me, from Your Supreme Pen, that which will benefit me in the next life and this.

“O my Lord, You see me turning toward You and clinging to the cord of Your bounty. I ask You not to withhold from me what is with You, then fulfill…’”

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Grant for me through Your bounty what befits Your grace and favor. Verily, You are the Almighty, capable of whatever You will. In Your grasp is the reins of all things. There is no God but You, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

As for what you wrote concerning His Honor Áqá Mírzá Jalál and Áqá Mírzá ʿAṭá’u’lláh—upon them be the glory of God—they are present. Their names were mentioned in the most exalted and sanctified court, and by divine grace, they have attained acceptance. God willing, they will act in a manner pleasing to Him.

This humble servant conveys greetings to them and all the friends in that land. Glory be upon you and upon them from our Lord, the Forgiving, the Generous. Praise be to God, the Beloved of the knowing.

Servant, ʿJʾ, year 98. (April or May 1881)

BH00462 (natural)

In the Name of Our Lord, the Most Ancient, the Most Great, the Most Holy, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious.

Praise be to God, who is singular in grace, unique in beneficence, and sanctified beyond what the denizens of the earth may utter. Exalted is He above all mention and explanation. I testify that there is no God but Him, acknowledging His grandeur and recognizing His sovereignty, which has encompassed all that is and all that was. There is no God but Him, the Almighty, the Beneficent, who uttered a word by which banners were raised above banners, and the standard “He does what He wills” ascended to the most exalted heights.

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Praise be to God, who appeared with the greatest mercy, the most profound compassion, and care that preceded all creation. Exalted, exalted is the Lord of the next world and this world, the Lord of the throne and the dust, who made triumph manifest through wisdom and speech and removed from all things what might trouble humanity. Verily, He is the One who, when He appears, is surrounded by proof and evidence, and before whom the books of all religions humble themselves.

Verily, He is the One who walks, while power calls from His right hand: “By God! What was inscribed in the books of God of old has appeared.” From His left, the dominion proclaims: “The promise has been fulfilled, and the Promised One has come, by whom the heavens and the earth have been illumined.” Exalted is He, beyond the grasp of tongues to mention Him, of pens to praise Him, of hearts to comprehend Him, and of eyes to behold His beauty.

He has appeared in truth and ascended His throne. Then all things proclaimed: “By God, the gate of heaven has been opened, and the Lord of Names has come, through whom the sealed wine has been unsealed, the hidden mystery revealed, and the horizon of the world illumined by the light of His name, the Self-Subsisting.”

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By Him, the limbs of every idol trembled, and the pillars of every obstinate rebel were shaken. Glory be to You, O my God! How can this weary one mention You after those who fled acknowledged that all descriptions and praises fall short of Your sanctified court and are barred from Your presence? Yet, the wonders of Your bounty and grace, and the effulgences of the sun of Your permission for Your friends and servants, emboldened him.

O my Lord, You see the ephemeral one turning toward Your eternal name and the lowly one clinging to the cord of Your mighty name. O my Lord, deprive him not of the ocean of Your bounty and the sun of Your grace. Strengthen him in what You have entrusted him with, in the writing of Your verses.

O my Lord, I beseech You by the lights of Your face and the fruits of the tree of Your grace to protect Your friends from the harm of the enemies of Your self. Aid them in what befits Your manifestation in Your days.

O my Lord, make known to Your servants what You desire for them through Your bounty, Your gifts, and Your true self. If they only knew, they would circle around Your Cause and hasten to the ocean of Your mercy. I beseech You, O Lord of existence and the desire of the unseen and seen, by the breezes of Your verses and the fragrances of Your days…

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…that You grant them the sweetness of Your utterance, teach them the mysteries of Your book, and reveal to them what You desire for them from the ocean of Your grace and the heaven of Your gifts.

O my Lord, their imaginations have hindered them from turning toward Your horizon, and their doubts have prevented them from drawing near to the dawning-place of Your revelation and the source of Your inspiration, which bears witness to itself that there is no God but You.

You have ever been sanctified beyond the mention of those near to You and exalted above the highest praises of the unitarians. I testify that today is Your Day, and these are Your servants and creation. How many distant ones have Your hand of grace brought near! How many ignorant ones have been taught by Your tongue of generosity! How many oppressors have been awakened by the breezes of Your justice! How many veiled ones have been illumined by the lights of Your care! How many idle ones have been raised by the wonders of Your kindness! How many slumbering ones have been stirred by Your call!

O my Lord, all things bear witness to Your power and the weakness of Your servants. I beseech You to strengthen Your loved ones with patience and perseverance and to make known to Your creatures what You desire for them through Your bounty and favors. There is no God but You, the Forgiving, the Generous.

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I send blessings, salutations, and glorifications upon those who have risen to remember and praise You, such that the oppression of Your servants and creation has not prevented them. These are servants upon whom there has descended, for love of You, that which has not descended upon any of the inhabitants of Your realm.

O my Lord, assist them with Your power that has encompassed all possibilities and with the might that has subdued all beings. If only they, O my God, would abandon their own desires, hoping for Yours, and turn away from their wishes, inclining toward the manifestations of Your will.

O my Lord, reveal to them what You have destined for them in the heaven of Your grace, so that their hearts may be reassured by the lights of Your bounty and the manifestations of Your mercy. Verily, You are the Almighty, capable of whatever You will. There is no God but You, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

And afterward, the servant attained the traces of your pen and its ink. The breezes of joy enveloped me with what I found adorned with the robe of our Lord, our Beloved, and the goal of all worlds. When I read and considered it, I sought presence and presented the contents of your book before the Throne.

This is what the tongue of grandeur uttered in the station named the Most Great Prison in the Book of Names and the Supreme Paradise in the Crimson Scroll. He is the All-Knowing Witness.

BH00469 (included in prior letter)

Some parts are repeated

O Faḍl, the Oppressed One mentions you and gives you glad tidings of what has been revealed for you from the Supreme Pen in this clear Book. He counsels you to remember and praise Him and to proclaim His Cause.

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This is a Book revealed by the All-Merciful for those on earth to bring them glad tidings of God’s grace, the Lord of all worlds. Say: “He has appeared in truth, manifesting whatever He desired, and He has summoned both kings and subjects to God, the Peerless, the All-Knowing.”

Say: “This is the Day foretold in the Books of God of old, and it is named the Day of God, if you are among the knowing.” Say: “He has appeared in truth, and the Speaker of the Mount has settled upon the Most Great Throne, calling the nations and inviting them to the Straight Path.”

Among the people, there are those who have denied the proof and testimony of God and unjustly pronounced judgment against Him, and there are those who have found the fragrance of the Beloved and hastened to the supreme horizon with the swiftness of flashing, radiant lightning. Blessed are those whose desires have not barred them from the Lord of creation, who have cast the world behind them and held firmly to the wisdom they were commanded to follow by the Mighty, the Wise.

Blessed are you for speaking with wisdom when asked by the inquirer about what was desired. Truly, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the Reckoner, the All-Aware. Say: “O people of Bahá! Beware lest the thorn of names frightens you. Hold fast to what is recognized and rely upon God, the Almighty, the Praiseworthy.”

O Faḍl, what you sent to the servant present has been presented at the Most Holy Court. Praise be to God, who enabled you to follow the wisdom revealed in the Tablets. How excellent was what you spoke when asked about what you were asked. All friends must regard and adhere to what was revealed by the Pen of the All-Merciful.

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We have commanded all to the greatest love. Blessed is the one who perceives the fragrance of My utterance and observes what has been revealed in My clear Book. All should conduct themselves with utmost kindness and compassion toward the servants of God. In such a case, even if injustice befalls those sanctified souls, it will fulfill the highest aspiration of the near and the sincere.

Say, O friends: The world has no worth, nor will it ever have. Humanity must inevitably pass through it. If one associates with it in the name of God, the dominion of the kingdom and the physical realm will remain eternal and lasting. Convey greetings to all and give them glad tidings of divine grace so that all may rejoice and act according to what God has willed.

Some honor has been taken from certain souls, and this matter has been recorded in the divine Book by the Supreme Pen. Every fair-minded and insightful person testifies to this.

What has occurred on earth was already mentioned before. Blessed is the eye that sees and the ear that hears. Woe unto the heedless. God willing, the people of God must have a piercing eye, a strong heart, and steadfast feet to stand firm in the Cause of God.

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They must treat the servants of God with spiritual qualities. Today, good character and noble deeds are and will continue to be the supporters of the Cause of God. This matter has been revealed on various occasions by the Supreme Pen. We beseech God that all may attain and act accordingly.

As for what you mentioned about presenting the mentioned supplication to Him at a specified time, it was again presented before the Face. This is what was revealed in response once more:

“O Faḍl, the Master of all existence mentions you that you may thank your Lord, the Mighty, the Bestower. The servant present attended and presented what you had supplicated to God, the Lord of all necks. We have heard and responded to you with this Tablet, which God has made the dawning-place of life for those in the heavens and the earth.

“When you perceive the fragrance of remembrance of the All-Merciful and hear what the Speaker of the Mount has uttered in the highest station, then say: ‘Praise be to You, O my God, my Lord, my Sustainer, and my Helper, for enabling me to utter Your mention and acquainting me with Your horizon, from which most of humanity has turned away.’

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“I beseech You by Your mighty verses and Your sweetest call, which has risen between earth and heaven, to send down from the heaven of Your grace and the cloud of Your mercy that which reassures the hearts of Your loved ones, such that no worldly matters or the might of nations may frighten them. Verily, You are the Almighty, the All-Knowing. There is no God but You, the Exalted, the Wise.”

As for what you mentioned about a friend of God expressing sorrow over the friends being preoccupied with alchemy, it is indeed the truth. In reality, God is with them in forbidding this act. Numerous Tablets have been revealed from the heaven of the divine will and sent to various regions, explicitly prohibiting this practice.

It is truly astonishing that despite the clear prohibition of this useless and unbeneficial practice, some engage in it. Some individuals in Iraq and the land of Secrets inquired about the hidden craft. In response, a revelation descended from the heaven of the All-Merciful’s will, stating what was to be stated.

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Repeatedly, this servant has heard from the blessed tongue that if the inquirers had not ascribed it to incapacity or lesser states, such a word would not have been revealed concerning it. Time and again, the servants have been strongly prohibited from practicing it. According to the decree in the Book, the honored ones and the custodians of the Cause must, with wisdom and explanation, counsel the friends of God to refrain from this practice, which is indeed a waste of time. End.

The servant beseeches his Lord to enable His loved ones to act according to what He loves and is pleased with. If receptive souls had acted upon God’s will until now, the world would have been observed to be different. God willing, it is hoped that henceforth, this servant and all others will be enabled to attain the pleasure of the Beloved and occupy themselves with what is beloved at His threshold. Let us not speak before listening, nor act before being commanded by the Ordainer, so that we may be among the servants He describes as: “They do not precede Him in speech, and they act by His command.”

Today, steadfast souls must speak in ways that draw hearts and engage in universal proclamation.

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Engage in proclaiming the Cause of God. Although the Cause of Truth requires no assistance from others and its light is manifest like fire on a mountain, individuals like this humble servant, who waste their precious lives in pursuing forbidden activities, must be awakened by the revealed verses and turn to proclaiming the Cause of God. Perhaps, through this, the dead souls may be revived by the waters of life, and the heedless adorned with the robe of awareness.

This is the greatest act, the true elixir, and the essence of what is known as good in its primal reality. In most Tablets, it is stated that the people of the earth should be made aware and guided toward what benefits them. Today, the heaven of understanding has been raised, and the sun of knowledge has risen. Do not squander opportunities and value the time.

Today is a day when a person can gain mastery over matters that in other days could not be achieved even with all the treasures of the earth. Today, you hear what in other times could not be heard. Strive to possess eternal remembrance.

These are compassionate counsels and goodly admonitions from the Beloved of existence.

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As for what you mentioned regarding some laws that young friends share publicly, this humble servant has not yet heard any specific word from the Blessed Tongue concerning these matters. Glory be to God! How can anyone act based on their own imagination and make statements? The duty of this servant and other friends is to fix their gaze upon the Most Glorious Horizon and await what is revealed by His Supreme Pen. Whatever is commanded, we must accept wholeheartedly and act accordingly.

In one place, He says: “In My name, the banner of ‘He does what He wills’ has been raised, and by My command, the standard of ‘He rules as He desires’ has been elevated.”

It is not our station to pronounce laws before receiving the command. His decree is to be obeyed, and, God willing, we are among the obedient, the submissive, and the assured.

Regarding those souls you mentioned who were seized and imprisoned, their names were presented in the most exalted, sanctified, and holy station.

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This is what the tongue of grandeur has uttered:

“He is the Compassionate, the All-Knowing. O Abú’l-Faḍl, the tongue of bounty calls you from the prison of Akká and gives you glad tidings of your Lord’s grace, the Possessor of the heavens, for you heard and attained. Be thankful and say: ‘Praise be to You, O Lord of all worlds!’

“We wish to mention the friends of God who were seized and imprisoned without proof or decree from God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. O beloved ones of the All-Merciful, rejoice in this mention from the Oppressed One, through which the fragrance of His garment has spread between the heavens and the earth.

“You have borne in My love what no servants before you have endured. This is attested by the Pen of God, the Speaking, the All-Knowing. Do not grieve over what has befallen you, for what caused the inhabitants of the highest Paradise and supreme Heaven to lament has come upon Us as well. Yet most people are heedless.

“They have seized Us time and again, and We have been imprisoned repeatedly. Behold, in the Most Great Prison, before the faces of the world, He cries out: ‘By God! The Day of God has appeared, and the hidden mystery and concealed treasure have spoken. Verily, there is no God but Me, the Peerless, the All-Knowing.’

“O friends, what has befallen you is what befell the Essence of Truth Himself.”

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Praise be to God, you have not wronged but were wronged. You sought to harm no soul but were subjected to the utmost harm. For the creation, you sought mercy from God with the utmost compassion, yet you encountered the force of His wrath. You sought freedom and were led into captivity.

All the trees of Paradise proclaim: ‘Blessed are you!’ And all its fruits declare: ‘Good tidings to you!’ If no injustice is manifested by a soul and they act only according to what God has decreed, whatever befalls them in the path of God will be as a banner raised high in the land, visible and manifest to all.

O beloved ones of the All-Merciful, blessed are you for your patience! How noble is the beginning and the end! How beloved are trials in the path of the Lord of Names! How fruitful are tribulations in the way of the one true Friend!

By God’s life, the sovereignty of the world cannot compare to this station, nor can the honor and wealth of rulers equal it. Many nights have passed where beasts, birds, and wild animals rested in their lairs and nests, while you were afflicted in the hands of your enemies.

The counsel of this Oppressed One is that you do not relinquish this lofty and exalted station.

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Never abandon the qualities of humanity. Leave the behavior and habits of beasts and wild animals to their kind. Listen and do not speak unnecessarily. Give without seeking to take.

God willing, the banner of justice and the standard of reason will be raised before the faces of each of you. Surely, from these pure deeds and clean, radiant morals, the lights of justice—veiled and concealed by the oppression of the unjust—will shine forth under the name of God. Then you will behold the earth transformed, and every atom will proclaim with the most exalted cry: ‘The horizon of justice has been illumined by the sun of the mention of our Lord, the Almighty, the Manifest, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.’

O people of Ṣád! O exiles of the land of Ṣád! O strangers of the land of Ṣád! O captives of the land of Ṣád! The Supreme Pen has not been heedless of you. Concerning you, it has flowed with that which is adorned with everlasting life.

What was due to the Truth has been fulfilled. What remains for you is to preserve this station. God willing, you will appear among the people with utmost purity, sanctity, compassion, and kindness. No deed in the sight of God is wasted, and…

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The souls who have ascended from among you to the Most Exalted Horizon have attained an honor and bounty that all the worlds are powerless and incapable of comprehending.

O people of Ṣád, listen to what the tongue of grandeur has uttered in the past and now speaks in this moment, words that bring joy to your eyes and gladness to your hearts. Verily, He is the Mighty, the Bestower.

Your names have been inscribed by the Supreme Pen in various Tablets. This is testified by the Lord of Names, who is seated upon the throne of His chosen name. What has befallen you in the path of God has caused the rock to cry out and the mountains and hills to wail. Grief has overtaken you in this Cause, but soon you will find yourselves in joy from your Lord, the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

Rejoice, then, in what the Oppressed One recalls to you and in the glad tidings of what has been decreed for you by God, the Sovereign of all beings. We remember all those who ascended in the lands of exile as migrants in the path of God, the Possessor of souls. The light shining forth from the horizon of the will of the Lord of Names is upon you and upon those who arose to support the Cause of their Lord with wisdom and utterance.

I bear witness that you believed in God when every polytheist in doubt denied Him.

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BH02045 (Some unreadable sections, not sure where it starts)

You turned toward the supreme horizon, heard the call of your Lord, the Possessor of Names, and attained (?). When the call of God, the Lord of lords, was raised, blessed are you and those who remember you after your ascent to a station beyond the remembrance of the servants.

Thus did the Cock of the Throne crow, and the Dove of Justice coo, when oppression encompassed those in the realms.

Praise belongs to the Desired One of the world, whose favors from the ocean of grace have embraced all. Every soul mentioned in His Book has attained divine grace. Specifically, for His Honor and His lineage, His Highness (?).

Likewise, for His Honor Buzurg and Shir Ali—upon them be the glory of God—sublime and mighty Tablets were revealed and sent. God willing, they will be blessed. By His truth, what exists cannot compare to even one of these Tablets. All things on this globe have attained divine mention. Your Honor has repeatedly been nourished by wondrous verses in this writing.

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Additionally, the Most Exalted and Holy Tablet was also revealed specifically for Your Honor. Likewise, the migrants of the land of Ṣád were adorned with the mantle of divine remembrance. Concerning those souls who ascended to the Most Exalted Horizon, sublime and mighty verses were revealed.

Today, no deed and no mention remain veiled. This humble servant beseeches and hopes from God that all will be strengthened to maintain their stations and drink deeply from the wine of steadfastness. He is the All-Powerful and All-Able, the All-Hearing and All-Seeing.

Regarding what you mentioned about His Honor Áqá Muḥammad Riḍá and His Honor Áqá Mírzá ʿAlí—upon them be (?), it was written that their names be presented at the Most Exalted, Holy Court, that they may attain divine effulgence. According to your request, it was presented, and two Most Exalted and Holy Tablets were revealed and sent to them. Deliver these to them so they may drink from them the wine of the mercy of their Lord, the Generous Bestower.

This humble one requests that, on my behalf, you convey greetings and blessings to them and all the friends in that land.

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God, the All-Knowing, is witness that this humble one is frequently occupied with the mention of the friends. God willing, we will all be enabled to serve the Cause of God in a manner befitting this wondrous Day. Glory be upon Your Honor and the friends of God, upon whom shall come no fear, nor shall they grieve. Praise belongs to God, the Sovereign of what was and what will be.

Servant, 4th Rajab, 98. (June 1881)

It is noted that after completing this writing, this humble servant received a letter penned by His Highness, who was named before the Great Expanse as His Honor ʿAlí Qablí Akbar—upon him be (?). By the grace of the Almighty, joy and delight were brought forth. Likewise, two distinguished letters from His Honor Áqá Mírzá Asadulláh—upon him be (?)—arrived on the same day. This humble servant beseeches God, exalted is His glory, to enable me to respond promptly and send it.

Additionally, a letter from His Honor Ibn Abhar—upon him be (?)—was received. To date, three sacred Tablets have been sent in his name, and one remains. Due to wisdom, it was not sent at once, but at the time of receiving his letter, all the Tablets were revealed and are present.

May renewed greetings and blessings from this humble one, by the grace of Your Honor, reach each of the esteemed ones and beloved friends. Glory and praise upon Your Honor and upon them.

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BH00323 (Natural)

In the Name of Our Lord, the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious

Glory be to the One who has illumined the horizon of the Bayán with the sun of His greatest mention, by which the limbs of the nations who turned away from the Lord of Eternity and followed their doubts and desires have trembled.

Glory be to the One who is singular in tribulations and unique in trials. Verily, He is the Sovereign who accepted all calamities in the kingdom of creation to manifest what He willed and establish what benefits the lands.

He is the Almighty, whose strength was not weakened by the might of rulers and powers, nor was He hindered…

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He appeared and manifested the Word of the Most High, the Supreme Paradise, and summoned all to Him with wisdom and eloquence. Exalted is our Lord, the All-Merciful, through whom hearts of the sincere were attracted by the fragrance of His garment, the souls of the near ones soared, lovers sought the most exalted scene, and the yearning ones longed for the loftiest peak.

Through Him, every knower faced the swords of enemies, and every devoted one met the arrows of destiny. Blessings, peace, glory, and exaltation be upon those who drank the sealed wine from the hand of their Lord, the Self-Subsisting.

These are the servants who heard what the Speaker of the Mount uttered and testified to what the tongue of manifestation proclaimed. These are the servants who were neither frightened by the mention of the Hour nor shaken by the tempests of resurrection. They did not falter when the trumpet was blown, nor did they hesitate when the call was raised: “Hasten from the dominion of manifestation!”

They acknowledged what God acknowledged in His days and were enraptured by what enraptured God when He established Himself upon His throne.

These are the servants whose mention and praise the tongues and pens are powerless to recount.

The humble servant beseeches his Lord, the Mighty, the Eternal, to inscribe for him with His Supreme Pen what He has inscribed for them and to ordain for him what He has decreed for them.

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May He grant him a station under their shade, lasting through the eternity of His most excellent names and most exalted attributes. Verily, He is the Almighty, whom nothing can weaken and no matter can hinder. He commands and beholds, and He is the commanding, all-hearing, all-seeing Lord.

If the servant were to remember them for the duration of all realms of dominion and creation, the cord of love would not be severed, nor would the heart’s affection be depleted.

I beseech the transcendent and exalted One to unite me with them in every realm of His creation. Among them is the name “H” and “H”. Can anyone describe them as they truly are or mention them as they truly deserve? No, by the essence of the Beloved, who has borne witness to this!

It was proclaimed long ago that believers cannot be fully described. These are the ones who drank the wine of the Bayán and spent all they had in the path of the All-Merciful with fervor and longing.

The supreme concourse is adorned by them. This is testified by the Lord of Names and Creator of the heavens, and behind Him, every fair-minded and discerning soul bears witness.

Praise belongs to God, the transcendent, the Almighty, the Exalted, the Omnipotent. My soul is a sacrifice for your estrangement. Although such a mention is unworthy of one like me, for the mention of your exile and affliction in the path of God has flowed from the Supreme Pen, all other mentions pale in comparison, like the buzzing of flies.

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They are but the chirping of birds in a vast emptiness, neither having a beginning nor an end.

With all my powerlessness and humility, I mention you and say: The servant has attained joy from what radiated from the horizon of your heart and heard what the dove of your longing and yearning sang upon the branches of the tree of your love in mentioning our Creator, your Creator, our Beloved, your Beloved, and the Beloved of all in the heavens and the earth.

By your life, O Beloved, I have found in it what opened my chest, delighted my soul, and enraptured my heart: a Book filled with the remembrance of God, His praise, the gems of His love, and the fragrance of His knowledge. When I beheld, read, and understood its contents, I soared with the wings of certitude, with spirit and joy, to the presence of the All-Merciful.

I recognized its contents at His presence. Then He turned toward me, and from the face of eternity spoke what the world could not comprehend.

In this station, wondrous and mighty verses were revealed from the heaven of divine will in such a manner that this servant was left without the capacity to transcribe them. Later, gradually, He spoke in Persian, and these exalted words were finally revealed from the mouth of divine decree.

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In the path of God, they have endured great tribulations. Indeed, they have followed in the footsteps of the Beloved of the world. In the early days, during a few short years, He endured countless afflictions. Yet, because they entered the path of the Friend, what befell them—God willing—has been sweeter than the tyranny of the Beloved and more delightful than the sealed wine.

He said: “Write to His Honor Nabíl, mentioning My praise and glory, the fragrance of My garment, and the scent of the melodies of the groves of My knowledge. Reflect, then recall the days when We were imprisoned in the land of Ṭá. For four months, We were confined in a prison unlike any other, shackled with chains, and some of the friends were present.

“During those days, all were fearful and distressed, dreading the wrath of the ruler and his officials. Each day, thinking that the supporters of the ruler were about to bring insults and harm, they busied themselves with this.

“O Nabíl, it is astonishing that while We were the true supporters of the ruler and all creation, yet they regarded Us as oppressors.

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“They failed to recognize the true Friend in His new garment. They regarded the ocean of reformation as belonging to the corrupt and the sun of knowledge as belonging to the ignorant.

“In truth, recounting the tribulations of those days is beyond description and explanation. Despite the tribulations endured, the calamities that descended, and the surrounding hardships, We commanded the friends to chant this blessed verse in a sweet and melodious tone:

‘He suffices me and suffices everything. God is the best of reckoners.’

“By the outpourings of the ocean of meanings, such joy and happiness were witnessed in that dark station that its likeness was never observed among any of the friends. Such longing and eagerness arose that when anyone was summoned for martyrdom, they rose with utmost contentment, shook hands with their friends, and with radiant faces and assured hearts, advanced to the place of sacrifice. These events left the prisoners in astonishment.”

The Supreme Pen offered special solace to His Honor.

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Reflect on His grace, mercy, compassion, care, and kindness. In this station, I should call myself with your tongue, saying:

“Praise be to You, O One by whose name the vessel of Your Cause sails upon the ocean of Your will, and the hearts of the sincere soar in the atmosphere of Your love. You strengthened me to bear tribulations in Your path and afflictions in Your love and affection. I beseech You by the treasures of Your knowledge and the mysteries of Your wisdom to ordain for me what befits Your generosity, grace, bounty, and gifts. O my Lord, what has befallen me in Your path is testified by Your Supreme Pen in the tablets of Your utterances. Decree for me, through Your power, that which grants me comfort in Your days. Verily, You are the Almighty, the Exalted, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware.”

Indeed, the grace of God, as revealed, is like the rising sun, radiant and manifest. What part of His grace remains that this humble servant could further present? Whenever a letter from His Honor reaches, this humble servant receives it with utmost eagerness…

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…and presents it at the Most Holy Court and responds in detail. The All-Knowing bears witness to this. In previous travels, whenever a letter arrived from that Beloved, a reply was written and sent.

At this time, this humble servant was summoned to the Most Exalted, Most Holy Court. Upon entering His presence, He asked: “What were you occupied with?” The details were presented, and He, in His exalted majesty, said:

“Take the pen and tablet and write for him what the Speaker of the Mount speaks in this station, which is named in the Book of Names as the Most Excellent Names and in the Crimson Scroll as the heaven of this heaven, so that he may rejoice and remember his Lord, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.”

We have mentioned in many Tablets that this land is the Most Great Prison. When this mention spread, We adorned it with other names. Verily, your Lord is the Almighty, the Omnipotent.

Say: “This is the Day in which all things proclaim that the prison belongs to God, the Lord of Names. Exalted is this Most Great Station, which has bewildered the world. Verily, your Lord is the Explainer, the Most Beauteous.”

O Nabíl, I was filled with joy when I heard that you had no place left on earth, and I was delighted to see you cast out in My name among My servants.

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By God’s life, the tongue of bounty remembers you and recalls what has befallen you on His Straight Path. Verily, He has chosen for you what He chose for Himself.

Reflect on what befell Him from the hosts of the oppressors and say: “Praise be to You, O Lord of the world and Sovereign of eternity, for drawing me near, teaching me, making me recognize, causing me to witness, and enabling me to praise You on a day when every strong foundation was shaken.”

Proclaim on My behalf to the faces of My beloved ones and give them glad tidings of My remembrance and care. Remind them of what My Supreme Pen has revealed in Tablets that none but God, the Lord of all worlds, can enumerate.

We counsel them to love the world and to promote that which exalts the Cause of God, the Sovereign, the Almighty, the Praiseworthy.

Advise My servants regarding My virtues and what they have been commanded in My mighty Book. Say: “Do not make the religion of God a cause of dissension and conflict. By God, it has been revealed for your unity and agreement. This is attested by the tongue of grandeur in its noble station.”

Say: “By God, the Mother Book has appeared, speaking from the highest station: ‘There is no God but Me, the All-Knowing, the Wise.’

Today, all those who have partaken of the sealed wine under the name ‘Qayyúm’ are remembered before the Throne. Convey My greetings to all from the Oppressed One.

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Most of the people are heedless and deprived of true recognition of the Day of God. Wherever you enter, be the Water of Life for the thirsty and a shining lamp for those souls who, in the darkness of doubt, have drunk from the spring of illusion.

We counsel all to noble conduct. Ignite the hearts with the fire of My love, and then remind them of My beautiful mention. Say: “O servants, the ocean of generosity has appeared, and the sun of knowledge has dawned. Do not make the divine religion, which is the cause of unity among the people of the world, a cause of discord.”

O Nabíl, if people were aware of what has been revealed, all would turn to the supreme horizon and find themselves detached and freed from all else. Say: “In tribulations and adversity, follow the example of the Truth, and hold firmly to the cord of patience and endurance.”

Reflect on the names Há and Há, who outwardly were associated with Truth. Their inner matter is evident and clear. Raqshá and the wolf strove with utmost tyranny to extinguish those two lights…

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…until they attained the lofty and exalted station of martyrdom. Exalted is God, glorified is His grandeur, and magnified is His might. In the realm of appearance, He had the power for retribution, yet He commanded all to patience and endurance, as His gaze was fixed on the education of the world and another station.

Reflect on this wondrous and sweet word revealed on various occasions by the Supreme Pen:

“True glory is not for the one who loves his country but for the one who loves the world.”

Humankind was not created for strife, corruption, or contention. By My life, the matter is mighty and of great significance.

If these stations were fully detailed, no Tablets would suffice.

O Muḥammad, be a refreshing water for the lands of existence, a guide for the lost, and a comfort for the distressed.

By divine assistance, you must ignite the love of God in the hearts of the people of the world. Kindle the fire of love in His name, so all may be enkindled by its heat. Dedicate utmost effort to the unity of the friends.

It is truly a pity that souls who have borne hardships in the path of God and become the object of the ridicule of the world would occupy themselves with trivial matters and turn away from the purpose.

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…veiled from the purpose. Say: “By God, the All-Knowing is aware of your condition, and His bounty lies before you. Beware lest you deprive yourselves of what has been decreed for you in the clear Book. Blessed are your faces for turning toward the Beloved, your ears for hearing His call, your hearts for inclining toward God, your eyes for beholding His signs, your hands for grasping the Oneness, and your feet for walking the straight path.”

O company of the purified, recognize your stations, ranks, and positions in the sight of God, your Creator, your Maker, your Sustainer, your Beloved, and the One who gives you life.

We counsel you in the end with the wisdom revealed by the All-Merciful in many Tablets. Glory be upon you and them from God, the Sovereign of the beginning and the end.

As for what you wrote regarding your desire to attain the presence of the Beloved, this was presented at the appropriate time. After the rising of the sun of permission, this servant was enabled to circumambulate the form of the Ancient and visit the Beloved of the world. I beseech and hope from God, exalted is His glory, that this servant may always be strengthened to attain this great honor on behalf of that Beloved in all circumstances.

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Regarding your mention that some have briefly observed the Persian portion of the Most Holy Tablet during times of visitation, this servant promised to send it in full afterward. At present, it is not clear to me which Tablet was intended, but God willing, it will be sent upon determination.

In truth, whatever is revealed by the Supreme Pen must be observed with utmost eagerness, joy, and diligence and conveyed to the souls of the earth. Praise be to God, the mention of that Beloved is frequent in the Most Holy Court, particularly in relation to the Most Great Branch and the Most Mighty Branch. May my soul and the essence of all particles of dust be a sacrifice for their steps.

That Beloved’s praise, proclamation, and supreme mention were raised by the companions of the pavilion of divine sanctity. The circumambulators of the Throne, one by one, express their sincerity and admiration to that Beloved. Glory, exaltation, and praise be upon you, upon the friends of God, and upon His chosen ones in His cities and lands.

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And upon all who approach with a pure heart and seek the Ultimate Beloved. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

Servant, 2nd Sha’bán, year 97. (July 1880)

BH00141 (Natural)

He is God, exalted is His greatness and power.

The essence and spirit of praise belong to the Most Holy Court of the Beloved, who caused the Water of Life to flow from the fountain of the Supreme Pen. How many Alexanders throughout the ages have strived with utmost effort to find the fountain of life but failed! Now, its seas have appeared in existence, surging and overflowing, yet true seekers are rare.

Until the fire of longing is ignited, the door of bounty will not open. It is not surprising that they failed to recognize the Beloved and understand the Desired One. They did not turn to the supreme horizon, drink from the oceans of life, or approach the everlasting divine bounty.

The greatest astonishment lies in those souls who rose up in rejection and veiled the radiance of the sun of truth with the veils of doubts and illusions. How many signs pass by them, and yet they turn away!

Blessed are the souls who have freed themselves from the world and its people and turned to the eternal divine fountain.

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Not every foolish one is worthy of this station, nor every blind one deserving of this wine. A pure gem is needed to attain the grace of the Benefactor, and a sanctified heart is required to grasp the virtues of the Day of God.

The abasement of people has reached such depths that they take shards instead of pearls and place darkness in the rank of light.

Today, it is seen that those who have not attained even a single letter of the knowledge of the Book or uncovered any of the mysteries of divine wisdom have become leaders of the people and guides for the servants.

They consider the decisive decree of God as trivial and the foundation of everlasting truth as weak. What a strange spell has appeared in the world! The sun of truth shines in its zenith, and the eyes of the servants are open, yet they remain deprived and barred.

O my God, my goal, my Beloved, my Creator, and my Sustainer, You hear and see my sighs and tears in Your days, the burning of my heart and liver at the manifestations of Your grace and the outpourings of Your favors. I see You oppressed among Your creation and imprisoned among Your servants.

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You have manifested power and might to such an extent that You have made the prison land into the Supreme Paradise for Your loved ones, its abasement into honor for Your chosen ones.

Through Your Supreme Pen, You have informed the servants of what has occurred and will occur in Your lands and territories, and You have revealed from the heaven of Your will what the tongues and pens are powerless to comprehend. You have unveiled what baffles the hearts of the discerning ones from reaching its depths.

Yet despite all this, I see them heedless and asleep, or even dead.

I beseech You, O Master of existence and Sovereign of the next world and this, by the light of Your face and the splendor of Your Cause, to ordain for those on earth what brings them closer to You and acquaints them with Your days, which You promised them in Your scriptures, books, and Tablets.

O my Lord, do not withhold Your servants from the ocean of Your bounty or the sun of Your grace. All things bear witness to Your power and the weakness of Your creation. Every tongue attests to Your exaltation and self-sufficiency and the poverty of all else before You.

Send down upon them, O my God, from the heaven of Your care and the clouds of Your mercy, that which causes the hearts of Your creation to blossom with the flowers of Your recognition and the blossoms of Your wisdom. Verily, You are the Almighty, capable of whatever You will. In Your grasp is…

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This is addressed to the esteemed and kind brother. Your letter dated the 19th of J2 has been received, as well as an earlier letter dated the 14th of J1. Praise be to God and thanks to Him that all your correspondence is adorned with the mention of the Sovereign Lord.

In truth, the fragrances of your love emanate from your words. I beseech God, exalted and glorified is He, to enable you to attain what pleases Him. Indeed, you are already assisted, for without the confirmations of the Desired One, how could servants like us comprehend the Day of Meeting or be worthy of entering the courtyard of the Lord of Names?

The essence of truth has strengthened the heart, illuminated the eyes, and granted grace through the radiance of His countenance. Were it not for His bounty and grace, we would have been among the lost and nonexistent.

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In all circumstances, with countless tongues, one must offer gratitude, for without deserving, He has granted what is withheld from and inaccessible to all others.

Had it not been for His call and the appearance of His messenger, who would have attained the word “Yes”? Had it not been for the sun of His grace, who could have found His path?

A thousand lives are but a small price for the servants of His court. By the Beauty of Eternity, this humble servant’s heart is filled with countless sorrows, so many that I cannot recount them all.

In this existence, I am as insignificant as a moth, yet the radiance of His lamp has so attracted me that I circle it and offer my life.

After the shining forth of the sun of truth, this servant is still alive and enduring. Even now, the time for martyrdom has passed, for all are commanded with supreme wisdom to preserve human existence.

O brother, people observe the revealed verses and hear the events that have transpired. If they truly looked toward the supreme horizon with the vision of the heart or tasted the sweetness of the Beloved’s words, they would see the world differently.

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Both you and I, and indeed all the friends, must pray for one another that all may attain the ocean of His pleasure. No station is higher than this. If people were to reach this exalted and lofty station, what is hidden from all would be revealed.

However, this humble servant is incapable and forbidden from expressing certain ranks and stations. Verily, He decrees as He wills, and with Him lies the decisive decree.

After reading what flowed from your pen, I turned toward the Most Holy Court, where it was all presented. Then the kingdom of the Bayán resounded with what the tongue of the All-Merciful proclaimed:

“Write to Abú’l-Ḥasan and give him glad tidings of what has overflowed from the Most Great Ocean, so he may rejoice and be among the thankful. I have borne witness to what My Supreme Pen witnessed when the Sovereign of Names established Himself upon the Throne. Verily, there is no God but Me, the One, the Wise.”

Rest assured of My grace and care. Verily, He is with those He wills, remembers those who remember Him, and draws near to those who approach Him with a radiant countenance.

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O Abú’l-Ḥasan, you have attained the verses of God time and again. Verily, your Lord is the All-Hearing, the Answerer.

God willing, in all circumstances, you will be adorned with the mantle of service to the Most Exalted. May you be illumined by the radiance of the sun of trustworthiness.

As per your request, this humble servant was enabled to perform the pilgrimage. I beseech God to record its reward for you. Verily, He is the Helper of those who turn toward Him and the Sustainer of those who approach.

In your first letter, you mentioned that while gathered with the friends in the house of His Honor ’A., the blessed sacred verses were recited.

Blessed is the house where the mention of God is raised. Soon, this world will be seen as passing away, and this is a truth no one in the world can deny. Therefore, as long as there is time and opportunity, one must strive to attain a station that is sanctified from disputes and changes.

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The servants who today are freed from doubts and illusions and united with truth are those who are most exalted in rank in the sight of God.

I humbly beseech God, exalted is His glory, to never deprive these servants of the wonders of His bounty.

Regarding your note that due to the incompleteness of matters in this land, you deemed movement inadvisable—indeed, you acted wisely. All transactions with people must be settled, and all matters concluded.

God willing, in all circumstances, you are assisted. If you reflect, you will perceive the divine grace bestowed upon you. His confirmations are with you and will remain so.

Regarding the two sons of His Honor R. J., I convey this glad tidings: the bounty of God, exalted and mighty is He, regarding them and their associates is immense. In truth, they have arisen to serve the Cause. We beseech God to assist them in all circumstances.

This detail was presented at the Most Holy Court, and the following was revealed:

“This is what the All-Merciful has revealed in response. He is the Most Holy, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, the Most Splendid. This is a Book that the books of the world have testified to, yet most of the people remain heedless.”

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When the revelation emerged from the horizon of His will, the Kingdom of the Bayán prostrated before it, yet most of the people remained asleep. This is the remembrance that, when manifested, was circled by the supreme concourse, but the people are veiled by a clear barrier.

By God, the books, through the tongue of their secrets, announce glad tidings to the world, saying: “The Most Great Name has appeared, and with Him is the Mother Book.” Yet the polytheists remain in profound delusion.

O Son of Rá and Jím, rejoice in what ecstasy has turned toward you from this noble station. We remember you with a remembrance that its fragrance will linger in the world. Verily, your Lord is the Herald, the All-Knowing.

The Supreme Pen mentioned you before your names were known at the Throne, as a favor upon your father. Verily, He is the Most Generous, the Benevolent.

We counsel you and the believers to steadfastness and to what We counseled one of Our Branches, who was named Badí‘u’lláh in the Book of Names, and ’Alí Qablí Muḥammad in My mighty Tablet.

This is the Day of Resurrection and the Lord of all worlds. This is the Day of the Call and My immutable decree.

O Rá before Jím, upon you be My glory. Verily, He remembers you in this station and counsels you with the wisdom revealed by the All-Merciful in the clear Book. No one is permitted to exceed wisdom, lest the clamor of the opposers arise.

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Say: “Hold fast to it, a command from the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing.”

Glory be upon you, upon your prophets, and upon those with you who hear your words concerning this Cause. When it appeared, all things spoke, saying: “The promise has come, and the Promised One proclaims: ‘There is no God but Me, the Manifest, the Revealer, the Almighty, the Praised.’”

This is the caller between earth and heaven. This is the mention that brings delight to the eye of remembrance, yet most of the people do not know.

This is the proclamation; by the life of the All-Merciful, the Bayán circumambulates it, yet most of the people do not understand.

Say: “By God, the trumpet is sounding, the balance is moving, and the path calls out before the Countenance, yet most of the people do not perceive.”

O Riḍá, listen to the call of your Lord, the Most Glorious. We created all to hear this call, yet when it was raised, every heedless veiled soul turned away.

We created sight for My Day, hearing for My manifestation, hands to grasp My sealed wine, which is My destined Book. Blessed are you for drinking from the spring of life when the All-Merciful came with a manifest sovereignty.

We extol this station upon your father and your siblings, who partook of the Kawthar of the Bayán in the name of the Lord of religions and drank from it with My beloved remembrance.

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The sacred verses revealed testify to God’s clear grace. This humble servant conveys greetings to each one, praying that they may dwell and find rest under the shade of the eternal Lote-Tree, engaged in the remembrance of God, exalted is His station and sovereignty.

Regarding the maidservants of God mentioned in your letter, the matter was presented at the Most Exalted, Most Holy Court. The Ancient Tongue has spoken these words in this station:

“God willing, the maidservants of God will occupy themselves in the nights and days with His remembrance and praise.”

O Abú’l-Ḥasan, there was a time when God, exalted is His glory, said:

“O My servant and the child of My handmaid, reflect, then render thanks to your Lord, the Benevolent, the Generous.”

Convey My greetings to the maidservants of God from the Oppressed One, as well as to the other maidservants residing in that land. God willing, all will be fully sanctified and purified, engaged in the remembrance of the Desire of the worlds.

How many men who considered themselves learned and knowledgeable are seen to be veiled, while many servants and women, who have not attained even a single letter of knowledge, have been graced with the ocean of knowledge and are proclaiming “To You belongs the praise.”

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Regarding what you wrote about Mosul, He said: “It would have been better to turn to the glad tidings and the verse ‘But give glad tidings to the patient’ after the blessed verse ‘And We shall surely test you.’”

Although famine has afflicted most lands this year, spreading such matters among the friends may lead to certain consequences. Mentioning and disseminating such issues should always be subject to permission. Verily, He is more knowing of His servants than they are of themselves. Verily, He is the One, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

Any soul wishing with full desire and enthusiasm to render the rights of God must give it to trusted individuals like yourself and receive a receipt, so that what occurs does so with divine permission and sanction. Verily, He is the Educator, the Wise.

Concerning what you wrote regarding His Honor ’A., upon him be the glory of God, having designated an amount for that land, he is continually assisted.

We ask God, our Beloved and yours, our Desire and yours, to enable him to manifest that which exalts His Cause and spreads that which elevates His mention. Verily, He is the Self-Sufficient, the Preeminent, the Almighty.

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Regarding what you wrote: “I have no desire other than the pleasure of the Beloved,” He said:

“This is the greatest of stations. Blessed is the soul that has drunk from this cup, which God has placed beyond the reach of bounty itself. God willing, you will always attain it. Verily, it is better for you and My servants than all that is in the earth.”

Regarding what you mentioned about His Honor Áqá Mírzá Asadu’lláh of A. and Sh., it was presented, and He said:

“O Asad, We have remembered you before, and We are the All-Reminding, the All-Knowing. Strive in what is befitting for these days, which were the hope of the sincere. Act upon what God has decreed in His mighty Book. Proclaim on My behalf to My beloved ones in A. and Sh. We have remembered them and extolled them in this lofty station, so they may hold fast to spiritual virtues, pleasing deeds, and that which exalts this mighty Cause. Praise belongs to God, the Lord of all worlds.”

Regarding what you wrote about seeking the lands and M., it was presented at the Most Holy Court, and the following was revealed:

“This is what the Ancient Tongue proclaimed when the Beloved of the world was seated upon the throne of His Most Great Name: ‘O Abú’l-Ḥasan, when you enter the land of Há and sense its fragrance…’”

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Convey My exaltation to My loved ones there, who have forsaken all else for My sake and embraced what has been revealed in My Book. They have drunk the nectar of fidelity from the hand of My bounty and turned with radiant faces toward the horizon of My grace. These are the servants who were drawn by the call of God and spoke of His remembrance and praise. They proclaimed what they were commanded in the clear Tablet.

We remember the traveler in this station, who turned toward My Countenance and attained My presence when the light of My Cause dawned from the horizon of Zawrā’. We testify that he bore witness to what God has testified on the Day when footsteps faltered.

O Tongue of Grandeur, mention him who is named with Bá and Qáf, who fulfilled the covenant on the Day when necks bowed before God, the Sovereign of horizons. Listen again to My call, for I remember you with that which nothing on earth can equal. By this, the Mother Book bears witness.

Your letter sent previously and another one have reached, and both attained the Supreme Presence, where the Possessor of Destiny speaks: “There is no God but Me, the Mighty, the Bestower.” Blessed are you for being moved by the vibrations of God’s verses in His days and for rising to serve the Cause with spirit and joy.

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We have mentioned you in various Tablets with a remembrance whose fragrance will never fade from the world. This is witnessed by the Wronged One imprisoned in the Most Exalted Station.

O Abú’l-Ḥasan, bring joy to the friends in that land with the wondrous and glorious mention of God. With utmost spirit and joy, turn toward the lands of the All-Merciful and traverse them. Two letters from those named with Bá and Qáf have reached the Desired Goal and attained the Praiseworthy Station. God willing, with divine assistance, they will remain ever occupied in the remembrance of the Beloved and the service of the Cause with wisdom and clarity. May they continually drink from and offer to others the chalice of divine love.

Nothing is hidden at the Throne, nor will it ever be. Verily, He hears and sees; He is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Upon them be My glory, as well as upon those who circumambulate My Throne, and upon the noble one who turned toward the supreme horizon, entered Zawrā’, attained the presence of the Lord of Names, and drank the nectar of revelation from the hand of bounty and His Merciful Lord.

Say to them: “Do not be disheartened. Rely upon God in all matters; He is with you and will manifest what He wills. Verily, He is the Giver, the Overflowing Benefactor.”

If you see Kamál al-Dín, bring him glad tidings of My care and grace. Remind him of what We commanded him when he was present before My face:

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“O Kamál, We have counseled you to make all your humility and submission solely for God. Have you forgotten what you were commanded? Ask your Lord to strengthen you to act according to what you were commanded by the One who revealed the Book. We have remembered you in a way testified by all the scriptures, behind which stands My tongue, and behind it, My Supreme Pen in the scriptures and Tablets.”

Verily, your Lord hears your call and sees what appears in the realm of existence. He is the Almighty, the All-Knowing.

We mention in this station Our servant Núr, who drank from the ocean of My reunion and was graced with hearing My call in the early days. Glory be upon you, upon him, upon those associated with him, and upon the assembly that attended and attained what most men were denied.

O Kamál, listen with the ear of your heart to the call of the Beloved of the world and act upon what He has commanded. You are among those mentioned at the Throne. Recognize the value of this station. By the dust of the Most Great Prison, which today is the resting place of the Sovereign of Eternity, if the rank of even one soul illumined by the light of the Divine Word were revealed to the people of heaven and earth, all would be bewildered, nay, most would be overwhelmed.

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O My Pen, mention Maḥmúd, who turned toward the Praiseworthy Station and, before the manifestation, attained the dawning-place of light and believed in God, the One, the All-Knowing.

O Maḥmúd, do not grieve over what has befallen you in the land of exile. We praise God for what befell Us in the prison of the land of Ṭá and in this Great Prison. As tribulations increase, so too do the pure ones increase in their love for God, the Sovereign of all. Thus does your Lord of the Throne and the earth meet you, so you may be among the thankful.

Blessed is the soul that has borne hardships and difficulties in the path of God, the Lord of the Day of Reckoning. We bring you glad tidings of the greatest ease after your greatest tribulation. Rejoice and say: “Praise be to You, O Desire of the worlds!”

O Maḥmúd, no one has grasped the mysteries of divine wisdom. If the people of the earth had acted upon the counsel of the Beloved of the heavens, the entire earth would have been seen as the Supreme Paradise, and all would have attained complete freedom and absolute ease.

Say: “Glorified are You, O One by Whose Name the limbs of men tremble, and the mountains are scattered. I ask You by Your hidden Name, which is established upon the Throne of Manifestation in this Day, in which the trumpet is sounded and the decree of resurrection has appeared…”

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“Grant me success to remember and praise You in such a way that no hosts of Your earth nor the might of Your creation can prevent me. O my Lord, You see me turning to You, clinging to the cord of obedience to You, and holding fast to the hem of Your bounty. Ordain for me that which is good for me, and record for me that which benefits me in every realm of Your dominion. Verily, You know what benefits me, and You are the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.”

O my Lord, I beseech You by Yourself to deliver me from imprisonment in Your days and to strengthen me to do what You love and approve. Verily, You are the All-Powerful, the Exalted, the Mighty, the Generous.

Say: “The Countenance of Eternity has turned toward the sages in Há and Mím, bringing them glad tidings of the paradise of God, the Lord of all worlds. Rejoice in what the One seated upon the Throne reminds you, from which the near ones perceive the fragrance of God, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the Praised.”

By God, He who was named Yahweh in the Torah, the Comforter in the Gospel, and the Great Announcement in the Qur’án has come. When He appeared, the heavens of illusions were rent asunder, the earths of conjecture split, and all on earth were seized, except those whom God, the Exalted, the All-Knowing, willed.

Blessed are you for turning to the Countenance and blissful are you for attaining this noble station. Take heed lest…

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Do not let the circumstances of creation cause you sorrow. Hold fast to the truth, for He is the Almighty, the All-Powerful.

O assembly of sages in the land of Há, the Supreme Pen declares: Today is a day of remembrance and praise, a day of praiseworthy qualities. God willing, you should quench the thirst of the parched with the Euphrates of divine mercy, and guide the homeless to their true homeland. With utmost spirit and joy, bring glad tidings of the All-Merciful’s favor to the inhabitants of the world and arise to serve with wisdom.

Whatever deeds are manifest today from any worker will appear like stars in the sky of divine knowledge. By His truth, nothing escapes His notice. Verily, He is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

Drink in the name of the True Beloved, speak in His name, and enkindle the fire of love for Him—a fire whose effects will become evident in the world. This is not difficult for the Almighty; He does as He wills and ordains as He pleases. He is the One, the Incomparable.

Those among you who engage in proclaiming the Cause are mentioned at the Throne and are specially favored by the grace of God.

O Abú’l-Ḥasan, though the names of some may not have been outwardly mentioned, all are remembered, preserved, and recorded by the Supreme Pen, especially those who have wholeheartedly arisen to proclaim and serve the Cause. Upon them be My glory, My mercy, and My favor that has surpassed the worlds.

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What they have done for My Cause will become evident in the realm of existence. They should rejoice in this remembrance, whose fragrance exudes the essence of their Lord’s grace. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

We proclaim from the direction of the prison to the loved ones of God in N and R, both male and female, who have remained faithful to the covenant of God and turned toward His luminous Countenance.

O My loved ones there, the papers adorned with My remembrance and praise have been presented to the Wronged One, and We have responded as a favor from Our presence. Verily, He is near, responsive.

Rejoice in My remembrance, and place your trust in the All-Knowing One in all matters. He ordains for His loved ones that which benefits them in His realms. Verily, He is the Sovereign over what He wills, by His name, the Wise.

From the prison, We remember you with what draws the hearts of the sincere. Upon you be My glory and upon those who have cast aside illusions and turned to God, the Lord of all worlds.

O Abú’l-Ḥasan, We heard the call of Nabíl previously in the land of Tá and now remember him with a tongue by which the horizons are set ablaze. The Possessor of the Covenant has spoken: “Sovereignty belongs to God, the Lord of Lords.”

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We have remembered him before, and We now remember him again so that he may rejoice in the remembrance of God, the Revealer of verses. Proclaim on My behalf to him and give him glad tidings of this remembrance, which God has made the sovereign of all remembrances. Glory from Us is upon him and upon those who attained this station of remembrance.

Convey this humble servant’s insignificance and nothingness whenever you meet the friends of God in any city or land. God willing, they will always drink from the cup of the All-Merciful’s love and turn, with all their vision, hearing, and soul, toward the supreme horizon. This is the Lote-Tree of goodness, its fruit and leaves.

By the One God, the All-Knowing bears witness that this servant does not consider himself worthy of being mentioned in the presence of those who have annihilated their own will, desire, and choice in the will and purpose of God.

Blessed is the soul that acts according to what has been commanded in the Book of God.

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A soul that, outwardly adorned with praiseworthy deeds, sometimes interprets the divine verses according to its own imaginations—woe to them for what they do.

His Honor Amín, upon him be the glory of God, is frequently mentioned, as he has always been present in your correspondence. This humble servant has also mentioned him in all communications. However, it seems his journey has not yet begun. Wherever he may be, he is engaged in the remembrance of God and acts according to what pleases and satisfies Him. God willing, he will attain His presence and again be graced with reunion.

Upon you and upon those adorned with the qualities revealed by the Revealer of verses in His mighty Book be My glory. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

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This servant thought to present a petition to His Beloved, His Honor N. Ẓ., upon him be the glory and praise of God. However, as there was no specific matter, I refrained from troubling him. God willing, wherever he may be, he will remain under the shadow of the favor and grace of God, exalted is His station.

Concerning what you wrote regarding matters that seem somewhat unfavorable, do not be distressed. God willing, they will be resolved. Whatever occurs in the world as a result of his services and sincerity will not and cannot be erased; its fruit will appear visibly in the world, and inwardly, only God, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed, comprehends it.

Convey this humble servant’s luminous and holy greetings to him. Always keep me informed about his conditions.

BH00283 (Assuming this is the end)

Verily, glory, might, and majesty rest upon his noble being and those associated with him.

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He has manifested the Sovereignty of the Divine Names. By the exalted Word, He has created all things, causing them to proclaim His praise in the realm of creation. At times, He revealed the Word in the form of the Balance, and at others as an Ocean, from which pearls of knowledge and wisdom have been drawn. Sometimes, it was manifested as the Path, and at others as the form of the Trumpet, which, when sounded, caused all in the heavens and the earth to swoon, save those whom He willed and desired. Verily, He is the All-Powerful over His servants, the Manifest in the beginning and the end. There is no God but Him, the Possessor of existence.

I invoke blessings and peace upon the one whom God has made the Sun of the heaven of His knowledge, the Ark of the ocean of His will, and a light from the radiance of His countenance; and upon those who approached Him with illumined hearts and radiant faces, drawn by the attraction of the Manifestation, to such an extent that they encircled tribulations and advanced in His path toward hardship and adversity.

These souls were not hindered by the howling of oppressors, the clamor of the idolaters, or the cries of the heedless. They have championed the Cause of God with their hearts, eyes, ears, tongues, hands, and feet. The Supreme Concourse and the inhabitants of Paradise bless them in every morning and evening, and those who dwell beyond the ocean of grandeur extol their praises. Exalted is their Creator, their Sustainer, their Helper, and their Provider, who fashioned them by a will from His presence. Verily, He is the Unique, the Omnipotent, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

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O Beloved of my heart, I was asleep when the Messenger of my Lord awakened me. Upon arising, He said: “The Desire of the world and the Sovereign of eternity summons you to His presence.” Thereupon, I set forth and directed my steps to the station until I stood before the Countenance of the Lord of all being. The Tongue of Grandeur spoke what He desired, and when the Sun of permission shone forth for my return, I departed toward my dwelling.

Upon entering, I found a letter, and as I read it, I was overcome by the attraction of your love in such a manner that I cannot describe it. From every word of your letter and every letter of your script, I seemed to read a treatise on your love for the Desire of the world, your detachment from all else, and your dedication to His remembrance and praise, limiting all your endeavors to the promotion of His Cause.

Blessed are you, and joyful is your station, and glorious is your soul, and serene is your spirit.

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Were this servant to repeat these words throughout the dominion of the heavens and the earth, it would still be fitting, for I have found your heart to be the repository of love for God, your tongue the spring of His sweetest praise, and your ear attentive to His supreme call. I beseech Him, exalted is He, to occupy you at all times with a flame that intensifies the heat of love for Him above all else. Verily, He is the All-Hearing, the Near, the Responsive.

Truly, this humble servant found such joy in extolling and praising that spiritual Beloved that words fail to capture it. On one of the nights, I presented it entirely before His presence. Thereupon, the ocean of grace surged, and the Tongue of Grandeur spoke that which none but Himself could enumerate. At the conclusion of His statement, He said, exalted is His greatness:

“O present servant, he is ablaze with the fire of love for God and proclaims His praise among His servants. He offers the cup of His grace and the waters of His bounty to those who seek nearness and approach their Lord, the Almighty, the Self-Subsisting. Verily, We assist him as a favor from Our presence, and We record for him what will gladden his heart. His Lord, the All-Merciful, is indeed powerful over whatsoever He wills. By a word from Him, He is the Sovereign over all that was and shall be.”

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“O you who have turned to My horizon and soared in My air, hearken to My call: at times from My palace, at others from My prison, and sometimes from the garden of your Lord, the Sovereign of existence.”

The present servant came with your letter and laid it before the Throne, from which wafted the fragrance of My beloved’s love. Blessed are you and your father, who abides in the proximity of My mercy. Bounty is in God’s hand; He bestows it upon whom He wills by a command from His presence. Verily, He is the Truth, the Knower of the unseen.

Proclaim on My behalf to My loved ones who have not been hindered by hardship or ease from My praised station:

“Beware lest the world veil you from the Possessor of Names. Reflect, and then recall the bygone generations: where are the mighty and the rulers, the learned and the arrogant, the warriors and the tyrants? Where are their visible monuments, their lofty palaces, their adorned dwellings, and their expansive gardens?

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“Where are their laid-out furnishings, their inhabited mansions, their marshaled armies, their adorned maidens, their inscribed garments, their precious possessions, their jeweled crowns, their fortified retreats, their elevated gatherings, and their storied treasures? Where are the tribes known for their valor, their arrayed forces, their individuals, and their delegations?

“Where is he who made the sea of oppression his vessel and the winds of pride his guide? Where is he who, even if given all the hidden treasures and ornaments of the earth, would have said, ‘Is there yet more?’ All have returned to the dust with regret and remorse, known only to God, the Lord of all worlds.”

Say, O My loved ones: Arise in My remembrance and praise, and adhere to the wisdom revealed in My Book, which emerged from the Kingdom of My utterance. Soon, annihilation will seize all that is seen, and the Sovereign of the Throne and the dust, the Lord of the hereafter and the beginning, shall remain.”

Thus has My Supreme Pen spoken in this station, which God has made a throne for the heavens, illumined by the lights of the effulgences of My most exalted, most glorious Name.

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Strive to attain a station that endures and cannot be taken away by any power. Reflect upon the divine qualities and attributes that adorn the Tablets and act accordingly. God willing, you will attain the honor that is esteemed in the sight of God, and you will be adorned with the grace that elevates. Those who have truly drunk from the Cup of the Merciful and tasted the wine of understanding on the Day of God are observed to grow even more fervent in adversity and hardship. Blessed is the soul that today achieves what God has willed.

Such a soul will not be hindered by the diversity of the world’s conditions or the ways of the nations from turning toward the Eternal Sovereign. The ocean of joy will surge in its heart, and the sun of gladness will rise on the horizon of its being. Thus does God counsel and exhort His loved ones, showing them the way to ascend to His sanctified, exalted dominion.

From the wondrous, unassailable verses revealed, the grace and bounty of God are evident and apparent. This servant, indeed all of creation, is incapable of adequately describing them. Unto Him belong favor and glory, majesty and praise, bounty, and manifold blessings. He bestows what He wills by a command from His presence. Verily, He is the One, the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

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Regarding those souls who have newly turned toward the Supreme Ocean and drunk from the eternal chalice in the name of God: blessed are they, and joyful is their station. Their mention has been presented at the Most Holy Threshold, and upon each of them, the Sun of Grace has dawned.

This humble servant beseeches God to adorn all with the ornament of understanding. Since you speak and remember out of love for God and in His path, surely your words will be impactful. God willing, the world’s darkness will vanish through the light of the Word of the Eternal Sovereign, and the banners of victory will be raised in every city.

Regarding the people of Sistan, their mention has been submitted to the Most Holy Presence. Wondrous, unassailable verses were revealed concerning them, and since they are mentioned in the Book of that spiritual Beloved, their matter was presented once more. These radiant words were revealed from the Dawning Place of the Will of the Manifester of Signs.

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“Exalted is His grandeur, and magnified is His majesty and His transcendent power.”

Potential different tablet

He is the Witness, the All-Knowing, the Expounder, the Mighty, the Wise.

A mention from Us for those who have been stirred by the breezes of My forefathers, drawn by the fragrance of My garment, and brought near by the manifestations of My will and desire, that they might rejoice in such a manner that the affairs of those who disbelieve in God, the Lord of the worlds, will not disturb them.

O My loved ones in Sistan! We have mentioned you previously, and We mention you again, as a favor from Our presence. Verily, I am the All-Bountiful, the Most Generous.

How many learned ones have been veiled by their knowledge from the Sovereign of knowledge! And how many knowers, when the Known appeared, turned away from Him and objected to God, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed! Blessed are you for having torn through the greatest veils and shattered the idols of delusions with the name of your Lord, the All-Powerful, the Omnipotent.

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Say: O assembly of the learned, by God! The ocean of knowledge has appeared. O assembly of the mystics, by God! The Known has come with a manifest sovereignty. Abandon what you possess of doubts and fancies, and hasten to the horizon where the Tongue of Grandeur proclaims, “The dominion belongs to God, the Unique, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy.”

Do your doubts avail you? No, by My name, the All-Sustaining. Do your delusions suffice you? No, by My sovereignty, which rules over all who are in the heavens and the earth.

O assembly of the lofty ones, turn toward the highest horizon, and then, with the name of the Possessor of Names, tear through your veils and the veils that have prevented you from beholding My radiant horizon.

O My loved ones, know your Lord, the All-Merciful, and thank Him for having enabled you to recognize the Dawning Place of His signs and the treasury of His mysteries, for most of the people have been heedless of Him. Thus does God remind you and inform you of what will benefit you.

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Cling to the cord of the Cause in such a manner that the noise of the world does not distract you, nor do the insinuations of the exaggerators, who have cast behind their backs the Book of God and taken up what was commanded to them by every obstinate doubter, veil you.

From this station, We exalt you, that you may rejoice in the exaltation and remembrance of God. Verily, He guides whomsoever He wills to the straight path. Take hold of the Book of God with strength, and act according to what has been revealed therein by a Wise Sovereign.

Say: Unto Thee be praise, O Possessor of Names, and unto Thee be glory, O Lord of the hereafter and the beginning. We beseech Thee by the name Thou hast made the Dawning Place of all names to make us of those who are steadfast in Thy love and have drunk the wine of certitude from the hands of Thy bounty, such that neither the adornments of the world nor its tribulations prevent them from turning to Thee.

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While this servant was engaged in writing, I was summoned to the exalted summit and the highest horizon. When I was brought there, He said in His mighty grandeur: “We desire to mention the letter ‘Ayn’ upon whom be My glory, so that he may rejoice in the remembrance of God, the Lord of all worlds. We have already mentioned him with verses from which the fragrance of the Bayan wafts throughout existence. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

He is one who has attained the Supreme Ocean and has drunk the sealed wine from the hand of My hidden Name, which calls out from the Most Great Prison among the nations: ‘There is none other God but Me, the Almighty, the All-Powerful.’

We have inscribed for him with the Most Exalted Pen that which will benefit him in every world of his Lord, the All-Informed. By My life, were the realities of what has been bestowed upon him made manifest, he would soar on the wings of longing and proclaim in all realms: ‘Unto Thee be praise, O Desired One of the world! Unto Thee be glory, O Beloved of the near ones!’

We counsel him with wisdom and give him glad tidings of My grace, My favor, and My beautiful remembrance. Glory be upon him, upon those with him, and upon those who have acknowledged and testified to what God testified before the creation of the heavens and the earth. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.”

God willing, they will drink from the oceans of His grace through the wellspring of lofty Words and perceive the hidden truths enshrined within the palaces of the letters of the Possessor of Names and Attributes. Truly, His grace has reached a station where the pens and tongues of all peoples are incapable of describing or delineating it.

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We beseech Him, by His power and dominion, to accept from us whatever appears from us in His days. Verily, He is the All-Hearing, the Answerer.

This servant submits that you convey from me to the noble friends of that land—those illuminated by the lights of certitude and adorned with the embellishments of understanding—a sublime and majestic exultation.

We ask God to bestow upon all His fragrant breezes in His days and not deprive them of the Supreme Ocean. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

Regarding the Tablets, the sacred writings specific to the mentioned individuals have been delayed for reasons of wisdom, as the simultaneous dispatch of all Tablets is not in harmony with wisdom. They will, God willing, be sent subsequently.

Concerning the rendering of “Sistan,” you have written it with a “Ṣād” and vocalized it. However, since this name belongs to a region in Iran and eight letters, including “Ṣād,” did not exist in ancient Persian, I have written it with a “Sīn.” Yet, what is commonly recognized should generally be followed, as it is said: “An apparent error is better than a forgotten truth.”

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Since this is one of the names from among the names of the towns of Iran, and because, in the ancient tongue, eight letters, including Ṣād, were absent, this servant has written it with Sīn, even though what is commonly practiced among people must be followed, for it has been said, “The evident error is better than the abandoned truth.” Regarding the mention of Ḥadbā in your letter, certain passages from the Source of the Cause were written in response to the letter of Jináb Mullá Abú’l-Ḥasan upon him be peace. As per the command, I am to forward what has been written to his honor.

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He is the Speaker in the Kingdom of the Bayán.

The command belongs to God, who restrained His Most Exalted Pen during the known months because the horizon of trust had darkened due to what the hands of the people of creation had wrought. Then, when the term was completed and the appointed time had arrived, He moved it with the fingers of might to gallop in the arena of mention and exposition and to pace in the field of knowledge and wisdom. Blessed is the All-Merciful, who restrains and releases; when He restrains, the Concourse on High wails, and when He releases, all in the realms of being tremble and sway, and the branches of the Tree…

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…of the Lote-Tree of the Limit rise and stretch, and the branches of the trees of the cities of the names extend. Indeed, He is the Rider who is not hindered by the cries of the wicked nor the braying of the evildoers. He rides and traverses, calling out with the most exalted voice between earth and heaven, proclaiming what God has made as a spirit for the Concourse on High and a light for the Kingdom of creation. Verily, He is the Adornment by which the world has been beautified, and the fragrance of the garment wafted among the nations. Ask the Lord of Eternity to make known to the servants the bounty of this day, a day unparalleled in innovation and without peer in invention. I magnify and invoke blessings upon those whose faces are turned toward God, the Creator of the heavens, whose hearts are inclined to the Most Elevated Horizon, whose tongues speak the mention of God, the Possessor of Names, whose breasts are opened by the fragrances of this day—a day God has made as the dawn of His name, by which the back of idols has been broken and the pillars of delusions have been shaken. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

And after this, the servant received your letter and found in it what delighted me, as it was adorned with the mention of God and His praise, embellished with what befits His days. When the scent of affection rose from the ink of your letter, I ascended and stood before God, the Lord of creation, and presented its contents. Then the Tongue of Grandeur spoke, saying, exalted is His majesty:

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O Lion! We were walking in the house when the present servant came before the Throne with your letter and presented it before My face. Then, We sent down the answer from the heaven of will and power so that you may give thanks and be among the successful. My Most Exalted Pen testifies that you have come, heard, attended, recognized, seen, and attained the meeting with God, and He is the Witness. Reflect and remember: When We heard your call, We showed you Our visage and revealed to you My beauty. I am the Beautiful One. Do the affairs of the world sadden you after you have reached the shore of the ocean of joy? I am the Two Seas. You are the one who drank the pure wine of reunion from the hand of your Lord’s bounty. You attained the greatest gladness. Indeed, your Lord is the Great One. Thank God for empowering you and granting you His meeting. He is the Promised One in the Books of old. Indeed, your Lord is the All-Knowing. Be a servant of the Cause of your Lord. By God’s life, it is better for you than all that is on the earth. Thus does My Pen instruct you, for I am the All-Knowing. He has ordained for you by His grace what delights your heart. Verily, your Lord is the Most Generous.

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We have heard your call and witnessed all that has flowed from your pen in praise of the Possessor of Names. May you, in all circumstances, be eloquent in wisdom and speech, proclaiming the mention of God and engaged in His service. Praise be to God, for you have attained the wonders of divine favors in the Sacred Court, and the Most Exalted Pen has spoken with a grace whose mention will endure throughout the dominions of the seen and unseen. Watch over it and guard it as your life.

At present, service to the Cause is most essential and the highest of deeds. May God enable you to succeed in this, for He sees and hears and is indeed the Manifest Truth.

And regarding what you wrote about Jináb Áqá Mírzá Alí Akbar, upon him be the splendor of God, after presenting his state, the Sun of Favor has risen from the horizon of grace. He said, exalted be His majesty, O Alí! Blessed are you for having heard the rustling of the Lote-Tree of the Limit and the murmuring of the Stream of Life in the Kingdom of creation. Cling to the unshakable cord and say: To You be the praise.

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O Possessor of Names, for having made Yourself known to me, for having caused me to hear and honor me with the recognition of You, after most of Your creation has been heedless, I beseech You, O King of Kings, and the One who rules over all dominion, to make me drawn to Your verses, detached from all but You, and speaking of Your praise among Your servants with the wisdom You have enjoined upon me in Your Book. Verily, You are capable of whatever You will, in the name of Your Almighty. I thank God for what You mentioned in the Most Great Prison and for the mention of Your ancient Lord, who speaks with the highest call. There is no god but He, the Speaker, and I am the Listener. This is the end.

The names of those gentlemen mentioned in your book were presented one by one, and regarding all of them, His favor was expressed. His exalted words are: O Lion, with your mention of the One, the Unique, streams of wisdom have gushed forth among the people for you to rejoice and give thanks to your All-Knowing Lord. O `Alí Qabl-i Naqí, you have been mentioned before the Throne, and this is yet another time. Say: O Possessor of Names, to You belongs praise for having made Yourself known to me, honored me, and mentioned me. I beseech You to make me steadfast in Your love in a manner that I will not be shaken by…

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…the insinuations of those who disbelieved in You when You confronted them from the heaven of the Cause with manifest authority. O Muhammad, listen to what the Oppressed One calls to you and reminds you of in this noble station. Give thanks for having drunk the Kawthar of exposition, even though most of the inhabitants of the earth turned away from it. Say: O my God, the Most Merciful, I beseech You to strengthen me with what will exalt Your mention and ensure that my mention endures as long as Your mighty Kingdom remains. O bearer of the letter J, the face of Your Lord has turned toward you from this station, adorned by God with the embroidery of His Most Great Name, by which nations were shaken except for those whom Your Almighty Lord willed. Be firm and steadfast in a manner that fortifies every weak one, brings every distant one closer, delights every sorrowful one, and assures every doubting soul. We have mentioned you time after time so that you may rise in service to the Cause and remember your Praiseworthy Lord.

O Abu Turáb, the Bestower mentions you. By God’s life, how sweet is your mention and your call, and how glorious is the hearing of your Lord, the Listener, to you. Give thanks to God for having made you among the victorious. O Ḥasan, we mention you as a favor from Us. Listen…

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…and say: To You belongs the praise, O Possessor of Names, for having honored, strengthened, and granted me that which most of Your creation was heedless of. Verily, You are the Forgiving, the Merciful. We also mention the one called Ayyúb, that he may rejoice and be among the thankful. You are the one who turned, approached, and attained; this is testified by My swift Pen. Remember when you were before the Throne, heard the call of the Oppressed One, and were among the victorious.

O My Most Exalted Pen, mention the one called Muhammad, who turned toward the Most Glorious Horizon and sought to drink the pure wine of permanence from the hand of his generous Lord’s bounty. By God’s life, if you were to drink from it in My name, you would experience the sweetness of all blessings and be seized by the intoxication of the wine of knowledge to such a degree that you would leave behind all who dwell in creation and remember your Lord in a manner that draws every heedless soul near. We enjoin you to the greatest steadfastness, for the Cause is indeed momentous. Rejoice in what the Oppressed One mentions you for in the Most Great Prison and in what He has directed to you from this distant station.

O Yúsuf, listen to what your Most Glorious Lord calls to you from the Most Elevated Horizon…

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…that the call may raise you to a station where you leave behind the world and witness your soul in manifest joy. Blessed are you for having heard, turned, and remembered your Lord when all who turned away were heedless and doubtful. Cling to the cord of your Lord’s bounty and say: I beseech You by Yourself to make me steadfast in Your Cause, a refuge in Your presence, and clinging to Your luminous hem. Thus have We mentioned you so that you may rise to comprehend the favors of your Lord and be among the steadfast.

We now mention at this moment the one called `Abdu’l-Ḥusayn so that he may be attracted by the fragrances of revelation on this day when the Lord of Eternity has settled upon the Most Great Throne, proclaiming: There is no god but Me, the Wondrous. Nothing can equal what you have been mentioned for before My face, not even all the treasures of the earth. This is testified by My Most Exalted Pen and what has been revealed in My Preserved Tablet. Remember your Lord at all times and say: O God of existence, I beseech You by Your name, the One who dominates all names, to make me firm in Your religion, steadfast in Your love, and eloquent in praising You. I bear witness that…

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O Thou Possessor of Names, who caused the ocean of knowledge to surge and the fragrance of the garment to waft among religions, You are the One whose name raised the heaven of exposition and whose remembrance ennobled the books of the All-Merciful. There is no god but You, the Exalted. The Praised One mentions His beloved servant so that every discerning one may perceive the bounties of his gracious Lord. O Beloved, We mention you from within this prison. Your Lord is indeed the Most Merciful. Listen to the verses of your Lord, take them with strength from God, and say: Praise be to You, O Lord of all worlds. I beseech You, by Your might, power, greatness, and majesty, to make me among those who have cast aside the world for Your name, O Lord of Eternity. Verily, You are the All-Powerful, who gives and takes as He wills. You are the Mighty, the Exalted, the Inaccessible. This is the end.

Regarding what you mentioned about Jináb Áqá Muḥammad-Bayk, it was presented, and He said—and His word is the truth—that in these days, given the divisions, upheavals, and flames of war, turning attention to this prison is not appropriate. Say: O friends of the Beloved, He declares, today all loved ones must direct their gaze toward the horizon of…

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…unity and soar in the atmosphere of remembrance and exposition. Some must, in utmost unity and harmony, engage in the teaching of the Cause with wisdom. This is the greatest of rewards in the sight of God and shall remain so. He writes the reward of reunion for whomever desires it. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Omnipotent. This is the end.

Likewise, what you mentioned about Jináb Áqá Alí-Askar was specifically presented, and He said: May God grant him the best of rewards and ordain for him that which benefits him in both this world and the next. Verily, He is the Sovereign of the Throne and the dust. There is no god but Him, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. This is the end.

Regarding the prisoners you mentioned, it was presented directly before Him. He said: They should not be saddened by what has befallen them in the path of God and His Cause. What has come upon them has also come upon Us. Verily, your Lord is the All-Informed, the All-Knowing. Those who have been imprisoned in the path of God will be aided by Him as a favor from His presence, and He will make their mention eternal in His great Book. Thus, We have mentioned them in the Book, as well as the one called `Alí Qabl-i-Akbar, who attained the vision of God, the Lord of all worlds. Say: Rejoice in the mention of God…

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…Beware, for He loves those who endure hardships in His path. Verily, He is the Mighty, the Generous. This is the end. God willing, boundless favors shall encompass them.

As for what was written regarding Manakchí Ṣáḥib, his petition was received from the land of Ṣád, but it is not permissible for anyone to know the name of the sender. It arrived quickly, and the response was revealed from the heaven of will during those days. However, due to wisdom, its dispatch was delayed. Likewise, the petitions of this servant, presented to certain gentlemen, were also addressed. At the time the petition of the Ṣáḥib was received and presented before the Throne, the Most Great Branch—may my spirit be a sacrifice for the dust of His footsteps—was present. He was commanded to write a reply to the petition, which He did. The reason for its delay in being sent was due to that time being marked by certain Christians and Muslims rising with utter cunning and deceit to engage in…

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…corruption. Moreover, correspondence from the government was being investigated to ensure that no subversive writings were sent to others. For this reason, as well as others, the response was not sent. Now, however, the sun of permission has risen from the horizon of grace, and the response has been dispatched. God willing, its meanings will be attained.

O true brother and sincere friend, beseech God—exalted is His majesty—that souls may turn to His words with attentive ears, open hearts, and pure spirits. The Ṣáḥib asked about several matters, including the differences between religions. This is a subject which, if revealed in detail, would undoubtedly cause some upheaval, for most people have not drunk from the fountain of the Bayán nor do they comprehend the meanings of what has been revealed by the All-Merciful. Many of the servants remain bewildered by the differences between religions, while in reality, these differences serve as the cause and means for the education and advancement of souls.

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For, according to the exigencies of time, age, and era, the divine laws have been revealed. For instance, consider the differences in the hours of the day or the variations of the seasons. If a discerning soul reflects even briefly, they will surely recognize that these differences are the cause of the unity of the servants and the means of protecting the inhabitants of the lands. It was said before: “Travel is a part of torment.” Yet if it were now said, “Travel is a part of paradise,” it would not be unwarranted, for circumstances have changed. As observed, a traveler now sits comfortably in a carriage and journeys wherever they desire. Between these two statements, no contradiction is perceived by the discerning. Likewise, the Ṣáḥib mentioned the statements of various religions and inquired about which day is most beloved. The outward answer to this was not explicitly written but was alluded to in all…

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The answers to their questions were revealed from the heaven of the Will of the All-Merciful and sent. God willing, they will understand their realities and become aware of the forms of meanings resting within the chambers of words. Today, what is better and more acceptable, what is truly the educator, enlightener, and reviver of the world, are the utterances of truth. If a fair-minded person were to examine this Tablet revealed for the Ṣáḥib, they would acknowledge that it is the Sovereign of Exposition, the King of Books, and the compendium of all meanings. These very questions that they have asked were already fully answered beforehand. God has taught all; nothing has remained that has not been revealed in the Book.

In all matters and concerns, what suffices all and brings complete tranquility has been revealed from the heaven of divine Will. We beseech God to enable the people to comprehend the intent behind these revelations. Convey this servant’s greetings to the honored Ṣáḥib and tell him that, God willing, he must be illumined with the lights of divine love and attain His good pleasure. Since…

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In Iraq, they attained the honor of presence. God willing, they will be blessed with its effects and fruits. Verily, He is the Manifestation of whatever He wills through His sovereignty, and indeed, He is the Almighty Manifestation.

This servant sent a copy of the blessed Tablet revealed in the name of the honored Ṣáḥib, written in a clear script, with instructions that any of the friends who desire may take a copy of it so that the original remains preserved and reaches its owner. While drafting this petition, the thought occurred that the friends of that land should strive earnestly so that the honored Ṣáḥib becomes aware of the fundamental matter. That is, they should understand that the purpose of God—exalted is His glory—is not strife, contention, or, God forbid, disgraceful acts, reprehensible deeds, bloodshed, looting, or the seizure of the wealth of others.

If they truly comprehend this and discern the purpose of what has been revealed in the Book, it suffices to convey to some souls words that bring assurance. Leaders and nobles must understand this station and realize that God is sanctified and exalted above all imperfections. This matter is as evident and manifest as the sun.

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It is evident, its path is clear, and its way is straight. If they reflect upon this encompassing word that has flowed from the dawning-place of the Divine Pen, they will bear witness to the loftiness and exaltedness of the Cause of God. His exalted words state: “Glory is not for those who love their country, but for those who love the world.” This is the end.

Where are the people and what they say, and where is the station of the Cause of God, the Self-Subsisting, the Ever-Abiding? God willing, that honored one must remind the servants with utmost kindness and wisdom, and every effort must be made to unify the loved ones of that land. God knows that this is what brings joy to all things. Verily, our Lord, the All-Merciful, has enjoined love and unity upon His loved ones in most of the Tablets, for through these the banners of victory are raised, and the horizon of the Cause becomes manifest.

After presenting your petition in the Sacred Court and considering what the All-Merciful revealed in response, this servant was again summoned. He was instructed: “O present servant, write to the loved ones that the Most Exalted Pen has never and will never pay attention to the mention of elixirs or sciences. Some individuals have inquired about certain sayings of philosophers and others. It was observed that if a response is not revealed…”

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…it may lead to misunderstandings. Therefore, from the source of divine knowledge, what was necessary was revealed, and all were forbidden from engaging in such practices. Blessed is the one who hears the command of God and restrains their soul from vain desires. By the sun of the horizon of knowledge, today the greatest elixir and the essence of the world is the Word of God. Say: O friends, cast this greatest elixir upon the existence of the nations in the name of the Lord of Eternity, so that they may be transformed and attain the station of recognition of God.

At this station, radiant and luminous utterances flowed from the Most Exalted Pen and were sent to all directions, both before and after. Blessed is the one who hears the command of God, the Self-Subsisting, the Ever-Abiding.

O Lion, blessed are those who gather for the love of God and His Cause, who reflect and ponder upon the matters concerning His loved ones. Convey glad tidings to them from me of My grace, favor, and mercy, which precedes all things. What you mentioned regarding the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár was accepted before the Throne, and likewise, what you mentioned therein is a source of blessing. We remember those who gathered or will gather to serve God, that they may rejoice and be among the thankful. Upon them are My glory, My remembrance, and My praise. Verily, your Lord is the All-Powerful, the Wise.

God has forgiven those whom you desired forgiveness for.

By My life.

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By My life, at this moment when this Word was uttered by the Will of your Lord, the ocean of forgiveness surged, and the fragrance of the garment of your Lord, the All-Merciful, wafted forth. Verily, He is the Most Gracious, the Most Generous. This is the end.

It is requested that you convey to the loved ones of that land—those who have drunk from the Kawthar of divine love and are adorned with the luminous garment of steadfastness—a sublime and exalted magnification from this lowly servant. Also, make mention of this servant’s nothingness and annihilation to each one of them. God, exalted is His glory, is a witness that this evanescent servant is occupied in their remembrance at most times. Verily, He is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. Glory be upon you, upon them, and upon those who have been faithful to the Covenant of God and His promise and have remained steadfast in the Cause on this most great, most glorious day. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

Another matter to report is that the response written by the Most Great Branch—may my soul and the souls of all beings be a sacrifice for Him—was not sent, awaiting the decree of God. This servant.

This is what was revealed in the Dawning-Places of the Word once again. The Tongue of Eternity testified that they were the first servants to enter the station to which they were summoned by God, the Lord of all worlds, and they are the first souls…

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They have preceded, hastened, and gathered in a station decreed by the Wise Ordainer. Upon them be the glory of God, His mercy, His grace, and His favor. Their names will soon be mentioned in the Preserved Tablet through the remembrance of God.

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In the name of our Most Holy, Most Great, Most High, and Most Glorious Lord.

Praise befits and is worthy of the Beloved, who caused the sun of the Most Exalted Word to rise from the horizon of the Tablet by the motion of the Most Exalted Pen and adorned the entire world with the robe of existence through the blessed, firm Word. He is the Omnipotent and the Mighty. The affairs of the world and the gestures of nations have not hindered Him and will not hinder Him from what He has willed. Ever has He proclaimed with the Word, “Indeed, I am God,” and ever shall He speak of whatever He desires. Nothing created in the earth or heaven deters Him, and no matter hinders Him from what He wills in the Kingdom of creation. Exalted is His majesty, exalted is His sovereignty, and exalted is His power. Verily, He is the Unique, the One, the All-Powerful, the Almighty.

I invoke blessings, peace, and magnification upon those who have arisen to support His Cause and have spoken His praise among His creation. This servant testifies that steadfastness has appeared among them in the sight of all, and the banner of victory has been raised…

…in this…

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…in this day, a day in which the call has been raised, the blast has appeared, and the catastrophe has been made manifest. These are servants whom no veils of creation could hinder, nor could the swords of enemies frighten. God has made them sanctified from all corruption and contention and from anything that causes disturbance to souls. They speak with wisdom, cling to wisdom, and walk in the path of wisdom. These are sincere servants; upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

Glorified are You, O One for whom the sighs of the near ones ascend in their love for You, and the tears of the monotheists descend. I beseech You by the name through which the Day of Days has been revealed and every wise matter has appeared, to strengthen Your friends and Your chosen ones to serve Your Cause and to manifest what You will in Your kingdom. O my Lord, You see them hastening toward You, turning to Your countenance, proclaiming Your praise among Your servants, and rising in service to You in Your lands. O my Lord, strengthen them with Your power and sovereignty, and ordain for them what befits Your generosity and grace. Verily, You are the All-Powerful, the Exalted, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

This lowly servant submits that the successive writings of your honor have been a cause of joy and a source of delight. God, the Most Inaccessible, is a witness that this lowly servant is occupied in the remembrance of the friends of God during the nights and days. What your honor wrote was presented in the Most Sacred and Inaccessible Court, and in response to each, the Sun of Grace rose from the heaven of will. However, certain writings addressed to this servant and other petitions did not reach this lowly one for some time due to upheavals in this region, the abundance of rain, and other hindrances. After their arrival, the details were submitted.

Some time ago, a specific Tablet for your honor was revealed from the heaven of Oneness and sent. Likewise, in response to the petitions from the land of Khá, mention of your honor was revealed from the Most Exalted Pen. God willing, all will attain divine bestowals. Upon receipt of your honor’s letter during this cycle, after reading and understanding it, this lowly one attained the Sacred Court and presented everything in the presence of God. This is what the Tongue of God spoke in the Kingdom of the Bayán: He is the Witness, the All-Hearing. We have mentioned you before and after, and We have revealed for you from the Kingdom of the Bayán that which has caused the pillars of the earth to tremble. I am the Truthful, the All-Knowing.

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This is a day in which the very atoms proclaim, “Dominion belongs to God.” I am the Witness, the All-Seeing. The Pen testifies to the Lord of Eternity, and I am the Hearing, the All-Knowing. Blessed is the soul that has attained My service, circled My will, soared in the atmosphere of My love, and acted upon what has been enjoined in My manifest Book.

O Lion, you have attained My mention before and in this mighty Tablet. We have heard your call repeatedly and what you have uttered to God, the Lord of all worlds. We have shielded you with that which nothing can equal. Verily, your Lord answers whomsoever He wills, and I am the Answerer. By God’s life, nothing escapes His knowledge; He hears and sees and is the All-Encompassing Observer.

God willing, you will attain all that has been revealed in the divine Books. The grace of God toward His friends is as evident and radiant as the sun. If you offer gratitude for the duration of all creation, it would not equal this supreme bounty, nor will it ever. Verily, He praises Himself on behalf of His loved ones, for this is what befits Him and is worthy of His sovereign self, which rules over all in the heavens and the earth.

From most lands, petitions have arrived in the Sacred Court, all adorned with the mention of…

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…God and filled with the record of the services rendered by your honor, carried out for the sake of God and in His path. God willing, you will be assisted and strengthened by the grace of God to proclaim what has been revealed in the divine Book. Any soul who rises today to support the Cause of God with wisdom and exposition is among those recorded as belonging to the “Red Ark.” Strive so that all discord may be entirely erased and transformed into the light of unity. Verily, your Lord is the All-Powerful, the Self-Subsisting.

All the services rendered by your honor are recognized and remembered in the Sacred Court. God willing, you will be aided at all times to support the Cause. Strive to ensure that no action outside of wisdom becomes manifest, for if such an action arises and causes clamor, weak souls will perish. In view of God’s mercy and His eternal compassion, all are enjoined to wisdom. His judgments have been revealed as a favor from Him and as a testament of His compassion. At all times, extend mercy to His servants, for it is observed that things are arising now which have not been seen in any previous age.

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…By the grace of God, any soul that acts today for the victory of His Cause with wisdom and exposition will be counted among the people of the “Red Ark.” Exert your utmost so that all discord may vanish entirely and transform into the light of unity. Verily, your Lord is the All-Powerful, the Self-Subsisting. This is the end.

All the services rendered by your honor are recognized and remembered in the Sacred Court. God willing, you will be aided at all times to support the Cause and strive so that no actions outside of wisdom manifest, for if actions appear that cause disorder, weak souls may perish. In light of divine compassion and the eternal mercy of the All-Merciful, all are enjoined to wisdom. His laws and decrees have been revealed as a favor from Him and as a testament of His loving-kindness. At all times, one must direct mercy toward His servants, even as unprecedented events arise in this age.

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Cursed be a people who have broken the Covenant of God and His pledge and have prevented others from drawing near to Him. Regarding your statement about meeting with a certain individual in the land of Ṣád, this matter was presented in the Most Sacred and Inaccessible Court. This is what the Tongue of Grandeur spoke:

“O Lion! The actions of that heedless and ignorant one are a very thick veil, and surely, they will prevent him from hearkening to words that are uttered sincerely for the sake of God from the heart and tongue. Nevertheless, we permit your association with him; perhaps in certain matters, he may be reminded or come to fear God. Verily, He aids whomever He wills to assist and hears the call of whoever listens to His call and turns toward Him. Your Beloved is indeed the Near, the Answerer.”

Your intention to visit the land of Ṣád is good. Perhaps a soul may be found who will arise to perform what is worthy. If you attain this meeting, convey the fruits of the Tree of Loyalty to them as an exaltation on behalf of God, and comfort them. This is what has been commanded in the Tablet. Verily, He is the All-Knowing, the Ordainer. This intention is accepted before the Throne, provided it is carried out with spirit and fragrance. This is the end.

Regarding your mention of the “Place of Blessing” in the land of Khá…

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…what has been carried out is approved and accepted before the Throne. However, concerning the lands of Yá, Shín, Ṭá, Qáf, and Káf, due to the wisdom ordained in these days, such acts are not permissible until their appointed time arrives. It is evident that this action will be the greatest good for all, and any deed that appears today and is performed by an agent will be regarded as the sovereign of deeds in the sight of God.

This blessed word has been spoken by the Tongue of Grandeur from the land of hearkening: every matter, deed, and word today, adorned with the acceptance of God, will retain its fragrance forever. Just as there is none like unto God—exalted is His glory, abundant His grace, and magnificent His greatness—there is likewise none comparable to good deeds performed sincerely for the sake of God in these days of the Lord. Their fragrance and remembrance shall endure throughout the dominion and kingdom forever.

People desire offspring for the sake of preserving their memory. They construct mosques and build pathways to ensure the perpetuation of their name. Yet, it is uncertain how long these names and mentions may remain, whether among one or two souls or even a family. However, whatever appears in the days of God, its fragrance and remembrance shall endure as long as the dominion and kingdom persist. These luminous…

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…utterances radiate from the horizons of the divine Tablets and shine brilliantly. There is no matter that God has not revealed in the Book. This servant constantly seeks forgiveness for my own shortcomings and transgressions, which, if laid upon mountains, would render them flat and barren. I beseech the Exalted One to forgive my sins and misdeeds.

O Beloved of my heart, all sanctified souls must strive to transform the chill and lethargy of the world into the fire of the Word of the Most Great Name. The honored Afnán—may the Most Glorious splendor of God rest upon him—submitted a petition to the honored “Name…,” asking whether it would be appropriate to establish the “Place of Blessing” near the vicinity of this land. This matter was accepted in the Sacred Court. Surely, any deed performed today in this land or in the lands surrounding this sacred land will be mentioned as the sun of deeds in all realms, and its fragrances will never cease from the worlds. God willing, all the friends of God will be enabled to perform what is worthy today. Concerning the records of accounts…

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…of the honored Sovereign of Martyrs—may my soul be a sacrifice for him—you have written that these should be completed in whatever way possible. Such acts are considered accepted before God and His chosen ones. Regarding the petitions from the land of Khá, which were submitted to the Sacred Court, and also four letters addressed to this servant and entrusted to the honored Afnán—may the Most Glorious splendor of God rest upon him—for dispatch, these have reached us. God willing, the response will be revealed from the heaven of grace and sent forth.

Praise be to God, all are illumined and blessed by the rising rays of the Sun of Grace and are recognized in His presence. If only the people of the world could behold the glory, the most inaccessible, the most sacred, and the most exalted station of this Cause. By the life of the Beloved, they would pass over themselves and others like lightning and engage in whatever elevates the Cause of God. This station is in the hand of God, who aids whomever He wills by a command from His presence and ordains whatever He desires through His Most Exalted Pen in His Most Holy and Mighty Book.

Concerning the note at the end of your letter, wherein you mention that nearly a year has passed without receiving a response to certain petitions: God, the Most Inaccessible, is a witness that you have always been remembered in His presence. How could a soul who rises in service to the Cause of God and proclaims His praise be denied grace?

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It is impossible that one who has been touched by divine grace could be prevented from receiving His blessings. Praise be to Him, whose favor and mercy are always directed toward His loved ones. To Him belongs all praise and thanks, for He has manifested what no world, no knower, no eloquent speaker, and no discerning sage could ever describe or express.

Another request: convey this lowly servant’s exalted magnification to the friends of truth, who have drunk from the cup of steadfastness and are gazing toward the Most Elevated Horizon. God willing, they will not be deprived in this luminous day from the spiritual deeds befitting this time and will be enabled to perform acts worthy of this day. Verily, our Lord, the All-Merciful, is the Compassionate, the Generous.

Regarding the note about directing attention toward the Land of Desire, this matter was presented before the Throne of God. This is what the Tongue of the Desired One declared in His praiseworthy station: “He is the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Sacred, the Most High, the Most Glorious. Your Beloved has heard your call and has answered you as a favor from His presence. Verily, your Lord is the Answerer. We have seen you turning toward the Most Elevated Horizon, and We have turned toward you. Verily, your Lord is the Generous. We have made manifest Our Cause in truth and revealed what was inscribed in the Tablet. I am the Great Book. Blessed are you…”

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Blessed are you for having attained the grace of My Most Exalted Pen and My beautiful remembrance. Recognize the value of this station and give thanks to your compassionate and merciful Lord. Reflect and then remember: when you turned toward My face, you traversed the lands until you entered the Most Exalted Paradise, this prison that has been named with the Most Beautiful Names by the Tongue of your Lord, the Creator of the heavens. You beheld the Most Glorious Horizon and heard the call of God, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the All-Knowing. You have attained the meeting and drunk the Kawthar of reunion.

It is for you to remind the people with what has been revealed in the Tablets of your ancient Lord. O Lion, you have been illumined by the lights of His countenance, have stood at the gate, entered the heavens of His houses, perceived the true Kaaba, and heard the call of the Speaker of Sinai with the outward ear. If, throughout your entire life, you were to be engaged in the remembrance, praise, glorification, and gratitude of the Possessor of Names, it would pale in comparison to this moment.

Now, you must, with wisdom and explanation, dedicate yourself to teaching the Cause. By the life of God, this station is the greatest. O Lion, with utmost sincerity and detachment, turn toward the Truth, remember Him, speak of Him, and direct yourself to Him.

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Verily, He witnesses and sees. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. God willing, the fleeting conditions of the friends of God will not prevent them from remembrance, praise, or teaching the Cause. We remember Our loved ones in every land and bring them glad tidings of the mention of God, the Lord of all worlds. Say, O My friends in the earth: the fragrances of revelation have been diffused among you. Thank your Creator for this sublime grace. Purify your hearts so that the manifestation of My name, the All-Merciful, may rest upon them. Verily, I am the Compassionate.

We bring you glad tidings of what has been ordained for you in the Kingdom of God and enjoin you to the greatest steadfastness in this day when the call of the Sovereign of Eternity has been raised, and behind it, the buzzing of the flies. Thus have We revealed the pearls of the ocean of My all-encompassing knowledge. Does the world sadden you after you have seen its transience? By the life of God, it shall perish, and what remains for you will be beyond the comprehension of any swift scribe.

Cling to the cord of steadfastness in all circumstances. Verily, He commands you to what benefits you. This is testified by the Concourse on High and the inhabitants of Paradise in this mighty station. Glory be upon you and upon My maidservants who have attained the Kawthar of My love, the nectar of My knowledge, and have turned toward My radiant horizon. This is the end.

Praise be to God, in this cycle…

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…time after time, you have attained the grace of the Desired One of all worlds. God willing, you will always be blessed by this supreme bounty and this most exalted gift. What is most beloved before the Divine Presence today is unity and harmony. It is hoped that the world will be illumined by its light. That honored one must exert the utmost effort in this matter. Verily, He is the Guardian of the good.

Glory be upon you and upon those who have attained this Cause and risen to serve God, the Lord of all worlds.
—The Servant, in the year 98. (1880)

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In the name of our Most Holy, Most Great, Most High, and Most Glorious Lord.

Praise that is sanctified beyond all that is within the capacity of a servant is befitting and worthy of my Master, who caused the rivers of His mercy to flow from the Most Exalted Pen and, through the Most Exalted Word, summoned the people of creation to the ultimate goal and loftiest heights. He grasps and bestows through it. By His fire, the Tree of Sinai blazed; by the light of the effulgences of His radiance, the mountain was shattered, and Moses was thunderstruck. At His single utterance, all things proclaimed, and by His single name, the messengers of the world were guided. At times He concealed and at other times manifested…

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…to such a degree that the souls of the worlds sacrificed themselves for His hidden reality and for His appearance. Glorified, glorified is He! Though sorrows march before His face and griefs follow behind, He speaks in the nights and days of that which surpasses in value all that is in the seen and unseen. He has appeared and made manifest that by which the heavens and the earth trembled, save those who were encompassed by the effulgences of their Lord and rescued by His power, which dominates all great and small things.

Glorified are You, O One by whose name the rivers flowed, fruits appeared, and distinctions were made between the virtuous and the wicked. I beseech You by the name You have made the key to the gates of Your knowledge and recognition, the sun of the heaven of Your manifestation and power, to strengthen Your loved ones in Your remembrance and the service of Your Cause. O my Lord, You see them hastening to Your lands and regions to manifest Your sovereignty and proclaim Your Cause. O my Lord, I ask You by Your supreme self to make them a unified word and a celestial melody, and through them, attract the hearts of Your servants and creation.

Then make them among those whom the appearances of the world do not prevent from…

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…rising to serve You, nor do the clamors of the nations hinder them from turning to Your horizon. O Sovereign of power and dominion, destroy the idols that the people of the Qur’án and the Bayán have carved with the hands of conjecture and delusion.

You are the One, O my God, before whom the essence of power has bowed in humility to the manifestations of Your might, and the reality of strength has submitted before the appearances of Your authority. You are the One before whom all things have borne witness to Your greatness, every letter to Your exaltation, and every being to Your supreme heights.

O my Lord, You see Your loved ones amidst the wicked of Your creation and Your chosen ones amidst the tyrants of Your servants. Each day they are afflicted with what was not inflicted upon Your chosen ones before them. They listen and do not speak, abiding by what You have commanded them in Your Book, refraining from any affront to Your servants, even if the clouds of hatred rain down arrows of tribulation upon them from the enemies of Your self.

O my Lord, aid them with the wonders of Your victory, and protect them from all that is displeasing to You. O my Lord, You see them turning toward You and gazing at Your horizon. Ordain for them, by Your Pen of decree, what will elevate them in every realm of Your worlds.

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…of Your worlds and draw them nearer to You in all circumstances. Verily, You are the Almighty, the All-Hearing, the Answerer. There is no god but You, the Ordainer, the Bestower, the Forgiving, the Generous. I invoke blessings, peace, magnification, and glorification upon the words of Your Scriptures and the letters of Your Books, which have illumined the horizons of the heavens of detachment through Your grace and favor. Through them, the suns of steadfastness have risen in their splendor by Your majesty and sovereignty.

These are they whose mention and praise have been recorded in every book, and whose loftiness and turning to God have been proclaimed by every tongue. These are they whom the allusions of the people could not prevent from soaring in the air of nearness to You, nor could the appearances of rulers hinder them from drawing near to the horizon of Your manifestation. They have cast away the world and circled around the Most Great Name, through which the hidden mystery and concealed treasure were revealed. These, these are Your chosen ones, upon whom the Concourse on High, the inhabitants of Paradise, and those who circle the Throne at eventide and dawn invoke blessings.

And after, O Beloved of my heart, I have heard the letters of your writing, the cooing of the dove singing upon the branches of the Tree of God’s love. When I understood and listened, I was seized with attraction and rapture, and I journeyed toward the Most Exalted Destination until I arrived and presented its contents before the Divine Presence. Then the Countenance of Eternity turned toward this lowly one and spoke with words whose fragrance of grace diffused among the worlds. He said in His supreme majesty:

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*“In My name, the Self-Subsisting, the Ever-Abiding, We have remembered you and sent you Tablets, each letter of which speaks of My grace and favor toward you, and mentions what you have done in the path of God, the Lord of all worlds. You are the one who traversed lands and roamed regions to proclaim the Cause of your Lord, the Almighty, the Wise. Be enkindled with the fire of the Word of God to such a degree that you guide souls to this radiant horizon. Beware lest the coldness of those who veiled themselves during the days of God, denied His proof, and disbelieved in His signs when He came upon the clouds of judgment with the Kingdom of Names and manifest authority, deter you. Speak My remembrance, turn to My horizon, and cling to My mighty cord.

Do not grieve over what you have heard from those who disbelieve in God and His signs, who cling to what the people of the Qur’án held to before, for they are seen to be even more veiled than all the sects. This is attested by the One who speaks on the Day of God, saying: ‘Indeed, I am the Manifest, the Ordainer, the All-Knowing.’ Reflect upon those souls who regarded themselves as the most exalted of creation and as the saved sect. Yet at the slightest test, they were found to be the most misguided and tyrannical among all the sects of the earth.”*

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Say: O friends, by the sun of the horizon of the divine heaven of knowledge, this Wronged One has had no purpose other than the salvation of creation. During times when all kings and subjects rose in opposition, this Wronged One, with the highest call, summoned all who are on earth to the Most Exalted Horizon and guided them to the straight path. Observe how the veils and radiances of glory, which deprived people of the Self-Sufficient, the Most Exalted, were torn apart by the arm of power and might and by the hands of authority.

Now it is observed that the people of the Bayán have newly clung to the conjectures of old and the delusions of false souls. Say: O friends of truth, rise for God and in the path of God to safeguard the people of the earth from the idols of the present and the limited imaginations so that…

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…they may see themselves freed and liberated through the grace of God. God willing, by His bounty, humanity will be united under the shade of the one Word and perceive both outward and inward realities in a single garment.

Say: O people of the Bayán, reflect upon this Word, which is among the pearls of the ocean of divine knowledge, and contemplate it. It is this: unless you recognize the falsehood of the past, you cannot testify to the truth of the present, and you will remain deprived of the ocean of reality. In His utmost grace and compassion, God counsels you and commands what leads to the loftiness and exaltation of His Cause.

O essences of being! Today is the day of testing and the day of the supreme profit. Do not squander your time, which is more precious than red gold, and strive to manifest what is worthy of and befitting humanity.

O Lion! O you who gaze upon the One, the Unique! Observe how distant the people of the Bayán are; it is as if they have not attained even a drop from the Kawthar of meanings. Now they seek to strengthen the foundations of falsehood and hatred…

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…and to construct edifices of delusions, establishing fixed points of conjecture. They have newly begun to focus on the education of their first and second Imams. Have they not reflected on the power of God and how He tore apart the veils of the people and exposed the falsehood of what the rebellious and tyrannical sects held in their hands?

For years, they clung to imagined places and illusory matters, but when the hand of power, in this manifestation, tore apart those veils, they clearly saw with outward vision that what had been said previously was devoid of truth and reality. Yet despite this, they have again become entangled in delusions even greater than before.

In the name of your Lord, shatter the idols of conjectures and illusions! Thus commands you the Lord of all beings. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty. Beseech God to sanctify ears from what the veiled ones among the people of the Bayán and the Qur’án have retained, so they may attain this call, which is gentler than the breeze, more subtle than the spirit, and sweeter than the beloved. If a soul…

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With justice and fairness, reflect upon that blessed Word mentioned as a pearl of the ocean of divine knowledge. You will see these deluded souls as worms, and every discerning soul will perceive a foul odor emanating from their words. This is attested by the Lord of Names and the Creator of the heavens.

Say: Today is the Day of God, in which none shall be mentioned except Him. Where is the station of this most sacred and exalted day compared to the words of these distant and veiled, deluded souls? Say: By God, He does not hear your words nor walk in your paths. He has appeared and manifested His straight path. Blessed is the one who turns to Him, and woe unto the heedless.

Glory is for the one who believes in the Glory, severing themselves from all who are in the heavens and the earth. Say: O worms, if you turn away from this horizon, to which horizon will you turn? And if you deny these radiant verses, clear proofs, luminous evidences, and perfect words, with what proof will you establish any matter? This station is no delusion—it is the rising sun of certitude and the surging ocean of knowledge.

Say: O people of the Bayán, you were and are unaware of the origin of this Cause. Be fair and open your eyes; perhaps you will come to understand…

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…and be adorned with the ornament of acceptance. What is missed today cannot be recovered, nor will it be. This is what was proclaimed in truth before and again now.

Today, the Mother Book speaks. The eyes and ears must be sanctified from what they have seen and heard so that they may partake of this great grace and infinite bounty. Verily, He has spoken the truth. Blessed is every discerning listener. Praise be to God, the Almighty, the Counselor, the Compassionate, the All-Knowing. This is the end.

God willing, may you always be aided in proclaiming the beloved Cause with remembrance and utterance. Regarding your statement that you visited the land of Ṣád and were graced with the visitation of the two radiant lights—upon them be the glory and mercy of God—truly, this is a bounty that is not granted to everyone. This servant, with both outward and inward tongues, says: “Would that I had been with you, speaking and remembering God.” Alas, this lowly servant has not attained what is worthy and befitting of the days of God. Blessed are you, and may it bring joy to your soul.

Concerning the affairs of the Sovereign of Martyrs—may my soul be a sacrifice for him—you have written: God willing, you will be enabled to do what is pleasing to God. The most beloved thing in the sight of God has always been and will always be the expression of love and service to the Sovereign of Martyrs and his kin.

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The radiances of glory have veiled the eyes of the world from beholding the fruits of their deeds. Otherwise, by God, wolves and serpents in the deserts and fields would lament and cry out in sorrow. What a calamity! They committed such a grievous act against so great a Cause and yet remain in utter heedlessness, occupied during these few days with the adornments of wealth and words. They sit in gatherings and assemblies, recounting the martyrdom of the saints of the past and lamenting, oblivious to the fact that the Sovereign of the Saints is Himself weeping and lamenting from the oppression of these heedless souls.

The lament of Noah, the suffering of Job, the tribulation of Zechariah, and the cries of the chosen ones—all are from the tyranny of these heedless souls and their like. May God—exalted is His glory—grant vision and dispense from the ocean of justice a portion of His grace.

Regarding your statement about the friends who have once again been enkindled by the fire of the Word and are occupied with the remembrance of God: God willing, through the grace of the chosen ones of God, they will always be adorned with the remembrance and praise of the Lord of Names.

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This evanescent servant hopes from God—exalted is His glory—that in all matters, He may increase your assistance, so that all deeds, actions, and utterances may appear as a single melody, heard and perceived as one. O assembly of the world, by the truth of God, the Lord of Eternity has come with the Most Great Name and with all that was with the messengers. Blessed is the one who turns toward Him, and woe to those who turn away.

O Beloved of my heart and the one remembered by my Lord, the matter is exceedingly great, while the people are exceedingly heedless. Skilled physicians are required to cure the chronic diseases that afflict the origins of this matter. Some time ago, this firm and blessed Word radiated from the horizon of the mouth of the Will of the Lord of Oneness:

“Today is a day most great and wondrous, for He speaks in the garment of ‘I am the Manifest’ and the hidden reality of ‘I am the Witness.’ This is the end.”

Would that the people of the Bayán, who regard themselves as the saved sect like the people of the Qur’án, would reflect on the greatness of this day. Have they not heard the melodies of the nightingale of the Qur’án? Have they not listened to the cooing of the dove of the Bayán? Or have they failed to attain by hearkening to what God revealed in the scriptures of old? They speak in ways that…

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…cause Us to dissociate from them, as decreed by the All-Sustaining, Self-Subsisting God.

Regarding your intention to turn toward the lands of N and J, this matter is exceedingly beloved. The direction of the chosen ones of God toward towns and villages for the purpose of proclaiming His Cause, safeguarding the faithful, and guiding the servants of God has always been beloved and remains so. Indeed, it is necessary for a truly devoted soul, one who speaks for God and turns to God, to direct themselves periodically to certain lands among Alif, Ra, Waw, Nun, Ha, Qaf, Mim, and their surroundings. Verily, He guides whomsoever He wills to the straight path.

Most of the people of the Bayán are unaware of the origin of this Cause. They cling to falsehood and are deprived of truth. This servant prays to God to guide them all and grant them the fruits of the Tree of Loyalty. Verily, He is the Almighty, the Generous.

Up to this point, the response to your letter dated the 12th of A 2 was presented. Subsequently, the exalted letter dated the 17th ofA 2 brought joy to the heart of this lowly servant. God willing, this love and grace will always endure and remain. The remembrance of the friends is the companion of the wayfarers. After this was presented in the…

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…the Sacred Court, where everything was presented. This response was revealed from the Kingdom of the Bayán. His supreme words declare:

*“In My most exalted and most great name: Glorified is the One who has manifested the truth and revealed whatever He willed by a command from His presence. Verily, He is the All-Subduing, the Self-Subsisting. Blessed are the ears that hearken to the call of the All-Merciful, and blessed are the eyes that behold the praiseworthy station. Observe the people and their lack of understanding. They turn away from God while claiming to turn toward Him. The Tongue of Grandeur has judged their claim to be false when He came with the truth and proclaimed: ‘There is no God but Me, the Truth, the Knower of the unseen.’

They dispute the verses and proofs of God while saying, ‘We have believed in Him who appeared before.’ Thus, their own selves have deceived them, and they do not comprehend. Say: By God, the One whom you invoke day and night circles the House and laments because of your injustice, yet you remain unaware. Say: O assembly of the Bayán, be just concerning what has been revealed and shone forth from the horizon of existence. Do not follow vain imaginings and false conjectures. Turn to Him with radiant faces and luminous hearts, so that you may find what Moses found on Mount Sinai and what the Beloved beheld in the Inhabited House.*”

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*“Say: He needs no proof to establish His Cause; His knowledge suffices. This is attested by the Lord of nations, who has come and given glad tidings to all of this name, through which every lofty mountain—symbolic of delusions—has been leveled. Break the idols in the name of your Lord, the All-Glorious, to whom the Books of God, the Sovereign of existence, bear witness to His greatness.

O assembly of the Bayán, stand before the All-Merciful and reflect on what has been revealed in truth. It guides you to the Most Exalted Horizon. This is testified by the One who possesses the secrets of what was and what will be. Fear God, and do not deny the truth with your desires. Do not believe every speaker who has been prevented by arrogance from approaching this river flowing from the Pen of God, the Lord of the unseen and the seen. Reflect on the proofs and signs of God, then be just. Do not follow every rejected notion. By God, He has appeared like the sun at high noon. Blessed is the eye that turns to Him and sees, and woe to every heedless and veiled one.

Thus, We have reminded you that you may remind the people, that they may abandon what they have and take hold of what has been revealed by God, the All-Subduing, the Self-Subsisting.’*”

Truth shines like the sun from the horizon of the heaven of grace, but the blindness of delusions has prevented eyes from beholding it. The call has been raised at a level beyond description, but the ears have been deprived due to the obstructions of vain purposes.

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All of the Bayán is dependent on the word of acceptance, which has been proclaimed by “I am the First Worshipper.” Observe the greatness of this Cause and the heedlessness of these servants. The turning away of the people of the Bayán from these decisive matters is evident. This is the most exalted, most wondrous, and most mighty Cause from all aspects—neither the past nor the future can encompass it. Consider the heedlessness of these veiled souls. If they deny this most exalted, most inaccessible, and most wondrous Cause, with what proof will they affirm the matters of the past or even those of earlier times?

The infant of this Manifestation, only a year old, is mightier than all the religions. Say: Reflect on the Books of God so that you may recognize what you have been deprived of. Verily, He is the Counselor, the Advisor, the Expositor, the Generous. Erase all that you have heard and seen, and reflect on what has been revealed from the Kingdom of God’s knowledge. By the life of God, if you do so, the straight path and the lights of His Most Great Name will become manifest to you.

Say: The truth has never awaited anyone’s belief, nor does it depend on it. The scriptures prior to the Bayán and others testify to the rejection of the people and have foretold it.

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He does as He wills and decrees as He desires. This is the end.

Regarding your statement about the current time being the 9th of `A 2, the one you have mentioned has been acting as your representative. By God, the True One, this statement was truly a glad tidings that adorned the heart and soul with the fragrance of spirit and gladness. This lowly servant hopes that the Most Generous God will bestow a complete reward upon you. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

Would that this servant had been with you and attained what you have attained. Although this servant is convinced that your representation is more beloved than any action this lowly one could undertake, praise be to God that you have extended your blessed, accepted, and praised deeds to this lowly servant.

Regarding what you wrote about Mullá R J—upon him be divine blessings—God willing, he is preserved by divine grace. Some time ago, a word concerning him was heard from the Blessed Tongue, and from that word, this servant became assured that no harm would reach him. This lowly servant prays and hopes that he will always drink from the Kawthar of steadfastness to such a degree that doubts and insinuations, near and far…

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…will not hinder him. With utmost wisdom and explanation, let him be engaged in proclaiming the Cause of the All-Merciful.

O my master, the friends of God were and are unaware of the origin of this Cause. Since the delusions of the past and their remnants remain in their ears and hearts, some souls are prevented by the foul stench of these imaginings from inhaling the fragrances of the garden of meanings. This lowly servant prays and hopes to God—exalted is He—to grant them all from the cup of certitude and assurance so that all may observe His Cause with the sight of God and arise in such a manner that they deem anything other than Him to be nonexistent and lost.

One day, in the days of God, I was present before the Divine Countenance. He said: “O present servant, pray and ask God to protect receptive souls from the doubts of skeptical people and to grant the believers, in these days when the horizon of the heaven of manifestation is illumined with the lights of My countenance, salvation from annihilation and destruction. Verily, He is the Mighty, the Powerful.”

Then explanations from the Kingdom of divine knowledge were revealed in such abundance that this servant found himself bewildered and astounded…

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…to the extent that, in truth, I am incapable and powerless to recount it. With a hundred thousand supplications and entreaties, I beseech the Most Generous, Most Merciful God not to deprive His creatures of the outpourings of His days. Verily, He is the One whose forgiveness, grace, bounty, and gifts the tongues of all beings testify to.

Strange are those souls who speak without understanding and those who listen to and accept their embellished words. The verses of God are like a downpour, revealed in such abundance that it is beyond description or writing. Until now, no one has encompassed them all. Yet they say, “You have taken two letters from the Bayán and two from the Qur’án, and you arrange them and send them out.”

This statement was uttered by a soul who, by God—there is no god but Him—would not have been deemed worthy of speaking in the Sacred Court. Until now, this servant, by command, has erased whatever was previously revealed and balanced what remains with what was observed from the Primal Point and the prophets before Him, nay, even greater than that. This is testified…

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…by any fair-minded, discerning soul. Would that, truly, people would reflect on what they say and utter. If only they would pierce the veils and consider the matters revealed for God’s sake. In this case, they would be illumined by the dawn of divine knowledge and wisdom and would exclaim the blessed word: “Would that I had not taken so-and-so as a friend.”

This lowly servant is neither permitted to disclose nor capable of unveiling these matters. Otherwise, I would present what would adorn receptive souls with the ornament of knowledge, certitude, and steadfastness.

O Beloved of my heart, consider the souls who listen to these flimsy, contemptible words. Has the truth ever been mistaken for falsehood, or could it be? By the One who caused all things to utter His praise, the Cause is as evident as the sun, radiant and clear. Where are the piercing eyes, the attentive ears, the expansive hearts, and the illumined spirits?

Some of these fabricated souls claim to trustworthy individuals who have drunk from the ocean of certitude that the copies of the Bayán in your hands are not the original versions. They allege you have altered them and that the original copies remain with His Holiness Azal. Reflect on how far this speaker is from the source of truth…

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…and how similar this claim is to the false statements made by the rebellious and tyrannical sect known as the Shí’ah. For twelve hundred years, they have spoken of these things, arguing in gatherings and assemblies that the complete Qur’án is not with the people but in the imaginary realms of Jabálqá and Jabálṣá with the anticipated Qá’im. They are still waiting for him to appear and bring the remainder of the Qur’án.

Woe to them and to those who have left them wandering in the wilderness of conjectures and delusions. Say: O poor souls, for twelve hundred years, you have spoken these fabricated words—what has come of it? What results have you seen? What is your purpose? What is your goal? Listen to the words of this lowly servant and refrain from repeating what has been done and said before. Look toward the dawn of the Bayán and turn to the horizon of divine knowledge.

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…turn to it. In this Manifestation, all are obligated to behold the truth, which has never been and will never be known through anything but itself. This is attested by all books, all scriptures, all scrolls, and every clear Tablet.

Say: O misguided ones, have mercy on the people! Do not again spread the carpet of delusions or leave the poor and the weak wandering in the wilderness of bewilderment. It is hoped that those aboard the Crimson Ark will rise for God’s sake and speak for His sake, so that they may protect the helpless servants from the doubts and insinuations of distant, veiled souls.

Tears fall and sighs rise, for it is seen that God’s sheep are pursued by ravenous wolves, and the pearls of divine love are sought by thieves and traitors lying in wait. The place of advice and remembrance is surrounded by the darkness of heedlessness and delusions. The Cause is in God’s hands, the Lord of all worlds and the Sovereign of this great day.

Through your efforts, this letter and other communications addressed to prominent figures—such as Jináb-i-’Alí Qabl-i-Akbar, Jináb-i-Ibn-i-Abhar, and others—should be transcribed…

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…and after thorough verification and correction, sent to steadfast, assured souls. For instance, to Jináb-i-Maḥbūb-i-Mukarram Mullá R J—upon him be the glory of God—and others like him who reside in the lands. Perhaps they can remind the people and preserve them from what is displeasing to God. Blessed are the souls who rise for God’s sake and safeguard the House of the Cause.

While composing this letter, a note from Jináb-i-Ḥ W S—upon him be the glory of God—addressed to Jináb-i-Mírzá Muḥammad—upon him be the glory of God—brought joy to this lowly heart. That letter contained glad tidings of the arrival of that honored one and Jináb-i-Ibn-i-Ism—along with the most truthful souls—upon them be divine blessings. Another letter had also been sent by them to this servant. I hope, God willing, to respond to their letter soon.

I humbly request that you convey to them and to all the friends of that land this lowly servant’s message of self-effacement and insignificance. God willing, it is hoped that from the horizons of hearts, the sun of unity will shine forth, becoming the cause and reason for the illumination of…

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…all directions and regions.

Regarding the question of found objects, the decree of God is as follows: If something is found in cities or villages, the finder must make a single public announcement to inform the inhabitants of the city or village. If the owner is located, the item should be returned to them, and the announcer may receive compensation for their service. Otherwise, the finder should wait for nineteen days. If the owner does not come forward, the item belongs to the finder.

If an item is found in the wilderness, two measures have been set forth in the Book of God. If a buried treasure is discovered, one-third of it belongs to the person who found it, and the remaining two-thirds should be spent by the members of the House of Justice for the benefit of the general public. This is to occur after the establishment of the House of Justice. Until then, it should be entrusted to trustworthy individuals in each town and village. Verily, He is the Judge, the Commander, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

This is the end. Glory be upon you and upon those who have attained the nectar of steadfastness in the days of God, the Mighty, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

—The Servant, on the 14th of Sha‘bán, 98. (July 1881)

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In the Name of Our Most Holy, Most Great, Most Ancient, Most High, and Most Glorious Lord.

O Beloved of my heart, praise be to God, through the infinite grace of God, you have been blessed…

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…with His remembrance and enabled to proclaim His Cause. For His sake, you migrated, journeying toward the Most Exalted Station, the Loftiest Rank, the Ultimate Goal, and the Most Glorious Vision. Through the special confirmations of the Lord of Oneness, you traversed land and sea for the love of God, attained your goal, and drank from the ocean of reunion. After returning, you girded yourself with the belt of determination and directed your attention to the regions and territories to manifest the Word and exalt it.

Such stations require a hundred thousand nightingales and as many doves of the Throne to convey melodies worthy of these stations during the days of God and to bring them to the ears of the sincere, the near ones, and the monotheists. Yet what can this small bird achieve? How could it ever express the melodies of the garden of meanings, where each branch speaks with its own tone, singing songs or remembering the Beloved?

I seek God’s forgiveness! By the sun of reality, this servant sees himself as lower than the humblest among them, for today is deserving of divine grace, the day of God, and the favor and mercy of the All-Sufficient One. Nothing worthy…

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…has appeared from me. Any good deed that has emerged from any of His chosen ones causes this servant to exclaim, “Would that I were with him.” Every praiseworthy act manifested by the purified ones prompts me to say, “Would that I had been with him, remembering God.”

What else can be said or expressed? If the remembrance and praise of God and the proclamation of His Cause were not the beloved of my soul and the object of my heart, this lowly one would surely have remained in silence and stillness. However, today is the day of proclamation, and you are silent, as stated in His words, “This is the day of the call, yet you are silent.”

It is best to withhold the pen from this station and focus on the necessary points of this letter. At the beginning of this letter, the intent was to offer a brief expression, but the fire of love for you has taken control, causing these words to flow. I beseech the Most Generous, Most Glorious God to enable both you and this servant to achieve what pleases Him and serves His Cause. You, praise be to God, have been successful. I humbly ask that you also pray for this servant to be granted His mercy and the grandeur of His sovereignty.

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…seek blessings for him and for the other friends, asking that God may assist them. Verily, He responds to every supplicant, aids every seeker, and guides every sincere one. Truly, He is the Mighty, the Sovereign, the Exalted, the Wise.

It is stated that your letter, dated the 10th of Jumádá al-Thání, brought glad tidings and added joy. It taught the bird of separation the path to reunion and bestowed the Kawthar of meeting, for it was adorned with the remembrance of the Beloved of the worlds. After its contents were read, it was presented at the throne. Following its presentation, exalted words emerged from the horizon of the utterances of the Lord of Names and Attributes, shining forth. Praise and thanks be to God, for all things bear witness to His grace, mercy, and care.

Blessed is the one who has found and recognized Him, and woe unto the heedless and those who turn away. His supreme words declare: “He is the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most High, the Most Glorious. You have been mentioned before the Throne, and there has been revealed for you that which has diffused the fragrance of the All-Merciful throughout the lands, as the Dove of the Cause sang upon the branches: Verily, there is no God but Me, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.”

Blessed are you for attaining the verses of God and His mercy and for traveling the lands to exalt His Cause. Verily…

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…your Lord is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

This is a day wherein the Tongue of Grandeur has spoken and invited all to this noble station, around which the people of the Most Exalted Paradise and those who acknowledged what the Tongue of Eternity had acknowledged before the creation of the heavens and the earth circle. We have revealed various Tablets in your name; verily, your Lord is the All-Powerful, the Almighty. We have caused rivers of grace to flow upon you from Our presence so that you may be among the thankful. Blessed are you for having abandoned what belongs to the people, taking hold of what you were commanded by the All-Powerful above all.

Remind the people of what We have revealed to you, that the remembrance might draw them closer to the Kingdom of the care of their Forgiving, Merciful Lord. The day has come, yet they are heedless of it. They hear the call of God, yet they remain oblivious. They have cast aside the Cause of God in favor of their desires, yet they do not comprehend. They drink from the seas of conjectures and illusions and disbelieve in what has been revealed by God, the All-Subduing, the Self-Subsisting.

Rise to support My Cause with wisdom and eloquence. This has been revealed before and in this noble station. Praise be to God, for once again, you have been favored with divine grace. Verily, He was with you…

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…as you journeyed through the lands. He heard your call when you were speaking His wise remembrance. God willing, all the friends and chosen ones of God will observe wisdom and hold fast to it.

This fundamental divine matter has been revealed in many Tablets. Yet some have not heeded it or understood its purpose. Today, by His command, all matters should be carried out in consultation with receptive, assured souls and made manifest accordingly.

Say: O servants, whatever proceeds from the Supreme Pen is intended for the evident and hidden good of those same souls. It is incumbent upon them to act with perfect submission and contentment in accordance with what is manifested from the source of the Cause. This is God’s counsel, recorded in numerous places by the Supreme Pen. Blessed are those who act upon it, and blessed are the victors.

From this station, We extol the friends of God and His chosen ones who have acted upon what they were commanded in His mighty Book. We exhort them to perform what is befitting for this blessed, exalted, wondrous day. Whoever acts does so for themselves, and whoever neglects does so at their own loss. Verily, He is independent of all that is in the heavens and the earth. This is attested by every tongue, every understanding heart, and every discerning eye. This is the end. Praise be to God…

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…for the grace of the Most High God, which is evident and manifest from the ocean of His utterance. Verily, He needs not the mention of any mentioner, the description of any describer, the explanation of any explainer, or the testimony of any just, wise individual.

Regarding Jináb-i-Sayyid Abu-Tálib—upon him be the glory of God—you wrote that a sum was prepared and sent to the Sacred Court. It was ordered to be written and sent to him. Thirty túmáns of it were allocated to Jináb-i-Sayyid Abu-Tálib, and a portion was designated for Jináb-i-Ibn-i-Abhar—upon him be the glory of God. Additionally, another sum was found in a different location, which was also allocated to the land of Ṭá, though it did not reach its destination.

People engaged in serving the Cause have been remiss in fulfilling their obligations to the Right of God as it should be fulfilled. Yet this matter is a source of preservation, blessing, and bounty. Blessed is the patient poor one who remains among the steadfast. At one time, this precise and firm statement shone forth from the horizon of divine utterance:

“If the receptive ones had acted upon what God willed…”

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“…the state of the world would now be other than what is seen.”

This meaning has repeatedly been heard from the Tongue of Grandeur. God willing, both you and this servant beseech the True, Ever-Bountiful One that He may strengthen all and that no one may be deprived of what He wills.

Another matter: Jináb-i-Mullá Ṣādiq—upon him be the glory of God—has written a detailed letter to this servant from Baku. A response has been sent. Among the matters he mentioned was that a guarantor was requested by the authorities regarding the assurance of no corruption. Although it has now become clear to all that neither corruption nor upheaval were ever intended, the matter has been discussed.

Even that beloved one acknowledged this. Yet, due to the errors of some that became evident in the early days of the Cause, it has become extremely difficult for the hearts of the government authorities to be freed and purified from doubts and suspicions. However, if they become acquainted with the verses revealed from the heaven of divine will, which proclaim compassion, kindness, and avoidance of corruption and conflict, they will undoubtedly attain clear conviction and bear witness to what the True, Most High God has willed.

When this servant received the letter from Jináb-i-Mullá Ṣādiq—upon him…

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…unto Him, be His glory. In the Sacred Court, this blessed phrase appeared from the Source of Command: “If the truth of the Cause had been acknowledged, a Tablet would have been revealed by the Supreme Pen, stating that none of this party should commit acts contrary to the interests of the government.” This was concluded.

In the Tablet to the Sultan, it was revealed that God, exalted and glorified be He, has entrusted the earth’s land and seas to the kings. What He has desired for Himself has always been and remains the hearts of His servants. If only the people of the earth had been fair and had attained the hearing of what was revealed from the heaven of God’s will, they would have declared at that moment: “Would that we had attained in the beginning of this Cause what we have now attained! Would that we had recognized at the start of the Manifestation what we now know!”

Some actions have caused the people to turn away and become heedless. This lowly servant beseeches the Most High God to bestow a drop from the ocean of insight upon these souls, that all may see, recognize, and hear, becoming aware. He is the Compassionate, the Merciful. Verily, there is no God but Him, the Forgiving…

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…the Generous.

Regarding what you wrote about Jináb-i-Akhaví—upon him be the glory of God—and likewise about Jináb-i-’Alí Akbar Beg—upon him be the glory of God—this was presented in the Sacred Court. His supreme words declare: “Let them not be grieved by outward upheavals. Today, the Kingdom of Wealth circles around the people of God and shall continue to do so. According to the dictates of time, it shall become apparent. Certain steadfast and assured souls will attain the Most Great Favor, the Supreme Bounty, and true riches. If, for a few days in this visible world, the appearance of some matters seems delayed, this is due to divine wisdom and His purpose. So beseech God, your Lord and the Lord of all who are in the heavens and the earth, to ordain for them what benefits them in this world and the next. Verily, He is the Mighty, the Bestower, the Generous.” This concluded.

Concerning what you wrote about Darvísh ’Abdu’s-Ṣamad—upon him be the glory of God—and the prayer that beloved one offered with his tongue, it was presented in the Most Sacred Court. This is what the Tongue of the All-Merciful uttered in response: “We have heard your call and what you praised the Wronged One with your tongue, affirming what God Himself has borne witness to, and confessing to what was acknowledged in the scriptures and Tablets. Blessed are you for what you attained, saw, and heard from the Tongue of Grandeur: Verily, there is no God but Him, the All-Powerful, the Self-Subsisting.”

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“What has come to you is what has come to Us, time and again. Be thankful and say: To You be praise, O God, the King and the Sovereign! Do not be grieved by what has befallen you in My path. Rejoice in what you have mentioned in prison of the Pen of God, the Lord of what was and what will be.”

With a hundred thousand tongues, offer thanks to the Lord of all existence for preserving you from the manifestations of doubts and illusions, and guiding you to the fountainhead of certainty. By God, those who reject the Bayán are observed to be more veiled than the peoples of earlier dispensations. Now, they have begun to create positions of naqíb (leader), najíb (noble), arkán (pillars), rukn-i-rábi‘ (fourth pillar), and waṣí (successor), and other such arrangements, similar to what was previously instituted. By My life, they are in evident delusion. These words are akin to thorns and brambles in the city of meanings. Beseech God to sanctify and purify that city from such thorns and brambles, for He is indeed powerful over all things.

O Asad, O you who gaze upon the True One! Strive to sanctify the people from these illusions. At all times, engage in supporting the Cause with wisdom and utterance. God willing, may the cities of hearts become illuminated with the remembrance of the Beloved, the Sovereign. Verily, He aids whomsoever He wills by a command from His presence, for He is the Manifest, the Speaker, the All-Knowing, the Wise. This concluded.

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Another matter: Some time ago, this servant sent a detailed letter to the beloved of the heart and soul, Jináb-i-Mullá ’Alí Akbar—upon him be the glory of God—along with sacred and mighty Tablets. God willing, they will reach him, and he will attain them. Certain sacred divine Tablets and the letters of this humble one are highly cherished. Copies should be sent to various places, for though many people, through God’s aid, have broken the chains of delusion, they still require reminders. The divine garden must be refreshed and adorned by the showers of the Most Merciful’s grace. Verily, our Lord, the Most Merciful, is the Educator, the All-Knowing.

To all the friends of that land, convey the message of this humble servant’s effacement and insignificance, dependent upon the favor of the Beloved.

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May the glory be upon you and those with you, and upon all who remain steadfast, unaffected by the doubts of those who disbelieve in God, the Lord of all worlds.

Additionally, it is mentioned that regarding Umm Ḥaram—upon her be the glory of God—fifty túmáns were allocated to her, and fifty túmáns were designated for the orphans of Ḥájí ’Alí Qarabagí. It was ordered that this be delivered to them, and it must have reached them by now.

Furthermore, I present my humble greetings to the honorable friend, Jináb-i-Mírzá ’Alí Naqqí—upon him be the glory of God. Some time ago, in response to a letter written by Jináb-i-Áqá Sháhvirdí—upon him be the glory of God—a detailed letter was sent by this servant. This letter contained divine verses specifically intended for him, Jináb-i-Áqá Sháhvirdí, and other souls—upon them be the glory of God. It is hoped that by now, they have received it and attained its contents.

—The Servant, 29th of Ramaḍán, 98. (August 1881)

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In the Name of our Lord, the Most Holy, the Most Mighty, the Exalted, the Most Glorious.

O beloved of my heart and the one remembered in my soul! I have been gladdened by the breezes of love that have wafted from the gardens of your knowledge, and I have been moved by the manifestations of your affection, which have emanated from the pen of your will in the remembrance and praise of God, and in your love and devotion to His Cause. It is as though your noble being has sent, with the morning zephyr, the fragrance of all gardens.

By God! This has refreshed my body, expanded my chest, and enlivened my spirit. Therefore, I have praised God, the Beloved of the world and the Desire of the nations, for confirming you in the service of His Cause, in manifesting His grace, and in exalting His Word. I beseech Him to ordain for you that which befits His bounty, generosity, and grace. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Mighty.

Glorified art Thou, O He by Whom the horizon of the world has been illumined, and that which was hidden in the hearts of nations has been revealed. I beseech Thee by the Name through which every face has turned, every weary one has spoken, every heedless soul has been awakened, every mystery has been uncovered, and every treasure has been brought forth, to strengthen Thy servants and creation in their turning towards Thee.

O Lord! Thou seest Thy chosen ones and Thy beloved ones rising to champion Thy Cause. They have entered every land in Thy Name, and they have consorted with Thy loved ones with joy and gladness, guiding them to the path of Thy good pleasure and what Thou hast commanded them in Thy Book.

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O Lord! Illumine the eyes of the hearts of Thy servants with the lights of their countenances, and grant them the sweetness of Thy verses in Thy days. O Lord! This is the Day Thou hast promised to all in Thy Tablets, attributing it to Thyself and making it the Sovereign of Days through Thy command and power. Yet, when it appeared, Thy servants turned away, disputing Thy signs, denying Thy proof, disbelieving in Thee, and rejecting Thy Book. This Book, when revealed from the heaven of Thy will and the atmosphere of Thy purpose, humbled all scriptures, all scrolls, and all writings.

O Lord! I beseech Thee by the power that has encompassed all things and the might that has overcome all creation, to send down from the heaven of Thy bounty upon the inhabitants of Thy dominion that which draws them nearer to Thee, quenches them with the chalice of Thy grace, and acquaints them with what Thou hast revealed in Thy Book and inscribed with the Pen of Thy decree.

O Lord! They are the poor, and Thou art the Self-Sufficient, the Most Generous. They are the weak, and Thou art the Mighty, the All-Powerful.

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I beseech Thee, O Thou by Whose Name the Supreme Pen was moved, and the tongue of knowledge spoke in the dominion of creation, to ordain for those who rise to remember and serve Thee all the good Thou hast decreed in Thy Book. Thou seest them, O my God, proclaiming Thy Name, crying out in Thy Cause, turning toward Thy face, and advancing to Thy horizon. Strengthen them with Thy bounty and grace to the extent that the hearts of Thy creation may be drawn to Thee. Verily, Thou art the All-Powerful over whatever Thou dost will, and in Thy grasp is the dominion of creation. There is no God but Thee, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

I offer praise, glory, and magnification to the stars of the heaven of Thy knowledge and the hands of Thy Cause, who circle around Thy will, utter only by Thy permission, and cling only to Thy hem. These are servants whose service, aid, steadfastness, remembrance, and praise have been attested by Thy Books, Tablets, and Scrolls. Through them, the banners of Thy oneness have been raised in Thy cities and lands, and the standards of Thy sanctity have been hoisted in Thy dominion.

These servants never preceded Thy command in any matter. Their ears are ever awaiting Thy orders, and their eyes are ever anticipating the lights of Thy face. These are honored servants; these are triumphant servants; these are servants who stand firm. Upon them are the praises of the inhabitants of the kingdoms of heaven and earth, of the celestial paradise, and of the realms of power. Behind them is the Tongue of Thy grandeur.

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Praise be to Thee, O my God, for enabling me to remember and extol them, and for what they have attained in Thy Cause and in Thy days. Verily, there is no God but Thee, the Reckoner, the All-Encompassing, the All-Knowing.

And now, this humble servant conveys that after receiving and contemplating the two aforementioned exalted letters, he turned toward the Most Sacred and Holy Court, presenting all that was written in the exalted Presence. This is what the Tongue of the Beloved uttered as He walked in His Most Mighty, Most Holy, radiant precinct:

“We extol Thee from this station, O thou who gazed upon My horizon, rose to serve My Cause, and spoke My praise. We remember thy arrival and what thou attained from the Ocean of Reunion, thy departure after receiving permission, and thy turning toward the lands for the sake of God, who has sent down the verses and revealed the proofs.”

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“Blessed is the deed adorned with the mantle of acceptance, the tongue graced with God’s praise, and the one who hastened to the eyes and hearts to serve His mighty, wondrous Cause.”

Today is a day the first ages cannot compare with, and this day has always been and will remain uniquely sacred and sanctified. It has been attributed to God in His holy Books. Every act carried out purely for God in this day is accounted as the noblest of deeds in the sight of God. Blessed is the soul that rises for God and speaks for His sake.

O thou who dwellest in the Crimson Ark! Thou must, with the aid of God, engage continually in serving the Cause of the All-Merciful so that distant souls may be granted the chalice of nearness, and lifeless bodies may be revived by the showers of the Ocean of Utterance.

The people need educators and reminders. The people of the Bayán, despite seeing and hearing with their outer eyes and ears the veils held by deluded parties, have…

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These heedless and veiled souls, even more astray and misguided than others, are evident. The water of everlasting life must be shared with utmost wisdom and eloquence so they might awaken and bear witness to the greatness of this Cause—the essence of existence, whose advent souls awaited for ages, centuries, and eras, entreating and longing for reunion with God. Yet when the dawn of God’s day broke, they were seen veiled and turned away, except those whom thy Lord willed.

Would that it had ended with this neglect, but enmity and hatred reached such a degree that they decreed His death. By the sun of the horizon of the Cause! The veiled ones among the people of the Bayán are observed as even more wicked and wayward than those most oppressing. Therefore, for the sake of God, you and the assured, steadfast souls must rise to safeguard the weak, that they may be shielded from the flames of self and desire and directed toward the pavilion of glory and the canopy of grace.

O thou who turnest toward My face and drawest nigh unto My horizon, hearken unto My call. It reminds thee of what no treasures of the world or wealth of nations could equal, that thou mayest thank thy Lord, the Sovereign, the All-Sustaining. We have mentioned thee again and again in this exalted station as the servant stood before the face of his Lord, the Most Glorious. Thy Lord is indeed the Almighty, able to do what He wills. There is no God but Him, the True, the All-Knowing.

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The tongue has spoken in the dominion of utterance such that the mother of the Bayán circled around it, but most people do not understand. The lights of beauty have shone forth from the horizon of majesty, yet they perceive it not. The Supreme Book walks before their faces, but they remain unaware. They have taken their desires and cast away what was enjoined upon them by God, the Sovereign of existence. They have denied grace and turned away from that which brought them forth through what was inscribed in the books of God, the Lord of what was and what shall be.

Blessed is the one who hears My sweet voice and perceives My exalted station. Joyful is the distant one who seeks the ocean of My nearness with My permission, and the one who clings to the cord of My good pleasure, precious and guarded.

Proclaim on behalf of the Wronged One to My servants who have partaken of My sealed wine: announce to them My mention, My care, and My favor, which encompass the unseen and the seen. Say: By God! This is the Day of Resurrection. Blessed is the one who rises to champion the Cause of his Lord with wisdom and eloquence among the people. He is among the people of glory, inscribed in a guarded tablet.

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This is the day wherein the Spirit calls from one side, Moses from another, and the Beloved stands before the face of the Loved One. Say: O people of the earth, guard yourselves against barring yourselves from this most exalted station. Fear God, and do not follow every heedless and veiled one. Say: Look unto the supreme horizon, which has been illumined by the lights of the face of your Lord, the Sovereign of names. Beware lest the doubts of the heedless or the suggestions of the veiled turn you away.

Leave behind all else, trusting in God, the All-Sustaining, the All-Powerful. Thus has the Supreme Pen moved, and the dominion of names has been stirred by the breezes of revelation as they passed by the command of God, the Almighty, the Beloved. This is the end.

O beloved of My heart! Truly, if one reflects even a little upon each word of the divine utterance, the ocean of grace will be revealed. The heedless, veiled, and corrupted natures cannot perceive the melody of the nightingale or turn toward the garden of divine knowledge. Those who cling to the cries of crows do not know the value of the nectar. Those accustomed to the briny, bitter waters of polluted pools cannot draw nigh to the ocean of life. They have always been and will forever remain deprived, except for those whom the hand of grace rescues and whom the breaths of pure, assured souls guide to the straight path of God.

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This humble servant implores and hopes from God, the Most Exalted, that He will burn away the veils of the delusions and doubts of heedless servants with the heat of the sun of certitude and render them nonexistent, so all may attain the ocean of unity and gather under the canopy of the all-encompassing word. A thousand sighs, a thousand sighs, that these days are passing, and none has comprehended their worth and station except those whom God, the Reckoner, the All-Knowing, wills.

With thy endeavor and that of perfect souls, it is hoped that the heedless will drink of the ocean of awareness and the veiled will be illumined by the lights of the sun of acceptance. Any difficult matter that appears insurmountable to the people is, in reality, easy and simple for Him.

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This servant beseeches his Lord to open a door through His power for all servants, that they may enter by His permission, His name, His mention, and His favor. Glory be upon thee and upon those with thee who follow the command of their Lord, who has appeared with the truth, with a power that has overcome all in the heavens and the earth. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

As for the question regarding the union and unity of Jináb-i-Mírzá Asad… This was presented in the Most Sacred Court, and the reply uttered by the Tongue of our Lord, the All-Merciful, was as follows: This matter is accepted and beloved. The station of love, unity, agreement, and harmony, after recognition of God and steadfastness in His Cause, surpasses most goodly deeds. This is what God has attested in the scriptures and tablets. This is what the True One has affirmed at evening and at dawn.

Let them act according to what is revealed in the Most Holy Book, meaning by mutual consent and the good pleasure of both parties and that of His Exalted Being. For now, he is considered in place of the father. Would that this servant were present in those gatherings and could partake of the words of the Beloved that gladden hearts!

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Your mention was made, and you shared in joy and expansion with those of the assembly. O beloved of my heart, your letter was twice presented in the Sacred Court. Indeed, the utmost sincerity, devotion, and commitment of your Excellency to the Cause of God, as well as the dissemination of its effects, were fully acknowledged and appreciated from the Most Exalted Horizon. Blessed art thou for what thou hast attained of His grace and His satisfaction.

In the final utterances that emerged from the Tongue of Grandeur, the firm and blessed word was revealed: “May all that is with him—his limbs, senses, faith, confidence, zeal, spirit, life, and breaths—be devoted to the service of God.” Indeed, we are powerless without His assistance.

As for your mention of the land of Kh and its people, their steadfastness, and their devotion, this was presented in the Sacred Court. The response of the Tongue of Grandeur was: “This is from the grace of God upon them. O thou who extol My praises, all must give thanks to the Exalted Lord for having raised them to this lofty station.”

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“Verily, we bear witness to their devotion, zeal, remembrance, eloquence, love, affection, and steadfastness. We desire to see them elevated beyond what they already manifest. God willing, they will display such steadfastness that, should all the learned, the wise, and the insightful, together with the books of the ancients and the moderns, seek to bar them from the fountain of the All-Merciful and the sealed nectar, they would find themselves powerless, viewing all as mere specks of dust.

Praise be to God! You and Asad, upon you be Bahá and mercy, have exerted the utmost effort in service and propagation of the Cause. Surely, its fruits will appear. The seeds of knowledge sown in fertile ground will certainly grow, verdant and flourishing, manifesting across the world.

Thereafter, in all circumstances, let this great, exalted, and most sublime Cause be your preoccupation. Indeed, we magnify this lofty station, through which the hearts of the near and the pure have been illumined. We rejoice with them and mention them on this Day, each hour of which surpasses centuries and ages. The Supreme Pen has already testified to their merits.”

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“God willing, they will remain ever-illumined by the lights of the morning of God’s day, steadfast in His service, proclaiming His name, drinking of His love, and uttering His praise. Praise be to God, they have attained that which many of the learned, the mystics, and the nobles today are deprived of. Thus has the Tongue of Utterance spoken in the kingdom of knowledge. Blessed is the one who hears, and woe unto the heedless. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.”

As for your suggestion regarding consultation and whether your Excellency and Mirza, upon him be Bahá, should direct your attention to the land of Kh, this matter was presented in the Sacred Court. The response was: “From before, the Supreme Pen has decreed for them to turn towards the land of Ṭ. However, for now, what you have proposed through consultation is acceptable.”

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“In all circumstances, adhere to matters that promote and elevate the Cause of God and the proclamation of His Word. Those preoccupied with material trappings and deluded by outward grandeur, even if they turn toward the Cause, will do so in a limited capacity. Yet, following concerted propagation and the elevation of the Word, you will see them turning, humbled and submissive to God’s mention and His Cause.

This has always been the way in every age. Thus, it has been mentioned before: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy person to enter the kingdom of God. Honor and wealth are two significant barriers for heedless souls. Soon, you will observe the death of an Abú Lahab, a metaphor for the ruin of spiritual arrogance.

The deceased cannot comprehend or hear, even if surrounded by those claiming openness. However, your Lord is indeed All-Knowing, All-Aware. The faith of such souls, if it appears, will always remain limited. Pray to God to guide all to what He loves and what pleases Him.”

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“The matter of propagation is truly significant. Your Excellency and other honored ones must direct attention to it. The assured and tranquil souls, with utmost joy and wisdom, must engage in the propagation of God’s Cause in all directions.

Regarding the mention of the beloved, Mirza Haidar Ali, upon him be Bahá, and his grace: Praise be to God, through divine favor, he has attained distinction. Some time ago, his letter was received, and he had requested Tablets. These were revealed and dispatched promptly. Later, another letter arrived from another region requesting majestic and sacred Tablets for K and its surroundings. However, the date of the request was nearly a year prior, causing a delay in their dispatch.

Recently, the matter was presented again in the Sacred Court, and specific Tablets for Q, M, Ṣ, and N were revealed. It is hoped that the remaining requests will also be fulfilled. The delay in dispatching the Tablets was due to the delay in receiving his letter. Convey from this humble servant the exalted salutation to him and assure him that his mention has been in the Sacred Court and will remain so.”

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Regarding your mention of turning toward the Most Sacred Horizon, this was presented, and this word was heard from the Blessed Tongue: “It has been spoken truthfully.” Asad, upon him be Bahá, is also permitted. This approval is affirmed and adorned with acceptance. Praise be to God, they turned toward the Sacred Presence, traversed land and sea, and endured hardships in the path of God. Praise be to God, they ultimately reached the highest grace, attained the station of meeting and union, which is mentioned in all the divine scriptures. Blessed are they for what they have attained.

Given the supreme importance of propagation, we have directed their attention to this matter. By God, the greatness of this task is such that every grandeur testifies to its majesty. May they succeed and illuminate all horizons with the radiance of His countenance and ignite the world with the fire of divine love. Even now, we have not forbidden this endeavor. Since it has already occurred, we have commanded concerning another matter that is paramount today. Upon them be My glory, grace, mercy, and care. It is concluded.

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Regarding the mention of M’, several matters are known to this servant. By the grace of God, they have been preserved and delivered from all dangers. However, their many occupations sometimes distract them. God willing, joy will come to them.

Once, this humble servant heard the following from the Blessed Tongue: “O servant, M and S have been protected from all dangers through divine grace multiple times. However, the divine Tablet sent to M was not recited or reflected upon due to their excessive attachment to worldly matters, and thus they could not discern its purpose nor be directed toward that which is lasting and enduring.” After hearing this, this servant prayed for them, hoping they would succeed in that which pleases God.

In the recent occurrence when they were summoned to Ṭ, by divine command, this servant sent the well-known protective circle for their preservation. This humble servant always prays and hopes that they will be safeguarded and assisted in what befits them. This is what was revealed for the one named Muhammad before Husayn, as he ascended to God.

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The Blessed Words addressed him: “He is the Forgiving, the Generous. We remember those who remember Me, those who turn to My Essence, circle around Me, soar in My atmosphere, spread My signs, and speak of My permanence. If one desires My support, I am the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

“O Muhammad, before Husayn, you are in the company of the Most Exalted Companion, and the Lord of Names remembers you in this mighty prison. God forgave you in the first moment when the Countenance of Eternity turned toward you, and what was revealed from the Pen stirred the ocean of forgiveness and wafted the fragrance of the Lord’s grace. I am the Forgiving, the Merciful.

“By God, you have attained what never ceases to emanate its fragrance upon the world. Thus testifies the Lord of Eternity. Blessed is the soul that has attained what you attained on this Day, wherein the Point of the Bayán proclaims before the Countenance of the Lord that sovereignty belongs to God, the All-Knowing, the Wise.”

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For the one named Hajji Muhammad, these words were revealed: “He is the Witness, the Hearer, the All-Knowing. O Muhammad, hear what the wronged one proclaims to you on this Day, which was inscribed by the Supreme Pen in the first scriptures and mentioned in the hearts of the messengers. Stand in such a way that the veils of the adversaries do not block you, nor the doubts of the extremists prevent you.

“We revealed the Bayán, wherein We heralded all regarding this manifestation, which has emerged as the Straight Path. Say: This is the Day of God, if you are of those who understand. All the books of the world testify to it, if you are among the listeners. Say: This is the Day when the Mother Book declares that there is no god but Me, the Ancient Revealer. In proving His Cause, He requires nothing of anything, no mention of any names, no reliance on former scriptures. Thus, the Tongue of Majesty spoke while walking in this manifest prison.

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“This is a Day that only those who have cast the world behind them and embraced what they were commanded by God, the Lord of all worlds, have attained. Rejoice in this Tablet through which the fragrance of My robe has been diffused, the breezes of My words have been stirred, and every weary soul has proclaimed that there is no god but Him, the Mighty, the Beautiful. This Book was revealed with strength from Us. Then recite it to the near ones.

“We exhort you and Our loved ones to steadfastness in this Cause, wherein every foot faltered except for those whom God, the Possessor of this wondrous Day, sustained. Upon you and those who have attained God’s grace and mercy and acknowledged what God has acknowledged in this exalted Tablet, be Bahá.” It is concluded.

In recent days, a letter arrived from Áqá Mírzá Kazim and Áqá Khudad, upon them be Bahá, as well as from Áqá Mullá ʿAli, upon him be Bahá. Mention was made of Áqá ʿAzízulláh and other friends, upon them be Bahá. Praise be to God, all were remembered in the Divine Presence and were blessed with boundless grace.

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By the grace of God and His mercy, we remind them of the supreme steadfastness and name them with that which exalts the Cause of God, the Mighty, the Beloved. If all the friends of God were to attain but one word from Him, it would suffice for all, for no comparison exists between His word and anything manifest or hidden in the world. This is testified by the One whose knowledge encompasses all things, in a Book sealed by God’s seal and hidden from the sight of those in the heavens and the earth.

Proclaim this glad tidings to them from the oppressed one, and convey to them what God has bestowed upon you in this noble and destined Tablet. It is concluded.

This servant did not find the opportunity, at this time, to present their reply but will send it later. You mentioned the names of Jináb Muhammad Rezakhán and Sulaymán Khán, upon whom be blessings. This was presented in the Sacred Presence, and the following was revealed for them from the Heaven of the Will of our Lord, the Mighty, the Bestower:

He is the Most Holy, the Most Great.
O Muhammad, before Reza, today, anyone addressed with the word “Reza” from the Fountain of Revelation of the Lord of Names has attained the infinite bounties of God. Blessed is the soul that drinks from the Ocean of Contentment and rises with steadfastness to serve the Cause of the Lord of all creation.

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He has attained the infinite blessings of God. Blessed is the soul that has drunk from the Ocean of Contentment and arisen with perfect steadfastness to uphold the Cause of the Lord of all existence. Today is a day of virtuous actions, uplifting words, and pleasing character. Blessed is the soul that, through these, advances the Cause of their Lord, the Sustainer, over all who dwell in the heavens and the earth.

Every good deed performed today becomes a cause of eternal and enduring remembrance. Exalted is this great station. God willing, in every moment, remain focused on the Supreme Horizon and ignited with the fire of divine love. Everything is under the shadow of decay except for what has emerged from the Pen of the Most High, which is and will always remain everlasting.

Rejoice in the mention of your Lord, and then thank God, the Lord of all beings, for He has mentioned you out of His grace. Truly, He is the Most Generous and Kind. Glory be upon you, upon your son, and upon those who have attained this Cause, which has caused the hearts of every distant and heedless soul to quake.

This is what has been revealed to the one named “Servant before Contentment” and the supporter of the canopy of God’s favor, Creator of the heavens.

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He is the speaking and perceiving one. O servant before Contentment, rejoice in being mentioned by the Oppressed One from the direction of the Greatest Vision, the station which God has made the point of pilgrimage for those drawn near. Be ablaze with the fire of My love, soar in My atmosphere, and speak with wisdom and eloquence in praise of the Beloved. Take the nectar of the divine utterance in the name of your Lord, the Merciful, and drink from it with the mention of His wondrous name.

The clamor will arise in most lands—this is what is foretold to you by the One who has uncorked the heavenly nectar in the name of the radiant and luminous Lord. By God, if you taste the sweetness of this utterance, joy will so overwhelm you that neither the doubts of the learned nor the suggestions of the heedless will trouble you.

Thus, the rooster of the Throne crowed when the Oppressed One stood at this exalted station. The Most High Pen counsels all to the utmost steadfastness, so that they may be seen as unwavering, firm, and upright in the Cause. May the cries of those on earth not deprive them of the Kingdom of God’s Cause.

The rejecters among the people of the Bayan appear even more veiled than the communities of the past. From the Day of God, they have understood nothing more than a name and remain heedless of what God wills.

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They are heedless and unaware. Convey from God the glad tidings to the friends in that land and inform them: We call upon them from this station and give them good news of God’s grace and mercy. We command them to uphold the wisdom that We have revealed in the scriptures and tablets. The glory is upon you and upon them from God, the Revealer of the verses.

And likewise, the mention of those oppressed, meaning the noble descendants in the lands of S and Sh, and the friends in those regions, was raised. It was presented in the sacred presence, and this is what was spoken by the tongue of grandeur in the name of the Knowing Speaker: The pen of the Oppressed and the tongue of the Oppressed have not paused for a moment in proclaiming the Cause of God, save to the extent necessary.

By the Sun of Manifestation that has risen from the lands of imprisonment, even when sorrows surrounded Us from all directions and calamities poured down like torrential rain, with full power and strength We called the servants of the earth to the Highest Horizon.

God willing, the noble descendants in that land will rise to assist the Cause with a steadfastness that no weakness can diminish.

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And its inactivity cannot grasp it. Today, any pure deed performed for God will have its effects and remembrance enduring with the permanence of the divine names. With utmost determination, one must be occupied in proclaiming the Cause of the True One, exalted and glorified be He. Today is the day of this blessed verse that states: “Bring the people out of darkness into light and give them glad tidings of the days of God.”

We beseech God to assist them in protecting the weak souls so that each may be observed as more steadfast than the firmest foundations and more stable than the mountains. This is a mighty Cause, and the people are weak. They must, through the strength of faith, support the people of that land with wisdom and eloquence in upholding the Cause of the Merciful.

Indeed, their Sustainer, the Ever-Living, is the All-Powerful over whatever He wills. There is no God but Him, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Bountiful. The callers are present in every land, and this matter has been previously revealed in the scriptures and tablets of God. Surely, whatever flows from the Pen of the Most High will be made manifest.

The souls must be trained with such sublime words that no diverse winds will drive them away from the shore of the ocean of unity, and they will be seen as immovably steadfast.

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…to be seen as firm and steadfast so that the strength and power of the world are rendered null and void. Convey to all the friends of that land the glad tidings from the Oppressed One and inform them of the grace, compassion, and mercy of the True One, exalted and glorified be He. Praise be to God, all are remembered in the Most Great Prison and stand before His Countenance. The Glory is upon them and upon those who have renounced the world on this Most Great Day and have embraced what they have been commanded by the Almighty, the All-Powerful.

Regarding what you wrote about one of the maidservants of God using opium for pain relief but ceasing its use after learning of its prohibition and subsequently nearing death: the ruling of God is that the ill should follow the prescriptions of competent physicians. The physician must be skilled, and in such cases, one must act according to their instructions. For preserving human life is the most important of all obligations to God. He, exalted be His glory, has prioritized the knowledge of the body, for in its existence and health, the observance of divine laws becomes necessary and obligatory. Therefore, health takes precedence and will always do so.

Regarding the woman of dignity whom you mentioned, upon presenting this matter in the sacred presence, it was said: “God willing, she will attain what is pleasing to God and will rejoice in the grace of the Beloved.” Indeed, we magnify her from this exalted station and remember her with favor. Verily, your Lord is the All-Hearing, the All-Responsive.

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It was also stated that, God willing, a specific, exalted Tablet will soon be sent to this lady. Regarding your mention at the end of your letter of the noble Name of God, the Truthful, and your reverence for him: upon presenting this in the divine presence, the following was stated:

“We conclude the final writing of Our servant here with the mention of the one named the Truthful in the kingdom of God, the Lord of all worlds. O Pen of the Most High, mention the one who turned to the Possessor of all Names with such a station that a host from the Concourse on High accompanied him. Truly, his Lord, the Merciful, is the All-Knowing, the All-Aware. By his turning, faces turned, and by his rising, the servants arose before the Countenance of their Lord, the Almighty, the All-Wise.”

Drunk with the nectar of understanding, he soared to the Merciful. When he stood before the Countenance of his Lord, the Mighty, the Powerful, he attained what is recorded in the Books of God. He bore witness to what God has testified: that there is no God but Me, the Eternal One. The lights of the Throne overcame him to such a degree that sighs of longing rose from him and tears poured like rain in the springtime.

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“Indeed, We have remembered him again and again in the Tablet of the one named the Adornment of the Near Ones, in the Book of God, the Most High, the Great. Likewise, We have remembered him in various Tablets with that which surpasses the treasures of the earth and the heavens. This is attested by the one who speaks from all things, ‘There is no God but Me, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy.’ Blessed is the soul that drew near to Him and visited Him, as proclaimed by the Tongue of Grandeur in His noble station. The Glory from Us is upon him and upon all who are related to him, male and female, young and old.”

O one who speaks My praise and stands in My service, give glad tidings on My behalf to his family. Say: “By the life of God, you stand before the Countenance of your Lord, the Sovereign of this wondrous day. Do not let the affairs of the world sadden you. Leave the world to its people and hold fast to the hem of the mercy of your Lord, the Forgiving, the Merciful.” It is finished.

Convey to all the friends of that land the expression of my humility, devotion, and nothingness. My dependence is upon the grace of the Beloved. God willing, all will attain the nectar of steadfastness to such an extent that its effects will be evident. Present my expressions of humility and devotion to the True Beloved, to the one named before the Greatest Vision as Ali before Akbar, upon whom be God’s grace, honor, and favor.

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Likewise, convey my greetings to the other gentlemen, who are all remembered. To Haji Muhajir Aqa Abdu’r-Rahim and his brother, upon them be the glory of the Merciful. God willing, they have arrived by now. Convey to them, too, my greetings. The Glory is upon you and upon those who have devoted their souls, bodies, and possessions to the service of the Cause of God, their Beloved and ours, the aim of all who are in the heavens and the earth. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

Your servant, In the 29th of Ramadan, Year 98. (August 1881)

Additionally, if someone were to visit the surroundings of the land of Ṣād, that is, Najd and other regions, it would be highly commendable. However, the person should be an eloquent explainer, with their heart connected to divine grace. In such a case, their words will have an effect. The same applies to other cities and villages.

Your servant,

BH00844 (Natural)

In the Name of Our Lord, the Most Sacred, the Most Mighty, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious.

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Praise be to God, who has delighted His servant with the fragrances of the words of His friends, who have renounced the world and stood up to serve the nations in a command from Him, for He is the Ruler, the Doer of what He wills. O beloved of my heart, your words, your praise, your service, and what has flowed from your pen concerning the Cause of God, Our purpose and yours, are truly commendable. By the life of the Beloved, attraction and longing have so overwhelmed me that no tongue can express it. This is testified by the tongue of my heart and soul, and beyond them by those who are witnessing, observing, and guarding over those in the heavens and the earth.

When I read what the Pen had proclaimed, I set forth to the station where the Most Mighty Throne is established. Upon my arrival and presentation, I turned to the Possessor of Eternity, and the Tongue of Grandeur spoke words that caused the heart of the world to leap. He said, and His words are truth…

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…was addressed to Him. We have answered you and sent you the pearls of knowledge from the expanse of your Lord, the Merciful, so that you may rejoice and give thanks to your Lord, the All-Knowing and Aware. Blessed are you for speaking the truth and refraining from that which is unworthy, in accordance with the command of God, the All-Knowing, the Wise. Joy to those who have forsaken their own desires and embraced what God wills for them, the Lord of all worlds.

Say, with the power of My Greatest Name: O assembly of nations, by God, the Possessor of Eternity has come to reform the world. Beware lest the doubts of your learned ones keep you from the ocean of the knowledge of your Lord, the All-Powerful. He speaks only what benefits you in the afterlife and in this world. This is testified by the Lord of all beings, who speaks in the Most Great Prison: there is no God but Me, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.

We remember the one named “Asad,” the one who serves the Cause of his Lord and speaks in His praise. For him, We have revealed, both before and now, that which delights the hearts of the sincere. We also remember the one who informed you of the intentions of a servant among Our servants, who is named “Kareem” in a clear Tablet. From this station, We now turn to the one who seeks to assist his Lord, the solitary and oppressed, whose foundation causes the stillness of the world to tremble and the hearts of the knowledgeable to quake.

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O you who turn to My face and drink of the nectar of My grace, what you mentioned is noted by the Oppressed One. God willing, may you always be steadfast in serving the Cause of the Majestic One and act according to His pleasure. What you have done is highly favored by the Oppressed One. A great disruption could have arisen from this matter, even though God, exalted be His glory, desires the reform of the world. Your request for divine grace for him has been noted, and God willing, he will dwell under the shadow of grace and act in accordance with the divine will. Indeed, his intention was to serve the True One, though he was unaware of the divine prohibitions revealed in the Tablets.

We magnify him from this station, and We give him glad tidings of Our mercy, grace, favor, forgiveness, and bounty, so that he may thank his Generous Lord. The Glory is upon him, his father, and his brother, and upon those who hold fast to My strong cord. All must look toward the horizon of divine contentment, adhering to that which is beloved in His sight.

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What is beloved before Him has been made clear, as all matters in the divine Book are based on wisdom. This is testified by My scriptures, My books, My tablets, My Tablets, Myself, and My swiftly moving Pen. It is evident from the revealed verses what is favored at the divine Throne today. As the Most Exalted Pen has in many places, and indeed in most Tablets, commanded all the people of the world to act with wisdom. Even the matter of teaching, which is the greatest of tasks, is based on wisdom. If a situation does not warrant it, teaching is not permissible. Blessed are those who attain what God wills.

Convey to Mr. Qasim, upon him be the Glory of God, sacred greetings from this servant’s remembrance, thought, knowledge, and understanding, and give him the glad tidings of God’s grace. God willing, he may be strengthened to promote what will exalt the Cause of God in these days. Praise be to God, he has accepted the advice of the Beloved, and as soon as he understood that the action was contrary to God’s will, he abandoned it and embraced what God desires.

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Blessed is he, and again, blessed is he! Joy is his, and joy is his! What you mentioned about him was accepted before the Throne, adorned with divine approval. Even though the stability of this land is uncertain, as was revealed in previous divine Tablets, let him turn to God with joy and happiness. These words were spoken by the Mouth of Our Lord, the Most High, the Great:

“O Qasim, turn to the Qiblah to which all Qiblahs have turned, appointed by God for the servants on the first day when He spoke the first Word, declaring, ‘Indeed, I am God, the One, the Single, the All-Knowing.’ Turn with detachment, erasing from your heart the traces of all that you knew before, then face Him with a countenance befitting one who turns to the Countenance of God, the Lord of all worlds.”

Indeed, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, all the worlds, does not compare to these two verses. Blessed is he who read, heard, wrote, and understood them, and woe to the deniers and heedless ones. A while ago, this servant sent extensive communications to the Beloved and the beloved Mr. Mirza Asadullah, upon him be the Glory of God, as well as to Mr. Mirza Hawas…

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…upon him be the Glory of God, and especially to Mr. Mulla Sadiq, upon him be divine favors. Each was a carrier of sacred, illuminating verses revealed by God. God willing, they have been received. A while ago, this servant also sent a detailed communication to the beloved of my heart, the one named by the tongue of the Creator as Ali before Akbar, upon him be the Glory of God, the Possessor of Power. It contained Tablets and divine verses. God willing, it has been received or will soon arrive. Convey expressions of reverence, humility, and self-effacement to all the friends. My existence depends on the grace of the Beloved.

To the spiritual beloved Mr. Mirza Haydar Ali, upon him be the Glory of God, I convey my greetings. I hope that God will assist him. Within two days, a detailed reply to his letter will be sent. His letter, dated the 29th of Sha‘ban, was received on the 7th of Shawwal. At that time, this writing, adorned with the verses of grandeur, was prepared.

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…was written and sent. God willing, may all drink from its nectar and attain His grace. The Glory be upon you, upon those with you, and upon those who acted according to what they were commanded by the Wise Ordainer.

Servant, in Shawwal 1298. (September 1881)

BH00250 (Natural)

He is God, exalted is His glory, greatness, and majesty.

At this time, when the heavens of grace are raised, and the sun of divine favor and bounty rises and shines from the horizon of mercy and beneficence, in the court of exalted majesty, with the pen of justice and the Tablet of love and unity, I remember the sacred page of the beloved and the other pages of that land, especially the noble, revered, and esteemed women—the Mother of the sacred sanctuary and the mother of that honored page—upon them be the Glory of God, who were present in the land of Tá. I proclaim glad tidings of the wondrous bounties of God that are evident and clear for each of them, as witnessed by the revealed verses from the heaven of divine oneness that were addressed in this illustrious proof, and which were revealed directly…

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…is addressed to the esteemed page of Sumayyah. This page is inscribed to provide clarity and detail regarding the letter sent from the land of Tá to the exalted presence of the Servant of Oneness, the illustrious and luminous essence to whom I have dedicated my soul. Within it, the actions of the cherished pages, including the honorable wife of the late Áqá Muhammad Ja‘far, her sister, the sister of the noble friend Áqá Mírzá Mahmúd—upon him be the Glory of God—and other esteemed women of that land, were all mentioned. The plea for forgiveness for the departed father of that esteemed page was also included, as promised. A response was graciously granted, and among the divine verses revealed from the heaven of eternal favor, certain phrases were conveyed to uplift the spirits of the recipients. This serves to illuminate and prove that sincere deeds performed for the sake of God shall not go in vain. Blessed are you for what the Supreme Pen has inscribed in your honor, O pure and fragrant pages. Below is an excerpt from what our glorious Lord inscribed for this lowly servant.

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He is the Most Sacred, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious.

Praise be to God, who raised the heaven of utterance and adorned it with radiant stars, illuminating its horizon with the sun of the Most Great Name. By it, the world has been illumined. As the breeze stirs and the heavens are moved, the ocean of knowledge swells, and the ark of God sails upon it under the banner of His Glory. Blessed is the one who clings to it and embarks upon it with the Name that has rent asunder the veils and shattered the barriers. Exalted is the One who manifests whatever He wills through His supreme Word. He speaks, and by His Word, all things are enabled to speak. His Word is the path of truth and the measure of justice. By it, lovers are drawn and soar in the atmosphere of yearning. By it, the sincere stand firm in the Cause of God between earth and heaven and bear the afflictions of love for Him—afflictions only known to God, the Lord of Names.

Through His Word, the gates of the treasures of heaven are opened, the dominion of names is revealed, and the trumpet is sounded. The call is raised throughout the realm of creation. By His Word, the mountains of illusions are leveled, the heavens of doubts are cleft, and the lands of knowledge are divided among the peoples. At times, it flows like water over the plains, and at other times, it blazes like fire upon the peaks. By it, the hearts of the wicked are set ablaze, while the exalted company rejoices. Can the Pen ever cease to mention Him, the Sovereign of Names? Can the page contain the full extent of His words? By the Creator of heaven, no! He is the One through whom all names and all things have been made manifest.

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There is nothing that does not owe its existence to His manifestation and emergence. Through Him, the fragrance of God has diffused throughout all existence. The inhabitants of the graves are stirred, and the Day of Resurrection is established. Exalted and glorified is the One who manifested Him, created Him, and made Him the source and arranger of all things. Exalted is the One who recognized His own essence and taught humanity His will. He is indeed the Almighty, the Mighty, the Bestower.

And now, this servant has been blessed by what has flowed from your Pen, which moves to extol God, praise Him, and describe His attributes and names. When the scrolls were opened and read, I turned to the heaven of His Cause and presented what was contained therein before the Throne. Then, the tongue of greatness proclaimed words that brought joy to the world and revived the desolate. He said, exalted and glorified be He:

“O ‘Alí! We were seated upon the Throne in the Most Great Prison when the servant present appeared before the Face with your Book and presented what it contained. We are the All-Hearing, the Answerer. We have heard your call and are aware of your devotion in loving Him. Recall how you turned toward the prison, stood at the gate, and heard the call of the oppressed One who spoke from the loftiest station, saying, ‘There is no God but Him, the Mighty, the Praised.’”

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“O ‘Alí! Listen to what the polytheists claim in this Most Great Manifestation, which has caused the limbs of the nations to tremble. Verily, your Lord is the One who clarifies the truth and is the All-Knowing. They have said, ‘He has claimed divinity, and this is something that no one should acknowledge.’ Thus have their hearts been hardened, and their souls have deceived them. In this way, I narrate to you what the heedless have spoken, for I am the All-Informed, the All-Knowing. Say, ‘By God! This is the Day of God, wherein none is mentioned but Him. He is indeed the One speaking in the Most Great Prison and proclaiming between earth and heaven. Every prophet has foretold this Day, and every scripture has been adorned with mention of this Most Great Name. Say, ‘On this Day, none is remembered but God and His names, and what has been manifested from Him.’ Thus has the Cause been revealed under all circumstances, yet most of the people…

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Say: This is the One through whom the horizon of creation has been illumined, and by whose Word that which was hidden in the treasures of God’s sanctity has been revealed. Say: If He were to speak other than what He has uttered, then and only then might one object to Him. Say: Reflect, and do not be among those who turn away. Say: This is He who has descended from the heaven of majesty with manifest authority, calling all to God. Neither ranks of soldiers nor the words of the deniers nor the voices of the doubters among the people of the Bayán have hindered Him. These people have forgotten all that was promised to them, and they repeat the words uttered by those of the Qur’án. Say: Woe unto them and unto you, O people of doubt! Say: You have followed delusions, as your fathers did. Thus speaks the tongue of grandeur with truth. Be grateful. Say: Praise be to You, O Lord of all creation. Blessed is the one who casts aside delusions and stands firm upon this Cause, a Cause that has made even the wise to stumble.

Say: Fear God, and do not follow your vain desires. Follow the one who has come to you with proof that surpasses the heavens and the earth. Do not grieve over anything, for He hears and sees, and I am the All-Seeing. We have remembered you repeatedly, and now once more We address you. If you perceive the fragrances of your Lord’s verses, rise and say:

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“All praise is Yours, O Creator of the heavens, and all glory is Yours, O Holder of the reins of all creation. I praise and thank You for making me turn toward Your loftiest horizon, for enabling me to recognize Your beauty after all the deniers turned away, for allowing me to see Your face after the perishing of all things, for making me hear Your sweetest call, and for granting me the joy of the ocean of Your Most Great Name. You have quenched my thirst with the Cup of Eternal Life. All my being testifies to Your grace, generosity, and bounties. You are indeed the Bestower, the Generous.

“O my God, You see that my eyes are fixed on the horizon of Your favor and that my ears are attentive to the melodies of Your call. O Lord, the yearning of the seeker cannot be quenched, nor his love cooled, nor his fire extinguished. I beseech You, by Your very essence, to keep me always drawn by Your verses, delighted by the fragrance of Your robe, clinging to Your hem, and uttering Your praise among Your creation. You are the All-Powerful, the Most Exalted, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.”

O Akbar, the Possessor of Destiny calls you from His greatest station out of grace upon you, that you may be among the grateful. We extol, from this Most Sacred Spot, the faces of those who have turned toward God, responded when the call was raised between earth and heaven, and followed what the All-Merciful has revealed in the guarded Tablet. We remember them and announce to them the glad tidings of what has been decreed for them in the Kingdom of God, the Lord of all the worlds.

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Say: Beware lest the world distract you from the Creator of the heavens. Leave the people to their delusions and take what has come to you from God, the Almighty, the All-Glorious. He loves those who love Him, remembers those who remember Him, and beholds those who stand firm in His remembrance and serve His Cause. He is indeed the All-Hearing, the All-Wise.

At the end of this Tablet, We mention one named Riḍá, who turned toward the Face and believed in God, the One, the All-Powerful. Extol him on My behalf and announce the glad tidings of what has been revealed for him from God, the Ancient Revealer. We also remember the maidservants who have turned, approached, recognized, and drunk deeply of My radiant nectar. Blessed are they for fulfilling the covenant of God and His testament and for standing firm upon this wondrous Cause. Glory be upon you and your family and upon those who have believed in God and held fast to His wise Book.

The verses revealed from the heaven of divine will testify to the special favor that has encompassed you. Regarding your mention of this servant’s delay in sending correspondence, it is true that there has been some delay, but not out of negligence, laziness, or—God forbid—a lack of sincerity. God is all-knowing and bears witness that your mention and love have always been on my tongue and in my heart.

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You wrote requesting that this servant circumambulate the Sacred House on your behalf. Praise be to God, this humble servant was able to achieve this honor, visiting and circumambulating on your behalf. Regarding your mention of the friends in Kamsar, who have arisen to serve the Cause, this was presented at the Supreme Horizon. These are the words revealed for them from God, the Lord of all worlds:

“O My friends in that land, hearken to My sweetest call, raised from this luminous spot, that none but Him, the Almighty, the All-Wise, may be worshipped. My gaze has turned toward you from this well-known station. He is indeed the All-Hearing, the Answerer. Blessed are you for your faith and for turning toward the loftiest horizon after the people had turned away, save those whom God, the One, the All-Knowing, has willed. Hold fast to the cord of unity.”

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“Then, remember your Lord, the Most Merciful, with joy and gladness. Thus does the All-Knowing Ordainer command you. We have observed you, heard your call, and answered you with these verses, through which the fragrance of utterance has spread throughout the realm of existence. He is indeed the Almighty, the Praiseworthy. By God, what has been decreed for you in My most glorious Kingdom is beyond the description of words. Yet most people fail to understand. Rejoice in My Name, then drink the Water of Life by My wondrous remembrance. We enjoin you to the utmost steadfastness and to act according to what God has revealed through the Supreme Pen in the Crimson Scroll. He commands you that which will benefit you in both this world and the next. The Sovereign of all creation bears witness to this from His great prison. Rejoice in My remembrance, for it is incomparable to the treasures of the heavens and the earth. Listen to those among you who remind you of God, the Almighty, the Most Beautiful.”

“O My Supreme Pen, turn toward the land of ‘Káf,’ and mention those who soared in the atmosphere of My nearness and attained the knowledge of the One who made you speak with truth. Your Lord is indeed the Generous Bestower. Blessed are you for what you have attained, for recognizing the oppressed One when all heedless and distant ones turned away. The world and all that is within it will perish, but what has been revealed to you from the All-Merciful in His manifest Book shall endure. God has borne witness to your turning and your faith. Rejoice in this Most Great Remembrance, then drink deeply.”

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Then drink from My radiant nectar. Safeguard your conduct with the utmost steadfastness so that you are not swayed by the insinuations of those who deny the Lord of all worlds. Glory be upon you and upon those who have taken hold of the Book of God with strength granted by Him and have acted according to what they have been commanded by their wise Lord.

The names mentioned in your letter have been presented at the Supreme Horizon. Praise be to the Beloved of all creation, who has adorned them with the embellishment of His love and granted them recognition of Him. They have received the nectar of eternal life from the hand of His bounty and have drunk it. Blessed are they and those who attain this noble station.

Wherever you are blessed with a divine Tablet, you must convey its contents to its intended recipients or send it to them. Extend on My behalf unique and exalted blessings to each one. Regarding your mention of the submissive, believing, and devoted women of that land, this matter has been presented at the Divine Throne. Unique and exalted verses have been revealed from the heaven of divine will, and the gaze of mercy has turned toward each of them. Blessed are they for having attained the recognition of God and for serving His immutable and wise Cause.

To any discerning mind, it is evident that all things in this world are transient and perishable. Soon, all that is visible will vanish. What remains enduring and eternal is the remembrance that flows from the Supreme Pen, directed specifically toward each of His servants. Blessed are the souls who attain this supreme station.

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All that is visible is transient and will soon disappear. What remains eternal and lasting is the remembrance that flows from the Supreme Pen, uniquely addressed to each of His servants. Blessed are the souls who attain this exalted station. By God, if this station were fully described, all the people of the world would turn to the Most High Horizon and, with utmost joy and delight, dedicate themselves to serving the Cause. Thus does truth speak with truth and proclaim that which brings joy to the hearts of the sincere and the souls of the steadfast.

Pray to God and ask that all may remain firm and steadfast in the Cause of God. Say, O handmaidens of God, give thanks that your mention has been presented at the Throne and that your deeds have been for the sake of God and are accepted in His sacred presence. May you, by the breaths of divine verses, always attain His grace and rejoice in His remembrance.

Regarding the request for forgiveness for the late Haji Mulla Ali Akbar, it has been presented at the Throne. This is what has been revealed from the kingdom of the Bayan by God, the Almighty, the Most Generous:
“O My handmaiden, We announce to you the glad tidings of the grace of your Lord and mention to you that which will bring joy to your heart and the hearts of those who believe in God, the Almighty, the Bestower.”

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And We remind you of what will gladden your heart and the hearts of those who have believed in God, the Almighty, the Bestower. Know then that God, out of His bounty, has forgiven him, purified him, and raised him to the Most Exalted Companion. Truly, the grace of your Lord encompasses all beings. Thus does God ordain as He wills and decrees as He desires. Nothing can hinder Him, and no matter overwhelms Him. By His power, He does as He pleases and rules by His sovereignty as He wills. Praise Him, and commemorate Him with these verses revealed from the heaven of the mercy of your Lord, the All-Knowing, the Exalted.
Blessings be upon you and upon those who perceived the fragrance of the robe in the Days of God, turned to the Horizon of Revelation, and hearkened to the call of God, the Sovereign of all religions.

Additionally, regarding the matters undertaken by the honored one referred to as the Name of God Ḥá, upon him be all glory and upon him be all praise, this humble servant has been informed per the supreme command. Undoubtedly, he will notify you, and it is expected that these matters will proceed accordingly.

Furthermore, concerning the esteemed mother of the Sanctuary, upon her be the Glory of God, residing in the land of Káf, it is imperative to emphasize that the inhabitants of that land should treat her with utmost respect. Truly, she has endured numerous trials in the path of God.

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She has endured numerous trials in the path of truth. Blessed is she for her steadfastness amidst what has come upon her in the path of our Lord and the Lord of all worlds. Now, she resides in a foreign land and, despite her utter distress, remains patient and thankful. We ask God to grant her success and provide her with what befits His boundless grace, and to enable those who support and honor her to be enriched with the love of God, the Mighty, the Wise.

From this humble servant, if possible, convey glad tidings to her, for her name is mentioned before the Throne, and the gaze of divine favor is directed toward her. Blessed is she for her patience, gratitude, generosity, and devotion to God, the One, the Incomparable.

This humble servant requests Your Excellency to extend exalted and unique praise from this servant to the friends and notables of every land. Additionally, convey to the friends of the Land of Prison and all those who circle around His Holiness the most glorious remembrances and exaltations.

The Glory of God be upon you and your household, and upon all the beloved of God. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

The servant, on the 17th of Sha‘bán, 90. (October 1873)

O Beloved, this is the station of the Servant of Unity, whose spirit is devoted to the most noble and luminous dust of His Threshold.

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…sacrificed for the noble and luminous Threshold, containing the blessed statements descended from the heaven of divine grace, expressing favor toward all the inhabitants of that land, men and women alike, and specifically for that esteemed lady. Explicitly, in both a direct and indirect manner, favor and grace have been shown toward her.

It is hoped that, along with the specific tablets whose names I have mentioned at the beginning, they may be recited repeatedly. Furthermore, the instructions of the Servant—whose spirit is devoted to the most noble dust of the Threshold—regarding the honorable and revered mother of the sanctuary, upon her be the glory of God, should be carried out faithfully.

Convey from this humble and insignificant servant to her exalted and radiant remembrances and sublime praises. It is hoped that the esteemed lady, her noble namesake, and the other maidservants of God in that land may remain ever enkindled with the fire of divine love and inebriated with the wine of the Beloved.

May they revive the dead, buried in the graves of heedlessness and ignorance, with the breaths of pure souls, and bring the dried trees in the wilderness…

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…desires with the water of remembrance and virtuous deeds, so that the fresh and verdant outcomes of spiritual fruits may become manifest among all the inhabitants of that land. By God, besides whom there is no other, should a soul gird itself with determination and set foot on the path of supporting the Truth for God’s sake, even the dry bones would be quickened by the influence of its pure breaths, let alone the heedless souls.

It is hoped that all will interact with one another in utmost love, unity, and with the spirit of harmony and joy. Observe the grace and favor of God as it manifests in abundance for that honored lady, and give thanks with your entire being that your names are mentioned at the Throne.

We ask God—and you should also ask—that He remove all obstacles and open the gates of reunion for all His servants and maidservants.

In summary, should the esteemed and honored lady, the namesake of that noble woman, not be present in this land, you should copy this letter and send the original or a copy to her. Convey to her endless praises and express, on behalf of this humble servant, apologies for any difficulties encountered during her presence.

To His Honor Mirza Mahmoud…

…and his family, both women and men, especially his sister, convey boundless praises. Extend individual greetings to each of the maidservants of God in that land, particularly to the honorable mother and sister of Khanum Sahib and Bibi Jan, upon them be the Glory of God.

From this humble servant, communicate the most delightful and sublime praises, and remind them sweetly of the loving remembrance of the Friend. To His Honor Amoo, whose spirit is devoted to the noble dust of the Threshold, that esteemed lady, and the other maidservants of God in that land, convey uplifting spiritual praises.

What more can be said from this humble and fleeting servant?

In the year 333, dated the 27th of Shawwal in the year 95, (October 1878)

in the land of … His Honor Shater is ceaselessly glorifying and praising.

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To the noble one, who gazes upon the radiant Face of God, His Honor Waraqaa, upon him be the Glory of God, the Possessor of the Throne and the earth below.

BH00057 (Natural)

In the Name of Our Most Sacred, Most Mighty, Exalted, and Glorious Lord.

Praise, holy and exalted, is befitting only to the Mention and Hearing of the Sovereign of Names.

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From the sun of the heaven of knowledge, He illumined the world of humanity and adorned the sky of understanding with the stars of insight. The world of learning, before even a drop of the ocean of His knowledge, considers itself ignorant, mute, and stammering. The realm of insight, upon the appearance of the Point of His Book, perceives itself as blind and deaf. When His majesty emerges, He acts as He wills, leaving all bewildered and astonished; when His power is unveiled, all are struck down and cast upon the arena of meanings by the motion of the Supreme Pen. The kingdom of gnosis, before the radiance of the sun of His exposition, is humbled and submissive. The fragrance of His garment has refreshed and revived the gardens of the hearts of lovers, and the aroma of His grace has perfumed the dominions of souls. From a single utterance, the heavens of knowledge have been uplifted, and with one cry, the withered world has been revitalized. Alas for the loss of considering ourselves among the living, for we are but dead, fallen in the wilderness of love, bewildered and intoxicated—awaiting the generosity of the fountain of His exposition. Will He bestow such grace as to return the perishing frame to annihilation or grant it life everlasting?

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Grace shall He bestow. The command is in His hand; He gives and withholds as He pleases. He is the commander, the judge, the observer, the witness, the all-knowing. From God, exalted be His glory, this lowly servant beseeches and hopes for His bounty, mercy, compassion, grace, kindness, and gifts. In nights and days, with utmost humility and supplication, I entreat Him for the assistance of the chosen and the saints so that all may arise in remembrance, praise, and service to the Cause, and act according to the will of God. Verily, by His will, it is hoped that pure, detached, tranquil souls, intoxicated by the wine of His exposition, may enter the arena of possibility and guide all religions to the horizon of the All-Merciful. Blessed be this sacred day! Blessed be this holy day, wherein the breezes stirred, the tongue of oneness spoke, and that which was hidden in the treasuries of the power of our Lord, the Omnipotent, was made manifest. Glory be to You, O One toward whom all things turn. O Lord! The earth has been cleft, and the heavens have split apart, and unto the ocean of Your greatest name have the realities of names advanced. I beseech You by Your name, the Self-Subsisting…

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The Sovereign over all that has been and shall be, to ordain for Your loved ones, from Your Supreme Pen, that which will benefit them in both the next world and this one. O my Lord, You see Your loved ones among the most wretched of Your creation, and You hear their cries, lamentations, and moanings in these days. I beseech You by Your name, through which You have subdued existence in the realms of the unseen and the visible, to lift the veils from the faces of Your servants and creation, so they may turn to You and hear Your sweetest call, which has been raised between earth and heaven. O my Lord, deliver them from that which hinders them from drawing near to You and entering the precincts of the pavilions of Your grandeur. O my Lord, unveil for them as You have unveiled for Your chosen ones, and make Yourself known to them and reveal what You have manifested through Your power and sovereignty. You are the One whom no contingencies can hinder, nor can indications prevent. You do as You please, You decree as You will, and with You is the knowledge of all things. No one knows the contents of the Book except You. There is no god but You, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware. O Beloved of my heart and cherished of my soul, the melodies of the bird of Your exposition have informed me, and the warbling of the nightingale of Your praise and glorification has taught me what has brought me joy through the delight of this servant’s incapacity…

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To describe what You are, as witnessed by Your Beloved, our Beloved, and the Desired One of those in the heavens and the earth. When the breezes of love stirred me and drew me by what was spoken in praise of Your eternal Lordship, I took the Book and turned to the Most Generous Bestower. When I entered and stood before the Throne, I presented what was within it. Then, as I turned my face toward the Beloved, He, exalted be His grandeur, said, “O leaf, what was promised has appeared, and what the possessors of understanding were unable to comprehend has been revealed. By His life, I sacrifice myself for the verses around which the Mother Book has revolved. O leaf, the Book speaks, but the people do not comprehend; the Balance cries out, but they do not perceive; the Path calls, but they do not understand. They have cast behind them the Tablets of God and taken up what was commanded by the sources of conjecture—those who disputed His verses, broke His covenant, and denied His Cause, which has encompassed existence. Say: This is a day when the ocean of life has surged before the countenance of the All-Merciful, and the Euphrates of knowledge and exposition has flowed…

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From the right hand of the Throne, if you but knew. This is a day when what was never manifested before has appeared, and from the horizon of the sky of the prison, the sun of wisdom and proof has shone forth. Yet, all the religions have turned away from it. Say: O Lord of the earth! Arise from your seats and turn to the Supreme Horizon. By God, it is illumined by the name of our Lord, the Most Holy, the Most Glorious. Beware lest the affairs of the world prevent you from the Sovereign of the unseen and the visible. Say: He has appeared in truth, and no injustice of the learned, nor might of rulers, nor dominance of those who have turned away from the All-Knowing, can hinder Him. Say: This is the Day of Exposition. Arise from the slumber of desires and then remember the Lord of names. This is better for you if you but knew. This is a day when every one standing for the service of the Cause has risen, and every speaker has proclaimed the praise of the Self-Subsisting, the Omnipotent. Say: O people! Forsake what you knew before, and take up what you see today in its praiseworthy station. O leaf, the present servant came with Your Book and recited it before the face of the Beloved. Verily, your Lord is the All-Hearing; He has heard your remembrance, your praise, and your supplications, and He has perceived the fragrance of your love, your submission.

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And your humility, and your turning towards God, the Lord of all worlds, every word of your words testifies to the greatness of God, His sovereignty, His manifestation, His appearance, and His majesty. Your Lord is indeed the All-Knowing. Rejoice in this mention by which the fountain of life flows in the realm of existence, and the bird of eternity sings upon the branches. Verily, there is no god but Me, the One, the All-Knowing. We mentioned you after your return in various Tablets with a remembrance that captivated the hearts of the wise. Stand firm in the service of the Cause of your Lord, speak in His praise, and guide others to His straight path. O leaf, in the days when the community of the Bayán was perturbed by the dominance of the followers of other religions, this Wronged One rose, single and alone, to proclaim the Cause. Neither the opposition of the learned, nor the clamor of the mystics, nor the tyranny of the rulers could prevent Him from achieving what He willed. The Supreme Pen has traversed all times in the field of wisdom and exposition, so that all may hear its call, and all may witness its proof and evidence. In certain years, such tribulations befell Him that only the knowledge of God can encompass and count them. Yet, the Pen…

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…did not cease its motion by night or day, nor did the tongue adopt silence. When the supreme Word spread abroad, and the banners of remembrance and praise were raised on the highest summits, the croaking of the crow and the buzzing of flies emerged from behind the veil. By the call of the Lord of names, which arose from the side of the prison, such fear and agitation gripped heedless souls that they fled from place to place and sought refuge from mountain to mountain. Now, with utmost rancor and hatred, they have become manifest and strive by every means to mislead souls. It is astonishing how people cling to sources of conjecture and follow the risings of illusions. Those who disbelieved in God and His signs and His sovereignty and greatness and power have indeed suffered loss, and they follow that which their desires have caused to perish in the sight of God, the Exalted, the Great. Behold, O Beloved of my heart, how servants are more inclined towards fancies than the appearances of certainty. All the people of the Bayán are aware that this servant remained veiled and secluded for many years, and that none…

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…other than this servant was with Him. Despite this, they accept the words of those who had no knowledge or connection and did not inquire of this servant to ascertain the truth of that from which they are now veiled and heedless. By the One who caused all things to speak in remembrance and praise of Him, the obedient, despite their lack of knowledge, are observed to be far superior and higher in rank than those who claim authority over them. By the One in whose hand is my soul, I say this purely for God’s sake, that perhaps, through the power of exposition, some may rend the veils and attain the lights of the dawn of God’s Day and what has been manifested therefrom. May God, exalted be His glory, grant His confirmation, so that they may reach the station where the lamp of illusions is extinguished and the morning of certainty dawns. However, alas and again alas, for selfish purposes have blinded the eyes, and the veils of delusions have barred hearts and sight from beholding the truth. Some groups, raised in illusions and doubts, are exceedingly difficult to rescue, as they are bound in the chains of conjecture and the fetters of imaginations.

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They are observed to be shackled, and the followers of the Furqán (the Qur’án) are found to be more veiled than all others. Their leaders present empty tales before them, false reports behind them, vain mentions to their right, and imaginary thoughts to their left. In these days, from these positions, this blessed sacred word has dawned from the horizon of the Divine Will. He, exalted be His majesty, said: They asked Ja‘far, the brother of ’Askarī, whether his brother left behind any offspring. He replied, “A child, but he passed away.” When the fabricated forms of these words reached certain ears, they denied them and called him a liar. Observe to what extent tyranny reached, and how far slander climbed. Later, mention of the sacred realm and its decrees appeared, confirming what they had heard before. May fairness guide such souls who bewildered the people with doubts and illusions. Just as with Abū Lahab, such labels and slanders against that truthful speaker will endure among the followers of Pharaoh for a long time.

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These fabricated souls and their lies continue to cling to the same pretexts. The essence of their foundation is rooted in this path and way. It is necessary to awaken receptive souls to be aware and not deprived by the whisperings of the hosts of Satan from what God has willed. By the radiance of the sun of justice, the purpose of this Wronged One is that strong souls may rise for the Cause and protect the people from the evil of devils so that they may reach a station where they find themselves independent of all that has passed and consider all except God to be nonexistent and lost. Say, O friends, gaze towards the horizon of the Cause and what has been manifested therefrom. This is the advice of God to His friends. In another position, this supreme word dawned from the horizon of the sky of the exposition of the Lord of creation. He, exalted be His majesty, said: Until now, the veils between the followers of the Furqán have not been entirely rent, nor have the idols of imaginations been wholly shattered. If these two events occur, and the Lord of all worlds manifests, the people of the Bayán will see themselves in the lowest depths. Some have had the veils torn by the finger of power.

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The support of strength has been shaken, yet much still remains. If capacity had been observed among the people of the Bayán, surely all would have attained the recognition of what is mentioned in the presence of God. Yet, God bears witness that they are more veiled than the people of the Furqán and all other communities. I am indeed the All-Encompassing, the All-Knowing. The illusions of the people of the Furqán have surrounded them to such an extent that any one with insight is incapable of describing it, especially the group that considers itself to be the saved sect. The belief of the people of the Sunnah and the community is that the Qá’im must yet be born, for they claim no tradition exists from the Messenger of God—may the spirit of all else be a sacrifice to Him—that supports the existence of His Holiness in Jábulqá, or Jábulsá, or any other realm. Rather, the tradition of the Master of mankind, upon Him be the splendor of God, the Sovereign of destiny, and likewise the account of Shaykh Akbar, point to the birth of the Qá’im in the land of Persia. How many of the holy souls who affirmed His birth were manifestly martyred with evident injustice! It is astonishing that even as they observe…

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…that the so-called saved sect has been tyrannical, rebellious, and wayward, and that during the time of trials they proved to be the most wretched and misguided of all on earth, they still hold to their claims. This sect, far from being saved, suspended the Manifestation of Oneness and subjected Him to that which both the first and the last shunned. It is incumbent upon the people of the Bayán to reflect upon what transpired among the people of the Furqán so that the true eye may be opened to see what is necessary to behold. In such a case, they may be considered among those with insight in the greatest perspective; otherwise, a mere animal would be deemed nobler than them. In all states, this servant, in the presence of God, the Exalted, beseeches and hopes that through His grace, compassion, and favor, He will consider not the deniers and rejecters and what they possess. Perhaps the breeze of mercy may pass over all on this Day of God, adorning all with the robe of vision, justice, and fairness. Regarding what you wrote about His Holiness, the Father—upon Him be the splendor of God, the Most Glorious—a while ago, in the sacred precinct, the exalted statement…

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…was mentioned, and it was attained. Reflect on the purity and station of that holy soul, who occupied a position where the Eternal Beauty would halt in His comings and goings and would utter that exalted statement. By the life of the Beloved, this is a great station and a mighty grace. Blessed and felicitous is His being. Verily, bounty is in His hand; He grants as He wills. He is indeed the Forgiving, the Generous. That blessed Tablet was sent along with His Honor, Ḥájí Mírzá Abú’l-Ḥasan—upon Him be the splendor of God. God willing, His Honor was present during its revelation. As for what you wrote regarding sending copies of what was sent to the regions, it was accepted in the presence. It was said, “May they be confirmed in spreading the signs of God, His evidences, His conditions, and His manifestations.” Your intention to turn toward the stars is greatly loved, for the people are weak and unaware of certain matters.

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They are unaware and unable to distinguish the buzzing of flies from the rustling of the leaves of the Lote-Tree at the farthest limit. Perhaps through meeting with His Honor, veils may be torn and they may become truly wondrous in every respect. At one time, a clear and blessed utterance shone forth from the horizon of the mouth of the Lord of Oneness. He, exalted be His majesty, said: As long as the people of the Bayán gaze at the actions, words, signs, and indications of former religions, they remain heedless and deprived of the wondrous Cause, the wondrous creation, the wondrous station, and the wondrous condition. Elsewhere, this blessed word was revealed: Verily, I am the Creator of the heavens and the earth. For neither before nor after is there any likeness to it. This is wondrous in all respects. Blessed are the knowing, and blessed are the successful. Concerning what you wrote about the friends of the land of Bá—upon them be the splendor of God—this is the reply: The heavenly will of God has descended. He is the Most Ancient, the Most Exalted, the Most Holy, the Most High, the Most Glorious.

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O people of the Bayán, hearken to the call of the Lord of names, who summons you from the Most Great Prison and invites you to a station made holy and sanctified above the attributes and mentions of all religions. He is indeed the All-Powerful, by whom a standard was raised according to His will and a banner unfurled as He desires. Blessed is the soul that speaks forth this most exalted remembrance, and the being that turns to the straight path. We have entered the prison and invited all to God, the Lord of all worlds. In such a manner were We not deterred by armies, nor by ranks, nor by the clamor of heroes and princes, nor by the clamor of the learned and mystics. Blessed is the servant who attains what God wills, and woe to the heedless. This is a day in which earthquakes have appeared, tribes have risen, widows have cried out, and…? Those who dispute the signs of God and His proofs and deny His manifest Book have trembled. Say, O people of the Bayán, leave what you possess. God has come with a proof from the All-Merciful that no possession of the factions can match. This is attested by the Lord of necks in this mighty Tablet. Say, indeed…

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The Wronged One guides you to the presence of God and commands you to that which will gladden the eyes of those who, upon hearing the call, hastened to the supreme horizon and responded to their Lord, the Seeing, the Speaking. Beware lest the affairs of creation prevent you from the truth. Forsake what belongs to the people for the sake of this Name, through which every wise matter has appeared. Support your Lord, the All-Merciful, with wisdom and exposition. This is what you have been commanded in successive years and in this Tablet, which proclaims before the faces of the world what the Tongue of Eternity has spoken: Verily, there is no God but Me, the Mighty, the Generous. We have borne hardships and trials, in private and in public, for the exaltation of God’s Cause. When it was exalted in truth, the buzzing of flies arose from behind the veil, lamenting what every prophet bewailed and every faithful messenger cried out against. Say, O people of the Bayán, be just in the matter of your Lord, the All-Merciful. Beware lest what hindered the people of the Furqán prevent you from turning toward the Most Great Ocean. Beware lest what veiled the nations veil you. Fear God and follow not every distant caller. Turn with supreme steadfastness toward the supreme horizon. By the life of God, this is better for you than all that was created in the earth and the heavens, as attested by the Lord of Names in this wondrous Tablet.

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How many servants were drawn by the verses of their Lord to such an extent that neither the might of rulers nor the power of the strong could frighten them! They hastened into the wilderness of love and loyalty, proclaiming, “Here am I, here am I, O Beloved of hearts! Here am I, here am I, O Desired One of all in the heavens and the earth!” Thus spoke the Tongue of Grandeur, as a grace from Him, to reveal what was hidden in the treasure of God and inscribed in the books of the messengers. Take the Book of God with strength from Us and power from Our presence. By the life of God, this is the day We promised before, to make you leaders on earth and to make you its inheritors. Hold fast, O servants of God, to the Most Great Cord and cling to the hem of God, the All-Powerful, the Almighty. Arise for the Cause with steadfastness that is not hindered by the affairs of the world or the doubts of the heedless. Thus have We illumined the horizon of the Book with the sun of remembrance of your Lord, the One, the All-Knowing. The Supreme Pen calls the friends of the land of Bá and its surroundings and speaks with the finest words, hoping…

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…that the wine of the All-Merciful’s exposition may so seize them that the indications of the world and the words of the nations are powerless to prevent it. Observe this pure, decisive, and blessed word, which is as a downpour for the gardens of the All-Merciful’s exposition, and drink from it. You will find no other like it among the eyes of God’s creation. Remove your gaze from all else so that you may attain vision and encounter. This is the day when all deeds, ranks, and stations are being revealed and will continue to be so, as the All-Discerning Examiner has become manifest, and the All-Knowing Detailer has appeared. Strive to remain not deprived of the infinite bounties of the Bestower and avoid being barred from what is fitting for this most holy day. The expanse of illusions is more evident than before, and the hosts of doubts are stronger than ever. God willing, you will be confirmed by the favor of the All-Merciful in a Cause whose mention will endure in the realms of dominion and sovereignty. Praise be to God for your attainment of this Day of God and for perceiving the fragrances of the garment of reunion.

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Those who regard themselves as the highest, greatest, mightiest, and noblest of creation are deprived of the ocean of knowledge and veiled and barred from the horizon of God’s Cause, while you have attained the previous mercy and encompassing favor. You have embraced a Cause that has always belonged to the sincere and the near ones. In all circumstances, beseech God, exalted be His glory, to assist you in safeguarding this precious pearl and preserving it from the eyes of thieves and the hands of traitors. Verily, He speaks the truth and guides to the path. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Beautiful. God willing, from the infinite divine favor, may all drink from the fountain of attraction and yearning and the spring of steadfastness and longing, flowing from the exalted words issued from the Source of the Cause. Whoever attains this truth will behold the whole world as nothing and stand on God’s path with such firmness that the agitators of hatred and rancor will find themselves incapable of moving against him. By the life of the Beloved, from the light of such souls, the horizon of power and steadfastness…

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…is illumined and bright. Reflect on the words of the heedless: they write to their followers, taking two words from the Bayán and two from the Furqán, crafting a verse to spread to others. Consider how much they regard people as ignorant and foolish to believe in such nonsense, and yet they are deemed to have proof, evidence, and reason. By your life, O Beloved of my heart, this servant is bewildered by humanity—what has happened, and what have the people committed that they are afflicted with such guidance rooted in ignorance? From the beginning of time until now, such strange happenings and mighty signs have not been seen. The eye of the Bayán and the vision of understanding have witnessed nothing like it. None of the sacred books can compare to a single Tablet of supreme holiness. All books testify to this. Whoever attains a drop from the ocean of fairness will perceive that the wondrous verses have encompassed the world, and luminous verses have been revealed, equivalent to all the heavenly scriptures, recounting what has happened before and what is to come after.

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It was clearly mentioned beforehand in the Divine Book, yet they said and continue to say that which no heedless rejecter has ever uttered at the appearance of the Manifestations. The shamelessness of this rebellious, wayward faction has reached a point where, at the advent of the Manifestation and the Messenger, they speak such absurdities. May justice guide them, and may insight grant them grace. Among the new reports is that Mírzá Ahmad of the land of K once burned, during a night in the great city, all the writings entrusted to him, after using certain substances, saying, “This pleases me.” Truly, he is observed as a chameleon, and it is unclear what direction he intends or where he aspires to turn, nor with what face he approaches or to which face he turns. May God, exalted be His glory, purify the hem of the Cause from the likes of such souls or bestow upon them, through His grace and favor, the wine of certitude and tranquility. Verily, He is the Bestower, the Generous. Regarding what you wrote about His Honor, Áqá Mírzá ’A B—upon Him be the splendor of God—and mentioned…

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…his acts of love and affection, and also requested special favor from God, exalted be His glory, this matter was presented before the presence. This is what was spoken by the Tongue of the All-Merciful in the Kingdom of the Exposition. He, exalted be His majesty, said: The loving gaze of God is directed toward him. Praise be to God that he has attained that from which most of the people of the earth are deprived. A while ago, along with His Honor, Abú’l-Ḥasan, one Tablet was specifically addressed to you and another in His name was sent. God willing, they will attain them. Advise him to act with wisdom and steadfastness. God willing, he will be successful in these two great matters, and special grace will also appear from the heaven of favor. Verily, He is the Most Bountiful, the Generous. Praise be to God, the Exalted, the Great. This is concluded. Regarding your request concerning the martyrs of Miyán-Duáb, presented before the All-Bountiful Lord, these radiant words have descended from the heaven of the Divine Will: O Supreme Pen, mention those who turned toward My Most Glorious Horizon and heard My sweetest call…

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…clung to My firmest handle, held fast to the hem of My light, turned to My face after the perishing of all things, soared in the air of love for their Lord, the Possessor of Names, and drank from the crimson cups of the wine of fate. Blessed are you for attaining the ultimate goal, the supreme station, and the exalted rank. May you be nourished and delighted by what the Beloved of the worlds and the Most Great Name recounts concerning you, by which every seeker senses the fragrance of the garment and every discerning one perceives the aroma of My Name, the All-Merciful, the Compassionate. I testify that you have attained the recognition of God in days when all things and the celestial concourse lamented what befell those who took the Book of God with power from Him and spent all they had on this straight path. Rejoice in the Supreme Companion for what the Lord of Creation mentions about you in this prison, which is named by all the names and called the Most Great Prison in the Book of God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. Your blood was shed as it was mingled with the love of God, and your spirits ascended as they were perfumed with the fragrances of the days. Your bodies were cast…

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…as they were adorned with the robe of martyrdom in this Cause, for which the near and sincere ones expended all they possessed. Thus did the Tongue of Grandeur speak of you and your praise. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Generous, the shining light rising from the horizon of the heaven of the All-Merciful’s mercy upon you, O manifestations of Names in the realms of existence and dawning places of understanding among the multitudes of religions. You are the ones who were not prevented by any hindrance, nor deterred by the spite of any polytheist. You heard and hastened until you attained the station inscribed by the Pen of God, the One, the All-Knowing. Rejoice, and blessed are you and those who remember you and visit you. Thus spoke the Tongue of the Wronged One as sorrows surrounded Him from those who denied the right of God and His chosen ones and turned away from the Face as it shone from the horizon of manifestation with a resplendent light. We mention the faithful one whom We recalled in My manifest Book. He surpassed most of creation in serving God and His Cause and attained a favor that none but the All-Knowing, the All-Informed has known. We were with him when his spirit ascended to the Supreme Companion, and We immersed him in the purest Kawthar again and again. The mercy of his Lord surrounded him in such a manner that no pen can describe it. This is attested by…

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…those who spoke and continue to speak at all times: Verily, there is no god but He, the Mighty, the Beautiful. O Faithful One, you are a letter of My crimson Tablet and a mention from this Book that proclaims the truth. We mention His loved ones for whom the celestial concourse bears witness and those who prostrated themselves before the Face of their Lord, the Possessor of this wondrous day. Blessed is the one who remembers you and draws near to God through you, the Lord of all worlds. O leaf, O you who gaze toward the supreme horizon and drink of My ordained wine from the fingers of My white bounty, We have mentioned the servants for whom you asked God to remember and manifest His grace and favor. Give thanks to your Lord for this great bounty. You have a station with your Lord, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. He will confirm you in what He loves and accepts and strengthen you in His remembrance in such a manner that hearts and minds will be drawn to Him. Verily, your Lord is the All-Powerful, the Almighty. This is concluded. Regarding what you wrote about Mírzá Muhammad Khán and Mírzá Muhammad ’Alí, it was presented in the sacred, most holy presence, and two Tablets of the highest honor were specially revealed and sent for them. God willing, they will attain what God wills.

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May God’s will confirm them. Regarding your mention of Jináb-i-Sabzih-‘Alí and his turning towards Zanján and his stay in that land for the purpose of promoting the Cause of God, all these matters were presented. He, exalted be His majesty, said: Turning towards that land is greatly beloved, for most are unaware and are observed to be secluded from the Cause. God willing, through the fire of the All-Merciful’s love, you may ignite their hearts and refresh the withered souls with the fountain of the All-Merciful’s remembrance. Adorn Jináb-i-Rasúl—upon Him be the splendor of God—with the robe of magnification from the tongue of this Wronged One. Say: By the life of God, you are mentioned before the Throne and inscribed in My manifest Book. The gaze of God is directed toward you, and God willing, it shall remain so. Stand firm in the service of the Cause of your Lord, for all that you see will perish, and what appears from the Supreme Pen will remain with you for the eternal dominion of God, the Mighty, the Wise. Adorn all the friends of that land with the robe of the Lord of religions’ exposition. How good is the state of a heart enkindled with His love…

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…and a tongue that speaks His remembrance. Say, O friends of the All-Merciful, strive such that each of you may appear as a sun rising and shining from the heaven of steadfastness, in such a manner that the polytheist in God, with what he possesses and those with him, may appear to you like a handful of dust. This is the station of supreme steadfastness, which illumines the horizons of God’s Tablets with its mention. This is concluded. O Beloved of My heart, some weak souls in your land and its surroundings are observed to be at the brink of collapse, for they have heard things unworthy of attention and accepted them from souls devoid of awareness. This is what is known of the interpretations of the expositions revealed in the verses and presented to you. God willing, through the arm of divine power and strength and the hands of divine might, with clear and sufficient explanations, they may turn from the left of doubt to the right of certainty and drink from the fountain of steadfastness. It is astonishing how people ask about the rays and lights of the sun from the faint star Sihá. Say: O people of insight, turn your attention to the sun itself…

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…and recognize it. It does not require anything else to establish its truth. Its proof is its verses and its signs of confirmation. Have they not heard this word, or have they not seen the sun of favor rising from the horizon of the heaven of manifestation, or have they not perceived the fragrances of the expositions? Indeed, in this most great manifestation, all are commanded to look at it with their own eyes and recognize it, even as all of creation is a book attesting to the confirmation of this assured Cause. All things, books, scriptures, and Tablets call out with the highest exposition, announcing to all the days of God. The essence of the Beloved, this servant—indeed, anyone with discernment—is bewildered by the veiled and their utterances. If some of the friends and gentlemen consider what this servant has presented, it would be greatly beloved, for perhaps the servants may be freed from the darkness of doubts and delusions and illumined by the morning of the Day of God. If they reflect on the greatness mentioned concerning this most guarded, most holy Cause in all the scriptures, they will come to understand. In one instance, it is stated: This is the day in which nothing is mentioned but God alone, and the false…

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…fragrances of the past have hindered the people from the essence of truth in this wondrous, supreme day. At this station, expositions have appeared from the Tongue of Eternity. If there are attentive ears to listen, they will certainly become free and detached from what belongs to the people. To Him belongs the command, the greatness, and the power; He is the ruler over what He wills, the Mighty, the Almighty. Last night, several Tablets descended from the heaven of divine knowledge, containing certain utterances that truly set the soul afire and enkindled the body. This lowly servant intended to send a copy, but the condition for doing so was not met, as there are many travelers present, each requesting numerous Tablets from the heaven of divine oneness. This lowly servant is engaged in writing and, with a hundred thousand tongues, implores for confirmation to accomplish this great task. Verily, He is the Confirmer, the Almighty. This servant prays to his Lord that His servants may not be deprived of what has appeared in the realm by His Most Great, Supreme Name. Regarding what you wrote about a friend sending a treatise, it was presented before the presence, and this is…

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…what was revealed in reply: Today, all that is written must be considered with utmost care to ensure it does not become a cause of discord or a subject of criticism among the people. Whatever the friends of God speak of today is heard by the ears of the people of the earth. In the Tablet of Wisdom, this statement was revealed: The ears of the deniers are turned towards Us to hear what they may use to object to God, the Self-Subsisting, the All-Knowing. This passage is not without importance. Whatever is written must not stray from wisdom, and in its expressions, the nature of milk must be hidden so that the children of time may be nurtured and attain maturity. It was previously mentioned that one word can be as the springtime, reviving and refreshing the world of hearts, while another may be like a poisonous wind, destroying flowers and blossoms. God willing, the authors among the friends of God must write that which fair-minded souls will accept and that will not become a point of criticism among the people. This is concluded. Regarding the blessed verse of prohibition revealed in the Divine Book, it was presented before the Throne, and it was said: The preferable and beloved course was that, before the presence of the tongue…

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“It is not appropriate to mention this in writing until its appointed day arrives.” Regarding the sacred verse, “When the ocean of reunion recedes” until “the branch that has branched out from this upright root,” the intended reference is to His Holiness, the Most Great Branch, and, after Him, the Most Mighty Branch—my spirit, my essence, and my being are a sacrifice for the dust of their footsteps. Concerning your inquiry about the Branches of God and their offshoots, this matter was presented in the sacred presence, and it was said: Up to now, whatever mention of the offshoots has issued from the Supreme Pen has been specific to those souls related to the First Point, for in this manifestation, all were invited to the supreme horizon and guided to the Most Great Ocean. In the early days, a specific prayer for them was revealed, wherein their confirmation in faith and recognition was ordained. God willing, they will act in accordance with what God wills and remain steadfast and firm in this Most Great Cause. “Blessed are they for being named in this Book, which has diffused the fragrance of the All-Merciful throughout the realms of existence.”

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“We associated them with this Lote-Tree as a favor from Us upon them. Ask God to preserve them from the insinuations of the people and the doubts of the learned. We have preferred some of them over others in the Book, known only to God, the Lord of all worlds, and what has been ordained for them by the All-Knowing, the All-Informed, shall be revealed.” Those souls now linked to the Lote-Tree are referred to in the Book of Names as those near of kin. If they act in accordance with God’s will, “blessed are they for turning and attaining.” They are encouraged to pray to God to preserve and confirm them in steadfastness in what they now possess. This is the day when all souls must strive to attain the word of divine satisfaction from the Lord of Names. The meaning of the Branches refers to the present branches. However, in the initial rank, there were and still are two greatest branches. Other souls are considered as fruits and leaves. Concerning the possessions of the people, the Branches have no claim or right over them. This matter is concluded. Regarding the sacred verse: “Refer that which you do not understand of the Book to the branch that has branched out from this upright root,”

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…the reference to “the Book” is to the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, and the “branch that has branched out” refers to the Branch. This is concluded. Regarding fasting for travelers and the definition of a journey, the question was raised about the limits of a journey and what defines a traveler. Additionally, if one stays in a location for several days during a journey, what is the ruling? And if one begins a journey at midday or in the afternoon, what is their duty regarding fasting on that day? The limit of a journey is specified in the Divine Book as nine hours, meaning from the point of departure to the intended destination. If this journey lasts nine hours, the law of fasting is lifted. If the traveler stays in a location and the stay is determined to be up to nineteen days, they must fast. If it is less, fasting is not required. If a traveler arrives in a city during the days of fasting and intends to remain there for one month, they must break their fast for three days.

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…and then resume fasting for the remaining days. If they return to their home, they must fast that same day. However, on the day of departure, fasting is not permitted. My observation is that all the names mentioned in your correspondence, whether before or after, which reached this servant, have been presented in the sacred presence. His favor was expressed, and one most holy and sacred Tablet was specially revealed for Jináb-i-Sabzih-’Alí and sent. God willing, he will attain it. This lowly servant humbly requests that all service, in whatever form is suitable, be offered, and that the humility and magnification of this servant be conveyed. Strange and wondrous matters have appeared from the well-known island. Recently, new reports have come, causing embarrassment. This servant refrains from mentioning them and leaves them to God, exalted be His glory. “He does as He wills and ordains as He desires.” Jináb-i-Sabzih-’Alí, praise be to God, has torn the veil…

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…and shattered the idol of delusion, drinking from the Kawthar of ??? from the hand of the Spirit of Faithfulness. God willing, he will always attain this most exalted station. By command, convey to the people of the land the praise of Jináb-i-Abábasir and Jináb-i-Sayyid Ashraf—upon them be the splendor of God, the Most Glorious—on behalf of the Lord, and express the grace of God to all so that all may be illumined by the lights of the sun of truth and drink from the ocean of steadfastness. Verily, He is the Guardian of the near ones and the faithful. Jináb-i-Názir—upon Him be peace—has recently arrived and resides nearby. Concerning Jináb-i-Ḥarf-i-Ḥay—upon Him be the splendor of God—it was written that, after the longing to visit, by command and decree, he returned and later sought permission to remain in the great city. Permission was granted. After a time, he ascended to the supreme horizon. “Blessed is he, for he attained what the First Point—may the spirit of all else be a sacrifice unto Him—proclaimed, and he was among the successful.” Jináb-i-Mullá Muḥammad-’Alí of Deh—upon Him…

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For some time, they have turned their attention to Him. News about Him has come from the City of God and other places. O Beloved of My heart, the mention made at the end of His book, after presenting matters, was once again presented in the sacred presence. This reply descended from the heaven of divine will:

“O leaf, O you who gaze upon the face of your Lord, the Most Glorious, We have heard what you entreated of God at the end of your book. Blessed is your face for having turned toward Him, and blessed is your tongue for having spoken of Him. Mention your Lord among the servants, so that through remembrance and exposition, they may be attracted to the horizon of the All-Merciful and drawn nearer to a station where the affairs of creation do not hinder them from the truth, nor the doubts of those who disbelieved in God, the Most High, the Most Great. Blessed are you and those who hear your words concerning the Cause of God, the Lord of all worlds. The splendor rising from the horizon of eternity be upon you, O you who have attained the wine through My Name, the Mighty, the Wondrous.”

This is concluded. Expressions of remembrance, praise, glorification, magnification, and greetings to the friends of the City and the lands of God from this lowly servant depend upon the favor of that Beloved.

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The splendor be upon you, upon your kindred, and upon those who have remained faithful to the covenant of God in His mighty and wondrous Day. Praise be to God, the One, the Peerless, the Mighty, the Wise.
Servant, on the first day of Sha‘bán in the year 98. (June 1881)

BH00385 (Natural)

In the Name of Our Lord, the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most High, the Most Glorious.

Blessed are those who spoke the truth and held fast to wisdom and exposition at all times. They are servants who were not hindered by the might of creation from what appeared in the Book of God, the Lord of all worlds. Blessed are those whose actions were for God and who were not veiled by the veils, nor deterred by the rejection of the learned and the mystics who cast aside the Cause of God and followed conjectures and delusions without evidence or a clear Book. Praise be to God, who manifested the proof, revealed the exposition, and gave glad tidings to all on this day, decreed by the All-Merciful in His judgment in the Furqán by His words, “On the day when humanity shall stand before the Lord of all worlds.” Praise be to God, who spoke and caused all things to speak of what is fitting for His Day, a day inscribed in the first scriptures and mentioned in the hearts of the chosen ones, the pure ones, the prophets, and the messengers.

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…and the messengers. Then, the song of your mention was heard by Me, and your love raised Me up—Our Beloved and Yours, Our Purpose and the Purpose of those in the heavens and the earth, Our Worshipped and the Worshipped of those in the kingdom of command and creation. When I broke its seal, read it, and understood its contents, I turned toward the Greatest Scene, the station where the Possessor of destiny speaks every hidden secret. By His finger, the heavens were cleft, and the moon was split, and what lay in God’s knowledge appeared closer than the blink of an eye. When I approached, drew near, and entered the abode of the Throne, I stood and, after permission, read what was in your book. Then the gaze of My Lord’s favor was directed toward Me, and that which brought the breeze of the All-Merciful to all realms was revealed. He, exalted be His majesty, said:

“He is the Witness, the Hearer, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. O Ṣādiq, We mentioned you before with verses by which the ocean of forgiveness surged in the realms and the fragrance of your Lord’s mercy, which preceded all in the heavens and the earth, wafted. We revealed to you what was hidden in the treasures of all books. Verily, your Lord is the Most Bountiful, the Generous.”

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“He strengthens whomsoever He wills among His servants and brings them near to this ocean, from whose waves is heard what the Speaker of the Mount proclaimed in the land of manifestation, and what the rooster of the Throne sang at the cry of the Eternal Beauty seated upon the throne of His Great Name. Say, O assembly of the learned, by God, He has come who was promised in the books of God and has appeared who was hidden in the knowledge of your Lord, the All-Knowing, the Wise. Forsake what you possess and take hold of what you have been commanded by God, the Lord of all worlds. Do you think of Him to whom the Tongue of Eternity bore witness in the former centuries? Fear God and do not follow your vain desires. Follow Him who has come to you with a clear Book.”

O Ṣādiq, a present servant presented your letter before the Wronged One, and as the fragrance of acceptance and sincerity was perceived from it, these radiant verses shone forth from the dawn of the divine Pen. Blessed are the souls who today attain what God wills. Every soul that attains a word from the Tongue of Grandeur is reckoned among the people of the Most Exalted Paradise, mentioned in the divine Book and inscribed therein. Strive…

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…to preserve this supreme station, and reflect upon the Day of God and its requirements. By the abode of the Greatest Throne, if a soul recognizes the station of this wondrous, mighty Day, which is mentioned in all the divine books as the Day of God, they will attain supreme steadfastness. Neither the croaking of the heedless, the clamor of the accusers, the doubts of the learned, nor the insinuations of the authors can prevent them from the dawn of verses and the Source of Revelation. Thus has the Pen spoken, as commanded by the Possessor of Eternity, as a favor from Him upon you and those who bear witness to what God testified before the creation of the heavens and the earth. Verily, there is no god but Me, the All-Knowing, the Wise.”

The revelations of radiant verses and the favor of the Lord of Names and Attributes are manifest and clear. The mention and presentation of this servant are by no means necessary, as the mention of the self reflects my own insufficiency and incapacity. His mention is a matter of perception and understanding. God willing…

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…may God, exalted be His glory and encompassing His bounties, confirm this servant and you in preserving what has been granted. This servant prays to his Lord at all times to protect His loved ones, His chosen ones, and His purified ones from the harm of every deceitful accuser, every lying speaker, every ignorant scholar, and every cunning denier.

O My Beloved, the world has been ruined by delusions—one builder, another destroyer. The matter rests in the hands of God, the Lord of Lords. People are observed to be so heedless that it astonishes the mind. If one veil is torn, they become ensnared by another, greater than the first. For over twelve hundred years or more, the well-known faction has been preoccupied with falsehoods, slanders, and the like. In the time of trial, it became evident to every discerning eye that this rebellious, wayward faction was the party of Satan, not the hosts of the All-Merciful. Now, those veiled among the people of the Bayán follow the same paths. These ignorant ones, less than that, have not reflected on the outcome of the actions…

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…and deeds of those souls—what they achieved and what transpired. Indeed, I know their deeds and their fruits. They issued rulings against the Beloved of the worlds and martyred the Beloved, for whose mention they had spoken the words, “May God hasten His appearance,” in nights and days with manifest injustice. Beyond that, they martyred souls who, under the shelter of the heavens, had no equal. Woe unto them for what their hands have wrought on a Day mentioned in the divine books as the Day of God, in the scriptures of the prophets and messengers.

With utmost humility and supplication, with heartfelt pleading and invocation, let us say and present: O Beloved of existence and mentioned in hearts, I beseech You by the Most Exalted Word, by which the gate of the heavens and the kingdom of names was opened, to enable the eyes to gaze upon the horizon of Your manifestation and the ears to hear what has been raised by the scribing of Your Pen. O Lord, You see Your servants and creation turning away from Your face and heedless of what You have manifested through Your power and might. Few indeed are those who have turned toward Your face, whom You have mentioned in Your Book and described in Your verses.

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O Lord, I beseech You by them, by their turning towards You, their rising up, their utterances, their attributes, their oppression, and all that befell them in Your days and in Your path, to bestow from the heaven of Your grace that which draws the people of the earth closer to You. Verily, You are the Source of grace and its Sovereign, the Manifestation of bounty and its signs. There is no God but You, the Omnipotent, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

God willing, may all these servants be confirmed in steadfastness in the Cause of God and supported in protecting the helpless from the veils, barriers, doubts, and insinuations of the leaders of conjectures and illusions. Regarding what you wrote about the family of His Holiness, Jináb-i-Asmá’—upon Him be the splendor of God, the Most Glorious—that they were imprisoned and that He sought to take their place in that imprisonment, this passage is indicative and testifies to His loyalty and steadfastness. “Blessed are you, and joyous are you!” Concerning what was written about Him being asked to guarantee that He would not incite discord after conversing with a particular individual:

“Glorified be God! Glorified be God!”

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From this statement, one finds oneself in the ocean of astonishment, for it has become as evident as the sun at midday to all the peoples of the world that the Source of divine manifestation, the Manifestation of His Self, the Dawning-place of His verses, appeared solely for the rectification of the world. At this juncture, it is necessary to recite the verses revealed in the divine scriptures, tablets, and books during this Most Great Manifestation, all of which call for unity, harmony, reform, compassion, love, and mercy while prohibiting corruption, contention, and disputes. Thus, all may become aware of what God, exalted be His glory, has willed and commanded His servants.

This servant believes that everyone is already aware of this matter, for in most of the Tablets, the friends of God have been emphatically forbidden from unseemly deeds, unacceptable conduct, and base speech. The faithful must compile the divine verses on any subject according to their relevance and context and deliver them with utmost grace and serenity.

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For instance, verses that address morality, as well as those concerning actions, words, and the prohibition of corruption, disputes, and contention, should be noted and recited at appropriate moments of necessity so that the heedless may become aware and grasp the intent. The friends of God must reflect upon matters that contribute to the exaltation and elevation of the Cause and act in accordance with the wisdom revealed in the Tablets. If anyone wishes to compile the verses revealed from the kingdom of the Cause on avoiding corruption, disputes, and contention, they would indeed produce a great book. At certain times, this lowly servant has listened to words from the blessed tongue bearing the following meanings:

“Blessed is the condition of a soul who does not kill but is killed in the path of God, who causes no harm and becomes a shield against the harm of heedless people.”

He, exalted be His majesty, said: “I have come for unity and harmony, not for rancor…”

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“…nor enmity.” He also said: “God has come for the reform of the world, not for its corruption.” Furthermore, He stated: “God, exalted be His glory, has entrusted the earth and the sea to the kings, but what God gazes upon and will always observe is the hearts of His servants.”

The friends of God must win hearts with wisdom, explanation, compassion, and kindness and turn them towards the supreme horizon. He also said: “God and His chosen ones are detached from those who shed blood, consume people’s property unjustly, and enter homes without the permission of their inhabitants, after all these acts were emphatically prohibited in the Book.” Corruption and contention are the marks of the lowliest of the earth, not of humanity. The station of humanity has always been and will forever be compassion and grace.

A passage from the Crimson Tablet is mentioned here, so that all may, in truth, attain what God has willed: “The heaven of wisdom is illuminated and resplendent with two lights: consultation and compassion.”

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“Hold fast to consultation in all matters, for it is the lamp of guidance, showing the way and granting understanding. Thus does the All-Informed, the All-Knowing, inform you.” He also said in that Tablet: “The heaven of understanding is illumined by two suns: patience and piety. O people of the earth, listen to the advice of the one true Friend and safeguard it as your very life.”

Elsewhere, He said, “Pride is not for those who love their country but for those who love the world.” This word has caused the kingdom of exposition to quiver, but the heedless are in evident veils. This is concluded. By command, it is incumbent upon you to act with utmost wisdom. Mentioning God before the government or the people of the Bayán is not permissible, for it falls outside the bounds of wisdom. When communications or letters from the friends are delayed in receiving a reply, this is due to wisdom. If the authorities become aware, some outward matter contrary to appearance may arise, for they have not yet comprehended the will of God, nor are they aware of it. They imagine this Cause to be sacred…

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…sacred and exalted, free from anything contrary to reform, comfort, prosperity, and the well-being of the nation and people. By the life of God, if they were informed, “then you would see them rising up to serve the Cause of God.” Convey magnification to all the friends on behalf of this lowly one. God willing, may all conduct themselves with love and affection toward all people. If possible, it is desirable for you to turn your attention for a time to Baku or its surroundings for the guidance of the people. This is beloved but should be done with utmost spirit and joy.

“The splendor be upon you and upon those who believe in the All-Merciful.”
Servant, in the month of Ramaḍán, year 98. (July 1881)

BH00123 (Natural)

In the Name of Our Lord, the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most Wondrous, the Most High, the Most Glorious.

Praise, sacred and worthy, belongs to the tongue and utterance of the sacred court of His Holiness, the One who neither begets nor is begotten. It is fitting that from the outpourings of the ocean of “He does as He wills,” in every century and age, He revealed a decree as required and linked all to the Most Great Manifestation. Every book is an exposition of the radiance of the sun of truth, and every scroll is a mention of the outpourings of the ocean of grace. All books are heralds of this Most Guarded, Most Holy Day.

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…and all the messengers speak of this Most Exalted, Most Ancient, Most Glorious Manifestation. Although all Manifestations of the Cause are attributed to the Truth and their days are mentioned in some sense as the Days of God, the discerning and insightful observer perceives that this wondrous Day is unique to the manifestation of the Hidden Mystery and the treasured Secret. All books testify to this Most Exalted, Most Guarded, Most Holy station.

The purpose of this presentation is to make evident the rank and station of the sanctified and assured souls who today have drunk the wine of recognition and are known by the name of the All-Merciful in the gatherings of existence. Their rank and station are clear and manifest to all peoples of the world. By the Beloved of the worlds, today the steadfast and upright souls are mentioned in the divine ocean of Names and recorded in the letters of the Book by the Supreme Pen.

“Glorified are You, O You by whose sweet words the inhabitants of Your dominion are attracted and by the rays of the sun of Your countenance the earth and all therein are illumined. I beseech You, O Possessor of Eternity, by the Most Great Name, to give Your loved ones to drink from the Kawthar of Your bounty in such a way that the affairs of those who have turned away from Your beauty and the doubts of the leaders of Your servants do not hinder them.”

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“…those leaders who claim knowledge without evidence from You or proof from Your presence. They have placed the mountains of camels upon their heads and boast of them, turning away from the dawn of Your knowledge, the rising-place of Your wisdom, the manifestation of Your signs, and the source of Your evidences. You know, O my God, that they have made their turbans a snare for the weak among Your creation.”

“O Lord, You see Your chosen ones standing in Your service on this Day, in which the sun of Your justice is veiled behind the clouds of oppression by those who frequent the mosques for Your mention and praise but deny Him through whose name the temples, mosques, and sanctuaries are sanctified, and by whose coming every land and exalted place is ennobled. O Lord, make known to Your servants what You have ordained for Your chosen ones, and illumine their eyes with the light of their recognition in Your days. O Lord, You are the Almighty, the Possessor of power and strength. Inscribe for them, from Your Supreme Pen, that which strengthens them in Your mention and praise every morning and evening. There is no God but You, the Omnipotent, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.”

“I send blessings upon those who have heard the call and hastened unto You, O Lord of Names.”

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“These are the servants who have abandoned their own desires and will, taking hold of what You commanded them in Your Book. O my Lord, manifest their stations to Your creation and the inhabitants of Your kingdom, and make them the hands of Your Cause among Your people. There is no God but You, the Omnipotent, the Almighty.”

Following this, this lowly servant presents that your letter, dated the 9th night of the second month, was received. It brought fresh joy and boundless happiness. Praise be to God that the fragrance of all deeds united as one rose from it on the Day of God. Every word of your letter pointed to the unity, harmony, and steadfastness of His chosen ones. “Blessed are they, and theirs is the station of safety in the beginning and the return. God willing, they will attain this lofty, most exalted station and remain steadfast therein.”

Like the pearls of the ocean of meanings, they must safeguard this station with utmost effort and care. After observing and reading your letter, and reflecting upon its contents, I turned to the sacred station for mention and exposition. With presence and permission, I presented it before the Face, and then the countenance of the Beloved turned toward me with joy…

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…and a smile, as though signs of satisfaction radiated from the Face of Our Purpose and the Purpose of all who are in the heavens and the earth. He, exalted be His majesty, said:

“Praise be to God that you have been illumined by the lights of the morning of the Day of God and attained the sweetest call. You heard, turned, and hastened, as though the breeze of God’s days sustained you in His mention and praise among His creation.”

“This is the day that the Most Great Spirit foretold and proclaimed in the wilderness of yearning by His name. Those who drink of the wine must act with wisdom, engage in the proclamation of the Cause, and, in all matters, cling to the cord of consultation and hold fast to the hem of compassion, so that the children of the age may attain maturity through the kindness and mercy of the divine sages and be nourished in complete health. This blessed word was revealed in the Crimson Tablet from the Supreme Pen: ‘The heaven of divine wisdom is illuminated and resplendent with two lights: consultation and compassion.’ Consultation increases awareness and transforms doubt into certainty. It is the radiant lamp in the dark world, guiding and leading to the attainment of perfection in all matters.”

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“Perfection and the maturity of wisdom are revealed through consultation. Another blessed word inscribed in the Crimson Tablet by the Supreme Pen states: ‘Wisdom is like a heaven; its sun and moon are patience and piety.’ By the sun of the heaven of truth, there has never been and never will be an army more powerful for wisdom than these two virtues.”

“O God-given one, We mentioned you in the beginning and the end, so that you may give thanks to your Lord and be in manifest joy. You have attained the traces of God and His days. This is the most great bounty. Exalt My loved ones before their faces and then recount to them what My Pen has proclaimed. Verily, your Lord is the Compassionate, the Generous. We have created them, revealed them, guided them, and made them aware. This is the favor heralded by every faithful messenger. We command them to supreme steadfastness on this Day, to which all ages and centuries have bowed. This is witnessed by those who have acknowledged what God has acknowledged in His manifest Book.”

Say: “O friends, today you must rise to an affair that causes unity and agreement. Every decayed bone is stirred into motion by the Supreme Pen, and through the Tasním of the Beloved of existence…”

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…standing and speaking. God willing, may each one of you become as a spirit for the bodies of humanity and as a light for the lands. “The splendor be upon you and upon My loved ones in your vicinity, upon your household, and upon those who have believed in the one true God, the All-Knowing.” This is concluded.

Truly, this lowly servant finds immense joy and satisfaction in the mention of your unity, love, and harmony among the friends of God, beyond any measure. Praise be to God, who has confirmed you. Indeed, your letters are uplifting, as the unity and harmony of His chosen and purified ones are the cause of the exaltation of the word of God today. In every letter, this glad tidings is conveyed by you. We beseech God, exalted be His glory, to illumine all lands with this Most Exalted, Most Holy Light. “Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Mighty, the Wise.”

Regarding your mention of the sacred Tablets being delivered with utmost honor to their recipients, the recompense for such deeds is with God, exalted be His glory. God willing, may He confirm you daily in serving His Cause. We implore God, exalted be His glory…

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…to strengthen His chosen ones to taste the sweetness of His verses. Verily, He is the Confirmer, the Generous.

Regarding your mention of Riḍván, the gatherings of the friends of God in various assemblies, and their mutual attraction, enthusiasm, longing, and unity: when these statements were presented, the Countenance of Eternity smiled and said, “O present servant, he is among those who have risen to serve the Cause. Pray to God to reveal to him what is hidden in the treasures of His grace, favor, and bounties. By My life, he has mentioned what has delighted Me, the Almighty, the Sovereign over Names.” This is concluded.

You mentioned that His Honor, ’Azíz Alláh—upon Him be the splendor of God—hosted two of God’s chosen ones at the house of Jináb-i-Mullá ’Alí—upon Him be the splendor of God—after receiving the blessed Tablet. These sacred deeds, in truth, contribute to the spread of the Cause of God. Do not look at outward appearances, for on a certain day, while I was engaged in writing divine verses before the Countenance of Glory, the Tongue of Grandeur spoke these words: “O present servant, even when the door is closed…

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…the fragrance of that realm encompasses and pervades. The word is ever-penetrating. Winds of great potency are pervasive, penetrating the depths of the earth, adorning everything with colors according to the irrevocable command of the True Ordainer. The appearance of colors depends on His managing hand, but the influence stems from the word. Before its influence, the word is nonexistent and unseen. Exalted, exalted is its sovereignty! Exalted, exalted is its potency! Exalted, exalted is its power and might!”

At another time, this blessed word was heard from the dawning place of the Light of Unity: “If a single breath is exhaled for God by any soul, that breath will have an effect upon the world and shall continue to do so.” This is concluded.

God willing, may you and the other friends be confirmed and assisted in what God loves. As for the details of His Honor, ’Azíz Alláh’s—upon Him be the splendor of God—hospitality and the hardship He faced in the path, all these matters were presented before the Countenance of Glory. These radiant verses have appeared from the source of the Will of the Lord of Names and Attributes.

He, exalted be His majesty, said: “O ’Azíz, all the sages, scholars, mystics, jurists, and rulers awaited this blessed Day. Some kings prepared treasuries in the name of the Qá’im, and even now in India, wealth is being gathered in His name. Yet, on the Day when the sun of manifestation arose from that horizon and the Kawthar of life flowed from the right of the Throne of the All-Merciful, all were found heedless, veiled, and deprived. But you, by the grace of God, have attained it.”

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“By My life, you have attained a station such that if its rank and position were made manifest in the world, all would exclaim, ‘Blessed be the one who is the manifestation of this noble sight!’ Reflect on God’s power, and also upon His grace. They regard you as among the lowliest of servants, yet by the bounty of God, you are now mentioned among the highest, most exalted, and most learned of God’s servants. Long ago, it was foretold: ‘We desire to bestow favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and inheritors.’ This utterance has repeatedly flowed from the Tongue of the All-Merciful as a favor to you and those with you. Guard this Most Exalted, Most Holy, Most High station in the name of your Lord, the Sovereign of all things.”

“I have mentioned all the friends of that land at this time. All are adorned with the robe of favor. We give them glad tidings of this wondrous bounty and remember ’Alí and Kázim, so they may rejoice at this great mention. We mentioned them previously, and We mention those who have seized the Book of God with power from Him and acted upon what they were commanded by the Mighty, the Wise.” This is concluded.

Praise be to God for His favor and grace, which is so exalted that this servant cannot describe it. His favor is manifest with utmost clarity and assertion. With a hundred thousand tongues, the Beloved of existence must be thanked for naming you and others as the offspring of Khalíl and the heirs of Kalím through the Supreme Pen. The hardship that befell His Honor, ’Azíz—upon Him be the splendor of God—is a sign of acceptance. “Blessed is he!” God willing, may all be observed outwardly and inwardly as united and in harmony. All the friends are mentioned in one station as branches, leaves, and fruits. This is a great bounty. Regarding your mention that the matter of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár has progressed in two places: one being at the house of His Honor, Mírzá Muḥammad Kázim—upon Him…

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…of Bahá’u’lláh, and the other at the residence of Jináb-i-’Azíz—upon Him be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh. These matters were also presented before the Countenance of Glory. This is what the Tongue of the Beloved spoke in response:

“Let them praise their Lord, for He has caused them to hear, to recognize, to speak, and to confirm them in His mention, the Mighty, the Wondrous. We remember Kázim and his father, who spent all they had in the path of God, the Sovereign, the Self-Subsisting. He attained the meeting and stood in steadfastness, about which the tongues of the near ones spoke. Blessed is he whom God confirmed and established in aiding His Cause and made to utter what the Tongue of Grandeur proclaimed: ‘There is no God but Him, the True One, the Knower of the unseen.’ O Kázim, know the worth of your father and walk in his footsteps, as commanded by God, the Lord of all that was and shall be. Verily, We loved him and mentioned him in diverse places with a mention whose fragrance will never cease throughout the dominion of earth and heaven.”

“We remember ’Azíz once more and counsel him with that whose fragrance diffuses between the heavens and the earth. Thus has the Pen spoken while the Wronged One was imprisoned.” This is concluded.

Concerning what you wrote about Jináb-i-Mullá ’Alí—upon Him be the splendor of God—and his intention

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…intended to implement during these days, this matter is greatly beloved. Praise be to God, they have been confirmed in serving and proclaiming the Cause of God and remain under the gaze of the favor of God, exalted is His greatness.

In all matters, those who drink of the wine of meanings must act with wisdom. For example, regarding the establishment of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, which has been revealed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas and its implementation initiated in that land, if it leads to turmoil and agitation among the wicked, its suspension and abandonment are permissible. This point is mentioned so that all may be informed, for wisdom is ever paramount before the Throne in all matters.

This lowly servant humbly requests those souls turned toward that blessed and exalted station not to forget this insignificant one and to remember him in such a way that he might not be counted among the heedless but rather among those mentioned in the manifest Book.

Regarding what you wrote about Jináb-i-Muḥammad Báqir—upon him be peace—of the people of , this was presented before the Most Holy, Most Exalted Presence. This is what the Tongue of Grandeur proclaimed:

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“Hear, hear! This is My sweetest call raised from the prison of ’Akká. By My life, it has caused the heart of every prophet to soar and illumined the face of every faithful messenger. O Báqir, behold, behold! This is My face revealed unto My servants. It has turned towards you from this lofty station. O Báqir, by My life, this is the Day of hearkening, the Day of witnessing, the Day of meeting, the Day of exposition. Blessed is he who speaks, hears, and witnesses. Speak with My Most Exalted Word, hear My Most Great Verses, and behold My Most Supreme Horizon. Thus have We illumined the horizon of the heaven of knowledge with the light of exposition. Blessed is he who recognizes, witnesses, and perceives, and woe unto the heedless.” This is concluded.

Truly, these wondrous and mighty verses are as a spirit for the body of the world. But which body will be receptive to this spirit and worthy of this beloved mention? From the eternal Sovereign, we beseech that none be deprived of the ocean of bounty. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Generous. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

Regarding what you wrote about being present before the Countenance of the Worshipped One on behalf of yourself and other friends…

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…and other friends, and to attain on their behalf. This matter was presented and graciously accepted, adorned with the confirmation of permission. In that very moment, this servant performed visitation to the Beloved of the worlds and circumambulated on their behalf. “Blessed are you, and joyous am I!”

Regarding what you wrote about Jináb-i-Ḥájí Muḥammad—upon Him be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh—of Ṭá, this lowly servant has repeatedly heard his mention from the Tongue of Eternity. The sun of favor has shone from the horizon of the will of God, exalted be His glory, concerning him. “Blessed is he, and joyous is he, for he has attained acceptance and proclaimed His Cause with wisdom and exposition in the realms.”

These decisive words have been revealed at this moment from the heaven of favor regarding him:

“He is the Most Ancient, the Most Great, the Most Glorious. O Muḥammad, We mentioned you before, even before the beginning, and at this moment, the Tongue of the Wronged One speaks of you in the Most Great Prison among the nations. The dominion belongs to God, the Lord of lords. The Supreme Pen testifies that you have turned to God…”

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…the Master of existence, as He appeared and manifested what He willed. By the life of God, this testimony is incomparable to the treasures of the world or what the nations possess. This is attested by the Most Great Book, which proclaims: ‘There is no God but Me, the Mighty, the Bestower.’ Blessed are you for having drunk the wine of life in the days of your Lord, the All-Merciful, and for having attained what most of the servants have not. Give thanks to your Lord for having mentioned you, made you known, caused you to speak, and guided you to the Straight Path.

Say, ‘Glorified are You, O You by whose name the mountains moved and the Day of Return was revealed! I beseech You by the name through which the trumpet was sounded, the resurrection was raised, and the dwellers of the graves arose, to confirm me in serving Your Cause, grant me success in what is befitting for Your days, and make known to me what was hidden in the treasures of Your knowledge. O my Lord, I turn toward Your supreme horizon and gaze upon Your direction, O Possessor of Names and Fashioner of the heavens. I beseech You by Your manifestation, Your appearance, Your rising, and Your establishment to ordain for me what You have written for Your chosen ones who have renounced the chalices…’”

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…of the world and drank from the chalice of steadfastness in Your name and Your Cause. O my Lord, I am the poor and needy one, and You are the Rich, the Generous. I have hastened from among the parties to You, relied upon You, and clung to Your cord. Thus, act toward me in accordance with the heaven of Your generosity, the ocean of Your bounty, and the sun of Your grace. There is no God but You, the Forgiving, the Compassionate.” This is concluded.

Recently, the son of “The Most Truthful Name of God,” Jináb-i-Mírzá ’Alí-Muḥammad—upon Him be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh—sent a handwritten message to this servant. In it, he mentioned Jináb-i-Ḥájí Muḥammad—upon Him be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh—and petitioned God, exalted be His glory, to bestow favor upon him. Thus, wondrous and mighty verses were revealed and sent, so that they might bring joy to his heart and the hearts of those in the heavens and on earth. Even prior to this, this servant repeatedly heard mention of him from the Tongue of Grandeur time and again. God willing, he will remain settled and at peace under the shadow of the pavilions of divine favor. This servant also…

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…offers to him a glorification that is sanctified from the mention of this servant. Regarding what you wrote about the son of the martyr—upon them be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh—requesting that their mention be presented in the Most Holy Presence and also desiring that they not be left to themselves in any state or circumstance, truly this mention is greatly beloved. Its fragrance of humility, submission, resignation, and supplication is diffused. This is a station that, should any soul attain and remain steadfast therein, they are reckoned among the people of the Supreme Concourse in the Crimson Tablet.

This matter was presented in the Most Holy, Most Exalted Presence. This is what the Tongue of Grandeur proclaimed in the realm of exposition:

“May they, with wisdom, exposition, deeds, and character, aid the mighty Cause of God. They have ever been and remain mentioned in the Most Holy Presence. For this, let them praise and thank their Lord by night and day. Verily, We mentioned them and their father in a book revealed with truth by God, the Lord of all worlds.”

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…with truth from God, the Lord of the worlds, and we magnify Him from this Most Sacred, Most Exalted, Most Great, Most Wondrous station.” This is concluded.

Regarding what you wrote about Jináb-i-Mírzá Abu’l-Ḥasan—upon Him be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh—a specific Most Holy Tablet was revealed and sent for him. God willing, he will attain it. Concerning what you wrote about Jináb-i-Mullá ’Alí—upon Him be peace—and his devotion, and his petition to God, exalted be His glory, to confirm him in what He loves and approves: this matter was presented before the Throne. This is what was revealed in response:

“O ’Alí, praise be to God that you have been granted service to the Cause. On the day when all were veiled by the veils of doubts and illusions, you were guided to the straight path and attained the supreme horizon. You reached that which was the purpose of the divine books of old and new. Guard this lofty and exalted station in the name of the Beloved of the world. Today is a day when humanity can attain to that which is beyond loss, impermanence, change, or alteration.”

“Rejoice in My mention of you and give thanks to God for this great favor. In all circumstances, adhere to the proclamation of your Lord’s Cause with the wisdom that has been revealed in a manifest Tablet.” This is concluded.

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Regarding what you wrote about Jináb-i-Isḥáq—upon Him be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh—the possessor of the Covenant, this matter was presented in the Most Holy Presence. This is what the Tongue of Grandeur proclaimed, and His word is truth:

“O Isḥáq, We mentioned you before and at this moment when the Tongue of Grandeur proclaims: ‘There is no God but Me, the Self-Subsisting, the Sustainer.’ Say: ‘O my God and the God of names, my Creator and the Creator of the heavens, my Beloved and the Beloved of all in the realm of creation! I beseech You by the fire of Your Cause, the light of Your countenance, the rain of Your mercy’s clouds, and the suns of the heaven of Your manifestation, to ordain for me that which benefits me in every realm of Your realms. Then decree for me that which strengthens me in serving Your Cause. Verily, You know what draws me near, what benefits me, and what harms me. Truly, I may be heedless and ignorant of what is in Your knowledge. There is no God but You, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.’”

“You see me, O my Beloved, turning toward You and clinging to You. Therefore, ordain for me that which is fitting for Your forgiveness, worthy of Your wealth, and deserving of my weakness.”

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…my weakness, and befitting Your power, might, and authority. O my Lord, I have turned my face to You, and I have cast my soul, spirit, heart, and all that You have bestowed upon me before Your Cause. Do as You will with Your sovereignty. Verily, You are the Giver, the Bestower, the Omnipotent, the Forgiving, the Merciful.” This is concluded.

This was revealed for one named after you, Ibn-i-Músá—upon him be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh.

“O Ibn-i-Músá, your name has attained the Most Great Sight, and the Lord of Destiny has turned toward you and mentioned you with what shall endure through My Most Beautiful Names. Give thanks to your Lord for this and say: ‘Praise be to You, O You who called me while I was in prison among the heedless.’ O Ibn-i-Músá, by the sun of the heaven of divine wisdom, if you find the sweetness of mercy in the path of God, you would forsake all the pleasures of the world and cling to it. The mockery of the polytheists and the turning away of the heedless themselves bear witness that you have severed yourself from creation and joined with the Truth. These two voices continually proclaim to you, reminding you of times past, and of times even further past.”

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…“You have ever been aligned with the chosen ones of God. O Ibn-i-Músá, O Khudádád, by the Lord, no prophet or messenger has ever appeared in the world without hearing the mockery of his people and witnessing the rejection of the heedless. God willing, in the path of the Beloved of the worlds, you will associate with the people of creation with spirit and joy. These fleeting days are neither worthy nor lasting. Soon what has been revealed in the Book will manifest upon the earth, as a command from the Mighty, the All-Knowing.” This is concluded.

This was revealed for one named Muḥammad Qabl Taqí—upon him be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh—after it was presented before the Throne:

“His exalted word is: ‘O Muḥammad Qabl Taqí, you have attained that which, even if you spent the treasures of the world, you would not have achieved its like. Reflect upon the earth: mosques, temples, shrines, churches, and bridges are built for the preservation of name and reward. Likewise, people seek offspring to ensure the continuity of their mention and the reward they hope for if they prove virtuous. These causes are evident to any discerning mind, but they are subject to decay…’”

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…and shall return to nothingness. However, the word that was revealed for you from the Supreme Pen endures through the dominion of the kingdom and remains eternal. It is like the sun shining forth from the horizon of the heaven of the Book, radiant and manifest. By God, it surpasses a hundred thousand worthy offspring and is loftier and more exalted than the treasures of the earth. Every soul that attains the Word of God must recognize its station and safeguard it in the name of their Lord, the Omnipotent, the All-Powerful.

“Verily, We remember your consort in this station and magnify her face. Blessed is she for having heard and responded to her Lord, the Mighty, the Wondrous. We give her glad tidings of what My Supreme Pen has moved to record in her mention. Verily, your Lord is the Most Compassionate, the Most Generous.” This is concluded.

Regarding what you wrote about Jináb-i-Muḥammad Ṣādiq—upon him be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh—this matter was presented before the Throne. This is what the Tongue of Grandeur proclaimed: “God willing, he will attain the favor of the True One and be freed from the creations, for he seeks with utmost endeavor the exaltation of the Word and the proclamation of the Cause. God willing, he will be rewarded for his efforts.”

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“O Khudádád, mention him on My behalf and give him glad tidings of My grace, mercy, and favor that preceded creation.” This is concluded.

Regarding the mention of Jináb-i-Sháhvirdi, Jináb-i-Asadu’lláh, Raḥmatu’lláh, and others—upon them be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh—who were mentioned in your book and have partaken of the wine of the mercy of the Merciful in the choicest of days, all were presented before the Most Holy, Most Exalted, Most Supreme Presence. For each, the sun of favor has shone forth. Blessed are they for having their names recorded by Our will, which is also their will, their Beloved, and the Beloved of all who are in the heavens and the earth. All have attained from His wondrous bounty, drawn from the chalice of His utterance, and shared from the ocean of His mercy. Blessed are they; joyous is their condition.

Regarding your petition for forgiveness from the Source of the Divine Light, it was presented, and this is what the Tongue of the Beloved proclaimed: “You are the one who has attained the grace and mercy of God. Verily, He has strengthened you, confirmed you, drawn you near, and awakened you.”

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…and awakened you, establishing you in the service of His mighty Cause. Praise be to God, His mercy, compassion, and favor have surrounded you and continue to do so. Rejoice in this wondrous bounty. Praise be to Him who has spoken the truth in His mighty, glorious station.” This is concluded.

Additionally, all the correspondence sent to Jináb-i-Áqá Mírzá Muḥammad ’Alí Qá’iní—upon him be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh—was presented before the Throne, and those names were repeatedly mentioned, graced with divine favor, compassion, and mercy. Similarly, the letter from Jináb-i-’Azízulláh to Jináb-i-Áqá Mírzá Muḥammad—upon him be the splendor of Bahá’u’lláh—was presented in the Most Holy, Most Sacred Presence, and it was received with acceptance.

This lowly servant supplicates to God, exalted be His glory, to confirm all the inhabitants of the world so that they may perceive the fragrances of the verses and sense the aroma of the robe. For even the smallest portion of this grace would lead all to turn toward the Source of Light and the Dawning-Place of Manifestation. In truth, this verse…

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…previously revealed pertains to these days:
“If its sweet fragrance spreads to the East,
Even in the West, the afflicted would be revived by its breath.”

From this servant, a plea for the conveyance of wondrous glorification to those who partake of the wine of meanings depends upon your graciousness. May the splendor be upon you and upon those who have cast aside all else, taking up what befits the Day of God, the Lord of all worlds.
Servant, 12th Shawwál, year 98. (September 1881)

BH00020 (Commentary on the Disconnected Letters)

There is no God but Him, the Most High, the Most Supreme.
Praise be to God, who created the letters in the realms of the Unseen, behind the veils of sanctity in the loftiest heights. Then He gave them to drink from the cups of eternity, as decreed in the Tablets of Divine Will, to quicken thereby the hearts of the near ones in the dominion of command.
Then He clothed them in the garment of blackness as ordained by His eternal decree, in the hidden realm of destiny, upon the red domes. And according to the foreordained knowledge, it was destined that the water of life would remain concealed in the darkness of the realms of names, near the Lote-Tree of the Extremity.
Then He sent them down into the kingdom of creation within the air of decree. At that moment, a voice emerged from the lofty sanctuary, addressing the Primal Pen, saying:
“O Pen, inscribe from the secrets of eternity upon the resplendent white Tablet.”
The Pen, enraptured by this summons, was thunderstruck for seventy thousand years beyond the reckoning of the masters of enumeration. When it recovered and the decree of divine command returned to it anew, it wept for seventy thousand years with the tears of the crimson hue.
Then it stood before God in a time when the decree of primacy had not yet been initiated, nor the decree of finality reached its conclusion. When it was consumed by the fire of separation, due to the cutting off of the sweetest call, it appeared in its tears as blackness in the dominion of fidelity. A single drop of this black tear fell upon the Tablet, whereupon the Point appeared in the realm of origination. This Point manifested in the form of primacy upon the mirrors of the letters within the realities of the names.

The Alif (the letter “A”) received it before all other letters, in the seedbed of all things. The divine Point unfolded in the form of eternal patterns as the fragrances of mercy wafted upon it from the source of oneness. This unveiling revealed the face of unity from behind the veils of verdure.
The form of the Point appeared in the shape of the Alif and stood upon the Tablet in its rising, established by the command of God, the Most High, the Most Supreme, in the realm of attributes and names. This is the station wherein the essential existence donned the garment of nominality and set aside the robes of attributive being in the city of grandeur.

When this upright Alif settled upon the luminous Tablet, it manifested new wonders. The letters of the separated ones shone forth at the beginning of the revelations, pointing to the realms of differentiation and command in the chambers of creation. Then from these letters, which arose and radiated from the primal Alif in the initial revelations of the worlds of specification and multiplicity, they were divided, dispersed, and disjoined, yet they reunited, conjoined, blended, and paired.
Thereupon appeared the encompassing words and composite letters in the worlds of creation, in the forms of names and attributes. Thus was completed the creation of sovereignty and the form of destiny in the manifestations of existence, so that all may testify with the tongue of realities that He is the Ever-Abiding, the Creator, the All-Powerful, the Mighty, the Sovereign.

And that ’Alí, before Muhammad, is the Manifestation of Essence and the Manifestation of Attributes, from whom all possibilities originate and to whom all beings return. He is the one who has manifested from His own Essence, the Beneficent One, the Breath of the Merciful, through whom the essences were created and the Alif.

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The capacities within the realm of possibility, the manifestations of beings in the worlds of existence, the mirrors reflecting Him, and the letters uttering His praise from the first creation of God, the origin of manifestations, and the return of the servants on the Day of Summoning—this is what God has favored them with above all other creation in the eternal worlds. Through them, the lights shone forth, the moons appeared, the suns radiated, and the stars were revealed. All proclaim Him and point to Him, for there is no distinction between Him and them, except that they were created by His command, sent forth by His will, and gathered by His power.

They are the ones through whom the cycles revolve, the ages are set in motion, the trees of unity are planted, the fruits of singularity are manifested, and the rains of detachment descend—until the Point returns to its original station after completing its rotation around itself and reaching its destined place. At that moment, the end returns to the beginning, and then the call of the primordial is raised from the Tree of the Utmost Boundary, at the rising of the sun once more.

This is what the dove sang in the Pole of Eternity on this singular night, when the fire of oneness was kindled from the Sinai Lote-Tree in the shadow of the name “the Most Ancient” and the eternal mystery that was named the “True Eternal” in the Essence of the Names. All manifestations in the depths of the heart bear witness that He is the Mighty, the Omnipotent, the Sovereign, the All-Bountiful.

This is a book from “Ba” before “Ha” to those who have believed in God and attained the lights of guidance, to bring them to the veils of sanctity and draw them closer to the ultimate destination, which none of those who disbelieved in God have reached. This is testified by the forms of the Names in the cities of Attributes and by the angels of sanctity behind them. Say: In the song of the dove upon the branches, in the diverse forms of the leaves of paradise, and in the surging of the ocean of oneness, clouds of wisdom rise.

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The rains descend, the rivers flow from the stones, and the eternal form is established upon the throne of lights as signs for those who in the realities of things behold with the vision of God. Reflect, O company of loved ones, on the creation of the heavens and the earth and then upon yourselves, that you may be guided in the manifestations of power by the lights of guidance during the days of the Countenance.

A book has come before Us from the letter “Qaf,” who traveled from his essence and migrated to God, the Omnipotent, the Self-Subsisting. He reached the stations of sanctity and entered the Egypt of certainty, in the place where the fire of God burns behind the veils of light and where the lamp of oneness shines in the lantern of recorded majesty. Thus, he preceded those who migrated from their homes for the love of God over those who have not turned to the shore of sanctity in the city circled by the near ones.

In his book, he asked of secrets that none in the realm of dominion had uncovered, which no one among creation has unveiled, nor have the knowers comprehended. Listen, then, to what the caller of the Spirit proclaims to you from this blessed spot, beyond the sea of the Spirit, in the tempest of a surging ocean. Know that the verse of light, revealed to the Messenger of God before this verse, surpasses the comprehension of all the learned. Were all that is in God’s knowledge fashioned into pens, and all power made an ocean of ink, it would not exhaust the meanings of the letter revealed with the tongue of might in this blessed, revealed verse.

Yet, I sprinkle upon you a drop from the fathomless wellspring of knowledge and wisdom, that you may be among those who hasten to the arenas of knowledge and drink from the cups of favor served by the youths of paradise upon the couches of eternity. When the term for Moses to fulfill his commitment had ended…

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…he returned with his family and entered the wilderness of Sinai, in the valley of sanctity on the right-hand side of the field of paradise, by the shore of eternity. He heard the call from the exalted sanctuary of identity: “O Moses, what dost thou behold? Verily, I am God, thy Lord and the Lord of thy forefathers, Ishmael, Isaac, and Jacob.” Then Moses covered his face, fearing God, the Mighty, the Omnipotent, the Self-Subsisting.

He was called again by the shore of the sea of grandeur, within the crimson dome: “Raise thy head, O Moses.” When he raised it, he saw a fire kindled, radiating from the Tree of the Utmost Boundary in the verdant valley. He was guided by the guidance of grandeur from the fire kindled from the Lote-Tree of Eternity. Then he removed his sandals of desire and severed himself from the dominions of the next world and this one. All this was as God had decreed for him, as you read in the Tablets.

Through this, his cause was exalted, and his mention was raised. He became among those who, by the lights of the beholder, turn to the paths of justice. This was decreed upon Moses, the son of Imran, within the dome of time, as you know. Thus, love bore witness at the Paran of fire in the sacred Horeb near. If you bear witness in the Tablets of justice with the eye of God, you will see.

When the veils of unity were lifted, and the lights of oneness shone forth in the Muhammadan countenance, the fire of identity was kindled within itself for itself and by itself. The fire of the Lote-Tree blazed in its center. Seized by the tender passion of love and the attractions of longing from all directions, he heard the call of God from the Tree of Humanity in his innermost being: “Thou art God, the Sovereign, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Sanctified.”

This was decreed in the wilderness of the Spirit upon Muhammad, in the station that no hearts before him had attained. Thus, We recount to you from the secrets of knowledge and the gems of wisdom, that the people may be kindled by the fire of God in the Lote-Tree of Remembrance.

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And you are kindled. When Muhammad, the Messenger of God, sought to declare this exalted station to acquaint them with the mysteries of oneness within the Tree of His Self and to convey His independence from the fire that appeared in the Sinai of wisdom to Moses, God revealed to Him this verse from the Torah. This was to serve as evidence for those who had been given the Torah and as guidance for those who are guided by the lights of the Muhammadan Lote-Tree.

God commanded Moses to bring glad tidings to the people of this Sinai in this Ahmadine spot and to bear witness to what was revealed in the Book: “And indeed, We sent Moses with Our signs: bring the people out from darkness into light and give them glad tidings of the days of God.” This is what is inscribed in the Tablets, as you know. If the one who announces His days does so, how could He not attain His station, if you perceive?

Know, then, that when Moses perceived the fire of the Tree on the right side of the valley, He was guided by it and was among those permitted by God to enter the blessed spot. Yet Muhammad, before seeking anything or being touched by any fire, God made Him a light for those in the heavens and the earth. Through this light, He guided whomsoever He willed among His creation. This is recorded in the Book, and you read it in the Qur’an.

Understand, then, that the station of the niche in this verse is His essence, the lamp is His radiant heart, and the glass is His sanctified form, within which the lamp of oneness shone and from which the light radiated. Through Him, all in the heavens and the earth were illuminated. Thus do We make known to you that by this light you are kindled in the lamp of Muhammadan reality, enkindled upon the niche of Ahmadine splendor.

Then the oneness was created in His eternal form, and God commanded Him to remind people of His encounter in the final resurrection and to bring them glad tidings of a holy, praiseworthy station in the abode where the denizens of the heavenly realms gather.

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The spirits of the near ones rejoice, and in it, the clouds of grace are raised. The believers then delight in the joy of God. This is the promise recorded in the Tablets of exalted might: “On the day your Lord comes, or some of the signs of your Lord appear.” This is the promise made to all in the heavens and the earth, and all will bear witness within themselves that this is indeed the truth; there is no God but Him. He is the Truth, the Knower of the unseen.

Recognize, then, the station of the one who came clothed in the garment of ’Ali, upon a cloud of light. Muhammad, the Messenger of God, proclaimed His glad tidings, on the day when the sincere rejoice. Then understand what was brought to them through clear signs, and what the deniers said and did to Him, to the point where the Pen is ashamed to recount it. God was a witness to this, though you do not bear witness.

They belied Him, rejected Him, and among them were those who claimed He forged lies against God and performed sorcery to deceive the people. By this, they veiled themselves from the encounter with God, ignored His command, and turned away from the Countenance to which the near ones turn.

O assembly of the Bayan, give thanks to God for what He has bestowed upon you by His bounty, wherein He has made Himself known to you, honored you with His meeting, raised you up with truth, and revealed unto you what makes you independent of those who disbelieved and associated partners with Him after all had awaited His days and what they were promised.

Understand what We have imparted to you in truth and enriched you with grace, bringing you to the shore of knowledge, teaching you the paths of understanding, and drawing you near by the light that kindled the hearts of the believers who, at every moment, place their trust in God, their Lord.

Know, then, that the intent of the verse is none other than what We have taught you in truth, but none recognize it except those who are patient in God, and none comprehend it but the sincere. This is of the grace that neither those of the past nor those of the future can surpass. But you, O questioner, are the hope in that…

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The days in which the sun of grace shone forth from the horizon of oneness and the lamp of identity was kindled in the niche of eternity—you shall not witness this verse except in the form that God has veiled behind the pavilion of might in the loftiest heights near His Beloved. Do you not see how God kindled it for Himself with the fire of His essence in the niche of eternity, preserving it within the lamp of power between earth and heaven, so that no breeze of association might touch it?

From it, light appeared behind seventy thousand veils, as small as the eye of a needle, illuminating the vessels of contingent beings, all of which proclaimed God through their essence as this divine fire was made manifest to them. This is what We impart to you of wondrous hidden knowledge so that you may give thanks to your Lord at all times, and so may all believers. Be pleased with yourself for having been guided to a shore that no foot of any created being has tread except those who have detached themselves from all that is in the dominion of command and creation and who walk the paths of submission by the permission of God.

We have sufficed in what We have explained to you regarding this sacred verse and have summarized its meanings because We have previously explained it with diverse expressions and indications that astonish the minds of the wise. Be content, therefore, with what has been revealed to you on this blessed night, which God has made one of those nights wherein all determined matters are decreed by the All-Mighty, the Self-Subsisting. If you are not satisfied with what the Pen of power has inscribed upon these luminous Tablets, return to what has been previously recorded by the finger of manifest might.

For within the Lote-Tree of those words, the fire of oneness was kindled, and only the monotheists may draw light from it. Upon its branches are doves, all created from the fire of identity, and none but the detached ones hear their melodies. By God, if you sharpen your vision, you will recognize everything…

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…from what has been inscribed upon these Tablets and become independent of all else. This is a known truth. As for what you have asked regarding the disjointed letters in the scriptures and the writings, know that each of these letters contains signs for those who recognize, and within them are symbols, meanings, and indications that none can comprehend except those who walk in the pleasure of God and inscribe within the garden of knowledge.

Their mysteries have always been hidden in the treasuries of purity, sealed with the seal of power and veiled by the veil of might. However, at this moment, its seal has been opened for you according to your station, and it remains as it was for others to know if they are able. Thus, those who preceded you in guidance from God will bear witness that all of this was created in the form that speaks the truth, around which all exalted letters and comprehensive words revolve, if you understand.

Know that these letters, in the station of the names, indicate the eternal realities, the singular truths, and the lamps of identity, as you read in the Qur’an: “This is the Book, wherein there is no doubt, a guidance for the God-fearing.” In this station, God has named His Beloved with these extended disjointed letters, so that those who, with the wings of detachment, soar in the atmosphere of the spirit may be assured.

“O Muhammad, this Book is the Book of your essence. It is from a preserved hidden Book whose knowledge none encompasses except God. From it, all books are detailed, if you are certain. This is the Book that elucidates the knowledge of what was and what is to come. It guides the guided, and all that was revealed before, even those without precedence among the scriptures and writings, contains but a single letter from this Book. None recognize this except those who, in the atmosphere of proximity, ascend upon the steed of might.”

This is indeed the Book that…

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It is mentioned in the station of description, but this book of the essential self has a station so exalted that all that is described or spoken of by the describers is severed from it. By His command “Be,” it brings into being all that was and will be. Know, then, the book of the self of Muhammad, in which all mysteries are inscribed by the Pen of God, the Omnipotent, the Self-Subsisting. Bear witness that there is no God but Him, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the Beloved.

Thus was revealed previously: “Read your own book.” This book suffices for those who believe, guiding them to the shore of a hidden name. In another station, it is called the book revealed to Him in truth, which God made a criterion between those who believe and those who disbelieve, as they act justly toward their Lord.

In yet another station, understand that when God named His Beloved with composite letters and comprehensive words, you speak of His names as Muhammad, Ahmad, and Mahmoud in the kingdom of names. Similarly, He named Him with extended letters and disjointed inscriptions so that all endowed with insight from God may know that all the most glorious letters and most beautiful names were created for Him. Nothing appears from the Beloved but that it was intended for His Beloved.

This is His Beloved, if you perceive with the vision of the spirit. Thus is affirmed what the eternal dove has sung: “By whatever name you call upon Him, to Him belong the most beautiful names.” This was revealed previously, and you have read it. In His days, many people read it.

Know that God created, with these extended and disjointed letters in the name of His Beloved, the sublime, subtle essences as you witness in the mirrors reflecting the sun of Muhammadan reality. Likewise, He created from the composite words in His name the structured, composite forms of elements of unity, all of which are imprinted according to their ranks by this sun. Reflect, then, on the creation of the heavens.

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…and the earth, so that you may recognize every name in the shadow of His name and every attribute in the shadow of His description. Certify that all things are within the grasp of His power, created from the letters of His names, and be among those who perceive the manifestations of creation with the eye of God.

In another station, the Alif signifies absolute divinity, the Lam signifies absolute authority, which returns to His self, established by His command: “Your only guardian is God.” This is of the sovereignty of God, the Mighty, the Praised. The Mim signifies the Muhammadan essence and the Ahmadine pattern.

God addressed Him with these letters so that all might know that all that is expressed in words, uttered by created tongues, or comprehended in the realm of creation has appeared in the garment of Muhammadan reality. Thus, the dove sings for you from every station, melodies of the spirit, that you may hear some of what is cast upon you.

By God, were I to elaborate upon these three stations of the three letters, neither the Tablets would suffice nor the ink be exhausted. But I summarize each station for your understanding, as the reins of the Pen are not in my grasp, fearing those who disbelieve and are ungrateful, whose hearts harbor rancor against this Youth who dwells in Iraq and calls all to the fountain. He arose from the horizon of oneness with a radiance encompassing all horizons.

Thus, We impart to you from the mysteries of the Cause that you may comprehend. If not, by Him in whose hand is the soul of Husayn, were it not for the plots of the hypocrites, I would have inscribed on the Tablet what would sever you from all that is in the heavens and the earth and guide you to a station never heard by ears nor perceived by eyes. This flowing grace will never end, even if it streams from the beginning that has no beginning to the end that no end can see, for the source of this spring is…

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This ocean of oneness is none other than the reality of divine grace and the essence of the knowledge of the Eternal. How, then, could this flowing sweet water ever be exhausted? By my Lord, it neither ends nor perishes. This is witnessed by what We have presented and by the denizens of the supreme assembly who bear testimony.

Can the grace of God ever end, or His bounty cease to flow? By the Lord of the heavens and the earth, His mercy has encompassed all things, and His grace has embraced all existence. Say, O people, this is of His bounty, which descends upon you as the rains of wisdom from the clouds of knowledge and bestows upon the contingent beings that which admits them into the sanctity of divine pleasure, clothing them in the garment of eternity, if you reflect upon the mysteries of this grace.

Say, O people, how can you remain asleep upon your beds and not rise from the seats of heedlessness after the sun of love has risen, moving even the decayed bodies by its heat, while you remain as cold as ice, unmelted by the brilliance of this fire? All who dwell in the pavilions of paradise are ignited by it. Say, O people, if you do not hear from this servant, assured in God, then learn from the ranks of love about this lamp, how it is kindled with the fire of love and burns with its own flame at all times. If you observe its burning, you will hear wondrous remembrance.

He calls upon God in the depths of his soul, saying with the tongue of longing: O my God and my Lord, I beseech Thee by Thy lamp, which Thou hast made sanctified above the lantern, that Thou send me into the presence of the lovers, to the station where the name of God, the Mighty, the Self-Subsisting, is mentioned. There, the promised one who comes with truth is surrounded by the angels of command, lifting the clouds of sanctity as the eternal dove sings melodies that draw the hearts of the near ones. Say, O people, hear my words, and then…

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…recognize the value of these days. Hold fast to the hidden, radiant cord, and do not turn to the world and its adornments. Let not affliction sadden you, nor let what befalls you from those who disbelieve and associate partners with God, the Mighty, the Beloved, unsettle you. Be among the best of creation, who are not hindered by any obstacle, nor veiled by the reproach of any reproacher. Even if all the people of the earth rise against them, they remain steadfast.

These are the ones who turn to no face and follow nothing in the dominion. Even if they pass through cities of gold, they pass like lightning, paying them no heed. They are immersed in the depths of detachment, singing praises. These are the ones who, when the verses of their Lord are recited to them, their hearts are ignited with the fire of oneness, and their very foundations tremble with longing. They fall upon their faces in humility before God, the Sovereign, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Sanctified.

This is the innate quality of the detached ones, whom We have presented to you in truth, that you may hasten with your own eyes to the shore of grace. In another station, God has willed through these letters the secrets of the infinite. Among these secrets is an indication of the duration of the concealment of the beauty behind the veils of majesty, as you observe in the traces of the Imams of the Qur’an.

After the period of trial passes, the Promised One will arise. Similarly, within all these letters are mysteries for you to discern until the time when the lights dawn from the beloved sacred morn. Say, O assembly of Bayan, all these are within the realms of creation, innovation, and the manifestations of origination and invention. Bear witness.

Otherwise, in the station where God has made them the locus of His sanctified revelations, they neither point with indication nor speak with narration nor signify with meaning. All of them stand in the court of sanctity. Say, O assembly of Qur’an, the letters have ascended to their stations, and the words to their appointed places.

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And yet you remain unaware until now. Have you not heard the day when the caller proclaims? Have you not heard the cry of truth? How can you still be veiled by the screens of your own selves, lifeless? Rise from the beds of heedlessness and from ignorance and hostility, and hasten to the remembrance of God. This is better for you if you wish to return to the abodes of nearness.

Do you not reflect upon the past generations and what befell them when they opposed the messengers of God and turned away from His signs? God has never sent a messenger without accompanying them with evidence that overwhelmed even the most eloquent. Every messenger foretold the one to come after him, and all were promised of Him.

Consider those who were given the Torah before Moses was sent to them. They were given glad tidings from God, the Omnipotent, the Self-Subsisting, of a prophet to come after. But when Moses came with the rod of command and the love of Paran, they turned away from him, saying, “This is nothing but a magician, possessed.” They rejected him, disputed with him, and argued against him until a number of years passed. Then God raised him up by His command and exalted him to the station ordained for him. He established His decree and affirmed His proof, cutting off the transgressors who disbelieved, rebelled, and committed injustices without right.

As you now pray upon Moses and those who believed in him and curse Pharaoh and his hosts, so We recount to you the stories of truth that you may remember in the days of God. Then Moses gave glad tidings of the one to come after him. When Jesus came with the clear signs of sanctity, they grew arrogant toward him, saying, “You are not that one; you are but a man bewitched.”

Similarly, Jesus foretold them of the prophet to come after him with the signs of the Praised One. When Muhammad, the Messenger of God, came to them, they turned away…

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…and rejected him, saying, “This is but a man who has forged lies against God, the Omnipotent, the Self-Subsisting.” When He was raised to God, they then gathered around His cause, as you see today, weeping and supplicating, cursing those who wronged Him. Upon His ascension to the Most Exalted Companion and His rising to the loftiest heights, He promised the people of one who would come after Him. All the people of the Qur’an confirmed this, and the decree was completed.

The time passed until ’Ali came before Muhammad with clear signs, manifest proofs, irrefutable evidence, and shining testimonies. Yet all grew arrogant toward the command of God after having been promised His meeting. This is attested by all that is inscribed in the preserved Tablets, as you read in the Book: When God sealed prophethood with His Beloved, He gave glad tidings to the servants of His meeting, a promise firmly decreed.

When God came under the shadow of the clouds and the trumpet of command was sounded, the heaven split asunder, and the mountains crumbled. Then all turned back on their heels, awaiting a meeting as the Jews and Christians awaited what they had been promised before. From that day until now, they all remain in anticipation.

How many messengers has God sent with truth after Moses until now, yet the Jews remained unaware? Every year they say, “It will happen in another year.” Thus, understand their state and the state of those who remain veiled under the shadow of their own selves.

Observe these idolaters—what they did before and what they do today. Thus, We have detailed every matter for you and conveyed to you what befell the Messenger of God so that you may discern the mysteries of the Cause and be among those who today dwell in the shadow of His Countenance. God has raised them to the station where He has made Himself known to them.

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…after they had all turned away from Him. Then you return to what We were recounting and renew the garment of meanings upon the forms of words, weaving wondrous patterns, that you may know the reins of the Cause are in the grasp of the Mighty, the Revered, and it changes as He wills. When His decree is revealed, all that is in the dominion is overturned, and then all are transformed.

Know that if I were to expound upon the meanings of the Alif revealed in the Book, with the hidden pearls of knowledge it contains, all in the heavens and the earth would be thunderstruck, save those who, in the ocean of power, face the Countenance, plunge into it, and gather therein. Others would seize the earthly dogs and attack Me with claws of enmity, denying the grace that has descended from a cloud raised in the name of God, quenching the thirst of those in the Paran of separation who are consumed in the boiling fire. Some would die in a state where, even if the breath of life were blown into them, they would not be revived.

A few, however, drink from this living fountain that flows within the darkness of those words, and they praise God, their Creator, for what has shone upon them from the horizon of Iraq, the Radiant of Horizons, after the souls were struck down and then awakened. Thus, understand the divisions among the people and what they dispute. This is why it was revealed to Muhammad, the Messenger of God: “Few of My servants are grateful.”

Yet despite this, I did not wish to disappoint those who turned to Him, traveled toward Him, and migrated for His sake. Therefore, I cast upon them only what the servants could bear, what the souls could endure, and what the intellects could comprehend, so that it might serve as a reminder and glad tidings from the servant to those who hasten to the abode of peace and enter beneath the shade of the Tree of Reunion.

Listen, then, to what is revealed to you from this blessed spot, about this eternal Tree, from which no one has drawn near save those who circle around it and offer themselves in its path by His permission.

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Then they give thanks. Know that the Alif, in one station, is a herald of His Most Great Name, for He is God. The Lam represents His hidden knowledge, and the Mim His name, the Bestower. These names were uniquely set apart by God for Himself at the beginning of His Book. By this, He willed what He willed, for no one surpasses His knowledge, and in this, we are all certain and acknowledging.

In another station, God the Exalted intended through the Alif the oneness of His essence, through the Lam the guardianship of His chosen one—for the Lam is the letter of guardianship if you but knew—and through the Mim the prophethood of His beloved, for it is the letter of prophethood, as manifested in the first name of His Messenger, as you testify.

The letter of guardianship is placed above the letter of prophethood so that those endowed with hearts may bear witness that this is a glad tiding from God to all in the heavens and the earth. It signifies that the one to come after Muhammad will precede, in his most great name, the name of guardianship over the name of prophethood, as you recognize in ’Alí before Muhammad. This is affirmed by the second verse of the Qur’an as revealed in truth: “This is the Book, wherein there is no doubt, a guidance for the God-fearing.”

The unseen, during the time of Muhammad, was none other than ’Alí, before the Exalted Prophet. If you believe in this unseen, it was with this unseen that God made a covenant in the essence of the Qur’an with all who are in the heavens and the earth. Yet most people do not understand.

Thus, observe how the rooster of the Throne crowed and sang in the pavilion of eternity, teaching you what calms your minds, soothes your souls, gladdens your hearts, and brings joy to the monotheists. Recognize the greatness of this Cause, for God mentioned it at the beginning of His Book and His first address to His Beloved. Yet these transgressors have opposed…

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…God’s covenant, broke His pledge, denied His proof, and did all that severs the patience of the patient. Thus, We reveal to you the mysteries of the Cause, if you would listen with sanctified ears. By God, if you reflect upon the Lam that was revealed between the Two Sanctuaries, you will attain all that you seek, for the Lam, in its form, is threefold, as those versed in numeration reckon it. It becomes, in its essence, three: the Lam, the Alif, and the Mim.

When it gathers all that pertains to it, the Mim appears by itself, signifying its independence. This is understood by those soaring in the atmosphere of detachment and the realm of unity. By this, the seekers are guided to the reality that there is no God but He. He has ever been one in His essence, one in His attributes, one in His name, and one in His creation. Is there any other god besides Him? Say, “Glory be to God! There is no God but Him.”

We are all in His creation, bewildered, and by this, the veils of association are burned away, and the signs of limitation dissolve. The Lam stands as a mediator between the Lam and the Mim. This reality cannot be comprehended by perception or understood by knowledge, even if all who are in the heavens contemplated it from time immemorial.

When the doors of meanings are closed in the face of this eternal letter, the doors of expressions are opened according to what you are able to hear. Know, then, that if you were to revolve this divine Alif around itself, it would appear as two upright Alifs. When these are multiplied by tens, they become twenty. From this arises the decree through which the forms of unity, the manifestations of singularity, and the realities of detachment are created. This occurs before its conjunction with the foundation of the Nun, if you understand.

After its conjunction, the signs are created in the realms of specification, and the evidences of dominion in the worlds of composition. By this, the possessors of knowledge bear witness to the mysteries of wisdom, proceeding from the Pen of manifest might.

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Know, furthermore, that all letters and words return to this eternal Alif, this divine inscription, if you witness it with the eye of the heart. It is the manifestation of the letters without indication. Thus, it was revealed from Him in truth, if you are capable of understanding. If not, ask God, your Lord, to teach you by His knowledge and bestow upon you that which renders you independent of those who are guided by the signs of God yet walk in the darkness of tumultuous waves of fire from every direction, dispersed within it, though they perceive it not.

Observe, then, the mysteries embedded in this Alif, such that within all letters, the revelations of this Alif are apparent. For instance, observe and bear witness: within this Alif is the letter Ba, bowing in humility before its Creator, as though it has fully prostrated itself upon the dust in submission to God, as you observe in its form. It appears in the form of the letter Dal, bowing before God, the Omnipotent, the Beloved. When it prostrates before God, the form of the letter Sad emerges, from which flows the water by which God gives life to all who are in the heavens and the earth within the stages of creation, if you reflect upon the traces of creation.

Similarly, recognize that all letters manifest according to the revelations bestowed upon them from this Alif, appearing in different forms as you observe among the alphabet. When God wills to manifest the revelations of this Alif, He causes a radiance to shine upon them, and each one appears in the garment of these letters in accordance with its form.

If they free themselves from these limited signs, they all appear within the form of this Alif, and in a single form, they are resurrected. If you wish to witness the manifestation of this upright Alif in the letters, observe its form and its standing to be assured within yourself that it is exalted above all things. Contemplate its inscriptions as you reflect upon numbers…

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…in the design of geometry, you observe. For instance, if this Alif is immersed in the ocean of tens, it appears in its form with the addition of a single dot, and from it emerges the letter Ya, as its numerical value is ten, as you calculate in numbers. Similarly, if it is elevated to the heavens of hundreds, it appears as the Alif with the addition of two dots, and you reach the letter Qaf. Observe, then.

It ascends until it reaches the end of the numbers. At that point, the Alif appears in the station of the fourth with additional dots, revealing the number of the Alif. Thus, you reach the letter Ghayn. Observe and bear witness. Witness how the traces of unity flow through the dominion of the letters, testifying in the horizons of possibility and the realms of intellect that there is no God but Him. All shall return to Him.

When this Alif witnessed itself as the first and the last of the letters, it testified in its essence, with the tongue of its mystery, that it is the First, the Last, the Manifest, and the Hidden. Through this, all affirm their Creator’s oneness and prostrate themselves before Him.

In this station, all the letters are affirmed in this Alif, and likewise, the manifestation of this Alif is affirmed in the letters themselves, if you dwell in the paradise of unity. At the moment when it is an Alif, the letter Ba is affirmed within it, and likewise, the reverse is true—observe this.

Recognize the points added to it in all its stations and ranks. These indicate the signs received in its descents, enabling humanity to comprehend them according to their capacity and understanding. If it remained in its station without donning the garment of limitations, it would not be grasped by the hearts of those endowed with insight, nor would the discerning comprehend it.

Observe the manifestation of this Alif within yourself, for when you listen, see, and speak as you will, nothing prevents one action from another, nor does…

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…one attribute obstruct another, as you bear witness to all this within yourselves. Similarly, observe in the names: when the name “All-Hearing” applies to you, so too does the name “All-Seeing,” and likewise other names, if you observe within yourselves with clear eyes.

All these are attributes that, to this moment, people instinctively attribute to their Creator without perceiving it. Thus, observe within yourself that all these were created within His dominion, and He bestows them upon whomever He wills among His servants. There is no God but Him. He cannot be grasped by what you comprehend, nor known by what you know. Rather, He created these stations within His servants’ selves so that all may be guided to the knowledge that He created the names while remaining sanctified from them, and fashioned the attributes while being exalted above them.

There is no Creator but Him. To Him belongs the command and creation, and by His command, all things are brought into being. Say, “Exalted is God, the Sovereign, the Omnipotent, the Self-Subsisting. Exalted is God, the Powerful, the Creator, the All-Powerful, the Mighty, the Beloved.”

Yet, O assembly of Bayan, strive with your souls and selves to enter this station and avoid being among those to whom no name applies, nor are they described by these attributes. Do not be among those who have eyes but do not see, ears but do not hear, and hearts but do not understand.

Observe within yourself that you stand, sit, and walk with a single essence. This is a known truth. Despite this, the names and attributes manifest through you, as you perceive and affirm within yourselves. These differing names and various attributes emerge based on what is decreed within your souls and created in your forms, so that you may ascend to the heights of knowledge within yourselves. For instance, what you undertake…

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…He is one, whether you call Him by all names or mention Him. In His essence, He is detached from all that you describe and point to within yourselves. Yet, when attention is directed to the organ of sight and its faculties, another effect and attribute manifest, as you observe within yourselves. Likewise, in the tongue, when attention is directed toward it, speech arises, as you articulate. This occurs through focusing on external means within the human frame.

Similarly, in the inner being, with the vision of the inner sight, observe how the heart, liver, spleen, head, and other organs reveal different names based on their functions. Just as you speak of intellect, soul, and heart, these too have names.

Understand the manifestation of this Alif within yourself. Though it is one, how has God caused various names and differing effects to appear from it, enabling you to reach the realms of knowledge and to witness that distinctions arise due to differences in places and causes? Yet, the source is one, the manifestation is one, and all of this is within yourselves. Will you not see?

Certify that there is no God but Him. He created humanity as a unified whole, encompassing all His names and attributes. If you do not squander the wonders of creation within yourselves, you will recognize that all of this is created within His dominion and appears in the station of creation.

O assembly of Bayan, do not transgress the bounds of expression. Fear God and do not attribute to yourselves what you cannot bear. Do not overreach your station. We have clarified for you that which bewildered the hearts of the mystics, sages, and scholars in the indications of these words, so that you may perceive their meanings and drink from the flowing spring accessible to all in the heavens and the earth, according to their capacities and stations.

Recognize this spiritual Alif, this eternal design, and this straight cord—how it stands by itself…

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…for itself, before the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth. At times, it raises its head to the heavens, drawing the hearts of the supreme assembly to it. At other times, it turns to the earth, raising the bodies of the near ones from the graves of annihilation.

Thus, We impart to you what has been inscribed by the finger of power upon the preserved Tablets of sanctity. Know that this upright, steadfast Alif has an example in every realm. All derive sustenance from the thread of its grace, and all that is created or will be created stems from its uprightness—whether in standing, stability, strength, or power.

Know that all these qualities emanate from the steadfastness of this divine Alif. All dwell beneath its shade and are guided by its rectitude. By God, the explanation has reached a station where the indications of knowledge and the evidences of wisdom are cut off. Give thanks to God, your Lord, in your days, and be among those who turn away from all upon the earth, turning instead toward the beauty of oneness, adorned with the garment of light behind veils.

They drink the wine of meanings and life from the hands of the Spirit at all times, continually giving thanks. Even if all adornments and treasures approach them with every embellishment and allure, they pay them no attention.

Even if they are presented with golden bracelets and garments of majesty made of silk and brocade, and are tempted to turn away or admit something into their hearts, by God, they cannot. They do not incline toward these things, nor do they accept them.

These are the friends of God, upon whom there is no fear, nor shall they grieve. They fear no one, even if all in the heavens and the earth were to rise against them. They remain unperturbed, for their hearts, souls, and innermost beings are filled with the wine of God’s mercy and love. There is no room in their hearts for the love of anything else to enter.

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…Thus, we acquaint you with the sincere ones so that you may recognize them and follow their path, as they are steadfast in the love of God, unmoved by the tempests of dominion or the storms of time. Be among those who are firmly grounded in the divine love.

Know that this Alif contains mysteries of all sciences, granted by God through the wonders of His grace. Within it is the measure of all knowledge—what has been and what will be. For example, if you were to extract the letters concealed in the depths of this Alif, as we previously revealed through its four stations, and then record their meanings, dividing them into four sections and applying each division according to its requirements of ascension, descent, elevation, and equality, the mysteries revealed would astound the intellect.

By this method, you would access the source of sciences and comprehend what has been referenced in the all-encompassing Jafr. If only we found someone who could fully understand what we intend, we would impart what God has taught us of His grace. However, as we have not, we have conveyed what is within their capacity and have sufficed with this so that no arrogant rebel may gain access to it.

Know that these disjointed letters represent a symbol between the lover and the Beloved, the adored and the adored one. None perceive this except those whose hearts God has made repositories of His knowledge and treasuries of His wisdom. This was decreed by God, the Omnipotent, the Beloved.

In another station, this Alif signifies the white earth and the most radiant, pure light. If you contemplate the mysteries of natural creation, you will recognize that the earth originates from water, as you perceive through understanding. Water solidifies into earth—glory be to God, its Creator, exalted above what you describe.

When this radiant water solidifies and is infused with heat from the golden fiery water, three elements unite within it: soul, spirit, and body.

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No one among humanity has ever comprehended this fully, and all are bewildered by it. When this earth, formed from water, coagulates within the fiery water, and you extract it, its surface appears darkened, bearing the mark of fire. If it darkens, do not despair, for God will transform this darkness into light, causing it to ignite and radiate by His command, the Omnipotent, the Infinite.

This is the fruit of sanctity that has emerged from the tree that was planted in the heavens of the celestial realms and the earth of intellect. It is the philosopher’s stone, their silver, the land of the thirsty, and their mercury—whatever they name it.

When you extract it from the divine mine, impart to it a spirit of its own nature and kinship, for the body does not accept a spirit foreign to it, if you understand what we impart to you.

Pass no day in negligence, and divide it with precision by God’s command. Then purify it so that nothing of the darkness that corrupts remains within it, to the extent of your ability and effort. Afterward, dry it with a gentle fire, and imbue it again with this spirit. Then ignite it with the flame of reeds until an essence of red oil ascends above the water. By God, this is the gold of the wise, which perplexes souls and baffles the minds of the philosophers.

To this day, no one has attained it except those servants who are not distracted by the ornaments of the world from the remembrance of God, the Omnipotent, the Self-Subsisting.

This is the essence, the blood, and the red sap that gives life to decayed bodies when infused with this spirit. O assembly of artisans, seek it! But beware of applying too much fire, for excessive heat corrupts rather than refines, if you understand.

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…This originates from fire, gold, the self, sulfurous water, divine water, and aerial water, and it is called by all names and attributes across its stages and ranks, depending on the colors and actions that manifest within it. Thus, we teach you, so that all may be assured that this illiterate Iraqi youth possesses knowledge that neither the ancients could attain nor the later generations will grasp.

Through this, they might realize the truth within themselves, abandoning the false assumptions they harbor today. If this radiant child, this spiritual infant, appears upon the surface of the water, uncover it little by little according to your instructions. By God, if it is exposed to the heat of fire, it dazzles the sight. Exalted is the Creator, the Maker, the Ordainer, the Mighty, the Revered.

This is the essence of spirit and its reality. If attributed to anything else, it is only metaphorically. Through it, dead bodies are revived, rising from their graves. They are gathered in the field of divine governance. This reveals to you the resurrection of bodies, affirming the reunion of souls with bodies on the day when the trumpet is blown, and the garments of creation are renewed. All are present in the court of sanctity, judged for their deeds in the illusory life, and receive their due recompense.

On that day, the melodies of the dove will be renewed, and all in the heavens and the earth will be transformed. The expanse of knowledge will unfold, and the rooster of oneness will crow. Believers, at that time, will mount the steeds of light. If we were to recount all that will appear on that day, it would overwhelm the Tablets and disturb the souls. Thus, we withhold its mention and return to what we have already explained, so that the grace of God may precede for those who enter the garment of existence.

Know that if you unite the oil we have conveyed to you with the earth, you will attain your desire faster than the return of your gaze…

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…if you succeed in this task. Recognize gold and silver, then the sun and moon, followed by the white and red essences, that you may understand. By this, they said, “The work can only be accomplished by the two great luminaries,” as you observe in the writings of the people.

Understand what they mean when they say, “Our gold is not the gold of the common people, and neither is our silver,” if you comprehend. This gold is called “the two-winged,” as it moves freely within all bodies. It is attributed with all names; for instance, it is called water due to its liquidity and flow, fire for its sharp nature, earth for its internal solidity, and air for the elements that unite within it.

All of this is recognized by those who reflect on the mysteries of nature and who, through their detachment from all except God and their orientation toward Him, attain the exalted station. Know that this fiery, radiant oil is the crown of crowns, the divine crown, and the crown of triumph. Through it, all bodies are transformed; it cures all sticky, corrupt dampness and dispels dark, harmful dryness.

Through it, everything on earth is healed of ailments. It is the active essence upon which the world’s existence relies. It is heat itself, for without it, no movement could exist. Movement is the action generated by it.

Understand, then, that all knowledge derives from heat, if you contemplate the realities of true knowledge. It is the man of courage, the epitome of youth, the luminous mercury, and the spirit that breathes upon decayed bones, bringing them to life and causing them to rise by the command of God, the Sovereign, the All-Powerful, the Self-Subsisting.

Know also that the spirit is none other than the water that has solidified upon the surface of the white earth. This…

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…is a matter that manifests suddenly, like swift revelation, and God has made it triumphant over all things. This is the essence that, before all things, took shelter under the name of God, the All-Powerful, the Dominant. You witness its traces of power if you reach this station.

This white earth is the stone from which streams flow. It is singular in its kind, and its governance is likewise unified. If you observe the multiplicity within this oneness, you will witness the interplay of the four. Its example is the Alif we have been discussing, which is singular in its essence—not a number but the source of all numbers, from which multiplicity is derived.

In the multiplicity of numerical worlds, you see the emergence of the one. This stone encompasses the three natures, as you perceive with your eyes, if you reflect on it with the knowledge of God. It alludes to the Night of Power, but only those who see the realities of things with the eye of God will understand.

We compared it to the night because, after its initial formation, it appears dark and shadowed. This is a darkness containing the essence of the water of life—a truth you had not heard before. O assembly of Bayan, listen to this!

Reflect on what was revealed earlier in the Qur’an about the judgment of the threefold darkness, that your eyes may draw near to it, and you may reach the ultimate aim sought by those who denied it.

Know, O servant, that when Khidr of glory reached the sunrise of eternity at the fountain of this water, he did not turn toward it or drink from it, as his spirit had already turned to the right hand of the Beloved’s majesty. For this youth sought nothing for himself within the dominion, spending his soul and all he had for those in the heavens and the earth, choosing this out of love for God, the Sovereign, the Self-Subsisting.

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…the All-Praised, the All-Powerful. Say, O people, by God, this servant desired nothing for himself and sought no help from anyone in the dominion except God alone. This is testified by the tongue of oneness in a veiled pavilion of mystery.

Say, this lamp does not depend on any lantern, nor does fire affect it. It is illumined by none but God, the Unique, the Mighty, the Exalted, the Self-Subsisting. Give thanks to God, your Creator, for the mysteries revealed to you through this radiant, finite Pen. Though it is confined by its limits, God causes it to flow with what is limitless and without end.

The mysteries of singularity are evident in this renewal—bear witness. This is the knowledge God has taught this Pen, so all may be assured that the heavens of knowledge are folded within His grasp, and the earth of wisdom is set by His command. All seek the wonders of His knowledge.

Know that the first to manifest from the Ancient Cause in the realms of creation were the four elements: fire, air, water, and earth, as you have heard before. Now hear again. These elements revealed the four qualities: heat, moisture, coldness, and dryness. Similarly, the remaining three are foundational—understand them. Through them, God created all things in the realms of creation, both celestial and terrestrial.

Whatever possesses a balanced nature endures through time, as you observe in the sun and moon. Whatever lacks balance soon perishes, as you see in the lower realms of creation. Therefore, strive to recognize balanced substances among minerals, for they are easier to work with.

The process is one of refinement, purification, and union. This is the truth affirmed by all prophets…

When elements are mixed and united, each reveals its role within the fire, bringing heat and dryness to completion.

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…they speak. When you understand the essence of nature from the divine mine, take from it only as much as you need. Then distill it with the living water that aligns with its nature and is closest to it, until this essence becomes pure and white. Subject it to water and place it in dew until it dissolves according to its measure. Let this earth dissolve with the spirit.

Afterward, place it in obscurity until it blends and becomes one substance. Then subject it to gentle fire. Repeat this process of dissolving and binding two or more times, as this is the most accurate method if you act according to what is right.

If this method is beyond your ability, pour the water onto this earth and dissolve it until the water itself becomes pure and white. Then apply this water to wax the earth, allowing you to achieve your desired goal. After waxing, dissolve it once more, as the first step is to dissolve. Then, after dissolving, bind it. Thus, the work of the moon is completed, and you will witness God’s power with your own eyes if you understand what is set forth in this Tablet.

Only after understanding should you act, for knowledge precedes action. Beware, O assembly of Bayan, of acting before understanding all that we have taught you. This is my counsel to you—heed it if you wish to walk the paths of truth.

Know that essence is also referred to as water, for water is the basis of all works. From it comes the pure oil, which, when used, does not burn and is never consumed. This is the water through which God revives the earth after its death, revealing the decree of resurrection. Some prophets and sages have sufficed with this water in their work, attaining their ultimate goal through it. This is a hidden, true knowledge known only to…

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…those whose hearts God has tested with faith and whom He has taught the science of mercury. This treasure was sealed by God and remains hidden.

If you wish to perform the work of the sun with gold, return to this body formed from the pure oil we have taught you about earlier, referred to as “the gold of the people” and “the sulfur of truth.” In its operation, you will be bewildered, for by God, we have shared with you all the methods and revealed what no one before you could comprehend.

You bear witness with your spirits and souls to its truth. In subtle indications, we have described for you the balance of nature, which, when discovered, grants mastery over the ultimate goal in this divine wisdom and heavenly gift, if you understand.

We will then impart to you that which will free you from reliance on those who are preoccupied with this craft upon the earth. Know that all arises from mercury and sulfur. When you recognize these in the sun and moon—the gold and silver—you will see that salt plays a crucial role in dissolving bodies.

You will find no better agent for gold than this, if you investigate all things thoroughly, for its very nature aligns perfectly with the task, a truth impossible to fully express with the pen, even in the span of a lifetime.

If you extract this salt from its source, distill it, and dissolve all secrets that arise from it, allowing them to combine into a unified essence and a stable oil, by God, you will reach the pinnacle of knowledge and understanding.

In salts lies the veil over the hidden mysteries, as in the ultimate knowledge that dwells in pure hearts. Will you not bear witness? This is the certainty that humanity, in its ignorance, wanders without, lost in the valley of ignorance.

Thus, the dove of knowledge sings upon the branches of wisdom with melodies that captivate and draw. We have sufficed with this, fearful of unveiling too much of the matter to you.

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…through evident sanctified signs. Yet none can attain this except through love for God and His chosen ones. This is what is admonished by the Supreme Pen in these numbered Tablets.

If you heed my words, ask of God what will suffice you, rendering you independent of gold and silver. For neither gold nor silver enriches anyone; instead, they increase poverty, as you yourselves witness. By what We have called you to, you will find freedom from all in the heavens and the earth if you cling to the thread of the Cause in this utterance.

Know that this Alif was revealed at the beginning of the Qur’an, and We have explained it to you with signs that astonish the intellect. It was created from the Alif revealed in the Bayan by God, the Omnipotent, the Exalted, the Self-Subsisting. Yet, in His presence, it is as nothing, if you reflect on its mysteries.

In one station, it is itself and its essence if you enter the pavilion of unity. Recognize, then, the station of this upright, steadfast Alif on the day when the gems of knowledge and power are raised up, with angels of command at its right hand. On that day, all on earth will be thunderstruck by the majesty of the day, and the pillars of creation will tremble. All will be shaken by the overwhelming might of God’s decree. Blessed are those who attain His beauty and enter the paradise of sanctity before Him.

On that day, when they are commanded, they will not ask “why” or “for what,” but will hasten to act upon His decree. They will fear no one among the assembly of Bayan and will run to the breast of God’s mercy like infants, heedless of all else. They will neither look to nor fear anyone, even if all in Bayan or other faiths try to hinder them. They will remain steadfast, turning their eyes to none but the pure beauty, undistracted and fearless.

Thus, we beseech God to make us and you among those who circle around Him, present in His court, and witnessing before Him, for He is the Almighty, the Bestower, the Mighty, the Beloved.

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In the name of the one born, whom God has made a herald of His Mighty, Beloved Name.

A Tablet from Us to the Night wherein the heavens and the earth were illuminated by a Radiant One through whom the worlds have been enlightened. Blessed are you for what was born within you on the Day of God, which We have made a lamp of success for the inhabitants of the cities of names, a goblet of triumph for those in the fields of permanence, and a dawning place of joy and exultation for those in the realm of creation.

Exalted is God, the Creator of the heavens, who has caused Him to speak this Name through which the veils of illusions and the mists of doubts were pierced. The Name of the Self-Subsisting shone forth from the horizon of certitude.

In this, the seal of the wine of life was broken, and the gate of knowledge and utterance was opened to those in existence. The breeze of the Merciful wafted across the lands. Blessed is that moment when the treasure of God, the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, appeared.

O assembly of earth and heaven, it is the first night, which God has made a sign for the later night in which One will be born who is not recognized by words.

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…and cannot be described by attributes. Blessed is the one who reflects upon them, for he perceives the outward to match the inward and attains the mysteries of God in this manifestation. Through it, the foundations of polytheism were shaken, the idols of delusions were cast down, and the banner of “There is no God but Him, the All-Powerful, the Exalted, the One, the Unique, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Inaccessible” was raised.

In this night, the fragrance of reunion wafted, the gates of meeting and wealth were opened, and all things proclaimed, “The dominion belongs to God, the Sovereign of names, who has come with authority encompassing all worlds.”

The Supreme Concourse exulted in their Lord, the Most High, the Most Glorious, and the realities of the names extolled the Sovereign of the Hereafter and the First. Through this manifestation, the mountains soared toward the Most Exalted Wealth, hearts turned toward the Countenance of the Beloved, leaves trembled in the breeze of yearning, and trees called out in response to the stirring voice of the Chosen One.

The world quivered in longing to meet the Sovereign of Eternity, and new creations arose from the concealed Word that emerged through this mighty Name.

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O Night of the Bestower, We behold within you the Mother of the Book. Indeed, the Mother of the Book is born for itself and its essence. All of this, in the station of names, has been sanctified by God. Through it, the hidden unseen and the stored secret have been revealed.

By My life, all of this pertains to the station of attributes. It is their Sovereign. Through it, the manifestations of “There is no God but He” have appeared. Yet this is recounted for the people of creation; with it is what no ear can hear. Blessed are those who are certain.

The Supreme Pen trembled and exclaimed, “O Thou who cannot be named, forgive me by Thy authority, which reigns over earth and heaven, for I was created through Thy creative power. How, then, can I describe what cannot be described through creation?

Yet by Thy might, if I were to recount what Thou hast inspired in me, the contingent beings would dissolve in joy and exultation. How, then, can the surging waves of Thy utterance be contained in this exalted station and supreme abode? O Lord, forgive this mute Pen.”

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…from mentioning this supreme station. Then have mercy upon me, O my Sovereign and my Lord, and forgive me for what I have done before You. Truly, You are the Bestower, the Omnipotent, the Forgiving, the Generous.

O assembly of the seen and unseen, rejoice within yourselves and be glad in your beings for the night in which the spheres were gathered, the cycles revolved, the nights and days were resurrected, and the appointed time of the Cause arrived from the Omnipotent, the Mighty.

Glad tidings to those in the Supreme Concourse for this wondrous, mighty spirit. This is the night in which the gates of paradise were opened, the doors of hellfire were closed, and the satisfaction of the Merciful shone at the pole of all realms. The breeze of God wafted from the direction of forgiveness, and the Hour came in truth, if you are among the discerning.

Rejoice in this night, from which all days were illumined. None comprehend this except those who are certain and insightful. Around it, the Nights of Power circled…

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…and the angels and the Spirit descended therein with vessels of Kawthar and Tasneem. In it, all the gardens were adorned with the design of God, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Generous. Everything was resurrected, and the mercy of God encompassed all realms.

Rejoice, O assembly of spirits, in this manifest and radiant bounty. In it, the pillars of falsehood trembled, the great idol fell upon its face in the dust, and the foundations of wickedness were annihilated. The deity of Manat lamented within itself, the purity of Al-’Uzza shattered, and its face remained darkened as the dawn of manifestation rose.

In it appeared what brought delight to the eyes of majesty and grandeur, and then to the eyes of the prophets and messengers. Blessed is this dawn, which arose in truth from the horizon of luminous might. Say, in it, demons were prevented from ascending to the dominion of majesty and power.

The hearts of those who opposed God, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Chosen One, were hardened. The faces of the wicked were darkened, while…

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…radiance shone forth on the countenances of the righteous from this beauty, whose appearance was awaited by the kingdom of the seen and unseen, as well as the dwellers of the Concourse on high.

O my spirit, for this Spirit, through which the contents of graves were scattered and every decayed bone trembled. Say, “O source of wickedness, strike your head, and O mine of tyranny, return to your abode in reckoning,” for the Beauty of the Merciful has risen from the horizon of existence with a radiance that encompassed all in the realms of divinity.

From it, the Spirit of God, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Generous, was created. Through it, the fingers of will emerged from the robe of majesty, and the veils of creation were rent by His dominion, the All-Powerful, the Inaccessible, the Mighty.

Blessed is this dawn, in which the Beauty of Eternity was established upon the throne of His Most Great Name, the Almighty. In it was born the One who neither begets nor is begotten. Blessed is the one who immerses in the ocean of meanings from this Revelation.

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…and reaches the pearls of knowledge and wisdom that were treasured within the words of God, the Sovereign, the Exalted, the Omnipotent, the Mighty.

Blessed is the one who recognizes and becomes one of the knowing. Say, this is the dawn in which the tribes of the Concourse of Paradise descended, followed by the angels of sanctity. Among them were those who ascended through the breezes of the Most Glorious Beauty of God to the dwellers of the Supreme Concourse.

From these breezes, other angels descended with cups of the Kawthar of permanence, offering drink to those who circled the seat where the Eternal Temple was established upon the throne of His Most Generous, Most Noble Name.

Glad tidings to those who stood in His presence, beheld His Beauty, heard His melody, and whose hearts were revived by the Word emanating from His sacred, exalted, luminous lips.

Say, this is the dawn in which the Greatest Tree was planted, bearing fruits of wondrous majesty. By God, every fruit bears melodies upon melodies.

Thus, we recount to you, O assembly of spirits, portions of…

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…its melodies according to your capacity, to attract and draw you nearer to God, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Powerful. Blessed is this dawn, from which suns arose from the horizon of sanctity by the permission of God, the Inaccessible, the Mighty, the Incomparable.

Say, this is the dawn in which the essence of the concealed and the hidden unseen were revealed. In it, the Beauty of Eternity took the cup of permanence with the fingers of splendor and first drank from it Himself, then offered it to the dwellers of the realm of creation, whether lowly or noble.

Blessed is the one who turned to it, took from it, and was quenched with His love, the Mighty, the Incomparable. The fruits thereof proclaimed what the Burning Bush in the white, blessed spot on Sinai declared, heard by the ear of Moses, cutting him off from all possibilities and drawing him to the sacred, exalted abode.

Blessed is the one drawn by God, the Omnipotent, the Most High, the Most Great. Another fruit proclaimed what captivated the Spirit, raising it to the heaven of manifest majesty. Blessed is this Spirit…

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…which caused the Spirit of Faithfulness to rise before it, accompanied by a host of near angels.

Another fruit proclaimed what captivated the heart of Muhammad, the Messenger of God, who ascended from this most sweet voice to the Lote Tree of the Extremity. There, he heard the call of God from behind the pavilion of grandeur, uttering the secret of His holy, most high, most great Name.

Blessed is this Lote Tree, exalted in truth, under whose shade all the worlds seek refuge.

O Supreme Pen, restrain your words. By the truth of God, if you speak and recount the melodies of the fruits of the Tree of God, you would remain alone on the earth, for all people would flee from your presence and abandon the court of your sanctity. This is the certainty of truth.

Blessed are the mysteries that none can bear except God, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the Beautiful.

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Have you not observed, O Pen, that you have revealed only a fraction of the mysteries of your Lord, the Most High, the Most Glorious? Yet, how the clamor of the hypocrites has risen in the lands, and the noise of the idolaters among the wicked has been raised.

Therefore, take hold of your reins, restrain yourself, and remain content with what God has granted you through His bounty. If you wish to provide the contingent beings with the sweet, living water that God has made you its source, then let it flow in measure according to their capacity.

Thus commands the One who created you by His command. Act, then, as you have been commanded, and do not be among the heedless.

Blessed is this wisdom, through which the reins of existence are held and the Supreme Pen is restrained from revealing what is hidden from the realm of creation. Indeed, He is powerful over all things.