INBA 07 Collection


Understood. Here is the revised translation:

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In the Name of Our Most Holy, Most Great, Most Ancient, Most Exalted, Most Glorious Lord.
Blessed is the Lord who speaks upon the Throne, who raised the banner of “He is indeed no God but He” upon the Mount of the hearts of the near ones, and the standard of “He is the Single, the All-Knowing” upon the lofty station of the hearts of the devoted.
Blessed is He through whom the Pen of the Most High was raised in the kingdom of creation, through whom the ocean of knowledge surged, the sun of manifestation shone forth, the birds warbled, the Concourse on High called out, and all things were made to speak.
By God, the world has been adorned by the appearance of the hidden mystery, the concealed secret, the preserved symbol, who appeared with the Most Great Name among the nations.
Rejoice, O people of the city of names and O dwellers beneath the canopy of grandeur, at what the Speaker of the Mount proclaims in the Most Great Scene, the station honored by the advent of the Sovereign of Destiny, through whom the eyes of the near ones were gladdened.

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The near ones were gladdened, while the hearts of the disbelievers quaked. Through Him, the faces of the monotheists turned radiant, and all faces that turned away from the dawn of revelation on this manifest Day darkened.
Exalted is the One who uttered the supreme Word and through it made all things to speak, declaring that there is no God but He. Through it, the Hour was revealed, the knowledge of which was withheld from every sage and every monotheist.
To those who sought to understand it, the tongue of greatness warned, “What have you to do with its mention?”
Blessings, peace, glorification, and splendor be upon those whom the mockery of adversaries did not deter from God, the Lord of names, and whom the hosts of creation did not frighten in this Cause, through which the hearts of the learned, the mystics, the poets, and the rulers were agitated.
These are honored servants, their worth attested by the tongue of God, the Omnipotent, in all that was and is to be.
Glorified art Thou, O God of the world and Desire of the nations.
Thou seest and knowest that when this servant wishes to mention Thy chosen ones and loved ones, he is overtaken by trembling such that his very frame is shaken and every vein in his being stirs. How can one who has no station or mention even begin to describe those who sacrificed their souls in Thy path?

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They hastened to the abode of sacrifice in Thy name. I testify that they are servants sanctified above all descriptions other than Thine and all mentions besides Thee. Thy Most High Pen, which by a single motion brought all things into being, has raced in their praise in the arena of glorification.
I beseech Thee, O Thou whose separation rends hearts and causes Thy servants to cry out, to ordain for this servant what Thou hast decreed for them through Thy grace, without any merit on my part.
O my Lord, Thou art the Generous One, and I am the supplicant at Thy door. Do not disappoint me through Thy favor and bounties. Verily, Thou art the All-Powerful, the Most Exalted, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

The servant has rejoiced in Thy Book, and upon unsealing it and hearing Thy cries and laments in Thy love—our Beloved and Thine, our Desire and Thine, and the Desire of those in the heavens and the earth—by the life of the Beloved, I have read what Thou hast supplicated to the Lord of Eternity and Sovereign of the nations, and I have wept at Thy separation and burning in Thy exile from God, the Mighty, the Praised.
It is as though the fire of Thy love has consumed me and set me ablaze. And when it burned fiercely, I turned toward the kingdom of reunion until I reached the presence of our Lord, the Self-Sufficient, the Most Exalted. When He directed His face toward me and inquired…

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…and inquired about what was in my hand, I opened it and presented what it held of the mention and praise of God. When it concluded, the kingdom of exposition stirred, and the tongue of the All-Merciful spoke:
O ’Alí, the Greatest! Hear the call of the Wronged One and stand firm in service to the Cause. Stand in a manner sanctified above worldly matters. Ever remain under the shadow of divine favor and be mentioned in the heavenly Book. You must arise to matters that will cause the exaltation of the Cause of God and the unification of hearts. Whoever humbles themselves before God, God will surely exalt them.
By the Sun of divine love, which rises from the horizons of the hearts of the pure ones, if any soul manifests an act for the sake of God, that act will shine like a morning star in the heavens of divine knowledge. Listen with the ear of the soul to the sound of the Most High Pen and arise for what will elevate the Cause of God, then behold its fruits. Thus does the All-Knowing inform you, and the All-Wise teaches you.
Be ever under the gaze of divine favor, and, God willing, you will remain so. Strive that adversaries have no opportunity to reject or object, and may the lamp of love and salvation be kindled with the oil of wisdom among the righteous.

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Act according to what We have enjoined upon you before and in this Tablet, so that you may witness the favor of your Lord, the Forgiving, the Generous, your Lord who is the Reckoner, the All-Knowing.
Be ever watchful of the Cause of God. Some souls, following selfish desires, have caused and will cause discord. They have taken the Cause of God as a pretext and do as their passions dictate, attributing it to God, the All-Knowing, the Wise.
How much blood has been spilled in this path, and how many heads have been raised upon spears in this wondrous Cause. Say: O people, be just before God and do not commit what would mar the Cause of your Lord, the Mighty, the Great. Stand with utmost steadfastness and mention with full spirit and joy, perhaps some may take heed, abandon their desires, and turn to the Lord of the Throne and the dust. Verily, He knows and conceals; He is the All-Encompassing, the All-Wise.

O ’Alí! Many are heedless and intoxicated by selfish cravings, which prevent them from turning toward the oneness of God. Beseech thy Lord to guide them to the straight path.

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The straight path, and may He assist them in that which is befitting for the Days of God, the Lord of the worlds. Know that the servant present before the Throne has submitted what was spoken by the tongue of Thy love, the praise of God, and His remembrance. We have heard it as a bounty from Us and have responded to you with a Tablet that proclaims with the highest call and guides people to the path of God, the Mighty, the Praised.
Say, O people, respond to the Caller of God among you and do not follow those who acknowledge with words what God has acknowledged but deny it through their actions. Verily, your Lord is the Witness, the Hearer.
May you be guided, God willing, to that which inspires remembrance in the people, guidance for the people, turning of hearts toward God, and sanctity and purification of souls. Rejoice in this remembrance and say: All praise belongs to Thee, O Beloved of the world, and all glorification to Thee, O Desire of the nations.
I beseech Thee to assist me in remembering Thee and serving Thy Cause in such a manner that nothing seen or unseen in Thy dominion may hinder me. O my Lord, assure me with what makes me pure in Thy love, steadfast in Thy Cause, and detached from all else besides Thee. Verily, Thou art the Omnipotent, the Most Exalted, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware.

O ’Alí, the Greatest, the Sovereign of Destiny has desired to mention the land of Ṣād, where the banner of the love of God was raised.

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Blessed is it, and blessed are those who turn toward it purely for My sake and visit there My trust and My covenant. Thus has the tongue of My favor spoken upon the Lote Tree of My grace, for I am the Bountiful.
O land of Ṣād, be thankful and rejoice in having been exalted by God to a station that will be celebrated from all directions. The bounty is in His hand; He gives to whomsoever He wills among His creation. Verily, He is the Omnipotent over what He wills. There is no God but He, the Self-Sufficient, the Most Exalted.
Blessed are you and your people, those who inhaled the fragrance of the garment of God and tasted the trials and hardships in His path. By My life, they are among those who are remembered by the inhabitants of the highest Paradise and praised by every tongue that speaks the truth concerning God, the Sovereign of the final abode.
O people of Ṣād, you are those who forsook your homelands for the love of the All-Merciful when the wolf cried out among you and the venomous serpent stirred with hypocrisy and error.

O Ḥaydar, We have made you manifest, introduced you, taught you, and given you to drink from the wine that the All-Merciful revealed in the Qur’án. God described it in the scriptures, books, and tablets through the tongues of His chosen ones in former times. When its seal was broken by the finger of the Almighty, all heedless ones turned away from it while the sincere ones turned toward it with radiant faces.

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Blessed is the Lord of names who revealed it and reserved it for those who answered the call of their Lord with humility and submission.
You have heard from the enemies what caused the Concourse on High to lament. Listen now to what the Lord of names recounts to you in this station that the sincere ones circumambulate at all times. Thus has He cast pearls of My mercy from the ocean of My favor for you to gather in My name. Then thank your Lord in the evenings and mornings.

O Ḥasan, before ’Alí, the inhabitants of Paradise and the sanctuaries of holiness have testified to your oppression, those whose faces God honored above turning toward anything besides Him. They are the ones whose humility, reverence, and mention of Him are entirely for God, the Lord of lords. The people of the cities of names have lamented for your afflictions. This is attested by the Creator of the heavens who manifested Himself to the world with the Most Great Name and spoke that which caused the mountains to crumble. Reflect on the grace of your Lord, then thank Him with a gratitude that attracts hearts and elevates souls.

The names of the souls mentioned in your letter were presented by the servant before the Throne. To each was revealed a unique and sublime verse from the heaven of the will of the Lord of oneness.

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O ’Alí, the Greatest, all those souls are mentioned before the Throne and inscribed in the heavenly Book by the Exalted Pen. Some of these souls received multiple Tablets revealed and sent in their names. The dawning-place of revelation and the source of books has testified to their tribulations in the path of God. The divine Word and the letters of the concealed scroll have borne witness to what befell them for the love of God. By the life of the Beloved, on this second night of the blessed month of Ramaḍán, He has mentioned the friends with the most wondrous exposition. Were one to consider even a drop from the ocean of grace shown to them, it is feared they might perish from joy.

Now, all efforts must be directed to ensuring that this most exalted station is not lost but preserved. The fire of heedlessness and rebellion inevitably burns the seedlings of action. After the events in the land of Ṣād, all have been adorned with the mantle of forgiveness and the special favor of the Almighty. Exalted is His grace, exalted is His bounty, and exalted is His majesty.

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Exalted is His majesty. The Supreme Truth is evident and a witness. If one reflects even briefly upon the divine favors, they will never be sorrowful nor find themselves in despair. The varied objects and vanities of this transient world have become a veil, preventing people from beholding. Otherwise, all would turn with perfect joy and detachment to the horizon of the Creator of all things.

The gaze of the Creator has been turned toward the people of Ṣād, who have cast aside books of doubt and delusion and embraced what was revealed from God, the Sovereign of all. He glorifies them and mentions them with a mention such that when it appears from the heaven of His will, all remembrance prostrates before it. Give them glad tidings of My mention, My mercy, and My favor, and then remember them on My behalf. Verily, your Lord is the Almighty, the Forgiving.

God willing, all the chosen ones must arise and act according to what will exalt the Cause of God. Reflect on what actions today contribute to the elevation of His servants and the exaltation of His Cause. Disputes, conflicts, and corruption have been prohibited in most Tablets, and this blessed word has descended from the heaven of divine will previously: The victory of the Cause of God is through the sword of wisdom and explanation, not through the sword of iron. Many such statements abound in the divine verses.

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God willing, those with vision have observed and understood. Thus, the people of truth must reflect on what can unveil the veils of creation today and elevate and glorify the Cause of God. O ’Alí, reflect on what has flowed from the Pen, and devote your life to the path of truth. This is a testimony that neither the Pen, nor the tongue, nor any exposition or Tablets can fully capture. The Name exalted above all glory attained this supreme testimony even before his outward martyrdom, as he harbored no will, intention, or thought of his own and sacrificed all these for the Beloved. Later, he attained outward martyrdom and offered his life for the True Beloved, casting away the crown of life and laying it at the feet of the Friend.
Blessed is the one who recognizes this station, and blessed is the one who perceives the fragrance of the utterance of the All-Merciful.
Any soul who truly submits themselves to God and is annihilated in His path will not consider their own status, rank, or reputation but will focus solely on the Cause of God and what establishes its wisdom.
By the Sun of My utterance, whoever attains what My Pen has declared has indeed gained a profit in a realm among My realms. Let nothing hinder you from My straight path.

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Let no obstacle divert you from My straight path. Everyone must strive with utmost effort to attain the word of divine approval. People are ignorant and heedless. A clarifier is necessary, and if that clarifier acts according to the command of God, their illumination will undoubtedly enlighten the world and draw nations toward the sacred steps.

O ’Alí, since the triumph of the Cause has been sanctified by God—exalted is His majesty—from conflict, argument, or the drawing of the sword and similar actions, you must cling to acts of virtue and spiritual qualities. If a soul acts according to these precepts for God’s sake, their actions will certainly influence the world and tear apart great veils, for whatever God has decreed as the means and cause for the victory and exaltation of His Cause is effective and confirmed. This is testified by every discerning soul. You must act with perfect wisdom and never relinquish it.
Do not trust every claimant nor believe every speaker. Do not disclose what is hidden to every supplicant. Some souls may approach with a word of welcome but turn away with a word of rejection. When teaching, speak with words that exude the warmth of divine love so that if the listener is enkindled, they may attain the wine of steadfastness.

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Gradually, they will understand what is concealed from them. The Most High Pen has mentioned wisdom and its levels in diverse expressions so that all may partake of its share and receive their portion.

As for what you wrote concerning Jináb-i-Mírzá Muḥammad-Ḥusayn, it was presented in His presence. This is what was revealed from the kingdom of the utterance of Our Lord, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate. He is the one who has appeared on the horizon of manifestation. A Book was revealed by the Wronged One for those who seek closeness to the ocean of utterance during the days when the All-Merciful mentioned it in the Qur’án and in the prior scriptures sent to the Prophets and Messengers, that they might take up the Book by the permission of their Lord and drink from it the water of life that flows from the finger of the will of God, the Lord of the worlds.
Listen to My call, and rise to the station where you are attracted by the fragrances of the verses of your Lord, the Omnipotent, the Mighty. Blessed is the father from whom one appeared who acknowledged God and His verses, and blessed is the mother who bore one who turned to the highest horizon and believed in the All-Knowing, the Discerning. Listen to what the Hearer declares, so that the Seer may show you what delighted the eyes of the Messengers. Waves have arisen from the ocean of the utterance of your Lord due to the breezes of revelation passing over it.

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In this noble station, testify to what God testified before the creation of the heavens and the earth: that there is no God but He, the one who speaks, for He is the one promised in the scriptures of God and mentioned by the tongues of the near ones. Whoever attains this testimony has indeed attained the grace of God, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

As for what you wrote regarding Jináb-i-Ḥájí Ghulám Riḍá, these exalted words arose from the horizon of the divine will. He is the one who calls from the highest horizon. Glory be to the one who has appeared and manifested the Cause as He wills. Verily, He is the Omnipotent over what He wills; there is no God but He, the Self-Subsisting, the Eternal. Rejoice in what the Most High Pen mentions of you as the dawning-place of names in the prison of ’Akká due to the deeds of those who disbelieved in the hidden mystery. Reflect on the world and its inhabitants. By God, it proclaims its own transience at all times and calls people with the highest call to the loftiest station, yet most people remain unaware.
Do not let the affairs of creation veil you from the Truth, who proclaims in the world with the Most Great Name and summons all to the praiseworthy station.

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We remember those who turned to the horizon of utterance in this station, which has been named with the most excellent names in the Book of God, the Lord of what was and is to come. If you have attained My Book and drunk from its sealed wine, give thanks and say: All praise is due to Thee, O Thou who hast enabled me to recognize the treasury of Thy mysteries and the source of Thy verses. I testify that Thou art the Omnipotent over what Thou willest, and in Thy grasp lies the reins of existence.

As for what you wrote concerning a foreigner from among the people of Europe, it was presented. It was said that if such souls receive and convey to their own lands, it is permissible. However, if they disclose it in that land, it may cause discord, and whatever is given must be authentic. Some copies of the Kitáb-i-Íqán present in that land are not entirely accurate. If the Book recently sent by the Most Great Branch to Zayn al-Muqarrabín, which contains the Tablets of the Kings, is provided, it would be best. However, this should be done with assurance. God speaks the truth and provides guidance to the path.

As for what you wrote regarding Jináb-i-Ḥájí Mírzá Ḥasan…

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As for what you wrote regarding Jináb-i-Ḥájí Mírzá Ḥasan, it was presented, and this is what God has revealed in response:

He is the Speaker on the Mount.
Be thankful, O Ḥasan, for having attained My days, inhaled the fragrance of My favor, turned toward My horizon, heard My call, and drunk the wine of utterance from the hands of My bounty. By My life, the bounty belongs to the one who has found, heard, recognized, and responded to his Lord, through whose appearance the concealed secret and the hidden mystery were revealed. The cry was raised between earth and heaven, and the nightingale warbled upon the branches of the Tree of Names: “There is no God but Me, the Single, the All-Knowing.”

The one who hears is the one who has attained the verses of God, and the one who sees is the one who has beheld the Most Exalted Horizon when the Lord of Names and Creator of heaven appeared with a mighty sovereignty.
Say: All greatness proclaims His oneness, all loftiness submits to His dominion, and every learned one fled from the arena of recognition when the Pen of the All-Merciful traversed it.

By My life, if you experience the sweetness of the utterance, you will soar in the air of the All-Merciful and find yourself enraptured with a joy that encompasses the joy of the world. Thus does the Lord of Eternity remind you with a proclamation that God has sanctified beyond mentions and words after its appearance clothed in their garment.

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Your Lord speaks as He wills and decrees as He desires. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty. Those who remain heedless today of what has appeared in the realm of creation are among the most heedless servants in the Book of God, the Lord of the worlds. You have attained previously the verses and mercy of God. Give thanks for this bounty, for by My life, nothing on earth compares to it. Your Lord is the Most Bountiful, the Most Generous.

Prefer what We have willed for you over what you will for yourself. Verily, your Lord knows you better than you know yourself. He is the Hearer, the Seer. We have willed that you mention your Lord with spirit and gladness to the people of the earth, those upon whose faces you see the radiance of humility before God, the Sovereign, the Almighty, the Praised. He ordains the reward for those who seek His presence and wish to enter the sanctuary of reunion with Him. Nothing prevents Him from fulfilling His will. He does as He pleases and decrees as He desires. He is the All-Knowing, the Singular.

Thus has Our Lord, the ocean of meanings, sailed upon the ark of the wisdom of your Lord, the Forgiving, the Merciful. Blessings be upon you and your family, whose heart was illumined by the light of God’s love and who turned toward Him when the Desired One came with a clear proof. He is God. Praise be to Him, the One, the Eternal, who…

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…who created humanity and inspired in them that by which the attributes of the All-Merciful are made manifest. He also created Satan, by whom the distinction is made between those who turn toward the Most Exalted Horizon and those who follow their desires. Glorified is He, beyond what is mentioned of Him or what is mentioned by those in the heavens and the earth. His is the creation and the command; He gives life and causes death. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty.

It is submitted that some time ago, this servant wrote a detailed response to your noble letter, adorned with the words and verses of God. However, its dispatch was delayed due to other matters until two additional letters arrived. Praise be to God, all of them express submission, humility, and your steadfastness in the Cause of God. Likewise, the letter sent to Jináb-i-Ism-i-Júd, upon him be the most glorious blessings, also reached him, and all were presented in the divine presence.

This is what has dawned from the horizon of utterance. O ’Alí, We have heard your call, your mention, and your supplications, spoken by the tongue of your heart repeatedly. You are permitted to hear what God calls you to again and again. We have remembered you and will continue to do so, that you may arise in the Cause of your Lord to such a degree…

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…that you raise the banner of unity upon the highest heights.

What you sent was presented by this servant in His presence, and the response was revealed from the kingdom of utterance. God willing, you will arise with utmost effort in that which is befitting for the Days of your Lord. Whatever has been manifested by you in the path of God and whatever burdens you have borne in His love are all remembered and observed. God willing, you will always remain focused on what the Most High Pen revealed in the first letter and cling to it in all circumstances.

O you who gaze upon the face, observe the creeping creatures of the earth, what they say and do. By the life of the Beloved, they have not heard the fragrance of the blessed word “There is no God but He” in the Days of God, nor have they comprehended this station. They wander in the wilderness of delusions and are perplexed in the valley of conjectures.

The people of utterance are seen to be exactly like the people of the Qur’án—nay, even more veiled. To the discerning, such souls appear lower than animals. It is necessary at all times to strive sincerely for the education of humanity so that they may be entirely freed from doubts and delusions.

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It is reported that your numerous supplications were presented before Him, and He showed great favor, especially in these days when the fragrance of discord has been dispelled and the lights of the sun of unity shine from the horizons of hearts.

Regarding what you wrote about Satan and his manifestations, it is evident and clear that at all times, they cling to the cord of falsehood and speak according to their desires. Praise be to God, all matters are clear, and nothing is hidden.

The Ancient Beauty outwardly turned toward Iraq by the decree of the government. Afterward, that deluded figure, who had for some time been in hiding in Kirmanshah and its surroundings, reappeared. Upon departing from Iraq, he joined forces with another mischief-maker in Hadba. All the companions present bore witness to these events and observed that the deluded one, in His presence, was unable to speak.

Consider, if the hand of grace had not exposed this matter, how many souls would have drowned in the seas of their own delusions.

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Afterward, in the land of Sirr (Mystery), the Ancient Beauty withdrew from all and resided in a house. For some time, day and night, the gate was closed. These events were witnessed by seventy individuals. Despite this, the claim was written that certain matters had been observed, which the claimant could not endure. “May the curse of God be upon the lying people.”

Through this statement, the claimant sought to imply that the Ancient Beauty had left His station, despite everyone knowing that the Ancient Beauty had declared His detachment from him and his likes. For a time, He resided in Adrianople at the house of Riḍá Bey, without interacting with anyone. After the matter was clarified and the polytheist was distinguished from the monotheist, the affair returned to its original state.

By God, who is none other than He, the hearts of the chosen ones are ablaze. This servant has stated that the first disgrace occurred during the absence of the Ancient Beauty when that faithless oppressor seized the sanctuary of the Primal Point. Later, when his vile nature was not satisfied, he handed it over to another vile individual. We seek refuge in God from such vile deeds.

After the Ancient Beauty…

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When the Ancient Beauty arrived, He remarked that no heedless one had ever committed such an act. In this case, what could one possibly say to the people? For example, the mother of the Exalted One—may the spirit of all else be a sacrifice to Him—mentioned to one of the believing women: “If these people considered Him their proof, why then did they violate His sanctity?” This matter, along with other vile acts by that individual, has been detailed by this servant on certain occasions. It must all remain in your sight so that you may convey it to the heedless, enabling them to be informed.

Today, the Tablets that were revealed either explicitly or implicitly concerning the breaking of the idols of conjectures and illusions must be gathered. When people observe these, they will be made aware of the wicked deeds of that lying infidel. A few individuals emerged, among them Sayyid Muḥammad Iṣfahání and Mírzá Ḥusayn Qummí, who busied themselves with promoting falsehoods. You know that these individuals were never informed about the essence of the Cause, yet they falsely proclaimed before everyone that they were aware of it from the very beginning.

Indeed, those who denied and disbelieved in the verses of God have suffered loss. For twelve years, this servant was with that individual by the command of the Ancient Beauty, who had issued a judgment to execute a third believer in Him Whom God shall make manifest. Despite this, he says what he says. May the curse of God be upon the wrongdoers. If only someone could observe the new deeds that he has committed in Cyprus.

This servant feels ashamed to mention them. Reflect upon the deluded souls present in those lands, who, despite having no knowledge of this Cause, act and speak as they do. God willing, through the strength and power of the assured souls, the fortress of the Cause will remain protected from the wickedness of such deluded and vile souls. Verily, He guides whomsoever He wills to His straight path.

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If only the discerning people would examine his writings and become informed of his reality. Verily, he is in manifest error.

This day surpasses the mention of names and what has been said or is being said. This is the Day of God, and in it the Lote Tree proclaims: “There is no God but He, the Truth itself.” His traces resemble dust, suitable for bat-like temperaments, as they bring darkness and gloom. God willing, in all circumstances, with the aid of the Most Exalted Beloved, the friends may become proclaimers, promoters, and clarifiers of the Cause of God. Convey greetings on behalf of this servant to all the friends in that land and remind them that today is a new and wondrous day.

God willing, the sanctified and pure souls will be adorned and embellished with the mantle of supreme steadfastness. Say: O gentlemen, what is being conveyed is for the sake of God. Cling to the cord of unity in such a manner that the swords of the world are powerless to sever it. In the name of Truth, take one step higher, so that you may view all the people of the world as mere children engrossed in playing with clay, and the rejecters of the utterance as mere worms.

God willing, at all times, they will remain free and detached from all else besides God and focused on the horizon of the Most Beloved’s favor. Verily, He speaks the truth and guides to the path. The kingdom belongs to God, the One, the Almighty, the Beautiful.

As for what you wrote regarding Jináb-i-Ṭahmásqulí Khán, it was presented in the Sacred Court, and this is what the tongue of grandeur proclaimed: “He is the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most High.”

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This is the mention from the Wronged One to the one who heard the call and turned toward the Most Exalted Horizon, that he may rejoice and be among those firmly established in this Cause, which has caused every foundation to tremble, every mountain to be leveled, and every step to falter, except those whom God, the Lord of the worlds, wills.

All things have been stirred by the movement of My Most High Pen. Yet the polytheists remain in a great veil. They see the sun but deny its radiance; they witness the light but question its source. Thus, their own selves have deceived them. By My life, they are among the losers.

Blessed are you for having attained My mention before and in this moment, when the tongue of the imprisoned one proclaims: “There is no God but Me, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.” Take the Book of God with the power bestowed by Him, then recite it with spirit and gladness. You will then find yourself in manifest joy.

We have observed your turning toward Us; thus, We have turned toward you. We have heard your call and responded to you with this mighty Tablet. Blessed are the fingers that have engaged in writing My verses, the tongue that has spoken My praise, the eyes that have turned toward My horizon, the heart that has attained My love, and the breast that has been illumined with My Most Exalted and Wondrous Name. Blessings be upon you and upon those who attain this Cause.

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This is the Cause which, when it appears, breaks the backs of all distant evildoers.

As for what you wrote regarding the friends in the lands of Ṣ, Sh, and M, it was presented before the Throne. It was said that the gaze of favor has been and will always be upon all. God willing, they will attain such a station from the ocean of the All-Merciful’s utterance that the hands of discord will be unable to seize it. Remind the friends of the All-Merciful at all times not to be swayed by the autumn winds. They have been and will always remain remembered by God, and God willing, they will continue to be so.

From this station, convey blessings upon their faces and upon all who stand firm and steadfast. Bring joy to all with the bounties of God. Verily, He is the best of rememberers and the best of helpers. Blessings be upon you, upon them, and upon those who attain this lofty station.

It is also reported that all of your letters that have been received by this lowly servant have been responded to. Additionally, two petitions submitted by the maidservants of God in that land to the Holy Household have also been presented. The utmost favor was shown. God willing, a response will also be provided.

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As for what you wrote concerning the beloved Jináb-i-Mírzá Ḥaydar-’Alí, upon him be the most glorious blessings, it is evident that you have fulfilled your covenant and pledge. Recently, a letter from him was received by this servant, in which he requested Tablets for certain individuals. All have been revealed, and God willing, they will be sent in this instance or the next. However, the context must be observed, and a Tablet granted accordingly.

In truth, steadfast and detached individuals with eloquence must be found, who can then, with writings suitable to the condition of the people, turn to various regions and engage in teaching. The Tablet has encompassed the world and surrounded it. This servant has repeatedly heard these statements from the blessed tongue of my Lord, the Hearer, the Seer.

As for Jináb-i-Javád, who has ascended to God, God willing, what is befitting will be revealed for him. Blessed is he in his life, and blessed is he after his death.

In the Name of Our Lord…

Possible Beginning of New Tablet

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In the Name of Our Most Great, Most Holy, Most Exalted, Most Glorious Lord.

The oceans of praise and glorification are worthy of and befitting to the Beloved, who, through His wondrous grace, abolished the decree of the sword and raised the station of that standard of utterance. He invited all who dwell on earth to the Most Exalted Horizon and commanded the promotion of the Cause. He designated victory through utterance to enlighten the heedless, draw them toward the hidden glory of God, and make them aware of the divine grandeur.

Blessed are the souls who have experienced the sweetness of the utterance of the All-Merciful and acted according to His will. My spirit and the spirits of all who dwell in the world are a sacrifice for His compassion, for He has abolished the decree of the sword and forbidden all that brings sorrow, let alone anything greater. Exalted is His grace; exalted is His mercy.

I beseech Him, exalted be He, to enable all to act according to what He has commanded in His Book and to guide them to the stations of goodly virtues and pure, sincere deeds. If all who dwell on earth were to experience the sweetness of the utterance of the All-Merciful, they would turn to nothing else and would forever revolve around His will.

I implore and hope from God, exalted be His glory, that through His chosen ones, all may understand the purpose of victory as expressed in His Book, so that all may come to recognize deeds performed for the sake of God and arise for that which is beloved in this day.

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O my God, my Lord of all things, my Beloved, and the Beloved of all who dwell on earth and in heaven, I ask of Thee to rain down from the cloud of Thy grace the showers of knowledge and understanding upon the pure souls of those who are assured and steadfast, so that all may bear steadfast witness to Thy power and consign the recompense of the transgressors and oppressors to Thee, while themselves living with utmost compassion and mercy toward the people of the world. Verily, He is the Overcomer, the Omnipotent, the Subduer, the Almighty.

O Beloved of my heart, your letter, which was revealed on the first day of Ṣafar from the dawning-place of love and affection, taught the bird of my heart its song and guided the nightingale of my soul to the meadow of understanding. God willing, you will remain ever assisted and confirmed in this praiseworthy deed. After learning of the Point clothed in Its Name, it turned to the Mother of the Book, and the vanishing drop directed its gaze to the eternal ocean. After entering the sanctified, most holy, most exalted, most glorious Court, your supplication was presented in full. This is…

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…what has been revealed from the kingdom of utterance by Our Lord, the Most Merciful:

Exalted be His glory. O ’Alí, We have heard the praise you have offered to God. Listen at this moment to what emerges from the kingdom of praise. We have found in your words the fragrance of humility, submission, and steadfastness in the Cause of God, the Lord of Names. We desire to draw you to a station where you may sense the fragrance of power, might, and grandeur.

O ’Alí, My ears have heard what you have supplicated to God while My tongue declared that the mention, utterance, and praise emanating from the mines of the knowledge of God, the dawning-places of His revelation, and the treasures of His mercy are for My own self. I am the Hearer, the Seer, the Responder, the Almighty, the Wise.

The servant presented your Book and read what it contained before the Wronged One, who has confined His affairs and mention to God, the Lord of the worlds. Convey blessings on My behalf to My loved ones and announce to them My favor, mercy, grace, and gifts. Verily, your Lord is the Forgiving, the Generous.

Bring glad tidings to all with the bounties of God and gladden them with His grace. Say to them all to focus on this blessed word, which has appeared from the horizon of the heaven of the Preserved Tablet: “The victory of My Cause is through Myself, and it rests within the grasp of My power and the right hand of My might.”

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Blessed is the soul that senses the fragrance of what We have mentioned in this lofty station. We reward with justice and judge with truth, for We are the Almighty, the Omnipotent.

All must place their trust in God and look to His will in all matters. For every matter in the Book of God, a specific time has been decreed. When it comes, He manifests what He wills. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Wise.

In this Most Great Manifestation, the victory is and will continue to be through the word of Truth. Reflect on the Súratu’r-Ra’ís and similar passages so that you may comprehend the power of the divine word. Everything foretold by the Pen of the All-Merciful regarding the events of this age has been expressed with absolute clarity. No one has ever had or will ever have the means to flee or delay.

All the friends must now appear with utmost unity and harmony, and with goodly deeds and noble conduct. These qualities are the armies of victory in this dispensation and are reckoned as the helpers of the Cause before the Throne. If from the beginning the friends had listened to the counsels of the Beloved with ears of submission and acceptance, the word of God would now be manifest and evident in the world. Conflict, strife, and unseemly deeds and actions caused delay and led to postponement. This is testified by My Book.

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From My clear Book:

O ’Alí, inform everyone with the will of God so that all may comprehend the meaning of victory and attain the blessings of His will. In some Tablets where mention is made of rising, calling, and the cry, the intent is to rise for the teaching of the Cause of God, and this must be done with complete wisdom. Today, wisdom takes precedence over most actions.

In one instance, this blessed verse was revealed: “This is the Day of Awakening, yet you remain asleep.” And in another instance: “This is the Day of Calling, yet you remain silent,” and so on. Similarly, the sacred word mentioned earlier by you, “Our word from before: the necks are extended with hypocrisy while My true Self remains,” does not refer to physical swords or instruments of war. God is truthful; what descends from the Most High Pen is the cause and means of the world’s peace and security.

Say: No one has the right to interpret My words according to their desires or explain them as they wish. The station of humanity is far loftier than being concerned with such unworthy matters. Today, the love of the Beloved and compassion are desired. Unity and agreement among souls are the means and cause of the appearance of grace and blessings from God, the Forgiving, the Generous.

Inform everyone so that all may free themselves from their own imaginings and cling to what God has willed.

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Blessed are those who act accordingly.

The people of Ṣād, who have drunk from the pure wine of Ṣafá and have become wanderers in the path of God, are always under His gaze. By My life, they remain under the shadow of His favor. Say: Do not grieve over what has befallen you; God has made it a treasure for you. Verily, He is the faithful repository.

Your tribulations and afflictions are like treasures, preserved and secured in the divine vaults of trust. With utmost joy and delight, proclaim the mention of the Revealer of verses. At all times, drink from the clear goblet the sealed wine in His blessed name. You drink, and He proclaims, “Well done!” You drink, and He declares, “Drink with gladness!”

Every act in this world leaves an impression and will continue to do so. Be assured of the grace and mercy of God, and take hold of what you have been commanded with spirit and gladness. Verily, He is the Witness, the Seer, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

As for what you mentioned concerning Jináb-i-Muḥammad, prior to Javád and his lineage, this is what has been revealed from God, the Lord of Creation, in My name, the All-Knowing: Knowledge cries out and declares:

“O assembly of the learned, God has revealed Me to guide you to the path and bring you closer to the kingdom of understanding. Yet you have clung to Me and turned away from God, the Lord of the worlds, and through Me, you have grown arrogant toward Him who created you. You are among the wrongdoers. By the Truth, I am free from you.”

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This is testified by the one who has brought a mighty Cause. Even the particles of existence testify to your ignorance, your turning away, and your objections to the All-Knowing One.

O you who turn toward the Countenance, thank God for preserving you from them and for revealing to you the one adorned with His mention. This has been decreed by God, the Almighty, the Wise.

Blessings be upon you, upon your kin, upon My maidservants, and upon My servants who have abandoned the world and acted according to what they were commanded in a noble Tablet. He is the Guardian over the names.

O you who have been named after Me, listen to My call and then act in accordance with what is befitting for this name. When it appears, the pillars of idolatry tremble, and every firm and solid foundation is shaken. Cling to the cord of truth and trustworthiness, and adhere to what exalts the Cause of God, the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

Blessed is your father, who took the cup of reunion from the hand of My grace and drank in My noble name. Were you to hear My call, it would attract you to a station where you would see nothing in the dominion but the manifestations of My grace and the appearances of My power, and you would find nothing but the fragrances of My radiant garment.

We counsel you and…

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…your mother with what is befitting for these days. Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. From this station, proclaim blessings upon your brother’s face, that he may thank his merciful Lord.

As for what you mentioned regarding a letter received from the people of N and W, expressing sorrow over the events in the land of Ṣād, it was presented in the sanctified, most exalted, most glorious, and most lofty Court. This is what the tongue of grandeur declared in response:

“O ’Alí, O you who gaze upon My horizon, O you who are mentioned in My Court! By My life, were they to observe with My eyes, they would give thanks. Yet today, they do not recognize it. Observe what the hand of power has shown in favor of the two radiant lights. A station has been appointed for them in the highest realms, while their enemies have been placed in the lowest depths. Exalted is the One who raised them and revealed their station, which had been hidden from the eyes of creation. By My life, all the messengers of God long for and aspire to their station. Were the veil to be lifted, all who dwell on earth would proclaim the greatness of that noble, lofty station.”

Those two wrongdoers are not worth mentioning. Say: Leave them to themselves.

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“They are sufficient for each other in what they committed during the Days of God, the Sovereign, the Omnipotent, the Almighty.”

God willing, the friends should engage with utmost joy and gladness in promoting the Cause of God. God will manifest what He wills in due time. With Him is the knowledge of the heavens and the earth. Verily, He is the Almighty, the All-Knowing.

Beware that you do not commit what you have been forbidden in the Book of God or act in ways that cause corruption on earth. O My beloved friends, be patient with gracious patience. The existence or absence of the oppressive, immoral, and unjust has brought and will bring no benefit to the people of truth or the aforementioned two radiant ones. Instead, contrary matters may appear, and their spark has brought and will bring immense harm to the Cause of God.

This statement, in the name of the Most Glorious Beauty, was revealed from the kingdom of utterance. This Most Great Manifestation is the manifestation of universal mercy.

As for the manifest power, which in truth has no station with God, if it were to become fully evident and an evil intent or wrongful action is observed from it, we should not oppose it but leave it to itself.

O My beloved friends, rejoice in My mention. We remember you from this station with a mention that…

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Proclaim the greatness of God upon you with a glorification that, when it arises from the dawning-place of utterance, all that is in existence glorifies Him, and all things speak: “The grace belongs to God, the Lord of this clear Cause.” By My life, nothing in this world compares to this mention. This is attested by Him who has subjected the world through His Most Exalted and Wondrous Name.

This is the victory of God that has flowed from the Most High Pen at this time. It is effective in the world, and its influence has been and will continue to be manifest in the dominion. Today is a day when all the friends of God must turn to the Most Exalted Horizon.

Blessings be upon you, O My beloved ones, and exaltation upon you from the All-Powerful, the Almighty.

O ’Alí, the Greatest, in these days, what has been revealed from the heaven of divine will about the meaning of victory relates to the avoidance of actions by ignorant servants that would obstruct the inner bounties of God. Convey to the friends what has flowed from the Pen of the All-Merciful, that perhaps they may lift their gaze from the dust and sanctify themselves from deeds that are of no benefit and no value, and turn toward the kingdom of God’s will. Verily, He speaks the truth; verily, He is…

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…He is the Singular, the Wise.

It has now been about twenty days that every utterance flowing from the Most High Pen contains a portion related to the meaning of victory, that the servants may be made aware and act according to the will of God. Although in these days, the Blessed Being’s health appears to be slightly weakened outwardly, yet day and night, He has not ceased nor will He cease from bestowing grace, exalting the Word, and spreading the signs and verses.

Were it otherwise, this servant would have kissed the feet of each friend and implored them not to commit actions that would cause grief to the Ancient Beauty. What has occurred is sufficient. Such actions, by the True Self, are veils that prevent the inner bounties of God. Were they aware, they would lament.

Heedlessness has overtaken the inhabitants of the earth, except those whom God wills.

As for what you mentioned regarding the visitation of the Sovereign of Martyrs, may the Most Exalted Beauty’s blessings be upon him, this was presented in the sanctified, most exalted Court. His majesty declared: “We have permitted it so that whoever visits them may be visited by the Concourse on High, and the Lote Tree of the Furthest Limit has lamented for them.” Verily…

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…Verily, He guides those who seek their Lord and cast aside all else.

This lowly servant humbly requests that you undertake the visitation on my behalf. Verily, He does not let the reward of those who do good go to waste.

As for what you wrote regarding your intent, after the visitation, to meet the friends of God in those regions and console and encourage them, this matter was presented before the sanctified, most exalted Court.

When My ears heard what the tongue of My Lord uttered, He said: “O servant present, write, for perhaps ’Alí, the Greatest, upon him be My glory, will not turn toward the lands he has intended with wisdom and utterance. By My life, this is a praiseworthy deed.”

Today, assured souls must turn with the Book of God to towns and villages, that perhaps a soul may guide a lost soul and make them aware of the shining of the True Sun. If attention is given as it should be, undoubtedly the effects will manifest, igniting the world with the fire of utterance and inflaming it. Inform everyone of the meaning of victory, so that all may arise for what is befitting and worthy of the Day of God.

Blessed is the soul that is slain, though it does not slay, and blessed is the one who is slaughtered, though it does not slaughter, and the one who is struck, though it does not strike.

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These souls, of the people of Bahá, are mentioned and recorded in the Crimson Scroll.

O ’Alí, when you pass through My lands and enter My cities, glorify My loved ones and make them aware of the ocean of My grace, the sun of My favor, and the heaven of My bounty. Remind them of that which brings joy to their hearts and give them glad tidings that their names have been mentioned by the Pen of My will in My preserved Tablet.

As for what you wrote, mentioning that during the writing, Jináb-i-’Abdu’l-Karím from Ṣ and Jináb-i-Mírzá Muḥammad Ibráhím from K, upon them be the glory of God, arrived and requested that their names be mentioned in the sanctified Court, know that this is indeed a lofty station. While its value is currently concealed under the veil of all-encompassing mercy and grace, when the veil is lifted and what is hidden is revealed, its worth will become evident.

The Primal Point, may the spirit of all else be a sacrifice unto Him, declares: “All is for the sake of being once mentioned in His Court.”

The mention of both was presented in the sanctified Court as requested. This is what has appeared from the kingdom of the All-Merciful:

Exalted be His majesty.

O Karím, We have heard your call and what you desired has been observed in the sanctified Court. Ask of God to assist you in deeds that bring His good pleasure. If you attain this station—that is, clinging to the laws of the Book for the sake of God and becoming detached from all else—you will undoubtedly attain the honor and success you sought.

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Give thanks that the Wronged One has mentioned you and revealed for you what allows every fair-minded one to recognize the appearance of their Lord, the Forgiving, the Generous.

O Muḥammad, son of Ibráhím, the servant present has mentioned you, and We have remembered you. Recognize this and be among the thankful. Verily, He loves those who love Him, remembers those who remember Him, and turns toward those who turn toward Him, as a bounty from Him. Your Lord is the Most Generous.

If you attain My verses and are drawn by the power of My utterance, you will find yourself in great joy. Verily, He will elevate you to a station where you will see the world, its affairs, its treasures, and its rulers as a shadow that shifts and passes. All things will then remind you of Him—every branch, every leaf, and every element of creation will mention you.

Thus does your Lord remember you from this noble station. Move among all people, reflect on what you see, and you will find in all things the wisdom of your Lord.

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Your Lord is the Wise Commander. Say: All praise belongs to God, the Lord of the worlds.

As for what you mentioned regarding Jináb-i-Muḥammad Riḍá and Jináb-i-Abu’l-Ḥasan, upon them be the most glorious blessings, it was presented before the Throne, and they were shown favor. It was said: “Blessed are they and their father, who attained the recognition of God when all the world denied Him and every mystic turned away from Him, except for those whom God willed, the Lord of the worlds.”

We mention in this station one named Aḥmad, that he may arise to serve the Cause and give thanks to his mighty Lord. “We have heard your call and mentioned you in this utterance through which every great matter is established.”

The servant present read your letter, which you sent to Nabíl before ’Alí, and We have answered you with what the Most High Pen, from the All-Enlightening, All-Wise, has revealed.

Cling to the cord of the Cause and hold fast to the hem of favor. Say: “O my God, I ask Thee by Him who bore the world’s adversity for the sake of the exaltation of Thy Word and the promotion of Thy Cause between earth and heaven, that Thou mayest ordain for me, through Thy grace, what Thou hast decreed for Thy assured servants, who took the sealed wine in Thy name and drank it with Thy wise remembrance. O my Lord, behold me turning toward Thee and detached from all else besides Thee.”

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“Thou seest what has befallen me in Thy path. I ask Thee to enable me, in all circumstances, to turn toward Thee and to speak of Thy mention and Thy praise. Decree for me, O my God, that which benefits me in every realm of Thy worlds. Verily, Thou art the All-Powerful, the Forgiving, the Generous.”

Praise be to God, the mentioned names were adorned with the ornament of the mention of the Lord of oneness, and the radiance of the Sun of Verses encompassed them all. To Him belong praise and glorification, and the spirit of the world is a sacrifice for His grace.

As for the one among the believing women, upon whom be the most glorious blessings, and what befell her from the divine decree, as well as the mention of the noble lady, the sister of the one named the Most Glorious Name (Ḥá), the mention of the Leaf, daughter of the one named the Most Truthful Name, and the mention of the friends of that land, upon them be the glory of God, all their names, as mentioned in the letter of the Beloved, were presented before the sanctified, most exalted Court.

Toward all, the Sun of Favor has shone. However, as mentioned earlier, some slight weakness has appeared in the Blessed Being. The appearance of verses and the waves of the ocean of utterance are suspended in the heaven of will. God willing, it is hoped that henceforth all will become recipients of special favor.

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Let them not be disheartened by the delay, for surely there have been and will continue to be added blessings in this postponement. Convey glad tidings to all. Praise be to God, the names of the sanctified souls and their love for God, their service to His Cause, their devotion to Him, and their humility before Him were all presented before the Throne, and all were graced with the honor of hearing the Lord of Names.

Blessed are they, and the glory of God be upon them.

Give glad tidings to that assured Leaf, for surely the grace of God and the Word of God, which is the everlasting effect, will encompass her. Let them not grieve over what has occurred, for far greater trials have befallen the True Self and His chosen ones.

This servant expresses his utmost humility and servitude to the honored gentlemen and divine friends who reside in that land. It depends on the favor of the Beloved whether or not these words, as befitting and worthy, are conveyed.

Present my greetings and blessings to the noble and honored gentlemen, Jináb-i-Mírzá Abúṭálib and Jináb-i-Mírzá Muḥammad-Taqí, upon them be the glory of God. Convey to them the glad tidings that their letters, written to this servant, were presented in full.

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Complete favor appeared from the dawning-place of grace. Concerning the specific names mentioned in the letter of Jináb-i-Muḥammad before Taqí, upon him be the most glorious blessings, noble and mighty Tablets were revealed from the heaven of divine will. God willing, they will be sent henceforth.

This servant also expressed his humble servitude to them and to Jináb-i-Sayyid Abúṭálib. I beseech God to enable me, God willing, to send them soon.

Another matter: two packets were graciously sent from the Sacred Household. One was addressed to the Fruit of the Crimson Leaf, upon her be blessings, and the other to the letters of Jináb-i-Ḥá before Sín, upon him be the glory of God, from among the people of Ṭá and Fá. Deliver these two packets.

At the time of departure, Jináb-i-Muḥammad before ’Alí, upon him be the most glorious blessings, from the people of Dahaj, was given these packets to deliver. There has been a considerable delay.

Another matter: this servant was instructed to convey to the Beloved that if, at times, He chooses to extend favor to this servant—that is, to send a note—let it specifically inquire about the conditions of Jináb-i-Thamara, upon her be the glory of God.

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As for what was written regarding the carpet and how it should be sent, Jináb-i-Karbalá’í Aḥmad himself wrote the details. Recently, two carpets were requested from Jináb-i-Samandar, upon him be the most glorious blessings, as rugs were greatly needed. Send this carpet in whatever manner is appropriate for the two previously sent, and deliver this piece as well.

Another matter: all the circumambulators of the Sacred Land, named the Blessed Land and the Most Excellent Names, whether devotees or migrants, or those arriving, express with exalted words their devotion to the Beloved and their utmost humility.

This Pen and this tongue and utterance are inadequate and unworthy to express the exaltation, favor, and grace shown to the branches of the sacred and blessed Lote Tree, to whom all existence is a sacrifice. Convey the noble letter written by the Most Glorious Branch to Jináb-i-Mírzá Ḥasan. Deliver it to him.

The servant.

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In the Name of Our Most Great, Most Ancient, Most Exalted, Most Glorious Lord.

Praise be to God, who, in His supreme wisdom, ordained victory and commanded all beings who believe in God, the Lord of oneness, to fulfill it. He is the One who, through His grace, abolished the decree of the sword and established in its place the station of utterance, through which the fragrance of His name, the All-Merciful, diffused throughout all realms. Exalted, exalted is our Lord, who cannot be described by what is within the knowledge of the learned and the mystics.

Blessed is the one who clings to what has been commanded in the Book of God, the Lord of religions. Woe to the one who casts away wisdom and utterance and follows his own desires, taking what has been forbidden in the scriptures and Tablets. Blessed is the one who arises to assist the Cause of his Lord with goodly conduct and deeds. This servant testifies that he is among the successful in the Book of God, the Sender of winds.

Praise be to God, who revealed from His Most High Pen what has attracted the sincere in the kingdom of creation and sent down for His loved ones that which has lifted their spirits.

This servant has attained what you sent previously, as though it opened the gates of joy. When it was read, understood, and comprehended, I turned to the praiseworthy station and presented it before the Throne of our dear and loving Lord. Then the tongue of grandeur spoke what pens and souls are unable to describe.

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Every name mentioned in your Tablet exhaled the fragrances of favor between heaven and earth. This is testified by the Tablet of the Loved Ones, revealed by the Bestower and sent to you to be read and conveyed to those who have turned to the Most Exalted Horizon and attained supreme steadfastness.

By the life of the Beloved, nothing equals this in all that has been created in heaven and earth. This is attested by the Lord of Names, who has ascended His throne in this noble station.

While occupied in writing this Tablet, the Beloved of the world approached me and said, exalted be His majesty and sublime His utterance: “Write to Jináb-i-Andalíb (the Nightingale).”

O Andalíb, observe this firm, precise, all-encompassing, and blessed word that has shone forth from the heaven of the divine Book and enjoin it upon all. Perchance, they may attain perfect certitude and know that the victory of God’s Cause has never been, and will never be, through the sword, conflict, or strife.

This blessed word is inscribed in the Crimson Scroll by the Most High Pen: “We have abolished the decree of the sword and established in its place the station of utterance.” Blessed are those endowed with understanding, who hold fast to what the All-Merciful has revealed in the Book.

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Despite this firm and precise word, some remain in doubt and confusion, occupied with vain imaginings in interpreting the meaning of victory.

Say: What is the matter with you that you do not understand or perceive? We have enjoined upon all compassion, kindness, and care. Blessed is the one who attains My purpose, and woe to the heedless.

It seems as though some consider their own will superior to the will of God or regard what has been revealed from the kingdom of utterance as trivial. Some, God forbid, perceive God as powerless or weak.

Say: Woe to you! Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty. Verily, He is the Glorious, the Great. Verily, He is the Dominant, the Wise. Verily, He is the Subduer over all creation, and He knows all things.

Ask of God to confirm My loved ones in goodly deeds, praiseworthy virtues, and what has been decreed in the Book of God, the All-Enlightening, the All-Knowing.

Today is a new day, and another heaven has been raised, and another ocean is surging. Its likeness has not been, nor will it ever be.

Say: Today, the Sun of Generosity is radiant, and the Ocean of Grace is before you. Move with the wings of spirit in this spiritual atmosphere and free yourselves from the impurities, illusions, and dust of worldly events.

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The wings sullied with mud are neither fit for flight nor capable of ascending.

O Andalíb, say: Today, what is needed is an illumined heart, an expansive breast, and keen sight. Leave behind what you have heard and recount what you see. Humanity must embody the characteristics of humanity. Alas, alas, words cannot convey these meanings, and the pen acknowledges its incapacity to interpret.

The matter rests in the hands of God, the Lord of the Day of Judgment. Praise be to Him, for He speaks the truth and is the most merciful of the merciful.

O Andalíb, the letters you sent to this servant and Jináb-i-Ism-i-Júd, upon them be the glory of God, were presented in the sanctified Court. By grace, living and departed, noble and mighty verses were revealed for all mentioned souls. God willing, they will attain them.

The mention of God is life for the dead and favor for the living. Recognize the value of this grace and proclaim the praise and gratitude of God.

Blessed is your tongue for what it has recited, your pen for what it has written, and your thoughts for what has emerged from them of the truths of understanding in the praise of God, the Lord of evidence and proof.

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Divine favor toward the Beloved and the true friends is evident and manifest. God willing, we will all attain what is beloved in His sight.

You, who by the grace of God have been graced with His praise during the Days of God, know that all the world is powerless to give thanks for this supreme favor. God willing, ignite the souls of that land with the fire of divine love. Words that emerge from a heart freed of impurities are effective and will continue to be so.

This is what I heard from the utterance of the will of my Lord, the All-Enlightening, the Wise.

Convey blessings on behalf of this lowly servant to all and remind them: O friends, today is a great day. Strive to leave behind lasting traces in this transient ruin, so long as time permits. We must all cherish this opportunity and engage in what is worthy and fitting. What is lost today—when will it be replaced, and who will replace it?

At this time, the servant calls upon the Lord of the wise and the goal of all who dwell in heaven and earth, saying: “O Lord of the world and desire of the nations, I ask Thee by the name through which the gate of Thy highest paradise was opened for the dwellers in the kingdom of creation and through which the cry arose between earth and heaven, to confirm Thy chosen ones in Thy mention and praise and inspire them with what Thou hast willed in Thy knowledge.”

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“O Lord, do not deprive them of the ocean of Thy good pleasure, nor distance them from the sanctuary of Thy nearness. O Lord, do not regard them according to what they possess. Rather, regard the heaven of Thy bounty and wealth and the incapacity of Thy creation and the need of Thy servants. Verily, Thou art the Mighty One before whom the kingdom of power bowed in humility upon His appearance and emergence. There is no God but Thee, the Generous, the Omnipotent, the Almighty, the Most Glorious.”

Blessings be upon you and upon those who were drawn by the sweetness of the call when it was raised between earth and heaven, and upon all who turned to God when He appeared with a manifest sovereignty.

Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.

The servant, on 22 Rabí‘u’l-Awwal, 98. (March 1881)

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He is the Most Exalted, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

Blessed is He through whom the horizon of utterance was illumined, the All-Merciful ascended His throne of grandeur and grace, and He spoke in existence what attracted the sincere and lifted the monotheists to flight, and through whom the near ones proclaimed.

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Verily, He is God; there is no God but Him. He has ever been sanctified beyond all likenesses, and He shall forever remain as He has ever been. There is no God but Him, the Almighty, the Most Exalted.

This is the Day on which the Most Great Name has appeared, and through it, the world has been illumined. Blessed is the one who turns toward Him and drinks the cup of tribulations in His path and the cup of afflictions in His love. Verily, he is among those who have attained His recognition and soared in the atmosphere of His nearness.

Upon him do the Concourse on High invoke blessings, and the kingdom of Names seek benedictions through him. Blessed is the one who adorns himself with the mantle of tribulation in the path of God, the Lord of Names. Blessed, thrice blessed, is the one who is taken, prevented, imprisoned, and afflicted in the love of God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth.

By My life, the essences of existence address him in the chambers of utterance, and the realities of Names recount him in the palaces of mention and attributes. The knowledge of God praises him, and all things draw near to God through him, the Revealer of verses.

Would that this servant were among the loved ones of God when they entered the prison and tasted the cup of tribulation as a result of the deeds of the hypocrites. God shall soon seize them with His might and adorn the temples of His chosen ones with an eternal adornment.

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With a majesty that never fades, a beauty that no veil of creation can conceal, and a light that no darkness can obscure for those who turn away from the Most Exalted Horizon—thus does God reward His sincere servants, His monotheistic creation, and His purified elect. Verily, He is the Omnipotent, the Almighty, the Beloved.

O Beloved of my heart, how can my feeble pen describe one who has drunk the wine of revelation from the hand of the bounty of his Lord and borne hardships in His path? By your life, I confess my inability and shortcoming in rendering mention of what you have endured in the love of God, your Lord and mine, and the Lord of the worlds. Yet I rejoice in my mention of you, for through it, I see myself standing among the ranks of those who recount the pure ones of God, His loved ones, His friends, and His allies.

After hearing and praising your noble station, O Beloved of the world, and recognizing the melody of your pen’s song in the mention of God, the Lord of Eternity, I found my being expansive, my heart open, my breast uplifted, and my soul soaring toward the ultimate goal and the most glorious vision.

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When I presented what was in your Tablet, the Beloved turned His Countenance and spoke words that drew hearts irresistibly. Exalted, exalted is His utterance, beyond what His servants can describe.

It was as though the kingdom of utterance encircled what flowed from the tongue of His grandeur, and the essence of the unseen and the visible hastened to follow what was uttered by His mouth of power. He said, exalted be His majesty:

“O ’Alí, the Greatest, We mention you from the direction of My most glorious vision that you may hear My call and find yourself in great joy. By My life, I was with you when you entered the prison. Blessed are you, thrice blessed, for having borne tribulations in My path and endured hardships for the exaltation of My Word and the promotion of My Cause. Verily, your Lord sees all things.”

Blessed are those who entered the fortress of understanding, soared in the atmosphere of My love, drank the wine of My revelation, and were so intoxicated by the wine of My utterance that they became detached from all else but Me, turned toward My Countenance, ascended to the horizon of My grace, clung to the cord of My favor, and held fast to the hem of My generosity.

Verily, they are among those mentioned by the tongues of the world, to whose names all nations bow. This is testified by the tongue of My grandeur and the kingdom of My utterance.

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This Pen, which traverses the arena of understanding, affirms it. Verily, those who attained imprisonment have been graced with the mention of My Most High Pen, and it is the most precious of all things.

By My life, nothing created between earth and heaven compares to it. Blessed, thrice blessed, is the one adorned with the mantle of steadfastness. Verily, he is among the loftiest of creation in the Book of God.

Your Lord is the All-Knowing. Proclaim, in My name, blessings upon their faces. Say: Blessed are your faces for turning toward the Countenance of God, your hearts for drawing near to the ultimate goal, and your souls for approaching the Most Exalted Horizon.

You have tasted the cup of tribulations in My path. Drink today from the hand of My bounty the wine of My most glorious revelation and the purest water of My presence. I say to you: “Well done, and enjoy this in the kingdom of creation.”

Thus does God remember you with the best of mentions. Verily, He is the Most Generous. Rejoice in My name, then drink in My mention. Verily, We have turned to you and invoked blessings upon your faces from this beautiful station.

I was grieved by your sorrow and rejoice now in what God has mentioned about you as a reward for what you have done in His straight path.

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If My loved ones could taste the sweetness of tribulations in My path, they would present gifts in My name to My enemies as a response to what they have done to them. It would be as though they had reached the station where the Ancient Beauty remembers them in this great prison.

They have purchased for themselves a station in Hell, and for you, a station in My most glorious vision. Exalted is He whose loved ones are not harmed by the oppression of the world or the injustice of the nations.

Glad tidings to the soul that has recognized what My mighty tongue has uttered.

O Delight of My heart, observe the divine favors. By the sun of the horizon, if all who dwell in existence were to reflect upon these revealed verses and contemplate the kindness, mercy, and grace of God, exalted be His majesty, they would all turn to the ocean of His generosity and look toward the horizon of His bounty.

What benefit, though, when the intoxication of desire has seized the inhabitants of creation, except for those preserved by the hand of the power of our Lord, the Omnipotent, the Almighty?

As for what you wrote regarding the Greatest Leaf, the sister of ’Alí, upon her be the most glorious blessings, it was presented before the sanctified Court. As commanded, it was affirmed that whoever wishes to render the Right of God…

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…fulfills the Right of God, the contribution made is acceptable in the presence of Truth if it suffices to clear one’s obligation. However, demanding the payment of these Rights from anyone is impermissible. Instead, ask of God to confirm the friends in fulfilling the Right of God, for this matter ensures the purity of wealth, its protection, and the receipt of blessings and bounties.

As for the mention of the names of the loved ones of God—those souls who entered the prison for the love of God—the servant bears witness to what the All-Merciful has revealed regarding them. Their mention suffices the world and moves the tongues of all nations to praise and extol them.

At one time, the mention of those souls was heard from the tongue of grandeur. With supreme favor, each was named, and it was said: “Pray to God that this most exalted station and this supreme bounty may be preserved in the name of God and His love. Let them not be perturbed by the imaginings of people.”

With utmost effort and diligence, they must observe this lofty, most exalted station and at all times be vocal in gratitude to God.

As for what you wrote concerning Jináb-i-Mír ’Abdu’l-Báqí and two others, upon them be the most glorious blessings…

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…this was presented before the sanctified Court, and it was said: “Blessed are they, and theirs is the most exalted station in the Book of their Lord, the Almighty, the Wise. Verily, We have adorned those who were touched by hardships in the path of God, the Lord of Names, with that which will perpetuate their remembrance in the kingdom of God, the Lord of the worlds.”

Say: Endure patiently as your Lord has endured. Verily, He is with you and will assist you as He wills. There is no God but Him, the All-Powerful, the Almighty.

Upon them be the most glorious blessings and His mercy. Thus does the Beloved of the world remember you in this prison. What is incumbent upon you today is to ask your Lord, the All-Merciful, to preserve for you the fruits of what you have done in His path and to protect you in what you have attained.

By My life, this is the greatest bounty. This is testified by the Lord of might. Blessed is every hearing and perceiving soul.

Thus, after the presentation of details concerning the prisoners before the sanctified Court, utmost favor regarding them was made manifest, as inferred from the revealed verses.

Blessed are they! God willing, they will soon attain deliverance, though in truth, they are already in the greatest deliverance, having been immersed in the path of God.

As commanded, all the loved ones of God…

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…must move with utmost serenity and dignity. In all circumstances, they should hold fast to the cord of wisdom and with the utmost joy and delight revive the people of the world with the water of everlasting life.

It was said: Among the revealed verses is this theme: “If the friends were to find the sweetness of tribulations in the path of God, they would present gifts to those who enabled them to attain this supreme bounty.”

It is clear that the purpose is to express the exaltation of this station and the elevation of this rank. However, if someone were to outwardly present gifts, this would certainly fall outside the bounds of wisdom, for it could lead to agitation, commotion, and uproar.

Say: O friends, the tongue of the All-Merciful counsels you to hold fast to matters that bring joy, delight, and tranquility to the servants. Many of the revealed Tablets state that the children of the age must be nurtured with milk that is delicate and subtle until they attain maturity. Heavy nourishment cannot be borne by them.

Verily, He reminds them of what benefits them, and He is the best of reminders.

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Blessings be upon you and upon those who turned and attained the hearing of the verses of God, the Lord of the worlds.

O ’Alí, once again, My Most High Pen speaks and enjoins My loved ones to unity in the Cause of God. By My life, it is through this that the doors of blessings are opened. Verily, your Lord is the All-Enlightening, the All-Knowing.

Blessed is the one who keeps this word before his eyes. We bear witness that he is among the successful.

Though the divine favors toward these mentioned souls are manifested in the revealed verses to a degree beyond all imagination, after your visitation, they too testify to what has been mentioned. Yet, during the descent of the verses, a word was heard from the tongue of grandeur, indicating that specific noble Tablets would also be revealed for these souls, even if it were but one verse.

Blessed are they for having attained the favor of their Lord, as most were deprived of this most exalted, most noble, most wondrous, and most mighty bounty.

Another matter: Convey sublime, mighty, and noble blessings on behalf of this lowly servant to all the friends—those souls who are enraptured by the wine of the mention of God and are delighted by the remembrance of the Beloved.

Say to them: Today…

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…is the day awaited by all the Prophets and Messengers, and they implored and hoped to witness it before the presence of God, exalted and glorified be He.

“This is the Day in which God has come, and this is the Day in which the Qur’án has spoken. On that Day, sovereignty belongs to God.”

This is the Day adorned by the mention of it in all the sacred scriptures.

The friends must stand firm and steadfast with utmost unity, oneness, and solidarity in the Cause of God.

It was said: Write to Jináb-i-’Alí before the Greatest, upon him be the most glorious blessings, that today the receptive souls must be continuously nourished with the cup of understanding and trained with the wondrous and mighty feast until they become steadfast and unwavering in the Cause of God, in such a manner that no one in the world will be capable of altering or changing their resolve.

The people are weak, and some unprofitable and irrelevant utterances of the people of the Qur’án have lingered in their ears and hearts. Thus, they may be inclined to heed certain vain imaginings.

Say: The matter is not as such. Were that which is hidden from you to be unveiled, you would abandon the world and all it contains of expressions and implications and cling to the word that encompasses the world.

O friends…

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…purify and sanctify your hearts from idle imaginings and prior thoughts so that you may attain and be illumined by the wondrous lights. Reflect and meditate on what has been said and what has transpired. By doing so, you will become aware of the falsehood of the narrators who stood in the first ranks.

By My life, you will then witness the Sun of Assurance shining from the horizons of your hearts and the Moon of Certitude glowing from the heavens of your beings. You will find yourselves standing at a station that none but you can attain, and you will observe those below you from the Assembly of the Bayán in the lowest ranks.

Say: O My loved ones, leave them to their imaginings and the lies uttered by their tongues. By My life, this is a day in which their words are of no mention. This is testified by the Most High Pen and the tongue of God in the kingdom of creation. Verily, He is the All-Enlightening, the All-Knowing.

God willing, the Beloved’s friends must reflect on these and other passages revealed from the Pen of Revelation. In doing so, they will find all souls—those deprived and barred from the true wine—utterly non-existent and wholly absent.

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The true lover of the Beloved, being perceptive, should discern through the words of misguided, rebellious, false, and vain souls the power of Truth. Observe how, after the veils of vain imaginings were torn asunder, they were once again ensnared in other delusions.

By the Most Great Name, they have perceived nothing of the Day of God and have not tasted a drop from the ocean of divine utterance. Leave them to play in their idle pursuits.

However, it is necessary to nurture the friends so that they may consider a hundred thousand such deluded souls as non-existent and perished.

These people have now set their sights on a new well and are planning to proceed to Jabálqá. Say: Create even a single sacred place and from there occasionally issue varied edicts. Say: Bravo for your perception and intelligence! Have you not yet understood that what you once held and took pride in is unrecognized by God?

A few arose, seized the reins of the poor masses, and spread numerous fabrications and falsehoods.

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These false individuals who considered themselves the leaders of the people and the chiefs of the land were the very cause of the martyrdom of the Primal Point, upon Him be the spirit of all else.

Would that I had been permitted by God to disclose and recount what remains hidden from them and most people.

The matter is in His hands. He commands and prohibits and is not questioned about what He does. Verily, He is the Sovereign, the Almighty, the All-Powerful.

Now observe what has been mentioned. All the people of the Bayán were privy to it. Nevertheless, this station cannot be clearly articulated, for they appear disturbed and shaken. Observe the power of vain imaginings, how it has encircled and overtaken deluded souls.

Say: If you had even engaged in constructing a mere cellar, it would have been better, for, as someone remarked, “the latter must correspond to the former.” Without a doubt, the delusion aligns with delusion by delusion.

Woe unto them and those who follow them. The All-Merciful has testified that this is a wondrous Cause, made by God to be sanctified from likenesses and similarities, from before and after.

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It is, indeed, a new creation of the heavens and the earth. Blessed are the discerning ones.

Therefore, you must speak with utmost wisdom, for some utterances are as clear and radiant as the sun, yet if spoken among those who are but animal manifestations, they cause hearts to tremble.

God willing, all your effort and strength should be dedicated to wisdom and utterance in the service of the Cause of the All-Merciful.

Blessings be upon your presence and upon those with you.

The Servant
25 Ramaḍán, Year 95 (September 1878)

BH00041 (Natural)

Lawh-i-Jamal-i-Burujirdi II

He is the Most Sacred, Most Great, Most Exalted, Most Glorious.

Praise be to God, who is unified in majesty, unparalleled in splendor, sanctified beyond weariness, and exalted above aspirations. He is the One who ordains the appointed times of life spans, speaks in the eternal pre-existence, and appears in the end. There is no God but Him, the Self-Sufficient, the Most Exalted.

Praise be to God, who has accepted the deeds of those drawn by His call, intoxicated by the wine of His revelation, and made to speak by His name.

[Name of God J.M., upon Him be the most glorious blessings.]

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…with His praise, making them aware of the Sun of His beauty, revealing them in His days, confirming them in the recognition of His essence, and granting them success in attaining His good pleasure. Verily, He is the Omnipotent, the All-Bountiful.

Praise be to God, who illumined the horizon of the world with the Most Great Luminary. When He ascended the throne, He heralded to humanity the appearance of the ocean of His grace and the suns of His bounties.

Blessed is the steadfast one who cast away what hindered him and hastened to His Most Exalted Horizon. Woe to those who remain ensnared by the imaginings of those who outwardly appear as men.

I magnify, extol, and send greetings upon those who were not deterred by vain desires from God, the Lord of Names. Through them, the star of understanding shone in most lands. They are noble servants, active servants, near servants, sincere servants, victorious servants, and steadfast servants in the service of their Lord.

They speak among the people with wisdom and eloquence. I bear witness that they have attained the chalice of everlasting life, which flows from the right hand of the Throne of the All-Merciful. They have achieved what none before them has attained. Verily, our Lord, the All-Merciful, is the Self-Sufficient, the All-Bountiful.

My spirit is a sacrifice for your steadfastness, and for your constancy, it is a sacrifice as well.

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I was seated, still and reflective, contemplating the Cause of God and what His servants have endured, when one of the loved ones of God brought me your letter. When I opened it, I found the fragrance of your love, our Beloved and the Beloved of all in the world, the object of our longing and that of all in the heavens and the earth.

I read it, comprehended its contents regarding your service, steadfastness, praise, and what you have borne in the path of God. I then turned toward the Most Exalted Station, the Throne of our Most Glorious Lord.

When I entered and stood before His presence, I presented what you had invoked of God. He smiled, the Beloved’s grace was manifest, and He said:

“This is not due to his merit. We strengthened him to remember Me, and so he remembered Me. We made him aware of My Horizon, and he turned toward My Countenance. We enabled him to serve Me, and so he arose in My service by My permission. All grace belongs to Me, and I am the Ancient Bestower. Without the drops from the ocean of My grace, he would not have recognized Me; without the attraction of My verses from the kingdom of My utterance, he would not have turned toward My path.”

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O My Name of Beauty, reflect on the kings and what We unveiled concerning them, that you may discern what your Lord, the All-Wise, has spoken.

A king among the kings was once immersed in the seas of sovereignty, attached to the world and its ornaments and colors. On one of the nights, the Sun of Detachment arose from the horizon of My will and was unveiled to him. He abandoned all he possessed, left his home, and journeyed to the wilderness. None knew of his state but God, your Lord, and the Lord of all the worlds.

Were We to unveil to the people as We unveiled to you, all would arise to serve Me, to mention Me, and to praise Me.

Thus does My tongue speak, that you may be among the joyful. Verily, your Lord delights in jest at times and jests. Verily, He is the All-Bountiful, doing as He wills. None has the right to object to what appears from Him. This is testified by the Books of God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

What you have expressed of your helplessness, nothingness, confession of sins, and shortcomings, He has said:

“O My Name, We have pardoned you before, accepted your service, obedience, presence, and meeting, and have heard your lamentations, cries, and groans, and the sighs of your heart in the love of God, your Lord, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy.”

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Regarding what you wrote, acknowledging a past error of turning toward the Land of Dust as an addition to previous faults, after presenting this, the tongue of the All-Merciful in the kingdom of utterance spoke what no one in the world can comprehend.

By your life, no pen in the world can describe it, nor can the hearts of the wise grasp it.

Finally, He said: Write to the Name of Beauty, upon Him be the most glorious blessings, that this service of yours has been accepted and will continue to be so.

For Jináb-i-Ism-i-Há, upon Him be the glory of God, wrote to you, and We bear witness that he is among those enkindled by the fire of the love of God, immersed in the ocean of His grace. In such a state, when he heard of what occurred in the prison land, he cried out within himself and informed the people of what had transpired.

“Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. Be assured, We have accepted what you have done in the path of God, and be among the thankful. Verily, the showers of grace from the heaven of My bounty have been directed toward you, and the gaze of My mercy is turned toward your love. Mention your Lord in all circumstances with wisdom and eloquence. Verily, He hears and sees. Verily, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.”

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O Beauty, some souls, with their gaze fixed on the Most Exalted Horizon, proceed on the path of God with full eagerness and dedication, sparing nothing in His path and wholeheartedly excelling in the service of His Cause. These are the people of Bahá, recorded in My Crimson Tablet.

However, some have not yet reached this lofty station, and therefore, they are not safeguarded from inner disturbances. Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing.

When the mentioned news reached the Sacred Land, the decree was issued from the Source of Command, and the prohibition was revealed from the heaven of divine will. Among these was Jináb-i-Jawád, upon him be the most glorious blessings, who was instructed to write to the lands of Tá and Qáf, forbidding anyone to make any demands.

Similarly, Jináb-i-Ism-i-Há, upon him be the most glorious blessings, was commanded concerning the lands of Khá, Káf, and Tá. This prohibition was not specific to the land of Khá.

Utmost favor for the loved ones of that land has been manifest from the dawn of divine grace. Verses have been revealed for them previously. Should anyone read them, they would become aware of God’s grace and mercy toward them.

Verily, your Lord is the All-Informed. There is no doubt that any soul from among these mentioned souls who rises to serve does so for God and acts in His path. Hence, their deeds are surely accepted, and their reward is recorded by the Most High Pen.

With utmost joy and happiness, they must engage in the remembrance of the Beloved of the worlds. Verily, We magnify them in My name and remember them with what will perpetuate their names in the earthly realm of creation.

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…of creation and in My wondrous kingdom.

This servant presents that this matter, which is firmly decreed, was revealed at a time when the names of individuals who had succeeded in serving the Cause were outwardly mentioned before the Sacred Presence. After their mention, it was accepted, and what funds had been received were ordered to be distributed among some of the loved ones of God residing in that land.

Jináb-i-Mírzá Muhammad ’Alí, upon him be the glory of God, of the people of Qá’in, sent the record of this distribution. It must be arranged in a manner that does not lead to the discontent of receptive souls, for all are honored in the sight of God.

Today, every soul that turns toward the Most Sublime Horizon is surrounded by grace, as this is a mighty matter. From God, exalted and glorified be He, we beseech that all be adorned with the garment of steadfastness and continually drink of the purest wine. Verily, He is the Bountiful Bestower.

It is well known and evident that from the day the Kitáb-i-Aqdas was revealed from the heaven of the Divine Will, it remained hidden for a number of years until a group of receptive and certain souls from various places asked about the divine laws and…

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…humbly and earnestly inquired. Thus, the command to send forth the Kitáb-i-Aqdas was issued, and it was decreed that no one should demand the Right of God from another. This matter was left to the volition of the individuals themselves until a few years later, when, last year, the decree was issued that whoever wishes to fulfill the Right of God may do so, and it should be accepted from them.

In truth, this is a great bounty for the servants, as it leads to purification, divine favor, and blessings.

Blessed is the one who acts according to what has been decreed in the Book.

Although it is clear that your honored self has acted with utmost wisdom and detachment, and no word contrary to the decree has been uttered by you, since you have taken a particular stance on this matter, the decree of prohibition was revealed, as some people are weak.

By Him besides whom there is no other God, your action is accepted, and your efforts are acknowledged and will continue to be so.

One day, the following utterance was heard from the Blessed Tongue:

“O servant present before the Throne! We have created all for My service, My days, the assistance of My Cause, the recognition of My Self, the turning toward My Countenance, and presence before the door of My mercy. Whatever they have belongs to Me and is but a drop from the ocean of My grace. If We were to ask of them what We have given them by My grace, you would see them other than how you now perceive them. Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.”

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Similarly, in Persian, it was said: Though this servant cannot fully recount all that was heard in the kingdom of utterance, what remains in memory shall be mentioned:

It was said: Even though all in existence belongs to God, and all confess and acknowledge this, and even though what has been given to the people of the earth is from the bounties of His ocean of grace, if a command were issued to expend what they have, some would be found hesitant and withholding. Others, however, would attain such a station through the radiance of the Sun of Detachment that they would offer all they possess in the path of God with utmost love and sincerity.

This has also been observed.

This lowly servant suggests that the matter be arranged so as not to cause the people of the land of Khá distress, and that they be adorned with the garment of joy in the name of God. This is beloved before God, as utmost favor is evident and manifest for the friends from the horizon of grace.

Regarding what you wrote about the individual who sent a gift as an offering of service, it was said: God willing, his service is accepted.

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In any case, act in such a way that none may be saddened. A matter that is affirmed or denied for God is, of course, beloved, and in such a case, no sorrow will remain for anyone.

Let it be said that your journey was for God, and all actions are observed and clear before God.

As for what you wrote that you informed the land of Khá in accordance with the decree, but it was not accepted, it was said: This word will cause grief, as they may assume they are not accepted before God.

Arrange matters so that all may become aware that the divine gaze of favor has been and will be upon them.

This is the reason previously presented. God willing, all will be joyous and attain divine favors.

As for what you wrote, mentioning that some of those souls who gave funds did so as the Right of God, it was said: “Well have they acted, for the Right of God is a word revealed by the All-Merciful in the Book. It is incumbent upon all to observe it and act accordingly.”

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However, since what transpired outwardly led some of the weaker souls to perceive various implications, the decree of prohibition was revealed from the heaven of divine command. Verily, He is the Sovereign Arbiter.

O My Name of Beauty, We have responded to you as a favor from Us and have encompassed your beloved with My all-encompassing favor. We observe those whom God has adorned in the land of Khá with the garment of humility, submissiveness, and sincerity.

Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Encompassing. They are those who have attained the wine of revelation, been intoxicated by the streams of your Lord’s bounty, and We hear and see those who mention Me and act in My straight path.

Nothing escapes the knowledge of your Lord. Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

Those who soar in My atmosphere and act according to what they have been commanded in My path will see themselves in stations beyond description by the tongues of speakers.

We magnify from this Most Exalted Station—named the Most Great Prison in the Book of Names—the countenances of those who have believed in God, the Lord of the worlds, acknowledged, and confessed what has been revealed from the heaven of grace.

Verily, your Lord is the Ancient Bestower. We ask God to confirm them in supreme steadfastness.

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…that no feet falter in what is mentioned in the realm of creation, nor in the clamor of the heedless. This concludes the response to the letter from Yazd, conveyed point by point. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

As for the second letter, written from the land of Ṣād, it arrived while this servant was outside the city. God is aware that I opened it, read it, and found it adorned, illuminated, ennobled, and fragrant with the mention of God, your Beloved and ours, your Purpose and ours, and the Purpose of all the worlds.

God, exalted and glorified, bears witness that this servant, seeing the blazing fire of divine love in your heart, read it repeatedly. Then, at an appointed time, it was presented before the Throne.

Verily, my Lord is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

Then the Eternal Countenance turned to this servant and said: Your love magnifies its greatness and majesty.

“We have heard the mention of My Name and its call and supplications; We have seen its devotion and imploration. I am the One who kindled the fire of My love within its heart, and I am the All-Powerful, the Almighty.”

O My Name, grief has overtaken Me in a way that, if described to you, would cause you to wail as one bereaved.

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In this land, things have appeared that should not have been revealed during the days of God and His Manifestation. I am the solitary, oppressed One.

We have made the land of prison a paradise among paradises and blessed it. We released those who were within a mighty stronghold and opened the gates of the city for whomever wishes to enter or leave.

Yet when what was revealed became known, they found themselves in manifest distress.

Do not grieve over anything, for while your Lord is surrounded by sorrows, He is also in great joy.

Convey glad tidings to those who have turned toward the Most Sublime Horizon with My remembrance and magnify their faces from My presence. Verily, I am the Forgiving, the Merciful.

We remember those who believed in God during all nights and days. Verily, your Lord is the Truthful, the All-Knowing.

Magnify from My presence all who are connected to you, whether male or female, young or old.

The final passages of your supplication, indicating the arrival of the Tablet of sanctity and your joy, delight, gratitude, and praise, were presented.

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At that moment, the Tongue of Grandeur spoke again:

O My Name, We see you immersed in the ocean of satisfaction. Blessed are you for attaining this noble station.

Remain in all states as you have been. Thus does My Most Exalted Pen counsel you in this manifest prison.

As for the Tablet you mentioned regarding Jináb-i-Mullá `Alí Ján, upon him be peace, it is indeed as you wrote. Matters such as these have resulted in the celestial feast being cut off, so much so that the Most Exalted Pen was at times stilled.

O Beloved of My Heart, if the servants were to act according to what is commanded by the Creator of existence, by your life, you would see the world as something other than the world.

Rather, the harm lies in what your honored self has written.

There was a time when the Tongue of Eternity, turning to this servant, said:

Some of the divine Tablets, revealed from the heaven of pure favor, now lie buried under the dust. The one tasked with raising them has, out of fear, hidden them. Some Tablets have been passed from one person to another.

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Your Lord is indeed the All-Knowing.

This utterance reveals that many unacceptable actions have occurred regarding the Tablets.

We beseech God, exalted and glorified, for you, this servant, and all the friends, and humbly plead that He adorn all with the robe of steadfastness, trustworthiness, truthfulness, and fidelity.

By the One who causes all things to speak with His Most Great, Most Glorious Name, if the divine counsel had been acted upon, the sun of the Word of God would now be shining from every city, rising and manifest in every horizon.

The matter has been decreed, and the tongue ought to remain in manifest silence.

God willing, from His grace and favor, it appears that all who drink of the pure fountain of truth will become so enkindled by the fire of love that nothing but unity and oneness will remain.

May all speak with one tongue and act with one hand. If the prayers of this servant, in light of his many transgressions, are not accepted, there is hope that the prayers of your honored self and other friends will be accepted before God.

Verily, He is the Bountiful, the Generous, the Most Merciful.

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Jináb-i-Zayn al-Muqarrabín, upon him be peace, wrote to this servant, mentioning that a person from Mazandaran had arrived here intending to proceed to the Most Sacred Spot.

When this was presented before the Sacred Presence, a special Tablet for Jináb-i-Mullá `Alí Ján, upon him be the glory of God, was revealed during these days. Likewise, verses of sovereign power and might were revealed from the heaven of the divine Will regarding that individual and were sent forth.

It was specifically commanded that the bearer of the Tablet deliver it to you and, after meeting you, convey the noble Tablet to its intended recipient.

At another time, it was said:

Write to Jináb-i-Ismu’l-Jamal, informing him that prolonged stays in one location are unnecessary. Instead, like a morning star, he should rise from the horizon of every region so that some of the friends who are dispirited may be enkindled by the fire of divine love.

Just as food is necessary for bodies, so too is nourishment required for souls. The sustenance of the soul is the exalted, tender, and fresh heavenly banquet that has been revealed from the heaven of divine grace.

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…descended. Without the nourishment of the soul, weakness inevitably follows. Thus, sometimes it is essential, with utmost wisdom, to turn to certain regions to promote the Cause.

What is most necessary and obligatory is to remind receptive souls so that all, through God’s assistance, may attain the adornments of steadfastness, trustworthiness, truthfulness, and that which elevates the Cause of God.

In these days, from the heaven of the Will of the Lord of creation, a Tablet has been revealed concerning detachment and its station. It is shared here in the hope that it may purify souls.

We beseech God, exalted and glorified, to cause all to partake of this nectar and to enable them to attain this most exalted, most sublime station. Whoever is adorned with the robe of detachment will undoubtedly be seen as trustworthy, truthful, and steadfast.

Blessed is this most manifest station. Blessed is this most luminous station. Blessed is this most lofty station. Blessed is this most exalted station.

This is the Surah revealed by God in the Book, in the Name of “The Book of Detachment.”

A sun that, when it rises from the heaven of self, extinguishes the fire of greed and desire.

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Thus does the Lord of creation inform you, if you are among the knowing.

He who opens his eyes to the light of knowledge becomes detached from the realm of existence and all its adornments. This is attested by your Lord, the Most Merciful, in this noble and exalted station.

Look, then, and recall Nu‘mān, who was one of the most esteemed kings, and before him, another ruler.

When the sun of detachment shone upon their hearts, they abandoned all they possessed, left their thrones, and headed for the wilderness. No one was aware of their departure except God, the All-Knowing.

Nu‘mān was seated upon his throne when We made him hear a word from My exalted words. He trembled, pondered, was perplexed, and then awakened. He arose and said, addressing himself:

“There is no good in what I own today, for tomorrow it will belong to another.”

Thus did We awaken him, and I am the All-Powerful, the Almighty.

When dawn broke, and the sun rose, the nobles found the throne deserted. They searched everywhere until they despaired of discovering what they had hoped.

By My life, if the veils were lifted from the eyes as they were for him, you would see people abandoning the world behind them and leaving all that prevents them from attaining this radiant horizon.

Blessed is he who is illumined by the lights of detachment. He is among the people of the Crimson Ark before God, the Lord of the mighty Throne.

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Blessed is the city from whose horizon the sun of detachment shines, and blessed is the land illuminated by its light.

By My life, if these lands were suffused with light from its radiance, the beauty would not have been subjected to the enemies.

Thus does the Lord of Names recount for you so that you may be among the knowing.

If I were to relate to you what has befallen the Wronged One, you would lament and weep as one bereaved.

If you have attained the Tablet of God and its traces, read it repeatedly, then recite it to those whose faces bear the radiance of God, the Mighty, the Generous.

Thus has the Great Ocean surged so that you may rejoice and thank your Lord, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy.

Rejoice in what has turned toward you the Countenance of God from this grand station and what has been revealed for you to draw you closer to the desired goal and bring you near to His exalted station.

The glory be upon you and upon those who have drunk the water of eternal life from the hands of the bounty of their Merciful Lord.

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Should any soul observe this Tablet with purified eyes, solely for the sake of God, and reflect upon it, he will perceive that which benefits him and illuminates the world.

O Beloved of My Heart, most people have been nurtured in the school of ignorance and blindness, wandering in the deserts of hypocrisy.

Where is one who can see? Where is one who can hear? Where are the discerning eyes and the attentive ears?

The soul that, by the explicit command of the Primal Point—may all existence be a sacrifice unto Him—martyred the Third Letter of the Believer in “Him Whom God shall make manifest” through oppression and tyranny is not among the sanctified souls.

Likewise, the person who accompanied him from Ṭā to `Iráq, and other souls, each was decreed to be killed under some pretext.

Despite this, he wrote that sacred souls were killed, and they seek forcibly to claim leadership.

Now observe how the Third Letter of “Him Whom God shall make manifest” was not counted among the sanctified souls.

As for Agháján, renowned for his crooked hat, God, the One, the Witness, knows that the vile actions of that individual caused the people of this region to cry out in protest.

From Persia, Istanbul, Syria, and this city, inquiries should be made to ascertain the truth of this soul, who made himself appear as one of the sanctified.

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As for the person of grandeur you mentioned, whom the deceitful soul sent a letter to, it is good to inquire of him in detail about Agháján.

For Agháján’s sister resided in the household of Nawwáb Farídún Mírzá, and among the so-called sanctified souls was Riḍá Qulí.

You are aware that his brother used to say in the Holy Presence:

“My disbelief in Him is due to the belief that Riḍá Qulí, my brother, claims. I know him better and know his deeds more intimately.”

Despite this, it is evident that he regarded himself as one of the chosen in this Cause.

The details concerning him are known to you. It is clear why he was expelled from the Sacred Presence.

If he were among the followers of Yaḥyá, why was he in `Akká?

By God, who there is no god but Him, his actions and those of his sister are such that they caused the inhabitants of the realm of existence to lament.

These are the souls whom, whenever anyone sees them, bears witness to their falsehood and hypocrisy.

They are those who abandoned the Cause of God and His commandments and adhered instead to their vain desires.

This is attested by what has been revealed by the Merciful in the Book.

By your life, the eyes weep for their deeds, and the hearts are anguished by the oppression they have inflicted on the Cause of God.

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…ambassadors. This is witnessed by one adorned with the garment of fairness.

How beloved it would be for someone from the esteemed Mirzá Musheer od-Dowlé to inquire about the cause of Siyyid Muḥammad’s departure to Istanbul so that the true extent of the harm these deceitful, deluded souls have inflicted upon the Cause of God may be made clear to all discerning minds.

Beyond these matters, you are already aware that none associated with those souls would associate with anyone else. For some time, the Presence of the Most Great Beauty ceased all interaction with others; the doors were closed, and meetings were prohibited. During those days, what occurred, occurred.

The servant beseeches his Lord to make known to the servants what He holds and to guide them on His straight path.

Up to this point, this is the response to your letter sent from the land of Ṣād. A response was composed some months ago, but as it was extensive and encompassed various topics and statements, it was delayed.

Today, on the fifth of the blessed month of Ramaḍán, it remains unfinished, and the delay continued until recently. In these past few days, your additional letter, written outside Ṭá, in Imámzádeh Ḥasan, brought about the expansion of heart and joy of spirit.

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Upon being informed, I turned to the Sacred Presence and presented it entirely. His words, exalted be His greatness and majesty, were:

“O Jamál, at one time, you are in manifest joy, and at another, in grief, which saddens the hearts of the sincere ones.

If you have attained the Greatest Joy, what need is there for grief?

And if you are truly assured of the transience of the world and aware of the expanse of the divine sphere, what is the purpose of expressing sorrow?”

O Name of Beauty, do you know Who addresses you? It is He for whose sake the Spirit sacrificed itself, He who was answered for His meeting, and the spirit for the fragrance of His garment.

Can sorrow remain for you after these statements that have flowed from the fountains of the mercy of your Lord, the Most Merciful?

We testify that you are among the triumphant, among the assured, and among those who are informed.

O Jamál, first and foremost, in these days when the ocean of joy is surging, and the breezes of gladness are wafting due to the Manifestation of the All-Glorious, it is not fitting for receptive, steadfast souls to speak of sorrows unless it pertains to evident calamities connected to the Truth.

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If your grief is due to these reasons, there is no harm. However, your sorrows will, through the grace of the Beloved, turn into joy, for He is the Comforter and the Solace.

What can be done about the sorrows and suffering inflicted upon the Wronged One? Is there anyone to console Him or soothe Him for what He has endured?

Nay, by His very essence that encompasses the worlds!

O Jamál, mentioning the sorrows of the Beloved of creation is a vast ocean of solace. Blessed are the knowing.

The details of this matter cannot be fully expressed now, for the servant is present, seeking that your letter, which has been presented paragraph by paragraph, may be responded to in the Kingdom of the Divine Utterance.

This is so that it may become a spirit of life and quicken the bodies of the people of existence, granting them all the blessings of the days of God.

Indeed, He is the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

O Jamál, remind the friends who have turned to the Divine Horizon and have partaken of the nectar of the recognition of the Beloved of creation to always be adorned with praiseworthy deeds and qualities that elevate the Cause of God.

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If the land of the prison were adorned with trustworthiness, the Beloved of the worlds would not appear sorrowful.

Urge the friends to adopt trustworthiness and honesty, so that they may attain these two great lights that have shone from the heaven of divine ordinances.

In one of the Persian Tablets, this statement has been revealed from the heaven of divine will:

“Today, virtuous deeds are required, and praiseworthy actions are needed. Every good deed, in itself, proclaims the Cause.”

This is confirmed by statements recorded in other Tablets of the Supreme Pen.

Today, if a soul is adorned with trustworthiness, it is more beloved in the sight of God than the act of walking on foot to the Most Holy Court and attaining the presence of the Beloved in the Exalted Station.

Trustworthiness is like a fortress for the city of humanity and an eye for the human frame.

If a soul is deprived of it, it is noted as blind in the divine court, even if its eyesight is as sharp as that of the falcon.

O Jamál, rest assured of God’s grace and rise to serve His Cause in such a way that no worldly affliction or turmoil can prevent you from serving the Beloved of the worlds.

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Indeed, grief is an attribute of humanity and affects every being, often causing dejection.

However, in sanctified souls, it has no substantial effect. Their bodies may be sorrowful, but their spirits are in joy and gladness.

As Jesus, son of Mary, says:

“The body is sorrowful, but the spirit is in joy and exultation.”

O Jamál, magnify this utterance, for the rains of divine mercy have poured upon you from the heaven of grace.

“Be thankful and among the grateful. Be thankful and among the praising.”

It is no longer necessary for this lowly servant to offer further words, as the Sovereign of Utterance has spoken, and the King of Meanings is established on the throne of grace.

O Beloved of My Heart and the one remembered in My heart, even if the entire world and its peoples were to listen with a single ear, they could not fully grasp a single word of the Word of God.

You have heard and understood, while the people are in evident stupor.

Since the mention of trustworthiness and honesty has been revealed from the tongue of the One, this servant is now presenting two of the Tablets of God, which…

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…revealed within these contexts, so that you may deliver them with wisdom and explanation to the friends, in the hope that they may spread widely and all may attain what God has willed.

He is the Sovereign in the Realms of the Divine Utterance.

We had contemplated the earth and heard its discourse and its stories when a luminous maiden emerged from one of the chambers of Paradise. She advanced until she stood in the midst of the air and, with the most melodious voice, proclaimed:

“O concourse of earth and heavens! I am the Maiden named Trustworthiness in the concealed, hidden scroll. By the permission of My Lord, I have unveiled My face so that you may behold My beauty, My grandeur, My comeliness, and My form and appearance.

Observe My kohl-lined eyes, My rosy cheeks, My radiant brow, and My jet-black locks.

I adjure you, O people of creation, by the Lord of all, by the Sovereign of the Hereafter and the First, not to veil Me with the veils of treachery, greed, and desire, nor to surrender Me to these.

By God, treachery is among My enemies, and its essence is enmity and hatred.

I beseech you, by the One True God, not to empower My fiercest adversary. Shield Me, O inhabitants of earth, and do not be among the wrongdoers.”

Thus have We revealed the verses for you and made known to you, through allusion, what has come upon Us in the Most Great Prison, so that you may be among the knowledgeable.

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We praise God for what has come upon Us in His straight path.

When you recite the Tablet and understand its contents, remember My loved ones on My behalf and glorify their faces with the Name of the Oppressed Stranger in the Name of the All-Wondrous.

This is the Tablet of Truth, revealed in truth from the presence of an All-Knowing One.

It is the messenger of truth to the lands, calling the people to His lofty station, making known His supreme rank, His Most Glorious abode, His elevated station, His firm authority, His preeminence, and His wondrous might.

By God, He walks with prosperity to His right, assurance to His left, banners of glory before Him, and armies of dignity behind Him.

The flowing rivers bear witness to this, for He is All-Knowing.

He cries out, saying:

“O assembly of humanity! I have come to you from the Most Great Truth, to exalt you with His loftiness and majesty, His splendor and perfection, His station, His glory, and His radiance, that you might find a path to the straight way.”

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By God, whoever is adorned with this foremost adornment is indeed among the people of this radiant station.

Beware, O people, lest you surrender Him to the claws of falsehood. Fear God and do not be among the wrongdoers.

His likeness is like the sun: when it rises from its horizon, it illuminates the regions and brightens the faces of those who have attained.

Whoever is denied Him is indeed in manifest loss.

We say:

“O Messenger of God, can you enter the cities and dwellings, and find for yourself a helper in them?”

He replies:

“I have no knowledge; You are the All-Knowing, the Wise.”

We have revealed this Tablet as a favor from Us so that you may remind the people of what it contains, from the presence of a Mighty Command.

Blessings be upon you and upon those who recite the verses of the Most Merciful with spirit and fragrance, and who are steadfast.

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In this year, many verses have been revealed by the Supreme Pen.

By God, He Himself wrote of detachment, trustworthiness, fidelity, honesty, and other exalted qualities, which are evident in many Tablets.

Since some undesirable actions occurred in this land, the Supreme Pen, considering the upbringing of the servants, repeatedly expressed the importance of deeds, morals, and qualities that elevate sanctified souls, promote the exaltation of the Cause of God, ensure the tranquility of the people of the world, and protect all.

You and I, and all the friends, must fervently and humbly beseech the Almighty to enable His servants to act in ways that please Him and to adorn them with the attributes worthy of their station.

Indeed, He is the Almighty, the Most Exalted, the Responsive, the Forgiving, the Generous.

Furthermore, the individuals mentioned in your exalted letter, after being presented to the Sacred Presence, each received specific verses from the heaven of grace.

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…It is hoped that all may attain these and recite them both outwardly and inwardly.

This is what has been revealed for the sister of the branch of your presence:

He is the Most Holy, the Most Mighty.

O Jamál, rejoice in what the All-Bountiful has mentioned about you in this Day.

Justice wails, as one bereft, over what the hands of the oppressors have wrought.

By God, the Temple of Justice lies in the dust, while the Temple of Oppression is exalted on the throne of pride, in manifest delusion.

However, by Your life, the throne laughs at it, the air heralds its chastisement, and the place seeks refuge in God from it, your Lord, the All-Powerful, the All-Mighty.

Look, then reflect upon the one whom people have made a leader for themselves besides God, who has been named “the Rashá” in the Book of God, the Exalted, the Great.

She has committed acts that caused the messengers to lament and the favored ones to cry out.

Yet, the people remain in distant dissent.

Your Lord has seized her with a might from His presence and has made her a lesson for those who disbelieve in God, the Possessor of this wondrous Day.

O Jamál, do not grieve over anything, for in this Manifestation, every oppressor who commits injustice is seized.

He will also seize those who, today, issue decrees against others without proof from the presence of God, the Great, the All-Knowing.

They laugh in their homes, while the dwellers of Paradise and the Exalted Assembly mourn their injustice.

This is witnessed by the Possessor of the Names in this station, which is named with all the Names in the Book of Names, from the presence of God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy.

“O Pen, leave the mention of the Rashá, and instead mention the one who came, heard, believed, and attained, until she ascended to the Supreme Companion and the highest Paradise…

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… The Tongue of Grandeur has spoken:

“O Jamál, by My life, the Leaf has ascended to the Lote-Tree and bears witness, as she did in her fleeting days, that your Lord is the Watchful and the Witness.

O Leaf, We mention you as a favor from Us. Indeed, your Lord is the Most Bountiful, the Most Generous.

Bear witness that you believed in God and turned to Him on the day when the Greatest Calamity appeared due to the actions of the heedless.

Blessings be upon you from Us and upon those who attained through the Word of God, the Almighty, the Most Beautiful.

Rejoice in the Supreme Paradise for what God has testified on your behalf while He was seated upon His Great Throne.”

We also remember, in this station, the one named Ṣamad, that he may rejoice in the mention of God, the One, the All-Forgiving, the All-Merciful.

“O Ṣamad, be assured by God’s bounty and mercy. He has mentioned you in truth and recalls you as a favor from Him so that you may be among the thankful.

Hold fast to the Book of God and His ordinances, then bear it with this favor which nothing created on earth can equal.

Indeed, your Lord is the Truthful and Trustworthy.

We have mentioned you and your branch in this Tablet, and we also mention her mother, who believed in God, the Lord of all worlds.

Do not grieve over what has befallen you. By My life, the world and all it contains shall perish, but what has been destined for you in My mighty and exalted Kingdom shall remain.”

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“Your names have been preserved in this treasure that is called the Tablet, in the tongue of God. And it shall endure through the eternity of His names.

All discerning and insightful ones bear witness to this.”

It is revealed that this Tablet from the heaven of divine will is specifically for the handmaiden of God, Khadíjah, who is named in the Blessed Tablet as the Leaf.

God knows that she has attained what neither the heavens nor the earth can match.

Truly, in this wondrous and mighty Tablet, mention is made of you, your honored servant Ṣamad, the Leaf, and your branch.

All have been endowed with divine favors.

The spirit of the world is sacrificed for His grace.

Mention is also made of the twin luminaries, the two brilliant lights, as well as Kāẓim—upon them be the glory of God.

Although the tragedy of the land of Ṣád ignited hearts and caused wailing among the servants, a discerning soul who reflects deeply and views things detached from earthly concerns will perceive that there is nothing more exalted than what has transpired.

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This servant has, from the beginning until now, been aware of the details concerning the two radiant lights.

In Iraq, they attained the Sacred Presence, and great favor was bestowed upon them.

Initially, this was met with opposition from some, but the Hand of Divine Power elevated them and adorned them with honor.

From the heaven of bounty, blessings were showered upon them until they reached a station that you have seen and heard about.

After returning from the Sacred Presence to the land of Ṣád, they presented two supplications, earnestly beseeching the Almighty for what ultimately transpired.

Reflect now, and observe:

Praise be to God, as long as they were among the people, the favor of God shone upon them with unparalleled dignity, casting the love for them into hearts in ways immeasurable save by God Himself.

In the end, they attained the supreme station of martyrdom, which they had sought for themselves.

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And after their passing, you have seen what has been revealed about them by the Supreme Pen.

By My life, what has been revealed in their honor causes all things to wail, the rock to cry aloud, and the dwellers of Paradise to weep.

Even if a soul were to possess all the wealth of the world and offer it in sacrifice, they could not attain this station.

This is a station that all the Messengers and the near ones have longed for and continue to yearn for.

Thus far, nearly one hundred Tablets have been revealed in connection with this supreme calamity, perhaps even more.

These days, in many Tablets, mention is made of the martyrs.

What greater station or more exalted rank than this?

At one time, He said:

“O Servant, events like this, though they cause immeasurable sorrow, are also the reason for the exaltation of God’s Cause.

Complaints should only be made about matters that lead to the obscuring of the Cause.

We beseech the Almighty to guide all people and enable them to do what He loves and accepts.”

He also said:

“Write, O Jamál, that the Cause of God in the prison-land has been exalted above all things and now stands at a station whose mention brings new sorrows.”

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“Indeed, your Lord is forbearing and patient.”

Regarding your recent mention of the land of Khá, it was presented and the following was revealed:

“This has arisen from the horizon of the divine Utterance.

O Jamál, bring glad tidings to them of My bounty, My grace, and My mercy, which surpass all creation.

We have remembered them and shall continue to remember them.

Your Lord is the Most Bountiful, the Most Generous.

We have accepted what they have sent after their names were presented before the Throne.

Indeed, He is the Most Bountiful, the All-Wise.

Those whose names were mentioned in your letter, We have remembered them with a remembrance that caused the hearts of the sincere to be drawn, and We glorify their faces from this station and bring them glad tidings of a station of glorious honor.”

Thus ends the revelation of the response to your inquiry.

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The Supreme Word that was revealed:

“Praise be to the One in Whose grasp is the dominion of all names, and in Whose control is the reign of all things. I beseech You by the Greatest Name, by which the nations were shaken except those preserved by the Hand of Your Power, to strengthen me in mentioning and praising You, such that I may not be hindered by the cries of the ignorant who have cast aside Your commandments and disputed Your verses.

O my God, shower from the clouds of Your mercy that which will cause the blossoms of Your wisdom and the roses of Your knowledge to grow in the breasts of those who have partaken of the nectar of Your revelation and the fountain of Your inspiration.

O my Lord, assist everyone who turns to support Your Cause and is steadfast in Your love. You are the One Who has always been able to do whatever You will. There is none other God but You, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

Then, O my God, write for me what befits the heaven of Your generosity and the ocean of Your bounty. You are the Most Bountiful, from the beginningless past. Nothing escapes Your knowledge. You hear and see, and indeed, You are the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.”

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In the Sacred Presence, the names mentioned in your letter were individually presented, and for each of them, wondrous and mighty verses were revealed. Surely they shall attain these bounties.

He then revealed:

“O Naṣr, the Wronged One has beheld your turning towards God, and He has revealed for you what will delight your eyes and bring joy to your heart and the hearts of the listeners.

Rejoice in My remembrance of you, then give thanks to your generous Lord. He has turned to you from His Most Great Prison and mentioned you with that which is more exalted than the ocean of eternal life in the sight of your Merciful Lord.

Give thanks and say: ‘Praise be to You, O Lord of the worlds.’

The glory of God be upon you and upon your branch who has believed in the One, the All-Informed.”

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He continued:

“O Pen of the Most High, mention the one named Mu’min (the Believer), that he may rejoice in the mention of God, the Lord of the ultimate return.

Indeed, We have already mentioned you as a favor from Us, and We are the Almighty, the Bestower.

Blessed is the soul who turned to My dominion, drank the nectar of My bounty from the hands of My gifts, and proclaimed My wondrous mention.

Your mention is inscribed in the Book of My Name, and these verses have been revealed for you, verses which are unmatched by the treasures of the heavens and the earth.”

He further said:

“Blessed is your branch who attained in the days of the One, the All-Informed.”

He mentioned another:

“We recall the one named ʿAlí, who turned to the supreme horizon.

We counsel him to rise with that which will exalt the Cause of God, the Lord of creation.”

“O ʿAlí, listen to My call, then rejoice in the mention of your Lord, by which the horizons have been illumined.

Blessed is the one who heard the cry of the Wronged One and for His sake severed himself from all directions.”

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“The glory of God be upon you and upon your son, who believed in the Chosen One, the Peerless.”

We also remember ʿAlí-ʿAskar, who believed in God, the Lord of Destiny, on the day when every noble person was shaken, every scholar turned away, and every wise one opposed—except those whom God willed.

How many knowledgeable ones have We made a flame for companionship, and how many learned ones have We abandoned and made a lesson for the onlookers.

How many wealthy ones have been deceived by their riches until they turned away from the Lord of all beings, and how many poor ones have attained the fountain of everlasting life in the days of God, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the Praised.

We remember the one named Bashír, so that every believer may be assured that We remember all who recall their Lord, the Exalted, the Most Great.

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“O servant, rely upon God in all matters, then recount My days, My tribulations, and what befell Me and My chosen ones, who believed in My verses and turned to My clear horizon.”

Thus have We revealed the verses as a favor from Us.

Indeed, your Lord is the Gracious One, the Generous.

He is the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most Glorious.

“O Muḥammad-Qabl-Taqí, hear the call from the direction of ʿAkká, the station where this Wronged and Exiled One is imprisoned.

The cry has encompassed all who are on earth and in heaven, yet most of the people remain heedless.

Blessed are you for having cast aside illusions and turned to the Lord of all beings, who has come with clear authority.

Delight in having taken the nectar of knowledge and having drunk in the name of your Most Generous Lord.”

Thus ends this exalted Tablet.

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O Asmāʾ al-Jamal, indeed, We remember all My loved ones collectively, magnifying their countenances from the direction of My Prison. We pray upon them and mention them at every dawn and eve.

O Jamāl, give them glad tidings of the ocean of My bounty, the heaven of My grace, and the sun of My mercy that has encompassed all worlds. Say:

“By God, the Supreme Pen moves in your mention, and the Face of Eternity is turned toward your faces from this noble, wondrous station.

We enjoin upon you joy while I recount My sorrow this day, when My ear heard of what befell My sister at the hands of the oppressors. We testify that she turned, attained, soared in My atmosphere, heard My call, and was moved by My will.

Thus testified the Supreme Pen, though most of the people are in manifest doubt.

Blessed is the one who visits her and turns to her sincerely for the sake of their Lord, the Benevolent, the Bestower, the Most Generous.”

O Jamāl, the Point of the Bayān declares: “All is for this, that they may be mentioned in that Most Exalted and Resplendent Presence.”

Now reflect and recognize the worth of this favor, for the Supreme Pen, while surrounded by all sorrows, occupies itself with the mention of His loved ones.

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By My life, neither the hosts of existence nor the events of the world have deterred Me. I have spoken at all times and invited all to the Unique, the All-Knowing.

Convey to all the friends My magnification on their behalf from the Wronged One of the horizons.

This year, many calamities have occurred. Most recently, the news of My sister’s tribulations was conveyed to the Sacred Presence. Truly, she was wronged, and in secret, she endured what none but God can comprehend.

Blessed is she, and My glory be upon her for her steadfastness in God and for bearing tribulations in His straight path.”

He then said:

“Moreover, numerous Tablets have been sent to you from the heaven of divine grace. Among them is a special Tablet, conveyed with Jināb-i-Sayyid ʿAlí-Akbar, upon him be glory. Also sent were other Tablets, including one carried by Jināb-i-Ibn-i-Asdaq al-Muqaddas, upon them be glory.

And now, another Tablet…”

BH00193 (Unnatural)

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The exalted, inviolable Tablet was sent with its covering. With these divine favors and bounties, it is incumbent upon you, at all times, to be wholly engaged in the remembrance of the Beloved of the worlds. Through this, those intoxicated by the wine of heedlessness may awaken, the withered in the valley of delusions may be refreshed, and the dead in the graves of estrangement may be revived and quickened.

May glory be upon you, peace be upon you, and mercy and grace from God be upon you.

In the name of Our Most Sacred, Most Exalted, Most Mighty, Supreme Lord:

Praise be to God, who manifested what He willed. He is indeed powerful over whatsoever He desires. The affairs of creation cannot constrain Him, nor can the rejection of those who disbelieve in God, the Lord of the Day of Summoning, weaken Him.

When He revealed Himself, His essence was made manifest, and He established His dominion upon the mighty Throne amidst creation. He uttered that which attracted all things and directed all faces from every direction to the Face of the Lord of Names.

Then He spoke another word, which caused the heavens and the earth to tremble. Through it, the veil was drawn back between His servants. The doubters turned away, the hesitant disbelieved, the idol-worshippers lamented, and the heedless wailed.

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The monotheists hastened forward, the sincere soared high, and the near ones advanced. The sweetness of the call captivated the people of Bahá to such an extent that they cast aside the world and turned to the Most Great Name. With hearts focused, they turned toward the horizon from which the Tongue of Grandeur and Majesty spoke:

“There is no God but Him, the One, the Peerless, the All-Bountiful.”

This humble servant testifies with the tongue of his heart, his being, his outward and inward self, that God has tested His servants through the revelation of tribulations in the realm of creation.

Blessed is he who is enraptured by the wine of knowledge and severed from all existence, turning toward his Lord, the Mighty, the Most Generous.

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O Lord of existence and Master of the seen and unseen! You behold the burning of the hearts of Your loved ones and hear their cries and lamentations in separation from You.

O my Lord! The heavens have darkened from the sighs of the faithful, and the leaves of the Lote Tree of Utmost Boundaries have yellowed from the yearning cries of Your chosen ones, who have been distanced from Your presence, Your proximity, Your mercy, and Your favors.

I beseech You, by the concealed, treasured power known only to Yourself, to cause the fountain of Your Supreme Pen to flow with that which brings joy and elation to them so that neither the conditions of creation nor the injustices of Your enemies may sadden or distress them.

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O my Lord! The servant sees the stream of the Water of Life flowing from the right of Your Throne and the ocean of bestowals before Your Face. I ask You, by the Name through which You subdued the world, to ordain for those whom You have mentioned in Your Tablets that which benefits them in all realms and to answer their supplications from the ocean of Your knowledge. Strengthen them in serving You and inspire their hearts to be drawn toward Your love, so they may remember You among Your servants, severed from all else but You.

Verily, You are mighty over all that You will, and in Your grasp is the dominion of names. There is no God but You, the All-Knowing, the Omnipotent, the All-Powerful.

My spirit is a ransom for Your remembrance and my being a sacrifice for Your steadfastness. From the traces of Your Pen, the servant has perceived the fragrance of God’s love, the aroma of His devotion, and the exhalations of the musk of sincerity in serving Him.

When the breast was expanded by these fragrances, the eye brightened by its words, and the heart rejoiced in its emanations, I ascended with power to the Heaven of the Bayān…

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…until I reached the Presence of the Throne of Our Lord, the Most Merciful. I presented its contents, whereupon the Face of Eternity turned toward me, saying:

“Indeed, We see Asmāʾ al-Jamal, upon whom be My glory, grace, and mercy, at times on the heights of joy and at others immersed in the ocean of sorrows.

Say: O Jamāl, you have entered the shores of the sea of truths. Take up the pearls of knowledge and wisdom, and sever yourself from all who dwell upon the earth. Thus does your Lord, the Wronged, the Stranger, remind you.

Be a speaker of My name, a doer of My service, and a proclaimer of what has been revealed from My realm. Let he who hears listen for himself, and he who denies, let him do so, for verily, your Lord is the Self-Sufficient, the Praiseworthy.”

Will sorrow overtake you after the All-Merciful has mentioned you in the Tablets in a manner that caused the trumpet to be blown and the people of the graves to tremble?

Exalted, indeed, is the Lord of Manifestation, who has aided you in recognizing the dawn of His revelation and the source of His verses. He has given you to drink the pure wine of holiness from the hand of His bounty. Verily, your Lord is the All-Powerful, the Most Generous, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

Reflect upon what the disbelievers said about Me after I brought them verses that humbled every scripture, book, tablet, and great record. Among them were those who claimed, ‘He has stolen the verses and attributed them to himself,’ and others who accused Me of claiming divinity, while some criticized, ‘He drinks tea in crystal cups.’ Thus does your Lord remind you so that you may rejoice in manifest joy.”

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You are among those upon whom divine favor has been, and will continue to be, bestowed. By My life, you are under the gaze of My mercy and the canopy of My bounty. At all times, with purity of intention and for the sake of the All-Merciful, call people to the waters of the Bayán. Whoever listens will benefit themselves, while for those who turn away, there is no path—they speak according to their vain imaginings, clinging to delusions.

A petition from you was received, and indeed the fragrance of contentment and joy was perceived in it. However, subsequent correspondence bore the winds of sorrow, stirred by the clay of the earth, which is unworthy of mention.

The similitude of those who turn away, the oppressors, and their clamor is like that of crows perched on a branch, emitting their cries before flying away. By the sun of the Bayán, which shines from the heavens of divine knowledge, the flourishing of souls is hardly discernible among them.

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What value or significance do such souls hold to merit mention or discussion? Whoever drinks from the Most Great Ocean does so for their own soul, while those who deny it, their loss is upon them.

In the way of lovers, the fewer the rivals, the more beloved the path becomes. Just as God, exalted is His might and dominion, bore the weight of afflictions and heard unbecoming and unworthy utterances, so too must you emulate your Lord.

The people are weak and resemble children; patience and forbearance are required. Your Lord is indeed the Most Patient, the Most Compassionate.

In numerous Tablets, I have exhorted the friends of God to unity. Yet, disunity persists. Summon all your faculties and efforts toward this matter, so that the Sun of Unity may dawn among the servants. By My life, through it, the Cause of God will be exalted, and His loved ones ennobled.

Thus has your Lord commanded you before, and now again He commands you to adhere to wisdom, so that nothing is revealed that may disturb the hearts. Convey the elixir of divine assurance to the friends in that land and gladden them with this great glad-tiding:

Today, all must be engaged in the remembrance of the Sovereign of Eternity and hold firmly to the Cord of Unity. Unity is like an architect, building the structures of the divine ordinances and laws, while discord is their destroyer.

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Cling, O My friends, to the hem of unity in My exalted, invincible Cause. Today is unparalleled; strive to attain the Word of God. For instance, whoever attains the word of divine contentment today, their mention will endure across the realms of dominion and creation.

Do not regard what distresses you today, but rather turn to My sweet call and My exalted, beloved Cause. What significance do fleeting matters have, that they should cause humans to be perturbed, fearful, or sorrowful?

View things with My sight, and you will find yourselves upon the shores of the ocean of assurance. Your Lord, the All-Merciful, is indeed the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

The mention of all is and will remain in the sacred Presence. Verily, He hears and sees; He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.

The people of Bahá today must strive for the unity and betterment of the world. The denizens of the Supreme Concourse imagined that the people of Bahá had attained this station, yet they are observed to be in disarray and confusion over various matters.

Do you not desire that deeds be manifested by you that are acceptable to the Supreme Concourse, the dwellers of Paradise, and the angels near unto God?

Strive, O people of Bahá, in that which your Lord of Names has commanded you, who speaks in this glorious station.

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Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds!

The mention of Jináb-i-Sayyid `Abdu’l-Hádi, upon him be glory, was presented. His petition was placed before the sacred Presence. This is what God has revealed in response:

“He is the Most Holy, the Most Exalted. O My servant `Abdu’l-Hádi, may you ever abide beneath the canopy of My mercy and be adorned with the bounties of My lordly grace. Your supplication has reached the attentive ear of the Lord of Names, and the luminous pearls of these words have emerged from the ocean of divine knowledge.

You must dedicate yourself entirely to the service of the Cause. Every soul adorned today with the garment of unity and the robe of divine virtues is among those who have arisen for the service of the Cause.

Blessed is the soul that fulfills its covenant and attains what was commanded by its Originator. Praise be to God! You have drunk from the ocean of nearness and beheld the effulgences of the sun of the Bayán. Some time ago, a Tablet was revealed by the Most Exalted Pen and specifically sent to you. The grace of God has been with you and will continue to be. The station of assured souls is exalted before God. Verily, He is the Peerless, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.”

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Glory be upon you and upon your kin who have turned, listened, and responded, and have attained what is inscribed in the Books of God, the Lord of all worlds.

This concludes the words of divine guidance for now. May you be steadfast in unity, for it is the foundation of all good and the source of the world’s renewal.

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In the realms of dominion and the Book that has been adorned by the Pen of His decree, O Lord, I am the one who implores You and hastens to the ocean of Your bounty. I am the hopeful one who turns toward the horizon of Your grace. I beseech You to make me, in all circumstances, steadfast in Your love, eloquent in Your remembrance, and firm in this Cause, by which the pens of most of Your servants have faltered, and the tribes of the earth have lamented.

O Lord, You are the Most Generous, the One with boundless grace. I beseech You for the sprinkling of the rains of Your merciful clouds and Your forgiveness. O Lord, accept from me, through Your bounty, that which I have not accomplished, and then attribute to me that which I have done for Your love.

Ordain for me and for my kin what befits the heaven of Your grace and the ocean of Your generosity. Verily, You are the One Whose might is undeterred by the affairs of the world, nor by the clamor of the nations. You do as You will with Your authority and decree what You desire with Your power. Verily, You are the transcendent, the sublime, the all-glorious.

Blessed is he who attains the verses of his Lord.

We beseech the True One, and we hope that they may drink the sealed nectar from the words of the Sovereign of certitude and stand steadfast in the Cause in such a way that the winds of the world and the affairs of nations do not prevent them. May they in all circumstances gaze toward what He loves and desires, free and detached from all else.

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Moreover, the Countenance of Eternity and the Lord of nations turned toward the realm of bounty, and these steadfast verses regarding Jináb-i-Mírzá Ismá‘íl flowed forth from the Tongue of Grandeur:

“He is the Most Ancient, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious. This is a mention from Us for one whose letter was presented to the Oppressed One in this Most Manifest Prison. Behold the power and sovereignty of God: the one who decreed My imprisonment now laments in the fire, while the Oppressed One speaks in this glorious station.

We bear witness to what God bore witness before the creation of the heavens and the earth: Verily, there is none other God but Him, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. He is the One Who decrees in the dominion as He wills; neither armies weaken Him nor kings hinder Him. He has come to reform the world as a favor from Himself, and He is the Generous, the Bountiful.

O Ismá‘íl, rejoice in what the Exalted Lord mentions to you and in what He commands, by which the musk of understanding will diffuse throughout existence. Exalted is your Lord, the All-Merciful, the Possessor of this great favor.

We have heard your call and read your letter, and We have answered you with these verses, by which all things have spoken: ‘The kingdom belongs to God, the singular, the mighty, the praiseworthy.’”

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Similarly, the mention of Jináb-i-Mírzá Muḥammad-Ḥasan, upon him be glory, was presented in the sacred and inviolable Presence. These exalted words radiated from the horizon of the will of the Lord of Names and Attributes:

“In the name of the All-Knowing One. Gaze upon this blessed word, which is as the sun for the heaven of understanding and as the ocean for the sea of exposition. Remember Me among My servants with wisdom, that I may remember you in My dominion with honor. May you, by God’s will, attain this lofty and exalted station and turn toward the Beloved.

The manifestations of vain imaginings lamented for centuries in the absence of the Manifestation of the Lord of creation. When the horizon of the world became illumined with the effulgence of the Sun of Eternity, all were seen to be deprived and withheld, except for those whom your Lord willed.

Yes, the day of bounty has appeared, and the word of God has made distinctions clear; pearls were separated from shells. Verily, He is the One Who distinguishes and differentiates, the mighty, the omniscient.

We beseech God, exalted and glorified is He, to aid you in remembering and praising Him in such a manner that the radiance of the remembrance of the Most Great Name encompasses all cities and its fragrance diffuses among the servants.”

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“Today, due to the lack of receptivity in the earth and its people, the true station of upright souls is not apparent. However, by the True Sun that has risen from the horizon of the prison, it will soon become manifest to all the inhabitants of the world. Verily, your Lord is the All-Powerful, the All-Capable, and He is indeed the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.”

In a previous letter dated 4 Ramadan, you mentioned Jináb-i-Khudádád and Áqá ’Azíz Alláh, upon them be glory. Their names were presented in the sacred Presence, and this was revealed in response:

“O My Name! The servant present has presented what you mentioned regarding My loved ones who have turned away from all but Me and directed themselves to My countenance. Through them, God will raise up a new creation. Verily, your Lord is the All-Informed, the All-Knowing.”

May you be blessed by the divine favor of God and content with His will, ever grateful.

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“Today is the day when the Sun of the Most Great Name has risen from the horizon of the world. If a soul utters but a single breath for the sake of God, that breath ascends to the sacred Presence and is immortalized by the Most Exalted Pen in the great Tablet. Blessed is the soul that attains the remembrance of God, serves Him, and drinks the nectar of revelation from the hands of bounty, detached from all who are in the heavens, the earth, and the realms of command and creation.

Thus has your Lord willed to reveal the true station of His servants. By My life, they are the ones who have attained victory.”

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In every book, I am mentioned by a name. In the Torah, I am revealed and recorded with the name “Jehovah.” This is a name that, prior to the mission of Moses, was inscribed in the treasury of the knowledge of God. Thus, it is stated in the Torah: “I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty over all things, but by My name Jehovah, I was not fully known to them.” Furthermore, it is stated: “And God also said to Moses, ‘Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: Jehovah, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.’”

Say, by God, the Truth has come, the One who turns dawn into darkness and walks upon the heights of the earth. Rejoice in My remembrance, O My loved ones, and conduct yourselves in a manner from which the fragrance of the love of God may diffuse. This is befitting for those who turn toward My sacred and luminous horizon. We have reminded you before through the scent of the robe, and now We remind you again as a grace from Us. Verily, your Lord, the Most Merciful, is the Mighty, the All-Powerful.

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O My loved ones, We have advised the servants before regarding what benefits them in this world and the hereafter, but the people remain in manifest remoteness. Blessed are you for having heard the call of God and for responding to it on a day when souls lamented, except for those whom God, the Lord of the worlds, willed. God willing, remain steadfast in the love of Truth and His Cause, for We have forewarned of the appearance of deniers in the lands. In all circumstances, cling to the hem of His grace and hold fast to the cord of His bounty.

O Beauty, We mention the people of the inner sanctum who abandoned the world and turned toward the supreme horizon, to rejoice in what has poured forth from the Most Great Ocean in this noble scene. We hear those who mention Us and observe the deeds of those who serve the Cause with evident sincerity. Upon them be the glory of God, the glory of the Supreme Concourse, and the glory of the near angels.

The sun of sincerity shines from the hearts of some, and their names have been inscribed by My Supreme Pen in My Mighty Tablet. From God, implore that all may be aided in recognizing this blessed, wondrous day, so that they do not lose what would bring lasting regret and sorrow for all eternity in the dominion of both the seen and unseen realms. Praise be to God, all are remembered in the presence of the Throne and adorned with the grace of the Sovereign of the nations. God willing, all shall attain what God desires.

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Those whom God desires shall attain His desire. Peace be upon them, exaltation be upon them, and glory be upon them. Thus it ends.

Another matter: The exiles of the land of Ṣād are mentioned in the holy court and are turned toward divine grace. God willing, they may rejoice in this supreme glad tidings. This lowly servant conveys greetings to each of them and declares his nothingness and nonexistence, wishing, “Would that I had been with them and had attained what befell them on the path of God, the Most High, the Great.”

Another matter: Regarding Ḥájí Mírzá Ḥusayn—upon him be the glory of God—from among the people of Qáf, there is no news. Please inquire about his condition on behalf of this servant and write the details. Although this servant was somewhat negligent, thinking that the honored one had promptly returned and that his correspondence would have been answered, his return has thus far been delayed. However, it is hoped that in these days, he will gain leave to return.

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We beseech God, exalted and glorified is He, to aid him in what is fitting and appropriate today. It was preferred that he would not regard this servant’s delay and would proceed as before. In any case, this servant seeks forgiveness from the friends of God and is hopeful.

Another matter: The sum you wrote about, which was given to the honored trustee—upon him be the glory of God—was presented in the sacred court and was accepted with favor. Blessed are the souls who attained this supreme bounty. Congratulations to them.

Another matter: A sum was sent with the honorable Siyyid ’Alí-Akbar—upon him be the glory of all glories—to be delivered to the heirs of the honored Ustád Aḥmad—upon him be the glory of God and His favors. No news has yet been received about whether it has reached them. It has been quite some time, approximately two or three years, since thirty túmáns were sent to the mother of Siyyid Sulaymán Khán, and no news has been received to this day. Recently, since these matters pertain to this servant, it is necessary to ascertain their status outwardly.

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Thus, the responsibility is to verify matters outwardly. For now, half of that sum should be given to honored Khán, and the other half should be allocated for the debts of the Great Leaf, the noble sister—may my spirit be a sacrifice for them both.

This lowly servant requests that one day, as specified by your honor, you may visit that sanctified grave on behalf of this servant. Blessed is the soul who rests in its proximity and dwells around it. Upon her be the glory of God, the glory of the angels who are near, and the blessings of the Supreme Concourse.

The Most Mighty Branch and the Most Great Branch—may my essence and being be a sacrifice for the dust of their feet—are mentioned with exalted praise and magnification. Likewise, the people of the pavilion of sanctity and majesty and all those who circumambulate convey lofty magnification. The glory of God be upon you, and upon those who are with you, and upon those who attained the knowledge of this blessed, mighty, exalted day. Praise be to God, the Single, the Exalted, the Sovereign, the Almighty, the All-Powerful.

28th Rabí‘ II, 97 (April 1880)

BH00483 (Natural)

In the name of our Most Holy, Most Great, Most Ancient, Most Exalted, and Most Glorious Lord.

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Praise be to Him who spoke after sanctifying Himself beyond speech and taught after exalting Himself above expression. Verily, He it is who made the Supreme Pen an interpreter among the people, and through it, He revealed what He willed by His name, which He has established as the sovereign of names in the kingdom of creation. Exalted is He who is unique in majesty and greatness, singular in might and power. His sovereignty encompasses the dominion of the seen and unseen, and His mercy precedes the realms of power and humanity. Verily, He is beyond description by names and beyond mention by remembrances. Every near one has acknowledged His distance, every learned one has confessed their ignorance, and every discerning one has testified to their heedlessness.

He has subdued all things by the word that shone and radiated from the horizon of His will, and He has guided the people to the path which none attain except the honored servants. Praise be to Him, for He is the Lord of the unseen and the seen. Afterward, the servant received your letter, which you sent previously. It was taken, opened, and read, and from it arose the fragrance of your love for our Lord, the Lord of what is visible and invisible, the Possessor of creation, and the Sovereign of the hereafter and the former. When the time was appropriate, it was presented before the Throne. His Word is exalted and glorified:

“He is the Most Holy.”

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“He is the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Teacher, the Knower, the Seer, the Hearer.”

O you who are mentioned before the Countenance, do not be saddened by what has befallen you, for greater trials have been endured by your Lord than what has afflicted the sincere and devoted servants of God. By the life of Bahá, He glories in tribulations on the path of God, the Possessor of names, while the people flee from them in manifest fear. We have adorned the body with affliction and adorned the soul with joy that no worldly joy can match. Thus speaks He who is sanctified above all that is grasped by the peoples of the world.

Hold fast to the cord of patience, as commanded by your Lord, the Chosen One, and say: “O my God and Master of my destiny, the Beloved of my heart! You see what has befallen me in Your days, and You know my state in Your Cause. I beseech You by Your name, through which rivers of Your mercy have flowed from the rock, and signs of Your greatness have appeared from the seas, and manifestations of Your power have emerged from the branches. Make me steadfast in Your Cause at all times and clinging to the cord of Your love.

I bear witness that this is the Day wherein the Great Terror has appeared, and all hidden matters have been disclosed. Forgive, O my God, every action of mine that has arisen without Your will, then enable me to fulfill what is befitting for Your days. Record for me, through Your grace, that which will protect me from turning to anything other than You. O Lord, make me among those who have fled from vain desires to the Lote-Tree of the Utmost Boundary and have detached themselves from all but You by Your most exalted, most holy, most glorious name. Verily, You are the Sovereign of the Throne and the dust, and in Your grasp is the dominion of all things. Verily, You are the Almighty.”

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Thus far, several letters have been received from you. Praise be to God; all of them indicate your love, sincerity, and steadfastness in the Cause of God. Do not grieve over what has occurred, for every soul today that is adorned with the love of God is truly blessed with every good. The whole world cannot compare to a single word uttered by the will of God concerning His friends. These ranks are veiled today from the eyes of people, for if they were unveiled and the people of the world became aware of the mystery of the Cause, none would hesitate, let alone turn away and deny.

As for the mention of the delayed response, God, exalted is His station and mighty is His greatness, is a witness and knows that this delay was not due to a lack of love and never will be. Rather, it is due to the abundance of work and correspondence that this lowly servant is engaged with. From all regions, writings and letters pour in like rain, and most of the time, this servant is occupied before the Throne with recording what descends from the heaven of His will, Our Merciful Lord.

Whenever there is a moment of respite, attention is turned to the mention of the friends. None of you have ever been erased from the heart and sight. Praise be to God, you are remembered before the Countenance and are favored with grace. But strive to attain that which is befitting for these days. Today, all must circle around the Most Great Ocean and speak with perfect unity and a single word.

You and the friends of God should not be saddened by the delay in the writings of this lowly one, for everyone knows and understands the reason for this delay.

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Regarding what you wrote about the Most Great Leaf, the noble sister—may my spirit be a sacrifice for her—all was presented, and what you did was accepted. We thank Him for His wondrous grace and favor. As for what was written about her sister, it was presented before the Countenance. He said that since it was not in accordance with the Book’s decree, it caused hardship and became a source of difficulty.

However, God willing, this hardship and difficulty will be rewarded by the grace of God. “Avoid, O My loved ones, that which you have been forbidden in the Book and hold fast to that which you have been commanded. Verily, your Lord, the Most Merciful, is the Helper, the Seer.” Thus it ends.

You should not be disheartened by this occurrence, for it has been graced with forgiveness. Verily, He is the Ordainer, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

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Regarding what you wrote about the daughter of Jináb-i-Aṣdaq—upon him be the glory of God—and her mention that the hardships befalling her and her household are because their actions are not in line with her will, this matter was presented before the Countenance. He said: “O Most Generous One, My servant, Aṣdaq, holds a great station in the sight of your Lord. Verily, he is among those who attained the fragrance of God, the All-Powerful, the Self-Subsisting, in the beginning of the Cause. We have mentioned him in the Books and Tablets and continue to mention him in Our days. Verily, your Lord is the Most Kind, the Forgiving. Blessed is he who was comforted by him in his life and visited him after his passing.”

My Supreme Pen bears witness that he perceived the fragrance, hastened to My direction, and arose for this Cause that has shaken every strong foundation. He appeared before the Throne with a radiant face and stood at the Gate on most occasions.

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Most days, he would be at the gate, hearing the call of God, the Lord of the exalted Throne. Glory be upon him and upon those who visit him, by the command of God, the Possessor of the unseen and the seen. O Generous One, what has befallen you is not due to what was mentioned. Your Lord is the All-Knowing, with all knowledge preserved in a noble Book. Convey my exalted greetings to her on my behalf and say: “To you, O My handmaid, walk in the footsteps of your father.” Thus does My Wise Pen counsel you.

O Generous One, the late ’Aṭṭár was among the early ones and attained the presence of God. The True One, exalted and glorified is He, has always regarded and continues to regard him with honor. If his intentions had been fulfilled, these afflictions would not have arisen. Thus are you informed by Him who holds knowledge of what was and what is to be. God willing, may you find rest under the shade of divine grace, with complete tranquility and love. Verily, He hears and sees; He is the Hearing, the Seeing.

Jináb-i-Ism-i-Jamál—upon him be the glory of God—mentioned the honored Fataḥ-Alláh. By My life, We were with him as he ascended the ladder of grace and soared in the air of the mercy of his Lord, the Mighty, the Generous. We remember him in this setting as a favor from Us.

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This is so you may be among the grateful. He ascended with the wings of love and certitude to the horizon of the Merciful and attained a station that brought joy to his eyes and the eyes of those who beheld him. O Fataḥ-Alláh, you were remembered in your life before the Throne, and We continue to mention you after your ascent. My Supreme Pen, from which every wise matter is detailed, testifies: “This remembrance is beyond all comparison. Your Lord is the Forgiving, the Generous.” Thus have We adorned your head with the crown of forgiveness, bestowed by your Lord, the Merciful. Verily, He remembers whomsoever He wills by a decree from Him. He is the Remembrancer, the All-Knowing.

Truly, the news of his ascent has enveloped the heart in sorrow and grief. Yet this is only the outward view of the matter. In reality, he has been freed from the troubles of this fleeting world and joined the mercy of the Divine. Blessed is he and those like him. What greater bounty exists than for the Ancient Tongue to utter such exalted words about a soul? A hundred thousand blessings upon him who attained such a station. Convey this servant’s condolences and comfort to Jináb-i-Akhu and the honored lady Umm—upon them be the glory of God. God willing, this servant and all the friends are content and grateful for whatever has been revealed by the One True Friend.

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The Point of the Bayán—may my soul be a sacrifice for Him—states that the entire world exists so that a soul may attain, through a single word, the satisfaction of the ocean of His bounty. Regarding what you wrote about dreams, many dreams are disturbing, and their visible effects often cause distress. By His command, those who experience troubling dreams and become filled with anxiety and sorrow should recite the following blessed verse:

“O You by whose name the ocean of joy surged, and the fragrance of delight arose! I beseech You to show me the wonders of Your bounty that will gladden my eyes and bring joy to my heart. Verily, You are the Generous.”

For other types of dreams, it is also beloved to recite this. Thus it ends. This lowly servant prays to God to protect you and your household from the harm of the deniers. This is among the greatest prayers, addressed to the Lord of the Throne and the dust.

While writing this letter, I was engaged in composing a missive when the call of exaltation arose from the source of glory. After reflection and presence, He said: “O present servant, We desire to mention Our servant Raḥím, who attained Our days, Our love, and recognition. Blessed is he for fulfilling his covenant and pact and for drinking the nectar of revelation from the cup of his generous Lord’s bounty.”

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“O Raḥím, God willing, you will attain the special grace of the Divine. The fragrance of your love was perceived both before and after. God willing, you will succeed in maintaining this most exalted station, for the devils lie in wait on their perches.” Thus does the tongue of revelation inform you beforehand. “Stand firm in the remembrance of God and in His service, in such a manner that doubts and suspicions from those who deny God, the Most High, the Great, do not prevent you. Hold fast to the cord of grace and cling to the hem of generosity.”

The world has always been transient and will remain so. Do not grieve over what has passed. Rejoice in My beautiful remembrance and say: “All praise be to You, O You who remembered me in Your prison and sent to me what brought delight to the eyes of the discerning. Praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds.” Thus it ends.

Convey from this lowly servant exalted and noble greetings to them and also to all the friends in that land. Glory be upon you and them, and upon the servants of God who are steadfast, firm, and assured.

28th Dhí Qa‘dah, Year 97 (November 1880)

BH00054 (Natural)

In the name of our Most Holy, Most Great, Most Manifest, Most Exalted, Most Glorious Lord.

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Praise be to God, who revealed the Countenance after the annihilation of all things and adorned the kingdom of names through the trembling of His Supreme Pen. He spoke of what clothed the essence of transience with the robe of eternity from the realm of creation. Verily, He is the One who revived the bones through the breezes of His supreme word, by which the pavilion of “He does as He wills” was raised. He is the Possessor of the Throne and the dust, the Sovereign of the hereafter and the former. Blessed is the one who heard His most delightful call and who was strengthened despite the dazzling lights of the names.

Exalted is our Lord beyond the mention of all who mention and the description of all who describe. All things testify to His loftiness, His power, His sublimity, and His majesty. No perception comprehends Him, and no understanding grasps Him. He created all things by His command and sovereignty and decreed for every matter a time in His Book. He is the Singular, the One, the Eternal Refuge, before whom all necks bow. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Bestower.

I send blessings, glorification, and exaltation upon those who were enraptured by the wine of recognition in the days of the Merciful and who spoke with wisdom and clarity among the assemblies of creation. These are the servants who were never overtaken by heedlessness and whose necks never inclined from…

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They rose to serve the Lord of mankind in such a manner that it left the minds of the wise and the hearts of the pure bewildered. The servant supplicates to his Lord with the tongues of all beings, asking to be gathered under their shade and to be granted a station near them. Verily, He is the Omnipotent, whose knowledge is not hindered by anything, and whose will is not obstructed by anything that has been or will be created. He is the One, the Exalted, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

My soul be a sacrifice for your remembrance. Your letter reached me, and I heard within it the melody of the bird of recognition. It guided me to ascend to sovereignty—yours, mine, and that of all creation. By the life of the Beloved, longing has overtaken me in a manner that cannot be contained within words, as testified by the Lord of the Covenant, by whom the horizons were illumined. Then the magnet of majesty drew me, bringing me to the Court of Holiness, Nearness, and Beauty. When I arrived before the Countenance, I presented what was written in your letter: your humility, submission, and supplication to God, the Lord of the beginning and the end. When it was completed, the Tongue of Grandeur spoke in response, saying, with a most delightful utterance:

“O Jamál, if observed correctly, the Point of the Bayán enclosed its exposition within a single word and sent it forth.”

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Now consider how many verses have been revealed and sent in your name. Reflect to recognize the grace and bounty of God, His mercy and generosity. Every fair-minded soul has testified and continues to testify to the greatness of the ocean of divine bounty. In all states, the gaze of His grace and favor has been directed toward you. Be assured in what your Lord, the All-Knowing, sends to you. Today, you must be attentive to matters that lead to the exaltation of the Cause of God. Today, nothing is seen but the Cause of God and His sovereignty. We have sent to you the sealed wine, the fountain of life, and the spring of recognition. Your Lord, the Merciful, testifies to this in this noble scene.

Regarding what you wrote about meeting Jináb-i-As from the people of Ṣād and your intent to invite him again, it is clear that His presence always manifests the utmost kindness, love, and compassion toward the servants of God. God willing, the breezes of these days will seize the aforementioned person and enable him to attain supreme steadfastness and service to the luminous, twin lights. This matter was presented before the holy court and was accepted.

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It was said: “Let him associate with the servants in spirit and delight and guide them to the path of God, the Mighty, the Exalted.” Thus it ended.

Regarding your mention of returning to the land of Ṣād, it was said: “In these days, it is not advisable. The wolf howls, and the frog croaks. Be patient until the fragrance of acceptance and tranquility diffuses there.” Thus it ended.

Now, as three hours have passed since the morning of Sunday, the 27th of Dhí Qa‘dah, this lowly servant has been blessed with another handwriting of His. The breezes of His grace enveloped and surrounded this servant. I supplicate and hope to God, exalted and glorified is He, to keep the Beloved forever singing, clarifying, and speaking in the meadows of the Bayán. In all circumstances, this servant feels ashamed and humbled before the friends and the chosen ones of God, hoping for forgiveness.

Regarding what you wrote, appointing this servant as your representative to visit the Countenance of Eternity at a specified time, I was blessed to visit the sacred court and circumambulate and pay homage. Then the Tongue of Grandeur spoke, saying:

“O Ism-i-Jamál, the present servant has visited on your behalf, and We have accepted it as a favor from Us so that you may rejoice and give thanks.” Thus it ended.

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He also visited the divine Branches, whose spirit, essence, and being I would sacrifice for the dust of their feet, and those who circumambulate around them, attaining the bounty of visitation on behalf of His honor.

Regarding what you wrote about this lowly servant and the friends, Jináb-i-Muḥammad-Taqí and Jináb-i-Shír-’Alí—upon them be the glory of God—visiting the holy grave of the Most Great Leaf, the honored sister, may my soul and the souls of all in the worlds be a sacrifice for her sanctified resting place, you were blessed. This was a supreme favor concerning this lowly servant. Regarding the two honored ones who were blessed in their service, this matter was presented before the sacred court. The Sun of Grace shone upon each of them. God willing, they will attain supreme steadfastness and remain protected from the foul winds of the disbelieving souls.

O Beloved of My heart, observe what a day this is and what conversations occupy the people. They have settled for falsehoods, turning away from the Master of Causes and the Sovereign of Nations. Such is the station of these vain figures. Woe to them and their followers, for they have broken the covenant of God and His pledge. They argue against His verses after their revelation. I bear witness that they are among the losers in a clear Book.

Regarding what you wrote about the sacred grave and its disrepair, it was said: “This has always been the way of God with His chosen ones. Blessed is the one who restores and elevates it.” Yet in all matters, wisdom must be observed.

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O Jamál, wisdom is like the morning star rising and shining from the horizon of the heavenly Book of God. Observing it is essential and obligatory for all. Thus it ended.

Regarding the funds you wrote about, which were delivered to the mentioned individuals by His command, along with receipts sent, the receipts have been received. This servant praises the Beloved of the world for enabling His presence to be confirmed in the services of the Cause. Verily, He is the Guardian of those who act.

Concerning what you wrote about Jináb-i-Ḥ and Sín—upon them be the glory of God—in truth, this servant has been negligent in serving them. However, Jináb-i-Mullá Muḥammad-’Alí was the cause, as it was presumed that he would return and send the reply to their letters. Thus this matter was delayed until recently.

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In those days, the mentioned individual departed, and this servant presented him with a detailed letter. Several separate Tablets were also enclosed, which are intended to reach him—God willing, they will arrive. If you meet him, convey on behalf of this utterly non-existent and annihilated one a mention of complete self-effacement and nothingness. Regarding what you wrote about the friends in the land of Khá and that you sent them the text of the Blessed Tablet, constantly demonstrating divine grace toward them—this is most beloved. In these days, two letters from them have been received, and the response to one was sent. Other letters have also arrived, and God willing, they will attain the grace of the Merciful at all times and seasons.

At one time, the Tongue of Eternity spoke these blessed words: “O present servant, write to Jináb-i-Jamál. In all conditions, keep your gaze fixed upon the horizon of unity in such a manner that differences do not move you. Unity is the most exalted foundation for the edifices of the city of recognition. Do not regard the people, their actions, or their utterances. Observe what has shone forth from the horizon of the Revelation of your Lord and seize it with My name, the Almighty, the Self-Subsisting.”

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“If, on this path, abasement befalls you, it is indeed true honor. Dedicate yourself entirely to God, then rejoice in His grace upon you and be among the grateful. If a soul acts contrary to the wisdom and ordinances of God, remind them with utmost love in a way that does not cause them embarrassment. If they accept, they have attained through counsel. Otherwise, ask God to guide them to His straight path.” Thus it ended.

Hearing these words from the Source of the Revelation of the Merciful truly attracted divine grace to this servant in such a way that the Pen confessed its inability to describe it. God willing, all servants will attain the sweetness of the utterance of the Merciful. By the life of the Desired One, if they attain the sweetness of a single word, they would not exchange the Sun of Truth for anything in existence or that which is mentioned within it. All would set their aim upon the ultimate goal.

Regarding what you wrote about the sacred household of the Name of God, Jináb-i-Ḥá—upon him be the glory of God—this matter was presented. It was said: “Yes, what you did in the path of God was most excellent. Occasionally, in wisdom, inquire about their condition. This is most beloved, provided it is done with wisdom, for if the armies of wolves and the parties of serpents, whether from within or without, become aware, it will not be free from harm.”

“Take wisdom as a command from the Ordainer, the All-Knowing.” Thus it ended.

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Regarding Jináb-i-Sayyid Muḥammad-Riḍá and Jináb-i-Sayyid Abú-Ṭálib—upon them be the glory of God—what you wrote was presented. Two most holy and exalted Tablets descended from the heaven of divine will and were sent to them. After presenting this detail before the Throne, it was said: “Our gaze of grace is directed toward them. God willing, they must manifest ardent zeal in the service of the Cause so that its effects will remain lasting and enduring.”

“O Jamál, convey on My behalf exalted greetings to them. Mention them with a remembrance, a favor, and a grace that has encompassed both the Possessor and the possessed. Verily, We have remembered them and turned toward them from this forbidden station. We counsel them to demonstrate supreme steadfastness in the Cause of God, the Possessor of all creation, in such a way that neither the knowledge of the learned, the wisdom of the wise, the science of the scholars, nor the parties and armies can prevent them. God willing, they will become guides for creation and summon the disheartened to the truth. Protect weak hearts and souls from the illusions and doubts of deluded selves with the name of God.”

“We proclaim from this station and send greetings upon them and upon those who turned toward God, the Almighty, the Self-Subsisting, with radiant hearts. Praise be to God, the Mighty, the Beloved.” Thus it ended.

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Another matter: Jináb-i-Mírzá Ḥaydar-’Alí—upon him be the glory of God—wrote to this servant, requesting, on behalf of some individuals from Dawlatábád and surrounding regions, certain wondrous and exalted Tablets. That very night, after presenting this matter to the sacred court, blessed Tablets were revealed from the heaven of divine will. Some were written by the Most Great Branch—may my spirit, essence, and being be a sacrifice for the dust of His pure feet—and others were written by this servant by His command. As the Most Great Branch traveled to various regions that year, this servant transcribed some of the Tablets from the original handwriting and sent them as instructed.

The Tablets for the mentioned Mírzá will be sent either this time or the next. However, it was said: “All people have failed to understand and continue to fail to understand the value of the divine Tablets. They are incapable of grasping even their outward meaning, let alone their inner reality. Such a vast number of verses, evidences, and Tablets have been revealed, manifested, and sent forth that enumerating them would be exceedingly difficult.”

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“Now, certain Arabic and Persian Tablets, which surpass all imaginations and expectations, must be compiled. Among these are the writings of the present servant, adorned with the ornament of the utterance of the Merciful. These are of great use, as they contain verses and divine explanations of every kind. These should be gathered and distributed according to the requirements of the time to a few individuals adorned with eloquence, praiseworthy character, and lofty attributes, so they may turn toward the people and guide them to the supreme horizon. May they give the people to drink from the Fountain of Eternity. Today, teachers and expositors are needed.”

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Every soul, in any station, should reflect on the verses of the Merciful and present them according to their position. Thus does the Truth teach you, for I am the All-Knowing. It is finished. Regarding the ascension of Jináb-i-Fatḥ-Alláh, you wrote that statements were revealed and made manifest from the heaven of grace. Since his brother, over a long period, had sent multiple letters to this lowly servant, and I had no opportunity to send a response, I have written a Tablet to him this time. Mention of the exalted Jináb-i-Fatḥ-Alláh was also included in the letter. Blessed is he and whoever attains the remembrance of God in His days.

Additionally, a letter was received in recent days from Ḥadbá, and among its contents was a petition from Mánikchí Ṣáḥib, which had been submitted to the sacred court. This letter had been delayed for some time on its journey through Ḥadbá. After presenting it before the sacred court, it was said: “Write to Jináb-i-Jamál and inform him to mention to them that the letter of the Friend has arrived. We ask the Possessor of the world to keep them gladdened and renewed in the remembrance of the Friend.”

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“And may He grant them, from His bounties, whatever is appropriate. Their remembrance is with the circle of friends and will remain with the memory of the One Friend. Ask about their well-being on Our behalf and convey greetings.” Thus it ended.

O Beloved of My heart, this servant often listens to the yearning of his heart, observing that the light of the Sun of Truth has encompassed the world, yet the people remain heedless and veiled. What do the followers of the Furqán (Qur’án) hold in their hands? What do the followers of the Bayán possess? And what do the people of other nations cling to and use as their proof? Everything that has occurred in the world, both major and minor, has, over numbered years, been explicitly revealed in the divine Books, as that sacred presence and every fair-minded person can testify. The Súrih of the Chief, the Tablet of the Temple, and other Tablets are present and accessible.

Blessed is the one who acknowledges what they hear and see. After the mention of the king of Paris and the chief of the great city, some were astonished. Even some of the friends asked this servant: “How is it possible for the emperor of the world to become humiliated, to see himself defeated and subdued, while all kings moved and acted by his command and will?”

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Beyond this, consider the other evidences that have surrounded the world. Despite this, the people of the Bayán, by clinging to mere trivialities, have deprived themselves of the ocean of knowledge and fairness. By the life of God, they are in utter loss.

You must have heard the detailed account of the land of Sír. Siyyid Muḥammad, feeling assured that the Countenance of Eternity would not confront someone like Yaḥyá, said to Mírzá Muḥammad, a simple companion, as well as to a group of Persians in that land: “Tomorrow, so-and-so will come out. If they are truthful, let them also come out to the Sulṭán Selím Mosque and engage in discussion so that the truth may be distinguished from falsehood.”

The following day, Mírzá Muḥammad—upon him be the glory of God—came and conveyed this to the sacred court. At that moment, the Countenance of Eternity arose, left the sacred precinct, and, along the way, divine verses were revealed with a loud call until He entered the mosque. Some of the Persians were present, listening in utter astonishment, and some were shedding tears.

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He said to Mírzá Muḥammad: “Go and tell them to come forward.” After some time, Mírzá Muḥammad returned and reported that the “chief of the liars” had excused himself that day and requested two more days. Even then, the Countenance of Eternity graciously granted an extension. This event occurred in the presence of seventy friends and others.

Nonetheless, after entering the Most Great Prison, a well-known individual came to serve the Most Great Branch—upon Him be my soul, essence, and being as a sacrifice for the dust of His feet. He said that Siyyid Muḥammad and Áqáján claimed that in Adrianople, it had been agreed that the Countenance of Eternity and he would meet in one gathering to debate. Mírzá Yaḥyá came, but the Countenance of Eternity did not. Therefore, all scholars, elders, and the governor understood the matter clearly.

The Most Great Branch presented this before the Throne, saying: “I was so astonished that I could not respond.” Consider now how such a clear and evident matter has been described and distorted.

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They attributed all the qualities of the Countenance of Eternity to themselves and ascribed their actions to the Source of sanctity and purification. During the years of their stay in the land of Sír, night and day were spent in these activities. For instance, what manifested from the Most Great Branch during His childhood, Siyyid Muḥammad Iṣfahání attributed to Aḥmad, the son of Yaḥyá, and mentioned it in his name. Curse be upon the liars.

At the beginning, when the Countenance of Eternity disassociated Himself from him, the cause of this betrayal was his tampering with the sacred precinct of the First Point—may my soul be a sacrifice for Him. After some time, when this act no longer satisfied his heedless desires, he gave it over to another vile one. By God, besides whom there is no other, this servant feels ashamed of his deeds and actions. That sacred presence knows that no one else is aware except this servant, as I was with him. Sufficient is God as a witness to what I say.

He committed acts so reprehensible that the tongue cannot recount them, nor the pen inscribe them. Surely you have heard of some of them. They claim to follow the path of the First Point—may my soul be His sacrifice. Let them be asked: these multiple wives scattered in various cities, according to which…

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By what ruling do they act? It is better to leave aside the mention of such individuals and instead speak of what is worthy of the days of God, the Lord of the worlds. The One True God bears witness that this servant has never sought to engage in such statements and never will. For several years, I refrained entirely from mentioning him. However, in these days, as he has been preoccupied with certain fabrications, a few points—mere drops from the ocean of his deeds—have been presented so that the friends of God may become aware.

You, who are well informed of much and continue to be so, must ensure that all the friends remain vigilant, lest they are deprived of the radiance of the Sun of Manifestation by the darkness of such deceitful souls. While those strong souls who have drunk from the Most Great Ocean see the entire world as non-existent, let alone such thorns and weeds, nonetheless, the guards of the city of God must be awake and alert. Thus spoke the Tongue of Grandeur previously: “Verily, He is the Explainer, the All-Knowing.” Thus it ends.

Regarding what was written about Jináb-i-Mullá ’Alí-Ján—upon him be the glory of God—the letter he wrote to this servant was presented in the holy court, and divine verses were revealed. This servant wrote in his letter and sent it to him, as instructed.

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Concerning Jináb-i-Sayyid Muḥammad, Jináb-i-Sayyid Áqá-Buzurg, and Jináb-i-Sayyid Áqá-Ján, as well as the people of Bahnamír, individual divine Tablets, whether for the living or the dead, were revealed for each name mentioned in His writings. Verily, remembrance is the ornament of servants in their lives and the ocean of forgiveness after their passing. In obedience to His command, these revealed Tablets were written by this servant and sent, as the Most Great Branch was not present at the time. It would be better if a neat copy were made and sent along with the Tablets, as some may struggle with proper recitation.

Another matter: His other letter, dated the 18th of Ramaḍán, was received. It turned grief into joy and dispelled sorrow. Its contents are clear and evident, requiring no explanation. After presenting this matter before the holy court, it was said: “O Jamál, you have promised that henceforth, nothing but words of acceptance, joy, and gladness will reach the sacred court from you.”

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“God willing, you will fulfill this promise by the grace of the Beloved of the worlds. Although the Supreme Pen has testified regarding you that you have fulfilled the covenant of God and arisen in service to His Cause, your initial promise was noted in several letters sent by you to this present servant. God willing, you must fulfill it. Drink, in My name, from the ocean of My joy and happiness and say: ‘Praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds.’”

“O Jamál, We have heard your call in your latest letter, which you sent to My servant. We have responded to you in the morning, evening, and at noontime so that you may thank your gracious and noble Lord.” Thus it ends.

Regarding your Persian supplication, you wrote: “O God, You Yourself are a witness that whenever I hear in the Tablets Your lamentation and cry over the disunity of Your servants, my distress becomes so great that I feel near to striking my head with my hands and fleeing to the mountains. Out of sheer shame, I would hide my face and never reveal it again. Yet it ends with these words I have offered: I understood from the verses of a Tablet revealed to one of the friends that I have been complained of in the holy court.”

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This servant states: Nothing of the sort has ever been mentioned in the revealed Tablets. God Himself is witness and knows that you were regarded with favor, and His grace was directed toward you. After presenting this matter before the holy court, it was said: “The favor shown toward you has been immense. Recognize the worth of your Lord’s grace and be among the grateful. Should the appearance of a herald occur, much would be referred to you. Know this: a soul that attains the grace of God and is called by the name ‘Fáyáḍ’ (Bestowed) has been blessed with the address: ‘O My name, Fáyáḍ.’”

“Indeed, if a soul submits humbly and reverently to the path of God, out of love for His Cause and to exalt His Word, no harm will come to them. Rather, it will be a cause of honor and elevation. Thus does your Lord remind you, for He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. Enter the expansive realm of hope and set foot in the field of detachment. Verily, He does not let the reward of what you have done in His path be lost. He has valued your actions as a favor from Himself, and He is the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the Wise.” Thus it ends.

Regarding what you wrote about the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár and the place of blessing, it was said:

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“The matter of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár is revealed in the Book of Aqdas. However, all matters today are dependent on wisdom. In any locality where it is deemed appropriate and does not conflict with wisdom, there is no objection. This is what God has decreed before and at this time. Today, it is essential and obligatory for every soul to observe wisdom.”

Regarding your supplication for forgiveness on behalf of others, the Tongue of Grandeur proclaimed: “O Jamál, We have forgiven them, removed their sins, and illumined them with the light of the Countenance of the Most Exalted Companion so that you may thank your Lord, the Master of creation, who has responded to your supplication and given you to drink from the ocean of reunion. Verily, He is the Most Bountiful, the Generous. Those mentioned have all attained the mercy of God and are adorned with the ornament of forgiveness. Blessed is every servant and every handmaid who attains the remembrance of God after their ascension to Him.” Thus it ends.

Regarding Jináb-i-Ḥájí Ṣádiq from the land of Khá, which you mentioned, this matter was presented before the holy court. It was said: “We extol him and command him to act in accordance with what has been revealed in the Book of God, the Lord of the worlds. Blessed is he for turning and attaining this Cause by which the mountains trembled and all in heaven and earth were thunderstruck, except…”

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…whomever the All-Powerful, the Almighty wills. Say, O Ṣádiq, remain steadfast in the Cause of your Lord. Verily, the Cause is vast, vast indeed. If a caller approaches you with a book, know that it is a book of the wicked, recorded in a clear Tablet. O assembly of the free, cling to the cord of God and leave behind all dubious callers. O My loved ones in Khá, listen to the call of the Wronged One. Verily, He remembers you in this lofty station and counsels you with the Book of God, which was revealed from the heaven of the will of your All-Knowing, All-Informed Lord. Take hold of the Book of Certitude and leave behind the delusions of those who disbelieve in God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy.

O Jamál, We have remembered those mentioned in your letter from among the people of Khá. Give them glad tidings of this great bounty. God willing, all must rise with supreme steadfastness in the Cause of the Lord of Names and remain so firm in His Cause that none among the peoples of the world can hinder them. Say, beware lest the buzzing of flies keeps you from God, the Lord of all necks. The devils of the earth, under the guise of truth, seek to mislead the servants. Guard yourselves with the name of your All-Powerful, Almighty Lord.

At all times, direct your gaze toward the horizon of the Merciful, and drink from the fountain of meanings and expressions that flows from the source of words. Blessed is every servant who attains this day and drinks the nectar of steadfastness from the hand of the bounty of their generous Lord.

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All receptive souls must remain aware, steadfast upon the throne of steadfastness. Look at what the Merciful revealed in the Furqán (Qur’án) before: “On the Day when humanity rises for the Lord of the worlds.” Indeed, the record of the wicked is in Sijjīn. And what will make you understand what Sijjīn is? A written record. Woe that Day to the deniers.

Observe and reflect, so that perhaps you may drink from the ocean of meanings concealed within this blessed verse and attain a station where the books of the world will not hinder you from the Mother Book, nor will the whisperings of the mischief-makers deprive you of the Lord of mankind. How many devils, feigning piety and righteousness, have misled the servants and deprived them of the Possessor of origin and return! Thus, We have adorned the ocean of recognition with the ship of explanation. Blessed is every listener who remains steadfast. Thus it ends.

It is stated that this most wondrous, exalted, and holy Tablet is intended for the people of Ṭihrán, Furúgh, and its surroundings, whose mention was recorded in your letter, as well as for the people of Khá who believed in God, the Almighty, the Self-Subsisting. God willing, all will attain its blessings and act upon it.

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Concerning what you wrote about the Ḥuqúqu’lláh, it was said: “It is obligatory for all to fulfill it.” Regarding Jináb-i-Ḥájí Ṣádiq—upon him be the glory of God—you wrote that he fulfilled the Ḥuqúqu’lláh from the proceeds of his properties and asked for guidance on whether to sell them or send the annual income. This matter was presented, and the following was revealed in response: “We have permitted him to choose whichever he prefers. The intention is that the action be carried out with joy and delight. Verily, He does as He wills and ordains as He pleases and is not questioned about what He does. He is the Almighty, the All-Powerful.” Thus it ends.

Regarding Jináb-i-Sayyid Muḥammad and Jináb-i-Muḥammad-Qulí, your mention of them was presented in the holy court. It was said: “God willing, they will attain divine grace and direct their gaze toward the horizon of their ultimate goal. Their intent is known and clear, yet strangers have interposed between Us and the righteous. Although patience in separation from the Beloved is most bitter, it is, because it is His decree, most beloved. The First Point stated that the entire world exists so that a soul may attain acceptance through a single word from Him.”

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Now the Supreme Pen states: “O Muḥammad, O you who gaze upon My horizon, be patient in separation from your Lord and say: ‘O my Lord, record for me what You have written for those who have turned toward You and attained Your presence. Verily, You are the Bestower, the Generous.’”

“O Muḥammad, before you, I said: ‘Hear My call and be among the grateful. Say: O my Lord, I long for the fountain of Your meeting and the ocean of Your nearness. I beseech You not to disappoint me by Your grace and to ordain for me that which benefits me in every world of Your worlds. Verily, You are the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the Wise.’” Thus it ends.

Regarding Jináb-i-Mírzá Kāẓim, the son of the martyr—upon him be the glory of God—you wrote that he and his family have been regarded with favor. Previously, this servant sent a response to his letter adorned and embellished with divine verses. The grace of God toward him is like a radiant and shining sun. It was said: “God willing, they will remain, at all times, engaged in the remembrance and praise of the Beloved of the horizons. Verily, We remembered him before, and before that, and We remember him now with spirit and joy so that he may thank his Lord, the Merciful, who has come with manifest sovereignty. His mention has been revealed repeatedly.”

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“From the Supreme Pen it descended and flowed. Give him glad tidings of this bounty, and then remind him with this wondrous remembrance. God willing, he will forever remain graced by this favor.” Thus it ends.

Another matter: If you meet Jináb-i-Ism-i-Júd—upon him be the glory of all glories—convey on behalf of this lowly one a mention of annihilation and nothingness. Say: “O My Beloved, a great day and a great Cause have come. Is there an eye in the world that can gaze purely, free from veils, radiances, suspicions, and illusions, to behold the works of God for itself? Or is there an ear that can listen sincerely, solely for the sake of God, to the divine call? Servants are small, and the Cause is great. Sovereignty belongs to God, the Almighty, the All-Powerful.”

What has happened to these heedless people that they remain veiled and are deprived of the Lord of the ultimate return by the buzzing of flies? It is incumbent upon every soul to focus on what is true in the Cause of God, not on what pleases their own inclinations. Truly, the Great Terror has encompassed humanity. Beyond all this, in the assembly of the Bayán, observe the illusions they have clung to after what the First Point proclaimed in this Most Great Manifestation.

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Beware, beware on the Day of His Manifestation lest you be veiled by the solitary one of the Bayán. That one is but a creation before Him. Beware, beware not to be veiled by words revealed in the Bayán, for they are but His words in the temple of His prior appearance. And yet, what have they said, and what do they now claim? They present their own writings as evidence. These are nothing but dust in the eyes of those immersed in the delusions of the followers of the Furqán (Qur’án).

Say: O poor ones, for 1,200 years the people of the Furqán were trained in these delusions and fancies, imagining themselves to be the noblest of nations and the best among the people of the world. Yet, what virtue have they attained, and what station have they achieved? Say: Break the idols of names in the name of your Lord, the Most Glorious. This is better for you if you but knew, that perhaps the veils may be rent asunder and you may fly freely in this holy spiritual atmosphere.

The self of truth was afflicted with a hundred thousand illnesses, and not one poet existed among them. Yet this latter people now walk in their footsteps and, armed with the weapons of lies and calumny, wage war against the Lord of the worlds. What benefit is there when the people are unaware of the truth of the Cause?

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Every soul that was fully aware of all matters and associated with Him day and night was denied by them. How much falsehood have they attributed to Him so that He might not become a source of reliance or a point of trust for the servants?

Stand up and proclaim, that perhaps the radiance of the Sun of Truth may envelop the world, and the realm of imagination may be actualized. We beseech God to withhold this great bounty and supreme gift from none of His servants, whether from the East or the West. Verily, He is the Hearer, the Answerer.

Some time ago, from the most sanctified and exalted court, a wondrous and exalted Tablet was revealed and sent for them. God willing, they have attained it. Likewise, for Jináb-i-Zayn—upon him be the glory of God—of B…, a letter was revealed. May God the Exalted gather us in one abode, that I may recount to you what was hidden behind the veils. Verily, He is our Guardian in the beginning and the end. There is no god but Him, the Almighty, the Bestower.

Another matter: Convey to all the friends of God from this lowly servant exalted greetings and say: “The Day has come, and the people have risen for the Lord of the worlds. This station requires steadfastness. Blessed is the one who takes its cup and drinks from it in the name of their wise Lord.”

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God willing, they will attain this station in such a way that neither the buzzing of flies nor the croaking of crows will deprive them of the Lord of the ultimate return. They must act and speak with utmost wisdom and, at times, gather with perfect prudence, reciting and reflecting upon the divine verses in both Persian and Arabic. By the life of the Beloved, the breezes of the verses will attract them in such a way that they will see themselves as mountains in the Cause of God, the Lord of the mighty Throne.

Glory be upon you, upon them, and upon those who bore witness to what God testified before the creation of the heavens and the earth. Praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds.

29th Dhí Qa‘dah, Year 97 (November 1880)

It is again stated that you wrote about a recent resolution of differences, and the establishment of unity was achieved by divine grace. This word brought boundless joy. May it always be so. This caused visible and manifest signs of joy upon the Countenance of Eternity. Truly, this statement from Him is a great glad-tiding for the servants. God willing, all will attain the lofty station of unity and agreement.

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I have written this much and burdened you so that now I find myself ashamed and humbled. Such a sin requires great forgiveness. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

You also wrote that all your faculties and limbs testify that all honor, blessing, comfort, and joy lie in His shade and in His love. Praise be to God that you are graced with both. After presenting this matter, it was said: “He has spoken the truth. God willing, these words will always flow from his pen and tongue in such a manner that they are never followed by expressions of bitterness or sorrow.”

“O Jamál, rejoice in My remembrance of you and My grace upon you. Let nothing in God’s path cause you grief, O Lord of the worlds.” Thus it ends.

BH00326 (Natural)

In the name of our All-Powerful, Most Exalted, Most Glorious Lord

Blessed is your action, O you who attained tribulations in the path of God, the Creator of the heavens. Rejoicing is yours, O you who drank the cup of adversity in the love of God, the Possessor of Names. Blessed are you, O you who bore hardships and afflictions in the Cause of God, the Creator of all things.

Praise and sanctity belong to the One whose grace is above all mention, who has destined the abasement of His friends as the cause of the exaltation of…

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He has decreed the abasement of His chosen ones as the cause of the exaltation of the nations and made the imprisonment of His pure ones the means of the liberation of the peoples. He transformed the exile of His friends into the origin and foundation of the gathering and attention of lovers toward their true homeland. Glory, then glory, be upon you, O you who departed your abode in the path of God, the Lord of eternity. Exaltation and praise be upon you, O you who burned with the fire of love for God, the Sovereign of nations.

Can any pen adequately express this gratitude? Can any tongue fully recount these ranks? All things today cry out: “Oh, if only I had borne these hardships for Your love, O God of the worlds! Oh, if only I had endured all afflictions in Your path, O Ultimate Goal of the seekers!” The Spirit of the Age has appeared from the dawn of the Cause of the Merciful, radiant and resplendent, yet He has become the target of the rejection and opposition of all but a few. Following the verdict of the jurist of the age, these few were exiled from their homes and lands, each turning toward a different region. The names of these souls are such that many kings raise their crowns and bow before them.

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This is the honor concealed within these abasements, veiled today from all eyes and sights. The Chieftain of Baṭḥá (Mecca) arose from the dawn of the will of the Lord of the worlds. In the beginning, the enemies rose against Him to such an extent that any fair-minded soul would be ashamed to recount the details. The consultation of the polytheists concluded that all His companions should be martyred. The Prophet instructed them all to emigrate from that land at dawn. Among these holy souls was Ja‘far Ṭayyár—upon him be glory—who journeyed with a group to Abyssinia and remained there for some time. In utmost joy and eagerness, they engaged in the mention of the Lord of all beings. The details of this have been recorded by the Supreme Pen. Blessed are those who attained and beheld.

Despite being in extreme poverty and outward abasement during those days, it was later observed that the blessings of these holy souls opened the treasures of wealth to the people of Islam. The doors of honor were unlocked, and the nightingales of joy sang their sweet melodies upon the branches of the human Lote Tree.

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Glorified is He who does as He wills by His might and sovereignty and ordains as He pleases by His command and will. The source of life has always been water, as “We made from water every living thing,” testifies to this statement. At times, however, He bestows this virtue upon fire, as He made the fire of the Mount the cause of life for the nations. Who can prevent Him from His sovereignty? I testify that there is no god but Him. He has ever been sanctified beyond the comprehension of even the nearest ones and exalted above what the tongues of the sincere utter. He has manifested whatever He wills and continues to manifest whatever He desires. The actions of this creation cannot weaken Him. Verily, He is the Ordainer, the Commander, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

O Beloved of My heart, what pains the heart and weakens the body are the regrets held within the heart of this lowly servant. Reflect upon the holy souls of the land of Ṣád. Through the grace of God, they were manifest in utmost honor and loftiness, and in their final days, they attained a station that has truly never been seen or heard before. At all times, this servant has exclaimed: “Oh, if only I had been with them.” Yet the honor has passed, leaving only regret in the heart.

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The Supreme Pen has revealed regarding them what causes all the atoms of existence to wail and lament. They attained a station that will endure as long as the dominion of the heavens and the earth. And now, this regret remains in my heart—that I was not with them when they left their homes and lands in the path of God, wandering in the wilderness without helper or supporter. Oh, if only I had been with you and attained what you attained in the path of our Beloved and Goal, the Goal of all in the heavens and the earth! Yet the servant brings you glad tidings of God’s assistance, His grace, and His mercy, which have encompassed all existence, seen and unseen.

This servant received your letter, and from every word, it seemed to emit the fire of longing and yearning. When I read and understood its contents, I turned toward the Beloved, and upon presenting its contents before the Throne, the Tongue of Grandeur and Majesty spoke words that caused the earth to tremble and the mountains to dissolve. My pen feels inadequate to recount what the Kingdom of Explanation proclaimed, and even the pens of all who dwell upon the earth fall short, until the Ancient Tongue spoke these exalted words:

“O Muḥammad, the One, the Peerless, remembers you in this station.”

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“A station beyond the reach of the descriptions of all created beings. Rejoice and be among the grateful. We have given you to drink of the fountain of My explanation and the nectar of My recognition. Through these verses, We shall lead you to a station where the clamor of the world and the oppression of those who deny God, the Lord of the worlds, will not grieve you. Verily, He purifies the earth from the defilement of those who rise against His Cause and raises you to the loftiest pinnacle. Your Lord is indeed the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.”

“By My life, you have attained the recognition of the Beloved, who has adorned the Books of God, the Sovereign, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. God willing, you will soar on the wings of detachment in the atmosphere of love for the Possessor of innovation, and at all times, you will burn with the fire of His affection. Blessed are you and your father, who is remembered by the Supreme Concourse, and for whom the Most Glorious Pen bore witness in His preserved Tablet.”

“O Taqí, hearken to My call from the direction of My Throne. It draws you to My Kingdom and the station of My nearness and gives you to drink of the fountain of My wondrous explanation. The Wronged One received your letter and found it ablaze with the heat of My love and adorned with My remembrance and praise. Blessed are you, your pen, your tongue, and your heart. Rejoice in My mention, O servant of your Lord, and remain steadfast in My service and vocal in My praise.”

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O Beautiful One, do not gaze at the people and their clamor. Instead, look at what has been decreed for you by My unassailable Pen. This hardship, God willing, will be followed by ease. If you wish to emulate your Lord, know that He was content with whatever befell Him in the path of God, and let it be as it was. All things bear witness to this, as do all discerning and insightful ones.

Where are the Caesars, the Khosrows, the Pharaohs, and the tyrants who built for themselves dwellings atop the mountains and turned away from the Cause of God, your Lord, and the Lord of all in the heavens and the earth? Thus does your Lord narrate to you from His preserved Book.

How many souls were manifest in the utmost outward glory, imagining themselves immune to extinction. Yet today, neither they, their lands, their adornments, nor their dwellings are visible. Only the effects of their oppression and tyranny remain, seen across the world. This is witnessed by every atom, every rational being, and every articulate tongue, all of which testify to the truth. Verily, your Lord narrates these events so that you may be assured. Ask God to assist you and the believers in serving His Cause, mentioning Him, and praising Him. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty.

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Remember My loved ones who have turned away from all but Me, clung to My cord, and held fast to My radiant hem. Thank God that the ultimate purpose of the world, the fragrance of satisfaction, was found in your letter. This suffices you and the Possessor of Names. Yet most people are heedless.

From the spirit of your supplication, I found the scent of My satisfaction. Blessed is the infant who has drunk from the breast of My care, grown under the shade of My mercy, and attained My acceptance in My days. Thus does My Supreme Pen remember you with a remembrance which, were anyone on earth to perceive its fragrance, by the truth of God, they would abandon all they possess and hasten toward the Throne’s station, where the Beauty of Eternity resides with manifest sovereignty.

God willing, remain firm and steadfast in this most exalted and lofty station. Some of the friends of God had their petitions presented at the Throne, adorned with the ornament of satisfaction. Subsequently, another fragrance wafted forth, concealing the first. Thus does the Desired One inform you so that you may remain among the steadfast and unwavering. Do not grieve over separation and distance, for by His Pen, estrangement is transformed into reunion, and distance into nearness. Exalted is your Lord, the All-Sufficient, the Most High. Verily, He is the Generous, the Eternal.

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Praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds. Thus it ends.

In truth, these verses have been revealed with such grace that their mention cannot be fully captured by pen or tongue. Within every word is a radiant lamp. Blessed are those who find its fragrance.

You wrote about the souls who, through the grace of the Merciful, have drunk from the fountain of recognition and gaze toward the horizon of certitude. Their names were presented in the sacred court, and for each one, wondrous and exalted verses were revealed. However, this servant did not find the opportunity to record them in detail. Reassure them with the joy of God’s grace and convey greetings on behalf of this lowly servant. This servant has found himself incapable of recounting all that has descended from the realm of divine knowledge. At many times, the verses of God are revealed in such a manner that even the highest pen of the world is unable to inscribe them.

Yet I give glad tidings to the friends of God that all these verses have been revealed with complete grace, and it is certain that their effects will appear on earth.

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Verily, our All-Knowing Lord is capable of all things. Please convey greetings once more on behalf of this lowly servant.

The poetry of Jináb-i-Mírzá Zayn al-’Ābidīn—upon him be the glory of God—which was adorned and embellished with mention of the two luminous lights, was presented in the sacred court. This is what was revealed in definitive response:

“Blessed are you, O you who spoke with the remembrance of Him who illumined the horizon of loyalty in the Kingdom of creation. Blessed is every speaker who speaks with the remembrance of H and Ḥá (the two letters representing divine mysteries).”

“O Zayn al-‘Ābidīn, listen to what your Lord, the Lord of all creation, remembers of you in this manifest palace. By My life, were you to taste the sweetness of My explanation, joy would so overcome you that no sorrow could darken your heart. Your inner sight would be opened in such a way that you would behold the two radiant lights in the supreme horizon, the most exalted station, and the ultimate pinnacle. You would exclaim: ’Praise be to You, O my God and the God of all worlds! Thanks be to You, O my Beloved and the Beloved of nations!’”

“I testify that You created them, exalted them, assisted them, and raised them, guiding them in Your path. You destined for them only what no pens in existence could describe, nor could the pages of time encompass. Verily, You are the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.”

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If the friends are humiliated before the people, they are truly honored before God. Soon, the sun of glory will rise visibly from the horizon of the world.

Reflect on the past centuries and what has occurred within them, that you may discern what My wondrous tongue has proclaimed. The entire world and all that is within it cannot compare to a single word from the words of God, for the fragrance of that word perpetually wafts forth.

The reward for any pure action is never erased, overlooked, or forgotten. With Him is the knowledge of all things in His Book. Verily, He is the Generous Bestower. Hatred, enmity, and the harm of the people are neither noteworthy nor worthy of attention. Observe this fleeting world, the realm of such occurrences. At every moment, it declares with its words: “Behold, I am perishing.”

Consider the world like a book, from which every moment its pages are taken. This is evident to every insightful one. However, the words of God occupy a station where erasure or extinction cannot approach them. Blessed are you and those who view all things through My eyes and dedicate themselves solely to the propagation of My Cause.

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“Act in My Cause with the wisdom revealed by the Merciful in the Book.” Thus it ends.

Regarding the question posed about which land they should reside in and what actions they should undertake, these matters have been referred to consultation, as recorded in the divine Tablets. One must consult with steadfast and assured souls and act accordingly. That which arises from consultation is best for those who adhere to wisdom in the Kingdom of creation.

The first letter from you that arrived was presented in the sacred court. It was said: “Wherever they reside, let it be under the shade of the Tree of Mercy, within the domes of grandeur, and under the canopy of grace.” Upon hearing this, they nearly soared with longing. In all conditions, these servants should engage their tongues—more numerous than the atoms of the world and beyond that—in the mention and praise of the compassion and grace of the Beloved of the worlds.

Blessed are you and all of us. All who circle the Throne of the Merciful send their exalted greetings. Glory be upon you and upon those who have turned their radiant faces toward the Supreme Horizon. Praise be to God, the Possessor of the Throne and the dust below it.

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What is truly the greatest of all deeds today is the unity of the friends. As has been repeatedly stated: “Through unity, the Cause of God, the Lord of all servants, is made manifest.” At present, disorder and chaos are observed: the small show no respect to the great, the lowly disregard the exalted, and family ties are not maintained. Today, all must look to what has been revealed by the Supreme Pen. You must exert great effort in this matter so that you may become a cause of unity and agreement among the friends of God.

Indeed, discord diminishes the worth of the Cause among the servants. We beseech God to grant His assistance and adorn all with what He loves and approves.


BH00089 (Natural)

In the name of our Most Sacred, Most Exalted, Most Glorious Lord

Praise is due to the Beloved, who, when seated upon His Throne in the garden named Riḍván, spoke three blessed verses. With one verse, He removed conflict, contention, and bloodshed from the world.

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He did so, and with clear and evident expression, He stated that the victory of the Cause has been decreed through wisdom and explanation. Blessed are the souls who act with supreme steadfastness in what they have been commanded. The Possessor of Destiny has testified in another station: “I have come for unity and concord among the servants.” Similar statements have been revealed by the Supreme Pen in the Scriptures and Tablets.

Yet it is observed that some remain unaware of this firm and decisive command of God. In truth, if today a soul intends to harm another soul, that harm is inflicted upon the essence of Truth itself. This is a statement that this lowly servant has heard repeatedly from the Ancient Tongue.

Today is the Day of the Greatest Joy and the Day of utterance and explanation, but it must be in accordance with the wisdom revealed by the Merciful in His mighty Book. The hearts of the people of Bahá must be illumined and brightened by the lights of the radiant Manifestation. They must act toward all the people of the world with perfect love.

Reflect upon this blessed statement, which is truly a unique gem from the ocean of meanings: “Glory is not for the one who loves his country, but rather for the one who loves the world.” A hundred thousand lives may be sacrificed for this divine word, for within every letter of it is an ocean of grace surging and a Euphrates of compassion flowing.

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Some time ago, a Tablet was revealed from the heaven of the divine will for Jináb-i-Ism-i-Jamál—upon him be the glory of all glories. In this Tablet, the following blessed phrase was revealed by the Supreme Pen in Persian:

“Exalted is His greatness and His true essence! If all outward power—which in reality has no station before God—were to be fully manifested, and a sword raised against someone with harmful intent, aiming to cause harm, undoubtedly, we should not oppose it but leave them to themselves.” Thus it ends.

It is a pity for illumined hearts to be deprived of their refinement and grace by such dark clouds. If a prepared land is found, the seeds of divine wisdom should be sown in it with joy and delight. Otherwise, “He is indeed independent of all worlds.”

This is the Day when the earth has been illumined with the light of its Lord. In it, the letter Ḥá’ (glory) of our Lord has appeared, and the angels stand in ranks. Humanity must act in accordance with what is fitting for the days of God. By God’s life, He has created humankind to build and cultivate the world, not to destroy it.

God does as He wills and ordains as He pleases. In former times, during the days of the Apostle of God—may all save Him be sacrificed— the law of holy war was revealed. Yet, in this Most Great and Mighty Manifestation, that law has been abrogated. He is not questioned about what He wills.

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Verily, He is the Commander, the Questioner, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. My soul is a sacrifice for His compassion, and my spirit is a ransom for His kindness to the world. Today, all must observe what God has revealed in the Book and rise with truthful tongues, sacred actions, and spiritual virtues to assist His Cause. In so doing, the people of the earth will become illumined by the light of divine favor and turn toward the supreme horizon.

Praise be to God, who has appeared, revealed His straight path, and guided humanity to His manifest horizon and His most great and exalted name. Today, it is incumbent upon all to convey to the friends that which is pleasing and acceptable to God, so that no one’s heedlessness becomes a cause of harm to others. Verily, He speaks the truth and guides to the path. There is no god but Him, the Mighty, the Beautiful.

The servant attained your letter, which spoke of your steadfastness, humility, reverence, firmness, and steadfastness in the Cause of our Lord and your Lord. Through Him, the foundations of the knowledge of the learned and the structures of the insights of the mystics have been shaken, save those whom God has willed. After reading it, I presented it, with permission, to the Presence. His words, exalted in majesty, were:

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“God willing, may they continually drink from the nectar of the Merciful’s explanation and act according to what is befitting and worthy today.” For some of the mentioned individuals, wondrous and exalted verses were revealed and sent. Perhaps through their recitation, they will truly attain and be granted success in what is loved and approved by God.

Today is the Day of the Greatest Favor. Even if all the world’s people express love, though devoid of truth and purity, the sacred court extends its grace and favor so that the fragrances of the verses may draw them from the realm of doubt to the kingdom of certainty, and from illusion to reality. With your Lord lies the knowledge of all things in a clear Book.

If, for some, no exalted and holy Tablet has apparently been revealed, this is due to divine wisdom, known only to God. For steadfast and upright souls, whatever exalts and ennobles them is revealed from the heaven of divine will. Should there be a delay in the outward sending of Tablets due to wisdom, the grace of the cloud of divine mercy inwardly and deeply continues to assist. Verily, He hears and sees; He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. He grants and withholds; He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty.

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Blessed are those whose focus on previous accounts did not veil them from God, the Lord of all things. Say: Verily, He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and He cannot be recognized except through Him. This is testified by My herald. Yet most of the people remain heedless.

We have revealed these verses for you, and beyond them, an exalted Tablet has been revealed. If you recite it in the language of truth, it will draw you to a station where no sorrows of existence can touch you. This is witnessed by the Lord of religions from this radiant horizon.

In the name of God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. O Muḥammad, son of Taqí, We have mentioned the one you spoke of in your letter and concealed his name as a matter of wisdom. Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. We ask the Exalted One to strengthen him in that which ensures his remembrance endures with the everlasting names of God. Verily, your Lord is the Most Bountiful, the Generous. He is permitted to remember God with what the Supreme Pen has spoken.

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Glorified are You, O my God, Creator of names and Creator of the heavens. I beseech You by the name through which the ark of Your Cause sailed upon land and sea by Your will, and by which every world was shaken, every heedless one trembled, and every firm foundation was toppled, that You strengthen me in this Cause through which the feet of the learned, the mystics, and the poets have faltered—save those whom You have saved through Your generosity and kindness.

O my Lord, I ask You not to deprive me of what is with You, nor to render me destitute of the ocean of Your knowledge and the sun of Your grace. Then grant me, O my God, the fountain of steadfastness by the hands of Your bounty. Verily, You are capable of what You will. Swords do not hinder You, nor do matters of vast concern fatigue You. You do as You please by Your sovereignty and ordain as You will. Verily, You are the Almighty, the Exalted, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

He is the Teacher, the Wise. We remember Muḥammad, son of Taqí, that he may rejoice in this remembrance by which all things have spoken: “The sovereignty belongs to God, the All-Maintaining, the Self-Subsisting.”

The Wronged One remembers God’s servants upon the earth and invites them to God, the Possessor of existence. Blessed is the insightful one who recognizes their Lord, and the listener who, upon hearing the call from beyond the mighty sea of grandeur, responds: “Here I am, here I am, O Lord of the unseen and the seen.” Say: The Wronged One speaks not out of desire; this is testified by the Lord of the Throne and the dust beneath it. Yet most people do not comprehend.

This is the Day revealed by the Merciful in the Furqán (Qur’án). On that Day, the sovereignty belongs to God. Yet most people remain unaware. They have cast the Book of God behind them and turned every world into a realm of rejection. Say: This is the Day of Manifestation, if only you knew.

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This is the Day of the Bayán, yet you remain silent. Rise from the slumber of desire, then turn to the supreme horizon, which has been illumined by this Name through which the gate of heaven has been opened and the hosts of the spirit have descended. Glory be upon the people of glory who listened and responded when the Truth, the Knower of the unseen, appeared in His name, the All-Sustaining over all names.

“O Supreme Pen, mention the one called Zayn al-’Ābidīn so that the mention of the Wronged One may draw him to a station where he bears witness to what God testified before the creation of the heavens and the earth.” We bring glad tidings to those who have cast away illusions and turned toward God, the One, the Peerless, the All-Knowing.

“O people, rejoice in this Manifestation promised in the Books of God, through which that which was hidden behind veils of the unseen has now been revealed. Verily, your Lord, the Merciful, speaks the truth. He is indeed the Mighty, the Exalted.” Thus spoke the tongue, and thus was the proof made manifest. Blessed is the soul who hears and responds, and woe to the heedless. He is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

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“O Aḥmad, We impart to you that which will benefit you in every world of your Lord. Be grateful and among the thankful. Beware lest the adornments of this world prevent you from the Lord of names. The dominion will perish, but what has been decreed by the Almighty will remain.

Hold fast to the cord of your Lord’s grace and cling to the hem of His mercy. Say: O Lord of eternity and Sovereign of the nations, I beseech You by Your Name, which You have made the ruler over all names in the kingdom of creation, to assist me in turning toward You and focusing on the horizon of Your Cause. O my Lord, You are the Generous, and I am the supplicant at Your door. You are the Forgiving, and I am the sinner hoping for the drops of Your ocean of forgiveness. Send down upon me from the cloud of Your bounty that which purifies me of all else but You, sanctifies me from all but You, and enables me to extol Your mention and praise among Your creation. Verily, You are the Almighty, the Exalted, the Forgiving, the Generous.”

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These few blessed Tablets were revealed from the heaven of divine will and recorded in this writing. It was later commanded that copies of them be inscribed in other Tablets and sent so that each of these individuals might receive their own separate Tablet. For wisdom, the name of one of these souls was not mentioned at the beginning of the Tablet. You should consider whether, according to wisdom, the Tablets should be given, for some servants are inclined toward investigation and may seek to uncover what has been hidden. Thus, utmost prudence should be exercised.

Regarding your note on unity and rising to serve the Cause: God willing, you will always be strengthened in these matters. This was presented before the sacred presence, and the following was revealed by the Tongue of God in the Kingdom of Explanation:

“God willing, you must arise to serve the Cause in such a manner that no trace of discord remains in that land. This word is a unique pearl of the ocean of divine commandments. Blessed is the one who arises for this mighty Cause. Whoever today becomes a means of unity and reconciliation is, before God, counted among the pillars and distinguished ones.”

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You wrote about some companions of the Spirit—may the souls of all beings be a sacrifice for Him. After presenting this matter in the sacred court, it was stated: “Today, Christ is running and calling in the wilderness with yearning, yet His companions are unseen, except for those whom God wills. It is exceedingly difficult for these souls to turn toward the supreme horizon and look to what God possesses rather than what they hold. Most of these souls appear similar to the people of the Qur’án: outwardly engaged with illusions, speaking of illusions, and returning to illusions.”

It is astonishing how some individuals pay attention to the unworthy words of these deluded souls. By the life of God, they possess nothing worthy of attention or listening. Not a single word fit to be heard has come from these souls, nor will it. Thus it ends.

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You wrote about Jináb-i-Rustam ’Alí, and it was proposed that an exalted Tablet be revealed for him. This was presented in the most sanctified and supreme court, and a wondrous and exalted Tablet was revealed for him from the heaven of divine will. For his two sisters, too, an exalted and lofty Tablet was revealed from the heaven of grace.

Mention of the veiled lady Umm—upon her be peace—was made in the sacred court. Great grace was shown to her. What befell her in the path of God is known and recognized by the Beloved of the worlds. Her mention has been revealed repeatedly from the heaven of divine will. Verily, our Lord, the Merciful, is the Compassionate, the Generous, and the All-Knowing.

For all the names mentioned in your writing, and also for the souls who presented petitions, wondrous and exalted Tablets have been revealed from the heaven of grace. God willing, all will attain these and engage in promoting the Cause with pure wisdom.

Divine grace has reached such a station that for all souls mentioned, whether alive or departed, exalted Tablets have been revealed from the heaven of divine will. Beseech God that souls may be ignited by the burning fire of the Tree and manifest love for God, actively serving His Cause.

O friends of God, behold this day, which is mentioned and recorded in all books, scriptures, writings, and Tablets. By the life of God, it is more honored than all things before God, the Lord of all worlds. Blessed are the souls who recognized Him and acted as befitting. God willing, all will attain this lofty and supreme station and partake of the bounties of these days. Verily, our Lord, the Merciful, is the Forgiving, the Generous, and indeed, He is the Strengthener, the Planner, the Wise Counselor.

For Jináb-i-Alif and Ḥá’-’Akkás, special Tablets were revealed. If possible, deliver these to them. If not, leave them in trust with their mother. In this instance, some of these exalted Tablets were transcribed from the original revelation by this humble servant.

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…and sent, as Jináb-i-Ghusan-i-A‘ẓam—my spirit, essence, and very being are a sacrifice to the dust of His sacred footsteps—was not present. A petition from Jináb-i-Ism-i-Há—upon him be peace—was presented in the sacred court. A group requested his stay in that land. Their plea was accepted by the True One, who said: “If this occurs with joy and delight, it is good. If God wills, He will gather all that has been scattered.”

This humble one hopes that you convey the greetings of this lowly servant to Jináb-i-Ism-i-Jamál—upon him be all glory—and Jináb-i-Man-Summíy, who was referred to at the supreme station as ’Alí before Akbar—upon him be peace—the Sovereign of destiny. This lowly servant conveys expressions of sincerity and nothingness to all the friends, including Jináb-i-Dhabíḥ—upon him be peace—Jináb-i-Mírzá Abuṭálib—upon him be peace—Jináb-i-Ḥaydar Qabl-i-’Alí—upon him be peace—and Jináb-i-Ism-i-Há—upon him be peace. Praise be to God; they have been favored with divine graces, and for each of them, a sacred and exalted Tablet was revealed and sent. Convey to them and all the other friends who have attained the divine Tablet the expressions of this servant’s nothingness.

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…and to all those whose mention has been made in the sacred court. God willing, they will drink from the cup of unity and act in accordance with what is befitting for this Day. Today is the day of remembrance and utterance; today is the day of service. God willing, all will attain this station.

We must all, today, focus on what leads to the exaltation of the Cause, turning away from what is with the people and turning toward what is with God. O friends, the gates of heaven are always open, and the cloud of mercy is never lifted. God willing, we shall strive to make up for what we have failed to achieve during the days of this Most Great Manifestation, which is mentioned and recorded in all the divine Books.

We must all extend hands of hope and grasp the hem of grace. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Generous. Verily, He is the Bestower, the Gracious, the Compassionate.

Convey, as well, the expressions of this servant’s nothingness to Jináb-i-Ism-i-Jawád—upon him be the most glorious peace—and to Jináb-i-Zayn—upon him be peace—of the people of “B-R.”

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…In these days, a petition from him has been presented to the sacred court. It is hoped that a response will be revealed from the heaven of grace and sent. God willing, the affairs of all will unfold in accordance with divine will.

Had everything revealed by the Supreme Pen been acted upon until now, all would have found themselves in the cradle of peace, security, and supreme comfort. Glory be upon you and them from God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

19 Jumádá I, Year 98 (April 1881)

It is reported that not all revealed Tablets were sent during this dispatch, as wisdom did not allow. Thus, 19 sacred and exalted Tablets were sent within this packet, and the remainder, God willing, will be sent in the next dispatch.

BH01226 (Natural)

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He is the Most Sacred, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious.
Praise be to God, through whose name the thread of destiny is stirred when the lovers hasten to the abode of sacrifice and the pure-hearted turn to the realm of annihilation, saying: “It is fitting for us to hasten to both.” Blessed are those drawn by His verses, taught His worlds, and given to drink that which quickens the dry bones. Verily, there is no god but Him, the Almighty, the All-Powerful.

My spirit is a sacrifice for your mention, O Beloved of my heart. This servant has been honored to partake of the effusion of your pen’s ink, which flowed from the Pen that proclaimed the remembrance of God, our Beloved, your Beloved, and the Beloved of all in the worlds.

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Though in such days, when the Temple of Justice suffered under the claws of oppression through the actions of those who disbelieved in God, sorrows overwhelmed me and restrained me from remembrance and utterance, yet with the Merciful seated upon the Throne and His effulgence shining from the horizon of the Countenance, the ocean of joy surges, the cock of delight crows, and the dove of jubilation coos between earth and heaven.

I beseech Him to adorn His chosen ones with the robe of patience and steadfastness and to reveal to them what is hidden behind the veils. Verily, He is the Mighty, the Chosen One.

After reflecting on what was in your blessed writing, I turned toward the supreme station and presented it to the sacred court. The Tongue of Majesty replied: “O branches, what has befallen the Essence of Truth has befallen Him. Behold, despite this oppression that envelops the world, these people consider themselves the followers of Truth. By the ocean of divine mercy, if a soul, with true vision, observes the deeds of the idolaters and truly grasps the transience and insignificance of the world, they will ascend to a station where they see themselves sanctified and detached from the defilements and veils of the world.”

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…with all His mercy and grace. If the manifestation of this is not apparent in some, God will reveal it in due course through His grace. Be assured and remain steadfast. Engage in a matter, relying on God, the Wise, for all are commanded to busy themselves with a task. Verily, He is the Commander, the All-Knowing. Thus it ends.

It is also noted that a petition from the exalted Lady, Her Holiness the Consort—upon her be all glory and praise—was presented to the sacred court, and a response was sent. Convey it to her. Glory be to God! The heedlessness of the world has reached such an extent that even in the face of the Great Calamity and its unimaginable afflictions, none are awakened. Reflect on the ruler and what befell him. Close to half a million souls perished, and under every tree in the vicinity of the land of mystery, the cries of widows and others rose to such an extent that rivers of blood were seen across the lands.

What was revealed in the Tablet to the ruler by the Supreme Pen has now occurred. Yet no one is awakened to ask why and how it happened. Despite hearing portions of that Tablet in those lands, people are still observed in heedlessness and arrogance.

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…Every being is astonished at their intoxication, heedlessness, and slumber. By the life of God, they are in a strange sleep. This lowly servant beseeches and hopes from God that He strengthens you in your service, whose mention, like a radiant star, shines brightly from the heaven of the divine Tablet. Such service shall never wane.

Glory be upon you, upon those who love you, turn toward you, and drink the nectar of meeting you. Praise be to God, our Beloved, your Beloved, and the Beloved of all the worlds.

BH00391 (Natural)

In the name of the One, the All-Seeing, the All-Knowing
Exalted is the remembrance and praise of the Sovereign of eternity, the Possessor of all worlds. With a single effulgence of the radiance of His Beauty, He seated the Friend [Abraham] in the fire and sent the Sacrifice [Ishmael] to the place of offering. The mind is bewildered by this nobility: if it shines upon a king, it surpasses the kingdom; if it appears upon absolute poverty, it renounces the world of wealth.

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…And if it manifests upon the throne of wealth, it transcends its station and stands among the servants in service. By the ocean of divine knowledge, if what is concealed were revealed, all the world would perceive every being as a Friend and recognize every age as the Age of Sacrifice. Yet this community of Friends is not content with the transformation of fire, nor will this community of Sacrifice retreat from the station of offering.

This humble servant is bewildered about what to say or present; both astonished and constrained. In this state, clinging desperately to the cord of divine mercy, the intoxicating call both bewilders and bestows awareness, veils and reveals knowledge of all things. Would that I were permitted to recount what I have seen and known, but the matter is in His hands alone. No one possesses rank, authority, power, or strength except by His permission and grace.

My spirit is a sacrifice for your mention and my being for your service.

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During the days when the Palace at the Supreme Station was present, on one occasion near sunset, Jináb-i-Ism-í-MH—upon him be all glory—entered and attained the sacred court. He handed a packet to this servant containing a letter and writing from Jináb-i-Mírzá Ismá‘íl. That same night, circumstances allowed this servant the opportunity to present everything before the Face. Once the reading was completed, the Most Great Beauty arose and, pacing, declared:

“O branches, blessed are you for what you have attained through the grace of your Lord, His knowledge, and your turning toward Him. Blessed are those who love you for the sake of God, the Lord of all the worlds. We have elevated your stations, and you shall witness them. This is attested by anyone who turns toward My face, recognizes My Cause, and accepts My straight path.”

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“O branches, the greatness of the Cause has been revealed in many Tablets. By the life of God, it is greater than all greatness. If one reflects on the stations of those who are today certain of the Cause of God and comprehends its greatness even in part, they will gain some understanding. Your Lord opens the gates of understanding to whom He wills. Verily, He is the Planner, the Wise.”

“O branches, divine grace has been with you and shall remain so. Consider this word revealed from the horizon of the Revelation of the Merciful to one who turned toward Him: O Ḥusayn, cling to this blessed word, which is like a ship in the ocean of the knowledge of the Sovereign of creation. Even though this word is ancient, spoken by the Manifestations of His Cause before, today it appears adorned in a new and wondrous guise. The true Gabriel has breathed new spiritual life into the forms of the words. It is this: ‘Whoever is for God, God is for them.’ If you sail in this ocean, you will find yourself refreshed with a new spirit and immense serenity. You will soar in the air of love for the Radiant Orb with wings of longing and eagerness, and walk upon this straight path of justice with joy and delight.”

“O branches, you have turned toward God, meaning you have attained this station through His grace, and He has turned toward you with perfect grace. Do not think that the fruits of this grace will remain hidden. By My life, God will manifest it upon the earth. He is your Guardian and Helper. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. The days of Manifestation abound with immeasurable grace. He is the Bestower, the Generous, the Bountiful. In all circumstances, be mindful of wisdom and rely on God. In His hand is the preservation of all things. Verily, He is the Almighty, the All-Powerful.”

“Glory be upon you, upon those who love you, and upon those who turn to you and hear your call.”

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Regarding Jináb-i-Mírzá Ismá‘íl, you mentioned that his letter was fully presented. It was said that in some matters he mentioned, he was truthful, and he should be treated with gentleness and understanding. A Most Exalted Tablet specifically for him was revealed and sent. Review it and send it. Verily, our Lord, the Commander, is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. However, Mírzá Ismá‘íl has become deeply distressed. Though the matter concerned him, it was of great significance, as it pertained to God. Yet, if he delves deeply into the ocean of understanding, he will perceive the utmost perfection, grandeur, strength, and excellence in the affairs of the world, past, and future.

When this humble servant was in Iraq, the two radiant martyrs set out for the pilgrimage to the sacred Kaaba and later, returning from the land of Karbala, attained the sacred court. Upon hearing the call of God, they truly transformed. The grace shown toward them, though they were not widely known among the people, astonished and amazed some. They then returned to their homeland by divine command, their hands uplifted with the power of God, adorned with the ornament of honor, and showered with the blessings of His bounty. Over time, they became known throughout the world as belonging to the Lord of Eternity.

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Indeed, their station was firmly established in hearts, as you have observed and continue to see. After arriving in the land of Ṣād, two letters from them reached the sacred court, alongside other petitions filled with utmost humility and supplication. The station they attained is unparalleled. What greater bounty exists than this: that in the mortal realm, they were openly recognized as belonging to God, and even the disbelievers displayed humility before them. In their final days, they reached such a station that neither my pen nor my words can fully describe it.

From the Tablets revealed in this supreme calamity by the Heaven of Divine Will, it becomes clear and evident, O Beloved of my heart. Thousands upon thousands of blessings upon them, and countless sighs of regret for this servant, as if at all times the tongue of the world utters, “Would that I had been with them.”

Consider how the Lord of the world was martyred with the details you have heard, and they were among His servants. Yet their martyrdom appears to have left a deeper impact, its influence more complete, and its intensity greater. Exalted is the One who raised them, exalted is the One who honored them, and exalted is the One who made them attain this station, which the holy ones sacrificed their lives to achieve.

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By the Beloved of the world, the regret for this matter will never leave the heart of this servant. I beseech Him to enable me to act in ways that are pleasing to Him. Verily, He is the Almighty, the Omnipotent.

Regarding entrusting matters to God and submitting them to Him, it was said: “Indeed, they acted rightly. Their Lord, the All-Merciful, is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. He manifests what He wills through a sovereignty from Him. Verily, He is the One who nothing can impede, whom no armies can hinder, whom no might can weaken, and who is not subdued by the dominance of the powerful. Verily, He is the Judge over what He wills and the Doer of what He desires.” Thus it ends.

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In this Most Great Manifestation, matters have unfolded in ways that leave no room for doubt or hesitation for any soul—except for those who arise with injustice and speak purely out of oppression. What has been foretold in the divine Tablets about future events was explicitly detailed beforehand, without ambiguity. If someone examines the Tablet to Fu’ád, the Tablet to the ruler, the Tablet to Paris, and other Tablets revealed during the hardships of imprisonment and the opening of its gates, they will be left astonished and amazed. Each phrase has become manifest.

After the revelation of each Tablet, some tranquil hearts wondered how these phrases would manifest. This servant would remark: “You shall witness.” One day, this servant said, “If the ruler becomes a deputy, there will be days when he will don the garment of humility.” Then He turned His face toward me and declared, “By God, who there is no God but Him, all that the All-Merciful has revealed in the Tablet shall come to pass.” Later, in Persian, He stated: “If all the heavens and the earth were to gather to alter a single letter of the Tablet to the ruler, they would be incapable and would not succeed.”

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If anyone has seen that Tablet and is aware of the events that befell the ruler, his followers, and his territories, they would cry out between the heavens and the earth: “By God, our Lord, the Most Glorious!” Indeed, people are asleep. They remain in this state until they find themselves in the depths of their true stations.

He also said: “Write to the branches: O My branches, do not be saddened by the happenings of the world. From the clouds of bounty and the heaven of grace, what is necessary will be bestowed. If some have faced harm or hardship in this Great Calamity, there is no harm in this. Verily, He is the Bestower, the Generous, granting as He wills. And if there has been any delay, it is due to His supreme wisdom. He knows what He reveals, and all affairs are in His grasp. Verily, He is the Bestower, the Forgiving.”

Regarding the mention of Afṇán Áqá Siyyid Aḥmad—upon him be all glory—it was said that his correspondence concerning the provision for the survivors of the wronged martyr was…

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Concerning the matter of allocating funds to the survivors of the wronged martyr, this issue stands above all deeds and holds the highest rank before God, exalted be His glory. However, such actions should only take place after due consideration of their circumstances and a full understanding of the details. This is because certain concealed matters may arise, and Jináb-i-Mírzá Ismá‘íl might become aware, possibly resulting in discord between him and the survivors. Before God, your attention to them is greatly cherished. The Tongue of Grandeur speaks these blessed words: “Blessed is the soul that seeks to address their needs and rectify their deficiencies.” Truly, this is a great matter today. God willing, you and the Afṇán will remain mindful.

Regarding the claims, accounts, and debts of the wronged martyr, this was presented before the sacred court. It was said: “Relying on God, act in accordance with the commercial laws. After the discharge of the rights of the Afṇán and the public, safeguarding the property of the heirs is necessary, provided it does not deviate from wisdom or cause sorrow or hardship.”

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The owner of the wealth has departed from this world and its possessions, attaining a station so exalted that no description or words can encompass it. The matter of the survivors is entrusted to God, exalted is He. “Verily, He is the best Trustee and the best Sustainer.” Yet outwardly, reliance on means as ordained by God is essential, and all are enjoined to follow this path. Thus, it ends.

May you always be enabled and assisted in serving the Cause of God. Truly, you have borne great hardships in His path, as has Jináb-i-Ṣiyyid Aḥmad—upon him be all glory. Praise be to God that you have attained such a station, unparalleled and incomparable. This is a moment for gratitude and thankfulness in all circumstances. The humble servant beseeches his Lord to shower upon you from the heaven of His grace His mercy and favor. Verily, He is the Generous Bestower. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

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Regarding the dispatched items, it has been reported that they have arrived in Alexandria. The funds sent by Jináb-i-Mullá Raj—upon him be peace—Jináb Ṣ, and yourself, through Jináb-i-Mihdí—upon him be all glory—have reached this humble servant. If a specific distribution for each individual is required, it should be arranged.

BH00325 (Natural)

He is the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious.

Exalted is He who has illumined the horizon of the world with the radiant light of His Most Great Name. Through it, the earthquakes have shaken all tribes, and nations have been stirred, except for those who were saved by the Hand of His might. Verily, He is the Chosen One, the Singular, and the One who, through Him, the Supreme Pen has spoken among the concourse of creation and testified to what the Sovereign of Names has witnessed. Verily, He is the Sovereign whose knowledge is beyond the grasp of the dwellers of the world, and whose station is beyond the reach of the birds of certitude.

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He has subdued every power with the revelation of His might and rendered all capable ones powerless before the manifestation of His majesty. The books of the heavens are adorned with His mention and praise, and the Preserved Tablet is emblazoned with His name and sovereignty. Without Him, the All-Merciful would not have disclosed the mysteries of what has been and what is to come. By Him, the hidden name bears witness, and the concealed name prostrates. Through Him, the door of the treasure has been unlocked, and the hidden realm, recorded in scriptures and tablets, has appeared, calling out and proclaiming:

“O assembly of creation! The All-Merciful has come with proof and evidence. Blessed is the soul that has turned and attained the Most Great Ocean, which flows from the Fountain of His utterance among His creation.”

I beseech God to grant His servants the capacity to turn toward the Most Exalted Horizon and recognize what is hidden from the eyes of the dwellers of creation. Verily, He is the Singular, the Omniscient over all names. There is no God but Him, the All-Powerful, the Most Exalted, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

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This servant has received your letter and found in it the fragrance of your sincerity toward God, the Lord of all worlds. Upon perceiving, understanding, and reflecting on its contents, I turned toward the Most Exalted Horizon and hastened toward the Ultimate Goal. When I arrived and presented what you proclaimed to our Master and the Master of the knowing ones, the door of grace opened, and the radiance of the justice of the Sovereign of Eternity shone forth. He, exalted is His majesty, declared:

“O ’Alí Qabl-i-Nabíl! Blessed is your eye for being honored with beholding the Beauty of the Ancient One, your ear for hearing His Most Sweet Call in the land of Baghdad, and your being for being present before the Wronged One. Thus does the All-Knowing Sovereign remember you in this Most Luminous Prison. Blessed, then, is your mother for her devotion, her presence, and her attainment of that which is the purpose of the books of the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Blessed again and again is your father, through whom servitude to the True God was adorned.”

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Engage in the remembrance of the Beloved of all worlds. Praise be to God, you have reached the shores of the Most Great Ocean, partaken of the Chalice of Reunion, and attained the sight of the Countenance of the Beloved in days when all things are returning to extinction. Recognize the worth of this Supreme Favor and guard it with your life. O Ali Qabl-i-Nabil, God is All-Seeing and All-Hearing; He has witnessed all that you have endured in His path and has recorded it in the Preserved Tablet through the Supreme Pen. No favor can equal or surpass this one.

Do not focus on the people and their behavior; instead, turn toward the Most Exalted Horizon and say: “O Sovereign of Names and Creator of the heavens, I have turned wholly to You. Assist me to act in a manner befitting Your days and my relation to Your exalted, wondrous Name.” Everything has its unique fragrance, and the scent of a deed performed purely for God’s sake will permeate the world, perceivable by every discerning soul. Trust in the grace of your Lord and cling to His resplendent hem.

In all matters, follow the example of virtuous deeds, spiritual attributes, and praiseworthy actions. Emulate the truly sanctified ones, for they are adorned with the ornament of servitude to God. They are worthy of being mentioned in the exalted words spoken by the Tongue of Grandeur in the Kingdom of His wondrous Revelation.

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“O Ali Qabl-i-Nabil! Hearken to what the Lord, the Exalted, proclaims to you from this glorious station: ‘There is no God but Me, the All-Powerful, the Almighty.’ Pay no heed to what the polytheists say. They utter the same as the adherents of the Quran, the Bible, and the Gospels. Some claim that I have made a divine claim. Say: ‘Indeed, by the Lord of all existence, I have spoken only that which the All-Merciful foretold in the Bayan.’ This is witnessed by those who discern the fragrance of My garment, turn to the horizon of My grace, soar in My atmosphere, and sever themselves from all else but Me. Thus does My Supreme Pen extol you, for I am the All-Knowing.

The people of the Bayan—those who have turned away from the Lord of existence—cling to the words and interpretations of the people of the Quran. Reflect on the station of God’s Cause and the depths of ignorance of heedless souls. Woe unto them for their estrangement from the Truth and their utterance of what even the children of this Dispensation would not say. This is evident to every person of insight and discernment.”

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“O Ali Qabl-i-Nabil! Remain steadfast and immovable in the Cause of God through the infinite grace of the All-Merciful. Offer the chalice of steadfastness in God’s name so that the friends of God may shine forth from the horizon of certitude and assurance. Some deluded and fabricated souls, who have turned away from the Countenance of the Oneness, have clung to an imaginary form and, at all times, are preoccupied with satanic whispers and diabolical schemes, misleading unfortunate souls. They cling to the illusions of the Quran’s adherents. Say: ‘O possessors of sight, those who gaze upon the Most Exalted Station traverse above the world. Always keep your gaze fixed on the Most High Horizon, and consider all else as utter nonexistence.’”

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“What you have rendered in service to the Cause has been acknowledged at the heavenly Throne and will forever remain so. ‘We were with you when you spoke in the Ridvan among the friends of God, and We heard what you said in praise of your Ancient Lord. Ask God to enable and assist you to serve Him in all circumstances. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty.’

We saw you in the land of Ha and Mim and in other lands, and We heard what you proclaimed in this wondrous proclamation. May you always be occupied with upholding God’s Cause through wisdom and eloquence, so that withered hearts may be revived through the nectar of the remembrance of Oneness and turn toward the horizon of the Cause. We beseech God to protect everyone, for most people still do not understand what this Day signifies and what this Cause is.

They are like sheep; when one takes a path, the others follow blindly. Reflect on the foundations of the religions of heedless souls among the adherents of the Quran, who considered themselves the epitome of truth and supreme over all. For centuries, they followed imagined words, devised an illusory Jabalqa, and constructed a fictitious Sirdab (subterranean refuge) based on baseless presumptions. They established an imaginary sanctuary, calling it the Sacred Domain. Is there anyone with sight to see, or with hearing to listen to what the Truthful One speaks?”

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“O true brother and beloved companion, the reality cannot be expressed. As frequently proclaimed by the Pen of the All-Merciful, the veils of dense ignorance and thick illusions, which We have rent asunder with the finger of power, have once again been replaced by even greater veils and more formidable barriers.

For over a thousand years or more, imagined beings, who considered themselves the essence of existence, turned toward an imaginary city and an unknown Sirdab, and based their hopes on a sanctuary built on delusion. Occasionally, they spoke of decrees emanating from that imaginary source. By God! Is there any mighty soul unaffected by the illusions of the people, or any steadfast one undisturbed by the clamor of humanity?

Consider some of the people of the Bayan who have shunned the Countenance of the All-Merciful and remain engrossed in such fantasies. God, exalted is He, says: ‘Fie upon you, O people of the Bayan, for what you have done—worse than the deeds of the people of the Quran! They followed illusions, and you followed their assumptions after having disavowed them.’”

We beseech God to raise steadfast and assured souls who, with wisdom and eloquence, will invite the heedless to the path of the All-Merciful. Though the people of the Bayan observed…

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They observed that the very foundations of their previous beliefs were built upon illusions. Yet, even this simple truth cannot be conveyed to them, for they are instantly shaken and distressed. For example, they see the lamp of knowledge extinguished before them, yet if this one observable fact is mentioned, they are unsettled and retreat, turning back to their original state, as if returning to their abode in the fire. Had I been permitted, I would have disclosed truths that would open their eyes.

The fabrications and illusions have reached such extremes that they became the cause and reason for the martyrdom of the Beloved of all worlds, the Point of the Bayan—may my soul be a sacrifice for Him and for all creation. If false decrees, invented writings, and references to fictitious cities and their associations—frequently found in their books—had not existed, they would not have denied the Countenance of the All-Merciful nor risen to shed His sacred blood. If these matters were elaborated further, cries of chaos would resound from all sides.

Marvel upon marvel! They deny what they witness. We beseech God to raise, through His power, individuals of immense steadfastness and mighty strength, so they might impart to the people of the earth that which benefits them in both this world and the next. Verily, He is the Guardian of the sincere.

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Regarding the dependents you mentioned, it was presented at the Sacred Threshold. The response was given: “God willing, He will enable souls to fulfill the obligations of the Right of God to the extent of their ability and provide for their needs accordingly.”

O Ali Qabl-i-Nabil, there is no doubt that everything issued from the Supreme Pen—whether commands or prohibitions—ultimately benefits His servants. For example, the Right of God has been revealed, and if people are enabled to fulfill it, God will surely bless them abundantly. Moreover, the wealth itself will return to benefit them and their descendants. Consider how much of the wealth of people ends up beyond their reach, often falling under the control of outsiders or heirs who are less worthy than strangers.

The wisdom of God’s decree transcends all words and explanations. People recognize this truth and then deny it; they understand and then feign ignorance. Had they adhered to the divine commands, they would have secured the benefits of both this world and the next. Pray to God that He enables His servants to pursue what benefits them, for He is the Most Generous and Bountiful.

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Whenever you write to the dependents of the Most Sacred, Most Holy One—may glory, praise, and light rest upon Him—please deliver uncountable blessings from this lowly servant. May splendor be upon Him, upon you, and upon them.

Another matter: According to instructions, at present it is not advisable to journey to the desired land. Instead, remain with utmost joy and serenity in the divine lands, occupied with the service of His Cause, so that perhaps the cities of hearts may be illumined and enlightened by the rays of the true Sun. This is among the greatest of deeds.

All those who circle around or worship in devotion send their blessings to you. Please also convey my greetings to the spiritual beloved, Muhammad ’Ali—may endless blessings rest upon him. Regarding Ali from Qa’in, whom you mentioned, this was presented at the Sacred Threshold. The response came: “O Ali, the ocean of assurance is surging, and the sun of certitude has arisen from the horizon of the will of the Beloved of all worlds.”

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“Step forward with the remembrance of God and take a station in His name, one that encompasses all people, their doubts, and their illusions. O Ali, one of the conditions of faith today is that it should be as fresh as the morning breeze, passing through the realms of possibility and entering the realm of the Most Great Name.”

Had unjust people not denied the Truth, nor imprisoned Him in the oppression of envious souls, He would have manifested that which would have enriched all of creation beyond measure. Alas, the true spiritual Sun has been subjected to the will of those filled with malice, who seek to veil Him with the clouds of doubt and illusion. By God, the Pen falters in recounting the wrongs they have committed in this vain life. Soon they will find themselves in manifest loss.

If someone denies this station, to what station will they turn? All existence, both visible and unseen, testifies to His reality. Yet the people remain veiled by a mighty barrier. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

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Deliver radiant blessings to Muhammad ’Ali on my behalf. We beseech God to guide and strengthen him in serving His Most Great Cause, to grant him the best of this world and the next, and to ordain for him that which brings joy and comfort to hearts. A wondrous, exalted, and sacred Tablet has been specially revealed for him from the heaven of divine will and has been sent forth. God willing, he will attain its blessings.

Then, glory be upon you, upon him, and upon all who have believed in God and been rightly guided.

Servant, 20th Ramadan, Year 90 (November 1873)

BH00074 (Natural)

In the Name of Our Most Exalted, Ancient, Sacred, and All-Glorious Lord

Praise be to God, who has revealed through the pen of His exalted might unto all in the realm of creation. Through this, the speechless found voice, the ailing were healed, the ignorant gained knowledge, the impoverished were enriched, the infirm rose to stand, and the hesitant became swift. Faces turned toward Him, souls drew near, and the dove of the divine utterance sang sweet melodies upon the branches of the tree of certitude. Indeed, there is no God but Him—the Mighty, the Gracious.

The radiance of glory shines forth from the horizon of the will of the All-Merciful upon the dawning points of knowledge and the rising places of certitude—those who have stood firm, spoken with truth, pointed to Him with their eyes and brows, and directed their whole being to God, their Origin and Creator.

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The Provider of their sustenance, the One who gives them life and causes their death—these are the servants whose sincerity, humility, reverence, and steadfastness in this Cause have been attested by the Pen of the Most High. A Cause by which mountains were leveled and the faces of the heedless, who turned away from the Source and clung to every deluded deceiver, were darkened.
Glory be to You, O God, Lord of all names, Possessor of the throne and the earth! I beseech You by Your Name, through which the Pen moved upon the Tablet and from which Your servants and creation emerged, to strengthen their eyes with the light of Your countenance and illuminate their hearts with the radiance of Your knowledge. Then reveal through them, in the world of being, that which endures through the permanence of Your dominion and sovereignty. Verily, You are the All-Powerful, the Exalted, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

And after this, O essence of my heart and joy of my soul, the fragrance of sincerity for the True God diffused when you opened your book. By the life of the Beloved, it poured forth as the rain nourishes the trees. When it was read and understood, you desired the hidden mystery and the concealed treasure.

When you…

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…arrived and were honored, the sun of permission shone forth, and its contents were laid before the face [of the Beloved]. Then the tongue of grandeur spoke that which is as the spirit for bodies, the light for eyes, the fountain of life for the thirsty, and the nectar of wisdom for the inhabitants of existence.
He, exalted is His greatness and supreme is His sovereignty, said: O you who drink from the cup of My love, listen to My call from around My sanctuary. There is no God but Me, the Omnipotent, the Self-Subsisting. We have heard your call and responded to you as a favor from Us. This is the first book you have presented, which was brought by the servant present before the Throne and read by Our command. Your Lord is indeed the Mighty, the Wise.

Blessed are you, O you who have turned toward the Face and arrived at this station, named by the Most Beautiful Names in the Book of Names, and heard the call of the Oppressed, who speaks in His Name, the Sovereign over what was and will be. You have attained that by which your remembrance shall endure through the permanence of dominion and kingdom. Be enkindled by the fire of the Cause and illuminated by this light, which has enlightened those in the realm of the unseen and the seen.
Blessed are you for desiring to serve your Lord and speaking among the people that which you have heard and seen in this praiseworthy station. Mention to the people the supreme steadfastness…

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…and announce to them My care, grace, and mercy, which preceded existence. Verily, We counsel them to supreme steadfastness so that nothing may hinder them—neither the Record of the Sijjin nor the leaves of Zaqqum. Say, if anyone comes to you with the book of the wicked, cast it behind you and recite what the All-Merciful has revealed in a preserved Tablet.

Convey greetings from the Oppressed to all friends and say: Many Tablets mention the Cause and its greatness, as well as steadfastness and its station, so that all may, through God’s bounty, attain a state where the world, its conditions, appearances, and dominions cannot prevent them from reaching the horizon of the All-Merciful. The Nightingale’s songs and nocturnal cries were revealed in Iraq, in the Land of Mystery, and in the Most Great Prison. Tablets were sent to the regions so that all may be informed and act according to what God has ordained.

Some souls have been seen deprived of the songs of the Nightingale due to the calls of the cat, despite their claim to the lofty rank of steadfastness. God willing, the fragrances of the All-Merciful shall waft over that land in such a manner that no one shall remain in a state of hesitation. Be…

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…steadfast in serving your Lord and proclaiming His mention and praise among the people. Thus does the Mother Book command you. It has ended.

O beloved of my heart, it is astonishing that some souls cannot distinguish between the scent of musk and that of decay. Observe the people of the Bayán, who today have turned away. They walk in the very path of the people of the Qur’án, claiming to be of the Bayán, yet with complete deception and cunning, they are occupied with misleading sanctified souls.

Among them is Mírzá Ahmad of Kirmán, who at first displayed utmost sincerity and devotion but later, due to madness and vile deeds, was abandoned. He journeyed to some cities and followed his own selfish desires and whims. When his hidden secrets were exposed, he returned, penning several petitions with utmost humility, contrition, and repentance to the Sacred Threshold. He then traveled to other lands and sought refuge with a sanctified soul, who wrote to the Sacred Threshold on his behalf. Subsequently, he went to the Great City, violating the Covenant…

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…and sending false words inspired by the devil to various places. By God, such individuals leave one bewildered. He has written several letters, showing such expressions of helplessness that anyone reading them would be convinced of his sincerity and faith. Yet, wherever he goes, his actions and words betray his inner reality.

Now, he has been expelled from the Great City. May God and all the monotheists protect us from his deceit and the deceit of his kind. To the agreeable, he presents himself with perfect agreement, claiming faith and certainty, but to others, he displays complete alignment with their inclinations. Recently, he obtained a book from the Sijjin and sent it to Abadeh in Shiraz. From there, a copy was forwarded to a friend in this land. Details have been presented to the Sacred Threshold.

This is what the All-Merciful declared: Souls who are sustained by the fruit of the Tree of the Most High Pen are not hindered by the books of the world, let alone by such delusions. It has ended.

In a Tablet to one of the sons of Khalíl residing in those lands, this statement…

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This sacred and steadfast Word was revealed in the first year through the Pen of the Most High. This blessed Word was heard: Blessed are the souls who have recognized the wondrous Cause and turned towards the wondrous Path. This exalted station cannot be attained except by erasing all that came before and by attentive ears that listen. Blessed is the one who attains this most honored, most glorious station. It has ended.

We ask God to confirm all in hearing the Divine Word. By Him who is alone in His utterance and unique in His speech, if the souls of the world attain the ability to hear these two mentioned phrases, they will undoubtedly taste the sweetness of the Word of the All-Merciful. They will be so enkindled by the heat of love for the Lord of existence that they will perceive all else besides God as nonexistent and perishable. Blessed is that fragrance when it diffuses among the nations!

The servant beseeches his Lord to confirm the people in the recognition of this Cause, by which the foundation of existence has been shaken—except for those whom the Sovereign of the unseen and the seen wills. Reflect upon this verse revealed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, which was sent down at the beginning of His entry into the Most Great Prison:

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His exalted words declare: “O land of Káf and Rá! We behold you in a condition unpleasing to God, and We observe from you that which no one else knows but God, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware. We perceive what passes from you in the secret of secrets known only to Us. The knowledge of all things is inscribed in a clear Tablet.” It has ended.

God has spoken the truth—our Lord, the Lord of our ancestors, and the Lord of all who are in the heavens and the earth. We have believed in Him and in His work, which has preceded all creation, and in His mercy, which has encompassed the worlds.

You are well aware that when the Kitáb-i-Aqdas was revealed from the heaven of God’s will, the mention of Ahmad was not outwardly evident. From the implications of the revealed verses, he must have had a companion in that land. However, later, the Tongue of Grandeur heralds glad tidings to that land with these words: “Do not grieve over this, for God will manifest within you mighty ones who will remember Me with steadfastness, unimpeded by the insinuations of the learned or the doubts of the doubters. These are they who behold God with their own eyes and assist Him with their very souls. Behold, they are of the steadfast.” It has ended.

Blessed is the eye that has seen and the ear that has heard what the Tongue of Grandeur has uttered in the nights and days.

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Years ago, on one of the days when Jináb-i-Amín, upon him be peace, was present in the Sacred Threshold, he turned to him and said: “We have detected a foul odor emanating from the land of Káf and Rá.” This servant, perishable as he is, wrote this phrase years ago in response to one of the friends.

Glory be to God! How distant these dubious souls are from the straight path, despite the revealed verses, shining proofs, resplendent evidences, and manifest signs. They wander and traverse the wilderness of illusions, failing to grasp the meaning of the Day of God. If they had comprehended, even slightly, they would not have been veiled. They would have turned, with both the physical and spiritual eyes, to the Most Great Ocean and hastened towards it. It seems they are oblivious to the supreme trumpet and unaware of the greatest call.

One of the Letters of the Living once inquired of the Most Exalted Luminary, the Lord of the nations, about “Him Whom God shall make manifest,” as mentioned in the Bayán. A response was issued from the Source of the Cause, which any fair-minded person would recognize as elevating that station beyond description or praise.

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He spoke these exalted words: “I have heard your book, and in it is a precious essence. First, I have not responded to it on that paper, nor at that time, in the highest manner decreed in creation. How great is the mention of Him about Whom you inquired! That station is higher, mightier, nobler, and more sanctified than to be comprehended by minds or praised by spirits, or extolled by souls, or bodies glorified by His mention. How great is your question and how insignificant is your being!

“Is the sun that appears in the horizons of His manifestation within the Point of the Bayán to be questioned about the sun to which those suns in the day of its appearance bow in prostration—if they are true suns?

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“And if they are not, such a thing would be unbefitting of the sanctity of His loftiness and the sublimity of His mention. Were it not that you are of the first Unity, I would have defined for you a limit as you inquired about God, who created you, sustained you, and raised you.

“In the Bayán, this is indicated in that manifestation, solitary in existence. Say first, if you wish, to commemorate His mention: Glory be to God, the Lord of dominion and sovereignty, nineteen times.”

If the people of the Bayán, or indeed the people of the world, are illumined by the light of fairness and reflect upon these radiant words, which have shone forth from the horizon of the divine knowledge of God, they will undoubtedly turn, with their very souls, to the ocean of life.

All the essences of the Bayán were derived and then expressed through the most wondrous utterances. Indeed, this sacred Word is a gem without parallel and a Word unparalleled in the Book. It is a unique pearl of the ocean of knowledge and a unique Word of the kingdom of the Bayán.”

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It is mentioned in the Bayán: “By His might, that Word is, in the sight of God, greater than the worship of all who dwell upon the earth, for the essence of all worship ends in it. Therefore, as you have recognized God, recognize Him Whom God shall make manifest, for He is too exalted and too lofty to be known except through Him, or to be indicated by the direction of His creation. Verily, I am the first servant who has believed in Him and His verses and has gathered the choicest fruits from the gardens of the paradise of His knowledge and the gardens of His words. Indeed, by His might, He is the Truth; there is no God but Him, and all stand firm by His command.” It has ended.

Despite these clear statements, steadfast words, lofty verses, and established proofs, the people of the Bayán have avoided mention of divinity and have risen to such an extent in rejection and objection that it is impossible to describe. Reflect upon the exaltation, loftiness, majesty, and station of the Cause and the baseness of these ignorant and foolish people. Just like the people of the Qur’án, they seem to intend to prolong matters for another one or two thousand years by introducing successorship and setting up a few Imams, leaders, and deputies.

The Pen of the Most High declares in this Most Great Manifestation: “This is the Day of God, if you would but recognize it.

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And this is the Day of Manifestation, if you would but witness it. On this day, none is mentioned except God alone, if you would but perceive it. He has come with the Truth, sanctified from all witness and witnessed, and purified from all that has flowed from the Pen and appeared from the tongue, if you would but know it.” It has ended.

Every group among the factions has clung to a word while turning away from its Possessor, its Revealer, and its Creator. Some have claimed that the station of divinity is so great that it cannot be attributed to anyone. These are they who denied what the Point of the Bayán proclaimed and what the Books of God, the Mighty, the Self-Subsisting, heralded. The Point of the Bayán—may all besides Him be sacrificed for His sake—declares: “In all things, He speaks, saying: ‘I am God.’” He also states: “If He were to rest upon the dust, the very particles of that dust would proclaim that this is the throne upon which the All-Merciful has established Himself.” It has ended.

Today, the Point of Manifestation, in the language of the people of Bahá, is described with these words: “He has ever been sanctified from the mention of names, above them, beneath them, and their equals. He is not known by anything other than Himself, nor described by anything other than Himself. All things testify that He is sanctified…

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…from indications, expressions, explanations, singularities, and eternities.”

Some have objected, saying that He must appear at the time of the Promised One, and that the time of His appearance has not yet come. How astonishing that they dare to assign a time for the Sovereign of Pre-Eternity, whom the Point of the Bayán describes as sanctified above all expression and indication!

The mention of the Promised One was made to prevent outward deniers and was meant as a test for the people. How can one who is not recognized by the testimony of the Point of the Bayán be recognized by the term “Promised One”? Indeed, the entirety of the Bayán is subordinate to Him, and He is not known by the Bayán. Even so, it is declared: “Should He appear at this moment, it is incumbent upon all to acknowledge that Blessed Tree.” In the Book of Hayákil, the mystery of the Promised One is evident. Blessed are the discerning ones!

To this very same questioner, one of the Letters of the Living who is still present today, glad tidings were given that…

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…he would attain the honor of meeting Him. His exalted words declare: “Perchance in the eighty-first year of His appearance, you may attain the meeting with God. If not, then at the end, assuredly know that the Cause is greater than any greatness, and that the mention is loftier than any loftiness.” It has ended.

Those who cling to the mention of the Promised One must reflect upon these exalted words, lest they be deprived of meanings by the veil of words and lest the mention of the Promised One bar them from His sovereignty. By my Lord, the Cause is greater than any greatness, and the mention is loftier than any loftiness. Blessed are the discerning ones, and joyous are those who meditate and reflect.

This perishable servant has repeatedly mentioned these words in letters to friends. However, as the cry of the crier, foretold long ago, has been raised, and the Book of Sijjin has appeared, this is reiterated so that the Beloved may inform His friends, and that the people of Bahá may see themselves as they ought to and arise in supreme steadfastness. God willing, all should observe and preserve the words of truth so that they may remain safeguarded at all times by the sweetness of the Fountain of Knowledge.

As for what you wrote about attaining the meeting and then witnessing another station of the stability of the Chosen Countenance: it was revealed that all former states and conditions of steadfastness, in comparison to the latter, were merely instability and uncertainty in their essence. Furthermore, you implored the All-High Lord, exalted be His greatness and majesty, to grant you a station where, in the path of His love, you would transcend all existence, name, and identity.

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All these matters were presented in their entirety to the Sacred Threshold, which is most exalted, most glorious, and most resplendent. Exalted is His greatness! This is what the Tongue of the All-Merciful has declared in the dominion of the Bayán: God willing, all may behold with utmost sanctity and purity what is fitting for the Day of God and attain the supreme testimony.

Today, service to the Cause is among the greatest of deeds. The tranquil souls must, with perfect wisdom, engage in conveying the Cause of God so that the fragrances of the spiritual garment may diffuse in all directions. This testimony is not limited to sacrifice or the shedding of blood, for it is possible for a person, through the blessings of life itself, to be registered among the martyrs in the Book of the Lord of Names. Blessed are you for having desired to offer your possessions, yourself, and all that you have in His path. It has ended.

In this station…

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This perishable servant shares the Word of the All-Merciful, revealed concerning the station of martyrdom, with your honor so that all friends may draw precious and fortified gems from the ocean of the divine Word. His exalted words, addressing `Alí Qabl-i-Akbar, upon him be peace, declare: “Master of power, God willing, all the chosen ones must arise to advance the Cause of God and act accordingly. Reflect: today, which deeds elevate the servants and exalt the Cause? Dispute, contention, and corruption have been forbidden in many Tablets. This blessed word has been revealed from the heaven of His will: ‘Victory for the Cause of God is through the sword of wisdom and the word, not the sword of steel.’ Similar statements are abundant in the divine verses. God willing, those with insight have seen and understood this.

Thus, the people of truth must reflect on what today might remove the veils of creation and elevate and exalt the divine Cause. O `Alí, reflect on what has flowed from the Pen and dedicate your life to the path of God. This testimony surpasses what can be conveyed by Pen, tongue, words, and Tablets. The name “Há” rose above all splendor through this testimony…

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…and attained the supreme martyrdom before the outward martyrdom, for he harbored no personal desire, will, or thought. He sacrificed all these for the Beloved and afterward attained outward martyrdom, offering his life for the True Beloved. He cast away the crown of life and laid it at the feet of the Friend. Blessed is he who recognizes this station and blessed is he who finds the fragrance of the Word of the All-Merciful.

In truth, whoever surrenders themselves to God and becomes self-effaced in His path will not consider their own rank, position, or reputation. Instead, they will focus solely on the Cause of God and what establishes His wisdom. By the Sun of My Word, whoever attains what My Pen has uttered has profited in every realm of My worlds. Beware lest anything hinder you from My straight path. Everyone must strive with utmost effort to attain the word of approval. People are ignorant and heedless; an explainer is necessary. If that explainer acts according to God’s command, the light of their words will undoubtedly illuminate the world and guide the nations toward the Most Great Footstool.

O `Alí, as the victory of the Cause has been sanctified by God, the Most Glorious and Mighty, from dispute, contention, and drawing the sword, one must instead cling to…

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…pure deeds and spiritual virtues. If a soul acts for the sake of God in accordance with what has been revealed, it will certainly have an impact in the world and tear through dense veils. For whatever God has decreed as the means for the victory and exaltation of His Cause is effective and influential. This is testified by every discerning soul. It has ended.

From the time of my arrival at the land of Ṣád, I have been mindful, wishing I had been among them. In truth, they attained such a station that the nearest ones and the sincere, as well as the likes of this perishable servant, will forever envy it. Now I beseech the Most High that He may grant both your honor and this servant this testimony, revealed by the Pen of the Most High, so that we may sacrifice our lives in service to the Beloved and attain what God has willed.

As for what you wrote about the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár being established in the land of Ṭá and in other places by divine favor, this was presented at the Sacred Threshold. His eternal words in reply declare: “Blessed is the hive, the house, the station, the city, the heart, the mountain, the cave, the sanctuary…

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…the wilderness, the land, the sea, the island, and the dwelling where the mention and praise of God have been raised.” This clear command was revealed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, but these matters are contingent on wisdom. In any case, one must always view matters from the perspective of wisdom, for the corrupt and the rebellious lie in wait, seeking any pretext to stir chaos.

Among the principles of the divine laws and God’s religion, nothing remains among the people of the Qur’án except a name. All wander the deserts of doubts and illusions, clinging to the ignorant of the earth. Despite this, they strive with utmost effort to extinguish the light of God, which has risen from the horizon of knowledge. By the lights of His eternal countenance, it is observed that the people of the Bayán are more veiled, more lost, and lower in station, for after the veils have been torn and the indications and barriers burned away, they have clung to former illusions. They have taken for themselves a deity besides God. Indeed, they are among the greatest losers in the clear Book.

The elevation of Mashriqu’l-Adhkárs in cities and lands is beloved, for it accords with the Book of God…

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…and His laws. Its secret is among the greatest matters, except for tranquil and steadfast souls. Blessed is the one who rises to serve the Cause and blessed is the servant who prepares the cities for the spread of the traces of the Creator.

However, in the lands of Ṭá, Yá, Shín, and others, one must wait and cling to the cord of patience until the Orb of the Cause rises from the horizon of permission. For in these places, the manifestation of such matters is beyond the requirements of wisdom.

Would that the heedless people understood their own apparent benefits. We see them in great ignorance. Were any soul to comprehend their own good, they would not exchange a single letter of God’s commandments for the entire world. Alas, their deeds have left them deprived of the mercy, knowledge, and ordinances of God. It has ended.

As for the station of blessing, it is most beloved, and a clear decree from the Pen of the Most High has been revealed concerning it. However, its implementation must remain concealed, for some friends are weak and speak with little provocation or doubt. The oppressive souls are ever watchful. Should they not intervene, they may demand the apparent resources, which are unfit for collection.”

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But such matters may cause grief to sanctified souls. Therefore, utmost wisdom must be observed in all affairs. We beseech God to assist you in serving the Cause. Verily, He is the Almighty, capable of whatever He wills, and in His grasp is the dominion of the heavens and the earth.

Reflect: this station of blessing has been ordained by God for the benefit of all on earth. Yet, should it become known, it might provoke wailing and lamentation about the Law. You wrote that multiple letters had been sent, but no reply was received. Many years and even ages passed without news of you until recently. Over successive days, the honored Zayn al-Muqarrabín—upon him be peace—sent your letters, addressed to this humble servant, noting that the correspondence had been delayed en route. The box of papers and pens mentioned in recent days has also arrived. The intent here is to clarify that no response was delayed due to negligence; rather, outwardly, no message had been received. God willing, let your heart ignite with such divine love that it enkindles the souls of the weary.

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This concludes the reply to your noble letter. Another letter has brought joy to this sorrowed heart. From its fragrances, complete happiness was derived, for it was dedicated to the mention of your Beloved, Our Beloved, and the Beloved of all who are in the heavens and the earth. This was presented at the Sacred Threshold, and His exalted words declare: “God willing, they will attain what they have sought from the Most High Lord. Blessed is the one who turns toward the Most Exalted Horizon, drinks from the Kawthar of eternity, and tastes of the Salsabíl of reunion from the hand of the Generous One, the Possessor of Names. God willing, they will speak and remember, sanctified above all things, the mention of God. Perchance the dead souls may be revived by the fragrances of this mention and attain the station of ‘Verily, to Him do we return.’

This is the Day made manifest, the Day promised to all, wherein the lights of the sun of reality are evident. Yet the heedless of the earth have turned away, as the nature of bats dominates their souls. Thus, they are deprived of the rays of the sun of meanings.

Convey greetings to the friends of the Land of Dust on behalf of the Lord of Names.

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Indeed, We bring them glad tidings of My praise, remembrance, and grace. We remind them as a favor from Us. Verily, your Lord is the Forgiving, the Compassionate.

Those who have ascended to the heights of certainty and drunk from the fountain of life during the days of the All-Merciful are all remembered in the presence of the Oppressed One. Say: O trees of the garden of divine love, the rains of mercy are continuously pouring down. God willing, the conditions of the world and the tyranny of the nations will not deprive you of them. By God, the world is fleeting, and all within it shall perish. Strive to drink from the Euphrates of the mercy of the All-Merciful. By the Essence of God, whoever drinks from it shall be adorned with eternal life and the robe of everlasting glory. They will arise to serve their Lord with such a station that neither the reproach of the censurer nor the mockery of those who deny God, the Lord of the worlds, can deter them.

O friends, gather together in joy and delight, with perfect wisdom and speech, and drink from the purest nectar in the name of the Possessor of Power. Verily, this is My love, My wondrous beloved, My mighty word, and My exalted, sacred remembrance.

Do not grieve over the events of the world…

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By God, the ocean of joy longs to meet you, for every good has been created for you and will appear at its appointed time. Thus, the Pen of the Most High gives you glad tidings from this Most Great Prison as a favor from Him, and He is the Most Generous. It has ended.

You mentioned turning to the Land of Dust and entering that land. Your stay there lasted no less than nine full days, during which the fire of love was kindled among the receptive souls. Praise be to God, and thanks be to Him for having enabled you to mention, praise, and serve the Cause. God willing, the fragrances of discord will be cut off from all directions, and the breezes of unity and agreement will waft among the friends.

What most exalts the Cause of God among the people is, foremost, unity and agreement, as well as noble qualities and virtuous character. God willing, all shall attain these.

You wrote about the sayyids of Sháhmírzád—upon them be the glory of God—and their efforts in mentioning, praising, and serving the Cause. This was presented at the Sacred Threshold, and it was stated: God willing, they shall forever be granted this most honored and exalted station.

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Indeed, We remember them as We remembered them in the past and counsel them to act in ways that elevate the Cause of God in cities and lands. It has ended.

Likewise, the mention of the countries and regions you wrote about brought joy and happiness. God willing, at all times, they shall appear as flames upon flames of divine love and strive such that each day they regard themselves as having attained a station higher than the previous day in the love of God.

Regarding the sons of Khalíl and the friends in that land, all matters were presented at the Most Exalted Threshold. His exalted words declare: “O My beloved ones in the Land of Khá, hearken to the call of God, your Most Glorious Lord. He remembers you with that which preserves your remembrance and your spirits in the dominion of God, the Lord of the worlds. Strive to serve God and His Cause, for this will benefit you in this world and the next. Verily, your Lord is the All-Merciful, the All-Knowing.

Do not grieve over what you witness today. A day will come when the tongues of the nations shall proclaim: ‘Sovereignty belongs to God, the Almighty, the All-Knowing.’ Thus have We illumined the horizon of the heaven of the Bayán with this luminary.”

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The radiant, luminous Sun shines forth. We counsel you, O My beloved ones, to honesty, trustworthiness, and adherence to what has been enjoined upon you in My noble Book. Glory be upon you and upon those who love you from God, the One, the All-Wise. It has ended.

You mentioned traveling to the land of Ṣád and recounting the divine favors for the remnant of the Name of God, “Há,” exalted above all splendor. This is evident and clear: whoever today shows love for the remnant of the Manifestation is beloved of God. Praise be to God, you have been and are successful, and this noble deed is accepted and blessed at the Most Exalted Threshold. Blessed and joyous are you!

Communications have also been received from Jináb-i-Mírzá Aṣmad and Jináb-i-Ibn-i-Shahíd, upon them be peace. They wrote to this humble servant as well, and replies were sent. Praise be to God, they are adorned with the garment of divine love, a garment fitting for all souls. If the people of the world adorned themselves with it, what a blessing it would be!

You mentioned representing this lowly one. This is the ultimate aspiration of this humble servant. We give thanks to God for it.

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In truth, this matter is among the greatest triumphs. I beseech the Almighty God for a great reward. I bear witness that there is no God but Him, and one who visits them is as one who visits the Lord of Pre-Eternity upon the Most Great Throne. This blessed word was heard by this servant from the Tongue of Grandeur. Like an incomparable gem, in the best of states, it reached the Sacred Threshold and was illumined by the lights of the Throne. His exalted words declared: “This is among the noblest gifts brought before the Face of the Lord of Names. Blessed is he and those whose names have been presented before the Throne. Thus does God remember His devoted servants.” It has ended.

Although this perishable servant has burdened you and has, in the language of the non-Arabs, been long-winded, his primary aim and true desire has been to mention the Desired One of the worlds and His friends. Hence, it is no matter.

The replies to the friends and gentlemen of that land have been conveyed and will continue to be sent gradually. For sending large packages at once is not in accord with wisdom. Likewise, certain noble, sacred Tablets revealed from the heaven of divine will in response to the petitions of…

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…Ahmad and others mentioned in their petitions have been revealed and, God willing, will be sent afterward.

It has also been reported from the region of Ḥadbá that Jináb-i-Ḥabíb Rúḥání and Jináb-i-Mírzá Asadu’lláh, upon them be peace, are returning. Therefore, nothing was conveyed to them on this occasion. I beseech God to assist them in all circumstances and ordain for them the good of this world and the next.

Their communications have been presented at the Sacred Threshold, and replies have also been revealed. God willing, they will be sent. To the honorable and revered Jináb-i-Mullá ’Alí, upon him be peace, Jináb-i-Ibn-i-Shahíd, upon him be peace, and Jináb-i-Khudád, Jináb-i-’Azízulláh, and the other gentlemen—upon them be peace—I convey my greetings of humility and self-effacement. Whatever they sent to this servant was presented at the Most Exalted Sacred Threshold. Replies have also been prepared and will, God willing, be dispatched subsequently.

You wrote that Jináb-i-Mullá Ghulám Riḍá from Sháh corresponded with you, mentioning a small amount of God’s property in his possession.

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He also wrote that there are several needy and distressed individuals in that city and that certain Tablets and writings need to be prepared and dispatched to the surrounding areas. He inquired whether it is permissible to use those funds for such expenses. It has ended.

Matters like this have previously been presented at the Sacred Threshold, and the firm ruling is that in every city, whatever of God’s rights is present or collected must be submitted to the Sacred Threshold so that its disposition may be arranged systematically. However, for this specific case, permission was granted for Jináb-i-Mullá Ghulám Riḍá to act as he deemed fit.

Furthermore, what is revealed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas must be implemented so that all may be adorned with the garment of the Will of the Desired One of the worlds. Mention of the honorable mother, upon her be God’s glory, and others was also presented at the Most Sacred, Most Exalted Threshold. His exalted words declared: “This is what the Tongue of Power and Might has uttered.” May all dwell in the shadow of His mercy…

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…and find peace and tranquility. We magnify them from this station and remember them with the verses of God, the Almighty, the Sustainer. Blessed are they for having attained the verses of God, His mention, and His knowledge during His days. This station is of immense glory for them and for those who believe in the All-Knowing, All-Informed One.

In this station, we mention your brother, whose letter was presented at the Throne. Give him glad tidings of My remembrance of him, that he may be among the thankful. We have read his letter and responded to him. God willing, a noble Tablet will be sent to him so that he may perceive its fragrance and My words. Verily, your Lord is the Remembering, the All-Knowing. Glory be upon him from God, the Lord of the worlds. It has ended.

It is conveyed that the Most Great Branch—my spirit, essence, and being be a sacrifice for the dust of His blessed feet—has recently traveled to a place two days’ distance from this land. God willing, upon His return, whatever expressions of sincerity, self-effacement, and devotion were conveyed to Him shall be presented, and His favor toward that individual will be communicated. Glory and praise be upon Him.

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Upon you, upon those with you, and upon those who have attained this mighty Cause.

Servant, on the 27th of Muḥarram in the year 98. (December 1880)

BH00035 (Natural)

In the Name of Our Most Holy, Most Great, Most Noble, Most High, Most Glorious Lord.

Praise befits and is worthy of My Beloved, who, with the finger of His power, tore through the mighty, magnificent veils and guided the people of Bahá to the Most Exalted Horizon. He is the Expositor, whose word renders the explanation silent, and He is the Differentiator, whose justice causes the balance to tremble. By a single point of His will, the books of the world are revealed and made manifest, and by a single drop from the ocean of His will, creation is set in motion and stirred to commotion.

Glory be to God! What a fire this is that renews and makes eternal, and what a heat this is that increases with intensity! From the wine of His knowledge, every discerning soul becomes bewildered, and from the Kawthar of His exposition, every earless one gains hearing, and it calls out. It grants vision and speaks with the words, “Look at Me.”

Glory be to God! How is it that a day of such blessedness and sanctity remains unrecognized, and the pearls of the ocean of meanings have fallen into the hands of the impatient? The lowest…

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…group among the factions of the earth regard themselves as the loftiest of creation, and these deluded souls consider themselves among the people of certitude. Every fair-minded person is bewildered, and every intelligent one is astonished. The intoxication of desire has prevented all from recognizing and understanding the Day of God.

This perishable and effaced one beseeches God, exalted be His glory, to assist all in attaining that which befits them.
I send salutations, peace, and glorification upon those whom the veils have not prevented from beholding the dawning-place of the verses, who have arisen for the Cause and spoken what they were commanded to in the Book of God, the Lord of the worlds. These are the servants who have testified to what God has testified and acknowledged what God has acknowledged. These are the servants who have been attested to by the Pen of the Most High for their devotion, humility, reverence, and steadfastness in serving the Cause of God, the Lord of Names, and the Creator of the heavens.

O Lord, I beseech You by the lights of Your countenance and the verses of Your grandeur to assist them in all circumstances to mention and praise You and to grant them success in what befits Your appearance, manifestation, and power.

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O Lord, behold them standing before Your servants. I beseech You, O Master of the worlds, by the Most Great Name, to protect them from all that is unworthy of Your days and to manifest through them that which elevates Your Cause in Your dominion. Verily, You are the Mighty One to whom the affairs of creation cannot prove insurmountable, nor can the manifestations of the earth weaken You. You do whatever You will and ordain whatever You desire. Verily, You are the All-Powerful, the Most Exalted, the Almighty, the Praiseworthy.

O Beloved of my heart! Although this servant beseeches and hopes from God, exalted be He, to be assisted in providing a reply to your noble letters, at times there are delays. However, this delay is due to the burden of engagements, as even the Beloved has testified and continues to testify. Praise be to God, even if there is a delay, the matter is never forgotten, and the response has been offered in all circumstances. This petition fulfills the promise given on the 9th of Rabí‘u’l-Thání, stating that the remaining reply to your letter dated the 1st of Ṣafar will be presented and sent.

You mentioned that one of the maidservants of God, named Fáṭimih, is adorned with the garment of divine love, but her son…

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…has destroyed himself by his own name. This matter was presented at the Sacred Threshold, and this is what has been revealed in response:

“O ’Alí Qabl-i-Akbar, we have not detected from him the fragrance of certitude. However, We have forgiven him as a favor to you and his mother. Verily, your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Generous. At this moment, We remember her to gladden her with the verses of her Lord, the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

O Fáṭimih, hearken to the call of your Lord, for He remembers you from the direction of the prison and invites you to God, the Lord of lords. Do not grieve over what has occurred. Offspring are intended to perpetuate the name and remembrance, but only if God confirms and adorns them with the garment of justice. Now, you have attained something a hundred thousand times greater than that. Beseech God to keep you steadfast and unwavering in His love, and may the Pen of the Most High reveal the word of divine approval about you. This is a favor whose mention and honor shall remain for the permanence of dominion and sovereignty. Cling to the hem of the mercy of your Generous Lord.”

O ’Alí, give her glad tidings of My grace, My nectar, and what has been revealed to her from the heaven of My will and surged forth from the ocean of My mighty and exalted utterance.

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God willing, may all be revived by the fire of divine favor and the water of the All-Merciful’s mercy, such that the despondency of the world does not sadden the people of Bahá or prevent them from ascending to the Most Exalted Horizon. It has ended.

A few days ago, the fruit of the Crimson Leaf—upon her be all splendor, most glorious—along with some maidservants of God, presented details of her to the Holy Household. A response was revealed from the heaven of grace and sent in an envelope addressed to Jináb-i-Thamara, upon her be peace. God willing, they will attain it.

You wrote that a petition had been sent on behalf of the sister of the King of Martyrs—may my spirit be a sacrifice for him. This was presented at the Most Sacred, Most Exalted Threshold. The Tongue of Grandeur proclaimed:

“O ‘Alí Qabl-i-Akbar, We have remembered every name mentioned in this book from My own graciousness, and they testify to My grace, My virtues, and My mercy, which have preceded all things. Blessed is the Name ‘Há,’ who has lamented in his affliction, and his sister, who turned and listened and attained. Give her glad tidings from Me.”

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…on My behalf, and then recite to her what has been revealed for her from the heaven of My will: the verses of My grandeur, through which the Hour has been made manifest and has arisen. We had previously revealed a Tablet for her and sent it to her as a command from Us. Thus, the Dove cooed and spoke. It has ended.

A sacred and exalted Tablet is also being sent to accompany Jináb-i-Ibn-i-’Aṭṭár—upon them be the glory of God. It has been sent previously as well. God willing, they have attained it and will continue to attain it. For several days, Jináb-i-Maẓkúr and his brother have been present at the Sacred Threshold, and after a few more days, they will turn in that direction.

Regarding the daughter of Jináb-i-Ism Alláh al-Aṣdaq—upon him be peace and glory—you wrote, and it was presented. Praise be to God, she has attained divine favor, and this wondrous and exalted Tablet has been revealed specifically for her at this time. God willing, she will attain it.

In the name of the One True God:
O My maidservant, God willing, you will be favored by the bounty of the All-Merciful. Today is the day when the jewels of human existence must be revealed in the name of God. Today, the Path is established, and the Balance is evident. Beseech the Most High Lord to assist all His servants and maidservants with what befits His days.

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Today is the day of noble deeds and spiritual qualities. Strive to attain what God has willed for you. Your mention has been before the Face and, God willing, will remain so. Rejoice in the bounty of your Lord, then thank Him through His beautiful remembrance. Blessed is your father! The Tongue of My Grandeur has testified to what will perpetuate his remembrance with the permanence of My Most Excellent Names. Verily, your Lord is the Most Generous, the Ever-Abiding.

He attained the meeting with God once in Zawrā’ and again in this Most Great Prison. With a radiant countenance, by the permission of His Lord, he entered and presented himself before the Gate. He heard the verses of God, the Lord of the worlds. For many days, he was present before the Face, hearing what the Beloved heard in the Mi‘ráj and what Moses heard at the Mount of ’Arafāt. Thus has My Most High Pen spoken, though most people remain heedless.

O maidservant of God, the bounty of the All-Merciful is vast, and His grace immense. All the world appears powerless to encompass its measure. Verily, He has forgiven you as a favor from Him, and He has ordained for you what is befitting. Truly, He is the Most Generous, the One who governs all things. God willing, the maidservants of the All-Merciful will act in accordance with what befits their station.

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This is the counsel of the One True Friend. Glory be upon you and upon those who follow the guidance. It has ended.

You mentioned the friends of that land and inquired about the blessed verse. It was presented before the Face, and this is what the Bestower has revealed in reply:

He is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.
O ’Alí Qabl-i-Akbar, the Oppressed One remembers you from His Sacred House and His praised station, that you may rejoice and be among the thankful. We have heard your call, responded to you, and observed your humility. We have mentioned you with a fragrance of My grace that diffuses among My servants. Verily, your Lord is the Forgiving, the Most Generous.

We also remember the loved ones you mentioned, that they may be drawn by the call to the Most Exalted Horizon and brought closer to a station where the hosts of the earth cannot frighten them, nor can the scorn of those who disbelieve in God, the Lord of the worlds, sadden them. Verily, He preserves them as He wills, by the might of His strength, grandeur, and power. Nothing can prevent Him from fulfilling His will. Indeed, your Lord is the All-Powerful, the Omnipotent.

Say: Regard the world as a breeze that passes in less than a moment. Thus does He remind you in His clear Book. Reflect upon it…

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…and its fleeting nature. By God, you will then find yourselves filled with immense joy. You are they whom the All-Merciful remembers in the realms and makes known His straight Path. You have attained that which Moses did not attain before. This is testified by My Tongue, My Pen, and the people of My mighty, exalted dominion.

O you who gaze upon the Face, give them glad tidings on My behalf and glorify them through My Tongue. Then remind them of what will strengthen them in this Cause, that the spirit of steadfastness may descend upon them from the heaven of His grace, your Lord, the All-Wise.

It is truly wondrous to observe that those who claim the station of steadfastness and certitude are shaken and perturbed by the mere scent of the imaginary temples of illusions. The tales of past peoples have deterred them from steadfastness and deprived them of understanding this supreme bounty. They are heedless of the fact that what they have heard in the past is sheer falsehood and baseless lies. These matters were previously mentioned in wondrous utterances. You must inform the souls so they may become aware in such a way that heedless souls cannot hinder them. Rather, they will perceive their own incapacity and weakness.

Ja‘far, the brother of ’Askarí, was asked, “Did your brother leave any children?” He replied, “There was a child, but he passed away.”

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Afterward, when the fabricated temples heard this statement, they denied it and called him a liar. Reflect on the extent of their injustice and the rank of their false accusations. Later, the mention of the Sacred Enclosure and the appearance of the decrees emerged, with the same details you had heard previously. May God grant justice to such souls who have led the poor masses astray in the wilderness of doubts and illusions, following the example of Abu Lahab.

Even now, this label of “liar” remains upon that truthful speaker among the people of Pharaoh. These fabricated souls cling to the same deceptions as before. Their essence is rooted in the same path and way. You must inform the receptive souls so they may become aware and not remain deprived of what God has willed due to the insinuations of the party of Satan.

By the radiance of the sun of justice, the intention of this Oppressed One is that strong souls arise for the Cause and protect the people from the evils of the devils, so that they may reach a station where they find themselves independent of all that has passed and see none besides God as existent.

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…and consider all else nonexistent and perished. Say: O friends, be attentive to the horizon of the Cause and to what has appeared from it. This is the counsel of the True One. Convey greetings to all your friends and remind them of what the Book has declared.

Regarding the souls who are currently in the land of Ṣád and elsewhere, inviting people to the abyss: you are well aware that they are neither informed nor enlightened concerning the Cause. They speak out of their own desires. Their origin is falsehood, and to falsehood, they return. Indeed, they are falsehood itself and to it, they shall return.

Therefore, with the power and might of God, seize the reins of the Cause and invite the receptive to the horizon of certitude, that they may drink from the Kawthar of assurance and appear with complete steadfastness. It has ended.

In truth, this lowly one is bewildered and astonished by the souls who turn away from this Most Great Cause. By what proof can they then establish another cause? With but a single drop from this ocean, all the prophets and messengers guided humanity to the truth. Now, the ocean is manifest, yet humanity is observed as veiled and heedless. The explainer must shatter all the idols of human imagination that have been strengthened by some semblance of certitude and lead them with the staff of…

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…wisdom to the dawning place of the verses. The Cause is in the hands of God.

Regarding Jináb-i-Khudád—upon him be peace—you wrote, and it was presented. The sun of favor has risen from the horizon of grace. The sons of Khalíl and the heirs of Moses have, in this Dispensation, attained the Most Great Favor. Their mention, devotion, and service have been inscribed and recorded by the Pen of the Most High in books and Tablets. Convey greetings to him from the True Friend and say: “You have attained the Most Exalted Horizon through the favor of the True Friend and have been adorned with the knowledge of the dawning place of the verses and the manifest evidences. Beseech God that this lofty, most resplendent station may be further ennobled through supreme steadfastness. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Omnipotent.”

Soon, the fruits of deeds will become manifest. Verily, He does not squander the reward of those who act with justice and kindness. Praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds. It has ended.

Regarding what you wrote about the brothers and people of that region—upon them be peace—special Tablets of a wondrous, exalted, and sacred nature have been revealed from the heaven of grace for each one and sent. God willing, their eyes will be illumined and their hearts will attain the greatest joy. Similarly, a special exalted Tablet has been revealed and sent for Jináb-i-Muḥammad Ja‘far to gladden…

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…his eyes and bring joy to his heart.

This concludes the reply to your noble letter, parts of which were conveyed and sent earlier, and some of which will be sent subsequently. Now, praise be to God that this lowly servant has been enabled to fulfill his promise. Praise be to God in all circumstances.

Regarding another of your letters that was sent to Jináb-i-Ism Alláh Maḥmúd—upon him be peace—it was presented before the Face. This is what the Kingdom of the Bayán has proclaimed: God willing, on this most exalted, wondrous, and sacred day, you will be enabled to accomplish that which is fitting and worthy. Your mention has been before the Face, and the gaze of grace has been directed toward you.

With utmost wisdom and speech, the weak souls must be strengthened with the blessed, mighty Word of God and adorned with the robe of certitude so that they may remain safeguarded from the doubts of the manifestations of illusions and conjectures. Instead, may each one of the people of Bahá be observed as so upright and steadfast that they perceive themselves incapable of speaking without authorization.

O ’Alí Qabl-i-Akbar, all the people of the Bayán testify that on the day when all were hidden behind the veils of the manifestations of oppression…

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…the True One Himself arose for the Cause and, with the Most Exalted Call, invited the inhabitants of the Kingdom of creation to the Most Exalted Horizon. He entered upon them and revealed what no one but God had enumerated. By the power of the Name, “The Self-Subsisting,” the mention of the Cause was elevated, and the banner of the Bayán was raised. Meanwhile, the manifestations of illusions emerged from behind the veil, buzzing like flies.

O you who turn toward God, reflect on the heedless souls: what have they abandoned, and what have they turned toward? Say: “He has no need to establish His Cause through mention of anything besides Himself. Verily, He has come with what no one before Him has brought. This is testified by those who speak with fairness and justice. Verily, your Lord is the Just, the Equitable, the Seeing.”

Say: “By God, He is not recognized by any book or declaration, nor by the mention of His servants or His creation. He establishes His Cause through His own self. Verily, He is independent of all that was and will be. The Bayán circles around Him, and the verses bow in submission to His appearance, while the evidences humble themselves before His sovereignty. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Omnipotent.”

Say: “Perish in your rage! He is not defined by what you possess, nor by what is in the Bayán. How…

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…do you attempt to use it as proof against God, the Lord of all the worlds? All of the Bayán is like a ring on My finger and a single leaf from the garden of My Word.”

This is what My Herald, who brought the truth and informed humanity of this mighty news, has testified.

In all the divine books, the mention of this Manifestation is clearly inscribed and recorded. Yet this Manifestation is, in itself, independent of the testimony of those who came before or will come after. God willing, you will be enabled to shatter the idols of doubt and illusion and guide all to the path of certitude. Verily, your Lord is the Supporter, the Teacher, the All-Knowing. It has ended.

Your supplication has been presented time and again. Jináb-i-Ism Alláh—upon him be peace—acting as your agent, has attained a special visitation. Blessed is he and you.

As for your question: a certain individual claimed to be married to you and stated that the verse of approval was recited between the two of you, with a specific dowry agreed upon in accordance with the law of the Book. However, there were no witnesses from either side present to authorize or witness the event. Now, this person denies the occurrence entirely, claiming that such an event never took place.

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…did not happen, and it is false. What is the ruling and decision in such a case?

This matter was presented before the Face, and the reply was:

“This marriage has not occurred in accordance with the law of the Book, for the sermon must be recited, and witnesses must be present, so that neither party can later deny it. While the sermon is not obligatory, witnesses are necessary. After the establishment of the House of Justice and its members, specific individuals will undoubtedly be appointed to oversee such matters, ensuring they are conducted according to the divine law.

If something truly occurred between two individuals but was not conducted in accordance with the law of God, it is neither valid nor acceptable. Anything outside this framework would lead to disorder, corruption, and conflict. He has revealed and made manifest His straight path so that every matter is firmly established in its rightful place.

They may repent and turn to God, the Forgiving, the Generous. Verily, He forgives His servants and is the Most Compassionate, the Most Mighty.” It has ended.

Regarding another of your questions: Is an individual free to dispose of their property, even when they have descendants and other heirs, by giving it to another or to a single heir, thereby leaving the others without a share?

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This is what the Bestower has revealed in reply:

“Every individual has the freedom to do as they will with their property, provided that reason confirms their actions are sound. Their freedom is not restricted by anyone else. This is what God has decreed. However, when their capacity becomes impaired, as determined clearly and definitively by expert physicians, their freedom is revoked by the decree of the Book. Verily, He does what He wills and ordains what He desires. There is no God but Him, the All-Powerful, the Most Glorious, the Praiseworthy.” It has ended.

You also wrote that Jináb-i-Mashhadí Ḥaydar from among the people of Ṣád—upon him be peace—asked about the status of embryos and related matters. This too was presented before the Throne, and the reply was:

“O Ḥaydar, blessed are you for having turned to God, believed in Him, and emigrated in His path despite what you faced from the hosts of the oppressors.

Those who have not yet attained the recognition of God are like embryos. Verily, the one who reaches maturity and conveys My Cause is accounted among the true servants.

Observe those who consider themselves people of certitude and assurance, seeing themselves illumined and steadfast through the lights of the sun of divine manifestation. Yet…

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…when tested by the words of deluded souls, whose arguments are weaker than the houses of spiders, they are seen drowning in doubt and suspicion. How astonishing and sorrowful this is!

Despite being aware that no one possesses knowledge of this Cause, these deluded souls speak according to their desires and echo what they have heard from others like them. Still, they are observed to waver and be troubled.

The people of Bahá must appear with such steadfastness and strength that no one dares to speak against or deny them. By God, these people are in manifest loss.

O Ḥaydar, God willing, you will remain safeguarded from the arrows of the deniers and opposers and be adorned with the robe of certitude.

Reflect upon the words of the Point of the Bayán and what heedless souls today cling to and proclaim. He states: ‘The embryos of a single year in that Dispensation are stronger than the entire Bayán,’ meaning they are stronger than those souls who cling to the Bayán.

The author of the Bayán also made other statements about its people, which you and the friends have heard. By God, they are among the wrongdoers.


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…the question of embryos, know that whatever has occurred and will occur in the world is in accordance with the divine wisdom. Everything is created with effect and fruit, complete and perfect.

If a person observes and reflects upon anything, they will assuredly acknowledge and testify that His wisdom is complete and His craftsmanship is perfect.

Consider the hand, which always accompanies a person. Reflect on its design and functionality. If even one of its smallest, most delicate veins becomes afflicted, the strength and motion of the hand are diminished.

Every wise person testifies to the perfection of His craftsmanship, and every learned one acknowledges the completeness of His creation.

Everything that has been created must reach its intended perfection and attain the station of maturity. If, for any reason, it is prevented from doing so, this too is in accordance with another aspect of wisdom.

Wisdom is apparent and manifest in some cases, while in others it remains hidden and concealed. For example, the hand is a divine blessing and essential for a person, as it is seen to be among the greatest means. However, when amputated due to theft…

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…this deficiency is also considered complete in the sight of the wise, even more so, as it serves as a means of protection and prevention, deterring others from vile and reprehensible acts.

In all things, consider this perspective: the creation of an embryo is for growth and maturity. Yet every soul remains incapable of comprehending the essence of divine wisdom.

Reason is, in truth, the greatest sign within a human being. Blessed is the soul that attains it. Yet, despite its lofty station and exalted rank, reason is observed to be incapable of comprehending most things.

This is because the understanding of reason depends on the testimony of sight. If the eye does not perceive the palm tree, the reason cannot comprehend the realm of fruits, leaves, trees, branches, and boughs within the seed.

How, then, can reason understand that there exists something in the world that can burn and reduce all things to ashes, rendering them nonexistent and obliterated?

Surely, the hand of God’s power brings that embryo to the realm of perfection. Neither the worlds of God are confined to this world, nor is His power limited by any means.”

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…the world. Once it is confirmed and established that His creation is complete and perfect, and that whatever is observed is in accordance with wisdom, it becomes clear to every soul that what appears incomplete is destined for completion and perfection and will eventually be revealed. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Creator, the Ordainer, the Wise.

If the Pen of the Most High were to reveal all the mysteries of this station, you would observe the hidden secrets in the outward forms of things. God willing, this station will be unveiled, and you will drink from the ocean of joy and knowledge.

O Ḥaydar, hearken to the call of the Oppressed One and stand firm for the Cause of God with such steadfastness that no sitting or reclining can surpass it. Today, what is most necessary is to support the Cause of God through action and speech. Sit together, consult on the execution of affairs, and with complete tranquility and dignity, act upon what will exalt and elevate the Cause of God. It has ended.

Regarding the embryos of the Bayán, consider that even a hundred thousand years hence, it is uncertain if they will attain the station of maturity. Reflect on the words of the leader of that group…

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…who considers people so foolish that he writes: “They take two letters from the Bayán, combine them, and call it a verse.” Now contemplate the falsehood of this heedless soul and consider the rank and station from which he speaks. If someone reflects on his statements, they will fully understand the reality of his condition.

In this Dispensation, what has appeared is unprecedented in any other age. If they look to the abundance of verses, the East and the West are filled with them. In the Tablet of Proof, this blessed verse has been revealed from the heaven of divine will:

“Do you object to the One who has brought you the proofs and verses of God that the inhabitants of the world possess?” To the end of His blessed words.

And in another place: “Do you deny the verses of your Lord which, when revealed from the heaven of command, all the books of the world humbled themselves before them?”

Thus spoke the Tongue in the Kingdom of the Bayán, yet most people remain heedless.

If they look to the sweetness and greatness of the verses, all atoms testify that no single Tablet among the wondrous and mighty divine Tablets is comparable to what has been revealed in the Bayán and before it.

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The Point of the Bayán—may all else be a sacrifice to Him—states: “No single letter of the Bayán equals the magnitude of a single letter revealed in this Dispensation.”

Where is the one who listens and sees? Where is the one who acts with fairness and speaks the truth?

This lowly servant beseeches God to grant the heedless and deniers a drop from the ocean of justice. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Omnipotent.

You mentioned the dream of Jináb-i-’Abdu’l-Karím from the people of Ṣád. This matter was presented, and this is what the Tongue of Grandeur proclaimed:

“Indeed, We made him hear the word of truth and showed him what is hidden. Verily, He is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. God has decreed what he witnessed, and it shall be made manifest. Verily, he gazed upon the Most Glorious Vision and the Most Exalted Horizon. He will bring glad tidings to all of this news, through which the Book of Existence is adorned, and every wise matter made manifest.

Undoubtedly, what he saw will, at some point, be revealed.”

This is what the All-Wise decreed in His clear Book. It has ended.

This year, some upheavals have occurred in those blessed lands. Among them, a severe plague appeared in Najaf, to such an extent that the inhabitants were violently expelled and relocated elsewhere.

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It is evident what happened and what transpired in that city. Profound changes have become manifest.

This servant does not wish to mention all that has come to pass there. Suffice it to say that all these events serve as means to fulfill the true vision. Glory be upon those who hear what has been revealed from the Kingdom of God, the Lord of all worlds.

Regarding Jináb-i-’Alí Khán and Ustád ’Abbás, you wrote, and it was presented. Two sacred and exalted Tablets were revealed specifically for them and sent. It was proclaimed: “The rains of mercy are continually descending from the heaven of grace. If the place is prepared and receptive, the grace will become manifest.” Convey the Tablets to them so that they may attain them. It has ended.

This concludes the reply to your communication, which was written on the 12th of Ṣafar and sent to Jináb-i-Ism Alláh.

As for your last letter, dated the 1st of Rabí‘u’l-Thání, it was, in truth, a bird that taught this perishable bird its song. That is to say, through your mention, this servant learned the mention of the Beloved of the worlds. Blessed are the people of knowledge, those intoxicated by the wine of the Word.

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After reading and reciting it, it was presented at the Most Sacred, Most Exalted Threshold, and your supplication was offered repeatedly before the Desired One. You attained the mention of Our Lord, your Lord, and the Lord of all in the heavens and the earth.

He, exalted and majestic, said:

“In My name, the Mighty, the Mighty, the Exalted: The servant present has come with your letter and presented what was inscribed therein of your words. From them, We perceived the fragrance of your sincerity, your mention, and your praise. Verily, your Lord is the Hearer, the Responder.

By My life, you have spoken the truth, and this was testified by the Mother Book when it settled upon the Throne of the Bayán in this exalted station. Say: By God, the Sovereign of the Messengers has come, and He has revealed the authority of the Books. The Ocean of Life circles around the will of Our Lord, the All-Merciful, who has manifested and revealed what He desires in His mighty name.

Whoever hesitates in this Cause for even less than a moment is cursed by every letter in the Books of God, the Lord of all the worlds. Say: Bring forth what you have, and We shall present to you what We possess. Verily, Our Lord, the All-Merciful, is the Explainer, the Differentiator, the Clarifier, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

By God, the Balance speaks, the Path cries out, and the Trumpet declares: ‘Open your eyes! This is the One mentioned in the Books of God, and He is the One who spoke upon the Mount.’ Fear God, O…”

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O peoples of the earth, do not be among the losers. The hidden treasure has appeared, and the Spirit before the Face proclaims, saying, “This is indeed the One foretold by the Messengers of God in former times, if you are among the discerning.”

O ’Alí Qabl-i-Akbar, reflect upon God, His proof, His testimony, His sovereignty, and what the tongues of the heedless have uttered—those who have turned away from My straight path.

Say: This is the Day when none is mentioned except God, if you are among the fair-minded. Say: This is the Day in which the Face has appeared after the perishing of all things and the annihilation of all names, if you are among the listeners.

O ’Alí Qabl-i-Akbar, consider the station about which the Point of the Bayán says, “I seek refuge in You, O my God, from being in that Day among the company of the wicked.” Observe what was said, what is being said, and what has been done and is being done. It has ended.

They sought to cut down the Tree, and when their scheme was exposed, they opened their mouths with slander.

You and the people of the Bayán all know that the Truth has never been hidden and has never been veiled. Manifest and evident, He has been among the people. Time after time, He has been imprisoned, and repeatedly He has been afflicted with chains and fetters, yet with full power and strength, He has called the people of the earth to the Truth.

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In those days, no one appeared. Yet the oppressive soul has portrayed itself as wronged and attributed to God, exalted be His glory, injustice.

No one has asked that soul: What wrong has been done to you? What hardship have you endured? What calamity have you faced? Everyone knows that in every city where it resided, it lived in seclusion and perfect ease among a group of women.

By God, who is none other than He, when merely hearing that someone in the land of Ṭá or elsewhere was arrested, it would leave Iraq, wander around Basra, Samawah, and the outskirts of Baghdad, and after hearing that there was peace, it would return.

In every city to which the Beauty of the All-Praised graced with His presence, it would arrive later. The only affliction that befell it was being taken to Cyprus, and this too happened as a consequence of the imprisonment of the Beauty of the All-Praised. This fulfilled what was written beforehand concerning the mention of the island.

You and all know that no one other than this servant has been informed of its affairs. Truly, even these few words that were mentioned are due to heedlessness…

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…as engaging with such matters while neglecting God is a sign of heedlessness. Yet the Most High is aware of all things.

The purpose is that perhaps some souls may observe and be awakened. These matters have been mentioned repeatedly. Verily, He guides whomsoever He wills to His straight path.

Today, all the people of the Bayán are seen to be in the fire, except for assured and steadfast souls. This trumpet blast from the Divine Herald must be heard. His exalted words declare:

“It is permissible for Him Whom God shall make manifest to reject anyone who is not the most exalted upon the earth compared to Him, for all creation is in His grasp, and all are obedient to Him.”

These statements are intended for the weak among the people. Otherwise, this Most Great Manifestation has no need for others to establish His Cause.

On one of the days, this word shone forth from the horizon of His will: “None from the past has recognized this Most Great Manifestation as He truly is. This treasure has ever been veiled from the understanding and minds of all besides Him, and this is unique to this Dispensation.”

This is a word to which the Books, Scriptures, and Scrolls of God, both prior and subsequent, have testified.

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By God, this is a mighty Cause and a great announcement. It has ended.

Regarding Jináb-i-Sayyid Muḥammad and Jináb-i-Mírzá Aḥmad—upon them be peace—you wrote, and truly the matter is as you mentioned. Praise be to God, they have attained the utmost heights and the Most Exalted Horizon. In these days, when the existence of the faithful trembles due to the oppression of the aggressors and tyrants, God willing, through their steadfastness, all will attain the supreme steadfastness.

You must nurture the souls to reach a station where all on earth will appear to them as absolute nothingness before the Word of God. Their communications were presented at the Sacred Threshold, and their supplications were offered before the Desired One. The sun of grace shone from the horizon of favor, and two sacred and exalted Tablets were revealed from the heaven of will and sent.

God willing, in all moments, they will drink from the wine of life contained in the verses of the All-Merciful and engage in proclaiming the Cause with wisdom. This servant also intended to address something to Jináb-i-Sayyid Muḥammad—upon him be peace—but since the Pen of the Most High has revealed the supreme verses, this servant refrained, though their mention…

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…will, God willing, never be erased from the heart. What they wrote was also presented at the Sacred Threshold. Among their questions was an inquiry regarding the use of certain beverages and substances.

This is what the Tongue of Grandeur proclaimed in this station: “The use of what is necessary for treatment is permitted.” It has ended.

Previously, in similar instances, this word was heard from the Tongue of the All-Glorious: “A skilled physician’s prescription is permissible without objection.” Blessed is the one who adheres to knowledge, whom God has honored and exalted above all other sciences.

God willing, they will be enabled to heal the chronic ailments of nations through the elixir of the Most Great Name, that all may be adorned with the robe of health and turn to the station of sanctity and purity.

Regarding the individual you mentioned, who sent a petition but refrained from sharing certain thoughts, what you did was indeed appropriate. Such souls are observed to be heedless of the Cause of God.

Years ago, an individual submitted a petition indicating certain matters. The response was: “Today is neither a day for testing nor a day for examining God. Exalted be He! It is not for creation to test Him, but rather, He tests His servants.”

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Say: “Recite the Books of God from before, so that you may understand what is fitting for this day, a day by whose mention the Scriptures of God, the Lord of all worlds, are adorned.” It has ended.

In a Tablet revealed for a friend residing near the land of the prison, this blessed verse descended from the heaven of will:

“Today is not a day of questioning. Every soul must, upon hearing the call, turn to the Most Exalted Horizon and say: ‘Here I am, here I am, O God of all creation! Here I am, here I am, O Object of all seekers!’”

Regarding those souls who have ascended to God, you mentioned that verses adorned with the word of forgiveness were revealed from the heaven of the All-Merciful’s grace specifically for them and sent previously.

By the life of the Beloved, the breaths of the verses have taken hold of them in a manner beyond enumeration by the enumerators.

As for Jináb-i-Sayyid ’Alí—upon him be peace—from among the emigrants of Miṣrād, and his son Jináb-i-Sayyid Muḥammad, you wrote that…

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…some time ago, one of the drinkers of the Kawthar of meanings—upon him be peace—wrote to this servant, mentioning that certain deniers of the Bayán, from the party of Satan, met with Jináb-i-Sayyid Muḥammad in the land of Ṣád and cast doubts upon him.

This matter greatly astonished this servant, for the people of God must appear so firm and steadfast that the winds of the world and the insinuations of nations cannot shake them. Their steadfastness should illuminate hearts and minds with the light of firmness, and through their constancy, the banner of divine unity should be raised to the highest heights.

Those casting doubts are utterly unaware of this Cause, for in the beginning, none were informed of its essence. Anyone claiming such knowledge is engaging in absolute falsehood and blatant lies.

Thus, this lowly servant beseeches and hopes from God that the reward of the friends will not be lost due to the words of this or that person, and that all will be adorned with the robe of steadfastness. Jináb-i-Sayyid ’Alí—upon him be peace—and those with him have always been remembered at the Sacred Threshold…

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…and the gaze of grace has been directed toward them. In all situations of hardship and adversity, the hand of power has preserved them.

Today is the day when the suns of steadfastness must rise from the horizons of the hearts of the people of the Crimson Ark, shining and radiant. God willing, it is hoped that Jináb-i-Sayyid Muḥammad will remain protected from the arrows of the opposers’ insinuations and the spears of the deniers’ doubts, and that he will speak words that draw hearts and minds.

Convey to him my greetings, and God willing, he will arise for what is befitting for the days of God. Verily, Our Lord, the All-Merciful, is the Witness, the All-Knowing.

In all circumstances, I beseech and hope from God, exalted be He, for their welfare, health, and protection. The Cause is in the hands of God, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

How I wish this servant could meet with the friends and share some hidden matters. In all circumstances, this servant proclaims and testifies that there is no God but Him. The Cause is at the beginning and the end. He is the First and the Last, the Hidden, and He is All-Knowing of all things.

Regarding Jináb-i-Mullá Mahdí from the people of Jásib, you wrote, and this was presented before the Throne.

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This is what the Kingdom of the Bayán has proclaimed:

“O Most Holy, Most Mighty, Most Exalted, Most Glorious!

O ’Alí Qabl-i-Akbar, drink the purest Kawthar from the utterance of your Lord, the All-Merciful. Verily, He will show you what is concealed from the sight of His servants.

We have mentioned you repeatedly in the Book of My servant, time and again, so that you may offer thanks to your Lord, the All-Knowing, the All-Seeing.

Mention has been made before the Face of the one called Mahdí, who believed in God, the Lord of lords. Say: ‘Do not grieve; indeed, We have already mentioned you.’ This is confirmed by My Supreme Pen through the most exalted Bayán.

Previously, a sacred and most exalted Tablet was revealed for him and sent, so that he might perceive the fragrance of the All-Merciful from it and attain the most exalted station, which is the station of steadfastness. At this moment, we have also mentioned him with wondrous and mighty verses. Beyond this, two additional Tablets have been revealed for him from the heaven of will and sent. Convey these to him so that his eyes may be brightened and his heart illumined with the light of certitude.”

It has ended.

As for the offering they have vowed, it should be accepted in a spirit of approval, and according to your instruction, used to host the friends of God wisely.

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Gathering in a single assembly is not permissible under any circumstances. If multiple meetings are held separately, this is preferable.

When the Most Great Luminary rose from the horizon of the land of mystery, it was commanded concerning the exalted one named Mahdí, whom God had established in His house after his emigration.

This servant has written that you must follow the footprints of the Lord of Eternity and interact with the people of the world with utmost gentleness and tranquility, so that the alarm and unrest of the people may be quieted, and the weak souls may not be disturbed. In all situations, you must look to wisdom and act according to what you have been commanded in the Book.

This servant presented these lofty words to them, and they replied, stating that no act contrary to what is appropriate has occurred. All the friends are gathered with utmost love, kindness, and unity, engaged in the remembrance of the Beloved of the worlds.

After presenting this matter at the Sacred Threshold, the following command was issued:

“Write that the government has no interest in your religion or inner beliefs, whether you are a denier of religions or a reciter of the Qur’án. The government has no issue. However, gatherings cause disturbances and are contrary to the will of the government, as nations have always observed corruption stemming from assemblies.

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From the beginning of the world to this day, gatherings have been a source of disorder. Thus, these meetings are viewed as similar to other assemblies and, for governments, represent a great offense and a grievous error.”

It has ended.

This lowly one submits to the esteemed friends and loved ones in that land that the mention of absolute nothingness and pure self-effacement from this servant is dependent on their gracious acceptance. God willing, it is hoped that all will shine and radiate from the horizons of the heavens of steadfastness like the sun.

This servant beseeches the Most Exalted, the All-Glorious Lord, to enable everyone to recover what they missed in the days of their Forgiving and Generous Lord.

Praise be to God, the All-Powerful, the Most High, the Most Mighty.

Regarding Jináb-i-Muḥammad and Jináb-i-’Alí-Aṣghar—upon them be peace—you wrote, and it was presented at the Most Sacred, Most Exalted Threshold.

It was stated: “O ‘Alí, the horizons are filled with the verses of your Lord, the All-Knowing, the Wise. Evidences have appeared from all directions through the utterance of the One Who spoke on Mount Sinai, in this Manifestation that all atoms bear witness to, declaring: ’There is no God but Him, the Mighty, the Great.’”

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Ask of God that the servants may be enabled to grasp the Tablet of the Lord of Days with utmost power and strength so that the insinuations of deniers and the doubts of rejecters may be erased from the face of the earth.

God has always been the Bestower, reviving the dead among His servants, and He shall continue to do so. God willing, hearts will be prepared for the reception of verses, and ears will be ready for their hearing. That is to say, God bestows both readiness and the capacity to hear.

Whoever attains this station will be protected from insinuations, allusions, doubts, veils, and hindrances.

For the two mentioned souls, a wondrous and mighty Tablet was revealed. God willing, they will drink from the water of life flowing from the revealed words of God and attain everlasting life.

It has ended. Praise be to God that, specifically for them, the sun of grace has risen and is shining from the horizon of favor and generosity.

This servant beseeches and hopes from God, exalted be His glory, that they may be enabled…

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…to grasp the Tablet with strength from Him and power from His presence.

The meaning of strength and power has always been and will always be assurance and certitude. In all instances, these statements must be interpreted to avoid any misinterpretation by anyone contrary to what God has permitted, leading to corruption.

Whenever support, assistance, and service are mentioned, the intention is the proclamation of the Cause with spirit and joy. The matter rests with God, the All-Powerful, the Almighty, the Beneficent.

O Beloved of My Heart, the ignorance of the deniers among the people of the Bayán has reached a point where they have carved an idol from their own hands and accept everything it declares, be it dry or wet.

For instance, that soul who claims to be a mirror is so base that even a stone would feel ashamed of them. They tamper with the sanctuary of their master, who is the sun, committing treachery. Yet those rebellious souls, with the nature of Nimrod, claim that “Even a prophet could nullify a marriage by merely looking at a woman.”

They lack the sense to realize who a prophet is. If true prophethood were proven, the very essence of the Point would be it, and those lying souls have sought…

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…prove the claim of their desired appointment to a vicegerency. How could a vicegerent have dominion over the sanctuary of others? If one is a mirror, how then could they interfere with the sanctuary of the Sun? The Primal Point was not an ordinary man such that He could be lawfully interfered with in this manner. By the One who raised up the heavens without pillars, the stench of these words is foul and offensive. Their shame and falsehood are manifest.

What then is treachery, and what constitutes a lack of trustworthiness? Glorified be God! They claim to be mirrors and yet interfere with the sanctuary of the Sun. May God protect us and you from such vile deeds, which have caused the denizens of the highest paradise to lament. Their words contradict them, and their actions renounce them. May God protect us and you, O fair-minded ones.

A man in Iraq, Jináb-i-Mírzá Muḥammad-’Alí Rashtí, heard of this and, in every gathering, mocked and scorned the perpetrators with various words. Curse be upon the wrongdoers!

Similarly, the source of the Sun of existence, the noble Mother of the Primal Point—may all be a sacrifice unto Him—was residing in Najaf.

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As she hesitated regarding the matter of the Exalted One, some individuals, under instruction, were tasked with explaining the details of the Manifestation to her. After their statements and explanations, she finally remarked:

“How could these souls, who acknowledge His station as the Qá’im, interfere with His sanctuary?”

How much embarrassment resulted from this statement! By the One who made the stone speak to demonstrate His power, the Beauty of the All-Praised was grieved by this matter for a time and declared that further speech was not permissible. From the beginning of creation until now, such an act has never been heard of.

In truth, such wretched, atheistic liars are well-suited as leaders for that group.

This servant is ashamed to recount some of their deeds. For instance, Abú’l-Qásim of the land of “K,” who was with him in his early years, was sentenced to death over a trivial and baseless suspicion. The same fate befell others.

If all the details were recounted, it would only cause distress.

As for the words of a third believer in “He Whom God shall make manifest,”—upon Him be every glory and splendor—you have heard them. This lowly one beseeches and hopes from the Exalted God that He will preserve these servants and deliver the heedless from their plight. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

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You wrote that at the time of writing, the honored and esteemed Jináb-i-Ḥájí Sayyid Jawád—upon him be peace—was present. This news brought great joy and happiness. God willing, he will always be adorned with health and wellness and engaged in the remembrance of the Beloved of the worlds.

His mention was presented before the Throne, where it was stated:

“Convey our greetings to him on Our behalf, so that these greetings may renew the days of reunion and the remembrance thereof. Say:

’O My Name, reflect deeply upon the accounts of former days and consider well the doubts and delusions they have devised. Even now, the heedless remain trapped in such imaginings.

For twelve hundred years, expectations were directed toward the fabricated realms of Jábulqá and Jábulsá. These delusions caused such harm to the Manifestation of the Cause that its extent is beyond human reckoning.

It was due to such delusions that the Point was martyred. This prisoner has been carried from land to land, in the hands of the wicked.

O My Name, exert great effort so that once again the poor servants of God are not left wandering in the darkness of delusions. A soul unfit to stand in the presence of the Lord has spread the fabric of delusions even wider than before and has set up a greater idol than previously existed.

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Seize the reins of the Cause with the permission of your Lord, then speak words that will cause the hearts of the discerning to soar and will steady the feet of the wavering.

Say: ’O servants, come and let us act upon the word of truth, which is incumbent upon all to obey. That is, let us set aside all that we have heard, purify our ears of what has been listened to, and then turn to the revealed writings.

By God, they guide all to the Most Exalted Horizon and proclaim with the most eloquent expression among the people:

“Verily, I am the Mother Book from before and after. When My fragrance is diffused, all the books of the world bow down, and the straight path of God is made manifest.”

Blessed is the one who finds My fragrance and turns towards My Face, and woe unto every denier who turns away from God, the Lord of the worlds.’

O My Name, I shall once again complain to you of all the mirrors.”

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By the sun of truth, which has risen and shone from the prison, if a soul had arisen and been capable of raising the Cause, this prisoner would never have been content to manifest it.

This is what caused the Cause to be raised and likewise, the cries of the Point. Reflect on what the Oppressed One has uttered before, after, and in this Great Prison. It has ended.

It is requested that you convey, on behalf of this lowly and insignificant one, the mention of self-effacement and annihilation to His presence.

If Jináb-i-Zayn—upon him be peace—is present, convey greetings to him and state:

“Exert yourselves in reviving the people from the outpourings of the Ocean of the All-Merciful’s Word. All success lies in this. God willing, you will succeed in that which is beloved in the sight of God.

If all the friends and the chosen ones of God were engaged in the proclamation of the Cause, it would be observed that most of those lands would be cleansed and purified of the filth of idolatry and heedlessness.”

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…would be freed and delivered from all hardships and afflictions. It is hoped that God will enable everyone and assist them in what leads to the elevation of the Cause. Verily, He is near and responsive.

Concerning Jináb-i-Ḥasan-’Alí, one of the emigrants to the land of Ṣád—upon him and them be the Glory of God—you mentioned him, and this was presented at the Sacred Threshold. A specific and exalted Tablet was revealed for him and sent. God willing, he will attain it.

This lowly servant also conveys greetings:

“The Glory upon you, upon those with you, upon those who migrated for the sake of God, upon those who answered His call, upon those who proclaimed His remembrance and praise, upon those who served Him, upon those who did not exchange the nectar of His love for anything else, and upon those who drank the Kawthar of steadfastness once in His name and again through His wise remembrance. Praise be to God, the All-Powerful, the Most Exalted, the All-Knowing.”

17th Rajab, Year 98 (June 1881)

BH00091 (Natural)

Lawh-i-Haji Mirza Kamalu’d-Din

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He is the Most Great, the Most Holy, the All-Powerful, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious.

Praise be to God, Who is sanctified by His might, distinguished by His majesty, and spoke His Word among creation. Then the mountains quaked, the heavens of the delusions of the people of error were rent asunder, the lands of vain imaginings were engulfed, and the sun of certitude rose on a destined day.

Exalted is He Who has manifested, revealed, and spoken, causing others to speak. Verily, He is the One by Whom the gates of reunion were opened and the ocean of nearness surged in the kingdom of creation. Say, verily, He is the One settled upon the Most Great Throne, Who judges with pure truth and summons all to God.

Blessed is the one who is drawn by the call of the Lord, turns toward Him detached from all else, takes the nectar of immortality from the hands of the people of Glory, and drinks in the name of God, the Creator of the heavens. Verily, those of the Most Exalted Concourse circle around Him.

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And woe unto those who cast God behind their backs, follow the delusions of the people, and turn away from the Most Exalted Horizon. They are among those whom the denizens of fire renounce. These are the ones who disbelieved in the All-Merciful when the horizon of the Bayán was illumined by the sun of the mention of God, the All-Powerful, the Most Exalted, the Most Great.

Praise be to God, Who revealed to those who turned toward Him what was hidden within the pavilion of His protection, and confirmed them in their turning toward this horizon wherein the Tongue of Grandeur spoke:

“By God, the appointed time has been fulfilled, and the promised one has come with a dominion that veils of majesty and the ranks of men, who have clung to their desires, could not hinder. These are they who disbelieved in God, the one, the all-knowing, the all-informed.”

Afterwards, your letter reached this lowly servant. I took it, opened it, and found within it the fragrance of your sincerity to God, your turning toward His horizon, and your steadfastness in the service of His Cause, His remembrance, and His praise.

When I perceived its scent and understood its contents, I turned to the Most Exalted Goal and appeared before the Throne of our Lord, the Possessor of Names, presenting its contents before His Face.

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Then the Tongue of Grandeur uttered words that caused the Pen to be thunderstruck. Despite this, how can this lowly one recount what the Tongue of Eternity has spoken?

By God, the pens of creation are powerless to describe or enumerate it, and the tongues of all the worlds are incapable of conveying its meaning and praise. Blessed are you for what you have attained in the mention of the Beloved, which has made hearts and minds soar.

We beseech God to grant you success and strengthen you in what He loves and is pleased with, and to provide for you from the wondrous, heavenly table that has descended from the presence of God, the Lord of all worlds.

Praise be to the Beloved of the worlds, Who has made His friends steadfast in His Cause and Whose fragrance of divine love is sensed from them as it passes and spreads.

Rejoice in what you have attained in the Day of God, which most of His servants have not achieved. We hope that in all times you may drink from the Kawthar of life and bestow it upon the dead of the valley of heedlessness and bewilderment so that they may attain a wondrous and mighty life and rise to recover what they have lost.

Today is the day when all atoms proclaim the praise of the Possessor of Names and Attributes. God, exalted be His praise and mighty is His station, has borne witness that this Day has no equal or likeness.

Thus, the station of those who have perceived it and attained it is clear and evident. There is no need for further mention. However, I beseech God, exalted and glorious, to awaken the heedless souls whom sleep has overtaken, that they may respond to the call of His loved ones…

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…the beloved ones may become aware and not be deprived of the Kawthar of divine grace in this spiritual dawn. Verily, He is the One who can do whatsoever He wills, and He is the One, the generous giver.

Concerning what you mentioned about the divine philosophers and true sages, who, by the endless bounties of God, have turned toward the dawning-place of divine revelation and have partaken of the nectar of the knowledge of the Beloved of the worlds—all these matters were presented in detail at the Sacred Threshold. For each of them, the Sun of Favor has risen.

Some time ago, their petitions were sent from the highlands by Jináb-i-Zayn al-Muqarrabín—upon him be every glory and splendor—and were presented before the Throne. For each of them, specific replies were revealed from the Heaven of divine will and sent.

On my behalf, convey greetings, peace, and congratulations to each of them and say:

“Blessed are you for what you have attained, as recorded in the Books of God and hidden within the treasure of His encompassing knowledge. All the appointed times, promises, and signs mentioned in the former scriptures have been fulfilled.

In one of the divine Tablets revealed to the new believers among the people of Khá, these sublime words are recorded:

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’The divine promises mentioned in the sacred texts have all been manifested. The law of God has flowed forth from Zion, and the call of God has been raised from Jerusalem. The lands and mountains thereof are adorned with the effulgent lights of the Lord.

Blessed is the one who reflects upon what has been revealed in the Books of God, the Sovereign, the Self-Subsisting.

O friends of God, reflect deeply and with attentive ears listen to the Word of God, that you may partake of His grace and mercy, drink of the crystal-clear waters of steadfastness, and stand firm like a mountain in the Cause of God.

The Cause is mighty, mighty, and this Day is mighty, mighty.’

In the Book of Isaiah, it is written:

‘Enter into the rock and hide in the dust from before the terror of the Lord and from the glory of His majesty.’

If a soul reflects upon this verse alone, they will become aware of the greatness of the Cause and the majesty of the Day of God. At the end of the mentioned verse, it says:

‘And the Lord alone shall be exalted in that Day.’

Today is the day when the Throne of David is adorned with the appearance of the Promised One. Today is the day whose mention has been inscribed by the Pen of Command in all the Books.

There is no verse except that it proclaims this Name, and no Book except that it testifies to this manifest Word.

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If we were to recount all that has been revealed in the scriptures and written texts concerning the mention of this Manifestation, this Tablet would become immensely voluminous.

Today, all must be assured by the bounties of God and strive with utmost wisdom in the proclamation of the Cause, that all may be illumined by the light of the dawn of meanings.”

It has ended.

I beseech and hope from God that He will protect them within His safeguarding care and enable them to hear His call. For indeed, if a soul truly listens to the call of God, they will never falter from the path of the Cause. The cries, clamors, and screams—whether they be loud or faint—will all appear to them as absolute nothingness.

The reason why most people of religions have not yet attained this most great favor is that they have not understood their own scriptures as they truly are.

In essence, what is intended by the divine scriptures is the knowledge of the dawning-place of the Cause and the source of divine revelation. This is the greatest matter, which has caused most souls to become thunderstruck and bewildered.

All the laws and ordinances recorded in the scriptures revolve around the recognition of God and always will. For if someone does not attain the knowledge of God, all their deeds will become “scattered dust.”

In the first chapter of the Book of Isaiah, it is written:

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(11) “‘To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me?’ saith the Lord. ’I am full of the burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts, and I delight not in the blood of bullocks or of lambs or of goats.

(12) When you come to appear before me, who has required this at your hand, to tread my courts?

(13) Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.

(14) Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth; they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.’

If a soul reflects upon these mentioned phrases and recorded verses from the Book of Isaiah, they will turn away from the means and look to the Source. Then, whatever emanates from Him…”

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…what is revealed from Him, they should consider it as the cause and adhere to it. Those souls who have conveyed the accounts of the divine sages and those who have drunk from the Kawthar of knowledge to the serene souls in the sacred city (Jerusalem) should observe these statements to firmly believe that God does as He wills. On one day, He commands sacrifice, and on another day, He abrogates that command. He is not to be questioned about what He does, for He is the Questioner, the All-Knowing.

Observe how the mentioned phrases are at variance with what this group holds. Indeed, today is the day when all these matters have been resolved, and the new law of God flows forth from the finger of divine bounty.

He is the true Zion, and in Zion and Jerusalem, this call has been raised. Mount Qum (the abode of God) has become the seat of the Throne. Blessed are the ears that hear, the hearts that recognize, the senses that perceive, and the eyes that see in the days of God, the Almighty, the All-Powerful.

If this servant were to expound upon the allusions and implications of the previous scriptures for the friends, it would require an extended period for writing. However, the opportunity is lacking, for…

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…this servant is occupied with a great task: transcribing what descends from the heaven of the will of our all-knowing Lord.

Say to them, “O gentlemen, today is that day when all matters have undergone transformation. Brothers have estranged themselves from brothers; fathers have renounced sons, and sons have disowned fathers.

How many friends, whose bonds of unity have been severed due to the Word of God! How many distant souls have drawn closer, and how many close ones have turned away! How many thirsty ones remain bewildered in the deserts of error and perish, while others head for the vast ocean and attain it, drinking therefrom!

Today is the day when relationships are not considered. Accepting souls are both fathers and sons, for they walk upon one path, drink from one nectar, gaze toward one horizon, and are secluded in one abode. Their relationship is firmly established by the name of God.

Blessed are they and those who join them. Today is the day when earthquakes have overtaken the tribes of the earth, and people lie prostrate upon the ground.

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They speak, yet they lack understanding. They walk, yet they are devoid of spirit. They have ears but are barred from hearing; they are raised blind and appear deaf and dumb.

Say, “Today is that day when all trees are in attraction and fervor, and the nightingales are in song and joy.

Fresh eyes are absent to behold a renewed world. Ancient eyes, weakened and infirmed by the cataracts of desire, fail to see. Otherwise, the mountains, deserts, sands, rocks, hills, plains, stars, and heavens are all seen in attraction and yearning.”

In one of the Persian statements revealed for a particular soul, this blessed phrase is found:

“O sons of wisdom, the delicate eyelid deprives the eye of seeing the world and all it contains. Then, what will the veil of greed do if it descends upon the eye of the heart?”

End it.

Say to the divine sages, upon whom be the glory of God, that you are the souls foretold in chapter 65 of Isaiah the Prophet. For you have drunk from the Kawthar of life while your companions were deprived, and you have attained eternal bounty while your peers were denied.

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This is what is stated in the Book of Isaiah:

“Behold, My servants shall eat, but you shall be hungry; behold, My servants shall drink, but you shall be thirsty; behold, My servants shall rejoice, but you shall be ashamed. Behold, My servants shall sing for joy of heart, but you shall cry for sorrow of heart and shall howl for vexation of spirit.”

End it.

Observe how even oaths are foretold to change on that day. It is said:

(16) “He who blesses himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth, and he that swears in the earth shall swear by the God of truth, because the former troubles are forgotten and because they are hidden from My eyes.”

(17) “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former shall not be remembered or come into mind.”

End it.

Reflect deeply upon these passages.

In Iraq, some said, “They have even changed the oaths to swear by the God of truth.” Such oaths were unheard of before. Thus, their souls have imagined things and denied God.

Oblivious are they to the fact that what is recorded in the scriptures must come to pass. By your life, O thou mentioned before the Throne! They are deaf, blind, ignorant, unaware, and devoid of understanding. Woe unto them and those who follow them in their desires.

I testify that they are the losers. Most people in the world are attached to their own imaginations and cling to their assumptions, believing themselves to be focused on truth.

If the hand of God’s omnipotence were to lift one veil, they would take up another and, because of these, remain deprived of the Creator of Names and Fashioner of Heaven.

All souls are promised the Day of God and are assured of the Manifestation of Truth. In the Qur’an, the Bayán, and the heavenly scriptures, this matter is mentioned and inscribed countless times. This is the essence of the Book and the foundation…

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…yet, the majority have not comprehended this station. Instead, they have objected to the Manifestation of Revelation and the Source of Inspiration, claiming that He has professed divinity. However, if the Tongue of Grandeur spoke differently, then it would warrant objection, for today is the Day of God—nothing besides Him and His manifestations is mentioned or will ever be.

Woe unto them for following their desires and denying God, our Compassionate and Merciful Lord.

The people of the Qur’an, from the lowly to the esteemed, the learned to the ignorant, have, for twelve hundred years, clung to vile and false utterances, filled with slanderous and baseless statements.

From the dawn of Islam until now, they repeatedly declared that the Qá’im resides in Jabálqá with his children and wives. They claimed that anyone who says he will be born is a liar, slanderer, or even an infidel.

Yet, according to outward events, God Almighty, exalted and transcendent, lifted the veil, and all saw and heard that He appeared in Persia and was born of a human mother.

Reflect on how so many scholars, philosophers, sages, and mystics were heedless of the truth and wandered in the wilderness of speculation and illusion. Their delusions led to the martyrdom of the Point of the Bayán—may all creation be His sacrifice.

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Even now, some souls, who are ignorant of reality and yet consider themselves of the Bayán, are busy inventing slanderous claims of fabricated guardianship and falsehoods. Their aim is to deter the weak from the Truth and nurture them with baseless illusions that neither satisfy nor enrich them.

See how far removed they are from the Straight Path. We hope that the people of Bahá ascend to such a station that they regard all utterances and statements as utterly nonexistent and entirely null.

They should hold fast to the firm cord and drink from the goblet of their Lord, standing united in rows before Him, and cling to the hem of the blessed word: “The sovereignty on that day belongs to God.”

These souls belong to the people of Bahá, who are said to reside in the crimson ark. By the Sun of the Horizon of the Bayán, the fabrications emanating from liars have reached such a level that it leaves one astonished.

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The people of the Bayán, who today are estranged from the Truth, are seen as a hundred thousand degrees lower than the people of the Qur’an.

The very words they used to revere for twelve hundred years have now become a tool of falsehood for these liars. They must all reflect deeply on what has been said.

Today, the wine of steadfastness is more exalted and beloved than anything else. One must serve it wisely so that the friends may partake and not stumble over the words of those who associate others with God.

We ask God to protect everyone with His power and elevate His friends to the highest station so that none may see, hear, or turn to anything but Him.

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The Point of the Bayán—may all creation be His sacrifice—spoke of the Beauty of the Most Great in these terms:

“He was and will forever be, declaring, ‘Indeed, I am God; there is no God but Me. O My creation, worship Me.’”

Now observe this blessed word and consider the suspicions and illusions of the servants. He even says:

“Do not be veiled by mention of the Prophet, the Guardian, or anything lesser, and do not deprive yourselves of the Manifestation of the Divine Revelation.”

For He is the hidden mystery and the treasured secret. All have been created for His manifestation.

He has spoken of this station in such a way that the pen is powerless to describe it. He testifies unto Himself by Himself:

“Indeed, He is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.”

We ask God to enable all to remain steadfast in His Cause and detach themselves from all else.

This servant conveyed the names mentioned in your book, and for each, verses of divine blessings were revealed. We pray that all may attain these and cling to His bounty.

Likewise, for those who submitted petitions, a unique and invincible Tablet was revealed and dispatched for each. Praise be to God, the names of all are recorded in the presence of the Greatest Horizon and are illumined and exalted by the rays of His face.

Upon them be the glory, mercy, favor, and generosity of God.

He, exalted and glorious, declared:

“O Mahmúd! Hear the call of your Loving Lord from this evident prison. There is no God but Him, the Mighty, the Generous. Your letter reached the Wronged One, and He revealed for you what exudes the fragrance of…”

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*“The fragrance of the robe has spread across the world. Indeed, your Lord is the Generous Bestower. He remembers His loved ones in the Most Great Prison and calls them to a station inscribed in the Tablets of God, the Lord of the worlds. Hold fast to the cord of steadfastness and cling to the hem of God, the All-Powerful, the Almighty.

We remember all who seek My face, soar in the atmosphere of My nearness, and speak of My beautiful praise. Say: By God, the Living Fountain has appeared, and it has been poured by the fingers of your Lord’s grace, the Most Merciful. Draw near in His name, the Most Glorious, and take, then drink, with His wise remembrance.

Thus spoke the Wronged One while among the heedless: ’O Ahmad! The lamp has appeared when the world was in manifest darkness. Some have seen, turned towards it, and attained the light of the Cause. Indeed, your Lord is the Clarifier, the All-Knowing.

And among them are those who shunned and turned away, desiring to extinguish it. Then, the hand of the Will of your all-knowing, all-seeing Lord prevented them. Blessed are you for having drawn near and turned to Him while every heedless and distant soul was estranged.

Say, O people: By God, the horizon of the world has been illumined by the Most Great Light. Leave what you have and turn with radiant hearts towards the Most Exalted Horizon—the station where the call of God, the Master of all names, has been raised.

Indeed, He is the Speaker, the Wise. Say: This is the Path of God set before you. Draw near and do not be among the heedless. Beware lest the affairs of this world prevent you from your Lord, the Possessor of all things.

Thus does the prisoner remind you from this evident fortress.’***

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*“O Beauty of the Most Great, turn from this pure station, this lofty vantage point, to the one named Muḥammad before Báqir, and announce to him the glad tidings of the verses of his Lord—verses through which the ocean of oceans surged and the fragrance of the Beloved stirred among the servants.

By My life, the gate of heaven has been opened with the key of My name, the Most Glorious, and the horizon of understanding has been illumined by the Sun of the Word of your Lord, the Most Merciful.

Do not grieve over anything. Rely, in all matters, upon God. Indeed, He ordains for whomsoever He wills whatsoever He wills. There is no God but Him, the Mighty, the Bestower.

Indeed, He calls between earth and heaven and summons all to the station revealed by the Merciful in the Tablets. Thus has the Tongue of Eternity spoken among the nations. Indeed, He is the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Most Generous.

Thank God for what you have been mentioned with by His Most Exalted Pen while the Promised One was imprisoned in the remotest lands.

O My Pen, turn from this forbidden station to the one named Naṣru’lláh that he may rise to…“***

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