Lawh-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Tablet)

This Most Holy Tablet has been revealed from the sacred kingdom to the one who has turned towards the Qiblah of the world, who has come from the heaven of eternity with His most great glory.

In the Name of the Lord, the Most Glorious.

This is a book from Us to the one whom the splendors of the names did not prevent from God, the Creator of the earth and the heaven, so that his eyes may be delighted in the days of his Lord, the Omnipotent, the Self-Subsisting.

Christians Have Hidden Themselves Using The Name of Jesus

Say: O concourse of the Son! Have you hidden yourselves behind My name from Myself? Why do you not reflect? You had called upon your chosen Lord night and day, and when He came from the heaven of eternity with His most great glory, you did not turn towards Him and were among the heedless.

Look at those who turned away from the Spirit when He came to them with clear authority. How many Pharisees were secluded in the temples in His name, praying and supplicating in His absence? But when the door of reunion was opened and the light shone forth from the dawning place of beauty, they disbelieved in God, the Exalted, the Great, and did not attain His presence after what they were promised in the Book of Isaiah and other Books of the Prophets and Messengers. None turned towards the dawning place of bounty except those who had no honor among the people. Today, every person of evident honor boasts in His name.

Remember when the most learned scholar of his time in Egypt issued a verdict for His execution, while one who hunted fish believed in Him. Reflect and be among those who remember. Likewise, consider in this age how many monks have secluded themselves in the churches, calling upon the Spirit. Yet when He came with the truth, they did not draw near to Him and were among the distant. Blessed is he who abandons them and turns towards the Object of the desires of those in the heavens and on the earth. They recite the Gospel but do not recognize the Lord, the Majestic, after He came with His holy, mighty, and beautiful kingdom.

Say: We have come to you and borne the hardships of the world for your salvation. Do you flee from the one who sacrificed Himself for your lives? Fear God, O concourse of the Spirit, and do not follow every far-removed scholar. Do you think He sought Himself after He was under the swords of the enemies at all times? Or sought the world after He was imprisoned in the most desolate of lands? Be just and do not follow the oppressors. Open the doors of your hearts; the Spirit is standing behind them. Why do you distance yourselves from the one who desires to bring you near to a luminous station?

The Doors of the Kingdom Are Opened

Say: We have opened the doors of the kingdom for you. Do you shut the doors of your houses in My face? This is indeed a great error. Say: He has come from the heaven as He came the first time. Beware that you do not object to what He says as the factions before you objected to what He said. Thus, the truth teaches you if you are among the knowledgeable. The River Jordan has joined with the Great Sea, and the Son calls out in the sacred valley, “Here I am, O God, here I am!” Mount Tabor circles around the House, and the tree proclaims, “The Desired One has come with His mighty glory.”

Say: The Father has come, and what you were promised in the Kingdom of God has been fulfilled. This is the word that the Son concealed when He said to those around Him that you cannot bear it now. When the appointed time was fulfilled, and the hour came, the word shone forth from the horizon of the Will. Beware, O concourse of the Son, that you do not reject it behind you. Hold fast to it; this is better for you than what you possess. It is indeed close to the righteous. The hour which We have concealed its knowledge from all who are on the earth and from the nearest angels has come to pass. Say: He testified for Me, and I testify for Him. He desired nothing but Myself, and every fair-minded, knowledgeable person testifies to this.

In the midst of affliction, We call the people to God, the Lord of Names. Say: Hasten to what you were promised in the Books of God, and do not follow the ways of the ignorant. My body has been imprisoned for the liberation of your souls. Turn towards the Face, and do not follow every tyrant and obstinate one. He accepted the greatest humiliation for your honor, while you rejoice in the valley of heedlessness. He is in the most desolate of houses for your sake, while you sit in palaces.

Say: Have you not heard the voice of the crier who called out in the wilderness of declaration, giving you glad tidings of your Merciful Lord? Behold, He has come with the truth in the canopies of exposition, with proof and evidence, and the monotheists see the kingdom before His face. Blessed is he who turns towards Him, and woe to every denier and doubter.

To the Priest

Say to the priest: The Chief has come. Come forth from behind the veil in the name of your Lord, the Master of all beings, and give glad tidings to the people of this most great and mighty Manifestation. The Spirit of Truth has come to guide you to all truth. He speaks not from Himself but from the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Say, this is He who glorified the Son and exalted His cause. O people of the earth, lay aside what you have and take what you have been commanded by the All-Powerful, the Trustworthy. Purify your ears and turn with your hearts to hear the sweetest call that has risen from the direction of Sinai, the abode of your Lord, the Most Glorious. He draws you to a station where you will see the lights of the countenance that have shone forth from this luminous horizon.

To the Concourse of Priests

Say: O concourse of priests, leave the bells and come out of the churches. It behooves you today to cry out among the nations this Most Great Name. Will you choose silence after every stone and tree has cried out with the loudest voice, ‘The Lord of great glory has come’? Blessed is he who has hastened to Him. He is among those whose name will be firmly established forever and will be remembered by the concourse on high. Thus, the matter has been decreed by the Spirit in this wondrous Tablet. Whoever calls the people by My Name is of Me, and from him will be manifested what all the people of the earth cannot match. Follow the path of the Lord and do not pursue the heedless. Blessed is the sleeper who awakens from the forces and rises from among the dead, aiming for the path of the Lord. Behold, he is of the essence of creation before the truth and is among the victorious. Say, He has shone forth from the east and appeared in the west. Reflect on this, O people, and do not be among those who were heedless when the reminder came to them from the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. Awaken from the breath of God; it has spread throughout the world. Blessed is he who finds its fragrance and is among the certain.

To the Concourse of Bishops

Say: O concourse of bishops, you are the stars of the heaven of My knowledge and My grace. It is not befitting for you to fall to the earth. But My justice says, this is what was decreed by the Son, and what proceeded from His pure, truthful, and trustworthy mouth does not change. The bell cries out with My Name and laments for Myself, but the Spirit is in evident joy. Say, the body of the Beloved longs for the cross, and His head desired the spear in the path of the Merciful. No power of the oppressors can prevent Him from what He desires. We have called all things to meet your Lord, the Master of names. Blessed is he who has turned to God, the Master of names. Blessed is he who has turned to God, the Lord of the Day of Judgment.

To the Concourse of Monks

O concourse of monks, if you follow Me, I will make you heirs of My Kingdom. But if you disobey Me, be patient with My forbearance, for I am the Forgiving, the Merciful. O land of Syria, where is your virtue? You have been honored by the coming of the Lord. Have you found the fragrance of reunion, or are you among the heedless? Bethlehem has been moved by the breath of God. We hear its cry saying: O Generous Lord, where is Your great glory settled? Your breezes of reunion have revived me after Your absence had melted me. Praise be to You for unveiling the splendors and coming with the hosts in manifest glory.

To Bethlehem

We called out to it from behind the veil of grandeur and majesty: O Bethlehem, this light has appeared from the East and traveled to the West until it reached you in its last days. Tell Me, do the sons recognize the Father and acknowledge Him, or do they deny Him as the people denied before? At that moment, its cry was raised, saying: You are the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. We see everything bearing witness to us; some know and testify, while most testify without knowing.

The Cry of Mount Sinai

The trembling of reunion has seized Mount Sinai, and its sweetest cry has been raised in remembrance of its Most Glorious Lord, saying: O Lord, I find the fragrance of Your garment as if You have approached through the traces and honored these lands with Your arrival. Blessed is Your people if they recognize You and find Your fragrance. Woe to those who sleep. Blessed are you, O one who turns to the Face, for you have torn away the veils and shattered the idols and recognized your ancient Lord.

The people of the Quran have risen against Us without any evidence or proof and have tortured Us constantly with new torments. They thought that affliction would prevent Us from what We desired, but what they think is false. Your Lord is the ruler over what He wills. Whenever I passed by a tree, My heart spoke to it, wishing it were cut for My name and My body crucified upon it. This is what We have revealed in the Book of Sovereignty to be a reminder for the people of religions. Your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Do not be saddened by what they have done; they are dead, not alive. Leave them to the dead, and turn your face to the One who gives life to the worlds. Do not let the words of the heedless sadden you. Stand firm on the command and deliver the people with the greatest wisdom. Thus commands you the Lord of the earth and the heavens. He is the Mighty, the Generous. God will raise your remembrance and affirm with the highest pen what you have spoken in His love. He is the Guardian of the beneficent.

The Sermon of the Desired One

Remind those before Me who were called Murad (the Desired One). Say: Blessed are you, O Murad, for you have abandoned your desire and taken the desire of the worlds. Say: Blessed is the sleeper who awakens from My breezes. Blessed is the dead who comes to life through My breaths. Blessed is the eye that is delighted by My beauty. Blessed is the one who aims for the pavilion of My greatness and majesty. Blessed is the fearful one who flees to the shade of My domes. Blessed is the thirsty one who hastens to the Salsabil of My care. Blessed is the hungry one who rushes from lust to My air and attends the table I have sent down from the heaven of My bounty for My chosen ones. Blessed is the humble one who holds to the rope of My might, and the poor one who shelters under the pavilion of My wealth. Blessed is the ignorant one who seeks the Kawthar of My knowledge, and the heedless one who clings to the rope of My remembrance. Blessed is the soul that is revived by My breath and enters My Kingdom. Blessed is the self that is stirred by the fragrance of My reunion and drawn to the dawning place of My command. Blessed is the ear that hears, the tongue that testifies, and the eye that sees and recognizes the Self of the Lord of glory and the Kingdom, of grandeur and power. Blessed are the victorious. Blessed is the one who is illumined by the sun of My word. Blessed is the one who adorns his head with the crown of My love. Blessed is the one who hears My calamities and rises to aid Me among My people. Blessed is the one who sacrifices his life in My path and bears hardships for My name. Blessed is the one who is content with My word and stands among the dead for My remembrance. Blessed is the one who is attracted by My melodies and pierces the veils with My power. Blessed is the one who fulfills My covenant and is not hindered by the world from entering the court of My sanctity. Blessed is the one who is detached from all else but Me, soars in the air of My love, enters My Kingdom, witnesses the dominions of My might, drinks from the Kawthar of My bounty and the Salsabil of My care, perceives My command and what I have concealed in the treasuries of My words, and rises from the horizon of meanings with My remembrance and praise. He is of Me; upon him is My mercy, My care, My grace, and My splendor.