BH00086 (Letters to Shiraz)


In the name of our Most Sacred, Most Supreme, Most Exalted Lord,

God bears witness that there is no deity but Him, and He who has appeared among the nations is indeed our Lord and Master of the world, the Ancient Sovereign. He who manifests the Greatest Name—at His appearance, every foundation is shaken and all humanity is thrown into turmoil, except for those whom God wills, the Lord of us all, the Lord of those on earth and in the heavens, the Lord of the Throne and of the dust. There is no god but Him, the One, the Single, the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

Praise for the Friends of God

The fragrance wafting from the highest paradise and the supreme paradise rests upon the purified ones and friends of God, by whom the light of unity shone from the horizon of every city and land, and by whom the radiant star of utterance rose among the people of knowledge. The Merciful revealed in the Qur’an what has come to pass through them. They strive in the path of God, fearing not the reproach of anyone.

The servant acknowledges that they are the servants whose remembrance and praise are enshrined in the books of God. Their authority, greatness, perseverance, and steadfastness are all recognized. Their trials and tribulations for the sake of God surpass those of all others, and they are in the highest station in the realm of names. Blessed are we, and blessed are they; their blessings are better than ours.

Through them, veils have been rent, signs have appeared, and banners have been raised. Their concerns for the world did not prevent them from the truth, nor did the veils of scholars keep them from the Lord of Names. When they heard the call between earth and heaven, they hastened to the highest horizon and said, “Here we are, O Creator of the heavens, manifesting in Your most exalted, most wonderful, and most glorious Name.” They then set forth with bright faces toward cities and villages, speaking of what was revealed by the Lord of the Throne and the dust.

Upon them rest God’s blessings, mercy, radiance, light, glory, grace, and generosity. The servant beseeches his Lord to support them under all circumstances and protect them from those who disbelieve and turn away from that which has raised their ranks and elevated their stations.

Sadness for Those Who Turn Away

By God’s life, the servant’s heart is melting, nearly dissolving, witnessing people turning away from that which they call upon every morning and evening, night and day, rushing to His house to act as commanded, with their sighs rising in humility and supplication as they work. Yet when the sun of testing shone, and the decree of the Merciful became manifest, they fled like startled donkeys. If only they were content with fleeing and denying alone. Instead, they persisted in evading and objecting, doing deeds that grieved the dwellers of the heavenly realm and the people of the kingdom of the divine. Behind them rose a cloud of sorrow, which even darkened the robe of the Merciful.

At this moment, the servant, clinging to the cord of God’s grace and holding fast to His bountiful hem, prays that humanity is adorned with the mantle of justice and guided to the straight path by God’s generosity and care.

The spirit of the servant is a sacrifice for your love, service, alienation, and affliction. I was contemplating the world’s affairs and events, looking at matters bewildered and stunned when your pen’s sound reached me, drawing me to you and inclining me toward you. Upon hearing the melody of speech and the song of yearning, I turned toward the dawning place of the radiance and presented what was in your book to the Lord of the horizons. When it was completed and concluded, the rustling of the Sidrat al-Muntaha arose from the highest station. Mighty is His grandeur and exalted His greatness!

A Response About Prior Letters

The name of the All-Knowing One who remembers:

O My name, a revelation from the kingdom of understanding has descended and become manifest in such a way that the very essence of remembrance, expression, proof, and faith are seen enraptured and intoxicated, except for whom God wills.

O My name, what has caused the people to remain deprived of the breezes of the spring of mercy and the fragrances of the divine days? Knowledge, understanding, longing, yearning, attraction, and allure were all created for this day. Yet, the mirrors of existence are deprived of the reflections of the Sun of Manifestation.

If any soul does not hear this call, it is certain that they do not possess hearing, and if they do not witness the radiance of the Manifestation, they have no vision and will not gain it. To what are they drawn, and from what are they turning away? Praised is He who has revealed to you and veiled them because of their deeds.

It is without doubt that the primary reason for people’s veiling and turning away is the authorities of external matters—those who consider themselves to be scholars and deem themselves the heads of religion. All things bear witness to the oppression of these heedless and aloof souls and lament over it. They say, “We believe in God,” yet they pass judgment against Him without realizing it. They rise and pray but fail to comprehend.

In the name of Truth, they have been honored and continue to be so, yet they seek the greatest disgrace for Him. If only for a moment they were pure-hearted, they would hear the warbling of the dove of the Cause and turn from the north to the right.

Blessed is the soul whom desire did not prevent from the Lord of creation. When they hear, they hasten, respond, and arise in service to the Cause in such a manner that the truth is before their eyes, and the creation behind them.

Thus spoke My exalted Pen before the creation of earth and heaven, and at this time, every ear has heard what the ear of Moses heard at the Mount of Expression, and the ear of the Beloved heard when he turned to God, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

By God, the proof of God has been fulfilled, and in its entirety, it circles the Throne, while the people remain in clear doubt. They see the signs and deny them, hear the call and turn away from it. Behold, they are in clear loss.

Let nothing sadden you; be constantly in all conditions upholding My service, speaking My praise, acting upon what has been revealed from the kingdom of My Cause, and commanding what We have revealed in My mighty Book.

The present servant has read your letter to the oppressed one. We answered you truthfully and sent you that which will delight the eyes of those who have not broken the Covenant and have clung to the hem of their Lord’s noble cloak.

Exalt the countenances of My loved ones on My behalf, and give them glad tidings of My mercy that has preceded, and My favor that has encompassed those in the heavens and the earth.

Say, “O friends, be wise and uphold that which will exalt this strong and steadfast Cause.” We mention the maidservants who have listened and turned to God, the Peerless Knower.

O Mahdi, the distinction between has been lifted, for it is observed that some heedless souls have not understood the rank of the effect, let alone the Effector. They recite the verses of God but are unaware of His station and remain deprived of His fragrances. They see the clear proofs yet are veiled from knowledge of Him. Glorified is God; blindness has seized their sight to the extent that they cannot distinguish light from darkness.

Ask God to guide them, strengthen them, purify them from self and desire, and adorn them with what is pleasing to Him. Indeed, He is the Master of all creation, the Lord of both worlds.

Letter 1

O My beloved essence, in every moment, the kingdom of expression reveals what every attentive soul recognizes as the fragrance of the supreme paradise. Were I to say that stones and mud have been endowed with wisdom and listened attentively to the call of God, the Most Glorious, it would be true and beyond doubt.

Today, the whole world is adorned with the wondrous garment of existence, and the hidden, apparent bounties of God have been bestowed upon all. Yet, all are heedless and distant, except for whom God wills.

Regarding the non-receipt of petitions and letters, everything received from your blessed hand has been answered and sent in full. I ask and hope from God, the Most Glorious, that all that has been sent is received and adorned with the clear verses and lofty words.

O my God, convey what You have revealed to Your name and grant them the gift of Your expression and the heavenly feast of Your grace. You are, indeed, powerful over all things.

So far, this servant has sent four letters, and despite many engagements and writings, there has been no neglect or delay in answering your blessed letters.

Regarding your attention to the land of Eshtehard and the friends there among the maidservants and servants, blessings of God be upon them. It has been submitted in the exalted court:

“This is what has been revealed for them from the heaven of the will of our mighty and exalted Lord. Mighty is His speech, great is His sovereignty, and exalted is His grandeur.”

Letter 2: The People of A and Sh

In the name of the Compassionate and Generous One,

The Exalted Pen mentions the people of “A” and “Sh” and counsels them according to what befits their association with the Greatest Name. Days are few, and limited, perishable ornaments are not worthy of attention. Uphold truth and cling to His favor. Recognize your value and rank. Praise be to God, you have attained what most people on earth are heedless of and veiled from, as are the scholars and mystics who considered themselves leaders of flocks and guides of humanity, except those who have drunk from the sealed wine in the name of the Lord of Creation and shattered the idols of illusions and doubts with the aid of certainty.

Recognize the value and rank of God’s favors and remain engaged in His remembrance. His blessings are countless and will remain so, and His grace encompasses all. As is evident, in this Greatest Prison, with the hands of remembrance and means of expression, He has constructed for each a lofty palace that will not perish, and time will not ruin. It was built by the hand of power and raised by pure favor. Recognize and then give thanks to your Lord, the Forgiving and Generous One.

The clamor of scholars, the cries of the ignorant, and the oppression and tyranny of the rulers are neither enduring nor lasting. Soon, all will return to oblivion. What remains and will endure is the favor of Truth.

Adhere to good deeds and manifest divine morals so that all may receive the pure, sacred fragrances from you and turn toward the Friend. Pray to the Most Exalted One that He illuminates all people of the earth with the light of justice, transforming oppression and tyranny into fairness. He is powerful and capable, knowing and seeing.

Blessings be upon you and upon those whose self and desires did not prevent them from God, the Lord of all and the Master of the world to come and this world.

This is what has been revealed for the maidservants of God: His blessings rest upon them.

To the Maidservants of A and Sh

In the name of the All-Knowing and All-Aware,

O maidservants of God among the people of “A” and “Sh,” rejoice as the oppressed one remembers you with words that will endure as long as the kingdoms of earth and heaven last and will be read by honored servants. Blessed is the woman who hears, responds, and attains remembrance of God, the Mighty, the Sustainer. Woe to the servant who turns away from God when He comes with the truth, with authority that encompasses all that has been and will be. How many scholars have been kept away from the sea of knowledge during the days of God, and how many communities have drawn near and attained its shores and drunk from it in the name of their Lord, the Sovereign of Existence?

O divine maidservants, the world’s oppressed one turns to you from this Greatest Prison and remembers you. If you understand the greatness of this station, you will attain the greatest joy, a joy that the world’s sorrows cannot change and that the nations’ clamor cannot prevent. Blessed are you, for you have turned toward the highest horizon and are occupied with the remembrance and praise of God, the Most Glorious.

All of creation was made for the knowledge of Truth, yet all are veiled, and you are nourished by the wonders of His grace. Speak in His name, drink of His remembrance, and rejoice in His memory. You are mentioned among the leaves of paradise before God, speaking in His remembrance and ignited with His love.

You have attained a station of which most scholars on earth are unaware, and in such a way that God, the Most Glorious, has empowered you to listen to His expression and heed His call. When one radiance of His lights manifested on Mount Illumination, it overwhelmed, and in these days, He continually manifests to His friends without interruption.

The site of this Manifestation’s radiance has been and will always be the realities of humanity. Reflect, so that you may discover this station and take delight in the living waters of the divine expression. Blessed are those who drink, and joyful are those who know.

Blessings be upon you from God, the Manifestation of Signs and the Revealer of Verses.

The Form of the Blessed and Sacred Leaf (Possibly Khadijih Bagum)

The sun of divine favor has shone upon all, and the Euphrates of mercy flows for each of the near and sincere ones. Take and drink, for He is the Most Generous Giver.

In these days, God, the Most Glorious, bestowed a blessed and sacred leaf upon my spirit, essence, and being—may my life be sacrificed for her. Some of those present were saddened, and the signs of sorrow appeared among many. The blessed Tablet descended from the heaven of the divine will, and this servant mentions its form so that all on earth may become aware of the steadfastness of the image of justice on the throne of utterance and be alerted.

This is the form of what was revealed from God, the Lord of the worlds: “Mighty and glorious is His word.”

He is God, exalted is His glory, greatness, and might.

Men and Women Are Equals

O My leaf, bear witness that there is no God but Him, the One, the Unique, the Almighty, the Sustainer. Afterward, let all know and be enlightened with the light of certainty from this verse: in the sight of God, men and women have always been and are equals. The manifestation of the Light of the Merciful in one radiance has created both. He created them for each other.

Among the creation, the most beloved to the Truth are those who are most steadfast and foremost in the love of God, exalted be His majesty. Rejoice and then give thanks for what God has bestowed upon you, whom We have named Sarah in the Kingdom of Names. He is the Protector of every community and the Master of every servant. Remain firm and steadfast. Blessings be upon you all from the oppressed stranger.

From this blessed Tablet, it is evident and clear that all are the same before God: “The most noble among you in the sight of God is the most righteous.” They are distinguished only by their love, piety, obedience, and virtue. In this regard, this sublime word has been repeatedly heard from the tongue of the Sovereign of Names.

The friends of Truth must be adorned with justice, equity, affection, and love. Just as they do not allow oppression and injustice upon themselves, they should not allow it for the maidservants of God either. Indeed, He speaks the truth and commands that which benefits His servants and maidservants. He is the Protector of all in this world and the next.

Aqa Asad’s Mother is Forgiven

You mentioned the esteemed Aqa Asadullah of the lands of “A” and “Sh,” and his mother. After sharing this noble word from the Mother Book, His blessed and exalted words are:

“O Asad, We mentioned you before and reminded the servants who believed in you. Blessed are you in God, the Lord of all worlds. We mentioned your mother, who ascended to her Creator. We heard her call. Indeed, your Lord is the Hearer and the Seer. God has forgiven her out of His grace and adorned her with the garment of His beautiful remembrance. Blessed is she and every community that approached and bore witness to what God testified: that there is no God but Him, the Unique and All-Aware.”

The Question of Rights (Huqu’u’llah)

Regarding the question of rights, whatever you do is accepted before the Throne. This matter was presented in the exalted court. This is what the tongue of utterance spoke in the kingdom of understanding:

O My name, My glory be upon you. You have been permitted to collect the rights and distribute them to the friends of Truth as you see fit. If, for a few days, due to the world’s lack of readiness, the friends of Truth appear needy and impoverished, Truth bears witness to their loftiness, elevation, wealth, and independence because these conditions are transient and have no impact on the essence. God willing, the wealthy of the earth will be enabled to fulfill what the Exalted Pen revealed in the Divine Book.

Honor for Muhammad Ghulam Ali Khadim

May Muhammad Ghulam Ali Khadim be assisted with the remembrance and service of Truth. Honor him in My name and give him glad tidings of My remembrance, which no treasure on earth can equal.

The Arrival in the Land of T

Regarding the arrival in the land of “T,” the matters of interaction, love, and preparedness among the friends of God were submitted, and His words were:

“O My name, strive that the point of divine love may attract everyone and establish unity on the throne. This matter precedes all others and is the cure for the chronic diseases of the people of the world. We remind them and exalt them from this exalted station, and We give them glad tidings of what has been decreed for them from God, the Mighty and All-Sustaining. We command them to uphold what befits My most exalted, most sacred, most beloved Name.”

All humanity seeks to grasp that which leads to the manifestation and elevation of the remembrance. They strive to the point of bewildering a wise person, yet their intention appears as a mirage. Praise be to God, the friends of this age hold to a cause that has no parallel in the world. Therefore, all must arise to that which uplifts God’s word, as nothing aids this better than good deeds and pleasing conduct.

God willing, all will support the Truth, the All-Glorious, with these visible and powerful armies. The actions of the world’s predators are unacceptable. All have come for union, not separation; for reconciliation and harmony, not division and hypocrisy. If they act according to what Truth has commanded, soon they will find themselves on the carpet of comfort, honor, and blessings. A hundred thousand blessings to the doers and the sincere.

This perishable servant beseeches and hopes that all will be made aware of the effects and fruits of the Sidrat al-Bayan. By the life of the Beloved, each soul that becomes aware will cling to God’s laws with complete yearning and enthusiasm.

Ascension of the Leaf of Light

Mention has been made of the ascension of the leaf of light, Her Highness, the Consort, upon whom rests all glory. The news reached us, and for that noble leaf and fruit of the Sidrat al-Muntaha was revealed what nothing can compare to, adorned with the garment of existence. Truly, the grief of separation has melted away. One passage revealed by the Exalted Pen concerning her is this sublime word:

“Verily, the sign of reunion brought you to life in the beginning, and the sign of separation took your life in the end.” Furthermore, He says, “This lofty fruit truly melted in separation, so she is mentioned among the martyrs before God.”

A Visitation Day and Night in Remembrance of the Leaf

The reward for this action is a remembrance that descended from the Exalted Pen as a visitation day and night. Any soul that ascends receives the robe of forgiveness. This grace is specific to her, except for those who openly deny the Truth of God and His signs.

From the heaven of mercy and the horizon of divine favor descended and shone that which is scented with the fragrance of everlasting life and wafts the breezes of life. Exalted is the Speaker, praised is the Expounder, and glorified is the Communicator. Mighty is His grandeur and His sovereignty. There is no god but Him.

Aqa Sayyid Abu Talib and Haji Mirza Kamaluddin

Mention has also been made of the ascension of Aqa Sayyid Abu Talib and Haji Mirza Kamaluddin. Special revelations have descended from the heaven of grace for each of them. Truly, they have no parallel. Blessed are they. Would that I had been with them to attain what the Tongue of Grandeur spoke in their favor.

Aqa Mirza Haydar Ali

Mention was made of the beloved of the heart, Aqa Mirza Haydar Ali, upon whom be Baha’u’llah’s glory. Information about him has reached from all directions from the land of “Kh.” Several steadfast and upright souls have submitted his mention and what occurred in that land to the sacred court. Similarly, in some of the divine Tablets and letters sent to various places, he has been mentioned.

When this exalted word appeared from the tongue of the Sovereign of Names and the Creator of Heaven, the mighty and powerful Truth made Mirza a refuge for what became manifest and a cause for the elevation of the word. With a smile, He said, “If it were otherwise, it would be considered unwise and worthy of punishment.” Although this is to their advantage, it should be implemented in His presence. Thus, the judgment of meeting is established before implementation, and afterward, grace and generosity exist, so perhaps He will forgive.

Moreover, he has witnessed the waves of the sea of mercy and the manifestations of the sun of favor. He acts as He wills and decrees as He wishes, for He is the Almighty, the All-Praised.

Aqa Ibn Abhar

Regarding the spiritual beloved Aqa Ibn Abhar, upon whom be Baha’u’llah’s glory, you noted that the matter is as He had written. He is very capable of spreading the Cause because a word heard not long ago from the Ancient Tongue indicated this exalted station. He is excellent in every way.

After presenting his mentioned words in the sacred court, the Tongue of Grandeur spoke this sublime word: “O My name, praise be to God that Ibn Abhar, upon whom be My glory, has arisen to serve and is adorned with the garment of proclamation. He is and will remain supported in all conditions. Whatever he sees as appropriate for his matters is honored before the oppressed one. This passage truly increases his station and will continue to do so. His wealth, meaning his possessions, is considered in the path of God. Exalted is this station, for he has been freed from buying and selling, and from this freedom, God’s will is made manifest. Blessed is he.”

“O My name, blessed is his father, who drank the wine of steadfastness from the hand of his Lord’s generosity and was one of those certain in the Clear Book. His station before God is very great. Blessed are those who understand, and blessed are those who visit him. He is one whose mention We have concealed due to the weakness of the servants. Give his son glad tidings on My behalf and honor him on behalf of the oppressed one, so he may thank his generous Lord. He should certainly consider God’s favors and care for those who are detached. He is indeed the Mighty and the Capable. Not a single atom of good deeds is lost before God, nor will it ever be. One who reflects on previous ages will witness what the tongue of the oppressed testified to in this noble station.”

This perishable servant has also been supported by the grace and favor of God the Most Glorious in these days to respond to His Highness. He is adorned with the remembrance of our Lord, your Lord, and the Lord of the mighty Throne. God willing, he will attain God’s verses and drink from the seas of their meanings, for His grace encompasses those in the heavens and on the earth.

Haji Sayyid Ali Akbar

Regarding the late Haji Sayyid Ali Akbar, upon whom be Baha’u’llah’s glory and mercy, it was stated that any rights he owed before or after were discharged and adorned with the ornament of acceptance. Praise be to God, who grants to whom He wills what He wills and gives how He wills, for He is the Mighty and the Capable.

Mulla Asadullah

Concerning Mulla Asadullah, upon whom be Baha’u’llah’s glory, after presenting his exalted words in the sacred court, these sublime words and radiant verses descended from the heaven of the grace of the Sovereign of Names and Attributes specifically for him and are sent in the handwriting of His Highness Ghusn’ullah (Branch of God), whose spirit and essence are my sacrifice. Blessed and exalted are His words.

Letter 3:

He is the Witness, the Hearing, the All-Knowing.

We desired to mention those who turned toward the highest horizon when scholars and mystics turned away, except those whom God, the Lord of lords, willed. On this day, the rustling of the Sidrat al-Muntaha has risen, and the Euphrates of meaning and utterance has flowed. Blessed is the one who drinks and attains, and woe to the people of error who cast aside the Book of God and follow the manifestations of doubts and illusions.

Arise in the name of your Lord, who remembers you in this Greatest Prison, and then pierce the veils of the nations. Say, “By God, this is the Day of Resurrection, and in it, the Mother Book calls out.” Say, “O people of the earth, fear God and do not deny Him, who, when He appears, reveals what was hidden in the knowledge of God and inscribed in the scriptures and tablets. Beware lest the world’s books keep you from the Ancient Sovereign, or worldly affairs prevent you from turning to the highest horizon, or the clamor of scholars sadden you.

Arise with spirit and gladness in the name of God, the Sovereign of religions, and say, ‘We have turned to You, O Desired One of the world, and directed our faces to You, O Sovereign of signs.’” Thus have We illuminated the horizon of the Tablet with the light of utterance.

Blessed is the one who holds fast, and woe to the one who breaks God’s covenant on the Day of Separation. Arise to serve the Cause, and then speak this name by which the skins shudder and the foundations are shaken. We heard your mention, and We mentioned you, and We revealed for you that which the sincere will find scented with the fragrance of immortality in the ages and centuries.

When you attain My Tablet and find in it the fragrance of My utterance, arise and say:

“I bear witness to what the tongue of Your power testified to before the creation of Your heaven and Your earth, that there is no god but You, the Mighty, the Bestower. You are the stranger who made known to the servants their highest homeland and revealed to them what brings them closer to God in all circumstances. And You are the oppressed and imprisoned one, whose suffering has caused the inhabitants of the supreme paradise and the realm of names to wail morning and evening.”

This servant sends his exaltations and greetings to him and asks the Exalted One to assist him in serving His Cause and to make him speak His praise in such a way that the world’s chill has no effect, and that the warmth of God’s verses increases the warmth of his love at all times, so that he is known by God’s name and famous for God’s love. He is assisted by the One who turns to Him and speaks His praise.

Aqa Muhammad Karim

You mentioned the honorable Aqa Muhammad Karim, upon whom rests the glory of God, and his brothers and associates, upon whom be God’s glory. You also mentioned His descent at their request to that house. These matters were presented in the presence of the Ancient. This is what the tongue of power and might spoke in His kingdom:

“Honorable Karim and his associates have been and remain mentioned in the sacred court. The grace of the Exalted One has encompassed them. They attained by listening to the call and were adorned with the light of certainty. Whatever they did in the path of God is mentioned in the divine presence and recorded in the Book by the Exalted Pen. Blessed are those who honored Your dwelling place and rejoiced in Your meeting in the love of God, the Lord of all worlds.”

The Honorable Rahim and His Brother

The Honorable Rahim and his brother are to be honored. Say, “O Rahim, your ardor and fragrance of acceptance have been recognized. We have honored and elevated you to the station where you saw the greatest sign and heard the call of your Lord, the Most Glorious. Do not forget this exalted station or become heedless of it. By the Greatest Luminary, today, any soul who is negligent of the remembrance and service of God will soon be seized with regret and remorse.

Praise the Desired One of all worlds, who has assisted you in such a way that you have attained what has flowed and been inscribed from the Exalted Pen in the books before and after. God willing, may you always be attentive to this station and safeguard it in the name of the Truth, exalted be His glory.”

Blessings upon them from God, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

In Reference to a Prior Letter to Karim

Some time ago, this servant sent a response to the letter of Aqa Muhammad Karim, upon whom be Baha’u’llah’s glory, which was written to the Honorable Name of Generosity, upon whom also rests Baha’u’llah’s glory. That letter contained the verses of God. The sea of His grace and generosity was surging in those verses. God willing, he may attain them and be enabled to fulfill what God wills.

If their desire is directed with spirit and gladness, and if the means are easily arranged, there is no harm in it. Otherwise, there is not. Last year, two friends of God in the land of “T” attained special grace, even though they were outwardly prevented from turning toward the most sacred direction. However, their deeds and pilgrimage were accepted in the presence of the Throne, and the word of acceptance regarding them was repeatedly heard from the Tongue of Grandeur. They attained what this servant expressed with the words, “I wish I had achieved what they achieved.” God’s command belongs to Him before and after, and He is the fair, wise commander.

You also mentioned the Honorable Aqa Mirza Muhammad Ali, upon whom be Baha’u’llah’s glory, and Aqa Akbar, upon whom be Baha’u’llah’s glory. Praise be to God, they have been and remain blessed by the grace of Truth, and so do their associates. God willing, may they be occupied with serving the Cause in all circumstances and strive diligently in exalting the Word. Through this, their stations, ranks, and attributes will be manifested among the people. Indeed, our Lord, the Merciful, is the Bestower, the Forgiving, the Generous.

After presenting this most noble Tablet in the sacred court, it descended from the heaven of the grace of the Lord of Creation specifically for the Honorable Aqa Akbar. Blessed and exalted are His words.

Letter 4:

In the name of the One who watches over the Names,

A book revealed by the oppressed one, containing what draws people closer to God, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware. Blessed is the one with sight who has seen the highest horizon, and the one with hearing who heard the call when it arose from the dawning place of glory: “There is no God but Me, the Mighty, the Powerful.”

We have mentioned those who turned toward the Countenance and have revealed for them that which the sincere will find scented with the fragrance of God’s grace, the Lord of all worlds.

To Akbar

O Akbar, the oppressed one remembers you from His radiant viewpoint with verses that no treasures of the earth can equal. Every discerning and insightful one bears witness to this.

This is the day when the ship of utterance has sailed over both land and sea, and the Merciful has spoken in the kingdom of expression in a way that has drawn the hearts of the near ones. Blessed is the one who has forsaken the world for the love of God, the Ancient, and acts according to what is commanded in His Clear Book.

This is the day when proof has been completed, favor fulfilled, and the feast descended, while the people remain in thick veils. Blessed is the one who arises to serve the Cause with spirit and gladness and pierces the veils of those in existence in the name of their Lord, the Mighty, the Powerful. Thus have We illuminated the hearts of the sincere with the light of utterance, and I am the Generous Bestower.

Kadkhoda Exalted

May they be enlightened by the rays of the Sun of Expression, from the Merciful, and with complete spirit and gladness remain engaged in remembering the Beloved of existence. The servant exalts Kadkhoda (a rural chief) and sends blessings upon him and those who believe in God on this great day.

What he wrote regarding the direction to the land of “M” and in delivering items and trusts is beloved and accepted in the sacred court: “All things from the Bestower are best.” God willing, previous letters will reach His blessed sight as they contain wondrous, exalted verses from Truth.

This perishable servant considers himself nothing, yet sends exaltations and greetings to all the honorable friends, lovers, and pure ones of Truth and asks God, the Most Glorious, to enable everyone to attain what is fitting for His days. Nothing is difficult for Him.

Husayn Effendi and Waraqa’iyya Khanum

Further, praise be to God, the delight of the eye, Husayn Effendi (Diya’u’llah), and the leaf Waraqa’iyya Khanum (possibly Bahiyyih, Samadiyyih, or Furughiyyih), upon both rests the glory of God, have attained the blessing of health and safety and are preserved in the shadow of the Sidrat of divine protection.

The Branches are Exalted

The branches of the blessed Sidrat of God—may my spirit and all that God has given me be a sacrifice for the dust of their feet—and the dwellers of the pavilion of sanctity and greatness have conveyed a sea of exaltation, glory, remembrance, and praise.

If this servant were to try to describe this station as it truly is, he would certainly remain incapable and insufficient. Each of those who circle in exaltation declares sincerity and expresses pure devotion.

The shining glory that has risen from the horizon of the heaven of the grace of our Lord, our purpose, and yours, rests upon you and those who have acted justly in God’s Cause and attained the knowledge of His wondrous day. Praise be to God, the Mighty, the Exalted, the Glorious, the Inaccessible.

On the 15th day of Rabi’ al-Awwal in the year 1300.