
In the name of God, the Manifest above all things.

This is a book from the one who mentions God with his tongue from evening to dawn, and from dawn, his pen runs over the tablets until evening, so that faces may turn towards God, the Mighty, the Praised. I have sacrificed myself in His path and my comfort for His command, and I do not remain patient after His judgment, even if the oppressors hold me back. Before, the verses descended and were written by the servant present before the Throne. During those days of weakness that overtook me, my voice could not rise from the mouth of the ancient one, if you know. And when it rises, all my limbs tremble, so that the verses of God, the Dominant, the Self-Subsisting, turn me around. When the verses descend, passion takes hold of me, making my limbs quiver with the love of God, the Mighty, the Beloved. Before, the verses descended from dawn to dawn and from evening to evening, and the tongue of God does not stop for even a moment except for another matter. Thus was the matter, and this is witnessed by the sincere servants of God who were present before the face and heard the verses of God, the Mighty, the Loving. During those days, if I speak for an hour, weakness prevents me in another hour. The melodies of God were prevented by what the hands of the oppressors have wrought, and they do not perceive. I call the people from my pen as I called them with my tongue and do not stop in what I was commanded until the spirit ascends to the abode of grandeur and majesty. Thus, the servant desired in the path of his Lord, the Mighty, the All-Knowing. O servant, be as the servant was; if matters are confined to the mention of your Lord, this is better for you than what was and what will be. The carpet of the world will be rolled up, and another carpet will be spread out, and sovereignty and power will remain with God, the All-Knowing, the Wise.