BH00093 (Letters to the Land of Kha)

In the name of our most holy, supreme, and exalted Lord, the All-Glorious

A Supplication to God

O beloved of my heart and the one mentioned in my soul, the breezes of love that have wafted from the gardens of your knowledge have delighted me, and the manifestations of your affection that have emerged from the pen of your devotion in the remembrance of God and His praise, in the love of God and His Cause, have moved me. It is as though you have sent with the breeze of the morning air the fragrance of all gardens. By God, my body has been refreshed by it, my chest expanded, and my soul uplifted. Thus, I praise God, the Beloved of the world and the desired of all nations, for having strengthened you to serve His Cause, to manifest His bounty, and to exalt His word. I ask Him, exalted be He, to ordain for you that which befits His generosity, His kindness, and His grace. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty.

Glory be to You, O He through whom the horizon of the world is illumined, and that which was hidden in the hearts of the nations has been revealed. I ask You by the Name by which every face has turned towards You, every tongue has spoken, every heedless one has been awakened, every hidden thing has been manifested, and every concealed treasure has been uncovered, to assist Your servants and creatures in turning towards You. O Lord, You see Your chosen ones and friends who have arisen to support Your Cause and have entered every land with Your Name. They have associated with Your loved ones with spirit and joy, guiding them to the path of Your good pleasure and to what You have commanded in Your Book. O Lord, illumine the eyes of the hearts of Your servants with the lights of their faces, and grant them the sweetness of Your verses in Your days. O Lord, this is the day You have promised to all in Your tablets, and attributed to Yourself, and made it the king of days by Your command and Your power. Yet, when it appeared, the people who disputed Your verses, denied Your proof, disbelieved in Your very Self, and cast aside Your Book—when it descended from the heaven of Your will and the air of Your desire—rejected it, even though all Books, all scrolls, and all records humbled themselves before it.

O Lord, I ask You by the power that encompasses all things, and by the strength that prevails over all creatures, to send down from the heaven of Your bounty upon the inhabitants of Your dominion that which draws them closer to You, gives them to drink from the Kawthar of Your generosity, and makes them aware of what has been revealed in Your Book and inscribed by the Pen of Your decree. O Lord, they are the poor, and You are the Generous, the Noble; they are the weak, and You are the Strong, the Mighty. I ask You, O You whose Supreme Pen has moved with Your Name and whose tongue of knowledge has spoken in the kingdom of creation, to inscribe for those who have arisen to mention You and serve You all the good You have decreed in Your Book. You see them, O my God, proclaiming Your Name, crying out in Your Cause, turning towards Your face, and advancing towards Your horizon. Aid them with Your bounty and kindness so that the hearts of Your creatures may be attracted to them. Verily, You are the All-Powerful, the One who does as He wills, and in Your grasp is the kingdom of creation. There is no God but You, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

Blessings to the Stars of Heaven

I send blessings, salutations, and exaltations upon the stars of the heaven of Your knowledge and the hands of Your Cause, those who have circled around Your will, who have spoken only with Your permission, and who have held fast to Your hem. These are the servants whose service, support, steadfastness, remembrance, and praise have been attested by Your Books, Your records, Your scrolls, and Your tablets. Through them, the standards of Your oneness have been raised in Your cities and lands, and the banners of Your sanctity have been unfurled in Your dominion. These have not spoken before You in any matter; their ears have been attentive to hear Your commands, and their eyes have been waiting for the lights of Your face. These are the honored servants, these are the successful servants, these are the steadfast servants. Upon them the dwellers of the dominion and the realms of existence, and the inhabitants of Paradise and the mighty kingdom, send blessings. Behind them is the tongue of Your majesty.

Praise be to You, O my God, for having enabled me to mention them and praise them, and for what they have accomplished in Your Cause and in Your days. There is no God but You, the Reckoner, the All-Encompassing, the All-Knowing.

God Responds to Baha’u’llah

After this, I, the lowly one, having perused what was mentioned in the exalted handwriting, intended to turn towards the most holy and sacred precincts, and all of it was presented before the presence. This is what the tongue of the Beloved spoke as He walked in His most honored, most holy, and luminous garden. His word, mighty in its majesty, is: “We exalt You from this station, O you who were gazing towards My horizon, standing in the service of My Cause, and speaking in My praise. We remember your arrival and the bounties you attained from the ocean of reunion, your departure after permission, and your direction towards the regions for the Cause of God, the Sender of verses and the Manifestation of clear proofs. Blessed is the deed that is adorned with the ornament of acceptance, the tongue that has been graced with the praise of God, and the feet that hastened to the lands and regions to serve His mighty and wondrous Cause.”

Baha’u’llah Addresses an Unknown Believer

Today is a day that cannot be equaled by the previous centuries for even a single hour. This most holy and exalted day has always been and will forever be set apart and is referred to in the divine books. Every deed that appears sincerely for the sake of God in this day is mentioned before God as the chief of deeds. Blessed is the soul that arises for God and speaks for the sake of God.

O you who dwell in the crimson ark, with the assistance of the All-Glorious, you must always be engaged in the service of the Cause of the Most Merciful. Perhaps you may guide distant souls to the Kawthar of nearness and revive the dead bodies through the outpourings of the ocean of the Bayan. People require a nurturer and a reminder, and they always have. Although the people of the Bayan, with their outward eyes and ears, have seen and heard, they have been veiled by the barriers to which the deluded party has clung. Now, those very souls are seen as the most veiled and the most misguided. The Kawthar of life must be bestowed with perfect wisdom and eloquence so that they might become aware and bear witness to the greatness of this Cause. The essence of existence, which has been awaited for ages, centuries, and cycles, and for whose meeting they supplicated and longed from God, the Almighty, night and day, when the dawn of the divine day appeared, all were found to be veiled and turned away, except for those whom your Lord willed. Would that it had ended there, but their malice and hatred became so evident that they even issued a verdict for His death. By the sun of the horizon of the Cause, the veiled among the people of the Bayan are observed to be more wretched, more tyrannical, and more misguided than those souls. Therefore, for the sake of God, you, along with assured and contented souls, must arise to protect the weak ones so that they may remain safe from the fire of self and desire and turn towards the canopy of majesty and the pavilion of grace.

O you who turn your face towards Mine and advance towards My horizon, listen to My call, for it reminds you of that which surpasses all the treasures of the world and the riches of the nations, that you may give thanks to your Lord, the Protector, the Self-Subsisting. Indeed, We have mentioned you repeatedly in this exalted station, as the servant stood before the face of his most glorious Lord. Truly, your Lord is capable of whatever He wills. There is no God but Him, the True One, the Knower of the unseen.

The tongue has spoken in the Kingdom of the Bayan in such a way that the essence of the Bayan itself circled around it, but most of the people do not understand. The lights of the Beauty have shone forth from the horizon of majesty, yet they do not see. The Most Great Book walks before their faces, yet they do not perceive. They have clung to their desires and cast aside what they were commanded by God, the Lord of existence. They have denied the grace and turned away from the One who came with what was inscribed in the Books of God, the Lord of what was and what will be.

Blessed is the one who heard My most sweet call, and to the one who saw My praiseworthy station. Blessed is the distant one who aimed for the ocean of My nearness with My permission, and to the seeker who held fast to the cord of My good pleasure, the mighty and forbidden. The oppressed One has magnified the faces of My servants who drank My sealed wine, and has given them glad tidings of My mention, My care, and My bounty, which has encompassed the unseen and the seen. Say: By God, this is the Day of Resurrection! Blessed is the one who arises to support the Cause of his Lord with wisdom and eloquence among the people. He is of the people of Bahá in a preserved tablet.

This is the day in which the Spirit calls from one direction and the Interlocutor from another, and the Beloved stands before the face of the Loved One. Say: O assembly of the earth, do not deprive yourselves of this most exalted station. Fear God and do not follow every heedless veiled one. Say: Look towards the most exalted horizon that has been illumined by the lights of the face of your Lord, the Possessor of names. Beware that the doubts of the wayward or the fears instilled by the heedless prevent you. Leave behind the people, relying on God, the Protector, the Self-Subsisting. Thus has the Supreme Pen moved, and the Kingdom of Names has quivered from the breezes of Revelation as they passed by the command of God, the All-Powerful, the Mighty, the Loving. This is the end.

O beloved of my heart, indeed, if a person were to reflect even slightly on each word of the divine utterances, they would behold an ocean of grace. The veiled, heedless, and corrupt souls do not perceive the melody of the nightingale nor do they turn towards the garden of divine knowledge. The one who delights in discordant noises does not recognize the value of the pure wine; the one who has drunk from the salty, bitter pool and has become accustomed to it does not turn towards the Kawthar of life. Such a one has always been and will continue to be deprived, unless the hand of grace takes hold of them and, through the blessings of the breaths of the pure and assured souls, they are guided to the straight path of God.

This lowly servant beseeches and hopes from God, exalted is His glory and widespread His bounty, that the heat of the sun of certainty may burn away and obliterate the veils of vain imaginations and doubts of the heedless souls, so that all may attain the ocean of oneness and be gathered under the shadow of the all-encompassing word. A hundred thousand regrets, a hundred thousand regrets that these days are passing, and no one has recognized their value and station except whom God, the Reckoner, the All-Knowing, wills. God willing, through your endeavor and the perfect souls, there is hope that the heedless will drink from the ocean of awareness, and the disinterested will be illumined and enlightened by the rays of the sun of acceptance. Every difficult matter that seems insurmountable to the people is easy and simple for Him, and will always be so. This servant asks his Lord to open a door by the hand of power for the people, so that they may enter through it by His permission, His name, His mention, and His grace.

Glory be upon you and upon those with you who follow the command of your Lord, who has appeared with truth with a sovereignty that has overcome those in the heavens and the earths. Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.

About Jinab-i-Mirza Asadullah Marriage

Regarding the question about the affection and unity of Jinab-i-Mirza Asadullah, upon him be the glory and majesty of God, this matter was presented before the most sacred and exalted precincts. This is what the tongue of our Lord, the Most Merciful, uttered in response: “This matter is accepted and beloved. The station of love, affection, harmony, and unity, after the recognition of God and steadfastness in His Cause, is preferred over most good deeds. This is what God has testified in the Books and Tablets. This is what the Desired One has acknowledged in the evening and the morning. God willing, they will act according to what has been revealed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, meaning with the consent of both parties and the consent of that revered person. This is the end, for now, that person is considered in place of the father.”

Would that this servant could have been present in that gathering and mentioned words of the Beloved that bring joy to the hearts, and could have shared in the joy and happiness with the people of the gathering.

May All He Possesses Be Spent In the Path of Divine Service

O beloved of my heart, your handwriting was presented twice in the sacred precincts. Indeed, from the ranks of sincerity, attention, and the dedication of that beloved one to the Cause of God and the spread of His signs, the utmost satisfaction was observed from the most exalted, most holy presence. Blessed are you for having attained His grace and pleasure. At the conclusion of the statements, which appeared from His tongue, exalted be He, it ended with this firm and blessed word: “His exalted utterance, may all that he possesses—his members, his limbs, his faith, his assurance, his devotion, his spirit, his being, and his breaths—be spent in the path of divine service. Verily, We are with him and his helper.”

O you who are the beloved of my heart, regarding your mention of the Land of Khá and those regions, their acceptance, steadfastness, assurance, and attention, these matters were presented before the most sacred and exalted precincts. His Word, mighty in His majesty, is: “This is from the grace of God upon them. O you who speak in My praise, they must be ever grateful to the Most High, for He has granted them this lofty and exalted station. By the life of God, this elevation is such that all other elevations bow before it. We acknowledge their acceptance, their attention, their remembrance, their speech, their love, their affection, and their steadfastness. We desire to see them raised even higher than they are now. God willing, they may manifest such steadfastness that if all the world, including the people of knowledge, wisdom, and insight along with the books of the ancients and the moderns, were to seek to prevent them from the Salsabil of the Most Merciful and the sealed wine, they would find themselves powerless and would see all as mere specks of dust before them.”

Praise Be to You and Jinab-i-Asad

Praise be to God, you and Jinab-i-Asad, upon him be Bahá and mercy, have exerted the utmost effort in serving and teaching the Cause. Surely, its fruits will become evident. The seeds of knowledge will surely grow in the goodly soil and will flourish and manifest their verdure in the world. From now on, you must always be engaged in this most great, most exalted Cause, and in this most sublime, most lofty station. We extol from this station the faces of the people of Khá, who have cast aside the world and turned towards the Most Great Name, by which the horizons of the hearts of the near and the sincere ones have been illumined. We give them glad tidings and remember them in this day, which a single hour of it cannot be equaled by ages and centuries. The Supreme Pen has already testified to them for what the fragrance of the care of their Lord, the Protector, the Self-Subsisting, has spread. Therefore, ask God at all times that He may enable them and assist them in teaching this assured Cause. That which has been revealed to them before and in these days has brought joy to hearts and souls. God willing, they will be illumined by the lights of the dawn of the divine day in all conditions and will be steadfast in the service of His Cause, speak with His name, drink with His love, and speak with His remembrance. Praise be to God, they have attained that which most of the learned and mystics and rulers today are deprived of. Thus has the tongue of the Bayan spoken in the Kingdom of knowledge: Blessed is the one who has heard, and woe to the heedless. Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds. This is the end.

Consultation In Place of a Command by Baha’u’llah

And as for what you wrote regarding your intention to consult, that if agreeable, you and Jinab-i-Mirza, upon him be Bahá and His light, would direct your attention towards the Land of Khá, this matter was presented in the most sacred and exalted precincts. His Word, mighty in His majesty, is: “It has already been revealed by the Supreme Pen to direct attention towards the regions of T. However, for now, whatever is decided through consultation is acceptable. In all circumstances, you must hold fast to those matters that are the cause and reason for the teaching of the Cause of God and the exaltation of His word. The souls who are today occupied with the vanities and are deluded by apparent glory, even if they turn towards the Cause, it is to a limited extent. However, after adherence to teaching and the manifestation of the Cause and the exaltation of the word, you will see them turning and approaching, humbled and submissive to the remembrance of God and His Cause. This has always been the case throughout the ages. It has been mentioned before that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. Wealth and honor are two great obstacles for heedless souls. However, soon you will see that the followers of Abú Lahab will appear. A dead soul is not worthy of listening, and never has been. Although some today from among these souls claim to have turned and paid attention, truly your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Aware. The turning of such souls is always limited. Ask God to grant all that which He loves and is pleased with.”

Teaching the Cause if a Great Matter

Indeed, the task of teaching the Cause is a great matter. That beloved one and the other gentlemen must pay attention to it, and in all directions, the assured, calm souls should be engaged in teaching the divine Cause with the utmost spirit, joy, and wisdom that has been revealed.

Tablets Sent Upon Request

And furthermore, you mentioned the beloved of the soul, Jinab-i-Aqa Mirza Haydar-’Ali, upon him be the glory of God. Praise be to God, he has attained the favor of the All-Glorious. Some time ago, his handwriting arrived, and he requested some tablets. During that period, they were revealed and sent. Subsequently, another letter arrived from Hudba, in which he requested new and exalted tablets specifically for the land of K and its surroundings. However, it had been nearly a year since the date of that letter, so there was a delay in sending the tablets. Recently, this matter was again presented before the sacred precincts, and several tablets specifically for Q-M-S were revealed. It is hoped that the remaining ones will also be revealed. The point is that the delay in the tablets was due to the delay in the arrival of his handwriting. Convey to him the exalted praise from this lowly servant. His mention has been and will continue to be in the sacred precincts, God willing.

And as for your note that the names were to be sent on a separate sheet, they were not in the envelope of that honored person.

Regarding your mention of turning towards the most sacred precincts, this matter was presented, and this word was heard from the Blessed Tongue: “It has been spoken with truth. Jinab-i-Asad, upon him be Bahá, also has permission. These two are honored with acceptance and adorned with approval. However, praise be to God, they turned towards the sacred precincts, traversed land and sea, and endured hardships in the path of God. Praise be to God, in the end, they reached the utmost goal and attained the station of meeting and reunion, which is mentioned in all the divine books. Blessed are they, how pleasant and joyful for them.”

Now, considering that the matter of teaching is more important than all other matters, we have commanded them to engage in this work. By the life of God, the greatness of this Cause is such that every great one has borne witness to its greatness. God willing, they will be enabled to illuminate all horizons with the lights of the divine countenance and kindle the fire of divine love. We have not prohibited them, since this matter has already occurred; but due to the other matter, which is more important today, we have commanded them. Upon them be Bahá, grace, mercy, and care. This is the end.

Jinab M and S

Regarding Jinab (M6O), whom you mentioned, I am aware that God, exalted is His glory, has protected him and saved him from all dangers. However, he has been preoccupied at times due to the abundance of his engagements. God willing, relief will come. Once, this lowly servant heard this word from the Blessed Tongue: “O servant present, the grace of God has saved Jinab (M and S) multiple times from great dangers. However, due to his excessive attention to the world, he was not able to recite what was revealed in the divine tablet and reflect on it, so that he could grasp the purpose and be guided to that which is lasting and eternal.” After hearing this, this servant prayed for him to be enabled to attain that which is pleasing to God. And, God willing, I hope that what was presented will be granted acceptance.

In this latest instance, when he was summoned to the land of T, by the command, this servant wrote and sent the well-known blessed circle for his protection. This lowly servant, at all times, beseeches and hopes from God that He will protect him and assist him in attaining what is worthy.

For the one named Muḥammad before Ḥusayn:

In the Name of God, the Forgiving, the Generous.

We remember him who remembered Us, who turned towards My Self, circled around Me, soared in My air, spread My signs, and spoke in My praise whenever he sought My victory. I am the Witness, the Knower. O Muḥammad before Ḥusayn, you are in the Most Exalted Company, and the Lord of Names remembers you in this mighty prison. God has forgiven you from the first moment the Face of the Ancient turned towards you, and from the Pen was revealed that which stirred the ocean of forgiveness and spread the fragrance of the Lord’s grace. I am the Forgiving, the Merciful. By the life of God, you have attained that which its fragrance will never cease in the world. Thus testifies the Lord of Eternity, and I am the Informer, the All-Knowing. Blessed is the soul that has attained what you have attained on this day, on which the Point of the Bayán calls before the Face of the Merciful: “The kingdom belongs to God, the All-Knowing, the Wise.” This is the end.

For the one named Ḥájí Muḥammad:

In the Name of God, the Witness, the Hearing, the Knowing.

O Muḥammad, listen to what the oppressed one calls you on this day, which was inscribed by the Supreme Pen in the former scriptures and remembered in the hearts of the messengers. Be in such a state that the veils of the enemies do not veil you, nor the doubts of the exaggerators prevent you. We have revealed the Bayán, and in it, We gave glad tidings to all of this Manifestation, which has appeared and revealed His straight path. Say: This is the Day of God, if you are of those who know. The books of the world bear witness to it, if you are of those who hear. Say: This is the day in which the Mother of the Book has appeared and has testified that there is no God but Me, the Ancient One. He does not need anything from anything, nor any mention from mentions, nor any name from names, nor any book from the former books to prove His Cause. Thus spoke the tongue of majesty as He walked in this clear prison. This is the day in which none have attained it except those who have cast the world behind them and have taken hold of what they were commanded by God, the Lord of the worlds. Rejoice in this tablet, by which the fragrance of My robe has spread, and the breezes of My words have wafted, and every weak one has spoken: “There is no God but Him, the Mighty, the Beautiful.” Take the book with strength from Us, then read it before the sanctified ones. We advise you and Our loved ones to be steadfast in this Cause, by which every foot has faltered, except those whom God, the Master of this wondrous day, willed. Glory be upon you and upon those who have attained the grace and mercy of God, and have acknowledged what God has acknowledged in this exalted tablet. This is the end.

Mentions of Various Believers

In these days, a letter from Jinab-i-Mirza Kazim and Jinab-i-Khudadad, upon them be the glory of God, was received, as well as one from Jinab-i-Mulla Ali, upon him be the glory of God. The letter also mentioned Jinab-i-Azizullah and other friends, upon them be the glory of God. Praise be to God, all were mentioned before the Throne and attained infinite grace. That beloved one also mentioned Jinab-i-`Isáq and Jinab-i-Rajab, upon them be the glory of God. Regarding all of them, this blessed word was revealed from the Source of Command. His Word, mighty in His majesty, is: “We have heard their call, and We have answered them with truth. We have seen their turning towards Us, and We have turned towards them from this exalted station, that they may rejoice in the care of their Lord, the Protector, the Self-Subsisting. We extol their faces from this forbidden station, and We give them glad tidings of God’s care and mercy, and We remind them of the great steadfastness and command them to what will elevate the Cause of God, the Mighty, the Loving. If all the divine friends attain a single word from Him, it is sufficient for all, for nothing in the earth, whether manifest or hidden, can compare to that word. This is testified by the One who has the knowledge of all things in a book that was sealed with the seal of God and hidden from the eyes of those in the heavens and on earth. Indeed, give them glad tidings from the Oppressed One, and then convey to them what God has bestowed upon you in this exalted and assured Tablet.” This is the end.

For Jinab-i-Muhammad Rida Khan and Sulayman Khan

This servant did not have the opportunity in this instance to present a reply to them, but God willing, it will be sent later. You mentioned Jinab-i-Muhammad Rida Khan and Sulayman Khan, upon them be the glory of God. This was presented in the sacred precincts, and this is what was revealed for them from the heaven of the will of our Lord, the Mighty, the Bountiful:

He is the Most Holy, the Most Great.

O Muhammad before Rida, today any soul for whom the word “Rida” (satisfaction) is revealed from the source of revelation, the Possessor of Names, has attained the infinite bounties of God. Blessed is the soul who has drunk from the ocean of satisfaction and with complete steadfastness has arisen for the Cause of the Possessor of all creation. Today is the day of good deeds, pure words, and praiseworthy morals. Blessed is the soul who, through these, has assisted the Cause of his Lord, the Protector, over those in the heavens and on earth. Every good deed today is the cause and reason for lasting remembrance. Exalted is this great station. God willing, in all times, keep your gaze fixed on the Most Exalted Horizon and be enkindled with the fire of divine love. Everything is under the claws of annihilation except that which has appeared from the Supreme Pen; it is, and will remain, everlasting and eternal. Rejoice in the mention of your Lord, then thank God, the Lord of all worlds. He has mentioned you out of His grace. Verily, He is the Most Generous, the Bountiful. Glory be upon you, upon your son, and upon those who have attained this Cause, which has caused the limbs of every heedless and distant one to tremble. This is the end.

For Ghulam Rida

And this is what was revealed for the one named Ghulám before Riḍá from the heaven of the grace of our Lord, the Creator of the heavens:

He is the Speaker, the All-Seeing.

O Ghulám before Riḍá, rejoice in what the Oppressed One mentions of you from the direction of the Greatest View, the station that God has made the place of circumambulation for the near ones. Be enkindled with the fire of My love, soar in My air, and speak with wisdom and eloquence in My beautiful praise. Take the wine of the Bayán in the name of your Lord, the Merciful, and then drink from it with His wondrous remembrance. Soon, the cry will be raised in most lands—this is what has been foretold to you from the One who opened the luminous wine by His name. By the life of God, if you find the sweetness of the Bayán, joy will seize you in such a way that the doubts of the learned and the hints of the heedless will not sadden you. Thus did the cock of the Throne crow when the Oppressed One was in this noble station. The Supreme Pen advises all to the great steadfastness so that they may be seen as firm, resolute, and upright in the Cause, such that the cries of those on earth do not deprive them of the Kingdom of God’s Cause. The disinterested among the people of the Bayán are seen to be more veiled than the previous communities. They have perceived nothing from the Day of God except a name and are heedless and unaware of what God has willed. Convey to the friends of that land the exalted praise from God and inform them that We extol them from this station and give them glad tidings of God’s grace and mercy, and We command them to the wisdom that We have revealed in the scriptures and tablets. Glory be upon you and upon them from God, the Revealer of verses. This is the end.

To the Leaders of the Land of S and Sh

And likewise, you mentioned the honored ones, meaning the leaders of the land of S and Sh and the friends of those lands, upon them be the glory of God. This was presented in the most sacred precincts, and this is what the Tongue of Grandeur has spoken:

In the name of the Speaker, the All-Knowing.

The Pen of the Oppressed One and the Tongue of the Oppressed One have not stopped for a moment in the teaching of the Cause of God, except to the extent of an oath by the sun of manifestation, which has risen from the horizon of the prison when sorrows surrounded from all sides, and calamities and tribulations rained down like a torrential storm. With all power and strength, We called the servants of the land to the Most Exalted Horizon. God willing, the leaders of that land will arise to support the Cause in such a way that no weakness will seize it, nor will any sitting grasp it. Today, any good deed that is manifested for God, its effect and remembrance will remain lasting by the enduring names. They must be engaged with the utmost determination in the teaching of the Cause of God, exalted be His glory. Today is the day of this blessed verse that says, “Lead the people out of darkness into light and give them glad tidings of the Days of God.” We ask God to assist them in protecting the weak souls so that each one may be seen as firmer than the steadfast and more solid than mountains. The Cause is indeed most great, and the people are weak. They must, with the strength of faith, support the people of that land in the Cause of the Most Merciful through wisdom and eloquence. Verily, their Lord, the Self-Subsisting, is the Mighty, the All-Powerful, and the Most Bountiful.

The croakers are present in every land, and this matter has already been revealed in the divine scriptures and tablets. Surely, whatever flows from the Supreme Pen will become manifest. Souls must be trained with the exalted word in such a manner that the diverse winds do not distance them from the shore of the ocean of oneness, and they must be observed to be so firm that the power and strength of the world seem null and void. Convey the exalted praise of the Oppressed One to all the friends of that land, and give them glad tidings of the grace, compassion, and mercy of God, exalted and glorified be He. Praise be to God, all are mentioned in the Most Great Prison, and the Countenance of Bahá is upon them and upon those who have cast aside the world on this most great day and have taken hold of what they were commanded by the Mighty, the Powerful. This is the end.

About a Maidservant Who Used Opium

As for what you wrote about one of the maidservants of God who used opium due to pain and ceased after the command of prohibition, nearly leading to her death, the command of God is that the sick should act according to the prescriptions of physicians, but the physician must be skillful. In that case, whatever the physician orders should be acted upon, for the preservation of human life in the sight of God is greater than any other matter. God, exalted be He, has placed the knowledge of the body first because in its existence and health, the performance of His laws is obligatory and necessary. In this case, health is and will remain a priority.

Regarding what you wrote about the honored lady, upon her be the glory of God, this matter was presented in the sacred precincts, and it was said, “God willing, she will attain what God loves and is pleased with, and she will be joyful through the grace of the Beloved. We extol her from this station and remember her as a favor from Us. Verily, your Lord is the Hearing, the Answering.” This is the end. God willing, a special tablet will be sent to that honored lady from the most sacred precincts later.

About Jinab-i-Asadullah al-Asdaq al-Muqaddas

As for what you wrote at the end of your letter, mentioning Jinab-i-Asadullah al-Asdaq al-Muqaddas, upon him be the most glorious of glories and the most exalted of exaltations, this was presented before the Throne. His Word, mighty in His majesty and exalted in His grandeur, is: “We seal the end of the book of Our servant present with the mention of the one named ‘Asdaq in the Kingdom of God, the Lord of all worlds. O Supreme Pen, mention the one who turned towards the Lord of Names in such a way that a group from the supreme company turned with him. Verily, his Lord, the Merciful, is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. By his turning, the faces turned, and by his arising, the servants arose before the face of their Lord, the Protector, the Mighty, the Wise. The intoxication of the Kawthar of knowledge seized him in such a way that he flew to the Merciful until he stood before the face of his Lord, the All-Powerful, the Mighty. We bear witness that he attained that which is inscribed in the books of God and testified to what God testified, that there is no God but Me, the Unique, the Ancient. The lights of the Throne seized him in such a way that sighs of longing rose from him, and his tears flowed like a torrential rain in the season of spring. We mentioned him repeatedly in the Tablet named ’Zayn al-Muqarrabín’ in the Book of God, the Exalted, the Great, and likewise, We mentioned him in various tablets with what surpasses the treasures of the earth and the heavens. This is testified by the one who speaks in all things that there is no God but Me, the Mighty, the Praised. Blessed is the soul that drew near to him and visited him with what the Tongue of Grandeur spoke in its noble station. Glory from Us be upon him and upon those who are related to him, of all females and males, of all young and old. O you who speak My mention and arise to serve Me, give glad tidings from Me to his family. Say, by the life of God, you are before the face of your Lord, the Possessor of this wondrous day. Let not the affairs of the people sadden you. Leave the world to its people and hold fast to the hem of the mercy of your Lord, the Forgiving, the Merciful.” This is the end.

Baha’u’llah Expresses His Sincerity, Attention, and Nothingness to the Friends

Further, I express my sincerity, attention, and nothingness to all the friends of that land. This servant is dependent on the grace of that Beloved. God willing, all will attain the Kawthar of steadfastness in such a manner that its effects become evident. I convey the mention of self-effacement and nothingness to the true Beloved, Jinab-i-Man Summi Lada al-Manzar al-Akbar bi-’Ali Qabl-i-Akbar, upon him be God’s grace, His might, and His favors, as well as to all the other gentlemen, who are all present in my thoughts. Jinab-i-Ḥájí Muhájir, Aqa `Abdu’r-Rahím, and his brother, upon them be the glory of the Most Merciful, God willing, have arrived by now. I also offer them exalted praise. Glory be upon you and upon those who have spent their souls, bodies, and all they have in the service of the Cause of God, our Beloved and theirs, our Desired One and theirs, and the Desired One of all who are in the heavens and on the earth. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

The servant,

On the 29th of Ramadan, 1298

Another matter: In these days, if a soul turns towards the land of Ṣád, meaning Najd and other lands, it is very beloved. However, the person must be an explainer and have a heart connected to the grace of God. In this case, whatever they mention will have an effect. Likewise, this applies to other lands, cities, and villages.