
1 O Queen in the Laundromat[note: this is an obvious mistake by ChatGPT - leaving it in for the sake of keeping the translation in tact], but leaving it in , listen to the call of your Lord, the Master of creation, from the divine Lote tree. Indeed, there is no God but I, the Mighty, the Wise. Lay down what is on earth, then adorn the head of royalty with the crown of remembrance of your Glorious Lord. Indeed, He has come into the world with His greatest glory and has fulfilled what was mentioned in the Gospel. The goodness of the Levant has been honored by the arrival of its Lord, Master of the beings. The intoxication of the wine of communion has taken over the south and the north. Blessed is the one who found the knowledge of the Merciful and turned to the east of beauty in this clear dawn. The Al-Aqsa Mosque has shaken from the breezes of its most splendid Lord, and the open ground from the call of the Exalted, the Most High, then every pebble from it glorifies the Lord with this great name. Let go of your desire, then turn your heart to your ancient Lord. Indeed, we remind you for the sake of Allah and love that your name be elevated by the remembrance of your Lord, the Creator of earth and heaven. He is a witness to what I say. We have heard that you have prevented the sale of boys and slave girls, this is what Allah has ruled in this splendid appearance. Allah has written your reward for that, He is the One who gives the rewards of the doers of good, if you follow what was sent to you from the All-Knowing, the Well-Aware. Indeed, he who turns away and is arrogant after clear signs have come to him from the Sender of the verses, Allah will nullify his work, He is capable of everything. Indeed, deeds are accepted after acceptance, whoever turns away from the truth, he is among the most veiled of creation, thus it was ordained from the Mighty, the Capable. And we heard that you have handed over the reins of consultation to the hands of the public, well done what you have done, for with it, the foundations of matters are strengthened, and the hearts of those under your shadow, of every commoner and noble, are reassured. But they should be trustees among the servants and see themselves as agents for everyone on earth, this is what they were advised with on the Tablet from a Wise Planner. And when someone turns towards the assembly, he turns his glance towards the highest horizon and says: O my God, I ask You by Your most splendid name to support me on what would rectify the matters of Your servants and by which Your lands would be inhabited. Indeed, You are capable of everything. Blessed is the one who enters the assembly for the sake of Allah and judges between people with pure justice. Indeed, he is among the successful.

2 O people of the assembly, there and in other places, you contemplate and speak about what would benefit the world and its condition, if only you were insightful. Look at the world as a human structure. It was created healthy and complete, but it was affected by diseases with different and changing causes, and it didn’t recover in a day. Rather, its disease intensified due to the treatment of unskilled doctors who have ridden the horse of whim and were among the confused. And if one of its organs healed at a time with a skilled doctor, other organs remained as they were. Thus informs you the Knower, the Aware. Today, we see it under the hands of those who were taken by the intoxication of vanity, dealing with matters they do not understand the benefit of for themselves, let alone this tangled, dangerous matter. If one of these individuals tried to cure it, their purpose was only to benefit from it, either nominally or formally, hence they cannot cure it except to a limited extent. The greatest antidote that Allah has made, and the most complete cause of its health, is the unity of everyone on Earth on one matter and one law. This cannot be achieved except with a skilled, complete, and supportive doctor. This is the truth and anything else is clear error. Every time the greatest cause came and that light shined from the east of eternity, it was prevented by the doctors, and they became a cloud between it and the world. Hence, its disease did not heal and it remained in its illness until now. They were unable to preserve it and its health. The one who was the manifestation of power among creatures was prevented from what he wanted by what the hands of the doctors had gained. Look, in these days when the beauty of eternity has come and the greatest name for the life of the world and their unity, they stood against him with sharpened swords and committed a horrifying act that frightened the faithful spirit. They made him a prisoner in the most desolate of lands, a place where those seeking had lost their grip. When it is said to them, ‘The reformer of the world has come,’ they say, ‘It is confirmed, he is one of the corrupters,’ after which they had not lived with him and they think he did not preserve himself in less than a moment. He was always in the hands of the oppressors. Sometimes they imprisoned him, and other times they expelled him, and at times they made him roam the lands. Thus, they ruled us, and Allah is aware of what I say. These are the most ignorant of creatures in the sight of the Truth, they cut off their limbs and do not realize it, they prevent goodness from themselves and do not know it. Their example is like that of children who do not know the corrupt from the reformer and the evil from the good. Today, we see them in a clear veil.

3 O assembly of princes, when you became a cloud in the face of the sun, preventing it from shining, listen to what the highest pen advises you, perhaps it will comfort your souls, and then the poor and the needy. We ask God to support the kings in reform, for indeed, He is capable of what He wills.

4 O assembly of kings, we see you each year increasing your expenses and burdening them onto your subjects. This is nothing but great injustice. Beware the sighs of the oppressed and their tears, and do not burden your subjects beyond their capacity, nor ruin them to build your palaces. Choose for them what you would choose for yourselves. This way, we make clear to you what benefits you, if you are observant. They are your treasuries, beware ruling over them with laws that God did not sanction and beware handing them over to thieves. It is by them you rule, eat, overpower and boast over them, this is indeed strange. When you have discarded greater peace behind you, cling to this lesser peace, perhaps through it, your affairs may be set right, and those under your shade will be appropriately treated, O assembly of commanders. Mend your internal relations, then you will not need excessive armies and their burdens, only enough to protect your kingdoms and your lands. Beware ignoring the advice you have been given by a knowledgeable and trustworthy source. Unite, O assembly of kings, then the winds of disagreement among you will calm and your subjects and those around you will find peace if you are among those who understand. If one of you oppresses the other, stand against him. This is nothing but clear justice. So have we advised you in the tablet we sent before, yet again, follow what has been revealed from a powerful and wise source. If anyone seeks refuge under your protection, safeguard them and do not hand them over. So does the highest pen advise you from a knowledgeable and experienced source. Beware doing what the king of Islam did when we entrusted him with his command, he and his agents ruled over us with the oppression that carves things and burns the hearts of those who are close. Their whims drive them as they please, we find no stability for them, indeed, they are lost.

5 O ancient pen, hold the pen, let them indulge in their delusions. Then remember the Queen, perhaps she will turn with the purest heart towards the grandest sight, and do not prevent her gaze from looking upon her Lord, the owner of fate. And she observes what has been revealed in the tablets and scriptures, from the Creator of humans, by which the sun darkened, the moon was eclipsed, and the call was raised between the heavens and the earth. Turn to God and say, ‘O my King, I am the owned, and you are the King of Kings. I have raised my hand in hope to your sky of bounty and gifts, so rain down upon me from the cloud of your generosity what will detach me from everything but you and draw me closer to you.’ ‘O Lord, I ask you by your name, which you have made the sovereign of names and the appearance of yourself to those on earth and in the sky, to break the veils that stood between me and the recognition of the source of your signs and the rising of your revelation. Indeed, you are the capable, the mighty, the generous. O Lord, do not deprive me of the breezes of the shirt of your mercy in your days and write for me what you have written for your female servants who believed in you and your signs, succeeded with your knowledge, and turned their hearts to the horizon of your command. Indeed, you are the patron of the worlds and the most merciful of the merciful.’ ’Then support me, O my God, in your remembrance among your servants and in supporting your command in your lands. Then accept from me what I missed when the lights of your face rose. Indeed, you are capable of all things. And the glory is yours, O one in whose hand is the dominion of the kingdom of the heavens and the earths.