Lawh-i-Haq (Tablet of the Truth)

O my Most Glorious God!

This is the Tablet of the Truth that has descended from the dominion of the Command. Whoever reads it and reflects upon it, God will raise them in the center of Paradise with an adornment from which the lights of the All-Merciful shine forth, and from which the inhabitants of the highest realm are illuminated. It is indeed the Truth, which has been manifested from the horizon of the Truth upon the Truth, with the Truth, and witnessed by the Truth.

The Truth Has Appeared From the Truth

O Assembly of the Truth! The Truth has appeared from the horizon of the Truth in this Truth, which has risen from the dawning place of the Truth, and speaks the Truth, and reminds you of the Truth. Beware that you do not forget the Truth when the Covenant of His own Self, the Truth, has been taken from you, and do not be among those who have turned away from the Truth and are among the heedless. Say, by God, the Truth now calls out before you, and all things proclaim that this is indeed the Truth that has appeared with the Truth, and it is the same Truth by which the Truth was realized before, and by which the Truth will be established thereafter.

And you, O Assembly of the Truth, behold the Truth as it has shone forth from the sun of His beauty, then listen to the melodies of the Truth as they issue from His lips, then drink from the Tasneem of the Truth as it is offered to you from the cup of His grace. Eat from the bounty of the Truth as it has descended from the heaven of His mighty sovereignty and the clouds of His sacred bounty, and then take shelter in the shade of the Tree of the Truth—this youth, who, if he stirs within himself, all the manifestations of truth and the suns of oneness are set in motion by him, and if he remains still within himself, the beauty of the Truth and His form are settled upon a lofty and sanctified throne.

And you, O Assembly of the Truth, if you cleanse your sight from the dust of possibilities and the occurrences from them that are unworthy of the sovereignty of names and attributes, you will witness that the manifestations, dawning places, risings, and repositories of the Truth circle around this Truth that has appeared with the Truth, and has ascended with the Truth upon the throne, beneath whose shadow all who are in the heavens and on the earth bow down, even though they do not recognize it nor feel it within themselves and are among those who are heedless of this Truth. If the veil of majesty were torn from the face of beauty, all things would proclaim, and the Holy Spirit would confirm them with the same confirmation with which the Essence of Bahá was confirmed in the realm of eternity, that “I am the Truth, there is no God but He,” and indeed, at the appearance of this Truth, all will be among those who prostrate, and this is the one before whom the manifestations of truth walk, and behind him are the dawning places of divinity, and on his right are the essences of sanctity, and on his left are the forms of the All-Merciful, and all of them speak, cry out, and call.

O Assembly of the Bayan! By God, the tongues of the All-Merciful have refuted you for claiming within yourselves faith in God, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the All-Powerful, because you claimed within yourselves that you believed in God and His Manifestation, who was named Ali before Nabil. But when His Messenger came with the authority of the Command upon the clouds of holiness in the supreme Paradise, you denied Him and refuted Him, to the point that you issued a decree for His death, just as the scholars of the Qur’an issued a decree against Ali before, the Manifestation of His supreme, exalted, mighty, omnipotent, and all-powerful Self. Indeed, nothing passes before you without it refuting you, disassociating itself from you, and seeking refuge in God from meeting you. By God, if you were just within yourselves, you would witness that the very breath that comes from you refutes you, and the heaven that has been raised above your heads disassociates itself from you, and every raindrop from the clouds rejects what comes from your tongues if you were among those who hear. And through you, the clouds of mercy and bounty were prevented, the livelihood of the inhabitants of the supreme realm was altered, and the face of majesty turned pale because you did what none had done before. And indeed, We have concealed it with grace from Us, and I am the Generous, the Mighty, the Wise. We have not manifested this among the servants—this is but a sprinkling from the seas of your deeds—otherwise, if We were to proclaim the Truth of what you have done, the matter of existence would return to what it was, and existence would revert to pure and absolute non-existence, and everything seen in the dominion would turn to dust. Thus, the Command has descended from the Mighty, the Bestower, if you are among those who are aware.