Surah al-Wafa (Tablet to Vafa)

He is the All-Knowing

Faithfulness to the Covenant of God

O Wafá, give thanks to your Lord for how He has strengthened you in His cause, made you aware of the Manifestation of His Self, and established you in the praise of His supreme mention in this great news. Blessed are you, O Wafá, for your faithfulness to the covenant and promise of God after all others have broken the covenant of God and disbelieved in what they had believed after the One who appeared with all signs and shone forth with manifest authority.

But strive to reach the essence of faithfulness, which is certitude in the heart and acknowledgment with the tongue of what God has borne witness to for His supreme Self, that I am alive in the Most Glorious Horizon. Whoever attains this testimony in these days has indeed gained all good, and upon them the Spirit descends every morning and evening, strengthens them in the remembrance of their Lord, and opens their tongue to eloquence in the cause of their Merciful, Compassionate Lord.

And this is not possible for anyone except those who have purified their heart from all that has been created between the heavens and the earths and have wholly turned to God, the Mighty, the Beautiful King.

Stand firm in the cause and say: By God, this is indeed the first Point that has appeared in His other garment with His Most Glorious name, and now in this Horizon, He witnesses and sees, and He encompasses all things. He is indeed the one mentioned in the Supreme Assembly with the great news, in the realms of eternity with the beauty of the Ancient, and beside the Throne with this name, by which the feet of the wise have faltered.

Say: By God, the proof of God has been completed in this manifestation for all who are in the heavens and the earth before a sign descended from the exalted, holy heaven, and what has been revealed is equal to what was revealed in the Bayán. Fear God, and do not nullify your deeds, and do not be of the heedless.

Open your eyes to witness the beauty of the Eternal from this radiant, luminous scene. Say: By God, the promised Temple has descended on the crimson clouds, and on His right are the armies of revelation, and on His left are the angels of inspiration, and the matter has been decreed by God, the Omnipotent, the All-Powerful.

And by this, all feet have faltered except for those whom God has protected by His grace and made among those who know God by His Self and have turned away from the world.

Hear the words of your Lord, purify your breast from all indications so that the lights of the Sun of the mention of your Lord’s name may shine upon it, and you may be among the certain ones.

Then know that your book has been presented before Us, and We have witnessed what is in it, and We have been among the witnesses. We have understood the matters about which you have inquired, and indeed, We are the responders. And today, it is necessary for every soul to inquire of God about what it needs, and your Lord responds with clear, innovative signs.

Answer About the Return

And as for what you asked concerning the return (mi‘ád), know that the return is like the beginning, and just as you witness the beginning, so should you witness the return, and be among the witnesses. Indeed, witness the beginning as the return itself, and likewise, vice versa, so that you may have clear and radiant insight. Then know that all things, at all times, begin and return by the command of your Lord, the All-Powerful, the Omnipotent.

As for the return intended by God in His sacred and exalted Tablets, and about which He informed His servants, it is the return of possibilities on the Day of Resurrection, and this is the essence of the return, as you have witnessed in the days of God and have been among the witnesses. And indeed, if He were to bring back all names in one name, and all souls in one soul, He would have the power to do so, for He is the Omnipotent, the Almighty.

This return is realized by His command as He wills, for He is the doer of what He wishes. You witness in the return and the resurrection only what is confirmed by these two, and that is the Word of your Mighty, All-Knowing Lord. For example, if He were to take a handful of clay and say, “This is the one you followed before,” this would be true in the same existence, and no one can object to Him, for He does as He wills and rules as He desires.

You should not look at the boundaries and indications in this station but rather observe what the matter has been confirmed by and be among the insightful ones. Then We will clarify for you with a clear, manifest explanation so that you may comprehend what you sought from your Ancient Lord.

Consider the Day of Resurrection: if God were to decree upon the lowest of the believers in God that this is the first who believed in the Bayán, you should not be doubtful of that and be among the certain ones. Do not look at the boundaries and names in this station but rather consider what confirmed the first to believe, which is faith in God, knowing His Self, and certitude in His assured and wise command.

Witness in the appearance of the Point of the Bayán, exalted is His majesty, that He decreed for the first to believe that He is Muhammad, the Messenger of God. Should anyone object and say, “This one is non-Arab and he was Arab,” or “This one is named Hussein, and he was Muhammad in name”? No, by the Self of God, the Most High, the Great. The insightful will not look at the boundaries and names but rather at what Muhammad was upon, which is the cause of God. Likewise, they will look at what Hussein was upon, from the cause of God, the Omnipotent, the Exalted, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

When the first who believed in God in the Bayán was upon what Muhammad, the Messenger of God, was upon, then it was decreed for him that he is indeed himself, or that he is his return and reappearance. This station is sanctified above boundaries and names; in it, nothing is seen but God, the One, the Unique, the All-Knowing.

Then know that on the Day of Manifestation, if He decrees upon a single leaf from among the leaves all the names of His most beautiful names, no one has the right to question why or how. Whoever does so has disbelieved in God and is among the deniers.

Beware, beware, do not be like the people of the Bayán, for most of them have gone astray and led others astray, forgetting the covenant and promise of God, and associating others with God, the One, the Unique, the All-Aware. They did not recognize the Point of the Bayán, for if they had known Him by His Self, they would not have disbelieved in His appearance in this radiant, luminous temple.

When they were looking at the names, and He changed His supreme name to the Most Glorious, their eyes were blinded, and they did not recognize Him in those days and were among the losers. If they had known His Self by His Self and what appeared from Him, they would not have denied Him in this blessed, wondrous name, which God has made the sword of His cause between the heavens and the earths, separating truth from falsehood from that day until the day when people will stand before the Lord of the worlds.

Then know that on the Day of Manifestation, all things return to God, and everything else is in a single domain, whether it be the highest or the lowest. This is a return that no one can comprehend except after the command of God, and He is indeed the commander in what He wills.

After the Word of God is cast upon the possibilities, whoever hears and responds is indeed among the highest of creation, even if they are among those who carry ashes. And whoever turns away is among the lowest of servants, even if they are considered by people to be a guardian and have with them the books of the heavens and the earths.

Look with the eye of God at what We have revealed to you and sent to you, and do not look at creation and what they possess. Indeed, their example today is like a blind person walking in the shadow of the sun, asking, “What is it? Has it risen?” Denying and rejecting without being aware. They will never recognize the sun, nor will they understand what has come between them and it. They cry out within themselves, objecting and turning away. This is the state of this creation. Leave them to themselves and say: “For you is what you desire, and for us is what we will.” Perish be upon the people who associate partners with God.

Then know that the appearance of the former (the past manifestation) is the ruling of return and life upon the souls on the Day of Resurrection. Although everything has a return and reappearance, We do not wish to mention what was not mentioned in the Bayán so as not to raise the clamor of the haters. If only the veil that separates people from their Creator would be lifted, so they could witness the sovereignty of God and His greatness, and drink from the fountains of Kawthar and Salsabil, and be showered by the seas of meanings, and be purified from the defilement of every doubtful associate.

Infinite Worlds

As for what you asked concerning the worlds, know that God has worlds without end, infinite beyond comprehension, and no one encompasses them except His All-Knowing, All-Wise Self. Reflect on sleep, for it is a great sign among people if they were to ponder. For example, you see something in your sleep at night, and you find it exactly as you saw it after a year, or two, or more, or less. Even though the world in which you saw what you saw in your sleep is not the same as the world you are in, what you saw in your sleep must exist in this world at the time you saw it in your sleep, and you are among the witnesses.

Moreover, you see something that did not exist in the world, yet it appears afterward. This confirms that the world in which you saw what you saw is another world that has neither a beginning nor an end. If you say that this world is in your mind and is balanced within it by a command from an All-Mighty, All-Powerful source, this is true. And if you say that the spirit, when it is detached from attachments during sleep, is directed by God into a world that is concealed within the mystery of this world, this is also true.

Indeed, God has world after world and creation after creation, and in each world, He has ordained what none can enumerate except His All-Accounting, All-Knowing Self. Reflect on what We have cast upon you so that you may understand the intention of your Lord and the Lord of all worlds. Within it lies a treasure of the mysteries of wisdom, and We have not elaborated on it due to the grief that has overwhelmed Me from those who were created by My word, if you are among those who hear.

Is there anyone to assist Me and protect Me from the swords of these disbelievers? Is there anyone with insight who will behold the words of God with their sight and detach themselves from the views of all creation? And you, O servant, inform the servants of God that they should not deny what they do not comprehend. Say: Ask God to open the doors of meanings to your hearts so that you may understand what no one has understood, for He is the Bestower, the Forgiving, the Merciful.

As for what you asked concerning the commands of God, know that whatever is decreed in the Book is true without doubt, and it is incumbent upon all to act according to what has been revealed by the All-Knowing Revealer. Whoever neglects it after knowing it, God is detached from them, and We are detached from them, for the fruits of the tree are His commands, and none will ignore them except those who are heedless and distant.

Paradise and the Fire

And as for Paradise, it is a reality beyond doubt, and today in this world, it is My love and My pleasure. Whoever attains it, God will assist them in this world, and after death, He will admit them into a Paradise whose expanse is like that of the heavens and the earth. They will be served by the maidens of might and sanctity in every morning and evening, and the Sun of the beauty of their Lord will shine upon them at every moment, illuminating them in such a way that none can gaze upon them. Such is the decree, but the people are veiled by a great barrier.

Likewise, recognize the fire and be among those who are certain. For every deed, there is a reward with your Lord, and this is witnessed by the very essence of God’s command and prohibition. If deeds did not have a reward and fruit, His command, exalted be He, would be in vain—exalted is He far above that, with great exaltation. But those who are detached will witness the deed itself as the reward, and if We were to elaborate on this, it would require many Tablets to be written.

Act Upon the Persian Bayan

By the true God, the Pen cannot move from what has come upon its owner, and it weeps, and I weep, and then the Eye of Grandeur weeps behind the veil of names upon the Throne of His great Name. Purify your heart, for We will cause springs of wisdom and eloquence to gush forth from it, so that you may speak with them among the worlds.

Open your tongue to speak in the mention of your Lord, the Merciful, and fear no one; rely upon God, the Mighty, the Wise. Say, O My people, act upon what you have understood in the Persian Bayán, and what you do not understand, ask from this Wise Reminder, so that it may clarify for you what God has intended in His Book. For within it is stored what was concealed in the Bayán from the Omnipotent, Almighty.

About the Departure from Iraq

As for what you asked about what We informed the servants of when departing from Iraq, that when the sun sets, the birds of night will stir, and the banners of the Samirí will be raised. By God, the birds have stirred in these days, and the Samirí has called out. Blessed is the one who recognizes and is among those who are aware.

Then We informed them about the calf. By God, everything We informed them of has appeared, and nothing can prevent it except its appearance, for it has proceeded from the Finger of an Almighty, Omnipotent One. Ask God to protect you from the evil of these people and purify you from the indications of the disbelievers.

Strengthen your back for the support of the Cause, and do not heed what comes from the mouths of the people of the Bayán, for they know nothing and have not grasped the essence of the Cause in this great news. Thus, We have inspired you and revealed to you that which will make you independent of the mention of the worlds.

And the glory be upon you and upon those who hear your words in God, your Lord, and are among the steadfast. Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.