Surah Fu’ad (Surah Kaf Va)

He is the Most Holy, the Most Glorious

Kaf Va:

We have called you from beyond the Crimson Sea of Grandeur, from the red earth, from the horizon of tribulation. There is no God but Him, the Mighty, the Bestower. Stand firm in My Cause and do not be among those who, when they are given what they desire, deny God, the Lord of Lords. God will seize them with His overpowering might. Indeed, He is the Omnipotent, the Subduer.

Know that those who have passed judgment upon Us, God has seized their leader with His power and authority. When he saw the punishment, he fled to Paris and sought refuge with the wise men. He said, “Is there anyone who can save me?” But his mouth was struck, and it was said to him, “Now is not the time for escape.” When he turned to the angels of wrath, he almost perished from fear. He said, “I have a house of gold and a palace by the strait, beneath which rivers flow.” It was said to him, “Today no ransom will be accepted from you, even if you bring what is hidden and revealed. Do you not hear the cries of the people of God whom you have made captives without evidence or proof? The inhabitants of Paradise and those who circle the Throne morning and evening have wept at your deeds. The wrath of your Lord has come upon you; indeed, it is a severe retribution.”

He said, “I was the leader of the people, and this is my proclamation.” It was said to him, “Hold your tongue, O you who disbelieve in the Day of the Call.” He said, “Is there a respite for me to call upon my family?” It was said to him, “Far from it, O you who associate others with God and deny His signs.” When the keepers of the abyss called out to him, “The gates of fire have been opened for you, O you who turned away from the Chosen One. Return to it, for it longs for you.”

Have you forgotten, O rejected one, when you were the Nimrod of the horizons with your oppression, erasing the traces of tyranny brought by the possessor of the stakes? By God, with your oppression, the veil of sanctity was torn apart, and the foundations of Paradise were shaken. Where is your escape, and who will protect you from the fear of your Almighty Lord? There is no escape for you today, O you who associate others with God and doubt His signs. When the throes of death seized him and his vision became blurred, thus did We seize him with might from Our presence. Indeed, your Lord is severe in punishment.

An angel from the right of the Throne called out to him, “These are stern angels. Do you have any escape?” It was said to him, “Except for Hell, which causes the heart to boil.” His soul was received by the angels of punishment, and it was said to him, “Enter this abyss which you were promised in the Book, and which you denied in the nights and days. We shall depose one like him and take their leader who rules over the lands. I am the Almighty, the Compeller.

Stand firm in the Cause and glorify your Lord morning and evening. Beware lest the slander of those deceived by what We have given them extinguishes your zeal, for they have denied God, the Possessor of all names. Satan reveals to his followers as God reveals to His chosen ones. You shall see him among the losers in this world and the hereafter. Indeed, he is among those who are prepared for the punishment. He sent a letter to one in that place, a letter of the wicked, in which he mocked God and wrote what caused the things to tremble.

Say, “Do you see anyone who can protect you when the wrath of the Almighty, the Chosen One, comes upon you?” Thus We have informed you of the secrets of hearts, for your Lord is the Almighty, the All-Knowing.

Stand firm in the Cause, then gather My loved ones and remind them of this day when the feet have faltered. Say, “Today it is incumbent upon every devoted one to support their Lord, for He is your Protector, and the people have no protector today.”

Then We took the Mahdi who was promised punishment in the scriptures and Tablets. When the wrath came upon him from Us, he said, “Is there a return for me?” It was said to him, “Away with you, O you who deny the return!” This is Hell, and the fires have been kindled for you. You abandoned what was good in the futile life, and today there is no protector for you from God. You are the one by whom the Holy Spirit lamented, and the hearts melted.”

He said, “Is there any escape for me?” It was said, “No, by my Lord, even if you bring every means.” When he cried out in terror, the people of the graves were frightened, and he was seized by the grip of power. It was said, “Return to the abode of wrath in Saqar, for evil is the abode.” We seized him as We had seized the nations before him. Those are their homes, left to the spiders. So take heed, O people of understanding.

He is the one who opposed God, and the verses of wrath were revealed to him in the Book. Blessed is the one who reads it and reflects upon it; indeed, he has a good end. Thus, We have narrated to you the stories of the criminals so that your heart may be comforted. Indeed, you have a good end.