
1 A book sent down by the Sovereign of the Kingdom to those who believe in Allah, the Singular, the All-Aware. Your name has been present among the oppressed, your remembrance unlike anything else among all things, and nothing in the heavens and the earth can prevent it. O Muhammad, remember when Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, came, he was shunned by the worshippers, and every heedless doubter objected to him. He appeared and revealed what was concealed in knowledge and sent down from the sky of grace verses that no armies of the past or future could withstand. Say, O people, fear Allah and do not follow those who denied the proof of Allah and His argument and committed what every learned and perceptive scholar and every knowledgeable expert lamented. We ask Allah, Blessed and Exalted, to protect you and support you with the armies of the unseen and the witnessed. Indeed, He is the Omnipotent over whatever He wishes by His majestic and unique saying. Let not the sayings of those who disbelieve in the Day of Judgement grieve you. When you are victorious with my Tablet and hear my call, say: My God, my God, to You be the praise for enlightening my heart with the light of Your knowledge and sending down to me what never ceases with the continuity of Your beautiful names and high attributes. Indeed, You are the Bountiful, the Generous, the Glorious Radiance from this horizon, and the Shining Light from this noble place. Upon you and those who did not break My covenant and did not deny My proof, which encompassed existence from the earliest to the latest, fear Allah, O assembly of the earth, and do not think in what we mentioned in the Tablet by the name of Ar-Rām which people drink from, and which takes away their minds, changes their nature, replaces their light, and disturbs their clarity. Rather, we mean by this Ar-Rām, that which increases the love of Allah, His chosen ones, and His allies, and kindles in the hearts the fire of Allah and His love, then His glory and majesty. For it is from Ar-Rām, that if anyone drinks a drop of it, it would draw him to the court of sanctity and nearness and bring him to the meeting with Allah, the King, the Mighty, the Beautiful. And indeed, it is Ar-Rām, by which the signs of limitation are erased from the hearts of the lovers and the signs of unity and abstraction are affirmed, and they are entered into the pavilion of the Beloved in the presence of Allah, the King, the Dominant, the Forgiving, the Generous. And what we intended from this Ar-Rām is the abundance of Allah, His outpouring, and the Salsabil of Allah and His Tasneem, and the wine of Allah and His care, as has been revealed in this Furqan, if you are among the knowledgeable. He said, and His saying is the truth: ‘A wine of pleasure for the drinkers’ and what He meant by this wine is only what we have mentioned to you, O assembly of the convinced. Beware of replacing the wine of Allah with the wine of yourselves, for it confounds the mind and turns the face away from the face of Allah, the Mighty, the Unique, the Impenetrable, and you do not draw near to Him with it, for it has been forbidden to you by Allah, the Most High, the Great.