Lawh-i Ibn-i-Dhi’b (Epistle to the Son of the Wolf)

In the name of Allah, the Unique, the One, the Omnipotent, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

Praise be to Allah, the Eternal, the Everlasting, the Standing without change, the Dominant by His sovereignty, the Manifest by His signs, and the Hidden by His mysteries. By His command, the banner of the supreme word was raised in the human realm of creation, and He established the standard of “He does what He wills” among the people.

He is the One who revealed His command to guide His creation and sent down His verses to manifest His proof and evidence. He adorned the page of the Book of Man with His revelation, saying: “The Most Merciful taught the Quran, created man, and taught him eloquence.” There is no god but Him, the Unique, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Generous.

He is the radiant light from the horizon of the sky of generosity and the shining sun from the dawn of the will of Allah, the Sovereign of the kingdom of names. Upon the great intermediary and the supreme pen, which Allah has made the source of His most beautiful names and the dawn of His highest attributes. Through Him, the light of oneness shone from the horizon of the world, and the rule of singularity was established among the nations who turned with radiant faces to the highest horizon and acknowledged what the tongue of revelation proclaimed in the realm of understanding. The dominion and the kingdom, the grandeur and the power, belong to Allah, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Bountiful.

To the Noble Scholar

O noble scholar, heed the call of the oppressed. He advises you for the sake of Allah and admonishes you with what brings you closer to Him in all conditions. He is the Self-Sufficient, the Exalted. Know that ears were created to listen to the call on this day, which was mentioned in the books, scriptures, and tablets.

First, purify yourself with the water of detachment and adorn your head with the crown of piety, and your body with the garment of reliance on Allah. Then arise from your place, turning towards the Greatest House, the circumambulation site for those in the world from the Everlasting Sovereign.

A Prayer for the Scholar to Say to God

Say: “O my God, my God, my goal, my adored one, my lord, my support, the utmost of my hope and my aspiration, I see myself turning towards You, clinging to the cord of Your bounty, holding fast to the hem of Your grace, and acknowledging the sanctity of Your Essence and the purity of Your Being, affirming Your oneness and singleness. I bear witness that You are the Unique, the One, the Eternal. You have no partner in Your dominion, nor a peer on the earth. The beings have testified to what the tongue of Your majesty has testified before them, that You are Allah, there is no god but You. You have always been sanctified beyond the mention of Your servants and exalted above the description of Your creatures.

O Lord, You see the ignorant one approaching the sea of Your knowledge, the thirsty one desiring the fountain of Your utterance, the lowly one seeking the shelter of Your might, the poor one seeking the treasure of Your wealth, the beggar seeking the dawn of Your wisdom, the weak one seeking the rise of Your power, the needy one seeking the sky of Your generosity, and the worn-out one seeking the kingdom of Your mention. I testify, O my God and my Sovereign, that You created me for Your remembrance and praise and to assist Your Cause, and indeed, I have supported Your enemies who broke Your covenant, discarded Your book, and disbelieved in You and Your signs. Ah, ah, from my heedlessness and my shame, my sin, and my guilt which prevented me from entering the mighty sea of Your oneness and the vast ocean of Your mercy. Ah, ah, then ah, ah from my wretched state and my great disobedience. You have revealed me, O my God, to exalt Your word and manifest Your Cause, but my heedlessness has prevented me and surrounded me to the extent that I rose to erase Your traces and shed the blood of Your chosen ones and the dawns of Your signs, the sources of Your revelation, and the treasures of Your mysteries.

O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, I testify that by my injustice the fruits of the tree of Your justice fell, and by the fire of my disobedience, the hearts of the near ones among Your creation burned, and the livers of the sincere ones among Your servants melted. Ah, ah from my misery, ah, ah from my injustice, ah, ah from my remoteness, my heedlessness, my ignorance, my humiliation, my turning away, and my opposition. How many days have You commanded Your servants and friends to preserve me, and I commanded them to harm You and Your trustees. How many nights have You reminded me of Your grace and guided me to Your path, and I turned away from You and Your signs. By Your might, O hope of the monotheists and the aspiration of the hearts of the detached ones, I find no helper for myself but You, nor any other sovereign besides You, nor any refuge or shelter. Ah, ah, my turning away burned the veil of my chastity, and my opposition tore the curtain of my sanctity. I wish I had been under layers of dust and my evil deeds had not appeared among Your servants.

O Lord, You see the sinner turning to the dawning place of Your forgiveness and bounty, and the mountain of injustice seeking the sky of Your mercy and pardon. Ah, ah, my great transgressions prevented me from approaching the court of Your mercy, and my major sins distanced me from the vicinity of Your closeness. I am the one who neglected Your right, broke Your covenant and Your pact, and committed what made the inhabitants of the cities of Your justice and the dawns of Your grace in Your lands lament. I testify, O my God, that I abandoned Your commands and followed my own commands, discarded the judgments of Your book, and took the book of my desires. Ah, ah, whenever my misery increased, Your forbearance increased, and whenever the fire of my disobedience blazed, Your forgiveness and grace covered it. By Your might, O desired one of the world and beloved of the nations, Your patience deceived me, and Your endurance encouraged me. You see, O my God, my tears from my shame and my sighs from my heedlessness. By Your greatness, I find no place for myself except the shadow of the canopy of Your generosity, nor any escape but under the domes of Your mercy. You see me in the sea of despair and hopelessness after You made me hear the word “Do not despair.” By Your might, my injustice severed the cord of my hope, and my disobedience blackened my face before the throne of Your justice.

O Lord, You see the dead one lying before the gate of Your bounty and feeling ashamed to ask for the fountain of Your forgiveness from the hand of Your grace. You have given me a tongue for Your remembrance and praise, and it spoke what melted the livers of the near ones among Your chosen ones and burned the hearts of the sincere ones among the inhabitants of Your holy sanctuaries. You have given me sight to behold Your traces, observe Your signs, and the manifestations of Your craftsmanship, and I disregarded Your will and did what made the sincere ones among Your creation and the detached ones among Your servants wail. You gave me hearing to hear Your remembrance and praise and what You revealed from the sky of Your generosity and the air of Your will. Ah, ah, I abandoned Your command and commanded Your servants to curse Your trustees and friends, and I did before the throne of Your justice what caused the sighs of the monotheists and the sincere ones among the inhabitants of Your kingdom to rise.

I do not know, O my God, which of my sins to mention before the waves of the ocean of Your bounty, and which of my transgressions to speak of before the manifestations of the lights of the suns of Your favors and kindnesses. I ask You at this moment, by the secrets of Your book and what was hidden in Your knowledge, and by the pearls hidden in the shells of the oceans of Your mercy, to make me among those mentioned in Your book and described in Your tablets. Have You ordained for me, O my God, after this sorrow, any joy, after this constriction, any expansion, and after this hardship, any ease? Ah, ah, You made the pulpits for Your mention and the exaltation of Your word and the manifestation of Your Cause, and I ascended them to exalt the breach of Your covenant and cast upon the servants what made the inhabitants of the pavilion of Your greatness and the inhabitants of the cities of Your knowledge wail.

How many times did You send down the table of Your revelation from the sky of Your bounty, and I disbelieved in it, and how many times did You invite me to the Euphrates of Your mercy, and I turned away from it following my self and desires. By Your might, I do not know from which sin to seek Your forgiveness and repent to You, and from which injustice to return to the court of Your bounty and the field of Your generosity. My transgressions and sins have reached a station that the enumerators cannot count and the writers cannot inscribe.

I ask You, O transformer of darkness into light and revealer of mysteries in the mount, to assist me in all conditions to rely on You and entrust matters to You. Then make me, O my God, content with what the Pen of Your decree has inscribed and the Pen of Your predestination has written. You are the Omnipotent over what You will, and in Your grasp is the reins of those in the heavens and the earths. There is no god but You, the All-Knowing, the Wise.”

To the Sheikh

O Sheikh, know that the slander, opposition, and objections of the people do not harm the one who clings to the cord of divine favor and grasps the hem of the mercy of the Lord of creation. By the life of God, the Baha did not speak from desire; He was made to speak by the One who has made all things speak by His remembrance and praise. There is no god but Him, the Unique, the Omnipotent, the Chosen One.

Those who possess keen sight, attentive ears, enlightened hearts, and expanded chests recognize truth from falsehood and distinguish it. Read this supplication that has flowed from the tongue of the oppressed, and reflect upon it with a serene heart and a purified, holy ear. Perhaps you will find the breezes of detachment and show mercy to yourselves and to the servants of God.

A Supplication to Read

“O God, O worshiped one, O sought one, O generous, O merciful, lives are from You and powers are within the grasp of Your might. Whomever You exalt will transcend the world and reach the station of”We raised him to a lofty station,” and whomever You cast down will be lower than dust, indeed, nothing can be better than him. O Lord, with corruption, sinfulness, and lack of piety, we seek the seat of truth and yearn for the meeting with Your chosen ones. The command is Yours, the decree is Yours, and the realm of power is under Your control. Whatever You do is pure justice, nay, it is sheer grace. One manifestation of Your name, the Merciful, can eradicate the traces of disobedience from the world and obliterate them. One breeze from the breezes of the Day of Your Manifestation can adorn the world with a new robe.

O powerful one, grant power to the powerless and life to the dead, that they may find You and reach the ocean of Your knowledge and remain steadfast in Your command. If the languages of the world extol Your praise, whether in Arabic or Persian, it is the beloved of the soul and the aim of the spirit. If they are deprived of it, they are not worthy of mention, whether words or meanings. O Lord, I beseech You to guide all and lead them aright. You are the capable, the mighty, the knowledgeable, and the seeing. We ask Allah to aid you in justice and fairness and to make known to you what was hidden from eyes and visions. He is the mighty, the chosen one.”

I request that they reflect upon what has been revealed and speak with justice and fairness. Perhaps the manifestations of the lights of the sun of truth and purity will shine forth and save from the darkness of ignorance, and illuminate the world with the light of knowledge. This oppressed one did not attend schools nor see discussions. By my life, I did not manifest myself; rather, Allah manifested me as He willed. In the Tablet to the Sultan, may Allah strengthen him, these words flowed from the tongue of the oppressed.

From the Tablet to the Sultan

O Sultan, I was like one of the servants, resting on my bed. The breezes of the All-Glorious passed over me and taught me the knowledge of what was. This is not from me but from the Mighty, the All-Knowing. He commanded me to proclaim between earth and heaven, and thus came upon me what brought tears to the eyes of the knowers. I did not read what the people possess of knowledge, nor did I enter schools. Ask the city where I was so that you may be certain that I am not one of the liars.

This is a leaf moved by the winds of the will of your Lord, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. Does it have any stability when the strong winds blow? No, by the Lord of names and attributes, it moves as He wills. Non-existence has no existence before eternity. His irrevocable command has come, and He made me speak of His remembrance among the people. I was nothing but like a dead one before His command. The hand of the will of your Lord, the Merciful, the Compassionate, turned me.

It is better for you to purify yourself with the water of detachment that flows from the spring of the Most High Pen, and for the sake of Allah, reflect on what has been revealed before and after, and strive with wisdom and utterance to extinguish the fire of hatred and enmity hidden in the hearts of the world’s parties as much as possible.

The purpose of sending the messengers and revealing the books has been to know Allah and to foster affection and unity among His servants. Now, it is observed that the divine law has been made a cause of hatred and enmity. Alas, what regret that most are clinging to what they possess and are heedless and veiled from what is with Allah.

Say, “O my God, my God, adorn my head with the crown of justice and my body with the garment of fairness. Verily, You are the Possessor of gifts and favors.” Justice and fairness are two guardians for the preservation of the servants, and from these two words, strong and blessed, the cause of the world’s well-being and the preservation of nations will appear.

In one of the Tablets, these words flowed from the Pen of the Oppressed: “Verily, the Exalted One has created the essence of meanings from the human essence, that is, the Dawning-places of His Cause and the repositories of the jewels of His knowledge, for He is a hidden mystery, concealed from all eyes.” Look at what the Merciful has revealed in the Quran: “No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision; He is the Subtle, the Aware.”

Today, the religion of God and His path is that the diverse religions and various ways should not become a cause of hatred and enmity among the people. These solid principles and strong laws have appeared from one source and have risen from one dawn. These differences were due to the requirements of time and circumstances and the eras and ages.

O people of Baha, gird up the loins of endeavor that religious strife and contention may be removed from among the people of the world and be extinguished for the sake of Allah and His servants. Arise for this mighty and significant matter. Religious hatred and enmity is a world-consuming fire, and its extinction is exceedingly difficult except by the power of the Hand of God. He can save the people from this grievous calamity.

Consider the warfare between two governments; both sides sacrificed their wealth and lives. How many villages became as though they had never existed! This word is as a lamp for the lampstand of the Bayan.

O people of the world, you are all the fruits of one tree and the leaves of one branch. Walk with utmost love, unity, friendliness, and concord. By the Sun of Truth, the light of unity will brighten and illuminate the horizons. God is the witness and has been the witness of this utterance. Strive to attain this high and exalted station, which is the protection and preservation of the human world. This is the intent of the sovereign of goals and the hope of the king of desires. But until the sun of justice emerges from the dark cloud of oppression, the appearance of this high and exalted station seems difficult. The dark cloud is the manifestations of doubts and superstitions, namely the clerics of Iran.

Sometimes we have spoken with the tongue of law, and sometimes with the tongue of truth and way. The ultimate goal and supreme objective have been the appearance of this high and exalted station. God is sufficient as a witness.

O people of Baha, associate with all the people of the world with joy and fragrance. If you possess a word or a jewel that others are deprived of, convey it with the language of love and kindness. If it is accepted and has an effect, the goal is achieved; otherwise, leave them to themselves and pray for them, not harm them.

The tongue of kindness attracts hearts, is the sustenance of the soul, and is like meanings for words and like the horizon for the rising sun of wisdom and knowledge. The intended meaning of scholars in these contexts refers to those who outwardly adorn themselves with the garb of knowledge but are inwardly deprived of it.

In mentioning this station in the Tablet to the Sultan, a few phrases from the Hidden Words, named the Scroll of Fatimah, peace be upon her, revealed from the Most Glorious Pen are mentioned.

From the Hidden Words

O faithless ones! Why do you outwardly claim to be shepherds, yet inwardly become wolves to My sheep? Your example is like a star before dawn that appears luminous and bright, but inwardly is a cause of misguidance and the destruction of the caravans of My city and lands. And likewise, He says:

O outwardly adorned and inwardly diminished! Your example is like pure bitter water, which appears perfectly clear and pure, but when it falls into the hands of the divine taster, He would not accept even a drop of it. The manifestation of the sun in both dust and mirror is present, but there is a difference from the Pleiades to the earth, rather an infinite difference between them. And likewise, He says:

O son of the world! Many a dawn My favor’s effulgence shone from the horizon of the placeless onto your place, and found you preoccupied in the bed of ease with other than Me, and like a spiritual flash returned to the luminous station of honor, and I did not announce your shame in the abodes of proximity before the armies of holiness. And likewise, He says:

O claimant of My love! At dawn, the breeze of My favor passed over you and found you sleeping on the bed of heedlessness, wept over your state, and returned. However, those scholars who are truly adorned with the ornament of knowledge and character are like the head to the body of the world and like the eyes to the nations. The guidance of the servants has always been through these holy souls and still is. We ask God to enable them to do what He loves and is pleased with. He is the Master of all and the Lord of the hereafter and the here and now.

The Sheikh Commanded the Killing of the Servants

O Sheikh, we have heard that you have turned away from us and opposed us, commanding the people to curse me and issuing a decree for the shedding of the blood of the servants. May the one who said it be praised:

Willingly for a judge who came in his judgment, surprisingly He issued a fatwa for my blood to be shed in the sanctuary and the forbidden.

Truly I say, whatever enters the path of God is beloved to the soul and the aim of the spirit. The deadly poison on His path is a supreme honey, and His torment is a fitting sweetness. It is mentioned in the Tablet to the Sultan, and by the truth itself, I do not dread calamities in His path nor hardships in His love. God has made affliction the morning breeze for this verdant garden and the wick for His lamp, by which the earth and heaven have been illumined.

Turn your heart towards the direction of the Kaaba of God, the Overseeing, the Self-Subsisting. Then raise your hands in steadfastness, so that the hands of all possible beings may be raised to the heaven of the grace of God, the Lord of the worlds. Then direct yourself to Him with a focus by which all beings will turn to His radiant horizon, and say:

“O Lord, I see myself turning towards the heaven of Your bounty and the ocean of Your grace, and turning away from anything other than You. I ask You by the manifestations of the luminary of Your revelation on the Mount and by the radiations of the sun of Your grace from the horizon of Your name, the Forgiving, to forgive me and have mercy upon me. Then inscribe for me from Your supreme Pen what elevates me with Your name in the human realm of creation. O Lord, enable me to turn to You and to heed the call of Your friends, who were not weakened by the power of the world, nor hindered by the might of the nations. They came forward and said, ‘God is our Lord and the Lord of those in the heavens and the earths.’”

O Sheikh, truly I say, the seal of the sealed choice wine, named the Self-Subsisting, has been lifted; do not deprive yourself. This oppressed one speaks for the sake of God; you also, for the sake of God, reflect on what has been revealed and made manifest. Perhaps you may partake of the outpourings of the True Bestower on this blessed day and not remain deprived. This is not difficult for God. The earthly man became celestial through the divine word, and the fisherman acquired divine wisdom. Abu Dhar, the shepherd of sheep, became the chief of the nations.

O Sheikh, today is not the day for the outward sciences and arts, for it has been observed that a person who is not aware of even a word of those sciences is seated on the throne of command in the assembly of knowledge, while those with sciences and skills are deprived. The sciences intended here are those that begin and end with words. However, the sciences that show effect and produce fruit and are a cause of comfort and ease for the servants of God are accepted by Him and always have been. If you hear my call, you will leave what you have and turn towards the station where the sea of wisdom and expression surges, and the fragrance of the grace of your Lord, the Merciful, wafts.

A Review of Past Events

Baha’u’llah’s Story Regarding the Assassination Attempt on the Sultan

In this station, it seemed appropriate to mention some past events, perhaps they might lead to the appearance of justice and fairness. During the days when His Majesty the Sultan, may Allah, the Merciful, aid him, intended to travel to Isfahan, I obtained permission and set out to visit the sacred and illuminated shrines of the Imams, peace be upon them. After returning, due to the heat of the capital and its severe conditions, we went to Bulaq. After this journey, the incident with His Majesty the Sultan occurred, and during those days, matters were turned upside down, and the fire of anger was kindled. Some people were arrested, including this oppressed one.

By the life of God, I was never involved in that reprehensible matter, and even in the investigation assemblies, my innocence was established. Despite this, they arrested me and from Niavaran, which at that time was the seat of the government, they took me bareheaded and barefoot, walking with chains to the prison in Tehran. A tyrant on horseback accompanied me, taking off his hat with all speed, and with a group of executioners and soldiers, they took me, and in the place that had no equal, they confined me.

But the prison where this oppressed one and other oppressed ones were held was truly a narrow, dark dungeon, and better than that. When we entered the prison, after entering, they put us in a dark corridor; from there we descended three steps to the place they had assigned. But the place was dark, and about one hundred and fifty people were present there, thieves and murderers, and highway robbers. With such a crowd, the place had no ventilation except for the entrance by which we entered. Words fail to describe it, and the stench is beyond expression. Most of the inmates were without clothes or bedding. God knows what befell us in that foul, dark place.

During the days and nights in that prison, I reflected on the actions and behaviors of the Babi group. Despite their exalted station and high understanding, how did such actions appear from them, namely, the insolence and movement of that group against the royal personage? After this, this oppressed one resolved that after leaving the prison, he would strive with all his might to reform those souls. One night, in a vision, this sublime word was heard from all directions: “We shall assist you with yourself and with your pen; do not grieve over what has befallen you, nor fear, for you are among the secure. Soon, God will raise up the treasures of the earth—they are men who will help you with yourself and with your name, by which God has quickened the hearts of the knowers.”

After leaving the prison, by the command of His Majesty the Shah, may Allah guard him, with the servant of the Sublime State of Iran and the gracious government of Russia, we set out for Iraq. After arriving, with the aid of God and His grace and mercy, verses like a downpour of rain were revealed and sent to all parts of the earth. We counseled all the servants, especially this group, with wise admonitions and compassionate advice, and prevented them from corruption, strife, conflict, and warfare. By the grace of God, heedlessness and ignorance were transformed into piety and knowledge, and weapons into means of reformation.

During the days of imprisonment in the land of Ta, although sleep was scarce due to the chains and the foul odors, at times when it was possible, it felt as if something was being poured from the top of the head, like a great river flowing from the peak of a lofty mountain to the ground. In those moments, the tongue would recite what no one could bear to hear. Some of the statements revealed in specific Tablets for this group are mentioned to ensure that all know with clear certainty that this oppressed one has acted upon what is loved and accepted by the wise and the manifestations of justice and fairness.

O friends of God in His lands and beloved ones in His cities, the oppressed one advises you to honesty and piety. Blessed is the city that attains their lights; through them, the station of humanity is elevated, and the door of tranquility is opened to those in existence. Blessed is the one who holds fast to them and recognizes their station, and woe to the one who denies their rank.

From Other Tablets

And in another place, these words were revealed: We command the servants of God and His maidservants to purity and piety, that they may rise from the sleep of desire and turn to God, the Creator of earth and heaven. Thus did we command the servants when the Luminary of the horizons shone from the direction of Iraq. It is not the harm of my imprisonment and afflictions, nor what has come upon me from the tyrants among the servants, but the deeds of those who attribute themselves to me and commit acts that cause my heart and pen to lament. Verily, those who spread corruption on earth, misappropriate people’s wealth, and enter houses without the permission of their owners, I am innocent of them unless they repent and return to God, the Forgiving, the Merciful.

And in another place: O assembly of the earth, hasten to the pleasure of God and strive with true striving in manifesting His irrevocable and mighty Cause. We have ordained striving in the path of God with the armies of wisdom and utterance, and with morals and deeds. Thus has the matter been decreed from One Mighty, Powerful. Pride is not for those who cause corruption on earth after it has been set right. Fear God, O people, and do not be of the wrongdoers.

And in another place: Do not curse anyone among you. We have come for the unification of those on earth and their harmony. This is testified by what has appeared from the ocean of my utterance among the servants, but most of the people are in clear remoteness. If someone curses you or inflicts harm upon you in the path of God, be patient and rely on the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. He witnesses and sees, and does what He wills with authority from Himself. Verily, He is the Omnipotent, the Mighty. You have been forbidden from dispute and contention in the Book of God, the Mighty, the Great. Hold fast to what benefits your souls and the people of the world. Thus does the Eternal Sovereign, manifest with the Most Great Name, command you. Verily, He is the Wise Commander.

And in another place: Beware that you do not shed blood. Unsheathe the sword of the tongue from the scabbard of speech, for by it are the cities of hearts conquered. We have abolished the law of killing among you. Verily, mercy has preceded all that is possible if you are of those who know.

And in another place: O people, do not corrupt the earth, do not shed blood, do not consume people’s wealth wrongfully, and do not follow every accursed and rejected clamor.

And in another place: The sun of God’s utterance does not set and does not follow disappearance. Today this sublime word was heard from the Lote-Tree of the Utmost Boundary: Verily, to those who love me and follow my commands and abandon what is forbidden in my Book.

And in another place: Today is the day of remembrance and praise, the day of service. Do not deprive yourselves. You are the letters of words and the words of the Book, and you are the saplings planted by the hand of favor in the land of mercy and have grown from the rains of grace. You have been preserved from the storms of polytheism and the blasts of disbelief and have been nurtured with the hands of kindness. Now is the time for fruits and leaves, and the fruits of the human tree are good deeds and pleasing morals. These fruits should be withheld from the heedless. If they accept, the goal is achieved, and life is made manifest; otherwise, leave them to their games and distractions.

O people of God, strive so that the hearts of the diverse peoples of the world may be cleansed and purified from hatred and malice by your patience and kindness and become worthy and capable of the manifestations of the sun of truth.

In the fourth Splendor of the Splendors, we mentioned that for every matter an aid is necessary, and in this dispensation, the victorious armies are good deeds and praiseworthy morals. The leader and commander of these armies is the fear of God; He is the possessor of all and ruler over all.

In the third Manifestation of the Book of Manifestations, we mentioned that the cause of the elevation of existence and its exaltation is knowledge, arts, and crafts. Knowledge is like wings for existence and a ladder for ascending. Its acquisition is incumbent upon all, but it should be knowledge that benefits the people of the earth, not knowledge that begins and ends with words. Those who possess knowledge and crafts have a great right over the people of the world. This is testified by the Mother of Utterance in this clear station. In truth, the real treasure for humanity is its knowledge, and it is the cause of honor, bounty, joy, and exultation. Blessed is he who adheres to it, and woe to the heedless. You should, in all circumstances, invite the servants to what leads to the appearance of spiritual virtues and good deeds so that all may become aware of what causes the elevation of existence and strive with complete effort for the highest station and lofty pinnacle. The primary cause for the training of the people is the fear of God; blessed are those who attain it.

The first word inscribed on the first leaf of Paradise from the Most Glorious Pen is this: Truly, I say, the clear safeguard and strong fortress for all the people of the world is the fear of God. It is the greatest cause for the preservation of humanity and the chief reason for its protection. Indeed, an innate quality exists within humans that prevents them from what is unworthy and unseemly, and it is called modesty. However, this quality is limited to a few; not all possess this station. The kings of the age and the scholars of the nations must adhere to religion, for it is the cause of the appearance of the fear of God in others.

The second word inscribed on the second leaf of Paradise is this: The Pen of Utterance now counsels the manifestations of power and the dawning-places of authority, namely the kings and rulers, may God assist them, to adhere to religion and hold fast to it. It is the great cause for the order of the world and the tranquility of those in existence. The weakening of the pillars of religion has caused the strength of the ignorant and their audacity and boldness. Truly, I say, whatever diminishes the lofty station of religion adds to the heedlessness of the wicked, and the ultimate result is chaos and disorder. Listen, O people of insight, then take heed, O people of vision. We hope that you will heed what has been mentioned with attentive ears, that you may make the people aware of what they have and what God has. We ask God to deliver the light of justice and the sun of fairness from the dark clouds of heedlessness and to make them manifest. No light compares to the light of justice; it is the cause of the order of the world and the comfort of the nations.

And in another place: In the Book of the Bayan, this sublime word is inscribed and recorded: Say, O friends, strive so that the tribulations that have befallen the oppressed and you in the path of God are not wasted among the people. Adhere to the hem of chastity, and likewise to the cord of trustworthiness and piety. Consider the well-being of the world, not the desires of the self. O party of the oppressed, you are the shepherds of the world. Keep the sheep from the wolves of self and desire, and adorn them with the ornament of the fear of God. This is the firm decree that has flowed from the Pen of the Ancient at this time. By the life of God, the sword of morals and manners is sharper than the swords of iron. In this time, the innate nature calls and says: O people, the day has come, and my Lord has manifested me with a light that eclipses the suns of the Bayan. Fear the Merciful and do not be of the heedless.

The third word inscribed on the third leaf of Paradise is this: O son of humanity, if you look towards bounty, set aside what benefits you and take what benefits the servants. And if you look towards justice, choose for others what you choose for yourself. Sometimes, humility elevates a person to the heaven of honor and power, and other times, pride lowers him to the station of humiliation and abasement. It is a great day and a mighty call. In a Tablet among the Tablets, this sublime word is mentioned: If the entire spirit world were turned into a hearing power, it could be said to be worthy of listening to this call that has risen from the highest horizon. Otherwise, these ears, tainted with false stories, are not worthy and never have been. Blessed are the listeners, and woe to the heedless.

Promote the Greatest Peace

We ask the Most Glorious God to aid the dawning places of wealth and power and the sources of honor and authority, meaning the kings of the earth, may God assist them, to promote the greatest peace. This is the greatest cause for the comfort of the nations. The kings of the realms, may God assist them, should unanimously adhere to this matter, which is the greatest cause for the preservation of the world. We hope that they will arise for what brings the comfort of the servants. A great assembly should be arranged where the kings or ministers are present, and the decree of unity and accord should be enacted, and they should turn from weapons to reformation. If one king rises against another, the other kings should rise to prevent him. In this case, armies and war equipment would only be needed to the extent necessary to protect their countries. If they attain this greatest good, the people of the land will be engaged in their affairs with comfort and joy, and the lamentations and wailings of most of the servants will cease. We ask God to aid them in what He loves and is pleased with. He is the Lord of the Throne and the dust, the Possessor of the hereafter and the first life.

It is better and more appropriate if the great kings themselves are present in that assembly and decree the matter. Any king who rises to this matter and implements it will be the chief of the kings in the sight of God. Blessed is he and well-being to him. In these lands, whenever the turn of the military comes, great fear appears from all directions. Each state annually adds to its military because the ministers of war are eager and speak of further additions. According to reports, the state of Iran, may God assist it, also intends to increase its military. To this oppressed one, a well-organized army of a hundred thousand is sufficient. We hope that His Majesty will add to the light of justice. By the life of God, justice is a mighty army. It is in the foremost position and the highest rank, opening hearts and minds, explaining the secrets of existence, and bearing the banner of love and generosity.

In the treasures of divine knowledge, there is a knowledge that removes fear, but it must be implemented from the days of childhood. It makes a significant difference, and whatever diminishes it adds to boldness. If God’s will aids, a detailed explanation of what has been mentioned will flow from the Pen of Utterance, and perhaps in the realms of knowledge and skills, something will appear that will renew the world and the nations.

HIdden Strength in the Servants

Also, a word is inscribed and recorded in the Crimson Tablet from the Most High Pen, which reveals all the hidden strength in the servants, and even adds to it. We ask God, the Most Glorious, to aid His servants in what He loves and is pleased with. These days, enemies are evident from all sides, and the fire of hatred is ablaze. O people of the earth, by my life and your lives, this oppressed one has no thought of leadership and does not, and the aim has been and is to remove what causes the division of the parties of the world and the separation of the nations so that all may be freed and focused on their own affairs.

I ask that the friends do not stain this robe with the dust of lies and do not diminish the rank and station by mentioning extraordinary events that are with them. Glory be to God, today is a day when the wise should take advice from this oppressed one and ask God for what causes honor and comfort. However, all are striving and endeavoring to extinguish this shining and bright light, and every soul is trying to establish a fault or raise an objection. The matter has reached a point where they have declared from all the actions of this oppressed one things that are unworthy of mention.

Baha’u’llah Has Spent Some Nights Hungry

One of the friends mentioned that a person in the great city said that fifty thousand tomans are sent to Akka every year from the homeland. This was mentioned with great regret, and it was not clear who the accountant was and who kept the records. Anyway, this oppressed one has been patient and silent in all that has been inflicted and said, intending to erase the rule of dispute, contention, and bloodshed from the world with the power of utterance by the grace of the Most Glorious God and His preceding mercy.

In all circumstances, we have adhered to beautiful patience and entrusted the matter to God. However, in response to this point, we mentioned that if the person is truthful in what he has said, he should thank the Owner of existence and the Sovereign of the unseen and the seen for raising a soul from Iran who, without any helper and supporter, has taken control of Iran from prison and collects a tax from it every year. This is a praiseworthy position, not a reproachable one, if one is just. If anyone wishes to be informed about the affairs of this oppressed one, the answer is that in some nights and days, the captives of the world and the oppressed of the nations have passed the night without strength and the day without food. We do not like these mentions and have no complaint against the speaker.

In this prison, a respected person was earning a livelihood by stone carving for some time, and sometimes some were provided food by the bounty of God, meaning hunger. We ask God, the Most Glorious, to aid all in justice and fairness and to enable them to turn and return. Verily, He is the All-Hearing, the Responsive.

Baha’u’llah Only Desires Reform

O Sheikh, by the sun of truth that has dawned from the horizon of the prison and is shining forth, this oppressed one has no intention other than reform. All discerning and knowledgeable people bear witness to this. During times of tribulation, he held fast to the cord of patience and perseverance, and was content with what befell him from the enemies. He said:

A Prayer to God

“O my God, I have left my will for Your will, and my desire for the manifestation of Your desire. By Your might, I do not desire myself and my existence except to rise for the service of Your Cause, and I do not love my existence except for sacrifice in Your path. O Lord, You see and know that those from whom we sought justice and fairness rose against us with oppression and injustice. Outwardly they were with me, but inwardly they supported my enemies who rose to violate my sanctity. O my God, my God, I bear witness that You created Your servants for the support of Your Cause and the exaltation of Your word, but they supported Your enemies. I ask You by Your command which has encompassed existence and by Your name by which the unseen and the visible were subdued, to adorn the people of the earth with the light of Your justice and to illumine their hearts with the light of Your knowledge. O Lord, I am Your servant and the son of Your servant. I bear witness to Your oneness and singleness and to the sanctity of Your essence and the purity of Your being. O Lord, You see Your trusted ones among the hands of the treacherous of Your creation and the slanderers among Your creatures. You know what has befallen us from those whom You know better than we do. They have committed what has caused the veil of the near ones of Your creation to be rent. I ask You to aid them to rise for what has passed them by in the days of the dawning of Your revelation and the rising of Your inspiration. Verily, You are capable of what You will, and in Your grasp are the reins of those in the heavens and the earths. The call of innate nature has been raised and its yearning, and it calls with the highest call and says: O people, by God, I have attained my appearance and my station. This is the day when the Mount smiled with its Speaker, Carmel with its Dweller, and the Lote-Tree with its Teacher. Fear God and do not be of the deniers. Do not deprive yourselves of what has appeared by grace. Take the Kawthar of life in the name of your Lord, the Possessor of names, and then drink from it with His mighty and wondrous remembrance.”

From the Tablet to the Sultan

In all circumstances, we have enjoined the servants to what is good and forbidden them from what is bad. The Owner of existence is a witness and testifier that this oppressed one has sought from God for the people that which causes affection, unity, love, and harmony. By the life of God, this oppressed one has not been able to conceal it. He has manifested what He wills, and He is the Omnipotent, the Chosen One. These exalted words that were revealed in the Tablet to the Sultan, some of them we mention repeatedly so that His Majesty may know with clear certainty that what has been mentioned is from God.

O Sultan, I was like one of the servants, resting on my bed. The breezes of the All-Glorious passed over me and taught me the knowledge of what was. This is not from me but from the Mighty, the All-Knowing. He commanded me to proclaim between earth and heaven, and thus came upon me what caused the tears of the knowers to flow. I did not read what the people possess of knowledge, nor did I enter schools. Ask the city where I was so that you may be certain that I am not one of the liars. This is a leaf moved by the winds of the will of your Lord, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. Does it have any stability when the strong winds blow? No, by the Lord of names and attributes, it moves as He wills. Non-existence has no existence before eternity. His irrevocable command has come, and He made me speak of His remembrance among the people. I was nothing but like a dead one before His command. The hand of the will of your Lord, the Merciful, the Compassionate, turned me.

Can anyone speak on his own about what he is accused of by the servants, whether low or high? No, by the One who taught the Pen the secrets of eternity, except for one who is assisted by the Mighty, the Powerful. O Sultan, look with the eye of justice at the oppressed one, then judge with truth about what has befallen him. God has made you His shadow among the servants and a sign of His power for those in the lands. Judge between us and those who have wronged us without evidence or an illuminating book. Those around you love you for themselves, but the servant loves you for yourself and only wishes to bring you closer to the abode of grace and turn you to the right hand of justice. Your Lord is a witness to what I say.

O Sultan, if you could hear the pen of the Most High and the cooing of the dove of life on the branches of the Lote-Tree in the mention of God, the Creator of names and the Creator of earth and heaven, it would lead you to a station where you would see nothing in existence but the manifestation of the Presence of the Worshiped One. You would see the kingdom as the least of things to you; you would give it to whomever you wish and turn towards a horizon that is illuminated by the lights of the face, and you would never bear the burden of the kingdom except to assist your Lord, the Most High, the Supreme. Then the supreme assembly would bless you. Blessed is this most exalted station if you ascend to it with a sovereignty known by the name of God.

A Prayer to God #2

Glorified are You, O my God! You see what has befallen the oppressed from those who have not associated with me and have risen against me with harm and adversity, such that pens are unable to describe it, tongues are powerless to explain it, and tablets cannot bear it. You hear the groaning of my heart and the clamor of my being, and what has befallen Your trusted ones in Your lands and Your chosen ones in Your dominion from those who have broken Your covenant and testament. O Lord, I ask You by the clamoring of the lovers in the horizons and their groaning in their remoteness from the court of Your nearness, and by the blood that has been shed in Your love, and by the livers that have melted in Your path, to protect Your friends from the oppression of those who are heedless of the mysteries of Your chosen name. O Lord, strengthen them with Your power, which has overpowered all things, and enable them to be patient and enduring. Verily, You are the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Bestower. There is no god but You, the Generous, the Bountiful.

In these days, some have passed from justice and fairness and have attacked with the sword of malice and the spear of enmity, while the duty of the fair-minded is to assist the rejected of the world and the expelled of the nations and to cling to righteousness and piety. Most people have not known until now what this oppressed one intends and why he has borne innumerable tribulations. Indeed, the tongue of the heart speaks the words “Oh, that my people knew,” and this oppressed one, detached from all, speaks with this sublime word:

“The waves have encompassed the ship of God, the Overseeing, the Self-Subsisting. O sailor, do not be perturbed by the winds. The Splitter of the dawn is with you in this darkness, which has caused the hearts of the servants to tremble, except for those whom God, the Mighty, the Chosen, has willed.”

A Translation Request from the Sheikh

It has been said that Your Excellency, or others, have asked for the translation of Surah al-Ikhlas so that it may be known and proven to all that God “did not beget nor was He begotten,” and the Babis believe in His lordship and divinity.

The Station of Self-Annihilation

O Sheikh, this station is the station of self-annihilation and subsistence in God, and if this word is mentioned, it signifies pure non-existence. This is the station of “I do not own for myself any benefit or harm, nor life nor resurrection.”

O Sheikh, what do the scholars of the age say about the manifestations of the Lote-Tree of the Bayan on the Mount of Knowledge? That sacred one heard the word from the Lote-Tree and accepted it, but most are deprived of understanding this station because they are occupied with what they have and are heedless of what God has. Sayyid Farhad al-Din has spoken well in this regard:

This word is not comprehended by any superficial understanding, Even if you were Abu Nasr or Abu Ali Sina.

What do they say about this saying of the Seal of the Prophets, the soul of all else be his sacrifice: “You shall see your Lord as you see the full moon on the fourteenth night,” and the statement of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, in the Sermon of Disclosures: “Expect the appearance of the Speaker of Moses from the tree on the Mount,” and likewise the saying of Husayn ibn Ali, peace be upon him: “Could there be a manifestation for others that is not for You, so that it would be the manifestation of You? Blind is the eye that does not see You.” Such statements are mentioned and well-known in the sayings of the friends, peace be upon them, and present in authentic books. Blessed is he who sees and speaks with pure truth. Blessed is the soul that purifies itself from the suspicions and illusions of the world with the help of the Kawthar of utterance, tears the veils of glory with the name of the All-Exalted, and passes beyond the world and its people, aiming for the Greatest Prison.

O Sheikh, the breaths of revelation are distinct from its lower counterpart, and the divine utterance is like a shining sun among the books. Blessed is he who finds and recognizes it and says, “Praise be to You, O desired one of the world, and thanks be to You, O beloved of the hearts of the sincere.” The purpose of mentioning divinity and lordship is not understood by the servants, for if they comprehend it, they will rise from their station and speak the word, “We repent to God.” The Seal of the Prophets, the soul of all else be his sacrifice, says: “We have states with God in which we are He and He is we and He is He and we are we.” This station has also been passed; why have they not mentioned other stations that have been revealed from the Most Glorious Pen? The tongue of the oppressed one has spoken these exalted words in most of the days and nights.

A Prayer to God

O my God, O my God, I bear witness to Your oneness and Your singularity, and that You are God, there is no god but You. You have always been sanctified from mention of anything besides You and praise of anyone other than You, and You will remain as You were before and after. I ask You, O Eternal Sovereign, by the Greatest Name and by the effulgences of Your radiant manifestation in the realm of the Bayan, and by the waves of the sea of Your knowledge in the realm of possibility, to assist me in that which brings me closer to You and cuts me off from all else.

By Your might, O God of all existence and object of all creation, I wish to lay my face on every spot of Your earth, perhaps it might be honored by the presence that was honored by the coming of Your chosen ones. By God, the illusions of the servants have deprived them of the horizon of certitude and assumptions have prevented them from the sealed wine. Truly, I say, and for the sake of God I say, this servant and this oppressed one is ashamed to attribute himself to existence and being, let alone to any ranks above that.

Conveyance of Tranquility and Unity to the Kings and Rulers

A discerning person, whenever he walks on the earth, observes himself as ashamed, knowing with clear certitude that the cause of his blessings, wealth, honor, elevation, and power is by the permission of God, the earth which is beneath the feet of all people. And a person who is aware of this station is certainly sanctified and purified from pride, arrogance, and conceit. What has been said is from God, He bears witness and is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

Ask of God ears that hear, eyes that see, expanded breasts, and turned hearts, so that the servants may find the object of their search and turn towards the Beloved. Trials have befallen this oppressed one, the like of which eyes have never witnessed. Despite this, there has been no hesitation in proclaiming the matter, and it was conveyed to the kings and rulers (may God assist them), what would ensure the tranquility, unity, and concord of the world, and the comfort of the nations.

About Tablets to Napoleon III

Among them, two words were heard from Napoleon III, which led to sending him a tablet in Adrianople. He did not respond. After arriving in the Most Great Prison, a letter and a hand-written note were received from his minister, initially written in Persian and concluded in his own handwriting, showing kindness and mentioning that the letter was conveyed as requested, and until then no response had been given, but their minister in Constantinople and the consuls of those lands were instructed to handle any matter expressed. From this statement, it became clear that they considered this servant’s aim to be the reformation of external matters. Hence, verses were revealed in the Surah of the Temple addressed to him, some of which will be mentioned so that he may know that the matter of this oppressed one is for God and from God.

“O King of Paris, inform the priest not to ring the bells. By God, the Truth, the greatest bell has appeared upon the Temple of the Greatest Name, and it is rung by the fingers of the Will of your Lord, the Exalted, the Most High, in the realm of permanence, by His name, the Most Glorious. Thus, the great verses of your Lord were revealed once again for you to arise for the mention of God, the Creator of earth and heaven, in these days in which the tribes of the earth all mourned, the foundations of cities were shaken, and the people were enveloped in the dust of atheism, except for those whom your Lord, the All-Knowing, the Wise, willed.

Say, the Chosen One has come in the shadows of lights to revive the worlds by the breaths of His name, the Merciful, and to unite the world and gather them on this table which descended from heaven. Beware lest you disbelieve in the grace of God after its revelation; this is better for you than what you possess, for it will perish, but what is with God remains. He is the ruler over what He wills. The breezes of forgiveness have wafted from the direction of your Lord, the Merciful. Whoever turns to it is purified from sin and from every illness and affliction. Blessed is the one who turns to it, and woe to the heedless.

If you were to listen with the ear of nature to things, you would hear from them that the Ancient One, the Glorious, has come. Everything glorifies the praise of its Lord. Among them are those who know God and mention Him, and among them are those who mention Him and do not know Him. Thus, We have encompassed the matter in a clear tablet. O King, hear the call from this blazing fire from this green tree on this lofty mount on the sacred white spot behind the Eternal Sea. There is no god but Me, the Forgiving, the Merciful. We have sent the one whom We supported with the Holy Spirit to inform you of this light which shone from the horizon of the Will of your Lord, the Exalted, the Most Glorious, and its effects appeared in the West. Turn to it in this day which God has made the choicest of days, in which the Merciful manifested Himself upon those in the heavens and the earths.

Rise to serve God and to support His cause. He will assist you with the hosts of the unseen and the seen, and make you a sovereign over what the sun shines upon. Your Lord is the Omnipotent, the Almighty. The breezes of the Merciful have wafted in the realm of existence. Blessed is the one who finds its fragrance and turns to it with a pure heart. Adorn your temple with the robe of My name, your tongue with My mention, and your heart with My love, the Mighty, the Unassailable. We desired for you only what is better for you than what you possess and the treasures of the entire earth. Your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. Rise among the servants in My name and say, O people of the earth, turn to the one who has turned to you. He is for the sake of God among you, His proof in you, and His guide for you. He has come to you with signs that the learned of the world are incapable of producing. The Tree of Sinai speaks in the heart of the world, and the Holy Spirit calls among the nations. The Promised One has come with manifest sovereignty.

O King, the stars of the heaven of knowledge have fallen, those who rely on what they have to prove My cause and mention God by My name. When I came to them with My glory, they turned away from Me. Behold, they are among the fallen. This is what the Spirit told you when He came with the truth and the Jewish scholars opposed Him until they committed what made the Holy Spirit lament and the tears of the close ones flow.

Say, O assembly of monks, do not stay in churches and cloisters. Come out by My permission and then engage in what benefits yourselves and the servants. Thus commands you the Lord of the Day of Judgment. Reside in the fortress of My love; this is the true seclusion if you are of those who know. Whoever stays near the house, he is like the dead. It is befitting for man to show what benefits the servants, and what bears no fruit should be for the fire. Thus your Lord admonishes you; He is the Mighty, the Generous.

Marry that someone may arise in your place after you. We have forbidden you from treachery, not from what shows fidelity. Have you taken the roots of yourselves and cast away the roots of God? Fear God and do not be of the ignorant. Were it not for man, who would mention Me in My land, and how would My attributes and names appear? Reflect and do not be of those who are veiled and were of the heedless. The one who did not marry did not find a place to rest his head on or a place to lay down because of what the hands of the treacherous have earned. Sanctifying oneself is not what you know and what you have of illusions but what We have. Ask to know his station, which is sanctified from the assumptions of everyone on earth. Blessed are the knowing ones.

O King, We heard a word from you when the King of Russia asked you about the judgment of war. Your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. You said, I was asleep in the cradle, the call of the oppressed woke me until they were drowned in the Black Sea. Thus We heard, and your Lord is a witness to what I say. We testify that it was not the call that woke you but desire, for We tested you and found you secluded. Recognize the tone of speech and be of the discerning.

We do not wish to return to you a bad word to preserve the station We granted you in the visible life. We chose courtesy and made it a habit of the close ones. It is a garment that suits every soul, young and old. Blessed is the one who made it the adornment of his body, and woe to the one who is deprived of this great favor. If you were the possessor of the word, you would not have cast the Book of God behind your back when it was sent to you from the Mighty, the Wise. We tested you with it, and We did not find you as you claimed. Arise and make up for what you missed. The world will perish and what you have, and the dominion will remain for God, your Lord, and the Lord of your forefathers. You should not limit matters to what your desire wants. Beware the sighs of the oppressed, protect him from the arrows of the oppressors. What you did will cause matters to differ in your kingdom, and the dominion will leave your hand as a result of your actions. Then you will find yourself in manifest loss, and earthquakes will seize all tribes there unless you arise to support this cause and follow the Spirit in this straight path.

Your pride deceived you, by My life, it will not last, and it will vanish unless you hold fast to this strong cord. We see disgrace pursuing you, and you are of the heedless. When you hear the call from the direction of majesty, you should leave what you have and say, “Here I am, O God of those in the heavens and the earths.”

O King, We were in the mother of Iraq until separation became necessary. We turned to the King of Islam by His command. When We came to him, We received from the hypocrites what cannot be written on pages. Because of this, the dwellers of Paradise lamented, and the inhabitants of the sacred precincts, but the people are in thick veils. (Until We said,) The matter became severe for Us every day, rather every hour, until they took Us out of prison and put Us into the Most Great Prison with clear oppression.

If it is said, for what crime were they imprisoned? They would say they wanted to renew the religion. If the ancient one is your chosen one, why did you leave what was decreed in the Torah and the Gospel? Explain, O people, by God, there is no escape for you today. If this is My crime, Muhammad, the Messenger of God, preceded Me in it, and before him, the Spirit, and before him, the Interlocutor. If My sin is to exalt the word of God and manifest His cause, then I am the first of the sinners. I would not exchange this sin for the kingdom of the heavens and the earths. (Until We said,) The more the calamity, the more the radiance in the love of God and His cause, such that what came upon Me from the heedless did not prevent Me.

If they were to bury Me in the layers of the earth, they would find Me riding on the clouds and calling to God, the Omnipotent, the Mighty. I sacrificed Myself in the path of God and longed for tribulations in His love and pleasure. This is testified by what I am in of afflictions that no one from the worlds has borne. Every hair of Mine speaks what the Tree of Sinai spoke, and every vein of Mine calls to God and says, “Would that it were cut in Your path for the life of the world and the unity of those in it.” Thus the matter was decreed by the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

Know that the subjects are the trusts of God among you. Guard them as you guard yourselves. Beware lest you make the wolves shepherds of the sheep, and let not pride and arrogance prevent you from turning to the poor and the needy. Rise from the horizon of detachment in My name, then turn to the kingdom by the command of your Lord, the Omnipotent, the Almighty. (Until We said,) Adorn the body of the king with the robe of My name and rise to proclaim My cause. This is better for you than what you possess, and God will elevate your name among the kings. He is powerful over all things.

Walk among the people with the name of God and His sovereignty to manifest His effects among the worlds. (Until We said,) Say, O people, does it behoove you to attribute yourselves to the Merciful and commit what Satan committed? No, by the beauty of the All-Glorious, if you are of the knowing. Purify your hearts from the love of the world, your tongues from falsehood, and your bodies from what prevents you from drawing near to God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. Say, the world is your turning away from the source of revelation and your turning to what does not benefit you. What has prevented you today from turning to God is the essence of the world; avoid it and draw near to the great, luminous, shining spot.

O people, do not shed blood and do not judge any soul except with justice. Thus, you are commanded by the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. Those who corrupt the earth after its reformation have exceeded what is set in the Book, and evil is the abode of the transgressors. (Until We said,) Do not betray in the wealth of people; be trustworthy on earth and do not deprive the poor of what God has given you of His bounty. He will give you double what you have; He is the Generous Bestower. O people of Baha, conquer the cities of hearts with the swords of wisdom and speech. Those who argue with the desires of their souls are in clear veils. Say, the sword of wisdom is hotter than the summer and sharper than the sword of iron, if you are of the knowing. Bring it out in My name and My sovereignty, then open with it the cities of the hearts of those who are secluded in the fortress of desire. Thus commands you the Pen of the Most Glorious while sitting under the swords of the heedless.

If you uncover a sin, cover it, so that God may cover you. He is the Concealer, the Possessor of great bounty. O assembly of the wealthy, if you see a poor person, do not be proud against him. Reflect on what you were created from; all were created from a despicable water. (Until We said,) Consider the world as a human body afflicted with diseases, and its healing depends on the unity of those in it. Gather on what We have prescribed for you and do not follow the ways of the differing. Reflect on the world and the condition of its people. The one who created the world for Himself has been imprisoned in the most desolate of abodes by the actions of the heedless. From the horizon of the prison, He calls the people to the dawn of the Most High, the Most Great. Will you rejoice in what you have of adornments after knowing that they will perish, or will you be happy ruling over a span of land after all of it was not, in the eyes of the people of Baha, more than the pupil of the eye of a dead ant? Leave it to its people, then turn to the goal of the worlds.

Where are the proud ones and their palaces? Look at their graves to take a lesson from what We made as an example for the observers. If the breezes of revelation touch you, you will flee from the kingdom, turning to the kingdom, and spend what you have to draw near to this noble sight. We commanded one of the assembly of the Holy Spirit to send this tablet, and he mentioned that he sent the tablet and its translation. Knowledge is with God, the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

From a Tablet to Alexander II

And a part of the body of the tablet is for His Majesty the Emperor of Russia (may God, exalted and glorified, assist him).

O King of Russia, hear the call of God, the Sovereign, the Most Holy, and come to the paradise, the place where He who is named with the Most Beautiful Names has settled among the Supreme Concourse and in the Kingdom of creation, by the name of God, the All-Glorious, the All-Majestic. Beware that anything should veil you from turning to your Lord, the Merciful, the Compassionate. We heard what you called upon your Lord in your seclusion; thus, the fragrance of My favor stirred, and the ocean of My mercy surged. We responded to you with the truth, indeed, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

One of your envoys assisted Me when I was in the prison of Ṭihrán, under chains and fetters. By this, God has decreed for you a station that none but He can encompass. Beware that you do not exchange this great station (until We said). The Father and the Son have come in the sacred valley, saying: “Here I am, O God, here I am.” The mountain circles around the house, and the tree calls with the loudest call: “The Bestower has come, riding on the clouds.” Blessed is he who draws near to Him, and woe to the heedless.

Arise among the people with this firm matter, then call the nations to God, the Mighty, the Great. Do not be of those who used to call upon God by one of the names, but when the Named One came, they disbelieved in Him and turned away from Him until they unjustly judged Him. Reflect and remember the days when the Spirit came, and Herod passed judgment on Him. God assisted the Spirit with the hosts of the unseen, preserved Him with the truth, and sent Him to another land, a promise from Him. He is the ruler over what He wills. Indeed, your Lord preserves whom He wills, even if he is in the center of the sea, in the mouth of the serpent, or under the swords of the oppressors.

(We said) Hear My call once more from My prison to inform you of what has befallen My Beauty from the manifestations of My Majesty, and recognize My patience after My power, and My endurance after My might. By My life, if you knew what has been revealed from My Pen, and if you were to access the treasures of My Cause, the pearls of My mysteries in the oceans of My names, and the containers of My words, you would sacrifice yourself in the path of God, longing for His exalted and unassailable kingdom. Know that My body is under the swords of the enemies and My form is in afflictions beyond count, yet My spirit is in a joy incomparable with the happiness of the worlds.

From a Tablet to Queen Victoria

And thus, some verses of the tablet to Her Majesty the Queen (may God, exalted and glorified, assist her) are mentioned. The intention is that perhaps the breezes of revelation may touch her, and for the sake of God, she may arise to serve the Cause and convey what has not reached from the tablets to the esteemed kings (may God assist them). This matter is great, this service is great. In that land, there are many eminent scholars, including the revered Siyyids known for their greatness and rank. Consult with them, and show them what has flowed from the Supreme Pen. Perhaps they may be assisted in the reformation of the world and the purification of the souls of the nations, and the hidden and stored malice and hatred in hearts may be calmed by the chalice of divine counsels. We ask this success from God, and it is not difficult for Him.

O Queen in London, hear the call of your Lord, the Master of creation, from the divine Lote Tree. Verily, there is no god but Me, the Mighty, the Wise. Forsake what is on the earth and adorn the head of the kingdom with the crown of the mention of your Lord, the Exalted. He has come into the world with His most great glory and completed what was mentioned in the Gospel. The land of Syria has been honored by the arrival of its Lord, the Master of all, and the intoxication of the wine of reunion has taken hold of the south and the north. Blessed is he who finds the fragrance of the Merciful and turns to the dawn of beauty in this radiant morn.

The Aqsa Mosque has quivered with the breezes of its Lord, the Most Glorious, and the sacred precinct has responded to the call of God, the Exalted, the Most High, and every pebble therein glorifies the Lord with this great name. (Until We said) We mention you for the sake of God and wish that your name be exalted with the mention of your Lord, the Creator of the earth and the heavens. He is witness to what I say. We have heard that you have prohibited the sale of slaves and concubines. This is what God has decreed in this wondrous revelation. God has written a reward for you; He is the Bestower of recompense for those who do good. Follow what has been sent to you from the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. Whoever turns away and is arrogant after the clear proofs have come to him from the Revealer of the signs, God will render his works vain. He is powerful over all things. Actions are accepted after turning to the truth. Whoever turns away from the truth is among the most veiled of the people. Thus, it has been decreed by the Mighty, the Powerful.

We have heard that you have entrusted the reins of consultation to the hands of the people. Well done, for through this the foundations of affairs are solidified, and the hearts of those under your shadow, both lowly and noble, are assured. However, they should be trustees among the servants and see themselves as agents for everyone on earth. This is what they have been admonished in the tablet from the Wise Planner. Whenever anyone turns to the assembly, let him turn his gaze to the highest horizon and say: O my God, I ask You by Your most glorious name to aid me in what reforms the affairs of Your servants and builds up Your lands. You are powerful over all things. Blessed is he who enters the assembly for the sake of God and judges among the people with pure justice. Behold, he is among the victorious.

O members of the councils here and in other lands, reflect and speak on what reforms the world and its condition if you are of the discerning. Look at the world as a human body created whole and perfect, but it has been afflicted with various ailments due to diverse and conflicting causes. It has never been well; its illness has increased due to the hands of quack doctors who have ridden the steed of desire and have been of the heedless, except those whom God, the Lord of the worlds, has willed. And if one of its members were cured at any time by a skilled physician, other members remained as they were. Thus, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed tells you.

Today, we see it under the hands of those who are intoxicated with the wine of pride to such an extent that they do not recognize what is good for themselves, so how can they handle this grave and difficult matter? (Until We said) What God has made the greatest remedy and the perfect means for its health is the unity of those on earth on one matter and one law. This can never be achieved except by a skilled, perfect, and supported physician. By My life, this is the truth, and beyond it is only manifest error. Whenever that greatest cause came and that light shone from the horizon of eternity, the quack doctors prevented it and became a cloud between it and the world, hence the illness was not cured and remains in its sickness until now. They could not preserve its health, and the one who was the manifestation of power among the people was hindered from what he desired due to the actions of the quack doctors.

The Greatest Name Has Come For the Unity of the World

Look in these days when the Beauty of Eternity has come with the greatest name for the life and unity of the world; they rose against Him with sharp swords and committed what made the faithful spirit tremble. They made Him a prisoner in the most desolate lands, and the hands of the seekers were cut off from His hem. When it was said to them, the reformer of the world has come, they said, it is proven that he is one of the corrupters, while they have not associated with Him and see that He did not preserve Himself for even a moment, always being in the hands of the tyrants. Sometimes they imprisoned Him, other times they exiled Him, and sometimes they moved Him around the lands. Thus they judged Us, and God is aware of what I say.

Similitude of Moses

This accusation of corruption is the same as that which the Pharaohs gave to the Interlocutor of God. Read what the Merciful revealed in the Qur’an, His saying:

“We sent Moses with Our signs and clear authority to Pharaoh, Haman, and Qarun, but they said, ‘A magician, a liar.’ When he brought them the truth from Us, they said, ‘Kill the sons of those who believed with him and let their women live.’ But the plan of the disbelievers is nothing but error. Pharaoh said, ‘Leave me to kill Moses, and let him call upon his Lord. I fear that he will change your religion or cause corruption in the land.’ Moses said, ‘I have sought refuge in my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant one who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning.’”

The reformer of the world has always been considered corrupt and accused of what everyone has heard. Whenever the sun of manifestation rose from the horizon of God’s will, some denied, some turned away, and some clung to false accusations, depriving the servants of the bounty of the Possessor of creation. Thus, those who have not seen this oppressed one and have not associated with Him say what they have heard and continue to say. Say, O people, today the sun of the Bayan has risen from the horizon of the sky of grace, and the light of the manifestation of the Interlocutor of the Mount, the Leader of religions, is shining and radiant. Sanctify and purify your chest, heart, ears, and eyes with the Kawthar of the Most Merciful’s explanation, and then turn. By God, from all things, the call has come, “The truth has come.” Listen, blessed are the fair-minded and happy are the seekers.

Among them, regarding the Blessed Tree, they have said what every discerning scholar and every knowledgeable wise person would testify to its falsehood. Indeed, that person has observed and read the verses revealed about the Interlocutor of God. His blessed saying:

“Did we not raise you among us as a child, and you stayed among us for many years of your life? And you did that deed of yours which you did, and you are of the ungrateful. Moses said, ‘I did it then, being among the misguided. So I fled from you when I feared you, and my Lord granted me wisdom and made me one of the messengers.’”

And in another instance, His Blessed and Exalted statement:

“And he entered the city at a time when its people were unaware, and he found therein two men fighting, one from his own group and the other from his enemy. The one from his group called for his help against the one from his enemy, so Moses struck him and killed him. He said, ‘This is of Satan’s doing. Indeed, he is a manifest, misleading enemy.’ He said, ‘My Lord, I have wronged myself, so forgive me,’ and He forgave him. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. He said, ‘My Lord, for the favor You have bestowed upon me, I will never be an assistant to the criminals.’ So he became fearful, anticipating in the city, when suddenly the one who had sought his help the day before cried out to him for help. Moses said to him, ‘Indeed, you are clearly a misguided one.’ Then, when he wanted to strike the one who was an enemy to both of them, he said, ‘O Moses, do you intend to kill me as you killed a person yesterday? You only want to be a tyrant in the land and do not want to be of the reformers.’’

Therefore, the hearing and sight must be sanctified and purified to adhere to justice and fairness. The Interlocutor of God also confessed to wrongdoing and misguidance and also to fear and fleeing, and disobedience and seeking forgiveness from God, the Exalted.

God Manifests Himself

O Shaykh, God, the Exalted, manifests Himself in His manifestations with the knowledge of doing what He wills and decreeing what He desires. No one has the right to ask why or how, and whoever says otherwise has turned away from God, the Lord of Lords. In the days of the Manifestation, these things are evident and present, just as they have said about this oppressed one what the close ones and the sincere have testified and will testify to be false. By God, this hem has been and is sanctified, even though some have now intended to defile it with the slanders of the unworthy liars, but God knows, and they do not know.

The person who, with the power and might of God, stood against all the factions of the world and invited everyone to the highest horizon, has been denied. And those who have always been behind veils and curtains, occupied with preserving themselves, have clung to these souls. Now some are busy with lies and slander, with no intent other than to introduce doubts into hearts and minds. Whenever a soul turns to this land from the great city, they immediately send a quick report saying that a sum of money was stolen and went to Acre. A knowledgeable, complete, and virtuous person turned to the sacred land at the end of his life, intending seclusion, and about him, they wrote what caused the sighs of the sincere and close ones to rise.

A Story About the Forgiven Mishir al-Dawlih

This oppressed one was known by the late, forgiven Mirza Husayn Khan, Mishir al-Dawlih, may God forgive him, and certainly he mentioned to the authorities of the state the details of the arrival of this oppressed one at the threshold and his words and actions. On the day of arrival, the host of the government was present and took us to a place where he was assigned. Indeed, the utmost love and kindness from the government towards these oppressed ones were evident and witnessed. On another day, Prince Shuja‘ al-Dawlih and Mirza Safa, on behalf of the late, forgiven Mishir al-Dawlih, the minister plenipotentiary, came, and also some of the ministers of the exalted government, including the late Kamal Pasha and some others.

And this oppressed one, relying on God without mentioning any need or request, stayed in that land for four months, and his actions were known and witnessed by all. No one denies them except every hateful liar. Whoever knows God knows nothing other than Him. We have not desired and do not desire to mention such matters. Some of the great ones of Iran, whenever they entered that city, they exerted utmost effort at the doors of houses for salaries and rewards. This oppressed one, if he was not the cause of honor, was not the cause of humiliation either. The actions of the late, forgiven one, exalted be his station, were not due to friendship with this oppressed one but due to the requirements of wisdom and a service he had secretly intended. I testify that he was a trustworthy servant of the government to the extent that treachery had no place in his domain.

The reason for the entry of these oppressed ones into the Most Great Prison was also due to him, but since he was sincere in his actions, he is worthy of good mention. This oppressed one has always intended the elevation and advancement of the state and the nation, not the elevation of his own rank. Now, some have gathered a group and have risen to violate the sanctity of this oppressed one. Yet the oppressed asks God, exalted and glorified, to aid them in returning and to grant them success in rectifying what they have missed and in repenting at His threshold of grace. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.”

The Persecution of Baha’u’llah and His Followers

O Shaykh, my Pen laments for myself, and the tablet weeps at what has come upon me from one whom we protected for many consecutive years and who was meant to serve before My presence day and night, until he was led astray by one of my servants named Sayyid Muhammad. Witness to this are assured servants who migrated with me from Baghdad until we arrived in this great prison. What came from them has caused every scholar to cry out, every gnostic to lament, and the tears of the fair-minded to flow. We ask God to assist the heedless towards justice and fairness and to make them aware of what they have neglected; indeed, He is the Bountiful, the Generous.

O my Lord, do not prevent Your servants from the door of Your bounty and do not drive them away from the expanse of Your proximity. Assist them in uncovering the veils of majesty and in piercing the veils of illusions and hopes. You are the Self-Sufficient, the Most Exalted. There is no god but You, the Mighty, the Generous.

By the sun of proof, which has shone from the horizon of the sky of certainty, this oppressed one has, day and night, been engaged in the purification of souls until the light of knowledge has overcome the darkness of ignorance.

Aided the Sultan With Support Despite Persecution

O Shaykh, it has been repeatedly mentioned for forty years that by divine grace and the effective divine will, we have aided the Sultan (may God assist him) with a support that is evident and proven before the manifestations of justice and fairness and is denied only by every obstinate transgressor and every hateful skeptic. It is strange that the ministers of the state and the trustees of the nation have not, until now, acknowledged this clear and evident service, or perhaps they have and, out of wisdom, have not mentioned it. Before forty years, every year among the servants, disputes and conflicts were manifest and ongoing, and afterward, by the armies of wisdom, explanation, counsel, and knowledge, everyone held fast to the strong cord of patience and the luminous hem of endurance, such that they bore whatever befell this oppressed party and put it to right. Despite the severe torment inflicted in Mazandaran and Rasht on many people, including Haji Nasir, who was truly a light shining from the horizon of the sky of submission, after his martyrdom, his eyes were gouged out, and his nose was cut off, and the oppression reached such a degree that the people of foreign countries wept and mourned and secretly aided his family and children.

O Shaykh, the Pen is ashamed to mention what has happened, and in the land of Ṣad (Isfahan), the fire of oppression burned so fiercely that every fair-minded person lamented. By your life, from the cities of knowledge and wisdom, the wailing and weeping rose to such a degree that the hearts of the people of righteousness and piety were consumed. The two bright lights, the two Hasanayn (Imams Hasan and Husayn), freely gave their lives in that land, neither wealth nor honor prevented them. God knows what befell them, and most people are unaware. Before them, Jinab Kazim and those with him, and later the noble personage, drank the cup of martyrdom with utmost eagerness and longing and hastened to the Exalted Companion. Likewise, during the time of Sardar Aziz Khan, Jinab Mirza Mustafa and those with him were taken and sent to the Exalted Companion and the most glorious horizon.

In every city, the signs of oppression were evident and manifest, an oppression unparalleled. Yet, no soul rose in defense. Consider the case of Badi, the bearer of the Tablet to the Sultan, and reflect on how he gave his life. That champion of the arena of detachment offered the precious crown of life to the One True Friend.

O Shaykh, if these matters are denied, what matter is worthy of affirmation? Make it clear for the sake of God and do not be among the silent. Jinab Najaf Ali was seized, and with utmost attraction and eagerness, he sought the station of martyrdom and proclaimed this word: We found its value and its blood’s value He said this and gave his life. Consider the radiance and effulgence of the light of detachment that shone from the lofty heart of Mulla Ali Jan, the attraction of the supreme Word and the power of the supreme Pen so captivated him that the field of martyrdom and the pavilion of joy were equal in his sight, indeed, the former was more desirable.

Reflect on Jinab Aba Basir and Sayyid Ashraf of Zanjan. They brought Umm Ashraf to persuade her son to counsel him, encouraging him until he attained the supreme martyrdom. O Shaykh, this party has crossed the Gulf of Names and pitched their tent on the shore of the sea of detachment. They would sacrifice a hundred thousand lives freely and would not speak against the will of God. They are attached to the will of God and free from what the people possess. They gave their lives and did not speak an unworthy word. Reflect, as if they drank from the sea of detachment, the life of this world did not prevent them from martyrdom in the path of God.

In Mazandaran, a large number of the servants of God were destroyed. The ruler, based on the fabrications of some, plundered them, claiming they had gathered weapons. After investigation, it was found that there was only one old gun barrel without any parts. Glory be to God, this party had no need for weapons, for they had girded the loins of endeavor for the reformation of the world. Their armies were good deeds, their weapons were pleasing morals, and their commander was the fear of God. Blessed is he who is just.

By God, this party has become the manifestation of justice in patience, tranquility, submission, and contentment, and they have reached such a degree of endurance that they were killed but did not kill, even though the oppressed of the land suffered what the history of the world has not recorded, and no eye has seen its like. Why did they accept these great calamities and not lift a hand in defense? What was the reason for their submission and tranquility? The reason was the prevention of the supreme Pen, day and night, and taking control of affairs by the power and might of the Lord of the worlds.

Reflect on Jinab Badi, that oppressed one who was seized and ordered to curse and abuse this oppressed one. But by the grace of God and divine mercy, he chose martyrdom and attained it. If you count the martyrs in the path of God, you would not be able to count them. Reflect on the case of Sayyid Ismail (peace and blessings be upon him), who, before dawn, swept the door of the house with his turban and then at the edge of the river, facing the house, sacrificed his life with his own hands.

Consider the influence of the Word. All these souls were first ordered to curse and abuse, but none placed their will above the will of God.

O Shaykh, from the time of the Interlocutor of God, there was one soul, and now this oppressed one has revealed to you that which causes the fair-minded to be bewildered. Be just for the sake of God and arise to serve your Lord. He will reward you with a reward that cannot be matched by the treasures of the earth or the stores of kings and sultans. Rely upon God in all matters and entrust them to Him; He will give you a reward that is great in the Book.

In these few days of life, engage in deeds that spread the fragrance of His pleasure and are adorned with the ornament of acceptance. When Bilal the Ethiopian’s deed was accepted, his ‘sin’ surpassed the ‘sin’ of the world. Today, all parties must be illuminated with the light of unity and agreement. However, the pride and arrogance of some parties have ruined wisdom and demolished the house of justice.

O Shaykh, what has befallen this oppressed one is unprecedented, and we have borne all this with utmost submission and contentment for the purification of souls and the elevation of the Word of God. During the days when we were in the prison of the land of M, we were handed over to the hands of the scholars for one day; it is clear what happened then. If you ever enter the storehouse of the Sultan, ask the deputy and the head of that place to show you the two chains, one called “Baqara Kahar” and the other known as “Salasil.” By the Sun of Justice, this oppressed one spent four months in one of these chains, suffering and fettered.

And my grief is less than Jacob’s, and all the calamities of Job are but a part of my affliction.

Reflect also on the martyrdom of Haji Muhammad Rida in the city of love. The oppressors inflicted upon him what caused some foreign nations to weep and lament, for, according to reports, thirty-two wounds were inflicted on his blessed body, yet no one intervened. They always placed the decree of the Book above their own will, even though there were many of this party in that city.

We request that the Sultan (may God exalt and glorify him) himself consider these matters and judge with justice and fairness, even though in many cities of Iran in recent years, this party has been killed and not killed. It is observed that the malice of some hearts is now more apparent than before. The intercession of the oppressed for their enemies before the rulers has been the highest of deeds; it has certainly reached the ears of some that the oppressed party interceded for the murderers in that city before the ruler and sought leniency.

From the Tablet of Ahmad

Reflect, O people of insight.

O Shaykh, these clear verses were revealed in one of the Tablets from the Supreme Pen:

“O servant, hear the call of the oppressed one who bore hardships and afflictions in the path of God, the Lord of Names, until he was imprisoned in the land of Ṭihrán. He called people to the highest paradise, but they seized him and led him through the cities and lands. How many nights did sleep flee from the eyes of My beloved ones out of love for Me, and how many days did the factions rise against Me? At one time, I saw myself on the highest mountains, and at another, in the prison of Ṭihrán, in chains and fetters. By God, I was thankful, speaking, remembering, turning, content, submissive, and humble in all conditions. Thus, My days passed until they ended in this prison, which caused the earth to tremble and the heavens to lament. Blessed is the servant who casts aside doubts when the concealed one comes with the standards of signs. We informed people of this greatest Manifestation, but they are in a wondrous intoxication. At that time, the call rose from the direction of the Hijaz, proclaiming: Blessed are you, O ’Akká, for God has made you the source of His most sweet call and the dawning place of His greatest signs, and blessed are you for the throne of justice that is established upon you and the shining light of grace and favors from your horizon. Blessed is the fair-minded one who is just in this greatest mention, and woe to every heedless doubter.”

From the Tablet of Proof

And after the martyrdom of some of the martyrs, the Tablet of Proof was revealed from the sky of the Cause by the Lord of religions.

He is the Mighty, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

The winds of enmity have surrounded the ship of the sacred precinct by the actions of the oppressors. O you who are renowned for knowledge, you have passed judgment on those for whom the books of the world have lamented, and all the records of the religions have borne witness, and yet you, O distant one, are in a thick veil. By God, you have judged those by whom the horizon of faith has shone. The sources of revelation and the manifestations of the command of your Lord, the Merciful, bear witness to this, those who have sacrificed their souls and all that they possess in His straight path. The religion of God has cried out from your oppression against it, and you are playing and are among the rejoicing ones. There is no enmity in my heart towards you or towards any of the servants. The knower sees you and your kind in manifest ignorance. If you were to perceive what you have done, you would cast yourself into the fire or leave your house, heading to the mountains, and lament until you return to a station decreed for you by the Mighty, the Powerful.

O deluded one, tear the veils of doubts and illusions to see the sun of knowledge shining from this radiant horizon. You have cut off a part of the Messenger, thinking you have supported the religion of God. Thus, your soul has deceived you, and you are among the heedless. The hearts of the Supreme Concourse have burned from your actions, and those who circle around the command of God, the Lord of the worlds. The heart of the Virgin has melted from your oppression, and the inhabitants of paradise have lamented in a noble station. Be just for the sake of God; by what proof did the Jewish scholars judge against the Spirit when He brought the truth? By what argument did the Pharisees and the idol scholars reject when Muhammad, the Messenger of God, brought a book that judged between truth and falsehood with justice, whose light illuminated the darkness of the earth, and the hearts of the wise were attracted? And today, you have reasoned with what the ignorant scholars of that age used. The Lord of the greatest favor, in this great prison, bears witness to this.

You have followed them, but you have surpassed them in oppression, thinking you have supported the religion and defended the law of God, the All-Knowing, the Wise. By His own self, the Supreme Lawgiver mourns your oppression, and the law of God, by which the breezes of justice have blown upon those in the heavens and the earth, cries out. Did you think you gained from what you decreed? No, by the Sovereign of Names, you have lost; He has knowledge of all things in a preserved Tablet.

O heedless one, you have not seen me, nor have you associated with me, nor have you spent even a moment with me, so how did you order the people to curse me? Did you follow your desire or your Lord in this? Bring forth a sign if you are among the truthful. We testify that you have cast aside the law of God and taken up the law of your own self. Nothing escapes His knowledge; He is the Unique, the All-Knowing.

O heedless one, listen to what the Merciful revealed in the Qur’an: “Do not say to those who greet you with peace, ‘You are not a believer.’” Thus, the one who holds the dominion of command and creation in His grip has decreed if you are among the listeners. You have cast aside the decree of God and taken up the decree of your own self. Woe unto you, O heedless and dubious one. If you deny me, by what proof do you establish what you hold? Bring it forth, O you who associate partners with God and turn away from His sovereignty, which encompasses the worlds.

Know that the learned one is the one who acknowledges My manifestation, drinks from the ocean of My knowledge, flies in the air of My love, casts aside all else but Me, and takes up what has been revealed from the kingdom of My wondrous revelation. He is like the eye to the body and the spirit of life to the body of existence. Exalted be the Merciful who has recognized him and set him upon the service of His mighty and great Cause. The Supreme Concourse and the inhabitants of the Pavilion of Grandeur, who have drunk from My sealed wine with My mighty and powerful name, pray for him.

If you are among the people of this highest station, then bring forth a sign from God, the Creator of the heavens. And if you recognize your own weakness, take hold of the reins of your desire and then return to your Lord. Perhaps He will forgive your sins, which have burned the leaves of the Lote-Tree, made the rock cry out, and caused the eyes of the wise to weep. By you, the veil of lordship was torn, the ship sank, the camel was hamstrung, and the Spirit lamented in an exalted station.

Do you oppose the one who has brought you what you possess and what the people of the world have of the proofs and signs of God? Open your sight to see the oppressed shining from the horizon of the will of God, the true Sovereign, the Manifest. Then open the hearing of your heart to hear what the Lote-Tree speaks, raised up with the truth from God, the Mighty, the Beautiful. Despite what has come upon it from your oppression and the injustice of those like you, the Lote-Tree calls with the loudest call and invites all to the Lote-Tree of the Utmost Boundary and the highest horizon.

Blessed is the soul that sees the greatest sign and the ear that hears its sweetest call. Woe to every heedless sinner. O you who turn away from God, if you see the Lote-Tree with the eye of justice, you will see the marks of your swords on its branches, twigs, and leaves after God created you to recognize and serve it. Reflect, perhaps you will become aware of your oppression and be among the repentant.

Did you think we fear your oppression? Know and be certain that on the first day the sound of the Supreme Pen was raised between the earth and the heavens, we spent our souls, bodies, children, and wealth in the path of God, the Most High, the Great, and we take pride in this among the inhabitants of creation and the Supreme Concourse. This is attested by what has befallen us on this straight path. By God, hearts have melted, bodies have been crucified, blood has been shed, and the eyes have looked toward the horizon of the grace of their Lord, the Witness, the Seeing.

Whenever the trials increased, the people of glory increased in their love. Their truthfulness is attested by what the Merciful revealed in the Qur’an: “Then wish for death, if you should be truthful.” Is the one who preserved himself behind veils better or the one who spent it in the path of God? Be just and do not wander in the wilderness of falsehood among the wandering.

The Fountain of the love of the Merciful has taken them in such a way that neither the cannons of the world nor the swords of the nations prevented them from turning to the ocean of their Lord’s grace, the Generous Bestower. By God, trials have not weakened me, nor has the rejection of the scholars disheartened me. I spoke, and I speak before all faces; the gate of bounty has been opened, and the dawn of justice has risen with clear signs and brilliant proofs from God, the Mighty, the Powerful.

Present yourself before the face to hear the secrets of what the son of Imran heard on the Mount of Knowledge. Thus commands you the dawning place of the manifestation of your Lord, the Merciful, from the direction of His great prison.

At that time, the call of nature rose again and its longing and said: The Mount calls and says, O people of the Bayan, fear the Merciful, for I have attained the presence of My Speaker, and the joy of My delight has taken the pebbles of the earth and its dust, and the Lote-Tree says, O people of the Bayan, be just in what has appeared with the truth. The fire that God revealed for the Interlocutor has appeared. This is attested by every discerning eye. ```

The Purpose of Recounting the Past

O Shaykh, some of the martyrs of this Manifestation have been mentioned, as well as some of the verses revealed in their honor from the Kingdom of Revelation. It is hoped that you, detached from the world, will reflect upon what has been mentioned. Now consider Mirza Hadi Dawlatabadi and Sad Isfahani in the land of Ṭa (Ṭihrán). When Hadi heard he was called a Babi, he was so disturbed that he lost his composure and tranquility. He ascended the pulpits and spoke words unworthy of mention. The hypocrites of the world have always acted out of a love for leadership, causing the misguidance of the servants. Do not consider such individuals as similar to those steadfast, firm, assured, composed, and dignified martyrs of this Manifestation. Their constancy, steadfastness, assurance, composure, and dignity were mentioned so that you may become aware.

The purpose of what has been stated in the Tablets to kings and others is for you to know with manifest certainty that this oppressed one did not conceal the Cause of God. He proclaimed it to the leaders of the world with the most eloquent speech. However, weak souls like Hadi and others altered the Cause of God, acted for the fleeting life of this world, and spoke what caused justice to weep and the Supreme Pen to lament, even though they were and are ignorant of the essence of the Cause. This oppressed one declared for the sake of God: O Hadi, you went to your brother and saw; now turn to the court of the oppressed. Perhaps the breezes of revelation and the breaths of inspiration will support you and grant you success.

Today, whoever witnesses the signs can distinguish truth from falsehood as clearly as the sun from the shadow and will become aware of the goal. God is witness and knows that what has been mentioned is for the sake of God, that perhaps you may become a means of guiding the people and save the parties of the world from doubts and illusions. Glory be to God, until now the deniers and rejecters do not know what was sent to the Herald, the Point. The knowledge is with God, the Lord of the worlds.

Strive and Serve the Cause

O Shaykh, strive and arise to serve the Cause. Today, the sealed wine is evident before all faces. Take it in the name of your Lord, then drink it with His mighty, wondrous mention. This oppressed one has been engaged day and night in uniting hearts and refining souls. The events that took place in Iran in the early years truly caused grief to the close ones and the sincere. Every year there was killing, plundering, and bloodshed. One year in Zanjan, what occurred caused the greatest consternation. Another year in Nayriz, and another year in Ṭabarsi, until the event of the land of Ṭa occurred. After that, this oppressed one, with the help of God, the Exalted, has made this oppressed party aware of what is fitting. All are sanctified from what they possess and what the people possess, and are attached to what is with God.

Baha’u’llah Wants What the Sultan Wants

Now the Sultan (may God preserve him) should treat this party with kindness and compassion. This oppressed one, the leader of God’s Sacred House, pledges that nothing will appear from this party but truthfulness and trustworthiness, which is not contrary to the views of the world-adorning Sultan. Every nation should consider the position of its ruler, be submissive to his command, act by his decree, and hold fast to his judgment. Kings are the manifestations of the power, elevation, and grandeur of God. This oppressed one has never flattered anyone; all bear witness to this fact. However, considering the status of kings is from God, and it is clear and known from the words of the Prophets and saints.

In the presence of the Spirit (Jesus), it was asked: “O Spirit of God, is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?” He said: “Yes, render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.” He did not forbid it, and these two words are one to those who perceive, for what is Caesar’s would not be lawful if it were not from God. Likewise, in the blessed verse: “Obey God and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.” The primary and foremost meaning of “those in authority” are the Imams (may the peace of God be upon them), who are the manifestations of power, the sources of command, the treasuries of knowledge, and the dawning places of divine wisdom. In the secondary rank, it refers to the kings and rulers whose light of justice illuminates and brightens the horizons of the world. It is hoped that from the Sultan (may God preserve him) a light of justice will shine that will encompass all the parties of the nations. All should ask God for what is befitting today for His sake.

A Request For God

O my God, my Master, my Guide, my Purpose, and my Beloved! I beseech You by the secrets that are hidden in Your knowledge, by the verses from which the fragrance of Your bounty wafts, by the waves of the ocean of Your gifts, by the sky of Your grace and generosity, by the blood that has been shed in Your path, and by the hearts that have melted in Your love, to empower the presence of the Sultan with Your might and dominion so that there may appear from him that which will remain in Your Books, Scriptures, and Tablets. O Lord, take his hand with the hand of Your power, illuminate him with the light of Your knowledge, and adorn him with the qualities of Your attributes. You are the Omnipotent over whatever You will, and in Your grasp are the reins of all things. There is no God but You, the Forgiving, the Generous.

All Power is Ordained By God

Saint Paul the Apostle wrote in his Epistle to the Romans: “Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” He states that the manifestation of kings and their power and authority is from God. This has also been mentioned in the previous traditions, which the learned have seen and heard.

We ask God, exalted and glorified, to assist you, O Shaykh, to hold fast to what has been revealed from the heaven of God’s bounty, the Lord of all worlds. The learned should unite with the Sultan and uphold that which preserves and protects the blessings and wealth of the servants. The just Sultan is, before God, closer than all. This is testified by the one who speaks in the Most Great Prison. God, there is no god but Him, the Unique, the Mighty, the All-Knowing, the Wise.

If you would spend one hour for the sake of God reflecting on what has appeared before and after, you would turn from what you have to what is with God and become a cause for the exaltation of the Word of God. Has there been any manifestation or appearance from the dawn of divine will that the tribes of the earth have accepted and embraced? Who was he, and what was his name? From the Seal of the Prophets, may our souls be a sacrifice for him, and before him the Spirit (Jesus) to the First Point (the Báb), during the times of their manifestations, they all faced trials. Some were called mad, some were labeled liars, and they acted in such ways that the Pen is ashamed to mention them. By God, what befell them caused all things to lament, yet most people remain in manifest ignorance. We ask God to assist them to return to Him and repent at His threshold of mercy; He is capable of all things.

Counsel the Shaykh As One of His Sons

At this time, the cry of My Supreme Pen has been raised, saying: Counsel Shaykh as you have counseled one of your branches, that the breezes of explanation may attract him and draw him nearer to God, the Lord of the worlds.

Be generous in times of wealth, and thankful in times of loss. Be trustworthy in your obligations, radiant in your countenance, a treasure to the poor, a counselor to the rich, responsive to the call, faithful to your promises, fair in judgment, silent in gatherings, just in rulings, humble before people, a light in darkness, a relief to the sorrowful, an ocean to the thirsty, a refuge to the distressed, a supporter and helper to the oppressed. Be devout in your deeds, a haven for strangers, a healing balm to the sick, a fortress to the seeker, an eye to the blind, a guide to the lost, an adornment of truthfulness, an ornament of trustworthiness, a throne of ethics, a spirit to the body of the world, a banner of justice, a light to the horizon of goodness, a shower for the good earth, a vessel for the ocean of knowledge, a sun for the sky of generosity, a crown for the head of wisdom, a white gleam for the forehead of time, and a fruit for the tree of humility. We ask God to protect you from the heat of hatred and the chill of coldness; He is near and responsive. Thus, my tongue has spoken to one of my branches, and I have mentioned it to my loved ones who have cast aside illusions and taken up what they were commanded on the day the sun of certainty shone from the horizon of the will of God, the Lord of the worlds.

Baha’u’llah Praises God Even While Under Peril

This is a day in which the birds of explanation have sung on the branches in the name of their Lord, the Most Merciful. Blessed is he who flies with the wings of longing to God, the Lord of the Day of Reunion. God is aware, and the trustworthy ones bear witness, that this oppressed one has always been under great peril. Were it not for the trials in the path of God, my existence would not be pleasant, and my life would not benefit me. It is not hidden from those with insight and those who look to the greatest vision that during most of my days, I have been like a servant sitting under a sword suspended by a single thread, not knowing when it would fall, whether immediately or after a while. In all of this, we thank God, the Lord of the worlds.

A Supplication to God (Written in multiple prior tablets)

And the tongue of the secret has spoken these supplications in the nights and days:

Glorified are You, O my God! If it weren’t for the trials in Your path, how would the rank of Your lovers be revealed? And if it weren’t for the hardships in Your love, how would the station of Your ardent seekers be established? By Your might, the companion of Your lovers is their tears, and the solace of Your devotees is the sighs of their hearts, and the nourishment of those who strive toward You are the fragments of their hearts. How sweet is the poison of death in Your path, and how noble are the arrows of the enemies for the exaltation of Your word! O my God and my Lord, make me drink in Your cause what You will, and send down upon me in Your love what You have destined. By Your might, I desire nothing but what You desire, and I love only what You love. I have placed my trust in You in all conditions; verily, You are the Self-Sufficient, the Exalted. I beseech You, O my God, to manifest for the aid of this Manifestation those who are worthy of Your name and Your dominion, that they may mention You among Your creation, raise the banners of Your victory in Your kingdom, and adorn them with Your attributes and commandments. There is no God but You, the All-Observing, the Self-Subsisting.

At that moment, the call of nature was raised again and again, crying out and saying: “O people of the earth, by God, I am the primal nature among you. Beware that you do not deny Me; God has manifested Me with a light that has encompassed all who are in the heavens and the earth. Be just, O people, in My Manifestation, My emergence, and My effulgence, and do not be among the oppressors.”

Be a Gate of Justice

O Shaykh, this oppressed one asks God, exalted and glorified, to make you the opener of the gate of justice and to manifest His Cause through you among the servants. Verily, He is the Mighty, the Powerful, the Bestower.

O Shaykh, beseech God to purify the ears, eyes, and hearts of the world and protect them from the desires of the self. For the purpose of the disease is a significant one; it deprives a person of the knowledge of the presence of the True One and bars them from the illuminations of the lights of the Sun of Certitude. We ask and hope for His grace and mercy to remove this greatest obstacle. Verily, He is the Mighty, the All-Compelling, the Omnipotent.

Read my Writings and Turn to the Supreme Word

At this time, the call has been raised from the right of the radiant Spot: God, there is no God but Him, the Wise Commander. Present to Shaykh the remainder of the Tablet of Proof to draw him to the horizon of the appearance of his Lord, the Merciful, so that he may rise to support the Cause with clear verses and exalted proofs, and speak among the servants what the tongue of proof has spoken. The sovereignty belongs to God, the Lord of the worlds. Read the Book of Certitude and what the Merciful has revealed to the King of Paris and his like, so that you may understand what was decreed before and be certain that We did not seek corruption on the earth after its reformation. We only remind the servants purely for the sake of God; whoever wishes may accept, and whoever wishes may turn away. Indeed, our Lord, the Merciful, is the Self-Sufficient, the Praiseworthy.

O parties of the world, nothing of your possessions will benefit you today, nor any name among the names, except for this name which God has made the Manifestation of His Cause and the Dawning-place of His most beautiful names for those in the kingdom of creation. Blessed is he who finds the fragrance of the Merciful and is among the steadfast. Today, your knowledge and arts will not avail you, nor your decorations and pride. Leave everything behind and turn to the supreme Word by which the scriptures and scrolls were detailed, and this clear Book.

O people, set aside what you have written with the pen of doubts and illusions. By God, the Sun of Knowledge has risen from the horizon of certitude. O heedless one, if you are in doubt about what we are upon, we testify by what God testified before the creation of the heavens and the earth: there is no God but Him, the Mighty, the Bestower. We testify that He was one in His essence and one in His attributes; He had no equal in creation and no partner in invention. He sent the messengers and revealed the books to guide the creation to the straight path.

Justice is Under the Claws of Oppression

Did the Sultan observe and overlook your actions, or was he seized with fear by the howling of a pack of wolves who cast behind them the path of God and took up your way without proof or book? We heard that the realms of Iran were adorned with the ornament of justice, but when we examined, we found them to be the rising places of oppression and the dawning places of tyranny. We see justice under the claws of oppression; we ask God to deliver it by His power and authority. Indeed, He is the Overseer over those in the earth and the heavens.

No one should object to a soul regarding what has come upon the Cause of God. Every person who turns to the highest horizon should hold fast to the cord of patience and trust in God, the Sovereign, the Chosen. O lovers of God, drink from the fountain of wisdom, fly in the air of wisdom, and speak with wisdom and eloquence. Thus, your Lord, the Mighty, the All-Knowing, commands you.

O heedless one, do not be content with your pride and power. You are like the remaining rays of the sun on the mountain peaks, which will soon be overtaken by the descent from God, the Self-Sufficient, the Exalted. Your pride and the pride of those like you have been taken away. This is what has been decreed by Him from whom comes the Mother of Tablets.

The Shaykh Lowers the Station of Islam

Where are those who fought against God, where are those who disputed His signs, where are those who turned away from His sovereignty, where are those who killed His chosen ones and shed the blood of His friends? Reflect, perhaps you will find the fragrances of your deeds, O heedless doubter. Because of you, the Messenger lamented, the Virgin cried out, homes were ruined, and darkness spread over all regions. O scholars, because of you, the station of the community has fallen, the banner of Islam has been overturned, and its great throne has been toppled. Whenever someone discerning sought to uphold that which would elevate the station of Islam, your uproar arose, preventing what was intended, and the kingdom remained in great loss.

O my Supreme Pen, mention the one who, by her oppression, caused all things to lament, and the limbs of the holy ones to tremble. Thus, your Lord, the Possessor of Names, commands you in this exalted station. The Virgin has cried out from your oppression, yet you think you are of the family of the Messenger. Thus, your soul has deceived you, O you who turn away from God, the Lord of what was and what will be.

Be just, O venomous one, by what crime did you sting the sons of the Messenger and plunder their possessions? Did you disbelieve in the one who created you by His command “Be,” and it is? You have done to the sons of the Messenger what ’Ad and Thamud did not do to Salih and Hud, nor did the Jews do to the Spirit of God, the Lord of existence.

Do you deny the signs of your Lord, which, when revealed from the heaven of the Cause, all the books of the world submitted to? Reflect, that you may become aware of your actions, O heedless rejected one. The fragrances of punishment will seize you as they seized those before you. Wait, O you who associate partners with God, the Lord of the unseen and the witnessed. This is the day of which God spoke with the tongue of His Messenger. Reflect to recognize what the Merciful revealed in the Qur’an and in this written Tablet. This is the day in which the dawning-place of revelation has come with clear signs, which those who count have been unable to enumerate. This is the day in which everyone with a scent has found the fragrance of the Merciful in creation, and everyone with sight has hastened to the Euphrates of the mercy of their Lord, the Sovereign of kings.

O heedless one, by God, the discourse of the sacrifice has returned, and the sacrificed one has turned towards the abode of sacrifice and has not returned by what your hand has gained, O stubborn hater. Did you think that by martyrdom the station of the Cause would be diminished? No, by the One who made it the abode of revelation, if you are among those who understand. Woe unto you, O you who associate partners with God, and to those who took you as a leader for themselves without proof or clear book. How many oppressors have risen to extinguish the light of God before you, and how many sinners have killed and plundered until their oppression caused hearts and souls to lament? The sun of justice has set, as the structure of oppression has settled on the throne of enmity, yet the people are unaware.

The Shaykh’s Fire Will Be Extinguished Soon

O ignorant one, you have killed the sons of the Messenger and plundered their possessions. Say, did the possessions disbelieve in God, or their owner, according to your claim? Be just, O heedless veiled one. You have taken oppression and cast aside justice; thus, all things lamented, and you are among the heedless. You have killed the great and plundered the small. Do you think you will consume what you gathered through oppression? No, by my own self, thus informs you the All-Knowing. By God, what you possess and have gathered through tyranny will not benefit you. Your Lord, the All-Knowing, bears witness to this. You have risen to extinguish the light of the Cause; soon your fire will be extinguished by a command from Him. He is the Omnipotent, the Mighty. The affairs of the world do not weaken Him, nor do the powers of nations. He does as He wills with His sovereignty and decrees what He desires.

Reflect on the she-camel; even though it is an animal, the Merciful raised it to a station where the tongues of the world speak of it and praise it. Verily, He is the Overseer over those in the heavens and the earth; there is no God but Him, the Mighty, the Great. Thus, we have adorned the horizons of the sky of the Tablet with the suns of words. Blessed is he who attains them and is illumined by their lights, and woe unto the deniers, and woe unto the heedless. Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.

O Sheikh, we have made you hear the melodies of the nightingale of paradise and shown you the signs that God has revealed by His irrevocable command in the Most Great Prison, that your eyes may be comforted and your soul assured. He is indeed the Most Generous and Bountiful. Stand firm with the power of proof in the service of the Cause of God, your Lord, the Merciful. If you fear for your faith, take this Tablet and keep it in the pocket of your trust. And when you stand in the assembly of the resurrection and God asks you by what proof you believed in this manifestation, bring forth the Tablet and say, “With this blessed, mighty, wondrous Book.” If the hands of all are raised towards you and they take the Tablet and place it upon their eyes, they will perceive from it the fragrance of the words of God, the Lord of the worlds. If God punishes you for believing in His signs in this manifestation, then by what proof will He punish those who did not believe in Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and before Him in Jesus, the son of Mary, and before Him in Moses, and before Him in Abraham, until the manifestations end with the Primal Wondrous One who was created by the will of your Lord, the Omnipotent. Thus, We have revealed the signs to someone before you and mentioned them to you today, so that you may recognize and be among the certain.

O speaker of knowledge, the matter is clearer than to be hidden and more manifest than to be concealed. It is like the sun at its zenith; none denies it except every hostile skeptic.

A Prayer For the Sultan

In this moment, it is fitting that we turn our attention to the Presence of the Desired One and cling to these exalted words:

O my God, O my God, You have kindled the lamp of Your Cause with the breath of wisdom; protect it from the varying winds. The lamp is from You, the glass is from You, and the means of the heavens and the earth are in Your grasp. Bestow justice upon the rulers and fairness upon the learned. You are the Sovereign, who, with the movement of the pen, has aided Your irrevocable command and guided the friends. You are the Lord of power and the King of might. There is no god but You, the Mighty, the Chosen One. And say, O my God, O my God, praise be to You for what You have given me to drink from the hand of the bounty of Your name, the Ever-Living, the sealed nectar. I beseech You by the lights of the dawn of Your appearance, by the penetration of Your supreme word, and by the power of Your most exalted pen, by whose movement the realities of things are attracted, that You enable His Majesty, the Sultan, to aid Your Cause, to turn towards the horizon of Your manifestation, and to direct himself to the lights of Your countenance. O Lord, strengthen him in what draws him near to You, and then support him with the hosts of the heavens and the earth. I ask You, O God of names and Creator of heaven, by the light of Your Cause and the fire of the divine tree of Your care, to assist His Majesty in proclaiming Your Cause among Your creation, and then open before him the gates of Your grace, mercy, and bounty. You are indeed the Mighty over what You will by Your word “Be,” and it is.

Corrupt Agents Make False Accusations

O Sheikh, the reins of affairs have been taken by divine power and heavenly might; they were seized by the Mighty, the Powerful. No one is capable of causing corruption and sedition. Now, since they did not appreciate the bounty and favors, they have been afflicted and will be afflicted with the consequences of their deeds. And the agents, by the movement of a hidden cord, have incited and supported the opposing party from all directions. In the great city, they have incited some against this oppressed one to such an extent that the agents in that land have adhered to what causes the humiliation of the state and the nation.

One of the noble Sayyids, known for his good repute among most of the fair-minded, his accepted conduct, his renowned trade, and his prominence among the merchants, headed towards Beirut. Due to his friendship with this oppressed one, he was informed by the telegraph operator in Iran that the mentioned Sayyid, along with his servant, had stolen some money and other goods and were heading towards ’Akká. The intention behind this move was the humiliation of this oppressed one. But how can the people of this land be swayed by such inappropriate statements from the path of truth and righteousness? In every way, they have attacked and supported the opposing side, and this oppressed one seeks from God to grant success to all for what is befitting the times and to be vigilant and vocal with these firm words in nights and days.

A Prayer For the Heedless

O my God, O my God, I ask You by the sun of Your grace, the sea of Your knowledge, and the sky of Your justice to aid the deniers in their acknowledgment, the heedless in their acceptance, and the slanderers in their fairness and equity. O Lord, assist them in turning back to You and repenting at the door of Your grace. You are indeed the Powerful over what You will, and in Your grasp are the reins of those in the heavens and the earth. Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds. Soon, what is hidden in the hearts and minds will be seen.

The Shah Should Inquire From the Noble Servants

The day is near, the day that the honored Luqman mentioned to his son, and the Lord of Glory informed about it, and His beloved made aware by His saying: “O my son, if it be but the weight of a mustard seed, and it be in a rock, or in the heavens or in the earth, God will bring it forth. Verily, God is Subtle, Aware” Qur’an 31:16. Today, the deceitful eyes and hidden secrets of all are manifest before the throne of manifestation. Nothing escapes His knowledge; He hears and sees everything. It is indeed surprising that the trustworthy and the treacherous are not distinguished from one another. If only His Majesty, the Shah of Iran, may God prolong his sovereignty, would inquire from the noble servants of the exalted Iranian government about the deeds and actions of this oppressed one to become aware of them.

A group has been incited from various quarters and engaged in spreading slanders. It is evident and clear that when a person is shunned by the servants and exiled from the lands, they are surrounded by the sword of hatred and the arrows of enmity. This is not the first matter that has emerged with oppression, nor the first vessel broken, nor the first veil torn in the path of God, the Lord of the worlds. This oppressed one remains silent and quiet in the Most Great Prison, occupied with himself and detached from all except God. The oppression has reached such a level that the pens of the world are unable and insufficient to describe it.

An Event With Haji Sheikh Muhammad Ali

At this moment, it is necessary to mention an event that occurred, so perhaps the servants may cling to the cord of justice and truth.

His Eminence Haji Sheikh Muhammad Ali, upon whom be the eternal glory of God, was a well-known merchant, recognized by most of the people of the great city. In recent days, the Iranian embassy in Istanbul secretly incited and saw that this sincere and devout person was distressed, to the extent that one night he threw himself into the sea. By fate, some servants were present and saved him. This act was interpreted and discussed by various parties until one night he went to a mosque, and the caretaker mentioned that he spent the night in vigil, engaged in supplication, prayer, humility, and entreaty until morning, and then his mention ceased. This servant turned and saw that he had surrendered his soul, with an empty bottle near him, indicating that he had consumed poison. In great bewilderment, I informed the people, and two wills were found from him. The first expressed his acknowledgment and confession of the oneness of God, the sanctity of His essence, exalted above likeness and similitude, and the purity of His being from attributes, descriptions, and statements, and the acknowledgment of the appearance of prophets and saints, and recognition of what was recorded in the Books of God, the Lord of mankind. In another paper, he offered a supplication and mentioned at the end that this servant and the friends were perplexed because, on one hand, the Pen of the Most High has forbidden all from corruption, conflict, and strife, and on the other hand, this supreme word descended from the Pen of the Most High: if anyone witnesses an evil intention from someone in his presence, he should not interfere but leave it to God. This firm command appeared in one respect and was established, while in another respect, it was observed that the slanderers spoke words that human strength was unable and incapable of bearing and hearing. Therefore, this servant chose this greatest sin and asked from the sea of divine grace and the sky of heavenly mercy that the transgressions of this servant be erased by the Pen of favor and bounty. Many are the sins and numerous are the faults, but I cling to the cord of His generosity and hold fast to the hem of His grace. God is witness, and the close ones are aware that this servant could not bear to hear the words of the fabricators; thus, he committed this act. If He punishes me, He is praised in His action, and if He forgives me, He is obeyed in His command.

Reflect on the Penetration of the Word

Now, His Eminence Sheikh should reflect on the penetration of the word, so perhaps he may turn from the north of delusion to the right of certainty. This oppressed one has not compromised with anyone in the Cause of God and has proclaimed the word of truth before the faces of the people with the highest voice. Whoever wills, let him accept, and whoever wills, let him turn away. But if these evident, clear, and manifest matters are denied, what will be adorned with the ornament of acceptance and acknowledgment in the sight of the discerning ones?

We ask God, the Exalted, and the Blessed, to forgive the mentioned one and to exchange his misdeeds with good deeds. Indeed, He is the Mighty, the Generous, the Bestower. Matters have appeared in this manifestation that there is no room for anything but acknowledgment for the manifestations of knowledge and grace and the dawning places of justice and fairness.

Today, it is necessary and obligatory for you to arise with divine power and heavenly might and to dispel the doubts of the parties of the world with the power of knowledge so that all may be purified and direct their intention towards the Great Sea and cling to what God has intended. Indeed, every denier has held to a word and objected to the truth. Glory be to God, the mention of divinity and lordship that has appeared from the saints and chosen ones has been made a cause of denial and rejection.

Words from Saints and Chosen Ones

His Eminence Sadiq said, “Servitude is a jewel, its essence is lordship.” And His Eminence Amir, in response to an Arab who asked about the soul, said, “And the third is the divinity of the kingdom; it is a divine essence and a living, simple essence by itself” (until he said) “It is the supreme essence of God, the tree of bliss, the lote tree of the extremity, and the abode of rest.” His Eminence Sadiq said, “When our Qa’im rises, the earth will shine with the light of its Lord.” Likewise, a long hadith from Abu Abdullah, peace be upon him, has been mentioned, including this supreme word: “At that time, the Almighty God will descend from the clouds with the angels.” And in the Great Qur’an: “Do they await except that God should come to them in canopies of clouds?” And in the hadith of Mufaddal, it is said, “The Qa’im will lean his back against the Ka’bah and extend his blessed hand, which will appear white without harm, and will say, ‘This is the hand of God and the right hand of God and from God and by the command of God.’”

Whatever meaning they have interpreted these hadiths, let them also interpret the signs of the Pen of the Most High. His Eminence Amir said, “I am the one upon whom no name and no attribute fall.” And he also said, “My outward is Imamate and my inward is a hidden reality that is not comprehended.” Abu Ja’far al-Tusi said, “I said to Abu Abdullah, ‘You are the path in the Book of God, and you are the zakat, and you are the Hajj.’ He said, ‘O so-and-so, we are the path in the Book of God, the Mighty and Glorious, and we are the zakat, and we are the fasting, and we are the Hajj, and we are the sacred month, and we are the sacred city, and we are the Ka’bah of God, and we are the Qiblah of God, and we are the face of God.’”

Jabir narrated from Abu Ja’far, peace be upon him, who said, “O Jabir, upon you is to understand the explanation and the meanings.” He said, “As for the explanation, it is to know that there is nothing like unto God, so you worship Him and do not associate anything with Him. As for the meanings, we are His meanings, and we are His side, His hand, His tongue, His command, His judgment, His knowledge, and His truth. When we will, God wills, and what we desire, He desires.” Also, His Eminence Amir, peace be upon him, said, “How can I worship a Lord I do not see?” And in another place, he said, “I did not see anything except that I saw God before it, or after it, or with it.”

Come to the Most Great Prison

O Sheikh, reflect upon what has been mentioned, so that you may drink from the sealed wine with the power of the Ever-Living Name and find that which all are unable to comprehend. Strengthen your resolve and aim for the highest heavens; perhaps you will find the fragrances of revelation and inspiration during the time of its descent and attain them. Truly, I say, the Cause of God has no semblance or likeness; tear away the veils of illusions. He will assist and support you with His grace and power; He is the Mighty, the Dominant, the Omnipotent.

As long as time remains and the Blessed Lote Tree speaks to the people with the highest voice, do not restrain yourself. Trust in God and entrust your affairs to Him. Then come to the Most Great Prison to hear what ears have not heard and see what eyes have not seen. After this statement, is there any excuse left for anyone? No, by the life of God, the One who stands for the Cause. Truly, I say, today the blessed word “But he is the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets” culminates in the day when “the people will stand before the Lord of the worlds.” Thank God for this great favor.

O Sheikh, the breaths of revelation have not been and will not be confused. Now, the Lote Tree of the Extremity, with its innumerable fruits, stands before your face. Do not incline yourself to the illusions like the previous party. The primal nature of God is evident and manifest; He is the witness of all. He has not and does not need anyone to prove His manifestation. Now, nearly a hundred volumes of clear signs and firm words have been revealed from the heaven of divine will. You have the opportunity to seek the utmost destination, the ultimate goal, and the highest peak to hear and see what has appeared from God, the Lord of the worlds.

Contemplate Upon the Verses of the Qur’an

Contemplate upon the verses of the meeting that were revealed in the Qur’an by the Master of the Kingdom of Names, perhaps you will find the straight path and become the cause of the guidance of the people. People like you must rise today to serve the Cause. The humiliation of this oppressed one and your honor will both return to nothingness. Strive so that you may achieve an action whose fragrance will not be cut off from the world.

In the mention of the meeting, it has been revealed in such a way that there is no room for the deniers to reject or deny.

His blessed words: “God is the one who raised the heavens without pillars that you see, then He established Himself on the throne and subjected the sun and the moon, each running for an appointed term. He manages the affair; He details the signs that you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord” Qur’an 13:2.

And He says, “Whoever hopes for the meeting with God, indeed, the term of God is coming, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing” Qur’an 29:5.

Until His words, “But those who disbelieve in the signs of God and His meeting, those have despaired of My mercy, and those will have a painful punishment” Qur’an 29:23.

And He says, “They say, ‘When we are lost in the earth, will we indeed be recreated anew?’ But they are disbelievers in the meeting with their Lord” Qur’an 32:10.

And He says, “Verily, they are in doubt about the meeting with their Lord. Verily, He is encompassing of all things” Qur’an 41:54.

And He says, “Indeed, those who do not expect the meeting with Us and are satisfied with the life of this world and feel secure therein and those who are heedless of Our signs, their abode is the fire because of what they used to earn” Qur’an 10:7-8.

And He says, “And when Our clear signs are recited to them, those who do not expect the meeting with Us say, ‘Bring us a Qur’an other than this or change it.’ Say, ‘It is not for me to change it of my own accord; I only follow what is revealed to me. Indeed, I fear if I disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous Day’” Qur’an 10:15.

And He says, “Then We gave Moses the Book, making it complete for the one who does good, an explanation of all things, a guidance, and a mercy that perhaps they would believe in the meeting with their Lord” Qur’an 6:154.

And He says, “Those who disbelieve in the signs of their Lord and in meeting Him, their deeds have become worthless, and We will not assign to them any weight on the Day of Resurrection. That is their recompense—Hell—because they disbelieved and took My signs and My messengers in ridicule” Qur’an 18:105-106.

And He says, “Has the story of Moses reached you? When he saw a fire and said to his family, ‘Stay here; indeed, I perceive a fire. Perhaps I can bring you a torch or find some guidance at the fire.’ And when he came to it, he was called, ‘O Moses, indeed I am your Lord, so remove your sandals. Indeed, you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa. And I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed. Indeed, I am God; there is no deity except Me, so worship Me’” Qur’an 20:9-14.

And He says, “Do they not reflect within themselves? God created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in truth and for an appointed term. And indeed, many of the people are in disbelief about the meeting with their Lord” Qur’an 30:8.

And He says, “Do they not think that they will be resurrected for a tremendous Day, the Day when mankind will stand before the Lord of the worlds?” Qur’an 83:4-6.

And He says, “And We certainly gave Moses the Book, so do not be in doubt about his meeting” Qur’an 32:23.

And He says, “No! When the earth is pounded to dust, pounded and your Lord has come and the angels, rank upon rank” Qur’an 89:21-22.

And He says, “They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths, but God will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it” Qur’an 61:8.

And He says, “When Moses had completed the term and was traveling with his family, he perceived a fire from the direction of Mount Sinai. He said to his family, ‘Stay here; indeed, I have perceived a fire. Perhaps I can bring you some information or a burning stick from the fire that you may warm yourselves.’ But when he came to it, he was called from the right side of the valley in a blessed spot from the tree, ‘O Moses, indeed I am God, the Lord of the worlds’” Qur’an 28:29-30.

The Promise of Meeting the Lord

In all the divine books, the promise of the meeting has been explicit and clear, and the purpose of this meeting is the encounter with the Dawn of Signs, the Source of Evidences, the Manifestation of the Most Beautiful Names, and the Source of the Exalted Attributes of the True One, exalted be His glory. The True One, in His essence and in Himself, is an inaccessible, unfathomable mystery; thus, the meeting refers to the encounter with the person who stands in His place among the servants, who has no likeness or equal. For if a likeness or equal were to be seen for Him, how could the sanctity of His essence and the purity of His being from likenesses and similitudes be established? Indeed, in the stages of the meeting and the manifestation, what has been revealed in the Book of Certitude suffices the fair-minded. We beseech Him, exalted be He, to aid all in pure truthfulness and bring them closer to Him. He is the Powerful, the Mighty; there is no god but Him, the Hearing, the Speaking, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy.

O you who are known for your knowledge, command the servants to do what is right and do not be among those who hesitate. With keen vision, look; the sun of truth has risen by the command of the Sovereign of the Kingdom of Exposition and the Monarch of the Realm of Understanding from the horizon of the sky of the Most Great Prison. No hindrance veiled Him, nor did ranks or multitudes prevent Him. For you, no excuse remains; either you must acknowledge or, God forbid, rise in denial against all.

O Sheikh, reflect on the Shi‘a sect, how many buildings they constructed with the hands of conjecture and illusion, and how many cities they built. Ultimately, these illusions turned to lead and entered into the reality of the world. Not a single leader from that sect turned towards the Manifestation during the day of appearance. In the mention of the blessed name, all said, “May God hasten his advent,” but on the day of appearance of that sun of reality, all spoke of His vengeance. They acted in such a manner that the Tablet wept, the Pen lamented, the sighs of the sincere were raised, and the tears of the near ones descended.

O Sheikh, think and speak with justice. The followers of Sheikh Ahmad al-Ahsá’í, by the grace of God, recognized that from which others were deprived and veiled. Indeed, in every age and century, during the days of the appearance of the dawnings of revelation and the rising places of inspiration, and the descending places of divine knowledge, there have been differences, caused by lying and hypocritical souls. The explanation of this station is not appropriate; you yourself are more aware and knowledgeable of the illusions of the deluded and the doubts of the suspicious.

Invitation to Meet Mirza Yahya in Cyprus

Today, this oppressed one asks you and the other learned ones who have drunk from the cup of divine knowledge and are illuminated by the words of the radiant light of justice to appoint someone without the knowledge of anyone else and send him to these regions to stay for a while in Cyprus and associate with Mírzá Yahyá, perhaps he may become aware of the truth of the matter and the source of the divine commands and ordinances.

If you reflect a little, you will testify to the wisdom, power, and sovereignty of the True One, exalted be His glory. A few who were unaware of the Cause and were not with us have said things that all beings and assured souls have testified to their falsehood. Now, if you exert effort, the reality of the matter will be unveiled to the world, and people will be saved from these oppressive, dark calamities. Were it not for the glory, who could speak before the faces of the people, and were it not for Him, who could speak of what is commanded by God, the Lord of the hosts? Now, the heedless soul clings to the rope of storytelling; by the life of God, he is in clear falsehood. For this sect believes that during the appearance of the Qa’im, the Imams, peace be upon them, will rise from their graves. This is the undeniable truth. We ask God to bestow upon the deluded ones a portion of the water of certitude flowing from the spring of the Most Exalted Pen so that all may attain what is befitting of His days.

Oppression in Tehran

O Sheikh, in the midst of calamities, this oppressed one is occupied with writing these words. From all directions, the fire of oppression and tyranny is evident. From one direction, news has come that the friends in the land of Ta have been taken, despite the sun and moon and land and sea bearing witness that this party is adorned with fidelity and has clung to nothing but the exaltation of the government, the order of the nation, and the comfort of the people, and will not cling to anything else.

O Sheikh, we have repeatedly stated that we have supported the king during his few years of reign. For years, nothing contrary has appeared in Iran. The reins of the corrupt parties have been firmly held by one in authority; no one has exceeded their limits. By God, this group is not and has never been among the corrupt; their hearts are illuminated by the light of piety and adorned with the ornament of God’s love. Their aim has always been and continues to be the betterment of the world and the intention to eliminate differences and extinguish the fire of hatred and animosity, so that the entire earth may be seen as one piece. On the other hand, the Iranian embassy in the great city has been fully engaged in oppressing these wronged ones. They intended one thing, and God intended another in the end.

Now, consider what has befallen the trustees of the Truth in every land. Sometimes they were accused of theft and at other times they were slandered with unparalleled falsehoods. Now, Your Excellency, speak with justice: What is the effect and result of the theft accusation leveled against their own citizens by the great embassy in foreign countries? This wronged one felt ashamed not because it was the cause of my oppression, but because it revealed to the foreign embassies the level of planning and understanding of a group of prominent Iranians in the great embassy.

Accusing those whom the right made trustworthy as the keeper of the seventh heaven

Indeed, from the place where high ranks should be sought and counsel taken, they strive to extinguish its light. However, in the appearance of this matter, as reported, the great ambassador, Mirza Mohsen Khan, was not present at the threshold. These matters are considered because they think the King of Iran, may God’s mercy assist him, is distressed by the confidants of the sanctuary of knowledge. God is witness and testifies that this wronged one has always held fast to the means that cause the glory of the state and the nation, and God is sufficient as a witness. Concerning the people of Baha, these words were revealed from the Most High Pen: “They are men who, if they pass through cities of gold, do not look at them, and if they pass through the realms of beauty, do not turn towards them.” Thus was revealed from the Most High Pen to the people of Baha from a wise counselor.

And in the final tablet to the Emperor of Paris, this exalted word was revealed: “Do you rejoice in what you possess of ornaments after knowing that they will perish, or are you pleased with your rule over a span of the earth after knowing that all of it is to the people of Baha as the blackness of the eye of a dead ant? Leave it to its people and turn to the purpose of the worlds.” None but God, the Most Glorious, is aware of what has befallen this wronged one. Every day, something is heard at the great embassy in the threshold. Glory be to God; all plans have been focused on the means that cause the oppression of this servant, unaware that disgrace in the path of God is itself the very essence of honor. In the news leaf, these words are mentioned: “In the trickery of some of the exiles of Akka and the transgressions that some committed against others,” to the end of his words. To the manifestations of justice and sources of fairness, his intention is known and his purpose is clear.

Indeed, they rose with various forms of torment, oppression, and tyranny. By God, this wronged one will not exchange this exile for the highest homeland. To those with insight, what occurs in the path of God is manifest honor and a great station. We said before: “Glorified are You, my God. Were it not for trials in Your path, how could the station of Your lovers appear? And were it not for calamities in Your love, by what means would the rank of Your yearning ones be established?” Disgrace has reached a point where every day they are engaged in spreading falsehoods, yet this wronged one has clung to beautiful patience. Would that the king of the realms of Iran would inquire about what has occurred at the threshold so that the truth of the matter may be revealed.

Does Anyone Judge by the Book?

O Sultan, I swear by your Lord, the Most Merciful, consider this matter with the eye of justice. Is there anyone today who judges by what God has revealed in the Book, and is there anyone with fairness who judges what has come upon us without evidence or proof?

O Sheikh, reflect upon the states of human beings. The inhabitants of the cities of knowledge and wisdom are bewildered, wondering what has transpired. The Shia faction, which considered itself the most learned, pious, and God-fearing of all factions in the world, has shown such opposition and perpetrated such injustice at the time of the Manifestation that it has no equal. Ponder, it is necessary to reflect from the beginning of the appearance of this faction until now—how many scholars have come, and none were aware of the nature of the Manifestation. What has been the cause of this heedlessness? If we were to mention it, their foundations would be shattered. Reflection is necessary, indeed a thousand thousand years of reflection may be needed so that they might attain a drop from the ocean of knowledge and perceive what they are heedless of today.

I was walking in the land of Ṭā (Tabriz), the rising of the signs of your Lord, when I heard the lamentations and supplications of the pulpits to God, the Exalted, the Mighty. They called out and said: “O God of the world and Master of the nations, You see our state and what has befallen us from the oppression of Your servants. You have created us and manifested us for Your mention and praise, yet You hear what the heedless ones say about us in Your days. By Your glory, our hearts have melted and our limbs have trembled. Alas, alas, we wish You had not created us and had not manifested us.” The hearts of the near ones are burning from these words, and the sighs of the sincere ones are ascending.

Repeatedly, we have counseled the prominent scholars for the sake of God and invited them to the Supreme Horizon, that perhaps during the days of the Manifestation they may partake of the waves of the ocean of the All-Knowing and not be entirely deprived. In most of the Tablets, this greatest counsel has descended from the heaven of previous mercy: “We said, O assembly of princes and scholars, hear the call from the horizon of Akka. It guides you, brings you near, and leads you to the station made by God the source of revelation and the dawning-place of lights. O people of the world, the Greatest Name has come from the Possessor of the Eternal, and He has announced to the servants this Manifestation which was concealed in knowledge, hidden in the treasure of sanctity, and recorded by the Supreme Pen in the Tablets of God, the Lord of lords. O people of Shīn (Shia), have you forgotten My grace and mercy that preceded all things from God, the Master of all?”

And in the Most Holy Book, it is revealed: “Say, O assembly of scholars, do not weigh the Book of God with what you have of rules and sciences. It is the true balance among people. What the nations possess is weighed by this Greatest Balance, and it itself is weighed by nothing, if only you knew.” The eye of My grace weeps for you because you have not recognized the one you have invoked every evening and morning, at every twilight and dawn. Turn, O people, with radiant faces and luminous hearts towards the blessed crimson spot where the Lote Tree of the Extremity calls out: “There is no God but I, the Guardian, the Self-Subsisting.”

O assembly of scholars in Iran, can any one of you contend with Me in the field of confrontation and knowledge, or race with Me in the arena of wisdom and exposition? No, by My Lord, the Merciful. All on earth shall perish, and this is the Face of your Lord, the Mighty, the Beloved. O people, We have ordained knowledge for the recognition of the Known, yet you have veiled yourselves from its source, which has manifested every concealed matter. Say, this is the heaven wherein lies the treasure of the Mother Book, if only you knew. This is what made the rock cry out and the Lote Tree call on the exalted Mount on the blessed land: “The dominion belongs to God, the Mighty, the Loving.”

We did not enter schools nor read discussions. Hear what this unlettered one calls you to: to God, the Eternal. It is better for you than what is hidden in the earth, if only you understand. The one who interprets what has descended from the heaven of revelation and takes it out of its apparent meaning is among those who have perverted the Most Exalted Word and is of the losers in the clear Book. At this, we heard the cry of nature. We said: “Why, O nature, do I hear your wail in the nights, your cry in the days, and your lamentation in the early dawns?”

She said: “O Lord of the world, manifest by the Greatest Name, the heedless have slaughtered your white she-camel and sunk your crimson ship, and they intended to extinguish your light and conceal the face of your cause. Thus, my wail and the wail of all things have been raised, and most people are heedless.”

Today, nature has clung to the hem of grace and circled around it.

O Sheikh, be present to see what the eyes of creation have not seen and to hear what the ears of invention have not heard, so that you may save yourself from the mire of illusions and turn towards the Supreme Station, where the wronged one calls out: “The dominion belongs to God, the Mighty, the Praised.” It is hoped that through your efforts, the wings of the servants will be purified from the clay of self and desire and will become capable of flying in the air of God’s love. Wings stained with clay are unable to fly, and so it has always been. This is testified by the manifestations of justice and fairness, but the people are in manifest doubt.

O Sheikh, from all directions, complaints have been made against the servants, which the pen refrains from describing. Nevertheless, with regard to supreme mercy, responses have been given according to the station of people, in the hope that they may be illuminated by the light of affirmation and acknowledgment from the fire of denial and rejection. Justice is scarce, and fairness is lost. Among these firm verses, in response to some, have appeared and been revealed from the kingdom of divine knowledge.

Illusions About the Signs of Resurrection

O you who turn towards the lights of the Countenance! Illusions have encompassed the inhabitants of the earth and have prevented them from turning towards the horizon of certainty, its radiance, manifestations, and lights. They have been hindered by their suspicions from the All-Sustaining One; they speak according to their desires and do not realize it. Among them are those who say, “Have the signs been revealed?” Say: Yes, by the Lord of the heavens. “Has the Hour come?” Indeed, it has been decreed and the Manifestation of proofs has appeared. The striking event has come, and the truth has arrived with evidence and proof. The waking one has emerged, and the people are in awe and turmoil. Earthquakes have come, and tribes have lamented out of fear of the mighty and powerful God. Say: The deafening cry has sounded, and today is God’s, the One, the Chosen. “Has the calamity been completed?” Say: Yes, by the Lord of lords. “Has the Resurrection been established?” Indeed, the All-Sustaining One with the Kingdom of signs. “Do you see the people fallen?” Yes, by my Supreme Lord. “Have the miracles ceased?” Indeed, the mountains have been scattered and the Possessor of attributes.

He said, “Where are heaven and hell?” Say: The former is my meeting, and the latter is yourself, O doubting polytheist. He said, “We do not see the balance.” Say: Yes, by my Merciful Lord, none sees it but those with insight. “Have the stars fallen?” Say: Yes, when the All-Sustaining One was on the land of mystery; reflect, O people of insight. All the signs have appeared as we brought forth the hand of power from the bosom of grandeur and might. The caller called out when the appointed time came, and the mountaineers were struck with awe in the wilderness of standing from the might of your Lord, the Possessor of existence.

The trumpet says, “Has it been blown into the trumpet?” Say: Yes, and the Sultan of manifestation, when he established himself on the throne of his name, the Merciful. The darkness has been illuminated by the dawn of your Lord’s mercy, the source of lights. The breath of the Merciful has blown, and the spirits in the graves of bodies have been stirred. Thus, the matter has been decreed by God, the Mighty, the Munificent.

Those who were heedless said, “When did the sky split?” Say: When you were in the graves of heedlessness and error. Some of the heedless wipe their eyes and look to the right and the left. Say: You are blind; today there is no refuge for you. Among them are those who say, “Have the souls been gathered?” Say: Yes, by my Lord, when you were in the cradle of illusions. Among them are those who say, “Has the Book been revealed innately?” Say: It is in perplexity; fear, O people of insight. Among them are those who say, “Were we gathered blind?” Say: Yes, and riding on the clouds.

Paradise has been adorned with the flowers of meanings, and the blazing fire has been kindled from the fire of the wicked. Say: The light has shone from the horizon of manifestation, and the horizons have been illuminated when the Possessor of the Day of the Covenant came. Those who doubted have lost, and those who turned with the light of certainty towards the source of assurance have prospered. Blessed are you, O observer, for what has been revealed to you in this tablet, from which spirits fly. Preserve it, then read it. By my life, it is the gate of your Lord’s mercy. Blessed is he who reads it in the evening and at dawn.

We hear your mention in this matter, from which the mountain of knowledge was shaken and the feet stumbled. Glory be upon you and upon everyone who turns to the Mighty, the Bestower. It has ended, but it is not completed. Be patient; indeed, your Lord is the Most Patient. These are verses we revealed before in the early days of our arrival in the prison of Akka, and we sent them to you so that you may know what their lying tongues uttered when the matter came with power and authority. The foundations of doubts have been shaken, and the sky of illusions has split, and the people are in dispute and division. They denied the proof and argument of God after it came from the horizon of might with the kingdom of signs. They abandoned what they were commanded to do and committed what they were forbidden from in the Book. They placed their god and took their desires. Verily, they are in heedlessness and error. They read the verses and deny them; they see the proofs and turn away from them. Verily, they are in a strange doubt.

We have counseled our friends to fear God, who was the source of deeds and morals. He is the leader of the armies of justice in the city of glory. Blessed is he who enters under his radiant banner and holds on to it. He is of the people of the red ship, whose mention was revealed in the Qayyumu’l-Asma. Say, O party of God, adorn your temples with the adornment of trustworthiness and piety, then support your Lord with the armies of deeds and morals. We have forbidden you from corruption and disputes in My books, scriptures, writings, and tablets. We intended by this nothing but your exaltation and elevation. This is testified by the heaven and its stars, the sun and its radiance, the trees and their leaves, the seas and their waves, the earth and its treasures.

We ask God to support and assist His friends in what is worthy of them in this blessed, mighty, and wondrous station. Until we said in another tablet, “O observer of the countenance, counsel the servants to fear God. By God, He is the foremost leader in the armies of your Lord, and His soldiers are praiseworthy morals and good deeds. By them, the cities of hearts and souls were opened in ages and centuries, and the banners of victory and triumph were raised on the highest standards.”

The Station of Trustworthiness

We mention to you trustworthiness and its station with God, your Lord, the Lord of the Great Throne. One day, we aimed to visit our green island, and when we arrived, we saw its rivers flowing and its trees intertwined, and the sun playing through the trees. When we turned to the right, we saw what the pen cannot move to describe, and what the eye of the Master of the worlds witnessed in that most delicate, exalted, blessed, and supreme station. Then we turned to the left and saw a manifestation from the manifestations of the highest paradise standing on a pillar of light, and it called out in the highest voice: “O assembly of earth and heaven, behold my beauty, my light, my appearance, and my radiance. By God, the Truth, I am trustworthiness, its manifestation, its beauty, and a reward for those who hold on to it, recognize its station and rank, and cling to its hem. I am the greatest adornment for the people of glory and the ornament of honor for those in the kingdom of creation. I am the greatest cause of the world’s wealth and the horizon of assurance for the people of existence.”

Thus, we have revealed to you what brings the servants closer to the Possessor of existence.

Invitation to Bring the People of the World Closer

This Wronged One has always invited the people of the world to what elevates them and brings them closer and has radiated from the Supreme Horizon what leaves no room for anyone to hesitate, turn away, or object. Yet, it has not benefited the heedless, and it only increases their loss.

O Sheikh, the scholars must unite with the Sovereign, may God aid him, and in nights and days hold fast to what elevates the rank of the state and the nation. This group is entirely dedicated to refining souls and reforming affairs. This is testified by what has been revealed from the Supreme Pen in this clear Tablet. Many matters seem easy and simple, yet most are heedless and engaged in things that waste time.

Once, on a day, Kamal Pasha was present with the Wronged One, and beneficial matters were discussed. He mentioned that they had learned multiple languages. In response, it was said: “You have wasted your lifetime; like you, the other representatives of the state should arrange a council. In that council, choose one language from the various languages and one script from the existing scripts, or create a new language and script, and teach it to children in the world’s schools. In this way, they will know two languages: their native language and a universal language spoken by all the people of the world. If they adhere to what was mentioned, the entire earth will be seen as one land, and they will be free from the burden of learning different languages.”

In his presence, he accepted and expressed much joy and pleasure. Later, it was mentioned to him to convey this matter to the state’s representatives and ministers so that its rule may be enforced in the countries. However, despite repeated visits, he did not mention this matter again, whereas what was mentioned would have led to the unity and agreement of the people of the world. It is hoped that the government of Iran will adhere to it and implement it. Now, a new script and language have been invented. If they desire, it can be sent to them. The purpose is that all should hold fast to what reduces hardship and difficulty and that days may be spent in what is worthy and appropriate, and may come to an end. Verily, God is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, and the All-Seeing. It is hoped that Iran will be adorned and attain what it has been deprived of until now.

Say, O Sultan, strive so that all the people of the world may be illumined by the radiance of the light of your justice. This Wronged One has not sought anything but trustworthiness, truthfulness, purity, and beneficial matters. Do not consider him among the treacherous. Glorified are You, my God, my Master, and my Sustainer! Aid the Sovereign to implement Your commands and laws and to manifest Your justice among Your servants. Verily, You are the Bountiful, the Munificent, the All-Powerful, the Almighty. The command of God has come with grace. Blessed are the doers, blessed are the knowers, and blessed is he who holds fast to the truth, detached from those in the heavens and the earth.

O Sheikh, aim for the shore of the Great Sea, then board the red ship that God has destined for the people of glory in the Qayyumu’l-Asma. It traverses land and sea; whoever enters it is saved, and whoever turns away is destroyed. When you enter and succeed, turn your face towards the Kaaba of God, the All-Possessing, the Self-Subsisting, and say: “O God, I ask You by Your most splendid glory, and all Your glory is splendid.” Then the doors of the Kingdom will open upon your face, and you will see what no eyes have seen and hear what no ears have heard.

The Wronged One advises you as He has advised you before, and He wishes nothing for you but entry into the ocean of the oneness of God, the Lord of the worlds. This is the day in which all things call out and give glad tidings to the people of this Manifestation, through which what was hidden and concealed in the knowledge of God, the Mighty, the Praised, has been revealed.

Melodies From the Bayan

O Sheikh, you have listened to the melodies of the doves of the Bayan upon the branches of the Tree of Knowledge. Now, hear the songs of the birds of wisdom which rise from the highest Paradise; it makes known to you what you were unaware of. Listen to what has been spoken by the tongue of power and might in the Books of God, the goal of the knowledgeable.

At this moment, the call has risen from the Lote Tree of the Extremity in the center of the highest Paradise, commanding me to share with you what has been revealed in the scriptures and tablets and what was spoken by my herald, who sacrificed himself for this great announcement and the straight path. He said, and his word is truth: “A jewel has been written in his mention, and it is that he is not to be indicated by my indication nor by what is mentioned in the Bayan” until the Almighty’s words regarding this great Manifestation and the great announcement: “He is more exalted and higher than to be known by anything else or indicated by the indications of his creatures. Indeed, I am the first servant who believed in him and in his signs and took from the virgins of the gardens of his knowledge the gardens of his words. Indeed, by his might, he is the truth; there is no god but him; all are established by his command.” This true dove sang these words on the branches of the divine Lote Tree; blessed is the soul that listens to it and takes and drinks from the oceans of God’s words hidden in every word.

And likewise, in another place, the call of the Bayan has risen from the highest branches: “And in the ninth year, you will attain every good.” And in another place, it says: “And in the ninth year, you will be granted the meeting with God.” These melodies that have appeared from the birds of the cities of knowledge are in accordance with what the Merciful has revealed in the Qur’an. Blessed are the insightful and blessed are the successful.

O Sheikh, by God, the Euphrates of mercy flows, the ocean of the Bayan is surging, and the sun of the Manifestation is rising and shining. With an empty heart, an expanded chest, and a truthful and clear tongue, read these exalted words that have appeared from the Herald, the Primal Point. His mighty words addressed to the Great Presence are: “This is what we promised you before when we answered you. Be patient until the Bayan passes nine years; then blessed be God, the best of creators. Say, it is an announcement that no one comprehends its knowledge except God; but you will not understand on that day.” In the ninth year, this greatest Manifestation rose from the horizon of God’s will, evident and shining, denied only by every heedless doubter. We ask God to enable His servants to turn to Him and seek forgiveness for what they have done in vain life. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

And in another place, it says: “Indeed, I am the first servant who believed in him and in his signs.” And likewise, in the Persian Bayan, it says: “He is the one who speaks in every matter, saying, ‘Indeed, I am God.’” Until the end of his mighty and exalted words. The purpose of mentioning lordship and divinity was previously stated. We have torn the veils and revealed what brings people closer to God, the Possessor of necks. Blessed is he who attains justice and fairness in this grace that has encompassed those in the heavens and the earth, a command from God, the Lord of the worlds.

Melodies From the Bible and Qur’an

O Sheikh, listen to the melodies of the Gospel with the ear of fairness. His mighty words, which were spoken after the prophecies, say: “But of that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” And the intended Father in this place is God, the Almighty, the True, the Real Educator, and Spiritual Teacher. Joel says: “For the day of the Lord is great and very terrible; who can endure it?” First, in the noble statement written in the Gospel, it says: “No one knows the time of the appearance, only God, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware.” And secondly, it mentions the greatness of the Manifestation. And likewise, in the Qur’an, it says: عَمَّ يَتَسَاءَلُونَ عَنِ النَّبَأِ العَظِيمِ (About what are they asking one another? About the great news.) This is the news whose greatness has been mentioned in most of the books before and after. This is the news that caused the limbs of the world to tremble, except for those whom God willed, the Protector, the Helper, the Sustainer. As it was observed with the outward eyes, all the servants and those in the cities were overturned and bewildered, except for those whom God willed.

O Sheikh, this is a great affair and a mighty announcement. With patience and tranquility, reflect on the radiant verses and exalted words and what has appeared in these days. Perhaps you may discover the hidden secrets in the books and strive for the guidance of the servants. Listen to the call of Jeremiah with a true ear; he says: “Alas, for that day is great, so that none is like it.” If you, sir, look with fairness, you will be aware of the greatness of the Day.

Listen to the call of this knowledgeable adviser and do not deprive yourself of the mercy that has preceded existence from the unseen and the seen. Hear the melody of David; he says: “Who will lead me to the fortified city?” The fortified city is Akka, which is called the Greatest Prison and has a strong fortress.

O Sheikh, read what Isaiah has spoken in his book: “O Zion, bringer of good news, go up on a high mountain. O Jerusalem, herald of good news, lift up your voice with strength, do not be afraid. Say to the cities of Judah, ‘Here is your God! Here is the Lord God coming with power, and his arm rules for him.’” Today, all the signs have appeared. A great city has descended from the heavens, and Zion is thrilled and rejoiced by the appearance of the truth, for it has listened to the call of God from all directions. Today, Jerusalem has attained new glad tidings, as the stand of the mighty cypress is witnessed. Jerusalem is the place of pilgrimage for all the parties of the world and is called holy. It, along with Zion and Palestine, is located in these lands. This is why it is said: “Blessed is he who migrates to Akka.” Amos says: “The Lord roars from Zion and thunders from Jerusalem; the pastures of the shepherds dry up, and the top of Carmel withers.” Carmel is called the hill of God and the vineyard of God in the divine book. “Koum” means hill, and this is the place that, in these days, by grace, has become manifest with the appearance of the canopy of glory. Blessed are the visitors and blessed are the accepters. And it also says: “Our God comes and will not be silent.”

O Sheikh, reflect on this statement that Amos said, intended for all mankind: “Prepare to meet your God, O Israel, for he is the one who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man; he turns dawn to darkness and treads on the heights of the earth—the Lord God Almighty is his name.” He says, “He turns dawn to darkness,” meaning that if, at the time of the Manifestation, a soul considers itself the true dawn, by the power and might of God, it becomes darkened. It is the false dawn that considers itself true. Woe to him, and woe to those who follow him without proof from God, the Lord of the worlds. Isaiah says: “The Lord alone will be exalted in that day.” And he mentions the greatness of the Manifestation: “Enter into the rock and hide in the dust from the terror of the Lord and the splendor of his majesty.” And in another place, he says: “The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.” These passages need no interpretation; they are as clear as the rising sun and as evident as the shining light.

Every fair-minded person will find their way to the garden of understanding from these statements and attain what most of the world’s people are veiled and deprived of. Say: Fear God, O people, and do not follow the doubts of those who have broken the covenant of God and His testament and have denied His mercy that has preceded those in the heavens and the earth. He also says: “Say to those with fearful hearts, ‘Be strong, do not fear; your God will come.’” This blessed verse is evidence of the greatness of the Manifestation and the greatness of the Cause, for the blowing of the trumpet causes the world to tremble; earthquake and fear encompass all. Blessed is the soul that is illuminated with the light of trust and detachment, not hindered or frightened by the hardships of that day. Thus has the tongue of the Bayan spoken, a command from the Merciful: He is the Mighty, the Powerful, the Conqueror, the Omnipotent.

Now it is incumbent upon those with ears and eyes to reflect on these exalted words, in each of which oceans of meaning and explanation are hidden, so that the statement of the Lord of religions may lead His servants with utmost spirit and joy to the ultimate destination and the highest peak, which is the source of this call.

Melodies from the Aqdas

O Sheikh, if you find even a fraction of the fragrances of the Bayan less than a needle’s eye, you will forsake the world and all that is within it and turn to the lights of the Countenance of the Beloved. In the words of the Spirit, there are countless hidden meanings. He has mentioned many matters, but due to the lack of listeners and seers, he has concealed most of them, as he says: “But you cannot bear them now.” The Source of Revelation says that on that day, the promised one will mention future events, as has been revealed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, the Tablets to Kings, the Tablet to the President, and the Tablet to Foad, where many things that were to happen on earth were already revealed and decreed.

In the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, it is revealed: “O land of Ṭā (Tihrán), do not grieve over anything, for God has made you the source of joy for all the worlds. If He wills, He will bless your throne with one who judges with justice and gathers the sheep of God that have been scattered by the wolves. He will face the people of Baha with joy and delight. Verily, he is a gem among creation before God; upon him is the Baha of God and the Baha of those in the Kingdom of Command at all times.”

Melodies of a New Verse

These verses were revealed before, but at this time, this verse is revealed:

“O my God, my God! Baha calls upon You and asks You by the lights of Your Countenance, the waves of Your Ocean of Command, and the radiance of Your Sun of Bayan, to aid the Sovereign in justice and fairness. If You will, bless the throne of command and judgment. Verily, You are capable of whatever You wish. There is no god but You, the Hearer, the Answerer. Rejoice, O land of Ṭā (Tihrán), for God has made you the horizon of light with the birth of the Manifestation of His appearance in you and named you with this name through which the radiant star of grace shone and the heavens and the earth were illumined. Affairs will change in you, and the masses will rule over you. Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Encompassing. Rest assured by the grace of your Lord, for moments of favor will never cease from you. Tranquility will follow your disturbance. Thus, the matter is decreed in a wondrous Book.”

And likewise, in the Tablet of Foad, the Tablet of Paris, and other Tablets, what has been revealed bears witness to the power, greatness, and knowledge of God, the Most Glorious. If people consider it justly, they will understand the secret of this blessed verse: لَا رَطْبٍ وَ لَا يَابِسٍ إِلَّا فِی کِتَابٍ مُبِينٍ “Not a leaf falls but He knows it.”, and they will comprehend it. But today, people’s turning away has prevented them from understanding what has been revealed in truth by the Ancient Sender.

Glory be to God, radiant verses have encompassed all directions, yet most of the servants are deprived of witnessing and understanding them. I ask God to grant success so that all may become aware of the pearls hidden in the shells of the Great Ocean and may speak by saying, “To You belongs all praise, O God of the worlds.”

O fair-minded ones, look upon the waves of the ocean of Bayan and divine knowledge and reflect, so that with outward and inward tongues, you may testify that with Him is the knowledge of all things in the Book. Nothing is hidden from His knowledge. He has revealed what was hidden as He ascended the Throne of the Bayan in the abode. What has been revealed has appeared word by word on earth, leaving no room for anyone to turn away or object. But because justice is forsaken and hidden, most speak according to their own imaginations.

O my God, my God! Do not prevent Your servants from turning to the light of certitude that has shone from the horizon of Your will, and do not let them be deprived of the oceans of Your verses. O Lord, they are Your servants in Your lands and Your captives in Your territories. If You do not have mercy on them, who will have mercy on them? Take the hands of those who are drowning in the sea of illusions and save them with Your power and dominion. Then rescue them with the arms of Your might. Verily, You are capable of whatever You wish, and in Your grasp is the reins of all who are in the heavens and the earth.

Likewise, the Primal Point says: “Look at Him with His own eye, for if you look with another’s eye, you will never recognize or know Him.” This statement is specific to this Greatest Manifestation. Blessed are the fair-minded. And he also says: “The embryo of a year’s manifestation is stronger than all the Bayan.” These glad tidings of the Bayan and previous books have been repeatedly mentioned in numerous books under various names so that people may be just regarding what has shone and appeared from the horizon of the will of God, the Lord of the mighty Throne.

Verses for the Sheikh to Say to the Babi’s

O Sheikh, say to the assembly of the Bayan to reflect on this blessed word: “The entire Bayan is but a leaf from His Paradise.” Be just, O people, and do not be among the losers in the Book of God, the Lord of the worlds. Today, the Blessed Tree is in front of you with its new and wondrous fruits. Look at it, detached from all else. Thus, the tongue of power and might has spoken in this station, which God has adorned with the coming of His Greatest Name and His great announcement. And He also says: “From the beginning of that matter until the completion of nine entities, creation had not appeared; and everything you have seen from the drop to what We clothed it with flesh, then be patient until you witness another creation. Say, Blessed is God, the best of creators.” He also mentions the power of the Manifestation and says: “It is permissible for the one whom God will manifest to reject whoever is not above the earth; for creation is in His grasp and all are submissive to Him. For you, after a while, there will be an affair you will come to know.” And He says: “Recognize with absolute certainty and firm assurance that He, exalted is His glory, sanctified is His sanctity, magnified is His greatness, and exalted are His affairs, makes Himself known through Himself; who can recognize Him through anything other than Himself?” And He continues: “Beware, beware during His Manifestation that you do not veil yourselves with the one of the Bayan, for that one is a creation before Him. And beware, beware that you do not veil yourselves with the words revealed in the Bayan (until He says) and do not look at Him except through His own eye, for whoever looks at Him through His own eye will perceive Him, otherwise he will be veiled. If you seek God and His meeting, seek Him and look at Him.” And He also says: “If you recite one verse from the verses of Him Whom God will make manifest, it will be more glorious than if you were to record the entire Bayan, for on that day, one verse will save you, whereas the entire Bayan will not.”

Say: O people of the Bayan, be just, be just, and be just, and do not be among those who mentioned the Manifestation of the Cause of God during the nights and days, but when He came with grace and the horizon of Manifestation shone, they ruled against Him with what made the inhabitants of the Kingdom and the Dominions lament, and those who circled around the will of God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

Reflect on the Words of the Bayan

Reflect on this exalted word: “I believe in Him, His religion, His Book, His proofs, His paths, and whatever He will reveal from Him; in all of that, I am proud of my connection to Him and honored by my faith in Him.” And He also says: “O everything in the Bayan, recognize your limits, for the likeness of the Point of the Bayan is that he believes in Him Whom God will make manifest before anything else, and I am proud of that before those in the Kingdoms of the heavens and the earth.”

By God, all the atoms of creation are engaged in lamentation and mourning due to the injustice of the rejecters of the Bayan. Where have the people of insight and hearing gone? We ask God, the Blessed and Exalted, to bring them and advise them with what benefits them and prevents them from what harms them. Verily, He is the Mighty, the Dominant, the Powerful. And He also says: “Do not veil yourselves from God after His Manifestation, for everything the Bayan raised is like a seal in My hand, and I am a seal in the hand of Him Whom God will make manifest. Exalted is His mention; He turns it as He wills, for whatever He wills, as He wills. Verily, He is the All-Powerful, the Exalted.” And He also says: “If He were to make everyone on earth a prophet, they would all be prophets before God.” And He also says: “And when the day of the Manifestation of Him Whom God will make manifest comes, everyone on earth will be equal before Him. Whoever He makes a prophet was a prophet from the beginning, which has no beginning, to the end, which has no end, for that is what God has made. And whoever He makes a friend was a friend in all the worlds, for that is what God has made. For the will of God will only manifest by His will, and the intention of God will only appear by His intention. Verily, He is the Dominant, the All-Powerful, the Exalted.”

Indeed, in every station, He has mentioned what causes acceptance, elevation, and guidance for creation. But a few unjust ones have become veils and barriers, preventing the servants from turning to the lights of the Countenance. We ask God to expel them by His dominion and seize them by His grasp. Verily, He is the Mighty, the Wise.

And He also says: “His likeness, exalted is His mention, is like the sun; if an infinite number of mirrors face it, they all reflect the radiance of the sun to their own extent. If no one faces it, the sun rises and sets, and the veil is for the mirrors. Verily, I have not ceased advising this creation and planning for their acceptance of God, their Lord, and their faith in God, their Creator. And that they believe in Him on the day of His Manifestation, all that is on earth. If so, My being will be pleased, for everyone has reached the pinnacle of their existence, attained the appearance of their Beloved, and realized the possible manifestations of their purpose. Otherwise, My heart is not saddened, for I have nurtured everything for that. How can anyone be veiled? Thus, I have prayed to God and will continue to pray to Him, for He is near and responsive.” And He also says: “By the name ‘Believer,’ they are not satisfied with that Blessed Tree, neither Eastern nor Western, for if they were satisfied, they would not bring sorrow upon it.” End of quote.

O ears of the world, have you heard the words of these statements that have appeared from the horizon of the will of the Name? He says: “I have nurtured everyone for the recognition of this Manifestation, but the people of the Bayan are not satisfied with that Blessed Tree, neither Eastern nor Western, even by the name ‘Believer.’ Alas, alas, for what has come upon My soul! By God, what has come upon Me from those I nurtured in the nights and days has caused the Holy Spirit and the inhabitants of the pavilion of the greatness of God, the Lord of this wondrous day, to lament.”

And likewise, in response to some of the rejecters, He says: “Who is knowledgeable of the Manifestation except God? Whenever it happens, all must believe in the Point of Reality and give thanks to God.” End of quote. The rejecters have spoken like the people of John, for those souls also objected to the Spirit, saying that the law of John was not complete, so why have you come? Now, the rejecters, although they were never with us and have no knowledge of the original matter—who it was and what it was—have said what makes all things lament and mourn. By My life, the mute cannot stand before the Kingdom of the Bayan.

Fear God, O people, and read what has been revealed in truth in the eighth door of the sixth unity of the Bayan, and do not be among the rejecters. And He has also commanded: “That once every nineteen days, they should consider this door so that they may not be veiled in the Manifestation of Him Whom God will make manifest by matters other than the station of the verses, which are the greatest proofs and evidences.” End of quote.

John, the son of Zechariah, said what the herald said: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near. I baptize you with water for repentance, but the one who comes after me is stronger than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry.” This is why the herald says in a position of humility and submission: “The entire Bayan is but a leaf from His Paradise.” And he also says: “I am the first of the worshippers, and I take pride in my connection to Him.”

O people, despite this, the people of the Bayan have acted in a manner that the wearer of the two coats and Ibn Anas and Ash’ath sought refuge in God from. This Wronged One is occupied night and day with raising the Cause of God before the faces of the religions, while those souls hold fast to means that cause disgrace and are the reason for affliction. And He also says: “Know Him by His signs, and do not be cautious in recognizing Him, for if you are, you will be veiled to that extent in the fire.” End of quote.

O rejecters of the Bayan, reflect on this exalted word that has flowed from the Source of the Bayan, the Point of Knowledge, and at this time hear that word: “On that day, the sun of truth will address the people of the Bayan and recite this chapter from the Qur’an: قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا الكَافِرُونَ لَا أَعْبُدُ مَا تَعْبُدُونَ وَ لَا أَنْتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ وَ لَا أَنَا عَابِدٌ مَا عَبَدْتُمْ وَ لَا أَنْتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِين Say, O disbelievers, I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. I shall never worship what you worship, nor will you ever worship what I worship. You have your religion, and I have mine.”

Glory be to God, despite these clear statements and radiant, shining signs, all are occupied with their imaginations and are heedless and veiled from the Beloved. O rejecters, awaken from the sleep of heedlessness and listen to this word of the herald: “The tree of affirmation with its rejection from Him is counted as denial, and the tree of denial with its acceptance of Him is counted as affirmation.” And He also says: “If a soul claims but does not bring proof, oppose him, and do not bring sorrow upon him.”

Indeed, this Wronged One, night and day, speaks the chapter of “O disbelievers” in the hope that it may cause awareness and adorn the people with the adornment of justice. Now, reflect on these words that exude the fragrance of jasmine in His supplication with sorrows to God, the Lord of the worlds, saying: “Glory be to You, O my God, and bear witness that by this Book I have taken the covenant of the guardianship of Him Whom You will make manifest from everything before My guardianship, and You are sufficient as a witness upon Me, as are those who have believed in Your signs. Verily, You are my sufficiency; upon You I have relied, and You are a reckoner over all things.”

And in another place, He says: “O suns of mirrors, you look to the sun of truth, for your existence depends on it if you see clearly. You all move like fish in water in the sea and are veiled from the water, asking about what you are dependent upon.” And He also says: “I do not complain to you, O mirror, be generous to all mirrors; all in their colors look to Me.”

The Story of Siyyid Jawad

This address from the Source of the Cause, the Bestower, was revealed to Siyyid Jawad, known as Karbala’i. God is witness and knows that this Siyyid was with this Wronged One and wrote an extensive refutation of the rejecters, and two Tablets in which he testified to the Manifestation of the truth and from beneath it appeared signs of rejection. We sent these to Haydar, before ’Ali. His writing is known and clear to all. The purpose of this act is that perhaps the deniers will attain the stream of affirmation and the rejecters will be illumined by the light of acceptance.

God is witness that this Wronged One had no other intention but to deliver the word of God. Blessed are the fair-minded, and woe to the rejecters. The rejecters have schemed and resorted to tricks. Among these, they have taken the picture of this Siyyid and also the pictures of some others, then pasted each one on a sheet of paper, placing the picture of Mirza Yahya above all of them. Indeed, they have resorted to all means to deny the truth.

“The truth has come, radiant like the sun, But alas, it has come to the city of the blind.” – Nizami Ganjavi

And the aforementioned Siyyid has advised the deniers and invited them to the Supreme Horizon, but his words had no effect on hardened hearts. They said about him what he sought refuge from God for. And now, the letters he sent to the sacred court are present. Blessed are the fair-minded. Now, reflect on the complaints of the Primal Point about the mirrors, perhaps it will cause awareness and lead the servants from the north of illusions and doubts to the right of faith and certitude, and they may become aware of what they are veiled from, despite having come from the world of non-existence into existence specifically for the recognition of this greatest Cause.

And He also says: “O my God, make the whole tree His, so that fruits may appear from it according to what God has created in it for those whom God has willed to manifest what He wills. For, by Your might, I did not want there to be any branch or leaf or fruit on that tree that would not prostrate to Him on the day of His Manifestation or glorify You as befits the exaltation of His Manifestation and the height of His concealment. And if You witness, O my God, any branch or leaf or fruit that does not prostrate to Him on the day of His Manifestation, then cut it off from that tree, for it is not from Me and does not return to Me.”

O people of the Bayan, by God, this Wronged One has had no intention except to manifest the Cause with which He has been commissioned. If you listen with the ear of nature, you will hear from all the elements, members, and veins, even from the hairs of the Wronged One, what causes the turning and attraction of the Supreme Assembly and the human realm. O guide, the zeal of ignorance before has prevented the poor servants from the straight path. Reflect on the Shia party; for twelve hundred years, they have said “the Qa’im,” and in the end, they all gave verdicts for His martyrdom and martyred Him, despite their belief, acknowledgment, and confession in God, the Most Glorious, and His Messenger, and His successors.

Now, a bit of reflection is necessary to perhaps understand what has become the barrier between the truth and the creation and what has become the cause of objection and denial. O guide, we have heard the lamentations of the pulpits, where the scholars of the time of the Manifestation climbed them, cursing the truth, and inflicted upon that Essence of Existence and His companions what no eye has seen and no ear has heard. Now, you, in the name of succession and representation, invite and lead the people, despite having no knowledge of the matter, for you were not with us. All this party knows that Siyyid Muhammad was one of the servants. During the days when, according to the wish of the Ottoman government, we turned to that direction, he was with us, and after that, what happened made the Supreme Pen weep and the Tablet lament, so we expelled him, and he joined Mirza Yahya, doing what no tyrant has done. We abandoned him and said, “Depart, O heedless one.”

After the appearance of this word, he went to the Mevlevi lodge and stayed with them until the command for departure came.

The Bayan Cannot Be Erased

O Hadi, do not cause new delusions. Do not be content with organizing a party like the Shia party again. Reflect on how much blood was shed, including your own claim to knowledge and the Shia scholars who cursed the truth and issued fatwas for its pure blood to be shed. Fear God, O Hadi, and do not be satisfied that the servants are once again afflicted with previous delusions. Fear God and do not be among the wrongdoers.

In these days, it has been heard that you have been working hard to erase the Bayan. This Wronged One asks you, for the sake of God, to abandon this intention. Your understanding and intellect are not above and beyond the Siyyid of the world. God is witness and testifies that this Wronged One has not read the Bayan nor seen its contents. It is clear, obvious, and evident that He has regarded the Book of Bayan as the foundation of His own books. Fear God and do not involve yourself in matters that do not concern you.

For twelve hundred years, people like you have afflicted the poor Shia with the well of delusions and suspicions. In the end, on the Day of Judgment, what happened appeared, which the wrongdoers before sought refuge in God from. Now, understand the cry of the Primal Point from His Bayan; He says, “O my God, if any fruit, leaf, or branch appears from this Tree that does not believe in You, cut it off this moment.” And He also says, “If anyone speaks a word without proof, do not reject him.” And yet, with a hundred volumes of books, you have rejected Him and are pleased with yourself. Again, I say and plead with you to consider with sharp insight what has been revealed; the fragrances of this Bayan are different from the previous revelations.

Stories About Baha’u’llah’s Family

This Wronged One has always been afflicted and has never looked into the books of the Exalted One or others. After entering Iraq by the order of the Shah of Iran, Mirza Yahya arrived two months later. We mentioned that we were sent here by order and that it would be good for him to stay in Iran, and we would send Mirza Musa, my brother, to another place because his name was not recorded in the registers, and he could serve. After that, this Wronged One migrated from Baghdad, completely detached from the world for two years. After returning, we saw that he was still there, and his journey had been delayed, which saddened this Wronged One greatly.

God is witness and knows that at all times we have been occupied with spreading the Cause. Chains and shackles did not stop us, nor did imprisonment prevent us from proclaiming. In that land, we stood up to prevent corruption and inappropriate actions, sending Tablets to all regions day and night with the sole purpose of refining souls and elevating the blessed Word. We appointed a few specific individuals to collect the writings of the Point. After collecting them, Mirza Yahya and Mirza Wahab Khorasani, known as Mirza Jawad, were gathered in one place, and they wrote and completed two cycles of the writings of the Point according to the command.

By God, this Wronged One, due to the many interactions with people, did not see the books and did not observe the writings of the Point with the physical eye. These writings were with these two when they migrated. It was decided that Mirza Yahya would take these writings and head towards Iran to spread them in those lands. This Wronged One, following the request of the ministers of the Ottoman government, turned towards that direction. Upon arriving in Mosul, we observed that Mirza Yahya had already gone ahead and was waiting. The books and writings were left in Baghdad, and he himself turned towards the higher authorities and joined these servants.

Now, God is witness to what happened to this Wronged One, for after enduring great hardships, the writings were left behind, and he joined the migrants. This Wronged One endured countless sorrows for a long time until, by means that only God knows, we sent the writings to another place and land. For in Iraq, the papers had to be examined in every city, otherwise, they would be scattered and lost. However, God preserved them and sent them to a place He had destined. Verily, He is the Protector, the Helper.

Wherever this Wronged One went, Mirza Yahya followed. You yourself are a witness and know that what has been mentioned is true. However, in the secrecy of Siyyid Isfahani, he was led astray and did what caused the greatest fear. If only you had asked the government officials about Mirza Yahya’s actions in that land. Despite everything, I swear by God, the One, the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, to examine the writings sent to the Primal Point in his name, so you may clearly see the traces of the truth as bright as the sun.

Furthermore, from the words of the Point of the Bayan, our souls be sacrificed for him, has appeared what no veil can prevent, and no screen can hide from its appearance. The veils have been torn by the finger of the will of your Lord, the Mighty, the Dominant. Indeed, there is no remedy for the slanderers and those who exceed the limits. Some time ago, it was mentioned that you attributed the Book of Certitude and some Tablets to others. By God, this is a great injustice. Apart from comprehending it, others are unable to even bring it down.

Hassan Mazandarani carried seventy Tablets, and when he passed away, those Tablets were not given to their owners but were handed over to one of this Wronged One’s sisters (’Izziyya Khanum), who turned away without reason. God knows what befell her. That sister was never with us. I swear by the sun of truth that after these matters came to light, I did not see Mirza Yahya or was aware of his affair because those days were not in agreement; he was in one place, and this Wronged One was in another. However, purely out of kindness, love, and compassion, a few days before the departure, I visited him and his mother, hoping they would drink from the Kawthar of faith and attain what today brings one closer to God. God knows and testifies, and he himself is a witness, that apart from this, there was no other intention.

After captivity and migration from Iraq to another place, no news was heard from him. After the separation in the land of Ṭā (Tehran), no meeting or specific news was received from him, especially from his brother Mirza Riza Quli. Initially, all were living in one house, and after that house was sold at a low price, it was purchased by the two brothers, Farmanfarma and Husam al-Saltanah, and they divided it. After this event, separation occurred between us and the brother; they moved to Shah Mosque, and we settled at the Shamiran Gate. However, without reason, signs of enmity appeared from the sister.

This Wronged One has not spoken any word except that the daughter of the late Mirza Muhammad Hasan (Fatimah Khanum), upon him be the glory and peace of God, who was engaged to the Most Great Branch, was taken by that sister to her own home and sent to another place. Many friends from various regions complained because this matter was very significant and did not accord with the opinion of any of the friends of God. The sister took her to her own place and arranged for her to be sent elsewhere, yet this Wronged One remained silent and quiet. Only to calm the friends did a single word express itself, and God is witness and knows that what was said was the truth, and was said sincerely. No one among the friends of these regions expected such an action, contrary to loyalty and love, to occur from the sister.

After this event, they saw the way cut off and did what everyone knows and is aware of. It is known what degree of sorrow this act brought upon this Wronged One. Afterward, she joined Mirza Yahya, and now various things are heard about her. It is unknown what she says and does. We ask God, the Blessed and Exalted, to return her to Him and enable her to repent at His door of grace. Verily, He is the Mighty, the Forgiving, the Powerful, the Pardoning.

Do Not Cling to the Bayan

And in another place, He says: “If He appears now, I will be the first worshiper and the first prostrator.” O people, be just. The intention of the Exalted One was that near the time of the Manifestation, people should not be prevented from the remaining divine law, just as the followers of John were not prevented from acknowledging the Spirit. He has repeatedly said and continues to say: “The Bayan and what is revealed in it should not prevent you from that essence of existence and the owner of the unseen and the seen.” With this firm command, if anyone clings to the Bayan, he is outside the shadow of the Blessed Supreme Tree. Be just, O people, and do not be among the heedless.

He also says: “Do not veil yourself from the Master of that with names, even the name of the Prophet, for that name is created by His word.” And in the seventh door of the second unit, He says: “O people of the Bayan, do not do what the people of the Qur’an did, invalidating the fruits of your night.” Until He says, exalted be His mention: “If you attain His Manifestation and obey Him, you will manifest the fruit of the Bayan, otherwise, you are not worthy of mention before God. Have mercy on yourselves; if you do not support the Manifestation of Lordship, do not bring sorrow upon Him.” Until He says, exalted be His mention: “If you do not attain the meeting with God, do not bring sorrow upon the Ayat of God. The benefit of the followers of the Bayan passes from you, provided you do not harm Him. Even though I know you will not do so.”

Thus, this Wronged One has always been preoccupied, night and day, with raising the Cause of God before the faces of the religions, while those souls hold fast to means that cause disgrace and are the reason for affliction. And He also says: “Know Him by His signs, and do not be cautious in recognizing Him, for if you are, you will be veiled to that extent in the fire.”

O rejecters of the Bayan, reflect on this exalted word that has flowed from the Source of the Bayan, the Point of Knowledge, and at this time hear that word: “On that day, the sun of truth will address the people of the Bayan and recite this chapter from the Qur’an: Say, O disbelievers, I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. I shall never worship what you worship, nor will you ever worship what I worship. You have your religion, and I have mine.”

Glory be to God, despite these clear statements and radiant, shining signs, all are occupied with their imaginations and are heedless and veiled from the Beloved. O rejecters, awaken from the sleep of heedlessness and listen to this word of the herald: “The tree of affirmation with its rejection from Him is counted as denial, and the tree of denial with its acceptance of Him is counted as affirmation.” And He also says: “If a soul claims but does not bring proof, oppose him, and do not bring sorrow upon him.”

Indeed, this Wronged One, night and day, speaks the chapter of “O disbelievers” in the hope that it may cause awareness and adorn the people with the adornment of justice. Now, reflect on these words that exude the fragrance of jasmine in His supplication with sorrows to God, the Lord of the worlds, saying: “Glory be to You, O my God, and bear witness that by this Book I have taken the covenant of the guardianship of Him Whom You will make manifest from everything before My guardianship, and You are sufficient as a witness upon Me, as are those who have believed in Your signs. Verily, You are my sufficiency; upon You I have relied, and You are a reckoner over all things.”

And in another place, He says: “O suns of mirrors, you look to the sun of truth, for your existence depends on it if you see clearly. You all move like fish in water in the sea and are veiled from the water, asking about what you are dependent upon.” And He also says: “I do not complain to you, O mirror, be generous to all mirrors; all in their colors look to Me.”

This address from the Source of the Cause, the Bestower, was revealed to Siyyid Jawad, known as Karbala’i. God is witness and knows that this Siyyid was with this Wronged One and wrote an extensive refutation of the rejecters, and two Tablets in which he testified to the Manifestation of the truth and from beneath it appeared signs of rejection. We sent these to Haydar, before ’Ali. His writing is known and clear to all. The purpose of this act is that perhaps the deniers will attain the stream of affirmation and the rejecters will be illumined by the light of acceptance.

God is witness that this Wronged One had no other intention but to deliver the word of God. Blessed are the fair-minded, and woe to the rejecters. The rejecters have schemed and resorted to tricks. Among these, they have taken the picture of this Siyyid and also the pictures of some others, then pasted each one on a sheet of paper, placing the picture of Mirza Yahya above all of them. Indeed, they have resorted to all means to deny the truth.

Say O Hadi, it seems that because of these true statements, you intend to erase the Bayan. Listen to the call of the Wronged One and refrain from this injustice that has disturbed the foundations of the Bayan. I have not been in Chihriq nor in Mahku. Now, among your followers, words have appeared exactly like what the Shia party used to say, that this Qur’an is not complete. Your followers also say that this Bayan is not that Bayan. The handwriting of Haji Siyyid Husayn and the handwriting of Mirza Ahmad are present.

One who has not suffered even a single blow in this world and has always had five maids of God around him is called the wronged one, while the True One, who has been in the hands of enemies from the beginning of His life until now and has been subjected to the worst tortures in the world, is attributed with what the Jews did not even say about Christ. Listen to the call of the Wronged One and do not be among the losers.

And He also says: “How many fires God has turned into light through Him Whom God shall make manifest, and how many lights He has turned into fire through Him, and I see His manifestation as this sun at its zenith, and the setting of all as the stars of night in the day.”

O world, do you have ears to hear the call of the Truth and be just in this manifestation, where, upon its appearance, Mount Sinai spoke, and the Speaker came with clear signs and evident proofs, despite every heedless and distant one and every slanderer and liar who wanted to extinguish the light of God with their lies and erase the signs of God with their malice. Verily, they are among the wrongdoers in the Book of God, the Lord of the worlds.

And He also says: “The Bayan from the beginning to the end is the repository of all His attributes and the treasury of His fire and light.” Glory be to God, understanding this statement seizes a person with utmost sorrow, as He speaks of what He observes. And He also says to the letter Ha’ (Mulla Baqir), upon him be the glory of God and His grace: “Perhaps in the eighth year on the day of His appearance, you will attain His meeting.”

Know, O Hadi, and be among the listeners. Be just; most of the companions of God and the guides of truth have been martyred, yet you are still alive. What has preserved you? By God, it is the denial and martyrdom of the holy souls that have affirmed. Every person of justice and fairness testifies to this matter, for the cause and reason for these two are as clear as the sun. And He also says to the oppressed and martyred Diyan: “You will know your worth by the words of Him Whom God shall make manifest.” And He calls him the third believer in Him Whom God shall make manifest, saying: “And you, O third letter, believer in Him Whom God shall make manifest.” And He also says: “But God, if He wills, will make you known by the words of Him Whom God shall make manifest.”

In Honor of Mirza Asadu’llah Diyan

The Diyan, who, according to the words of the Primal Point, our souls be sacrificed for him, was the repository of the trust of God, the Mighty, the Glorious, and the treasury of the pearls of His knowledge, was martyred in such a way that the Supreme Concourse wept and lamented. He was the one to whom the hidden and treasured knowledge was taught and entrusted, as He says: “O Name of the Diyan, this is hidden and treasured knowledge that We have entrusted to you, and We have granted you honor from God, as your heart’s eye is delicate, recognizing its worth and exalting its glory. And God has bestowed upon the Point of the Bayan the hidden and treasured knowledge which God had not revealed before that manifestation, and it is more honored than all knowledge before God. He has made it a proof from Himself just as He has made the signs a proof from Himself.”

Urged to Read Mirza Yahya’s Mustayqiz

That oppressed one, who possessed the treasury of divine knowledge, along with Mirza Ali Akbar, one of the relatives of the Point, upon him be the glory of God and His mercy, and Aqa Abu’l-Qasim Kashani and several others, were martyred by the fatwa of Mirza Yahya. O Hadi, his book is with you, the one named Mustayqiz (The Awakened). Read it, even though you have seen it, but observe it repeatedly, perhaps you may find for yourself a lofty station in the pavilion of truth. And also, Aqa Siyyid Ibrahim, about whom these words have flowed from the Pen of the Primal Point: “O my friend in the Tablets and O my remembrance in the Books after the Tablets and O my name in the Bayan.”

He named him Abu’l-Shurur (Father of Evils) and Abu’l-Dawahi (Father of Calamities). Now, be just as to what has befallen these oppressed ones, even though one was serving him and the other arrived before him. By God, he acted in ways that the Pen is ashamed to describe. Reflect a little on the sanctity of the Primal Point and observe what has appeared. When this Wronged One returned to Dar al-Salam after a two-year migration, traveling through deserts and mountains due to certain souls who ran through the wilderness for a long time, Mirza Muhammad Ali Rashi came to the presence and said a word about the sanctity of that Exalted One, which truly brought sorrow to all regions.

Glory be to God, how they were satisfied to cling to this greatest treachery. Indeed, I ask God to grant the actor success in repentance and return. Verily, He is the supporter, the wise. And the Diyan, upon him be the glory of God and His mercy, attained the presence in accordance with what was revealed from the Pen of the Primal Point. We ask God to enable the heedless to turn towards Him and the rejecters to accept Him, and the deniers to believe in this Cause, which, when it appeared, all things proclaimed: “He has come, the One who was hidden in the treasury of knowledge and inscribed by the Supreme Pen in the Books, Tablets, and Scrolls.”

May God guide and assist all to recognize the truth of this Manifestation and embrace it wholeheartedly.

Some Selected Hadith

In this context, it is necessary to mention the traditions that have been recorded concerning this blessed and honored city, namely, Akka. Perhaps, O Hadi, you may take a path towards truth and a way to God.

In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

“Regarding the Virtues of Akka, the Sea, and the Spring of the Cow in Akka”

Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd al-Salam narrated from the Prophet (peace be upon him) that he said, “Akka is a city in Syria that God has singled out for His mercy.” And Ibn Masud (may God be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Indeed, the best of the coasts is Ashkelon, and indeed, Akka is better than Ashkelon. The virtue of Akka over Ashkelon and all the coasts is like the virtue of Muhammad over all the prophets. Shall I not tell you about a city between two mountains in Syria, in the midst of the meadow, called Akka? Indeed, whoever enters it with desire and visits it, God will forgive him his past and future sins. Whoever leaves it without visiting, God will not bless him in his departure. Indeed, in it is a spring called the Spring of the Cow. Whoever drinks from it, God will fill his heart with light and protect him from the greatest torment on the Day of Resurrection.”

And Anas ibn Malik (may God be pleased with him) said that the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said, “On the coasts is a city suspended under the Throne, called Akka. Whoever spends the night there in ribat (guarding the frontier) for the sake of God, God will write for him the reward of the patient ones, the standing ones, the bowing ones, and the prostrating ones until the Day of Resurrection.”

And he (peace be upon him) said, “Shall I not tell you about a city on the coast, white, with its whiteness being beautiful in the sight of God the Exalted, called Akka? Indeed, whoever is bitten by a flea from its fleas, it is better in the sight of God than a piercing stab in the path of God. Indeed, whoever calls to prayer in it, his voice will reach Paradise. Whoever sits in it for seven days facing the enemy, God will resurrect him with Khidr (peace be upon him) and will protect him from the greatest fear on the Day of Resurrection.”

And he (peace be upon him) said, “Indeed, in Paradise are kings, leaders, and the poor of Akka are the kings and leaders of Paradise. Indeed, a month in Akka is better than a thousand years elsewhere.”

And from the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) that he said, “Blessed is he who visits Akka and blessed is he who visits the visitor of Akka. Blessed is he who drinks from the Spring of the Cow and bathes in its water, for the maidens of Paradise drink the camphor that is in Paradise from the Spring of the Cow, the Spring of Siloam, and the Well of Zamzam. Blessed is he who drinks from these springs and bathes in their water, for God has forbidden the fire of Hell upon him and his body on the Day of Resurrection.”

And the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Indeed, in Akka are supererogatory acts and extra blessings that God bestows on whom He wills. Whoever says in Akka, ‘Glory be to God, and praise be to God, and there is no god but God, and God is the Greatest, and there is no power and no strength except with God, the Most High, the Most Great,’ God will write for him a thousand good deeds, erase from him a thousand bad deeds, raise him a thousand degrees in Paradise, and forgive him his sins. Whoever says in Akka, ‘I seek forgiveness from God,’ God will forgive him all his sins. Whoever remembers God in Akka in the mornings, evenings, and early hours, in the sight of God it is better than carrying swords, spears, and weapons in the path of God the Exalted.”

And the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever looks at the sea at noon and glorifies God at sunset, God will forgive him his sins, even if they are like the sand of Aalij. Whoever counts forty waves while glorifying God, God will forgive him his past and future sins.”

And the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever looks at the sea for a full night, it is better than two full months between the Black Stone and the Station of Ibrahim. Whoever grows up on the coasts is better than those who grow up elsewhere. And the one who sleeps on the coasts is like the one who stands elsewhere.”

The Messenger of God has spoken the truth, may God’s blessings be upon him.