Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih (Words of Paradise)

He is the one who speaks the truth in the Kingdom of the Bayan.

The Influence of Actions for Teachers

O Dawning-places of justice and equity, and rising-points of truth and grace! The oppressed one weeps and says, he cries out and calls: “O my God, my God! Adorn the heads of Thy loved ones with the crown of detachment and their temples with the garment of piety.” It behooves the people of Bahá to assist the Lord with their words, and to exhort the people through their deeds and characters. The influence of actions is more effective than the influence of words.

O Haidar, before Ali, upon thee be the praise of God and His glory! Say, indeed, man rises by his trustworthiness, chastity, wisdom, and conduct, and he falls by his treachery, falsehood, ignorance, and hypocrisy. By my life, man does not ascend through adornment and wealth, but through manners and knowledge.

The people of Iran have mostly been raised with falsehoods and suspicions. Where is the station of those souls and the station of those men who have passed beyond the gulf of names and have pitched their tents on the shores of the sea of sanctity? Verily, the present souls are not worthy of hearing the melodies of the nightingales of the Supreme Paradise, except for a few, and few of My servants are grateful. Most of the servants are familiar with illusions; they prefer a drop of the sea of illusion over the ocean of certitude. They are deprived of the meaning, clinging to the name, and are barred from the dawning-place of the divine verses, grasping at suspicions. God willing, that person is supported in all circumstances to break the idols of illusions and tear the veils of people. The matter is in the hand of God, the Manifestor of revelation and inspiration, and the Possessor of the Day of Judgment.

Conditions of the Teachers

What that person mentioned regarding some of the teachers was heard. He spoke the truth. Some heedless souls in the cities are moving in the name of truth and are engaged in undermining His cause, and they call it victory and propagation. Yet, the stars of the conditions of the teachers are rising and visible from the horizons of the heavens of the divine Tablets. Every just person is a witness, and every discerning person is aware that God, exalted is His majesty, has spoken and taught in the nights and days about what causes the exaltation of human ranks and stations.

The people of Bahá are like a lamp shining among the assembly, holding fast to the will of God. This station is the owner of stations. Blessed is he who casts aside what is with the world for the hope of what is with God, the Possessor of eternity. Say: O my God, my God! You see me circling around Your will, gazing towards the horizon of Your grace, and waiting for the manifestations of the lights of the sun of Your bounty. I ask You, O Beloved of the hearts of the knowing ones and Desired of the near ones, to make Your loved ones detached from their wills, clinging to Your will. O Lord! Adorn them with the garment of piety and illuminate them with the light of detachment. Then assist them with the hosts of wisdom and speech to exalt Your word among Your creation and to manifest Your cause among Your servants. Indeed, You are the All-Powerful over whatever You wish, and in Your grasp is the reins of all affairs. There is no god but You, the Mighty, the Forgiving.

O thou who gazes upon the face! These days have come what has caused the greatest sorrow from some of the oppressors who claim to be aligned with the truth. That which makes the limbs of truth, trustworthiness, justice, and fairness tremble has appeared. Even though utmost care and bounty were shown towards a certain person, that person acted in such a way that the eye of God wept. It had been mentioned before, what would bring awareness and heedfulness. For several years, we concealed it, hoping that he would become aware and return. But no sign appeared. In the end, he stood before the faces of the people to undermine the Cause of God. He tore the veil of fairness, showing no mercy neither to himself nor to the Cause of God. Now, the sorrow over the actions of some others has surpassed the sorrow over his actions. Seek from God to assist the heedless souls to return and repent. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Generous.

Cling to Unity

These days, all must cling to unity and agreement and engage in assisting the Cause of God, so that perhaps the heedless souls may attain that which is the cause of eternal salvation. The division of parties has caused weakness; every party has taken a path and clung to a cord. Despite their blindness and ignorance, they consider themselves to be possessed of sight and knowledge. Among the learned of the Islamic community, some of these souls are clinging to that which causes sluggishness and seclusion. By the life of God, it diminishes status and increases arrogance. From a human being, there must appear a fruit. A fruitless human, as the Spirit (Christ) has said, is like a fruitless tree, and a fruitless tree is worthy of fire. Those souls, in the ranks of monotheism, have mentioned that which is the greatest cause for the appearance of sluggishness and the illusions of the servants. In truth, they have removed the distinction and considered themselves to be the truth. The Truth is sanctified from all, manifest in all His signs. The signs are from Him, not Him. In the book of the world, all are mentioned and witnessed. The image of the world is a great book. Every person with sight understands what leads to the straight path and the great news. Behold the manifestations of the sun; its lights have encompassed the world, but its manifestations are from Him and His appearance is by Himself, not by His essence. What is seen on earth testifies to His power, knowledge, and grace, and He is sanctified above all.

Christ said, “You have granted to the children what the scholars and the wise have been deprived of.” Hakim Sabzavari has said, “An attentive ear is not found, otherwise, the melody of the Tree of Sinai is in every tree.” In the Tablet, one of the wise asked about the Simple Reality; we addressed the well-known Hakim with this: “If this word truly was from you, why did you not hear the call of the Tree of Man, which is raised from the highest station of the world? If you heard it, but fear for your life and fear prevented you from responding, such a person is not worthy of mention. And if you did not hear it, you are deprived of hearing.” By my life, in speech, they are proud, but in action, they are a disgrace to the nations.

Indeed, we have blown the trumpet, which is my Supreme Pen, and from it, the servants have fallen unconscious, except for those whom God, in His grace, has preserved. Indeed, He is the Ancient Bounteous One. Say: O assembly of scholars, do you object to a Pen whose sound, when raised, the Kingdom of Bayan prepared to listen to, and all remembrance bowed before its mighty and great mention? Fear God and do not follow suspicions and illusions. Follow the one who comes to you with clear knowledge and firm certainty. Glory be to God; the treasure of man is his words. This wronged one refrained from expressing it because the deniers lie in wait. The protection is from God, the Lord of all worlds. Indeed, we trust in Him, and we have entrusted the affairs to Him, and He is sufficient for us and for all things. By His permission and command, the Sun of Power has risen from the horizon of the world. Blessed is he who has witnessed and known, and woe to those who turn away and deny. Yet, this wronged one loves and will always love the wise, meaning those whose wisdom is not just words, but whose actions and effects remain and are manifest in the world. Respect for these blessed souls is necessary for all. Blessed are the doers, and blessed are the knowers, and blessed is he who is just in matters and clings to my strong cord of justice.

The people of Iran have passed beyond Hafiz and Mo’in and are clinging to the illusions of the ignorant. They are so busy with illusions that it is not possible to separate them except by the arm of the power of God, exalted is His majesty. Seek from God to remove the veils of the parties with the finger of His might so that all may find the means of protection, exaltation, and elevation and hasten to the side of the One True Friend.

The Leaves of the Supreme Paradise

The First Leaf

The Word of God in the first leaf of the Supreme Paradise is inscribed and recorded by the Pen of Abhá. Truly, I say, the clear protection and the strong fortress for all the people of the world is the fear of God. That is the greatest cause for the preservation of humanity and the most significant reason for protection. Indeed, there is a sign within the existence that restrains a person from what is unworthy and inappropriate, and it guards him. This is called modesty. However, this matter is specific to a few; not all possess this station.

The Second Leaf

The Word of God in the second leaf of the Supreme Paradise from the Supreme Pen at this time advises the manifestations of power and the dawning places of might, meaning the kings, rulers, chiefs, leaders, scholars, and mystics, and counsels them to adhere to religion. This is the great cause for the order of the world and the assurance of those in existence. The weakening of the foundations of religion has become a cause for the strength of the ignorant and their boldness and audacity. Truly, I say, what has diminished from the lofty station of religion has increased the heedlessness of the wicked, and the ultimate result is chaos. Hear, O people of insight, and then take heed, O people of vision.

The Third Leaf

The Word of God in the third leaf of the Supreme Paradise:

O Son of Man! If thou art mindful of grace, leave what benefits thee and take what benefits the servants. And if thou art mindful of justice, choose for others what thou choosest for thyself. Indeed, man is sometimes elevated by humility to the heaven of glory and power, and at other times he is brought down by arrogance to the lowest station of abasement and degradation. O party of God! This is a great day, and the great call is revealed in a Tablet from the heaven of the Divine Will, this supreme word. If all the power of the spirit were to be transformed into the power of hearing, it could be said that it is worthy of hearing this call, which has been raised from the highest horizon. Otherwise, these polluted ears are not worthy of hearing. Blessed are the listeners, and woe to the heedless.

The Fourth Leaf

The Word of God in the fourth leaf of the Supreme Paradise:

O party of God! Seek from the All-Glorious One to protect the manifestations of might and power from the evil of self and desire, and to illuminate them with the lights of justice and guidance. From His Highness Muhammad Shah, despite his exalted station, two abominable actions became manifest: first, the banishment of the sovereign of the lands of grace and bounty, His Holiness the Point of the First (the Báb), and second, the killing of the chief of the city, the one of wisdom and creation. However, his mistakes and his bounty are great. A sovereign whose pride in power and authority does not prevent him from justice, and whose wealth, fortune, honor, armies, and multitudes do not deprive him of the manifestations of the sun of fairness, has a high station and a lofty rank in the Supreme Assembly. It is necessary for all to assist and love that blessed being. Blessed is the king who has taken control of his own self, conquered his anger, preferred justice over oppression, and fairness over tyranny.

The Fifth Leaf

The Word of God in the fifth leaf of the Supreme Paradise:

The greatest gift and supreme blessing in the highest rank has always been and continues to be intellect. It is the preserver of existence and its helper and supporter. Intellect is the messenger of the Merciful and the manifestation of the name “All-Knowing.” Through it, the station of humanity is revealed and observed. It is the first teacher in the school of existence and the guide with a lofty rank. Through its education, the element of earth has become endowed with a noble essence and surpassed the heavens. Intellect is the first orator in the city of justice and, in the ninth year, it illuminated the world with the glad-tidings of its appearance. It is the singular knower who, at the beginning of the world, ascended the ladder of meanings and, by the Merciful’s will, sat upon the pulpit of explanation. With two letters, it spoke: the first was the announcement of the promise, and the second was the fear of warning. From promise and warning, clear hope and fear emerged, and upon these two foundations, the order of the world was firmly established. Exalted is the Wise One, the Possessor of great bounty.

The Sixth Leaf

The Word of God in the sixth leaf of the Supreme Paradise:

The lamp of the servants is justice. Do not extinguish it with the opposing winds of oppression and tyranny. The purpose of justice is the manifestation of unity among the servants. In this supreme word, the ocean of divine wisdom is surging; the records of the world cannot suffice to interpret it. If the world is adorned with this pattern, the sun of the word “On the day God will enrich everyone out of His bounty” will rise and be observed from the horizon of the heaven of the world. Recognize the station of this statement, for it is the fruit of the tree of the Supreme Pen. Blessed is the one who hears and attains. Truly, I say, that which has descended from the heaven of divine will is the cause of the world’s order and the reason for the unity and harmony of its inhabitants. Thus has the tongue of the wronged one spoken in His great prison.

The Seventh Leaf

The Word of God in the seventh leaf of the Supreme Paradise:

O wise ones of the nations, remove the veil of estrangement from your eyes and look towards unity. Cling to the means that cause the comfort and tranquility of all the people of the world. This small world is one homeland and one abode. Forsake the pride that leads to division and turn to that which causes unity. Among the people of Bahá, pride is in knowledge, deeds, conduct, and wisdom, not in one’s homeland and position. O people of the earth, recognize the value of this heavenly word, for it is like a ship for the sea of knowledge and like the sun for the world of vision.

The Eighth Leaf

The Word of God in the eighth leaf of the Supreme Paradise:

The house of education should initially teach children the precepts of religion so that the promises and warnings mentioned in the divine books may restrain them from what is forbidden and adorn them with the adornment of His commandments. However, this should be done in such a measure that it does not lead to fanaticism and ignorant prejudice. Whatever has not been explicitly revealed in the book concerning limits should be consulted upon by the trustees of the House of Justice, and whatever they decide should be carried out. Verily, He will inspire them with what He wills, and He is the All-Knowing, the Organizer. We have previously stated that speaking in two languages has been ordained, and effort should be made to reduce it to one. Similarly, the scripts of the world should be unified so that the lives of people are not wasted and nullified in the acquisition of various languages, and so that the entire earth may be viewed as one city and one region.

The Ninth Leaf

The Word of God in the ninth leaf of the Supreme Paradise:

Truly, I say, moderation in all things is beloved. When it is exceeded, it leads to harm. Consider the civilization of the West; it has caused the world to be in turmoil and fear. Hellish instruments have appeared, and such cruelty in taking lives has emerged that the eyes of the world and the ears of nations have neither seen nor heard anything like it. The rectification of these overwhelming and powerful corruptions is not possible except through the unity of the world’s parties in their affairs or in one of the religions. Hear the cry of the wronged one and hold fast to the Most Great Peace. Strange and marvelous things are present in the West, but they are hidden from minds and hearts. These are things that can change the entire atmosphere of the earth and bring about devastation. Glory be to God, a wondrous thing was observed: lightning or something like it obeys the command of its leader and moves by his order. Exalted is the Mighty One who has manifested what He wills by His firm and unyielding command.

O people of Bahá! The revealed commands are each a strong fortress for existence. The wronged one has sought nothing but your protection and elevation. We counsel the members of the House of Justice to safeguard and protect the servants, the maidservants, and the children. In all circumstances, they must look to the welfare of the servants. Blessed is the ruler who takes the hand of the captive, the wealthy one who turns to the poor, the just one who takes the right of the oppressed from the oppressor, and the trustee who carries out what he has been commanded by the Ancient Commander. O Haidar, before Ali, upon thee be my glory and praise. The advice and exhortations of the world have encompassed it, yet they have brought sorrow instead of joy because some of those who claim love have transgressed and have done what neither the nations before nor the scholars of Iran have done. We have said before, “My affliction is not my prison, nor what has befallen me from my enemies, but the actions of my loved ones who attribute themselves to me and commit what makes my heart and my pen lament.” Repeatedly, similar statements have been revealed, but they have not benefited the heedless ones, for they are seen to be prisoners of self and desire. Seek from God to assist all to return and repent, so that if the self remains attached to its desires, sin and error will persist. I hope that the hand of divine forgiveness and merciful grace will take hold of all and adorn them with the garment of forgiveness and bounty. Also, that He may protect them from what leads to the undermining of His Cause among His servants. Indeed, He is the Mighty, the Powerful, and He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

The Tenth Leaf

The Word of God in the tenth leaf of the Supreme Paradise:

O people of the earth, seclusion and severe ascetic practices are not accepted with honor. The people of insight and wisdom observe those means that bring about spirit and fragrance. Such actions are born from the backbone of suspicions and the womb of illusions, and they are not worthy of the people of knowledge. Some servants, both before and after, have lived in caves of mountains, and some have turned to graves in the night. Say, listen to the counsel of the wronged one. Abandon what you possess and cling to what the trusted counselor commands. Do not deprive yourselves of what has been created for you. Generosity is beloved and accepted in the sight of God and is among the most noble of deeds. Reflect, then remember what the Merciful has revealed in the Qur’an: “They give preference to others over themselves, even if they are in need, and those who are saved from the greediness of their souls are the successful ones.” Truly, this blessed word in this context is the sun of words. Blessed is he who prefers his brother over himself; indeed, he is among the people of Bahá in the Crimson Ark from God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

The Eleventh Leaf

The Word of God in the eleventh leaf of the Supreme Paradise:

We command the manifestations of the names and attributes that after this Cause, they should all cling to what has been manifested in this Greatest Revelation and not cause division. Let them look to the horizons of these radiant words that have been revealed on this page. Division leads to bloodshed and is the cause of the upheaval of the servants. Hear the cry of the wronged one and do not exceed it. If a soul reflects on what has been revealed by the Supreme Pen in this Revelation, he will be certain that this wronged one has mentioned nothing for the sake of establishing a station or status for himself, but rather, his intention is to elevate the souls to the highest horizon and prepare them to hear that which purifies and sanctifies the people of the world from the disputes and conflicts that arise from the differences in religions. My heart, my pen, my outer self, and my inner self testify to this. God willing, all will turn to the hidden treasures within themselves.

O people of Bahá! The power of thought is the treasury of industries, sciences, and arts. Strive so that the pearls of wisdom and eloquence may be revealed from this true mine and become the cause of the comfort and unity of the diverse parties of the world.

The Reformation of Iran

This wronged one, in all circumstances—whether in hardship or ease, in honor or in suffering—has always commanded all to love, kindness, compassion, and unity. Every day that even a little elevation and greatness became apparent, hidden souls emerged from behind veils and spoke false accusations that were sharper than a sword. They cling to rejected and fabricated words, and they are barred and deprived from the ocean of divine verses. If these veils had not intervened, Iran would have been conquered by the word within two years or more, and the position of both the state and the nation would have been exalted, for the true purpose would have been manifested with full clarity, without concealment.

At times, we spoke explicitly, and at other times, we hinted at what needed to be said. After the reformation of Iran, the fragrant breezes of the word would have spread to other lands, for that which has flowed from the Supreme Pen has always been and continues to be the cause of the elevation, exaltation, and education of all the people of the world. It is the greatest remedy for all ailments, if they could but understand and perceive.

These days, the honored Afnán and Amín—upon them be My glory and favor—have attained presence and reunion, as well as Nabíl, the son of Nabíl, and the son of Samandar—upon them be the glory and favor of God—and they have been blessed with the cup of reunion. We ask God to ordain for them the best of this world and the next, and to bestow upon them blessings from the heaven of His bounty and the clouds of His mercy, indeed, He is the Most Merciful of the merciful and the Bounteous, the Generous.

The Verses of the Mother Book are Radiant

O Haidar, before Ali, your letter, which you sent under the name of “Generosity,” has reached the sacred court. Praise be to God, it was adorned with the light of unity and sanctity, and it was ablaze with the fire of love and affection. Ask of God to strengthen the eyes and to illuminate them with a new light, so that they may attain that which has no equal or likeness. Today, the verses of the Mother Book are as radiant as the sun, neither confused nor mingled with past and future words. The wronged one does not wish to use anything other than his own cause to argue for his truth. He is all-encompassing, and everything else is encompassed. Say: O people, read what you have, and we will read what we have. By God, the remembrance of the world and what is with the nations is not mentioned in the face of His remembrance. This is testified by the one who speaks in all matters, for He is God, the Master of the Day of Judgment, and the Lord of the Great Throne.

Glory be to God, it is not known by what proof and evidence the objectors of the Bayán have turned away from the Lord of Creation. The station of this Cause is above that of what has appeared and will appear. If, God forbid, the Point of the Bayán were present today and hesitated in affirming it, he would be included in the blessed word that was revealed from the dawn of the Bayán of that exalted one: “It is incumbent upon him whom God will make manifest to reject anyone who is not superior to him on the earth.”

To Mirza Yahya

Say, O ignorant ones, today that exalted one proclaims, “Indeed, I am the first of the worshipers.” The goods of the people’s understanding are meager, and their power of comprehension is weak. The Supreme Pen bears witness to their poverty and to the wealth of God, the Lord of all worlds. Glorified be He who created the creation, and He is the Truth, the All-Knowing, the Omniscient. The Mother Book and the Bestower have been revealed in a praiseworthy station. The dawn has broken, but the people do not understand. The verses have come, and their Revealer is in evident sorrow. What has befallen me is such that all existence has mourned. Say: O Yahyá, bring forth a sign if you are knowledgeable and rightly guided. This is what My heralds spoke of before, and now He says, “Indeed, I am the first of the worshipers.”

Be fair, O my brother! Were you of any significance in the waves of the ocean of My Bayán? Did you have a voice during the cry of My Pen? Did you have any power at the manifestations of My might? Be fair by God, and then remember when you stood by the wronged one, and we revealed to you the verses of God, the All-Mighty, the All-Sustaining. Beware lest the source of falsehood prevent you from this manifest truth.

O thou who gazes upon the face! Say, O heedless servants, you have been deprived of a drop from the ocean of God’s verses and barred from a ray of the lights of the Sun of Reality. Were it not for Bahá, who could speak before the faces? Be just and do not be among the wrongdoers. By Him, the seas have surged, the secrets have been revealed, and the trees have spoken. The dominion and the kingdom belong to God, the Revealer of verses and the Manifestor of signs. Look at the Persian Bayán of the Promised One and observe it with the eye of justice. Indeed, it guides you to a path that speaks today of what its tongue spoke before, when it was seated on the throne of its great name.

Friends in the Region (Unspecified)

They have mentioned the friends in that region; praise be to God, each of them has attained the mention of the Truth, exalted is His majesty, and the names of all have been uttered and revealed in the kingdom of the Bayán from the tongue of grandeur. Blessed are they, and joy be upon them, for they drank the wine of revelation and inspiration from the hands of their gracious and generous Lord. We ask God to enable them to remain steadfast in the greatest steadfastness and to assist them with the hosts of wisdom and eloquence. Indeed, He is the Mighty, the Powerful.

Give them My greetings, and announce to them the glad tidings of what has shone forth, and the light of remembrance that has risen from the horizon of the sky of the bounty of their Forgiving and Merciful Lord. Mention was made of Hájí before Sín. Indeed, We have adorned his being with the garment of forgiveness and crowned his head with the crown of pardon. Let him boast before the people with this manifest, radiant, and evident favor. Say, do not grieve, for after the revelation of this blessed verse, it is as if you have been born anew at this very moment from the womb of the mother. Say, you have no sin and no error. God has purified you with the pure river of His revelation in His great prison. We ask Him, exalted and glorified be He, to assist you in remembering and praising Him and to strengthen you with the hosts of the unseen. Indeed, He is the Mighty, the Powerful.

The People of Tar

You mentioned the people of Tár. Indeed, We have turned towards the servants of God there, and We advise them in the first Bayán with what the Point of the Bayán revealed for this Revelation, through which the limbs of the names trembled and the idols of delusions fell. The tongue of grandeur has spoken from its highest horizon. By God, the hidden treasure has appeared, and the concealed secret has been revealed, through which the mouth of what was and what will be has smiled. He has spoken, and His word is the truth. I have written a jewel in His mention, and it is that He should not be consulted on what I advise, nor on what is mentioned in the Bayán.

We advise them to justice, fairness, trustworthiness, and faith, and to whatever exalts the word of God and their ranks among the servants. I am the truthful counselor, and this is testified by the one from whose Pen flows the sweet waters of mercy, and from whose eloquence the river of life for the people of existence. Exalted is this greatest favor, and magnificent is this manifest bounty.

O people of Tár, listen to the call of the Chosen One. He reminds you of what draws you closer to God, the Lord of all worlds. Indeed, He has turned towards you from the prison of Akká and revealed for you what will preserve your names and mentions in a book that neither erasure can seize nor the doubts of the objectors can alter. Leave what is with the people, and take what you have been commanded by the Ancient Commander. This is a day in which the Lote-Tree of the Extremity calls out and says: O people, behold My fruits and leaves, then listen to My rustling. Beware lest the doubts of the people prevent you from the light of certainty. The ocean of eloquence calls out and says: O people of the earth, look at My waves and what has appeared from Me of the pearls of wisdom and eloquence. Fear God and do not be among the heedless.

Today, there is a great celebration in the Supreme Assembly, for that which has been promised in the divine books has appeared. It is the day of the greatest joy. All must with utmost happiness, joy, delight, and exhilaration approach the threshold of nearness and save themselves from the fire of remoteness.

O people of Tár, with the power of My greatest name, take the cups of understanding, then drink from them, despite the people of existence who have broken the covenant of God, denied His proof and evidence, and argued with His verses that have encompassed all who are in the heavens and the earth.

The objectors of the Bayán are observed as if they are a party of the Shí’ah and are following the path of that party. Leave them in their illusions and suspicions, for they are among the greatest losers in the Book of God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

Now, the Shí’ah scholars are entirely engaged in cursing and reviling the Truth from their pulpits. Glory be to God, even Dowlatabadi has followed that people and ascended the pulpit, speaking words that made the Tablet cry out and the Pen lament. Reflect on his actions and the actions of Ashraf—upon him be My glory and favor—and also on those beloved ones who, with this name, approached the sacred place and sacrificed their lives in the path of the goal of all the worlds. The Cause is evident and as radiant as the sun, yet the people have become veils unto themselves.

We seek from God to assist them in returning. Indeed, He is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.

O people of Tár, from this station, We glorify your faces, and We ask God, exalted and glorified be He, to grant you the pure wine of steadfastness from the hands of

His bounty. Indeed, He is the Bountiful, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy.

Leave the immature ones of the world, who are moved by desire and cling to the horizons of illusions. Indeed, He is your supporter and helper. Indeed, He is the All-Powerful over whatever He wills. There is no god but Him, the One, the Single, the Mighty, the Great.

The glory from Us upon those who have turned towards the rising-point of the Revelation and have acknowledged and confessed what the tongue of the Bayán has spoken in the Kingdom of Knowledge on this blessed, mighty, and wondrous day.