Kitab-i-Ahdi (The Book of My Covenant)

1 If the Highest Horizon is free from the adornments of this world, yet we have left in the treasures of trust and resignation an inheritance of inestimable worth for the heirs; we did not leave treasures and did not add to the pain. By God, there is hidden fear and concealed danger in wealth. Consider then remember what the Merciful has revealed in the Qur’an: “Woe to every slanderer and backbiter who collects wealth and counts it” (104:1-2). The wealth of the world is untrustworthy. Whatever is seized by extinction and susceptible to change is not worthy of attention except to a known extent.

Purpose of Baha’u’llah’s Ministry

2 The purpose of this oppressed one in bearing trials and calamities, revealing verses, and manifesting clear evidences, has been to extinguish the flames of malice and hatred, so that the horizons of the hearts of the people of the world may be illuminated with the light of unity and attain true tranquility. And from the horizon of the Divine Tablet, this statement should shine forth and rise; everyone should be attentive to it.

O people of the world, I advise you to that which will elevate your stations. Hold fast to the piety of God and cling to the hem of righteousness. Truly, I say, the tongue is for uttering good; do not defile it with foul speech. God has pardoned what is past; henceforth, everyone should speak as is befitting. Avoid cursing, reviling, and what distresses a person. The station of a human being is great.

Some time ago, this supreme word appeared from the treasure of the Most Glorious Pen: Today is a great and blessed day. What was hidden in man has now become manifest and will continue to do so. The station of a human being is great if he holds fast to truth and righteousness and remains steadfast and firm in the command. A true human being is likened to the sky in the sight of the Merciful, with the sun and moon being his hearing and sight, and his radiant morals as shining stars. His station is the highest, and his effects nurture existence.

3 Today, whoever has recognized the garment and with a pure heart has turned to the Highest Horizon is mentioned in the Crimson Tablet as among the people of Bahá. Take the cup of My favor in My name and drink from it in My mention, the Mighty, the Wondrous.

To the People of the World

4 O people of the world, the religion of God is for love and unity; do not make it a cause of enmity and discord. To the discerning and those with the greatest vision, whatever preserves and causes the comfort and tranquility of the servants has been revealed from the Most Exalted Pen. However, the ignorant of the earth, being raised by self and passion, are heedless of the profound wisdoms of the True Wise One and act and speak based on conjectures and imaginations.

To the Friends of God and His Trustees

5 O friends of God and His trusted ones, kings are manifestations of power and sources of might and wealth of God. Pray for them. The governance of the earth has been bestowed upon those souls, and hearts are established for themselves.

6 Strife and contention are greatly forbidden in the Book. This is the command of God in this greatest manifestation, safeguarded from the decree of erasure and adorned with the embroidery of affirmation. Indeed, He is the All-Knowing, the Wise.

To the Manifestations of Command

7 The manifestations of command and sources of order, adorned with the embroidery of justice and fairness, must support these souls. Blessed are the princes and scholars in Bahá. They are My trusted ones among My servants and My manifestations of judgment among My creation. Upon them be My Bahá, My mercy, and My grace, which encompasses existence. In the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, in this regard, it is revealed that from the horizons of its words, the lights of divine bounty shine and radiate and rise.

To Baha’u’llah’s Branches, Twigs, and Kindred

8 O My branches, a great strength and complete power is hidden and concealed within existence; look upon it and its union, not upon its outward differences.

9 God’s counsel is that the branches, twigs, and all the related ones should all look to the Greatest Branch. Look at what We have revealed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas: When the sea of union is stilled and the Book of the Beginning in the End is concluded, turn to him whom God has willed, who branched from this ancient Root. The intended one in this blessed verse is the Greatest Branch. Thus have We made the matter clear as a favor from Us, and I am the Most Generous, the All-Bountiful. God has ordained the station of the Most Great Branch after His position. He is the Wise Ordainer. We have chosen the Most Great Branch after the Greatest Branch as a matter from the All-Knowing, the All-Aware.

10 The love of the branches is incumbent upon everyone, but what God has ordained for them of the people’s wealth is their due.

11 O My branches, twigs, and kin, I counsel you to the fear of God, to virtue, and to that which is befitting and which will raise your stations. Truly, I say, piety is the greatest commander for the assistance of the divine Cause, and the forces fitting for this commander are goodly, pure, and pleasing morals and deeds.

To The People of Baha

12 Say, O servants, do not make the means of order a cause of disorder, nor make the cause of union a cause of division. Hopefully, the people of Bahá will look to the blessed word “Say, all are from God” and this supreme word, like water, will extinguish the fire of malice and hatred hidden and concealed in the hearts and chests. Different parties will attain the light of true unity from this single word. Indeed, He speaks the truth and guides to the path, and He is the Mighty, the Beautiful.

13 Respect and regard for the branches are incumbent upon all for the honor of the Cause and the exaltation of the Word. This command has been mentioned and recorded in the divine Books from before and after. Blessed is he who attains what is commanded by an Ancient Ordainer. Likewise, respect for the sacred family, the Afnán, and the related ones is necessary, and I counsel you to serve the nations and reform the world.

14 From the Kingdom of the Bayán, what has been revealed is intended for the life of the world and the salvation of the nations. Pay heed to the counsels of the Most Exalted Pen with a true ear; they are better for you than what is on earth. This is attested by My mighty, wondrous Book.