
Glory be to You, O my God! I beseech You by those who have circled around the throne of Your will, soared in the atmosphere of Your purpose, turned their hearts towards the horizon of Your revelation, the dawn of Your inspiration, and the source of Your names, that You may enable Your servants to accomplish what You have commanded them in Your days. By this, Your Cause will be sanctified among Your servants, and the affairs of Your creation and Your kingdom will be established.

I testify, O my God, that this is the day in which Your proof has been completed, Your signs have been manifested, Your verses have been revealed, Your traces have become evident, Your face has shone, Your proof has been perfected, Your power has encompassed all things, Your mercy has preceded all things, and the sun of Your grace has shone forth upon the station where You have revealed the manifestation of Your Self, the treasury of Your knowledge, the dawning-place of Your grandeur and power. In this station, nothing prevented the oppressions of the wrongdoers from manifesting Your sovereignty, nor did the heedlessness of the heedless hinder the expression of Your power and the exaltation of Your Cause.

In this way, He delivered Your messages and commands to the kings openly, and at times, He did not seek to protect Himself but rather sought to protect Your servants from what would prevent them from drawing near to the kingdom of Your nearness and turning towards the horizon of Your pleasure.

O my God, You see Him under the sword calling the nations to You, and in prison inviting them to the bounties and favors You have bestowed. The more tribulations increased, the more He proclaimed Your Cause and exalted Your Word.

I testify that by Him, the Supreme Pen was set in motion, and by His mention, the Tablets were adorned in the Kingdom of Names. Through Him, Your breezes have stirred, and the fragrance of Your garment has spread between earth and heaven. You see and know, O my God, that He dwelt in the most desolate of lands to revive the hearts of Your servants and accepted the greatest humiliation for the sake of the exaltation of Your creation.

I beseech You, O Cleaver of the morning, by Your Name through which You subdued the winds and sent down the Tablets, to bring us nearer to what You have destined for us by Your grace and bounty, and to keep us away from what is displeasing to Your will. Then, let us drink at all times from the living waters of Kawthar by the hands of Your favor, O Merciful One. Then, make us among those who assisted You while You were in the hands of the enemies, the tyrants among Your creation, and the rebellious among Your creatures. Then, inscribe for us the reward of those who attained Your presence, visited Your beauty, and every good that was destined for the near ones among Your creation in Your Book.

O Lord, illuminate our hearts with the light of Your knowledge, enlighten our eyes with the radiance of beholding the horizon of Your grace and the dawning-place of Your lights. Then, protect us by Your Most Great Name, which You have made sovereign over the nations, from those who claim what You have not permitted in Your Book. This is what You have informed us of in Your scriptures and Tablets.

Then, make us steadfast in Your love in such a manner that we do not turn towards anyone other than You, and that we be among those who acknowledge the sanctity of Your Essence from all likeness, and the purity of Your Self from all similarity. Thus, we may proclaim among Your servants with the highest call that He is the One, the Unique, the Eternal, the Almighty, the Exalted, the Wise.

O Lord, strengthen the hearts of Your loved ones so that the hosts of those who have turned away from You do not frighten them. Let them follow You in what has appeared from You, and assist them in remembering You, praising You, and proclaiming Your Cause with wisdom and eloquence. Indeed, You have called Yourself the Merciful; therefore, decree for me, O my God, and for those who seek You, what is befitting of Your exalted majesty and the loftiness of Your greatness. There is no god but You, the Forgiving, the Merciful.