BH00010 (Letters to Tehran Thru Ali-Akbar)

In the Name of Our Most Holy, Most Great, Most Exalted, Most Glorious Lord

Praise be to God, who has singularized Himself with love and unified with affection. Verily, He is the Lord of all beings and the Possessor of creation, the One who speaks according to His will in the beginning and the end, the breath that emanated from the garment of God, the light that dawned from the horizon of His care, and the evident peace manifest from the kingdom of His grace. Blessings be upon those who stood to exalt His word, reveal His cause, and act according to what they were commanded in His Book. These are the servants through whom orders and decrees flowed among the people, and the decree of sanctity was established among the parties. Through them, banners were raised, and signs appeared. The Supreme Concourse and behind them the Possessor of names and the Creator of the heavens bless them.

In Honor of Radieh (maybe Radiyyih)

After the seating of Radieh upon her attaining the presence and by her proxy visitation was achieved. Khan extended hospitality, and the attendees were given an audience and a complete banquet in her honor. Indeed, what the souls desire and the eyes delight in were present and available, even what the ears desire, for the leaves were moved by the breeze of the divine will, and from that movement a pleasant sound was heard, speaking the blessed word. They were calling for the presence of the absent, and the sights were pleased by beholding the signs of divine power and craftsmanship in flowers, fruits, trees, leaves, and rivers. Praise be to God who strengthened you and her.

In the Name of the Oppressed of the Horizons

O ’Ali (Haji Mulla ’Ali-Akbar-i-Shahmirzadi), praise be to God, for the vision of the world is enlightened by the wisdom and utterances of the beloved of God, though this illumination is hindered by the dark clouds of people’s delusions. Nevertheless, the winds of divine will shall disperse these clouds. He is the Omnipotent and Mighty; His power today is concealed, yet He is secretly engaged in opening the cities of hearts. The explanation of the Merciful is a powerful key and an illuminating sun, and an all-encompassing sea that opens, sheds light, and grants life. Blessed is the one whose insight is not hindered by the doubts, illusions, suspicions, power, and anger of the people of the world from the lofty summit. With one word, the world is troubled, and with another word, it is calm and assured; with one act, it is inflamed, and with another act, it is tranquil. This is the essence that is inscribed by the Supreme Pen in the writings and tablets of spiritual morals and acceptable deeds and pure words among the mighty hosts of God, transcending all ranks. If people hold fast to fairness, they will both attain the lights of certainty themselves and see the signs and proofs and evidence of the Truth, exalted be His glory, as radiant as the sun, and also behold the throne of the power of the Truth manifestly evident among the world.

O Greatest One, convey magnification to the friends and extend it on behalf of the Oppressed. You must be distinguished from other people of the world at all times, turning towards the pinnacle of distinction. Know your worth and recognize the station of the saints of God, who from the beginning have risen to serve. The Supreme Pen has mentioned all and adorned them with the mantle of favor, but from the tablets of the steadfast and upright souls, the fragrance of distinction is perceived. Blessed is he who finds it and acts accordingly.

O you who gaze upon God, bear witness that you drank the nectar of My love in My early days, acknowledged what God has acknowledged, held fast to it, and spread its effects, standing firm in His service on a day when feet faltered. Convey magnification from Me to My loved ones in Ṭihrán and its surroundings, and give them glad tidings of God’s care, the Lord of the worlds. We enjoin them to pure piety and to that which exalts the cause of God, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. Say: Have mercy upon yourselves and upon the Tree of the Cause, and upon the blood that has been shed to exalt the word of God, the Mighty, the All-Knowing. Fear God, O people, and be just. Do not squander your deeds and what has been revealed to you in this great news. You should be proud above all on earth that you have attained what none among creation has attained. This is testified by the one who speaks in the Mother Book of His mighty, wondrous mention. Do not make yourselves a plaything for the ignorant of the earth. Every deed attributed to you should be as radiant as the sun among the world. Thus does God admonish you with true admonition out of His mercy. Verily, He loves you and desires for you what befits your stations before God, the Exalted, the Great. Beware lest you do anything that causes the mercy in the heaven of will to be withheld. Thus does He counsel you who is more compassionate to you than yourselves. Verily, your Lord, the Merciful, He is the All-Knowing, the Wise. The glory that shines from the horizon of My care and the light that gleams from the sky of My mercy be upon you and upon those with you who love you in the path of God, the Master of this clear, blessed day.

May all the friends of God be adorned with the garment of sanctity. They should be so manifest that if they stand in the assembly of the world to preach and advise the servants with the highest speech, neither they in secret feel ashamed nor those on earth capable of objecting. They should spend nights and days planning to guide a soul and to let them taste the nectar of understanding. These days are not for varied thoughts, hesitating will, mixed intentions, inconsistent actions, and harsh manners. All deeds and actions and morals should be seen as one point, meaning the reference for all should be known so that they indicate the true known one and reflect Him. All are under the gaze of favor and have been. There is no one who has not attained the crown of mention from God, the Dominant, the Self-Subsisting. Now, what is necessary is that the friends of God hold fast to it. They will surely witness the days of comfort, joy, and honor if they recognize the caller and find the pleasure of the Merciful’s utterance, they would consider the world nonexistent and be attached and adhered and clung to what exalts the cause. In any case, this servant offers greetings and magnification and humility and nothingness to each one and with utmost supplication and earnestness prays from the mines of divine love’s jewels that they look to their high stations and act as befitting. The offering and the weakness are from the servant and the acceptance from the beloved of the Almighty, the Beloved.

The mention of the two devoted ones, Mr. Siyyid Muhammad and Master Muhammad Quli, may the glory of God be upon them, was brought up, and also the mention of their actions in the path of God in the most exalted, most holy precinct. The sun of favor and the moon of grace and the star of compassion and the highest word appeared and shone forth in regard to each of them, His statement, glorious and exalted be He.

In the Name of the Herald in the World

O Muhammad, you have been mentioned in the presence of the Oppressed time and again, and each time we have mentioned you, the sincere ones have sensed the fragrance of My care. Rejoice and be among the thankful. We mention you once more at this moment as a favor from Us. Verily, your Lord is the Mighty, the Generous. Praise God for your deeds being mentioned in the Tablets, and what has been revealed for you adorns you with the mantle of sincerity. He is indeed the All-Powerful, the Omnipotent. What you have done in My path has attained My pleasure and the mantle of My acceptance. Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the Wise. Blessed are you and your deeds, and those who act according to what is commanded in My clear Book. By your rising to serve Me and your deeds in My love, the Supreme Concourse has spoken. Blessed is the one who remains true to the covenant of God on this blessed, wondrous day. The glory, shining, manifest, and radiant be upon you and upon every steadfast servant.

This is what has been revealed from the realm of grace to the esteemed Master Muhammad Quli, upon him be the glory of God. His statement, exalted be His grandeur.

In the Name of the Sovereign Over the Seen and Unseen

O Muhammad Quli, the Oppressed mentions you from His station and recalls you with His covenant, revealing to you what you have done by holding fast to His Book. Blessed are you for fulfilling and acting according to what you were commanded in His love. How many servants have clung to the paths of delusions, turning away from His path, and how many have cast the world behind them, turning to the lights of His face. Rejoice for what has strengthened you to act in every condition in ways that draw you closer to Him. Congratulations to you for turning to God and finding the fragrance of His garment. We have mentioned you before and after, and your Lord rewards those who hold fast to the cord of His favor. The radiance shining from the horizon of the sky of grace is upon you and upon those who follow His command.

Blessed are they, for the fragrance of sincerity from them is witnessed by God, and they have acted with spirit and joy according to what they were commanded. May God preserve this lofty station for them in His exalted name. This humble servant earnestly prays that God will bestow upon them great steadfastness. He is indeed powerful over all things. Greetings and magnification to them are subject to the will and favor of the Beloved.

Regarding a Noble Lady

Regarding the noble lady mentioned in your letter, `Ali, you are bestowed with My glory, My mercy, and My care. Reflect and then mention it in the community, for they have exchanged light for fire and sold the kingdom of people for a piece of diamond, despite their love, affection, and claim of knowing the truth. A single flower of the diamond deceived them, turning them away from the truth and towards others. This is the nature of the world and its people, who from the beginning have been heedless and ignorant. Their meaningless humility and submission led those individuals to feign faith. He knows what is in hearts and minds and is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. If a single page were to reflect on her actions, it would declare its innocence and turn its face away from her. You know well that the Supreme Pen refrained from mentioning those souls. However, due to their injustice, transgression, and ego, these words have flowed and been revealed from the Supreme Pen, so that they may be recognized and their actions known. May God protect us and you from such individuals and their likes.

This humble servant prays that God will guide the friends in that land to the straight path of trustworthiness, faithfulness, truthfulness, and purity, so that all may find comfort under the shadow of God’s care and favor. When this exalted word was heard from the tongue of the Possessor of Names, He said, “O servant, everything has a beginning and a reason.” The saying of the wise and knowledgeable, “Without foundation, the dough is raw,” is entirely true. Today, the companions of God are the foundation of the world’s parties. Everyone should emulate their trustworthiness, truthfulness, steadfastness, actions, and morals. Seek the fragrance of understanding from God and hold fast to what exalts your ranks and stations.

Criticism of Followers of the Bab

Some dissenters have criticized the followers of the Báb, claiming righteousness for their own companions while accusing the followers of the Primal Point of immorality. This statement is far from the path of truth and honesty. From the time of the Báb’s arrival in Iraq, which this servant witnessed, the verses and words were revealed continuously in secret and openly, commanding all to follow God’s will and forbidding what was forbidden in the Book. Some time ago, the tongue of greatness spoke this exalted word from Iraq, the Land of Mystery, and the Land of Prison, continuously advising the followers of the Báb and commanding what is befitting for God’s cause. Yet most of them have not abstained from wrongdoing and corruption, and many are still defiled, not attaining sanctity and purity. This beloved is well aware of the vile deeds that have appeared among this group. It is truly indescribable. No one had control over their women, children, or property. Many were rebellious, and many were tyrannical, yet they considered themselves among God’s chosen ones. A few were holy and free from doubts and uncertainties, but even that was at the beginning. You witnessed what they did and what happened. The Báb, may all souls be sacrificed for Him, expressed astonishment and outwardly said nothing, for there was no helper or supporter. In His later days, He wrote a tablet and expressed utmost complaint about those souls and declared His dissatisfaction with most of them. Yet it was concealed, for revealing it was not wise. People are weak, as observed, despite the radiance of the sun of reality at its zenith and the appearance of the Lote-Tree of the Extremity from the right side of the White Spot. Each soul adorns their whims with the garb of certainty.

Indeed, if we discuss these matters, pages and books would not suffice. However, in this greatest manifestation, even the enemies have testified to purity, sanctity, exaltation, and sublimity. One of the scholars of Yazd said during the initial turmoil that the deeds of this group were beyond description. They gather in assemblies, recite verses, chant prayers, and display utmost trustworthiness and faithfulness. It becomes evident that the matter concerns a new leader. Consider how many souls have, in this manifestation, freely drunk the cup of martyrdom and sacrificed themselves with their own hands, even though the Truth was not pleased with it. Even now, there are souls who are holy, sanctified, and purified from all faults. Our All-Knowing Lord is indeed the Witness and the All-Informed.

News from Egypt

This servant mentions a word of trustworthiness and fidelity to the covenant, hoping that some may be awakened and know with certainty that God has under His domes servants of great trust, good deeds, and spiritual morals. In Alexandria, several of the beloved of God were engaged in trade according to the command, and in this greatest manifestation, trade is considered worship. We ask that He grants success to all in what He wills. The word is that His Honor Sheikh ’Ali, son of Haji ’Abd al-Rahim, may the glory of God be upon them, went to Khartoum to associate with the beloved of hearts and minds, Haji Mirza Haydar ’Ali, and the spiritual beloved, Haji ’Ali, may the glory of God be upon them. The two mentioned were imprisoned and had requested one of the companions to associate with them and be informed of the events happening in the desired land and its surroundings, as well as Iran. Sheikh ’Ali decided and set out for the sake of God. For a while, they were united like the leaves of the trees of love, refreshed by the gentle breeze and the luminous water. Suddenly, the autumn wind began to blow, causing separation. The two mentioned, may the praise of God be upon them, turned towards this station and attained what was intended. Sheikh ’Ali remained engaged in trade in that land. After many years, according to the firm command, Haji ’Abdullah, may the glory of God be upon him, headed to that direction to associate with Sheikh ’Ali and to assist him in his apparent tasks and support him upon return. However, due to the scattering of affairs, it took a long time until Sheikh ’Ali, may the glory of God be upon him, ascended. After his ascension, Haji ’Abdullah managed the affairs. The Iranian consul in that city detailed the affairs of the deceased and his belongings to the primary agent of the Iranian government residing in Cairo. They requested a legally required formality from his assets and estate. Muhammad and ’Ali, may the glory of God be upon them, wrote from Alexandria that what is due to you will be received. Some merchants in Cairo who approached the mentioned agent said that this amount will be received because their word is true and sacred from doubt. Afterward, Alexandria was turned upside down, Cairo was disturbed, and the uproar of defenders rose, and the noise of rows, crowds, and guns appeared, causing all people to be disturbed and fearful. The disturbance extended to these lands. Were it not for God’s grace and mercy, the earth would have swallowed its inhabitants due to the heedlessness and rebellion of the people, deserving what happened.

In a few hours, Alexandria was observed as high and low, as previously mentioned in some letters from this servant. The beloved of Alexandria and Cairo sent letters to the sacred presence, seeking their duty, and also to His Honor, the Name of God, Mahmúd, may all the glory of God be upon him, who was then in this land. They instructed the beloved of alif and seen to move as needed and head to the sacred direction, while the beloved of Egypt should remain in their places and be at ease. Later, the beloved arrived at the intended land, and the heedless and treacherous in Alexandria set it on fire, burning and looting people’s properties of all kinds. The friends’ properties were also looted, their storage destroyed. In Khartoum, the fire of rebellion was ignited, and someone raised the banner of rebellion. Due to the chaos in Egypt, all surrounding areas were turned upside down. Haji ’Abdullah was besieged there until the order for departure arrived. Trusting in God, he left, and God preserved him from countless calamities, and he safely reached the intended land.

Regarding Alexandria, despite the utmost insolvency and the dismissal of the Cairo agent, and the news of a new agent’s arrival in Istanbul, His Honor Siyyid ’Ali, may the glory of God be upon him, sought to fulfill the promise made. By God’s grace and favor, an amount was available. He took it and went to Egypt, carrying fifty British pounds, and handed it over to the believers and merchants. The agent himself was very surprised and amazed, initially refusing to take it, swearing that he had no issue, stating that the qualities of the believers were enough, and their enemies even spoke in their praise. This matter caused elevation in those areas, and His Honor Siyyid ’Ali, may the glory of God be upon him, wrote about the love of the friends in Egypt in such a way that the birds of love flutter in the hearts of the saints. Love for God truly grants real life and revives the dead. Their fidelity to the covenant is noted and recorded by the Exalted God. I ask the Exalted God to aid the friends of that land and other lands in trustworthiness and truthfulness.

The land of prison was at such a high station that all around it looked to it, and if any of the companions requested something for buying and selling from nearby and distant cities, they would get a present response. But due to the treachery of some souls and the darkness in their hearts, the station declined from the first to the second, even to the third. Nevertheless, the throne’s establishment and the exalted stations of the friends remain apparent among the servants. Another fault has appeared: every vile soul, in the end, claims righteousness. By God’s power, He preserves His servants and grants them what He loves and is pleased with. In all conditions, all limbs and organs should speak the words “There is no power or strength except in God.”

In this interval, present at the Throne, the intended and the unseen spoke this word: Write to His Honor ’Ali before Akbar, may My glory, mercy, and care be upon him. O ’Ali, command My friends to what raises their stations by My command. Say, O friends of the Merciful in the lands, conquer the cities of hearts with the armies of deeds and morals. This is what the Lord of the world has decreed when He settled on the great Throne. Blessed is the servant who is attracted by My call and acts according to what is commanded in My clear Book. Similar powerful statements were heard from the Tongue of the Possessor of Names. Blessed are the doers.

Regarding the beloved of the heart, Haji Mirza Haydar ’Ali, may the glory of God be upon him, and mentioning his services in the path of God, after presenting in the sacred presence, this word repeatedly flowed from the Tongue of Greatness: upon him be the glory of God. He detailed the news of Mazandaran, and these days letters from all directions contain the mention of his service. However, after presenting outwardly, for several days, no matter appeared from the source, but after some days, this exalted word appeared from the east of the statement of the Possessor of Names: His statement, exalted be His greatness and majesty. O present servant, if we say it was done wisely, it is observed that the dens of swine and the noise of the ignorant rise. If we consider all, we do not like and do not conceal this brilliant service, so from the source of divine command, this decree flows: we declare by speech and statement, God, by His grace and favor, has made it a source and a place for the exaltation of the word. Although this exaltation caused noise, it was not out of weakness but accepted at the Throne. We adorned his deed with the ornament of acceptance and mentioned him in various Tablets. Verily, your Lord is the Compassionate, the Forgiving, the Merciful, the Generous.

Regarding a Petition

This servant suggests that if this petition is written and corrected and sent to the surroundings, it would not be without benefit, as it is adorned with the verses and words of God, which indeed cause the world’s and nations’ enlightenment. They may find its sweetness and act according to what God loves. They may be aware of good deeds and morals around them and awaken the heedless people. The matter is in His hand, and I am but a humble servant. What was requested from the special Tablets for the friends of the land of Mim was revealed then, and due to upheavals and wisdom, its sending was delayed. These days, the command for sending was given, and God willing, it will be sent. What the beloved of the heart wrote about them indeed caused joy in the heart, and the world of love appeared. God willing, the beloved and they may always speak and serve the Cause as God wills.

The second letter from His Honor, dated the first of the blessed month of Ramadan, brought fresh ears and sang in the new melody of the love of the Possessor of Unity. After hearing and understanding, he intended the sacred station of remembrance and statement, and details were presented after permission. Then, the rivers of mercy and kindness flowed, and the sea of grace surged in a manner that cannot be described. He said, and His word is the truth.

In the name of the Unique Oppressed One

O you who gaze upon the prison and speak praises of the Desired One and drink from My sealed nectar! Upon you be the glory of God, the sovereign, the everlasting. The present servant has come with what you sent him, and he has presented before the Oppressed One the melodies of your heart’s nightingale in praise and mention of God. Blessed is your tongue and your expression, and blessed are those who hear your words regarding the Cause of God, the mighty, the beloved.

We have revealed to the near ones what, if cast upon the earth, would cause the sun of knowledge and exposition to rise from it. Thus, the Pen of the Merciful has spoken, yet most people do not understand. You are the one who came, saw the sea and its waves, the sun and its rays, and heard the words of the speaker on the mount when he was settled on the throne of manifestation. Verily, your Lord remembers those who turn to Him, speak His praise, and stand up to serve His mighty, inviolable Cause. Do not grieve over what the heedless do; by My life, if they were just and knew, they would act according to what has been commanded in the various Tablets from God, the Possessor of all. Thus spoke the Mother Book previously, and the preserved Tablet in this praiseworthy station.

Exalt My loved ones before Me and remind them of what benefits and preserves them and raises them to My Kingdom, which God has made the destination for those in the unseen and the seen. Say, O My friends, we enjoin you to deeds from which the supreme assembly perceives the fragrance of sanctity. By My life, through them, My Cause and your stations are elevated in the shade of the canopies of My care, the tent of My glory, and the pavilion of My mercy, which preceded creation.

Say, we are with you in all conditions, hearing and seeing, for I am the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. We observe and conceal, we hear and remain silent. If we were to detail for you what has appeared and will appear, sorrow would seize you. So ask God to replace it with His sovereignty, for your Lord is indeed powerful and capable. Glory and light be upon you, upon My friends, and upon those who have fulfilled God’s covenant and pledge on this glorious, wondrous day.

Letters Had Been Delayed

This humble servant presents to that Beloved that although the response to the letters is delayed, yet all matters, one by one, are revealed and sent down from the heaven of divine will. From the good fortune that the cause of the delay is evident and clear to that presence, in any case, hope for forgiveness remains. Moreover, this humble servant is assured of that presence, as they are aware and knowledgeable. You mentioned the glad tidings of the arrival of the divine Tablets and also the gathering of friends and their recitation to them, and you described the states of joy and attraction. Truly, the joy provided was immense. God willing, in all circumstances, they will partake of the sweetness of the Merciful’s words and act as befitting.

How beloved are those souls who, ignited and attracted, manifest goodly deeds and praiseworthy manners! The horizons of the world of humanity are illumined and brightened by these lights. Steadfast action is like a tree whose roots are in the soil of firmness and whose branches extend to whatever God wills, bearing the fruits of the perpetuation of sovereignty and dominion. Indeed, only the mirror of divine knowledge can encompass these degrees.

Blessed are you and them. We ask God to bestow this pure bounty and heavenly table to all the people of the world and not to deprive them. Indeed, He is capable of all things. You expressed gratitude, joy, and delight for the second table and the new shining sun, and for the repeated grace that provided a very delicate and subtle delight to the souls. You mentioned the illumination of the divine Tablets from the horizon of favor once again.

You wrote this word: “Another time this nothing has become so intoxicated and benefited from this great bounty that it has found itself the possessor of everything upon the earth.” After expressing this word in the most exalted, holy sanctuary, the divine tongue spoke this blessed word: “The statement of the honored Ali before Akbar is like a branch of love intertwined with divine affection.” Thousands of souls and oceans are sacrificed for this blessed word, which has risen like the sun from the horizon of favor. Praise your Lord and be among the thankful.

You wrote concerning the divine friends that they, too, were so attracted to the fountainhead of the Merciful’s words that they spoke of God’s praise in a state of attraction. You also mentioned the denial of understanding and humanity from the heedless souls among the people of the Bayán. After expressing this phrase, this complete, authoritative word shone forth from the source of divine words: “O present servant, God willing, the divine friends will always be gathered and engaged in the praise and mention of God. Every soul that drinks from the Greatest Sea will see the world in its shadow. These birds have been taught to soar by the Truth and will fly beyond the reach of understanding and intellect. Blessed are they, blessed are they.”

Sacrifice yourself for the being that finds the sweetness of the words and observes the suns of compassion and grace from the horizons of the sky of the words of the divine Book. You wrote about the movement and consultation: “Indeed, the presence of that Beloved in those days in that land was necessary. Hope remains from the favor of God, exalted be His glory, that He sanctifies that blessed land from the rejected traits of the heedless people of the Bayán.” Glory be to God, how heedless the people are! Every person of intelligence and understanding is bewildered by these fabricated souls. They have seated ignorance on the throne of hearts and have cast knowledge and justice out the door. Woe to them and to those who lead them astray, and to a calamity that walks and knows not where it goes. Even the abyss seeks refuge from it.

You wrote regarding Mr. Mirza Lotfollah, upon him be the glory of God, that it was presented in the presence of the sovereign Master. This is what the tongue of the Merciful spoke in the Kingdom of Exposition, His exalted words.

In the Name of the Compassionate, Insightful Advisor

O you who turn towards the face, these are the days of God. One moment of these days is incomparable to entire epochs and ages. A particle of this day is seen like the sun, and its drop like the sea. If a soul breathes a single breath in the love of God and for His service, it is recorded as the most noble of deeds by the Supreme Pen. If the virtues of this day were to be recounted, all would be overwhelmed except for whom your Lord wills. Thus, it is beloved that in this day, you strive to attain the rays of the sun of God’s pleasure. One word is better, nobler, and more enduring than a hundred thousand offspring. God willing, you will attain this lofty, exalted station so that your mention remains eternal in the dominion and kingdom. Never be disheartened; cling to the hem of God and rely upon Him. Say: O my God, I am the one who has turned to You with my spirit, my essence, my self, and all that I possess. I have placed my hope, my aspiration, my will, and my desire before the throne of Your greatness. Support me in what You will by Your bounty and grace. You know that I have no knowledge of what benefits or harms me. Ordain for me what is best for me. Indeed, You are the witnessing, the knowing, the compassionate, the wise. It ends.

Regarding the honored Hajji Aqa, upon him be the glory of God, you wrote, and after presenting it in the holy presence, this blessed Tablet was revealed from the heaven of the divine will. God willing, they will drink from the ocean of the Merciful’s words and be illuminated by the rays of His knowledge. His exalted words say.

He is the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Most Glorious

Verily, the light calls and the fire calls out. Blessed is the ear that hears and attains what God desires on His glorious and wondrous day. He has come for the life of the world, but the nations have sought to kill Him. Woe unto them, for your Lord is indeed the witnessing, the knowledgeable. Say: By God, the Mount circles around me, and the lights have prostrated to this luminous light. Among the people, some speak with desire, some stand on falsehood, and some cling to those who have broken God’s covenant and promise. Thus, the matter has been decreed, and I am among the witnesses. O assembly of the earth, abandon what you possess in hope of what is with God. Thus, the one who speaks the truth commands you. Indeed, there is no god but He, the mighty, the powerful.

Blessed are you for what you have mentioned before the Oppressed One, and what has been revealed for you from Him will enrich you in every world of your Lord if you are among the steadfast. Hold fast to the Book of God and what has been revealed from Him. Your Lord is indeed the supporter, the forgiving, the merciful. The books have testified to my Book, and this form that is established on the throne, despite every distant world. Thus, my supreme Pen has spoken as a favor from me. Rejoice in this great bounty, the radiance from the horizon of my Kingdom upon those who have forsaken all else but clung to my care and attached themselves to my luminous hem. It ends.

The lights of favor have surrounded and the dawn of grace has broken. A hundred thousand blessings are for the souls who have attained the Desired One today and whose states and manifestations of these few days have not prevented them from the everlasting station. Exaltation and peace be upon this servant, the service to the honored Mirza and him and each of the divine friends. If possible, in every morning and evening, rather in every hour, indeed in every moment, it depends on the favor of that Beloved.

Regarding the honored Rida Quli Khan, upon him be the glory of God, you wrote, and before the face of the one from whose knowledge nothing is hidden, this was presented: This is what the tongue of compassion and generosity and favor spoke, His exalted words and great grace: O Ali before Akbar, upon you be my mercy that preceded mankind. God, exalted be His glory, created the entire world for His recognition and desired comfort for all and made means appear in accordance with His wisdom. By my life, if the people of the earth were illumined by the light of the sun of my knowledge, that is, adhered to what was revealed from the supreme horizon and the highest zenith, and acted accordingly, they would observe themselves in utmost joy, security, and comfort. What you have done regarding them before the Throne is beloved to the Oppressed One. Convey exaltation and say: Do not grieve over what has befallen you; greater has befallen the Greatest Truth. By the lights of the face of God, this world of such magnitude is not worthy of one of the friends of God. If he remains steadfast in the cause, he does what He wills and decrees what He desires. God willing, they will always turn to Him and cling to His hem. He ordains for him what He wills, and He is the compassionate, the generous. Glory upon him, and patience for him, and steadfastness for you, and the matter is for me, and I am the wise commander. It ends.

Regarding the honored Aqa Sayyid Muhammad Tabib, upon him be the glory of God, you wrote, as well as the levels of his mind, intelligence, acceptance, perfection, and capability. These matters were entirely presented before the throne at the decline of the day on Sunday, in the month of Safar. This is what the tongue of greatness spoke, His exalted words: “God willing, they will attain the favor of God, be illumined by His knowledge, drink from His nectar, and be nourished from His table. Blessed is this blessed, glorious day. Its fragrance has encompassed the world, and its breeze has passed over all. Blessed is the one who is awakened by this breeze, recognizes, rises, and says, turning to the supreme horizon:

‘I was asleep, O my God, but the breezes of Your favor have stirred me and raised me before the horizon of Your grace. I ask You to support me in Your service and to remain steadfast in Your cause. Indeed, You are capable of what You will, and in Your grasp is the reign of existence, from the unseen and the visible.’”

O Ali, turn towards him with favor, and give him glad tidings of what the Oppressed One spoke in his great prison. Progress has been and will be for existence in all realms. This is a truth without doubt. Glory upon you and him and upon those who hold fast to the known and what exalts the cause of God, the Lord of the worlds. It ends.

This is the brief answer to his question that was revealed from the supreme Kingdom. That Beloved knows that in these matters and stations what suffices those on earth has been revealed. In these days, the Supreme Pen loves to speak in every matter. Indeed, there is no god but He, the sovereign, the everlasting. This humble servant asks and hopes from God, exalted be His glory, to support them in all circumstances in what exalts the word of God.

Regarding the honored Aqa Khudadad and Aqa Shahverdi, upon them be the glory of God, you wrote: Indeed, they are favored by the grace of God. After presenting it in the most exalted, most holy presence, the tongue of greatness spoke these lofty words, His exalted words.

He is the Witnessing, the Hearing

O Khudadad, the Supreme Pen testifies that whenever your mention is presented, you are blessed by the divine word and His remembrance. Ask of God to support you in recognizing this great and noble station. From the beginning of your turning to the supreme horizon, on each day that you are mentioned, a special Tablet is revealed. Apart from this, the gaze of favor has always been directed towards you. Thank God, your Lord and the Lord of those in the heavens and the earth, who took your hand and saved you from the darkness of the earth, bringing you into the shade of the Lote Tree of His favor and raising your mention among His close servants. His grace and mercy have always preceded and will continue to do so. Indeed, He has saved you and guided you to the straight path, given you to drink the pure wine with the hand of His bounty, and made you among the people of the station. Be steadfast in my service, speak my praise, and hold fast to my grace that has encompassed the horizons. It ends.

And also these radiant verses have been revealed from the heaven of the divine will, exalted be His glory, concerning the honored Hajji Shahverdi, upon him be the glory of God. His exalted words say.

In the Name of the Compassionate, the Generous

O Shahverdi, you have attained what the people of the world are heedless and veiled from, except whom God wills. You have journeyed, turned, and directed yourself until you reached the source of guidance and heard what the tongue of God, the mighty, the all-knowing, the wise, has spoken. How many beloved ones died in longing for my meeting! How many friends sought my station! How many princes wept over my separation! How many companions sacrificed their souls for my union! And you sought and resolved, relying on God, until you arrived in the courtyard where the faithful spirit circles and heard from the oppressed one what the ears of the near ones heard. Thank God for what has supported you and brought you close to the ocean of life, and revealed to you what nothing can compare to. You heard what Moses heard. Reflect on the grace of God so that it frees you from all the sorrows of these two limited days. Such favor is deserving of attention, and such attention is deserving of liberation from sorrows. Glory be upon you and those with you.

This humble servant has always sought and still seeks goodness, blessing, favor, and everlasting mention for the honored ones, who have been named by the Supreme Pen as the sons of Khalil and the heirs of Kalim. And surely, a time will come when it will be granted, as testified by the Supreme Pen and that beloved, that they have spent most of their time in service to the Cause. Such souls are remembered and will be remembered by the entire world. These disparate things and varied colors will soon be annihilated, and what is with God will remain. Blessed are they. Indeed, they are supported, among the supports being that beloved has expressed satisfaction with them. God willing, they will always be successful.

Regarding the honored Aqa Khudadad, upon him be the glory of God, he mentioned that nearly a year has passed without receiving a response from this servant. The matter is as he said. However, this servant, considering their confidence in him and also considering that most of their mentions have been from the Supreme Pen, has been occupied with responding to letters from some newly turned to the path. Surely, considering the service and steadfastness they have in the Cause, they will be content with what has occurred. God, exalted be His station, is the witness and knows that their mention, their rise, and their service have always been before our eyes. It is hoped that by God’s grace, the response will also be sent.

Regarding the honored Aqa Muhammad and Aqa Ali Asghar, upon them be the glory of God, you wrote: Praise be to God, they have been favored with the mention of God both before and after. Their mention has been revealed from the heaven of the favor of our Lord and your Lord, and our Beloved and your Beloved, and recorded by the Supreme Pen. This is from the grace of our and your Desired One. These exalted words in this station have been revealed and spoken by the tongue of the Possessor of all dominions. His exalted words: O Muhammad, blessed are you for fulfilling your covenant, and blessed is the one who acts on it in a manner accepted by the Throne. Your deed has been adorned with the adornment of acceptance in this glorious, praiseworthy station. Thank God for this favor and say: Praise be to You, O Possessor of the unseen and the seen. And we mention Ali Asghar and exalt him and give him glad tidings of my mercy that preceded him. Blessed is he for attaining my mention both before and after and for drinking my sealed nectar. It ends. Your deed is highly accepted, and the deed of the honored Aqa Muhammad is also adorned with the adornment of acceptance. This is testified by the verses of God, our Lord, and the Lord of the worlds.

In Honor of Aqa Mirza Muhammad Ali

Regarding the honored Aqa Mirza Muhammad Ali and his household, upon them be the glory of God, you wrote: After presenting it in the holy presence, the waves of the ocean of the divine words appeared in the form of these radiant words. His exalted words say:

“In the name of the Mighty, the Great, O Muhammad before Ali, we have heard your mention in the Book of the One who loves Me and whom God loves. We have revealed to you verses that are incomparable to the treasures of kings. Blessed is the one who attains the recognition of God today, who, when He appears, all things speak. The promise has come, and this is the Promised One. We have made the Cause manifest, revealed the verses, and invited all to God, the Sovereign, the Everlasting. Among the people are those who have abandoned guidance and taken up desires, following every heedless and veiled one.

The Oppressed One has endured in the path of God what has caused the supreme assembly and the inhabitants of the cities of names to wail. Yet most of the people do not understand. In all conditions, we stood firm in the Cause in such a manner that the cannons of the world and the ranks of soldiers did not hinder us. The first to object to us were the scholars of the earth. They broke God’s covenant and promise and rose against us just as they rose against Muhammad, the Messenger of God, before and against the Spirit. The balance calls to them, but they do not hear, and the path warns them, but they do not perceive. They have clung to doubts and delusions, turning away from the lights of certainty. Thus, my supreme Pen recounts to you in this forbidden prison. Preserve My verses, then recite them to the multitudes of the people of glory. This is what a preserved Book commands you. Glory be upon you and upon your rib who attained the nectar of the love of her mighty, beloved Lord.”

O beloved of My heart, as commanded, cast these great, mighty verses upon them and convey exaltation from God. Perhaps they will attain true joy from the breaths of the utterance of the Sovereign of existence and be preserved from the greatest terror. This servant also presents exaltation and peace to them.

In Honor of Aqa Sayyid Ali

You mentioned the honored Aqa Sayyid Ali, upon him be the glory of God, from among the people of Khā, and also mentioned his ardor in the fire of divine love. After presence and permission, and presenting it to the sun of favor, it manifested in the form of these exalted words. His exalted words:

“In the name of the One who speaks from the horizon of the Kingdom, A book revealed by the Oppressed One to those who turn to God on a day foretold by God’s messengers in the past and in every revealed Book. O Ali, remember what made you rise for this Cause and what awakened you on this day. Who made you hear the call of the Oppressed One who endured in the path of God what caused the close ones to wail? Who informed you of this prisoner, and who spoke to you about this matter that caused the rustling of the Lote Tree of the Extreme and illumined the supreme horizon, and made all things speak in the Kingdom of creation?

The One who was hidden in the knowledge of God and inscribed by the Pen of the Cause in His sealed Book has come. Blessed are you for hearing and knowing and turning to the One who came from the heaven of the Cause with evident sovereignty. Leave the people to their desires and cling to the hem of the care of your Lord, the Possessor of existence. We counsel you and those who believe in what brings joy to the heart of the Oppressed One and raises the Cause of God, the mighty, the beloved. If they perceive the fragrance of His morals and what He commanded His servants in His Book, they would rejoice. Thus, the tongue of explanation spoke in the Kingdom of knowledge as a favor from Him, and He is the Truth, the All-Knowing, the All-Seeing. Glory be upon you and upon those who are kindled by the fire of God’s love in His days and upon all who stand, abandoning idleness on this promised day. Then, remembrance and glory be upon those who awakened by the breezes of revelation passing from the direction of My beloved, glorious prison.”

At this blessed moment, such verses and clear signs have been revealed that indeed a hundred thousand like this servant are incapable of their mention, description, writing, and expounding. Greatness belongs to God, our Lord and your Lord, our aim and your aim, and the aim of all in the dominion and power. I do not know what intoxication has seized these people. The previous nations would argue that a few verses in the Book were revealed by God foretelling future events, and these events came to pass. Considering their occurrence, they counted them as evidence and proof. Now, you and all the friends are witnesses that events, which no wise person could imagine, have been clearly revealed by the Supreme Pen. All of them, one by one, have transitioned from potentiality to actuality and have appeared from the hidden to the manifest. Rather, what has appeared and what will appear, one by one, is mentioned in the Book, and it is observed in the manifest. This matter is not limited to one, two, or three, but beyond and beyond beyond. Yet, all are heedless, asleep, dead, except for those whom the hand of favor has preserved.

Can anyone say that in any manifestation His verses were more perfect, or His clear signs more evident, or the Lote Tree of proof more fruitful than this blessed, towering Lote Tree? No, by my Lord, unless they are entirely devoid of justice. This servant has presented and presents what is veiled. For some matters, permission has not been granted and is not granted. God has sealed his mouth; the matter is in His hands. He does as He wills and decrees what He desires, and He is the mighty, the chosen one.

You mentioned the esteemed Zayn al-Bar, who migrated to God and attained in the land of secrecy. God willing, they will be favored in all circumstances by the special favors and effulgences of God. They have always been before the eye and will never be forgotten. God willing, they will be mentioned in all ages and centuries in the name of God and in service to God. Sometimes, their mention has been specially revealed by the tongue of the Possessor of the ancient. O beloved of My heart, from all the previous ranks, the tree of fidelity is a blessed tree. Its fruits are beloved, and its effects and secrets are enduring and perpetual. If observed well, it is the leader of the armies of love and the forerunner of the people of affection and truth. From the depths of my heart, I present exaltation and peace to them. Their letter reached the presence of the Branch of God, the Greatest, my Spirit, and my Being. God willing, a response will be granted. If there is a delay in some matters, it is due to wisdom. These are the days when if distinction appears, it may cause harm. Meaning, for the special soul, enemies, knowing with certainty that God, exalted be His glory, has forbidden sedition, corruption, persecution, and murder, they are slightly restrained in some matters. However, they are watchful in the secret of secrets. If they truly see a soul as the source of comprehensive effects in those directions, they will attribute various apparent shortcomings to him, just as the tyrannical bird attributed faults to the poor partridge and tore it apart. The purpose of this humble servant is that for these reasons, some divine commands are delayed.

Regarding the maidservant of God, Hudhud, upon her be the glory of God, you wrote: At times, this humble servant has mentioned her again and adorned her with the favor of God, exalted be His glory. The tongue of greatness spoke this exalted word: “O you who gaze upon My face and stand in service to My Cause, give her glad tidings from Me and exalt upon her a matter from your compassionate, generous Lord. We mentioned her before and the daughter of My truest name, who turned and directed herself towards God, a command from Him until she entered the prison and stood at the gate and heard the call of God, the mighty, the bestowing. We exalt her and her mother and My maidservants who have turned to God, the Possessor of all necks, and we counsel them to act purely and what is befitting for the days of God, the Lord of lords.” Thus, the ocean of utterance surged as the Merciful walked in the highest station. It ends. Praise be to God, she attained what she desired. We mentioned and revealed for her and her daughter what made fragrant the fragrance of our compassionate Lord’s favor.

The final words of that beloved soul ended with a supplication to God. When presenting it, I reached this word of his: “O my God and my Beloved, honor the soul that honors Your Cause and becomes a cause for the exaltation and elevation of Your Cause.” In this station, the sun of this utterance shone from the horizon of the will of the Possessor of existence. His exalted words: “O you who drink the nectar of My words, we have honored you, supported you, raised you, and mentioned you so that you may mention the Cause of your mighty, generous Lord. This honor will not change, and the armies of the world cannot conceal it, for God has granted it and it is from God. Soon its effects will appear on the earth. Cling to My mention and rise in service to My Cause with spirit, joy, wisdom, and explanation. Thus, the Merciful commands you from this exalted, mighty station.” Consult with those friends who are sincere and trusted, and truly adorned with the ornament of love, and rise for what causes unity and agreement. By my life, God will elevate the one He loves and reveal his station among His creation. Indeed, He is the guardian of those who love Him and the supporter of those who support Him on this glorious, wondrous day. It ends.

At this moment, the ocean of utterance surged to such an extent that this servant lost his memory, thoughts, and strength. Indeed, we belong to God, and to Him, we will return, and the matter is in God’s hands. I do not know; my body was about to fly, and how is the spirit? After presenting the supplication, revealing the verses, expressing favors, manifestations of mercy, and appearances of grace, the mention of the steadfast souls upon them be the glory and favor of God, which was in that beloved’s letter, was presented in the most exalted, most holy presence. This is what the sun of reality shone from the horizon of the sky of utterance. His exalted words and great favor, and supreme grandeur say.

In the Name of Him Mentioned in the Scriptures, Books, and Tablets

A book revealed from the presence of God, the Eternal Sovereign, upon the peoples and nations. Blessed is the one who hears and sees, and woe to every denier and doubter. O my exalted Pen, mention those who have clung to the hems of the garment of your Lord’s grace, the Master of names, with a remembrance that attracts hearts and souls. Mention my great servant who acknowledged this supreme news and drank the nectar of knowledge from the hands of the bounty of your Lord, the Merciful, who speaks in every affair, saying, “There is no God but Me, the Mighty, the Bestower.” Indeed, We mentioned you previously from the direction of the sacred white spot from the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary, with a mention whose fragrance of eternity spreads among the peoples. Thank God for this supreme mention in My supreme prison and say: “Praise be to You, O Revealer of revelations and Sender of signs.” By My life, a single letter of My verses is worth more than all the treasures of the earth. This is testified by those who possess the Mother Book.

Say, O assembly of peoples, by God, the Book speaks at the center of the world and calls nations to the Eternal Sovereign. Yet the people are in a strange slumber. Say, the One has come to whom all the books of the earth have submitted. Consider this, O you with insight. Fear the Merciful, O assembly of beings, and be just in this matter which, if it appears, the trumpet will be blown, and the mountains will pass away. Say, bring what you have, O assembly of the earth, and weigh what you have and what We have with this balance, which was set by justice, a command from God, the Lord of lords. This is a day when the balance proclaims in the highest voice, “Indeed, I am the discerning, the knowledgeable from the presence of the Master of religions.”

Mention of Haidar

And We mention one named Haidar in this supreme vision to give him glad tidings of My mercy and grace, bringing him closer to a station that God has made a place of circumambulation for the highest paradise and the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Names in the evening and the morning. By My life, if you observe what is with your Lord, joy and delight will seize you to a degree that pens cannot describe. Stand firm in the service of My Cause, speaking My praise, looking towards My horizon, and clinging to the hems of the garment of My grace. Thus, We commanded you before and in this tablet from which the sun of wisdom and expression has shone. O Haidar, advise My servants with My morals and what has been revealed in My Book. Indeed, your Lord is the mighty, the knowledgeable. Beware lest the affairs of the people prevent you from the truth. Set aside all else, then turn your face towards My direction and say: “I bear witness that you were inscribed by the Supreme Pen and hidden in the knowledge of God, the Master of heads.” Thank God for what you have mentioned in the presence of the wronged one and revealed to you that which has illuminated the horizons.

O Ali the Greater, My glory and My mercy be upon you. Rejoice at what the supreme sea has directed towards you from this radiant, ancient station, wishing to mention your uncle and his son to make them happy with the mention of God on a day when faces are blackened and feet slip. Blessed is the one who turns and listens, and woe to the one who turns away from what was mentioned in the nights and days. Indeed, We give them glad tidings and magnify from this station upon them that they may rise to serve My Cause, to which all necks have bowed.

And We mention the beloved of God and His friends in the land of Sín and Nún and give them glad tidings of the sun and its rising, the sea and its waves, the sky and its elevation, the stars and their lights, and what was inscribed for them by My supreme Pen in the red scroll. Thus, God rewards His servants out of His bounty, and He is the Mighty, the Generous.

To Yahya

O Yahya, listen to the call from the direction of Akka, from the right of the radiant spot of the Lote Tree. Indeed, there is no God but Me, the Self-Sufficient, the Exalted. Do you know who speaks to you, and do you know who has turned towards you? Say, by yourself, it is the speaker of the Mount who speaks to Me, and the Master of appearances has turned towards My face by His bounty, and He is truly Self-Sufficient, and I am the poor and needy. O Yahya, advise My servants with honesty and truthfulness and what exalts the mention of God in cities and lands. Open hearts with the armies of morals. Thus, We commanded the servants before and in this Book, and thus, We adorned the garment of the Book of existence with the mention of the intended one, so that you may thank your Lord, the Master of peoples.

To Mullah

And We mention one named Mullah in this supreme station with My sweetest call, and I am capable of whatever I will. Stand up for the remembrance and praise, and glorify with the praise of your Lord, the Master of the return. Indeed, We mentioned you with a mention by which the valley overflowed, and the Euphrates of My mercy flowed from all directions. Say, O people, do not deprive yourselves of the sea of life. Fear the Merciful who has come with the armies of revelation and the banners of signs. Say, will what you see today remain for you? No, by My true self, all who are on the earth will perish, and the kingdom will remain for His own self alone. This is witnessed by every tree, stone, clay, and pebble.

To the guide

And We mention the guide whom We guided to the straight path. O guide, the wronged one remembers you and commands you and those who believe in good deeds. Follow what you were commanded by the Cleaver of dawns. By God, the Day of God speaks the truth in this palace, which God has made the supreme vision. Know, O people of intellect. Say, set aside what the people have; the Sovereign of existence has come with the banners of revelation and inspiration. O assembly of the earth, fear God and do not deprive yourselves of what has appeared by which what was hidden in the scriptures and tablets has been revealed. Take the Book of God with strength and do not follow every ignorant doubter. Thus, We enlightened the horizon of the sky of knowledge with the light of expression. Blessed is the one who hears and sees, and woe to every heedless deceiver.

To Yusuf

O my exalted Pen, mention the one who heard your scribe and turned to you, named Yusuf, to rejoice in this mention which, when it appears, the remembrances prostrate to it. Indeed, We have appeared and revealed the matter in such a manner that hearts tremble and eyes are fixed, except those who cast aside illusions behind them, turning to God, the source of lights. Blessed is the one who attains to hearing My call and finds the fragrance of My garment and awakens by the breezes of My grace as they waft in the dawns. This is a day in which things are attracted by the call of the Master of names, but the people are in heedlessness and sleep. Blessed is the one who finds the fragrance of expression and stands up to serve the Cause in the mornings and evenings. Indeed, We heard your mention, We mentioned you, and saw your turning; We turned to you from the rising of remembrances.

To Ali Muhammad

And We mention Ali before Muhammad and give him glad tidings, as well as those who believe there, of My mercy, grace, and bounty by which the atoms have testified. Rely in all matters upon the Speaker of the Mount and hold fast to what has been revealed in the Book from the Sender of the winds. Beware lest the illusions of the learned prevent you from the Creator of the heavens or the might of rulers frighten you away from the source of certitude. Do not heed the days that are numbered, for they will pass, and the monotheists will see themselves in the highest gardens. Indeed, We command you in all circumstances with wisdom so that the clamor of those who disbelieve in the end does not rise. Thus, the fragrance of expression has spread throughout existence. Blessed is the one who finds it, and woe to every denier and deceiver.

To My Beloved in Shín and Há

And We mention My beloved in Shín and Há and give them glad tidings of My turning towards them, and We magnify their faces from this station, which is adorned with the lights of their Mighty, Forgiving Lord. O My beloved, rejoice at what has been revealed to you from the sky of the Cause, and then thank your Merciful Lord at all times. Indeed, He has forgiven you, guided you, and favored you above most of the servants. We mentioned everyone whose name was mentioned before the face, and then those whose names were not mentioned. Indeed, He does as He wills with authority from Himself, and He is the Mighty, the All-Knowing.

To Khanlar

And We mention the one named Khanlar and give him glad tidings of My grace, which will not be exhausted. Rejoice at what We have mentioned, and those who believed in the verses for which souls sacrifice themselves. Restrict your affairs to the mention of God and His praise. When one of His friends comes to you, serve him with spirit and fragrance. Beware lest the affairs of the world and what occurs in it sadden you. Leave it behind you and hold fast to the cord of God, the Master of existence. Glory be upon you and your children and your family and every patient, steadfast believer. This is concluded.

The Mention of 100,000 Tongues

What can this servant mention or present after the waves of the ocean of meanings and the manifestations of the lights of divine expression? At times, when this exalted word appears from the tongue of the Master of Names, the heart is truly set ablaze, sighs rise, and tears descend. His word, exalted is His greatness: “O servant, you are present and observing that in the nights and days, the sound of the Pen of grace has been raised and the call of the oppressed has been exalted, all for the guidance of the servants and the salvation of those on earth.” If only they were united in the command of God in return for this great bounty and immense compassion and clung to what is the cause and reason for its elevation and exaltation, so that a pleasing fragrance of pure deeds and spiritual morals might emanate and inform the world of what has appeared. If this fragrance rises, it is a truthful envoy and a complete messenger and explainer. Blessed is the one who attains to My expression and understands what the Kingdom of My will intends. This poor one is still perplexed and bewildered by what has appeared. They turn towards the web of a spider with one sound and turn away from the sound of the Supreme Pen, considering the foul smell beloved and being deprived of the fragrance of the highest paradise. All matters are apparent and evident; you will see this, as informed by the Mother Book. At this moment, the third handwriting of His Holiness passed over this dry and laid body like a true spring breeze, bestowing blessings and showing grace. Praise be to God. The harbinger of love is apparent and passing, and God willing, this harbinger will not be hindered and will not cease moving. After reading and understanding, it was presented to the matchless station after the presence and permission to supplicate that beloved one with complete spirit and fragrance before the Throne of the Merciful. This is what the tongue of eternity spoke and the Master of the world.

His word, blessed and exalted: “O you who turn to My face and are attracted by My verses, indeed, We have heard your call and what you have secretly communed with God, your Lord. We have heard your sighs and seen your tears in the love of God, your beloved and your aim. We have witnessed the fire of your love, the burning of your heart, your humility and submission, and the trembling of your limbs in the love of God and His friendship. Indeed, We were with you in gatherings and assemblies when you were speaking this supreme name and this news, which We gave glad tidings to the prophets and messengers. Rejoicing to you and those who were not prevented by the affairs of illusions, who rose and said: ‘God is our Lord and the Lord of the great throne.’ Glorify before Me for My beloved ones. Say: By God, My heart laments, and My eyes weep for what has befallen My noble, wondrous Cause. Hold fast to the cord of unity and what has passed from you in the days of God, the Lord of the worlds. Thus, We lit the lamp of counsel with the oil of grace and the fire of love. If you do not protect it from the winds, do not be the cause of its extinction. Fear the Merciful and consider the care of your Forgiving, Merciful Lord. Rise to serve the Cause; it is better for you than what has been created in the heavens and the earth.”

With a hundred thousand tongues, this mortal servant entreats the friends of God to roar with their lives and strive together so that the people of the world may become aware and informed of what God, exalted is His majesty, has intended. If they observe the differences and feel the unworthy deeds, by My beloved and your beloved, they will flee and mock. In one of the tablets, it is said that friends should be like the arteries in the body of the world; therefore, all must appear with deeds and morals so that all the world may turn towards it and be moved. A hundred thousand lives are sacrificed for those who act for the sake of God. Where are the souls who put God before themselves and act in His path? That which causes the advancement and love of the people of the world is hoped from the grace of God that the seeds of grace sown in hearts will grow and be adorned with delicate fruits. The command is in His hand, and He is the Mighty, the Able.

In Honor of Agha Sheikh Abbas

The mention of His Excellency Agha Sheikh Abbas, upon him be the glory of God, is inscribed by His Holiness’s Pen. This passage was presented before the Throne, the source of the light of oneness, and this most sacred tablet was specifically revealed for him from the sky of grace. God willing, they will drink from the flowing Euphrates in the divine tablet and attain the reward of meeting and the grace of our Lord, the Master of Names. His statement is exalted and His bounty is majestic, and His greatness is exalted.

He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing Witness

To Abbas

O Abbas, the Wronged One mentions you with a mention that attracts the near ones to God, the Dominant, the Everlasting. The hour has come, the call has been raised, the cry has appeared, and the mountains have passed, but the people do not perceive it. The world has turned over, the Throne has been established, and the Master of Appearances and the Speaker of the Mount has settled upon it, but most people do not understand.

The Mother Book has appeared, calling between earth and heaven with the highest call and inviting all to the praiseworthy station. Some have denied, some have turned away, and some have disputed the signs of God, the Lord of what has been and what is to be. Some have broken the covenant and pledge of God with such injustice that the inhabitants of the cities of names and the dwellers of the Kingdom have lamented. When We examined, We found that most of Our enemies are the scholars. Thus, the Most Glorious Tongue recounts to you from the highest horizon; it is the truth, the Knower of the unseen. We revealed knowledge for the recognition of the known. When the horizon of appearance shone and the known one came, the scholars denied Him at first, except those whom God willed, the Master of existence.

Say, O assembly of scholars, set aside what you have. By God, the sound of the Supreme Pen has been raised and announces to all the appearance of the known one to whom you directed yourselves every evening and morning. Say, why do I see you, O assembly of heedless ones, heading to the House and turning away from the One who raised it by His command? Fear God and do not follow your desires. Follow the One who came to you with the manifest Book, which, when it appeared, all the books of the world submitted to it. Be just, O people, and do not be among those who disbelieved in the Witness and the Witnessed. This is the day you were promised in the scriptures and books of God. This is a matter whose covenant was taken from Him, knowing what was and what is to be. Say, O assembly of wrongdoers, you have committed what made the Supreme Assembly cry out and the inhabitants of paradise lament. The sighs of the highest heaven rose, and the tears of the angels and the Spirit descended. Say, if you have anything greater than what has come from the Dominion of Will, bring it forth and do not follow every ignorant, rejected one. Say, come so I may show you what you have neglected in this day attributed to God, the Mighty, the Beloved. This is the day in which the fragrance of the Merciful has spread, the breaths of revelation have wafted, and the Nightingale of the Cause has sung upon the branches. The kingdom belongs to God, the Master of kings.

O Abbas, stand up to serve the Cause in the name of your Lord, the Eternal Sovereign, and remind the people of this greatest news, which, when it appeared, made the joints of illusions and doubts tremble. Beware lest the might of rulers or the doubts of scholars prevent you from the Master of names. Be like a firm mountain upon this destined matter. Say, He has come with the truth and does not regard your acceptance or rejection. He appeared and revealed what He willed despite your noses, if you but knew. He is the One who speaks in every matter, saying, “There is no God but Me, the Unique, the Mighty, the Beloved.” Thus, We have opened for your face the door of grace with the key of justice. When you attain it, say, “Praise be to You, O Lord of the unseen and the witnessed. I testify that You have forsaken comfort for the elevation of the nations, accepted humiliation for the honor of the world, and chosen estrangement for the attainment of the servants to the highest homeland, the station made sacred by God beyond what minds can comprehend.”

O you who turn towards the face, take the sealed nectar in the name of the wronged one and drink from it with this mention that attracts souls and hearts. We have written for you the reward of meeting from My Supreme Pen in the Red Scroll. Rejoice and then thank the Lord of the inhabited House. We have accepted your turning, your attention, and your deeds in the path of God. Blessed are you for adorning your deeds with the garment of acceptance.

O beloved of My heart, it is as if every word of the divine words has a caller present, calling out with the highest voice to all in existence: “Glory be to God, what has happened to the world that it has deprived itself of this greatest favor and occupied itself with that which neither nourishes nor avails?” Yet, praise be to God, the mentioned one has attained great honor and been ennobled by the mention of the Supreme Pen. God willing, they will know the value of this exalted station and drink from the Salsabil, Kauthar, and Tasnim of divine expression and cause others to drink. That beloved one and this servant speak the word “blessed” and say “felicitous.” How wondrous this fragrance is, I do not know from where it comes. Praise be to its Manifestation, Sender, Emitter, Originator, Creator, and Revealer. This mortal servant also offers greetings and blessings to them and prays for their success. Indeed, our Lord, the Merciful, is powerful over all things.

What you mentioned concerning Muhammad Karim, who emigrated in the previous year, he has attained to listening to our Lord, the Merciful, and has received that which gladdens the hearts of the knowing ones. His word is completed, and His proof is perfected.

In the Name of Him by Whose Command Every Clear Book has been Revealed.

God has testified that there is no God but Him, the Dominant, the Everlasting. We have sent down the verses, manifested the proofs, and sent the messengers to give glad tidings to the servants of this appearance, by which what was mentioned by the tongues of the prophets and written in the books of God, the Lord of the worlds, has appeared. When the matter was revealed and the verses were sent down, and the manifestation of appearance was established upon the throne, the people rose in opposition, except for those protected by the hand of might from the presence of the Mighty, the Powerful.

To Karim

O Karim, listen to what the wronged one calls you from the direction of the prison and mentions you with a mention from which you find the fragrance of eternity. Indeed, your Lord is the All-Knowing, the Wise. Blessed is the face that turns to the highest horizon and the man who walks in the path of God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. We heard your call when you found the fragrance of My garment from the direction of Hijaz, the place that We illuminated with the lights of the face of Muhammad, the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets. We heard your mention before and mentioned you in a book known only to the unique, the knowledgeable. Blessed is the one who abandons desires and follows what is commanded by God, the Master of the beings. He is among the highest creation in His clear Book.

Rejoicing to you for abandoning illusions behind you, turning to the sunrise of the revelation of your Lord, the Merciful, the Compassionate. He helps whom He wills with authority from Himself and guides those who turn to His straight path. This is a day in which what never appeared in eternity has appeared. This is testified by the one who speaks the truth in every matter, saying, “There is no God but Me, the Exalted, the Mighty.” When you attain My Book and find the fragrance of My expression, glorify the praise of your Lord and then thank Him for this grace, the like of which the eyes of creation have never seen. This is testified by every fair-minded scholar and every insightful knower. Do not grieve over anything, for what you have done in His path is accepted. He does not waste the reward of the doers of good. Thus, the horizon of expression has been illuminated by the shining mention of your gracious and noble Lord. This is another blessing and another mercy and another grace for those who turn to Him and draw near to the sanctified court and inhale the air that neighbored the air of this mighty prison. God willing, they will be ignited by the fire of divine love that appears and shines from every letter of His words and will speak of Him with wisdom and expression in every state. He is the Gracious, the Bountiful from eternity to eternity.

And as that beloved mentioned the devoted souls upon whom is the glory of God, it was presented before the sacred court that God was and there was nothing with Him, one after one, and each one was specifically revealed from the sky of His will. What guides the stranger to the homeland, quenches the thirsty with Salsabil, reaches the lover to the Beloved, and draws the seeker to the direction of the Sought was said. His generosity is immense, His majesty is great, His grace surrounds, and His sovereignty is exalted.

In the Name of the One Who Rises from the Horizon of the Sky of My Great Kingdom

To Salim

O Salim, the Gracious One remembers you from the direction of the prison, purely for His sake, so you may hear the creaking of My Supreme Pen and the cooing of the bird of eternity on the branches of the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary. There is no God but Me, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware. Blessed is the heart attracted by the verses of God, the face that turns to Him, and the tongue that speaks His wondrous mention. Do not look at the scholars and their pride, but look at the one who remembers you in this mighty prison. Say, He appeared with the truth and stood by the matter with authority. The affairs of illusions did not prevent Him, nor did the veils of those who turn away. How many a scholar was prevented from the grace and mercy of God, and how many an unlettered one attained this shining nectar. Thank God for having made you aware of the dawn of the matter and the rise of revelation and protected you from the doubts of those who disbelieved in His firm proof. Be steadfast in the love of God and His command so that the monotheists may find from you the fragrance of steadfastness in this news, which the Supreme Assembly and the inhabitants of paradise rejoiced at a noble station.

And this is what was revealed to the one named Mirza Abul-Hasan.

In the Name of the All-Knowing, the Wise

To Abul-Hasan

O Abul-Hasan, you have been mentioned in the presence of the Wronged One, the Exalted, and the sky of the All-Merciful is turned towards you. This is a heaven whose stars have not been counted to this day and never will be. Its suns and moons are always rising and shining in the zenith. Every wise one is bewildered by its count, and every strong and powerful one is incapable of comprehending and defining it. I advise you to be truthful and just, for if all the people of the world were adorned with the garment of justice, they would not be deprived of recognizing the Most Great Name and the Eternal Sovereign. This Wronged One, in the opinion of the people of doubts, has judged differently than what God has decreed. The Messenger, the Seal of the Prophets, may the souls of all else be sacrificed for Him, was constantly afflicted for years. Some called Him a liar, some a madman, some a sorcerer, and some an impostor. All that was mentioned was heard and known by that servant and other servants. Reflect on the station of the Spirit (Jesus), and consider what led the people of the earth to rise in denial of Him. What befell the Manifestations of the divine command was such that any fair-minded person would weep and lament. The cause and reason for rejection in every age and century were the scholars of that time, whose love of leadership prevented them from accepting the truth, except that they are in manifest error. It is hoped that your honor will reflect on what has passed and be guided to the straight path of God. There is no doubt that this Wronged One speaks for the sake of God and calls towards God. Rejection does not harm Him, nor does acceptance benefit Him. Leave the doubts and imaginations of the people to the people and turn your enlightened heart towards the Truth, exalted is His Majesty, so that perhaps the door of knowledge may open upon your face and you will not be deprived of the lights of the Countenance after the annihilation of things. Indeed, He speaks the truth and guides people to His luminous horizon.

And this was revealed for the noble Mashhadi Nasrullah

In the Name of the Dominant Over the Names

To Mashhadi Nasrullah

O Nasrullah, the Master of the worlds remembers you while imprisoned in this distant place and gives you glad tidings of God’s grace and mercy. There is no God but Him. He does as He wills and decrees as He wishes. Bear witness to what God has borne witness: There is no God but Me, the Unique, the All-Knowing. You have been mentioned in the presence of the Wronged One, and these verses have been revealed for you, which are incomparable to anything created on earth. This is testified by your Lord, the All-Knowing. Blessed are you for abandoning the doubts of the people and drinking from the sea of certainty. Recognize the station of the one who has guided you and then thank your gracious and noble Lord. Beware lest the affairs of the people grieve you or the kings and rulers frighten you. Whoever turns to My horizon should leave the earth and all that is upon it to them and turn towards opening hearts in My name, the Mighty, the Wise. Wealth belongs to those of glory, and hearts belong to God, the Lord of the worlds.

About Abul-Qasim

And in this place, We mention the one named Abul-Qasim, who emigrated and attained the meeting with his mighty and noble Lord. We advise him to remain steadfast in this greatest Cause and pray for him as is fitting for the grace of God, the Most High, the Exalted. Glory be upon the people of glory who have attained to My beautiful mention. This mortal servant hopes from the mercy and grace of the Desired One of the worlds that His hand of grace will take all and lead them from the infernal depths to the highest paradise. Indeed, nothing is impossible for Him, and nothing is hidden from His knowledge. He gives by grace and withholds by wisdom. He is the Mighty, the Commander, the Willing.

About Mulla Muhammad

And regarding Mulla Muhammad, upon him be the glory of God, from the people of Yá, you have written about his ascension to the ladder of expression to the heaven of the knowledge of our Merciful Lord. These exalted words were revealed and manifested by the Manifestation of divine knowledge and the source of the Lordly command. Indeed, it is a station that is neither known nor described concerning him. His words are exalted and His majesty is great.

In the Name of the Eternal Speaker

O Muhammad, we beseech God to aid you in acquiring knowledge and certitude, and in serving His Cause in such a manner that, even if the people of the world rise in opposition, they will be unable to hinder you. Today, the Spirit of God calls out in the wilderness of the Holy Land, the Light of God shines forth from the horizon of the Divine Will, the fragrance of His robe is diffused, and the breezes of revelation are passing by. Nevertheless, the servants remain in their ignorance. Strive to drink from the Kawthar of the All-Merciful’s knowledge and partake of the table of revealed sustenance. With wisdom and expression, guide the people to the highest horizon. People are heedless; it is incumbent upon the one who makes things clear to rise up and serve the Cause of God, so that you may be served by the world. Kindle the fire of His love so that you may become the beloved of the horizons. Although some mysteries have been disclosed, many remain hidden and concealed in the knowledge of God. For if the mysteries of the Day of God and the stations of the assured souls were to be revealed even to the extent of the eye of a needle, you would see all people circling around what has been and will be. Stand in the name of God and strive to make up for what has passed. Time is very precious, indeed more precious than red sulfur. Advise the people with spiritual virtues and good deeds. Blessed are those souls who act for God’s sake and turn towards Him.

Say: O people of the earth, beware lest the books of the world prevent you from the Book of God, the Dominant, the Everlasting, which has been sent down from the heaven of grace by the All-Knowing Truth. By God, what the people possess will not benefit you. Fear the All-Merciful, then turn to Him with radiant faces and luminous hearts. Thus commands you the One who holds the reins of all knowledge. Say: O assembly of scholars, purify your hearts from what you have, so that you may hear the sound of the Supreme Pen and the rustling of the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary from the praiseworthy station. This is a day when the treasures of the world and the ranks of the nations will not avail you. Leave them behind in hope of what is with God, the Lord of what has been and what will be. We advise you and those who believe to remain steadfast in this Cause, by which the pillars of the names have trembled, except for those whom God, the Master of existence, has willed. Thus, the sea of My expression has surged and the fragrance of My grace has been stirred. When you see and find it, rise and say:

“I bear witness that you have endured the world’s afflictions for the exaltation of God’s Cause and have borne tribulations in the love of God, the Creator of the heavens and the Master of the names, until you accepted the supreme prison for the salvation of the nations. I ask You by the Greatest Name, by which You subdued the Kingdom of the names, not to deprive me of what is with You, nor to withhold from me what You have ordained for Your trusted ones and Your chosen ones. O Lord, You see me turning towards You and clinging to Your cord. I ask You to aid me in remaining steadfast in this Cause, by which the feet of most of Your creation have slipped. There is no God but You, the Exalted, the Compassionate, the Forgiving, the Generous.”

God willing, they will be aided in what they have been commanded by the tongue of greatness and will drink from the cups of grace, a drink that will not be hindered by the denials of the wrongdoers. Indeed, if a person does not partake in these days and remains deprived of the outpourings of the Most Generous, what will bring joy and happiness and keep them occupied? It is a great pity for these precious times to pass while a person remains heedless. God willing, all friends should strive in service. First, all should rise with complete sanctity, purity, justice, and consultation. Whatever they observe as a cause of division, they should first attend to its rectification, then with spirit, fragrance, and wisdom engage in service. By rectifying their own affairs, they will rectify the world. Such statements have been repeatedly heard from the tongue of eternity. A hundred thousand blessings and glad tidings to the souls who rise up for what causes the exaltation of the Cause and the comfort of the people of the world. Indeed, the very exaltation of the Cause is comfort itself, but ignorant people are heedless of this fact. God willing, that beloved and this servant will pray that they may attain from the left hand of ignorance to the right hand of knowledge.

About Agha Buzurg Khanum

Regarding the sister of the noble Sultan of Martyrs, may all else be sacrificed for him, it has been presented before the Throne:

“This is what the tongue of grandeur has uttered. O Ali, by the grace of God, her and her relatives’ attention has been and will be radiant. In the name of God, we have commanded Mahdi to fully recommend to the honored Sadiq concerning her rights. Also, from the Supreme Pen, it has been written: If the sister has a rightful claim, it should be fulfilled, and justice and fairness should be observed. We magnify her from this station and give her glad tidings of My grace and mercy.”

As for her attention towards the direction of “Ṣ” and the rise of one of the leaves according to what pleases God, this passage has attained the honor of the hearing of the Master of names.

From God

“O present servant, blessed is she, and again, blessed is she. It is appropriate for her to receive from the heaven of My grace that which will make her mention enduring as a reward for her actions. My Supreme Pen will write for her and give her glad tidings of the acceptance of what has appeared from her. We command the Branch to write for My community and My leaf what has been revealed from the heaven of the Will of its Originator and has appeared from the horizon of the grace of its Creator, so that it may be a treasure and honor for her in every world of her Lord. The light of the sun of grace has illumined the worlds of the seen and the unseen.

O beloved of My heart, observe how much an accepted deed is beloved before God. If anyone were to spend the seas of elixir and the treasures of the world, they would not attain this mention. A deed that is outwardly apparent and adorned with acceptance is such that its fragrance, shining from the horizon of the expression of the All-Merciful, will never cease in the dominion of the kingdom. Convey magnification and peace from this servant to that leaf. Upon her be the glory of her Lord, upon her be the glory of her Lord. This is what has been revealed for her from the heaven of the grace of our forgiving, generous Lord.”

In the Name of the Manifest and Witnessed

O My Leaf, My glory be upon you. Rejoice in what has been revealed to you from the Supreme Pen. It has mentioned you and given you glad tidings of what has appeared from you in the path of God, the Dominant, the Everlasting. Be grateful and cling to the hem of grace and say:

“Praise be to You, O God of existence and Master of the seen and the unseen, for You have enabled me to perform a deed adorned with Your acceptance and beautified with Your pleasure. By Your life, O beloved of my heart, what You have granted me is incomparable to anything created in Your heavens and Your earth. You are the Generous Bestower.”

May the Exalted One, glorious is His majesty, support all in performing deeds from which the fragrances of His good pleasure are diffused. Today, one blessed deed is equal to a hundred thousand deeds, but I seek forgiveness from God for this limitation. Likewise, an evil deed can have significant repercussions. At times, the tongue of greatness has spoken this exalted word:

“O present servant, the grace of the True One has emboldened the creation to such an extent that its mention is beloved. One should inform the devoted souls today because the sun of manifestation has risen, and the radiance of the lights of the Countenance has encompassed the world. Therefore, most unbecoming deeds have been concealed and are being concealed. He is the Concealer, the Wise. Today is a day of joy and the Greatest Festival. The sea of grace is surging, the breeze of bounty is passing, and the sun of favor is rising. Yet, it is observed that vile deeds have reached a point where their dust is about to touch the hem of the True One, glorious is His majesty, and tear the veil of sanctity. All that has happened since the beginning of the Cause until now has been accepted to honor the Word of God and elevate the assured, steadfast, content, and accepted souls. However, due to the deeds of some, it has been wasted and is being wasted unless the True One, glorious is His majesty, preserves it with His perfect power, as He has done.”

O present servant, write to Ali, upon him be My glory and grace, that he should remind all friends in that land and make them aware of what benefits them, so that they may turn back from what has passed and cling to the Truth. Perhaps that which has caused harm and degradation to the souls may be purified and sanctified by the water of return. He is the Accepter of repentance, the Most Generous. These statements have been repeatedly spoken by the tongue of the Revealer of verses, and at times, this servant has entered and observed the Beauty of the Eternal in such sorrow and grief that this mortal’s body would tremble. The grief of the Beauty of the Eternal is clear and evident regarding what it was and is; there is no need to mention it. Today, the good deeds of the friends of God are the callers to the Cause among the servants. Such statements have been repeatedly revealed in the divine tablets, hoping they may benefit and cause awareness. Otherwise, He is independent of the worlds.

Some time ago, some souls began to complain outwardly, yet no response was revealed from the holy presence. Concealment preceded revelation, and patience preceded haste. However, there is a fear that our transgressions may tear the veil and breach the concealment. Cling to the hem of His grace and ask Him to support His loved ones in what He loves and is pleased with, to prevent them from what harms them, and to guide them to what benefits them. He is the Powerful, the Dominant, the Compassionate, the Forgiving.

According to the command, convey the glorification of God to the emigrants of the land of Ṣád, upon them be the glory of God. God willing, they will be illuminated by the light of unity and will rise to serve the Cause, so that the effect of the light will shine and become manifest in the horizons. They have somewhat understood the pleasure of God; let them hold fast to it and act upon it. This is the cause of salvation in this world and the next. Your migration and afflictions have always been under observation; God willing, they will be protected.

About Several Believers

Regarding Mirza Aqa Baba, upon him be the glory of God, you have written. His mention was in the holy presence, and he was favored with the lights of the grace of the Sun of Truth. Blessed is he. Recently, a letter from Mirza Ahmad, upon him be the glory of God, from the people of Yá, residing in Shíráz, was sent in consideration of Mirza Haqíqat, upon him be the glory of God, and His grace to this servant. Several names were mentioned, among them Mirza Aqa Baba, upon him be the glory of God. For each, a tablet was revealed and sent. God willing, they will be favored. Indeed, the matter is as that beloved one has written, for the journey of Mirza to those regions has caused the exaltation of the Word. This suffices him, by the Lord of the worlds. Since this word was heard from the tongue of the beloved, it has been mentioned. Otherwise, this servant is not worthy of mentioning his services.

Regarding the family of Mirza Haqíqat, upon them be the glory of God, and His grace, your letter has caused grief, and the people of the pavilion of sanctity are observed and apparent in utmost sorrow, and it has been mentioned in the holy presence. Convey condolences to Mirza on behalf of this mortal servant, and God willing, this servant will also express what reflects his weakness and poverty.

Regarding the passing of Haji Mirza Hasan Herati, upon him be the glory of God, you mentioned it was presented in the most holy presence. These exalted words were revealed purely out of grace and special favor for him. His statement is exalted in majesty, exalted in mention, and exalted in praise.

He is the Mentioner, the Helper

To Haji Mirza Hasan Herati

O Hasan, the Wronged One visits you from His exalted station, which God has made the circumambulation place of the people of the highest summits. He remembers you with a mention that has spread the fragrance of grace among the creatures. Blessed are you, your ascent, your turning, and your entrance into the Most Exalted Companion and the Most Glorious Station. I testify that you have reached the ultimate goal and the highest horizon when the rustling of the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary was heard between the earth and the heaven. You have witnessed what the Tongue of Grandeur has testified to, and you have accepted what was revealed from Him and appeared from His presence. Blessed are you for attaining forgiveness from the All-Merciful and for letting the Supreme Concourse find the fragrance of My love from you. Blessed are those who remember you with what the Wronged One has remembered you in this forbidden station. You were for God, and you have returned to the ocean of His mercy. This is nothing but His grace, the Mighty, the Beloved.

Praise be to God, they have been honored with this great grace. Blessed are the souls who attain this supreme favor and recognize its station. The upright, pure, assured souls have had and continue to have a portion from the heaven of the Most Generous One’s grace, descending and flowing upon them without interruption, both in life and in death.

About Aqa Sayyid Abu-Talib

Regarding the ascension of the exalted and blessed Aqa Sayyid Abutalib, upon him be the glory of all that is glorious, you have written. Some time ago, from the side of the Exalted Name of God, Zayn, upon him be the glory of all that is glorious, mentioned him, and some matters from the tongue of his family, upon them be the glory of God, were sent to the holy presence. A detailed response was revealed and sent, and his mention was also included in that blessed Tablet. Praise and thanks be to Him in all circumstances. The glory rising from the horizon of our Lord’s grace is upon you and those with you, both male and female.

For the Sons of the Dhabih

It is submitted that two holy and most sacred Tablets have been specifically revealed for the sons of the exalted and blessed Dhabih, upon him be the glory of God and the ocean of His mercy, from the heaven of His will. They have been sent after a delay of some time, so that perhaps they will be reminded by divine graces and rise to what is fitting and pleasing to God. The service of every soul is mentioned and observed in the holy presence, even to the extent of the eye of a needle. The exalted Dhabih, upon him be the glory of God, was honored with acceptance and faith from the beginning of days. He has always been mentioned in the holy presence and will continue to be. After hearing the call, he did not hesitate for even an instant. This is testified by the Clear Book with Him. Therefore, they have been taken into consideration in all circumstances and, God willing, will continue to be. This servant prays to the True One, glorious is His majesty, for their support. That beloved one should also protect them with kindness. It is the beginning of life, and the breezes of youth blow from another direction.

About Khadijeh Begum

Another matter: The honorable Khadijeh Begum, upon her be the glory of God, has written to this servant several times. This servant did not send a response due to the upheavals and wars around until now, when a letter written several months ago was sent, which that beloved one should deliver.

About Aqa Muhammad Karim ’Ata

Additionally, a response to the letter that Aqa Muhammad Karim ’Ata, upon him be the glory of God, sent to the Exalted Name, upon him be the glory of God, was written by this servant and sent. God willing, they will drink from the cups of success at all times and act according to what is fitting for the days of God. News has arrived from various directions that they have acted upon what God has revealed in the Book and have specifically undertaken the task of teaching as a representative. Blessed is he, and happiness to him. Any soul that acts according to the will of God will undoubtedly bear fruit and produce results in this world and the next, and will be useful in both realms.

For Ali Pasha Khan

Convey repeated praises and greetings to the friends in that land and give glad tidings to Ali Pasha Khan, upon him be the glory of God, for his carpet has arrived and was spread out one day. The Beauty of the Eternal visited the garden, and with the advent of the Desired One, the spirit of those in the divine realms was honored and delighted. Haji Ghulam-Ali, the traveler, upon him be the glory of God, was summoned, and it was said: “If you see Pasha, upon him be My glory, give him glad tidings of the acceptance of what he sent. Happiness to him and blessings upon him.” God willing, they will be ignited in such a way that their light will become manifest and evident. This servant prays to the True One, glorious is His majesty, to support the friends and chosen ones in recognizing what has been ordained for them. For if they become aware, no flood in the world can extinguish the fire of their love, nor can darkness overcome its light.

Among the new graces, beautiful and protected Tablets have been specifically revealed for the mentioned names, both in the handwriting of this servant, recorded in the letter, and in the blessed handwriting of the Greatest Branch (Abbas Effendi). My spirit, essence, and being are sacrificed for the dust of His feet. Truly, the owners of the Tablets have become those with two stations, two Tablets, and two mentions. We should say with all our limbs and organs: Praise be to You, O Eternal Bestower, and grace be upon You, O Desired One of the worlds. The light and glory from the horizon of our Lord’s grace, the Master of names, are upon you and those with you, and upon the friends and loved ones of God.


13th of the month of Safar, 1300 (28 December 1882)